Newspaper Page Text
local news. Badeaux & Hargis keep the best ihoe* in town. The weather this week was propi tious to the crops. (ro to I'. L. brand's for choice gro aariM. tine liquors and cigars. Fine liq.iois. wines and cigars at the Kailroad Exchange. A fine stock of furniture, at moder ate prices, at L. A. Lagarde'a. Give kim a call and vonr tronble will be re paid. R. R. McBride, the crockery and hardware man. has just received a fresh stock of goods which he is selling cheap for spot rash. Luckily for rice planters the water in the bayou has risen a little and bids fail to continue at its present stage for ■ouie time to come. Mr. Frant/ Zernott has ranted the house formerly occupied by Rev. Dr* Atkinson, and has had tome necessary repairs made to the premises. — --- ------• tek----—-- - Jules Delchaux, proprietor of the "New Lumber Yard" keeps constantly choice cypress, shingles, wood See. O. L. Caro, his agent, ia always on hand to accommodate customers. Oar friend, J. L. Aucoin, is determin ed to keep step to the march _ of im provement going on in this town. A paister is at work renovating the ex terior of his elegant and eosy residence, at the corner of Foous and Thibodaux streets. We are requested to state that Rev. John N. Gall slier, Bishop of this Epis copal Diocese, will hold services to morrow in St. John's Church at 11 o'clock a. m. after which the rite of confirmation will tie administered to n Number of applicants. The enrollment at the Guioa Aca demy has 'cached one hundred and thirty-nine, and the attendance is ve ry steady. This is a convincing proof of the ability and fitness of the teach ars in clpugo. The town may wall feel proud of having sack an excellent school within its limits. There was somo excitement last Taesday. caused by a small blaze on the lot of Mr. L. P. Gaude. Mr. G. had started to burn an old hen's nest uqder some vines growing along his fence, when the fire assumed undue proportion aud produced alarm. The B. B. B,.assisted by citizens extinguish ed it. > :**-* «* Mr. Abribat. of Lockpbrt, informs ns ihat the fair given last. Saturday ai\d Sunday for the benefit of the Lock ijyrt school will net something between $74)9 sad $800. We congratulate the Public School Association ab<L />ns 'of 'owef LafodfcSte 1 "on this hsudsome result. The corn mitt c** ru cliurgeef the re plies ou the Guien Academy ; ljave copchidod to have nil file, inner*wftlli repaired As the plaster had become detached*iu niaify places,'and was" fhli of holes, tho services of a plasterer will improve,..the looks of the 'walls very matsmsdW. Blinds have beou placed at iLTT* 11\«* windows of the lower fioor, aud after they shall have-boon painted the building will' .present a very neat ;q«lin*iirance. • V * * .. Last Thursday Meows. Tfairv,. .L. Wilson, W. 'I. Durden and !•'. Zeruott <*oBStitutc l themselves a committee of three and wyut and iiWet'rlewetl-'the •ilverv pcrchesUw 'Grand' iJiryou its to tMl state Of ttffirliehlth and Hicfrpalfi fuhieness. • it ~i* aepolled that these s&wi-t anglers "Und lovers of the "art piscatuiiar took, in some MW perches a'piece, without Straining -and-plenty of time to spare. They • returned in high glee : nd much elated with their achievement. L'his is no lisli story. The excursionists to Lockport on lust buudjiV hitd a glorious time of it *iul didn't return until 2 a. m. It..has been reported that as the fair 1 oirisfa 11 a steadily . rept up the bayou Lafour che. tins quiet and peace of the inno cent inhabitants of the banks wera twdely disturbed by the loud notes of thst old familiar song "we won't go home till morning," romliYed Njr dis cordant voices with numberless varia tions. We won't vouch for t tJri* A stsjte uieut hut give it for what it is Worth. May be Capt. Constantin cau throw •ome light on the subject. Last Sunday's excursion was an ad mirably managed one. There was a big crewd and everybody seemed to en.jsy his trip. The utmost decorum and good behavior were observed and our citizens will always welcome with gladness such model excursions. We appeud the account of the evaut given by the Picayune .* The excursion of the Liberty Be nevolent Association to Thibodaux was most delightful and succossfal. There wore ten coaches in the train in which wore between 850 and 900 pas sengers. The run was made to Thiho daux in good time, and soon that eity presented a lively scene, hundreds of citizens being at the depot waiting for the arrival of friends. The Liberty* took up their line of march and repaired to thoir headquar ters, Firemen's Hall, and then to the Gem Saloon and restaurant for dianer, whoro the proprietor, Mr. James A. Frost, served up a repast that pleased all presont. Better accommodations and meals or more considerate treat ment have seldom been extended to excursionists than were accorded by the hotel-keepers of Thibodaux. Dinner being over the association, headed by their band of music, repair ed to Firemen's Hall, which, by the way, ia nearly as large as the Wash ington Artillery Hall of New Orleans, aud there dancing was the order of the day. When the dancing was stopped, and serenading declared in order, the Liberty*, headed by their band, called upon the mayor and the different be tels. The following gentlemen were in charge ef the excursion, and they are to be complimented upon their able management: Wm. Brand, chairman ; B. J. O'Neill, ex-officio; Alphonse Briffod. J. J. McEvoy, Pat Stanley, P. Bollinger, Fred Huerno, J. A. Bernard, M. Bruggeman, Thoe. Canfield, Thos. Hyland, M. J. Barrett, Jas. Finnorty. Last Sunday proved a Waterloo all ronnd for our Thibodanx baseball clnba. The Wright nine went down to Lockport to play the Welcomes, ef that place, and were vanquished by a score of 5 to 4. The Wrights played well hot could not overcome the city battery with which the Welcomes bed reinforced themselves. At Tetreau's Park the Curtis and the Liberty*, ef New Orleans, crossed bats and played an interesting game. The latter wou by a score of 26 to 16. Up at St John's, the T. P. Bergerons met with the St. John nine in a friendly contest and got , worsted. We have net learned what the score was. What is the matter with our beys, anyhow 1 Is it want of sufficient prac tice or overconfidence, or..both f Leek into it beys, and retrieve your good fame. *■ Last Saturday evening- a very pleas ing entertainment was.,gi.TPA by Bfr. Geo. C. Bryant, the capable end effi cient principal . of the Corporation School, aided by Mrs./ It." C. LeRlanc, tho assistant ef said school, the olgact being to ; raise funds for the necessary repairs On the building. Thepregnda me consisted ef dialogues,xocitatiqua and caKsthenfcs by the 'children atten ding the school, as weJl „as. Toe*l and instrumental mnsio. • • - • r»*J. + :ff The attendance was -large and Aha utmost quiet and" defc^niqj went** ob served. The net proceeds amounted to fifty dollars, which have* been turn ed ever to the school board to be em ployed for'the benefit of the. school house. This result- iar highly gratify ing and^ftt^^^f'^o^ fe^oW; citizen* are aUvwi to' the *>edtesity< ef contri\|^^g.^^^Uvi*lv to the great caiiKtftof edncAMoo.e* •* 1 * ' •> .We undsijstand.that the suvecss of this entertainment has^ encouraged its promoters to give another at tho close of tfie sfssion. Thlfe'is as it should be, anfi we hope that it will prove equally snctearful With the edtertaieiuent juet held. . . ,.tx •. _____ Oar friend. M iV F. H: Grdneberg, manager ot'-the.'l.'Juhodanx Drng Store, is an expert chemist aud pharmacist, having diplomas in both .branches, and having moreover . had an experi ence of several years hi-the laboratory of the wholesale drug house of I. L. Lyons & Co.. New Orleans' Mr. Gruneberg- is- putting hp* great, skill and knowledge ef pharmacy. to'iiAeon building up in tins town a wholesale drug business. He has a cqugh syrup and a liniment which are now iu great demand and which will' no doubt su percede the various other preparations no,w in general use. His condition powders for cattle are fiudibg'u* ready sale with many farmers who * have tried them, and they are highlyrecoin - mended bv experts, Jle Jiff* a' ftpfefi did remedy for hots -.ami ,c0lyt--jn horses, and those who ha*SMi*ud;>t on horses aud moles are enthusiastic in its praises. Road his ad. in another column aud give him a call. PERSONALS. The ever genial E. N. Braud, travel ling for Thompson, the grocer, was in town this week. Our esteemed fellow parishioner, G. Abribat, Jr., of Lockport, s{>ent a few days in town this week. He was the guest of Mr. C. J. Barker, the new chief depntv clerk of court. Mrs. S. T. Grisamore. the estimable wife of our old friend, the Major, has departed this week for Brooklyn, N. Y., where she intends to remain until tho fall with hor sister, who resides there. Messrs. E. W. Blake, ex-Judge of the Fifth Circuit, and his son, B. T. Blake, Esq., have formed a partner ship for the practice of law. Their card appears in auother column. These gentlemen are both too well known iu this community to require any commendation of ours, and they will no doubt draw their fail: share of the legal business. — On last Sunday inoraing the L. A. Fraisse baseball nine boarded the fast steamer Parnell for Donaldsonville, to meet an engagement with a nino of that town. We understand that they had a delightfui trip, notwithstanding tho fact that they were the losers in the game. —-^ Through the energy of Mr. F. M. Welch, of Jeanerette, some immigrants from the north have established them selves into new homes near that thriv ing town. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Jadicial District Coart, Par ioh of Lafourche. Successions of Zaeharie H. Bou dreaux and Clemence Landry , hit wife in Community. Ho. 1235, Probates. Par.aunt to an order and decree of tho shove court and in obedience to a comma aion to me directed in the shove entitled and numbered succession, I will offer tor sale at public auction, pursuant to law, to the last and highest bidder, on the premises situated iu aaid parish, on tho left oaalc of bayou La fourche, at ahout ten miles trom the town of Thibedanz, in the Clwupique settlement, on SATURDAY, JUNE 30. 1888, between the hours of Hw'cloek a. m. and 4 o'el ck p. iu., tha fallowing-described proper tj belonging to the Maid successions, to-wit: Meal Estate—Tim eastenr half of a certain tract,of land situated in'said pariah, on the left bank ef baVou 'Lafourshe, at about ten miles froui Thibodaux, in the Choupiquc set tlement. aud being the eastern half oi the S'. K. one quarter of "action 99, in T. is, S. R. 17 E, west of the Mlasnsipjii rlvVr, containing eighty acres acoordiug te official surveys. ' Together with the buildings. 1 For till" see N. B. K. 1849-52, p. 368 C. B. K. N-18. p.50 r , Moveablee^-itbe cow, onebeifef, o*e wal nut armoir. one let of quilts, etc-, one small work box, one bedstead and tiediliiig, op* cloak, one lamp, one looking glifas, one wash', stahil, one small bedstgad, one jot of ebairs, etc., etc. ... ' . , '. Terms and eoudftiohs bf .sats-^Cash op the aeatiu United Staten trSiis'tp-y''fiore'a Yo "puy nldg, .... - 7* . 11 .. Z THEOPHILE TfUBriDAU^: ' .'■May '-!6, 1888. • Sheriff.:''. 11 'STATE Ot'iI^pfcifANA. * •! tr ■. — v; Jadicial District Court j Par* m * • jsb of Lafourche. ' ftuficestioH oj Philomenc Barrilleaiix, '-deceased, Wife of Ojiezippe Foret." No. 1158, Probates. .' . wta* * ■* '.s+ it'C ^Pursuant to an order and decree^ of the iUiove court'and iu obedience to" a coiumis Moii to me directed in the above ent itled and numbered sneenssion, I will offer for sale at public auction, pursuant to law, to the last and bigh&h't bidder, at tHe' courthouse iu the town of Thibodaux. on '•SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 18S*, between the hours oTU' o'clock a., m and 4 o'clock p pi,, the following described pruner ty, belonging to the said Ku'cec»sion',to-wiT. - The undivided fourth of a eertaiii .tract of land situated in the. parisli of Lafo.urche, on tbp left bank .of bayou. Lafourche, at. about fifteen milcx below, t^e. town of Thibodaux, narajuriug tour and a half arpeuta front bv S arpeuta in., dfptti : branded aboyjp by i torinerl.v belonging, to estate of Matt llit-desll, now belonging to. Leon Godcbanv, aud lielow by roadway lielouging formerly to M. W.-BrUiii.^and jiow belonging to Meyer Weil and.41. Dppuy, together with all and singular tbs right" of way now enjoyed by the owners of "Mary" plantation over and through said roadway, said tract of land liar ing formerly beeff kuown' a.-, the "Pasture" tract. Terms and Conditions of Sale—Cash on tha spot io L\ S. Troasurv Notes to pav debts. THEOPHILE THIBODAUX, 5-- Sheriff May IS. 1888. . Assessor's Notice to Tax-Payers. Office or Assessor. > Tliihoilaiix, Lh., June 4tli, 1888 \ All persons liable to taxation, upou any ilescriptioii of property, whether real estate or movables, are hereby notified tiiat iu con formity to sertioniii of act. No. 5H> of 1882, the lifting ot the property and the estimated valuation made thereof by the Assessor in ac cordance with law. and tlie paid lists will be exposed in the office of the said Assessor, for inspect ion anil correction for a term of tweu ty days, beginning next after the ten days required for notice as herein provided shall have expired. All tax-payers are earnestly invited to avail themselves of the opportuni ty afforded to make knoWn their ob|ectioiis to any assessment and te test their* ; oeffect ucss ia the manner prescribed by law. JOHN M. WALSH. Assessor. Parish of Lafourche. -s 1 Wanted Enrj StMbmer in Iniiitu 1o Purchase ONE-QUARTER DOZEN Vermont's Colic and Bot Cure AND ONE DOZEN Vermont's TONIC POWDERS. IV'By doing this you save thousands •f dollars. When mules and horses are overworked and in poor condition these powders restore their lost Vigor and Strength. OTHERS IS NO SULPHUR IN THESE .POWDERS. Cattle can bo exposed to the weather and worked the same as naual. VERMONT'S COLIC AND BOT CURE iy WILL POSITIVELY CURE any me ot* COLIC or BOTS. The sale of this preparation has been enormous, ONE HUNDRED BOTTLES having been sold in the last six weeks, with nothing but praise as the result. These preparatiens are recommended by the following-named gentlemen .* N. W. Whitehead, Leon Drexler Sc. Son, Alfred Choi, Jim Malbrongh, H. Tetrean, Arthur Malbrongh, W. F. Denny, D. Denny, Frank Tompkins, E. O. Robiehanx, Wilson Lepine, John Tompkins, R. A. Frost, John W. Pugh, Dr. Dansereau, Dr. Bourgeois, W. H. Ragan. MANUFACTURED BY F. H. Gruneberg, Thibodaux Drug Store. EF*For sale by all retail grocers and druggists. Wholesale by Finley Sc Brunswig, N. O. * je9-6tn. PURIFY THE BLOOD. Till It OllEA UX'S Sarsaparilla Compound, -:) OR (: Blood and Liver Cleanser. A Prompt and Powerful Mwm. m Dili Acting Directly Upon the Blood and Glandular System. It Purifies the Blood,. Cleanses the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow els from all accumulations of poisonous matfer and gives renewed tone and vig or te tlie Vital Organs. 15 : ' Prepared in the Laboratory of The Thibodeaux Pharmacy, » THVHOIPAUX, LA. JN0. A. HUBBARD, Commission Merchant, 40 JPOYimAS ST. -AND «• and 71 PKSTKKN STRIIIX NEW ORLEANS. fV*Receives coiisiirninents of Cotton, Su gsr. Molasses, ltioe. Hides, Wnol. Krug. Moss. EjJK": etc. Advances made on Crups and Consignments. .Orders for Merchandise filled at lowest peicas. uiaylS'SS-ly E W. BLAKE. BANNON T. BLAKE, Late Judge Court of Appeals. Notary Pub. Blake & Blake, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office. Cor. St. Louis & Thibodaux Sts. THIBODAUX, LA. Will practice before the Courts of Lafourche. Assumption and Terrebonne. je!Myp H. N. Coulon, NOTARY PUBLIO, MARKET STREET, THIBODAUX, LA, O. FACQL'KT. h. n. cori.ox. COULON&FACQUET, Real Estate Agents, -AMD CJolleetoi'ss of Claims, -OFFICES Market St. ami at Sentinel Office, THIHODAl S, LA. E7*Inforinatioa furnished. No charge will lie inane for any services rendered unless sati.faoterr sale is affected. Money loaned on goeil securities.- Will buy. sell aud rent lauds in the parishes of Lafourche. Assump tion aud Terrebonne. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VXf ANTKD- LIVE AUENTri - Writ* V V Geo. A. Sanborn, Secretary Buffalo Mu taal. Life, Aecideut aud Sick Benefit Asso ciation. Buffalo. N. Y. consumptive: EXHAUSTEB VITAUlT rrau aoajfca or urn, ta# > Had leal Work of tho acoouUanhood, Xarvooe aad nyslsal Debility, Premature lleettee. mrore ot Youth, and theaatald mleerieeeeuiequaut th e re n a, US panes 8 to, p r ee wl p rtu pi for all diseases. , faU (lit. only $1.00, by' ML wan. sealed. Illustrative sample free totflyouat a^ middle sued maa. Send now. ThaUoldaad JeweUed Medal awarded to tho author by the Ka Sn sa l M ed to a l association. Address p. o. hex HHw Boston. Mass., or Dr. W. H. PABXXS, grad uataof Harvard Medical CoUete,»years*practice St aoetou. who may baooaculted eoaSdeatlaMy. Specialty, Dlseacessd Mas. Office *o.t*eiaaehet. Cut tnia out. You may never see it sgaiii' "MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly uolike artificial aystema. Any hook learned iu oue reading. Classes of 14)87 at Baltimore, 1003 at Detroit, 1300 at Philadelphia, large classes of Columbia law students, at Yale, Wellesley, Oberlin. University of Penn., Michigan Uni versity, Chautauqua, etc. Endorsed by Richard Proctor, the scientist, lions. W. W. Astor, Jud th P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson, Dr. Brown. E. H. Cook, Principal N. Y. State Normal College, etc. The system ia perfectly taught by correspondence. Prospectus pout free from PROF LOISETTE, 337 Fifth Ave., New York. nrrp SEA WONDERS exist in thou * ' £l Hi I sands of forms, but are aurpaaa the marvels of. invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallet <5c Co.. Portland, Maiue, and receive free, full information how either sex. of all ages, can earn from |5 to $35 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 iu a single day at this work. All succeed. dSm-, Skim Obiw and 31«mish Keadicstor kaowBe I Wampler trial pMha«% idlnuHttem . Gonaux's Pile Ointment naa given me good i-esults evefv time I have used it in mv prae tics. Dr. F. A. SYLVEStBE. Mt. Carmbl Convent, i Thibodaur. La., Jan. 31,1888. \ Mr. F.Gonaux. Houma,La: Dear Sir—I .cannot con voy in adeqnate language a satisfactory Idea ot tlie licnefit l have obtained by usiiic-yonr 'f-Anti-Asthmatic Powder aud M+xtur^." For twenty yean 1 have* suffered from that dreadful disease, Asthma, and although I have tried many remedies, none proved beneficial until I tried yours. I trust my experience witli this voi dable powder and mixture will be the means of inducing others to give it a trial. Youm respect'ly, A Sister ok Mt. Carmel Cont-'t. Houma, La , Jan. 37, 1883. Mr. F. Gouaux: Dear Sir—Alter suffering lor ten years and trying all kinds of remedies. I have at last to thank you for the bottle of anti-asthmatic idtatfibe which you were so kind- ai to send me. After taking a few doses I whs so much relieved that I have never been without it a minute and although, not entirely cured, still I feel so much relieved that I liojie of be ing so soon. Yours truly, - . Mrs. Victor IUciiasd. (The mother of our worthy friends Clay and Edgar Richard.) FOR 8 ALK. rrtOWN lot, SITUATED ON JACKSON 1 ' street, opposite the Episcopal Church. For terms and coYditioiis apply to W. Ii RAGAN, Oct3-87 tf 1 hibodaux. La. tj*T. VINCENTS INSTITUTE, Cr above the town of Thibodaux. able locality for a Crisaiuore or to 6 MILES A desir store. Apply to 8. T. JOHN DOLESE. I N WHOLE OR IN PART, LIVE OAK PLANTATION, two miles t hove Thibo daux. Tlie old tract contains nearly 800 ar peuts ; about 350 cleared ; will be sold tor $17,50U ; terms favorable- Address S. JAMISON, 67 Oarondelet st., N. O. F OR SALE OR RENT—I'll E COMMO dious and desirable tw.sstoiy brick building, formerly known as the "Washing ton Hotel." situated corner Market, JLeveo and St Philip streets. Apple to GUSTAVE BOUDREAUX, ■ l or. Market and Maronge Sts. Thibodaux, La., Marsh 10. 1388. Job Work done neatly, scientific ally, speedily and cheaply, by- the Sentinrl Job printing office, Main St. botween St. Pbilipaud St. Loaia •traew.