Newspaper Page Text
&ne £l)iboimur Sentinel SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 1888. Silrer and Gold. Farewell my little sweetheart, Now fare you well and free ; 1 claim from you uo promise, You claim no vows from me, The reason why ?—the reason Right well we can uphold— 1 liave too much of silver, And you too much of gold! A puzzle, this, to worldlings, Whose love to lucre flies, Who think that gold to silver Should count as mutual prize! Hut I'm not avaricious, And you're not sordid-souled, I have too much of silver, And you've too much of gold. Upon our heads the reason Too plainly can he seen ; I am the Winter's bond slave, Yon are the Summer's queen ; Too few the years you number, Too many 1 have told; I have too much of silver, And you've too much of gold. You have the rose for token, I have dry leaf and thyme; I have the sobbing vesper, You, morning bells at chime, I would that I were younger, (And you grew never old)— Would that I had of silver, But you no less of gold! —Edith Thompson in Scribners' Sept. Weekly Weather-Crop Bulletin OF THE LOUISIANA WEATHER SERVICE. New f Orleans, October 6,188?. The weather conditions during the past week have been favorable to the growing cane and for cotton picking. Reports indicate that cane grinding has begun in some sections of the su gar region with fair results. Some fall planting has been done but not in gen eral, the land being hard and dry from the heavy mins earlier in the season. Complaints of lack of rainfall are heard from vegetable fanners, but the ensuing 48 hours will doubtless relieve their needs in that respect, a sudden fall of from 15 to 20 degrees in the temperature being indicated for Louis iana, which will likely result in light rains. But nine of the total number of ob servers reports show appreciable rain fall for the week, the amounts being as follows : Monroe .22, Natchitoches .02, Trinity .80, Vidalia .22, Alexan dria .48, Marksville .25, Amite .08, Grand Coteau .03 and Abbeville .01. The temperature has been below a seasonal average throughout the State, the deficiencies ranging from 3 to 7 degrees, but being accompanied by an excess of sunshine, was very favora ble in its effects. EXTRACTS FROM OBSERVERS' REPORTS. Lake Providence—Cotton picking is being pushed with energy. Vicksburg—Decidedly favorable for all crops. Cotton picking progressing rapidly. Monroe—Weather has been favora ble for sweet potatoes, and for gather ing cotton and corn : farmers prepar ing to grind cane. Shreveport, Coushatta and Point Pleasant—Weather very favorable for cotton picking; cotton nearly all open. Trinity—Crops of all kinds, are be ing rapidly housed : cotton moving i slowly; picking cotton steadily. Vidalia—Excellent weather for gatli- i . I mug crops. , Alexandria—Excellent weather for j cotton picking; vegetables need rain. Marksville, Greensburg and Ham. I mond—Favorable. Maurepas—No rain ; worms in cot- ! ton; picking progressing. Mandeville—Corn all gathered, crop pretty fair, good weather. Plaquentine and llahnville—Cutting cane and beginning to grind. * i Jeanerettc and Thibodaux—Cane improving and planting progressing. Mt. Airy— Vegetation, except cane, Buffering for want of rain. Abbeville—Cotton yielding poor : much is badly damaged. Ellendale (Avdoyne Plantation) — Fall planting of cane lias been done: land hard and dry trom too much rain early in the season, not very favorable to fall planting. Corn and hay har vested. R. E. Kerkam, Signal Corps Director. Missed a Good Thing: A society Item says that pet dogs are now clad in mantles with pockets for holding lumps of sugar, bracelets on their paws and a string of little silver bells around the neck. Thousands of neglected children missed a mighty good thing j *»y not being born pet dogs.—Norris town Herald. 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. TOWN HALL, 1 Thibodaux, La., Sept. 28, 1888. > The Conceit for the Town of Thibo uanx met this day, in regular session at 4 n,nolock. P. M. Present—I. D. Moore, Mayor, and Trustees Bergeron, Wright, l<orioaod Roth. Absent—Cberault and Curtis. Trustees. The minutes of the last regular and spe cial sessions were read and approved as re corded. The chairman of Finance committee pre sented the following report which was read, received and ordered spread upon the min utes. Thibodaux, La.. 8ept. 28,1888. To tli? Common Council of Thibodaux : Gentlemen—Your Committee on Fiuanon '•ogs to report that they have examined re ports of Treasurer and Collector for month of Juue, 1888, and find the same correct. (Signed) E. N. ROTH, T. P. BERGERON. Mr. Roth, chairman of the committee on Finance, ottered the following resolution, which was duly seconded, read and adopted by the following vote : Yeas—Bergeron, Lorio, Roth and Wright. Nays—None. Be it resolved, that the sum of seven hun dred and sixty-five and 21-100 dollars he and the same is hereby appropriated to pay the following, to-wit: Chargeable to banquettes— Howard Martin ^unloading 12,00> bricks )............................# 5 00 Tog Wilson. 2 days labor............ 2 00 AurelienDoncet.51-.**................II 00 C. Smith, 21........."................ 2 60 Fred Humphreys, 51 " ............... 2 75 P. A DeManade, ..... 12 00 Victor Emanuel, 6.."................ 0 00 H. Cement, 0......*•................ 6 00 Wilson, 0..........."................ 3 00 Fortune, 1J........ ".......-........ 2 50 P. A. DeManade, 4.."................ 8 00 Fortnue, 41........."................ 4 50 Fred Humphreys, 51"............... 2 75 Henry Levert,5 ....-•................ 2 50 Aurelien Uoucet, 4i "................ 9 00 C. Smith, 4|........"................ 3 75 B* Clement. 1......."................ 50 P. A. DeManade, 41-5"............... 8 40 Lou's Riviere, hauling dirt.......... I 00 H. Invert, 4 1-10 da. labor............ 2 10 C. Smith. 4 7-10......••............... 4 70 P. A. DeManade. 21-.".............. 5 00 C. Smith, 5}..........".............. 550 H. Levert. 21.........".............. 1 23 P. A. Demauade, I}.. ".............. 3 0C Louis Riviere, hauling bricks........ 00 Chargeable to streets and ditches— Jos King, 2 days work.......... ] 00 Win. Green. 2......"......... .... 1 00 Camille Smith, If.. "................ 175 Chargeable to waterworks— Joe Jones, 11 days labor.. ........... 3 00 Chargeable to Charity Fund— Taylor Lagarde, for provisions to two des titute widows named in the annexed de tailed bill.......................... 1150 (All above whilst Hon. E. N. Roth was Act ing Mayor.) Incidental— H. J. Lagarde, for 2 buckets.......... 25 Duraid Hebert, building fence...... 32 00 A Hebert, hauling lumber.......... 2 8# Banquettes— I* A DeMauade, lfi days' labor...... 32 00 H Levert, 61 " ...... 3 50 Victor Aucoin, 41 " 4 50 H Humphries, 11 '• ...... 75 Streets and ditches— Tug Wilson, 23f " 23 75 Camille Smith, 24 *• 24 00 l) Perry, 3 •* 100 Lon Nelson, 2f " 2 50 Jake Toney, 181 " 18 50 John Gabbie, 21 " ...... 2100 Bob Green, 7 " 7 00 John Bead, 6 " 6 00 George Jones, 51 " 5 50 Incidental— N Hebert, sharpening saw........ 00 Baptiste, cleaning town hnll........ 1 50 Market House Victor Emanuel. putting np trees.. 3 50 W. P. Oil Co., 1 barrel oil............ 8 84 Streets and ditches— 11. L. Lagarde, for rope.............. 45 Banquettes— Louis Riviere, hauling lumber...... 80 Water Works— Alfred Collins, running pnmp........ 1 00 C. II. Champagne, repairing pump... 6 00 Salaries tor July— Chargeable to Corporation Laborer— A. Malbrougli, corporation laborer .. 50 00 Chargeable to market house— J. Auslet, salary as market master.... 16 66 Thibodaux No. I, elmrg. to Firedep't-. 10 00 Protector No.2, " " .. 10 00 H. Sc L. Co. No. 1, " " .. 10 00 Badeaux B. B. " " ..2 50 Salaries for August— A. Malbrougli...................... 50 00 J Auslet............................ 16 lib Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1.......... 10 00 Protector Fire Co. No. 2............ 10 00 Home Hook Sc. Ladder No. 1........ 10 00 Badeaux Bucket Brigade.......... 2 50 Quarter salaries, Aug. 1, 1888— I D Moore, mayor.................. 50 00 H I, Boudreaux, clerk.............. 18 75 F. Sancan. treasurer................ 31 25 J. Auslet, constable................ 112 50 Market House. I barrel oil............ 8 N5 4765 02 The following reports of Treasurer, Collec tor and Market Master were read and re ferred to I he Committee on Finance : F. SANCAN, Treasurer, in account with Town of Thibodaux : To balance on band............ $426 44 To receipts since— , To Market bouse for July ... 87 75 " " August.. 7539 1 To Licenses of 1888.......... 5 00 1 Fines....................... 12 50 ■ Wharfage...................$39 00-210 55 ! Total.................... $636 By disbursements since— Fire Department......... Streets and ditches........ Waterworks................ Mu ike t house............. I 'orpoMitioii laborer....... Banquettes.............. ineinentals.............. Tux Col. com. I p. e. on $17.50 Total disbursements 99 35 00 9 25 .. 23 U0 .. 28 66 .. 150 00 .. 174 40 .. 25 75 1 90 412 96 To balance.............. $224 03 ; Very respectfully vours, F. SANCAN, Town Treasurer. ! F. SANCAN, Treasurer, in acrouut with Euirrtaiiimeut Fund. To balance on hand....................$32 60 By Warrant No. 454, P li Lorio $12 5 J *' 455, J Auslet.. 5 00 ) " !50. Mrs. liobi- ■ ehaux...... 2 59 510. T Lagarde 11 50 31 50 To balance.................. 31 10 ; '•'lit* 4'olleclor's Report Whaifage............................ :t«> 00 Licenses............................ 500 Fines................ 12 50 [Signed) J. AUSLET, Collector. The Mai bet Master's report for the months of July and August shows collections to amount to $lt3.00 There being no further business the Coan oil adjourned. I. D. MOORE, Mayor, xl. L. Boudreaux, Clerk. The First Sign Of failing health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is most effective for giving tone ami strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestion and assimilation of food, restor ing the nervoua forces to their normal condition, and for purifying, enriching, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten vears ago my health began to fail. J was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, aud Nervous ness. I tried various remedies prescribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go up stairs with out stopping to rest. My friends recom mended me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and 1 am now os healthy and strong ns ever. — Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Miun. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it ns a tonic, as well as an alter ative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine ever compounded. —W. F. Fowler, D. D. S., M. D., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be Impossible for me to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians and tried a great many kinds of medicines, hut never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for • short time, my headache disappeared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is com S letelv restored. — Mary Harley, Spring eld, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates the system. regulates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vitalizes the blood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. — H. D. Johnson, 383 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas. Price SI; (lx bottles. If. THIBODAUX NEWS DEPOT, -AT Thibodaux Post Office, R. R. McBRIDE, Prop. Has constantly on band for sale all the latest Magazines and other periodicals of the daV. Also a fall line of Stationery, Blank Books aud writing material of all kinds. All order* for any publication or newspaper in the world attended to with dispatch at publish er's prices Literary persons should not for get the Thibodaux News Depot. Firemen's Exchange HOUMA, LA. F. X. Zeringer, - - Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and CIGA.BS. GPAlso a Fine Fifteen-ball Pool Table. apr7'88-ly Picayune and Lafourche SAW MILLS, Near Donaldsonville, La. A. ESNEAULT & SONS, PROPRIETORS. Molding* Flooring , Ceiling. ty Lumber of all k inds on hand or sawed to order on short, notice at lowest prices Satisfaction guaranteed. Encourage home enterprise aud try tile Picayune and La fourche mills before making contracts else where. J. DUSCH, Fashionable Tailor. ZERNOFFS BUILDING, Main St., bet. St. Louis and St Philip Streets, _ Cpa.i'toodLa.vL*. La. TO SUGAR PLANTERS! 1831-1888. HONNABEL'S BISULPHITE^ LIME H. BONNABEL, --OFFICE 29 Bienville St. New Orleans. scp22'88-3ui 2HRILVER LIVERY STABLE! Horses A Buggies at all Hour* Bay and Xiglii. Connection made irilh Texas Train for ho,, ma, coming East and West. On band all hours at niglit. Passengers t,-av cling by Texas Train, to or from New Or leans. will find eonveninci at 8CHRIEVKR STABLE without telegraphing to Thilio daux. On baud all times. hectar f. crosier. A. B0UR0N, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Mam and St. Philip Streets, Tiubodaux, La. K EEP constantly on band a large and com plete assortment of FIiYE IBWELRT WATCHES * CLOCKS. In connection with the above a great v® rietyo GUNS, PISTOLS. POWDER, CARTRIDGES, Hunting Materials Ete, The Celebrated "ELGIN WATCHES" constantly on baud. —ALSO THE NEW— American Sewing Machine — AMD— LOT OF ACCOKDEONS. HT Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, Fire arms, Ac., carefullyrepaired and guaranteed ... . A lull atook of attachment®, oil and need les tor nil kind of Sewing Machines enn be 4 B0CR0N . Corner Main and St. Philip street. M. MASON. J. C. M. ROBERTSON. CRESCENT HALL SALOON, MASON A CO., Proprietors. -DKALEP.3 1M FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. BS8E7 OlBlI&ilAp Iy-Ap3'86. D. A n. IIOFFUAXIV, CABINETMAKER -AND BEPAIRER, Bin dtreet, bet. 8t-Pliilip and larkauu Sts THIBODAUX, LA. jtURNITURE manufactured and repaired. at the shortest notice. )M. AUGUSTIN LEGENDRE, FELIX P. SEVIN. > late of Brand dr Legendre, J Thibodaux, La. The above named gentlen ;n under the firm name of SEVIN & LEGENDRE, inform their friends and the public that they have forme a commercial co-partnership, at 113 DECATUR STREET 113 (Store Rooms No. 129 Decatur Street.) New Orleans, where they will transact a General Commission Business Will attend to the sale of Rice, Sugar, Molasses , Eggs, Chicle ens, Hides , Wool , Moss, Furs and all country produoe generally. Liberal Advances on Consignments. JN0. A. HUBBARD, Commission Merchant, 40 POYDRA8 8T. -and «» and 71 PETERS STREET, NEW ORLEANS. F^lleceives consignments of Cotton, Sn gar. Molasses, Rice. Hides, Wool. Fnrs, Moss, Eggs, etc. Advances made oil Crops and Consignments. Orders for Merchandise filled at lowest prices. mayl9'88-ly Si. Pliilp street, Thibodaux, l.a. [Successor to Mrs. M. E. Hesse. 1 TDTtrsr .AJ5TID i".A.:fcTcrsr liter; Coeds ud Hobs, Etc, Etc, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, --latest style of - STRAW aud FELT HATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES -AND - Artificial Flowers. DATS TRIMMED TO ORDER A SPE NI3'86 Cl ALT Y. BUY THE JAMCUS. ■ /r WILL T , ,„*! ty^EVES ] \b-ry versa:*/ XV P. CAiiljn. Danger! A neglected cold or cough mav lead to I'lieiin.on Is,Consumption or other fatal . di-ease. Strong's Pectoral Piiln will cure a cold s* by magic. Iie«t thing for>. I dig**- sick headache as thousands testif*-. THE PERFECT American SewingL ... Best 1 n the Work Address. O. L. GEER, N 180 Canal I Nr Site Be New! INDORSED El SCIENTISTS AS practically! Indestructible Over COO Beautiful Deeigno. MANL'FACTVRBD ST MONUMENTAL BRONZECC nmvNu. comm. | >• T- GRISA] -A.O-EN T, For the parishes of Assoml foarche and Terreboi Call at hit office in B. R. Store and tee specimens at JOHN W. TM Cappnr, Tim W*rl«K It Philip St katvMs TUI Thihodau, la, -Keeps on hand a foil tine i COOK AND STOVES. —Alec agent tor I ho* Charter Oak and Stoves. arttealar attention given to Guttering. THIBODAUX F0UI L. KEKFK, Peopi Tliiboduux, Las H AVING purchased the above known establishment, takes | ire in aunouuciug te the plant -->.* refitted t ho Foundry ai 'ih-ip. aud is now prepared todo n ins line, with nearness auddii STEAM ENGINES, SCO A U MILLS, DRAINING \YREELS, SR AI TIRO and QEA -AND— C ASTI EOS tf all descriptions made to order Agent for Knowles Steam and Judson Core -ALL KINDS OF Bi'nes Caetinj -SUCH GO AGE COCKS. CYLINDER and PUMPt GLOBE VAL VE3, t raade toorder and furnished nt notice. Having refitted the blao he can do all kinds of work! in the beet manner and with < lie reaoeetfuliy solicits the former patronage extended I zbliahtnent. FRANK BARK Successor to Barker St Commission Me AND nCAt.ZU IN ALL XUO* COUNTRY PRO COTTON SUGAR, M0I Rice, Potatoes, Eggs , fli max, Tallow , Wool, Moss, Poultry, Ete., No. 119, Decatur NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Ceulgama nggplMR, _______