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JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official Jonrnal of tbe Parish ot Lafourche and the Town of Thibodaux VOL. XXIII. JHIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1888. XO. 45 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY State Officers. Governor : .....F. T. Xicholls, of Orleans. Lieut. Gov.....James Jeffries of Rapides. Sec. of State... -L. F. Mason, of Concordia. Aud. Pub- Acct's...O. B. Steele of Union. State Treasurer, W. C. Pipe* of E. Feliciana Attorney General. W. H. Rogers of Orleans. Snpt- of Pub- Ed. .. J. A. Breaux of Iberia U. S- Senators. E. D. White B- L- Gibson. ......of Orleans, .......of Orleans. Supreme Court. Chief Justice : Ed w. Bermudez, of Orleans. Associate ' F. P. Pocbe, of St. James. " C. E. Fenner, of Orlean®. " ' R. B. Todd, of Webster " " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Circuit Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit. B.T. Beauregard..........of St,. Bernard. D. Smith..................of St. Mary. Congressman. 3rd. Congressional Dist E. J. Gay..................... of Iberville. Dist. Judges, 20th. Jnd. Dist. Taylor Beattie.............Walter Gmon. Dist. Attorney...........L. P. Caillouet Parish Officers Represent at ires:......L6onidas Trosclair. " ... J. Telemaque Badeaux. Coroner................Dr. John Gazzo. Clerk of Court............J- W. Knobloch Sheriff........................ P- E- Lorio Printer and Treasurer.........F. Sancan Assessor.................John M. Walsh, Retnrning Officer..........W. C. Ragan, Police Jurors President, H. N- Coulon, Jno. S- See y • T. Grisamore, 8osth?>ne Folse, M. De lauue, L- Cherami, James Moran, Hainil ton Ayo, Clias. S- Mathews and L. Krae fwer. Clerk Police Jury, Alfred Engeran. Road and Levee Inspectors, District No. 1................O. J- Sevin No. 2............Jas. A. Hargis No ...........James Moran No. 4...........Alidor Pitre No. 5........J. Eugene Coulon No. G......Telesphore Rodrigues No. 7........Sylvain Bourgeois No. 8..........Lnbin Bergeron Drainage Commissioners. District No-1—E- V- Morvant, J- B. Mire, J. E- Coulon. District No 2—Ozfhntf Naqnin, J- C- Brand, John McCulla District No. 3—Sosthene Folse. L. J- Cail hmet.Evelien Bourgeois. District No. 4—J. A. Claudel, G Toups V. Savoie. District Nc, 5— L. A- Trosclair, S- Mor vant. Drozin Cancieine. District No. G U-rresteabach, O- Lcpiiie, Capt. Hotard. District No. 7 - Chas. S. Mathews, R. Fo ret. Hamilton Ayo. District No. 8—.Tames Moron. J.- Foret. T- Badeaux District No- t^E- Cretiui, V. Gaedry. E- Savoie. District No. 10—Lnbin Bergeron, Leutt'roy Daigle, 0. Thibodaus. Municipal Officers. Mayor. I. D- Moore, Councilmen, P- P Lorio. T. P. Bergeron, Ed. Curtis, James Wright. E. N. Roth, James Cheranlt Treasurer, .................. Y. Siuiean. Town Mat shr.l...J. Aiweldt Asst. " ........«# -Joseph. -TonM Clerk........../...Henry L. Bondreatix. Poet Master................ R R- MoBride Directors or the School Bo i:p. S. T- Grisamore. president: Thos- A. Badeau. superintendent; W- II- Ragan. J. L. Aucoin. E. G. Curt s, J. M. Howell A. J. Biuml. Henry Riviere,Ernest Roger. JJirectous of Thihoiuacx Brii^e Co. I. D. Moore, president; H- W. Tabor, treasurer: E. <1. Curtis, .secretary; P. E. -Lorio. Andrew Price. Post Offices in the Parish. 1 Glieeps.--1 Guedry--Cetini; La iourche Crossing,--'■ 1 oekpoiL Gus tave Abribat. Jr-; Malagay.C.O. Nicolas Orange City.-; F'>gh> A- Angnlw; lacelaad. Amadeo J.ejeuuc; Thibodaux. R.R McBride. 1 RAILROAD SCHEDULE. THIBODAUX BRANCH. ffesters mail laavss..............^;!® P* M ' arrives.............. 3:.«7 p. w. IswlOrleas* Bail leaves.......... P arrivM.......... i'ttp.B. Proceedings -OF THE POLICE JURY FIRST DAYS PROCEEDINGS. State of Louisiana, Parish of Lafourelin. Thibodanx, La , May 28, 1888. The Police Jury in and forthe parish of La fourche met this day pursuant to adjourn ment. Present—President Coulon and Messrs. Grisamore, Seely, Kraemer. Delutine, Moran, Cheramie, .Mathews and Ayo. Absent—S. Folse. Tbe minutes of tbe last two sessions were read and approved as such. The Presiueut stated that the abjeat of the called meeting was for the purpose ot settling, as far as possible, the affairs of the parish, preparatory to turning same over to the Po lice Jary to be appointed. The special committee appointed at the last regular session to examine into the roads and drainage of tbe Bayou Blue Settlement and to confer with the Police Jury of the parish ot Terrebonne in regard to tlie same, presented the following report, and on mo tion ol' Mr. Moran, duly seconded, the same was received: Thibodaux. La-, May 38,1888. To the Police Jury—The special committee appointed at the last regular sessiou of your body to investigate the question of tho drain age of the bayou Blue section and tho pnblic roads therein, and it necessary to proceed to Houma, examine the records aud confer with the Poliee Jury of the parish of Terrehonue upon the same subject, present the following ■•port: That after notifying the President ol the Police Jury that your •ommittee would oe in Houiua on the-day of March, the commit tee, accompanied by several citizens of tbe bayou Blue Bectiou. proceeded to Houma. They were able to see but one member of tbe Police, with whom, and the parish attorney, your committee had a coa lerence, in which was explained tho nature and character of the work requisite to afford the neoessary relief to the bayou Blue resi dents. This member, Mr. Daspit. promised to lay tbe subject matter before the Police Jury of Terrehonue at it* next suasion. No informa tion in regard to the action of that body has been received up to date. lu the perfariuuuco ol tlie above duties your commit!ee has incurred an expense of $13.25, for which proper warrants have barn drawn against the appropriation of $25 made for the purpose. Tour committee ask for further time to complete arrangements. S. T. GRISAMORE. M. N. COULON, The special committee on repairs of public buildings of the parish reparted verbally that said repairs were iu process of exeeution, aud that same would not cost as much as was at iirst anticipated. The various claims against the parish were presented and reterreil, under the rules, to tlie C'eumiutee uu Claims. Tlie following read mam was offered by S. T. Grisamore, aud ou motieu, duly eecoaiied, tbe same was adi.ptsd: Whereas, Senator E. A. O'Sullivan, of this parish, has introduced uu act into the Legis lature authorizing Police Juries to divide their respective parishes iuto drainage' dis tricts, and authorizing the land owners of the said separate drainage districts to levy a tax upon tlie property therein bv a vote of tbe said proprietors, after givtug due public notice; aud Wherens, experience lias shown the great necessity of such a law in the parish of La fourche. to cusble the iuliubttauts to thor oughly and speedily damn .their lauds, aud believing that whilst such an act could pos sibly do no injury to any one, it would he of incalculable beuelit lo the people of Louis iana ; therefore he it * Resolved, by the Polioe Jury of tho parish of Lafohrche. that our Senators add Kepre' scutativef in the Legislntsire of Louisiuua he requested to urge nod to earnestly advocate >hc passage tit the said act during the pres* sent session of tliat body. • On mutiou ol Cl. Mathews, duly second ed, the salary ot comutissioneii* and de|>Uty sheriffs Who served at the last electiou wus fixed at $2 per day. Yeas—President Coulon aud Messrs. Grisa tnore, Neely, Kraeiuer, Delaune, Moran Cheramie, Mathews aud Ayo. Nays—None. Various erreuWrs were received from the Stan- limuigiatiwu Association, and ou mo tion. duly seconded, were laid over for future action. . . T he following petitions from the Board of State Engineers ami i he Police J ury of - the parish ot j oiote Coupee Were read, anil ou motion, duly seconded, the same were xs Puinte Coupee. Mured 13,188&. To tbe President ofstou Police Jury oetke Pariah oLLufumrifciu ; . S Dear -oil—i «nr instructed .by the Police jsirv vf.-twv parish to ask assistance of-our s ster parishes to enablu .US la guard GVainl or Mp' gauza l»ree uui uin ^pgh water, and by proTocTtag this grcai work giye to all ot us dry fund to'cultivate. '> e hare sixty milts of MJssie»t|«ui met lpveja id keep up, .and I take pleasure ill assuiiiu .Tbit that this sixty miles ol level- is :u lWr Sndiiiou, and v.gure i now placing all needed repairs an Grand 1 levee', l have feature me the letter of dfft I State cliief engiheer, telling us iligt tho,Stale tali give nS uo assistance, ali>1 1 uui instriWV ! «d to appeal to the interior parishes,to jpjsiiit us. A lew hundred dollars from each parish I interested will enable us to preserve tiffs work ft 9111 damage from all « I quarters. . - * Auy 'urn you see proper to appropriate ! please remit to me by draft, ua'yable to tin: I order ot Martin Glynn, ami oblige. F. L. C It \l BORNS. Yei.y luspcctliilix. F. L. C It \l BORNS. Yei.y luspcctliilix. Ofi ice Board or State Enoim kks, J New rirleuus. April 3. 1888. S Hun. H- N. U.iuloii, ITesidtiiit i'olice Jury. Bari.-U ol La tau relu*. Thiliudiux, la,.:' Dear Nir-4a*l. F- L. C.aibonm aud Mr. 1'. i F. Bimr^i'ol*. a cuniimUeu of tlie Police Jury ut i'oiute cotijiiv. rumiiu as that umler a re--* j alc.tmu of that botly, of Mareli 5th ult.. they i have w n 1 1 til to tlm folico Jury of your par. ; ish ami tho.-e oil other parishes, solicitiuj; pe i ouuiary aitl tor ^iiariliii^ ami protecting tho j Morjtuuza levee duriuK ImrIi water, but 'bat j thus far uu reply or assistance of any kimi ' lias been received. j Under these circumstances they applied to this Board to address you. and further ut-«e | the importance of early aud favorable ■vetiou iu tlm matter bv your Bailee Jury. . We understand they have set forth in their letter* tbsix reasons for believing the Mur ganza levee has special need for an ample and vigilant guard, and have represented the poverty ol their parish and the difficulties under which they labor in the repair, preser vation and protection of their ioug line of Isvee. It is therefore unnecessary for us to recite the causes that impel them to seek assistance from the other polishes which are largely dependent upon the integrity ot the Poiate Coupee levees lor protection.' We believe the other parishes in tlie same levee district— especially those not charged with the maintenance, of long lines of levee on their own territory—should and will as they have heretofore, come to the aid of Point's Coupee wheu her levees are in danger, and we respectfully join the committee ,n re questing that you lay this matter belore your Police Jury at the earliest moment pos sible. Contribution;, should be sent to tbe Hon Rouge Parish, La. Very respectfully, The Board ok State Esi.Ixheks. Per Henry B. Richardson. C. S. Engineer. The resolutions adopted at the mass meet ingof the citizens of the parish of Asaurap tiou were also read, aud on motion, d«ly se-1 conded. the same »ere received. The letter of Mr. A. Ihanviu, making eer tail! charges against the road aud levee i u . spretor ot the second district was received, and owing to the ent : re absence of all proofs iu the premises the natter was postponed iadetimtely. Mr. Iielaunc, duly seconded, moved th at the read aud levee inspector of the seeeud district be granted permission to cut- tho levee ou each side ot the White crevasse, so as to pass tlie public read over tlie balture of said crevasse: provided, however, it be done at no expense to the parish. Ou motion, duly secouded, the jury theu adjourned until to-morrow at 1C o'clock p. hi. H. N. COULON, Pres. C. A. Engkkran. Clerk, j PROCEEDINGS OF TH.E TOWN ! COUNCIL. : - I Pre.ent: I. i». Moore, Mayor, and Trustees James Clicruuit, 1-.. G. Curtis, P. E. .Lmio. j E. n. Roth, and J. N. W'rigut. , Ahseut : Trustee f. P. Bergeron. I The minutes of last sessiou were read and approved as recorded. Mr. iiotli, chairman ot the tiuauee com- ; mitiee, ottered the tollowiug resolution, which was read, hud ou motion duly second ed, vus adopted: Resolved that the sum of three hundred TOWN HALL, > Thibodanx, La., May S, 1888. $ The Council lor the town of Thibo (Ihux met. in regular monthly sessiou, this day at •'> o'clock. P. M. aud seventy-two 71f 1U0 dollars be and th# same is hereby appropriated to pay the tal lowing ts wit : Chageable to market house— J, J, Paqutjt, toi gas cor ks.19a W. P. Oil Co., for ouu barrel oil.... 8 8a J. Auidot. salary as market lnsktsr.... IS (hi Chargeable to Corporation Laborer— A. Mali:rough, corporation laborer .. 50 0U Chargeable to waterworks— C. Obampague., 1 mos. sal. as engineer.20 0 I Thibodaux No. 1, charg. to Kiredep't.. .10 00 Protector No.2, " • " H. A I* Co. No. 1, " Badeaux B. B. " " 2 50 Chargeable to Salary of Ufficeis— H. L. Boudreaux, clerk, qua salary,- 18 75 I. 1). Moore, mayor, *■ .. 50 00 F. Sauuau. treasurer, . •• .. 31 25 J. Anslet. constable. " -.112 50 Chargeable to Banquettes— 4'. A. fte.Uau.nle, at days' work at $1 5 50 N Hebert, sharpening saw.......... 25 Chargeable lo streets and ditches— VV. Champagne, (idays' labor at $1.... b 00 Tug Wilson, 4, ........ 4 50 Chargeable to Wharves aud Levee#— M. Kappoii. guard'g lev. 4 ni'guts at $2 -S (Mi Clothe Bernard, " -3 •• .. b 00 ' ♦ . $^72 71—Cherault, Curtis, Lorio, Roth, and Wright. • Nats — None. *' i lie loliowiug report of tho Coiuinittee ou Kurilure was read and accepted : . Thibodaux. May 8, 1884. To the Honorable tlie Common Council ol I''Thibodaux: : Gentlemen,—We have examined tbe reports •f Treasurer. Collector and Market Master for month of .March. 1888, aud tiud the same correct. ^Signed) E. N. ROTH. E. G. CUR ITS. The special •ommittee. appointed at tho meetulg of April 24. to collier with Protector Fire Co. No. 2 Villi regard to an iueer; reported that it had not as yet done 10 oo l 1000! | anylbinir. amt asketl (bat further tune be j 4 it. Tbe toue. uskkJ far was granted, file riMiftuuii Of tiiB,inqnaivciuettt eon.. uiittee. wu<> : 4»*if bia-u requested to see abutut haVutg ta* old tnutuiug. situated at the cor ucr ut fliibiutsux uBii St. malissed. asked ter tnrUier Uuie, ami tbe v-bt,mil xlantcil him utie week. . The tollowiug rep. its of Trttasttrur, Collec tor and' - Market Muster were read aud re lerretl to tlie Committee on Finauue: Treasurer'* Report,' ter the nmutU of April, 1883. F. SANCAN, frcusurqi, iu accuuut Town ut Thibodanx: l'u ou auce ou hand------—... jj.ia9 c.'i lo receipts since— Wha-taare ter Mareli. 1888. ..$30 09 to .'lorht't bouse lor April... .4 'A* To Licenses of 1888.......... 20 0o Wharfage for April, 13VL... 28 00 Tu General tax uf 1*87...... 43 21—196 03 witli *'i Total........ By ili-shurscuieMts Miuce— Fire Department.......... 22 30 Streets ami ditches-------- 325 81' Waterworks................ 4'0 b0 Market house.......,...... 23 26 Tax Col. com. 4 p. c. on $121.12 4 3-5 #3.->68 1'otal disbursements To balance-ou hand................$459 26 Respectfully Submitted. (Signed) , F. SANCAN, May 8, 1888. Treasurer. The Colleclor'si Report for tlie mouth of Mareli. 1838. General tax........................$43 12 School tax................... 14 37 VV burfage........................ 28 #0 Licenses............................ 20 00 Respectfully submitted, [Sigued] J. AUSLET, Collector. 116 41 - The Market Master's report shexvs collec tions for the mouth of March to have been $74 90. There being no further business tbe Coun cil then adjourued. I. D. MOORE. Mayor, H. L. Boudreaux, Clerk. Weekly lVeather-l'roi> Bulletin OF THE LOUISIANA WEATHER SERVICE. New Orleans June 2,1888. An excess of rainfall for the past seven days is reported from the great majority of stations reporting. In the the average was 2.09 inches, being an « , , ,, „ Mcess ot »»Ollt three-fourths ot an inch for tlie week ; in the sugar region the iver-ifm woa o qq : nn i,_ • g mches, Which Is an excess of nearly an inch compared ... -. , «» the norniai tor corresponding week ] cf former year*. General rains fell I » .... , i * 0,, r <** tlie past seven (liiys tliroilgh out the State, the amounts, in inches, 1 . . ' ' j Being as follows : Farmerville, 2.31 ; i Minden. 2.54 • ShreveBOl t 1 • Mon I J vUietepoit, L.i , .noil | roe, 4.08 : Vicksburg, Miss., 2.12 ; Li S '> . vr .,...1 ___ -i I 1>elt . V Hl,1 > l-»2 ; Natchitoches, 1,02 : Trinity, 0.90 ; Alexandria. 2.74 ; I i, , ... ! -Marksville, 0.93 ; Cheneyville, 1.05 ; Clinton, 4.40 ; Amite, 0.76 : Mande j ville, 3.19; Grand Coteau, 4.45; ! Breaux Bridge, 3.14 ; Lafayette, 3.86 ; : Sugar Exp. Station at Keener, 2.97 ; I New Iberia, 1.90 ; Abbeville, 1.70 ; New Orleans, 0.45. The average temperature was slight ly below tlie weekly average in tbe northern and southeastern sections of j r,. . , , , "ie .stpte, and about an average else I where. A general deficiency' in the percent ; A . • . . * , . a ge ot sunshine is reported trom the northern section, aud nearly a normal amount is reported from the southern section. ■XTRACfS FROM OBSERVERS REPORTS. Farmerville—Crops doing finely and compifntfTvely clean. 1 Monroe—Heavy rains have retarded farm work to some extent. Crops are in a nourishing condition. Corn is l generally being laid by. J V lcksburg—Tlie rainfall was a great benefit to all crops and more than counterbalanced the effect of the low temperatures. -* Liberty Hilt—Rather too much "rain j crops looking well. Trinity—Cool nights have been a slight set-back to crops, otherwise everything looks favorable. Marksville—Crops have been great ly benefited by general rains through out the parish. The corn and cotton fleStro.ted Ly hail of 20th have been re planted. * Clinton—More rain than needed, but present prospects good. Maudeville—Corn damaged by thjni (terstoim of 6tli. Too much rffin, fhrm woik at a standstill. Potatoes all dug —all small. Giaud Coteau—Too much rain,, but | has not injured crops, but has inter fered- with farm-work. Five thunder , storms IU seven dayS. Breaux Bnilge—Everything . ° well Wild tiouiisiling.-, Ihcii-i growing too fast. look s -Crops line, bujt .grass JciUiei'ette- Prospects very emour aging for good crops. Cane a full average ; corn an average ; oats per ^ ia P* a httlc below j lice good ; cotton igood. Abbeville—Weather has been such as to interfere with farm-work. R. E. Kerkam. Signal Corps, Director. Thu Meanest: The meanest man lives in West Castle ton. At the he -1 ginning of last January he made a j wager with his wife that site couldn't j drink a quart of'milk a day for thirty | days in February. If she did he was . to give her a new silk dress; if she j failed slie was to buy him a new suit of clothes. The guileless and unsus pecting woman finished her sixteenth quart of milk (after a heroic struggle with her rebellious stomach) before she remembered that February had but twenty-eight days. Louisiana History in tlie Civil War. Tlie last biennial official report of Secretary of State Oscar Arroyo is a mine of valuable and interesting infor mation concerning many things in Louisiana. Among other items is a report on the troops furnished by Lou isiana in the late civil war, giving ros ters of tbe officers and a summary of the enrollments, losses and other mat ters connected with the men: who went from this commonwealth to* fight for the Confederacy. As no more com plete statement of. these fasts is at hand, and as the Picayune, when it published some time ago some general observations ou the subject of Itoeses in battle, had not received this interest ing report, from whieh important ma terial might have been drawn, occa sion is now taken to make some ex tract*. It appears that the State fiunished Infantry................ 36,243 Artillery............. 4,024 Cavalry.......................10,056 Total________ _____________________50,323 The total of killed and wounded is not made up. but of tlie infantry regi ments for which figures are given the following comparative losses are shown: kxkol'i> Fir«t Regiment........1,033 Second Regiment__________ 960* Third Regiment......1,297 Fourth Regiment......1.045 Fifth Regiment_________.10,74 Sixth Regiment......• • 1,146 Seventh Regiment.....1,077 Eighth Regiment _________1,321 Ninth Regiment.......1,474 uui* 176 162 218 155 161 219 190 252 233 845* 142 304 184 143 Tenth Regiment Twelfth Regimont_______1,457 Fourteenth Regiment ..1,026 Fifteenth Regiment.... 910* It is to be regretted, that nobody has accepted the self-appointed mission of making up a complete return frees the muster rolls of tlie Louisiana troops. It is possible that with the material obtainable iu Louisiana aud thokKhicb is in the captumhConfedcrate ascliives at Washington something satisfactory might lie accomplished. Of course, Secretary Arroyo, only had the records iu the State archives and. possibly fragrainentary information from other sources, but he deserves the thanks of his fellow-citizens for what he has contributed towards the history of the gallant mem of Louisiana. It is to be hoped that the work will be carried ou in tlie lino lie started.. There is noth ing so important to the historian as facts. Theories anil, philosophical dis quisitions are plentiful! enough and usually worthless enough. The dis covery that current history contains s* little bu t has greatly contributed to discount the value of the innumerable tomes that were once held as tho high est authority.-^N. O. JCicayuiic. Wlmi She Is. "Man finds any amount of fault with woman, yet works tooth and nail to get her. He calls her extravagant, yet yearns to pay her bills. She's heart less, but lie devotes months to finding ♦he spot where that heart should be. 8bc's tickle, yet he struggles for a 'place in her afi'eefions. She's timid, but lie, noble creature, bus courage fox two. She's a fraud, 'but a darling. She's a goose, but a duck. She's sim ple, l>ut sweet. In fact, she's a chame leon, iu the very latest style of spots and 'dot- and feathers and fixings. S'm-V little, and graceful and dainty and dear—and changeable as the wind. Yet. she's a most desirable article of household furnishing, and there are mighty few men who want to get along without her, chameleon though she lie.— Ex. Traveling for Half Fare: A good story is told of Bolossy Kiralfy. Whan his -'Seven Ravens" company went to pieces out west the wive walker asked: "How am I to get back to Naw York ? v "I'd like to fix you first rate," re plied Kiralfy, "but I can't think how to do it." Then an idea struck him, aud he added: "I'll tell you. You walk the wires And, say, travel at night; it's ouly hsdf rate then."— Pittsburg Chronicle.