Newspaper Page Text
€nc vfhiOoDau* Scntuul SATURDAY, NOV. 10, 1888. Don't Grumble ami Fret. Don't grumble and fret, A ■brighter day yet Is coming for van and for me : ir we wait and he still And work with a will A better day yet we shall see. D«rf i grumble and fret. Hot try to forget The things that worry and tease : If we drive a wav care. Keen sunny and fair, Many things that nopall ns will please. Don't grumble and fret. There's time enough yet Torelieve what maUesthe hi art bleed: Although you are poor. Of this istill be sure. You'll get of this, world all ton need. Don't grumble and fret. And go off in „i jx-t Because you are standing alone : When you raids stand at all. Onlv stumble and fall. We i! pardon you i.fiet: if \oi Don t gmiMuie and fret. Fhe Still ims not set. But still is shining on td-ii : Be. eheerttd gi :•«]. Not gioom\ sail. And tears v, ill f .-ind w l i t. ( | ... Don't. _ ; e .. ,, ,d r Vi Man, other, t - h e mm Lik« you h r <■ he. .> Tllei Went h >• ,l! . With a )»;av: ; and a. .on-. \tul at la.r, wmv s-ieci ... , thoughts and opiMe>:s. Gbeat soul** hav their tam" To In the watchword died for irnOi. liltera-* . jus i'v. cMiraj,. ami >. i '.. .» • liroiurh Tim\ a corn in • ;•»** R clay ur hi! Liu ill. ■iT:tire, ■- Riloiffi. .../.!>/...... > 'Joi n ne remedy f>r lynehit: is co i lynchers aeenruing ; «• law. e/H-iu lent. Detcen t And heroei — (JhnrU tine. Tm: tr haDg tin The liul In the present state of affair, at Washington the President ma-t not i»nly be an honest man. but be must i«a a cause ef honesty in ethers. Wa ins MavVeagh. Not amalgation. lint truth, jn-tiee, human brotherhood, Christian love, the Itospel of Christ are tlie remedies for R» e atrocious principle, of caste.—AV/:. J>r. Ale.r Crummtl!, t! r. Independent. Hk that says God is unknown, by bis Tory sentence bears testimony that there is a God. His subject is a con fession of faith -God. His predicate is a confession of ignorance—unknown. —Lyman Abbott. Ite: modern newspaper lias become a modern neeessitv. There is not a community in al! the land which would consider tlie deprivation of a newspa per for any length of time, less than a case of distress .—San Frauri.-ro Bul letin. Iv the history of all superstitions, hallucinations, chicanery, or other sciences of vulgar error," faith is not only harder to combat with than com mon sense, lmt faith in evil is more ob stinate than faith in good.— The Atlan tic Month h/. Ihf faith of eig ;liteen is that sorirtT exists for its sake. Middle age is erous uii'l tolerant . and does not (•ll!V if) tell tlie young tl bat they are valued mainly for their future, and tl iilt the real work of the \\ orhi done 1 1»v men who lia\e ceased to lie ornann nlal.— A a) el in Burr. If I wnuted to< bli. oil.l t...... 1 '•lean out a s» T ful. Now, in pr-ranep. wlii flue ,I ion great cause <>1 morality tve can g< Henri! : Ii-' a nu yet is pc.; even tho: self, ];(> these olil dryer f i ■ 1 Mil it tii' at involves in it . . ,.1. - 0. ill- tlie bottom . ■ V.,'. I ilo not s • • • U'V •'. on; I j ■ ' 7/<r. 1 V'dutiot •in st ' (i;ic.iu ! go till ' v advantage. ■y .1 timber men- n . s Arl: is to-dav- .-., ia n they attempt to lord it over men ot ; .. a j and enthusiasm I don'i criticise tltrin; they criticise tl.em-.elve--.— lu-nn] Ward Beecher. Thk transfer of population has re sulted not from caprice, but from great changes in the industrial life; and it tvill not be checke 1 so long as tlie pres ent and industrial arrangements continue, i.ven the old saw-mill that nsed to deafen ns with its clatter by the brook-side for perhaps a dozen hours a week, has come to the city, taken a steam boiler in place of the old brook, and fills the air with its humming Voice a dozen hours a day, six days in the week .— Northwestern Christian Advocate. If history tells us anything it de clares that morality, true civilization, true progress cannot be guaranteed bv ■ny mau-made philosophy or ethical •ystem. Reason alone is insufficient to guide nu. Reason married Circum stance m days of old, and the offspring J * 8 Egyptian materialism, classic my thology, Syriac T&ebaism. Reason rnwried Revelation at Sinai The re * h " "f en Mosaism, from whose ugnt the fiery cross obtains its bril *"^ a , n r d cre 8 ceut gleamour.— ■066* ITendes. How the Duchy ef Prmda came to tha Hoheazollerua. The country in question lies along the coast of the Baltic, east of the river Vistula. The natives—the Prussians, or Po-Russian3—were Slavs by race, heathen by religion, fishermen and hunters by occupation; and they were ever ready to fight, and fight bravely, for their religion, their homes, and their independence. But the church could not tolerate their religion, and sought to carry them the Gospel of Peace on the point of the sword. With the sword the barbarians resisted; and - more than one pious expedition march ed into the fatal disaster. At length it was determined to call in the Teutonic Knights—an order of chivalry founded j during the Crusades, and in the early j part of the thirteenth century settled j without employment at Venice. Those ! zealous adventurers responded with ; eagerness to the appeal. They receiv- ! ed a grant of the country from the Pope ! and the Emperor, set about the con- I quest with energy and method, and ! eventually subdued the natives under I their authority :.*nl that of the Church, j For two centuries they governed well. ■ The country was prosperous, and the \ knights, though a privileged caste, averse to labor, set at least an example j of temperance and equity. But luxurv : and idleness began finally to work their ; • fleets, and by the fifteenth eentnrv the i frights had lost their habits of sobriety, their sense of justice, their ; ■' and -ki'l in batf'e. Tn wars with Poland they were repeatedly un- j - ic-essful. mu! paid for their'defeatsby ! t < ioss t. it it orv. The | o-t of Grand j Ms.-tci (.1 .!>!• eider went begging all : ; sad oeu <ed to be a post <•:• of pow< r. But early 1 i eenlni' t i choice fell j Hohen/t r of the Nu- j ' ■ of the ... n.iy. and he tiie resolnt :o s to restore > id lu Albeit . erg l i lit: task wa Empire t-.l ff.itu u. - of the coViiir. Tho S iliflit-u! t. 1'lie juinc: ,s of tho , ti. wl.ti ii Albert applied for i.. Ip, gi, ■ I o: • a::d lvc ouiv ; i'lv:c . Martin Luther, ■d. lb ii rave advice, adopted the ! 1 * order, and i >. he him- I s<til of the I :i 1 iih lie ar bc'o.-nii.tion. stcu create I ihc Duchy of Pm self ianng liiike. and a 11 puldi'* of Poland. \\ jt I. this revolution begins the chain ■ : circumstances which led to the ac ifiiisit'on of tiie duchy by Alberts kins men of Brandenburg. It will suffice to my that in loG l the right of succession in the duchy, on (he failure of direct heirs of Albert, had been secured to the • lectors of Brandenburg l>y treaty with Poland, that in 1618 this contin r< ney arrived, and that John Sigis mund, w ho had a further claim based on his marriage with a granddaughter of Albert became Duke of Prussia._ Herbert Tuttle, in Harper V Maga zine. Tvi'KAM iM, the loftiest of the Su matra volcanoes, is 11,500 feet high. Al the summit the temperature is eight de grees. A ksv.ctk? simplicity is refined im« ooe Lure. — Roc hefaneault. \ ■•"H ■ >> lislilnelit is oi'd.-r ami e meet wil Ii s > oininaud. 1 ■ al die The Sultan's Day's f«A. A salary of $10,000 a day would ap pear to those who have but few wants a nic e competency. That is the daily wages of Abdul Hamid, and no sover eign alive earns his money harder. Out of that sum lie it. '••<, moreover, to pay lor his ow n board, tire, and candles, his lodgings ah me iuo tree: so that consid footing on which his estab i. laced, Le must lie a man of ' •onomy to make both ends •<; ymdi an income at his I .sere is. indeed, no more ■ '■■i <■ man in his empire ' • io;d it i ■ literally ime y eats l.i; bread in f HIS brow. I f«. <ri'v, , ■ -■ ■ ■' -A > . .ve ■ l • • • ' f.i-llt.! find it oi l T • ■■■■ . ; rv. 1 so i Veil to r-'J c.'tsi sa ined approved o , c pons s eoase; led leeora-.itns gr;-:;. d, m : .'-.tors and f :i«ias3aa;<vs •• c_* ve.I, rn-.' i si goes on - - sever..! i.onr;. Toward noon a second carpet is spread at. the feet of • be ruler of the faithful, whereon he pvavs again, and then takes his second breakfast. After that lie goes out for a drive, and when he returns he is at tho disposal of his family and the inhabi tants of the palace. He gives audience to his brothers and sisters, listens to tho i ej ort of the household officers, confers with the chief of the eunuchs on all sorts of delicate subjects and gives him his orders. The imaum. or chaplain of the palace, also comes in the evening, and the sultan prays or reads some pions book with him. Three times in the week the sultan takes lessons on tha piano from a French teacher— that is, he listens to his teacher playing a few morceanx, but never plays a single scale himself. Later in the evening he dis patches more state business, and then an honr before midnight he, aocom puned only by the chief of the eunuchs, retires to the mysterious recesses of the harem.— Exchange. l j Sore Eyes The eyes are alw iy* in sympathy with the body, and afford an excellent index of its condition. When the eyes become weak, and the lids inflamed and sore, it is an evidence that the system has become disordered by Scrofula, for which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy Scrofula, which produced a painful in flammation in my eves, caused me much suffering for a number of years. Bv the advice of a physician I commenced taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this medicine a short time I was completely Cured My eves are now in a splendid condition, ami 1 atn as well ami strong as ever.— Mrs. William Gage, Concord, X. 11. For a number of years I was troubled with a humor in my eyes, and was unable to obtain any relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has effected a complete cure, ami 1 believe it to be the best of blood purifiers. — C. E. Upton, Nashua, X. 11. From childhood, and until within a few months, I have been afflicted with Weal and Sore Eyes. I have used for these complaints, with beneficial results, Aver's Sarsaparilla, ami consider it a great blooo purifier. — Airs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt. I suffered for a year with inflamma tion in my left eye. 'Three ulcers formed on the ball, depriving me of sight, and causing great pain. After trying many other remedies, to ho purpose, 1 was filially induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and. By Taking iiircc bottles of this medicine, have been entirely cured. My sight has been re stond, and there is no sign of inflamma tion. sore, or ulcer in mv cvp. — Kendal 1. Bowen, Sugar Tree liidgc.'ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflicted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During the ia>t two years she never saw light of anv kind. Physicians of the highest standing exerted their skill, but with no pernian* lit success. On the recommendation of a friend f purchased a bottle of Aver's Sar saparilki, which my daughter commenced taking. Before she had used the third b-.tile her sight was restored, and she can now look steadily at a brilliant light with out pain. Her cure is complete. — W. E. Sutherland, Evangelist, Shelby City, Kv. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, frepare.1 by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Maw. Bold by all Druggist*. I rice $1; sit Louies, $i. i THIBODAUX NEWS DEPOT, -AT Thibodaux Pont Office, K. R. McBRIDE, Prop. Has constantly on hand for sale all the latest Magazines and oilier periodicals of the day. Also a full line of Stationery. Blank Books aud writing material of all kinds. All order* for any publication or newspaper in tiie world attended to with dispatch at publish cr « prices Literary persons should not for get the Thibodaux News De|«>t. Firemen's Exchange HOUMA, LA. F. X. Zeringer, - - Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cld^HS. !=***-Uso n Fine Fifteen-ball Pool Table. ______________! Picayune and Lafourche SAWMILLS , year Donald sour ill e, La. A. ESN EAULT & SON'S, iMtoPKii; rotes. Mofdintf' Floodlit/, Ccilina. :l k o. 'ir.h- 1 - mi | ; f .. f S:tti«l;l(*ti.»n!iiK j, , i j. • * ' i«*: t 1 ! : [yy • l*i• ■;' \ usi-* end \ *•* III ! k ; ' i rt. Alt* ■*5h TO SUGAR PLANTERS! J HoJ-1SSSS 15 OIV IVyVI i KI .''jvi 'BISULPHITE* LIME H. B0NNABEL, --OFFICE 25) Bienville St. New Orleans. sep22'8S-3ui 2HRIEVER LIVERY STABLE! Hoi-son 4c Buggies j, II H OUr * Buy and Vig| lt . Connection made with Texas Train for Ho., ma, coming Rati and West. a !' boure at night. Pussengers trav cling by Texas x ram, to or fmm New O stabtv h "! 1 CODVe| unc«s at SCHKIKVKR "TABLE without telegraphing to Thiho daux- On hand all times. K ° HECTAR F. CROSIER. A. B0UR0N, Matchmaker ana Gunsmith Cor. Main and St. Philip Streets, Thibodaux, La. K EEP constantly on hand a large and com plete assortment of FLYE lEtt ELRY WATCHES & CLOCKS. In connection with the above a great v° lietyo GUNS, PISTOLS. PO WDER. CARTR IVORS. Him lint, Materials JCte• The Celebrated 'ELGIN WATCHES" ! constantly on baud. —ALSO TUK NEW— American Sewing Machine — USD— LOT OF ACCOKDEONS. J fV Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma | chines. Kite arms, &c., carefully repaired and j guaranteed A lull stock of attachments, oil and need ! lea lor all kind of Sewing Machines can l»e had by applying to A. BOURON. Corner Main and St. Philip street. THE PEBFECniiinBa AmericanSewingMacbiit. Best: n cho World t ^ A**,ess. O. L.CEER, 189 Canal Street. New Orleans,!/ Far Sile Bv FINE MINES, LNJUOKS AND CIGARS. S 3 $ W JIB 5 5i 3 p •ApHSti. i A M. MASON. J. C. M. ROBERTSON. CRESCENT HALL SALOON, 7 MASON & CO., Proprietors. II. HOFFMANN, CABINETMAKER -AND j. REPAIRER, Itoia Street, bet. 8t-Philip and Jackson Sts THIBODAUX, LA. LCRNITDRE man ii factored and repaired ■W ■* the shortest not>os. ______ JNO. A. HUBBARD, iCommission Merchant, 4 ° voruBASST - FELIX _ __ U1M >«•- AUGUSTIN LEGENDRE, • • 5EVIN. > late ot Braud A Legendre, ) Thibodaux. La. The above named gentlera :n under the firm name of SEVIN & LEGENDRE, inform their friends and the pnblic that they have tonne a commercial co-partnership, 113 DECATUR STREET 113 (Store Rooms No. 129 Decatur Street.) New Orleans, where they will transact a General Commission Business Will attend to the sale ef Bice, Sugar , Molasses , Eggs , Chick ens, Hides , Wool, Moss , Furs and all country produce geusrally. Likertl Advances en Consignments. 40 TOY DR AS -and «» and 71 PETERS KTIti:r.T, XUH ORLEANS. IJeeeixc I'linsjgnineutrt of f'otton, S -'•r. Moiii*<cs, l,'i<-<'. Hide., Wool. Furs, Moe l-ggs. cti'. Advances mado on t'rons an (.'oiiMgnnients. Orders for .Merchandise till, at lowest prices. niayllLSH ly L. Pe I'ldlp •tireel. I Sncc. ssor to Mr 'I'll ■ ImmI ;i ii \, | ' -M. II. Hesse. I « stu? VUIms Ws S-.i-Ii tv, 1 VllUaj Uti4 tSsU. D*kl TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, --latest style ot STRAW and FELT I1ATS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACKS ilrliSicial FIdwcitm. RATS TRIMMER TO ORDER A SPE Klti'SC Cl A LTV. y\ ,; i \' \ y ■■I 1 . \'C *5sr l^K '$4 I have used Oouaux's Pile Ointment fo- tlie last two years in my practice and I have sue ' n cver V ease. Dr. Cas. Gxudkt druggist 1 ' 8Mmp C8 ° f Anti Ast buiatio : at your cf-T '•> ENDORSED ET •ifT-d LETTER A> u SCIENTISTS AS %^k j? CHEAPER PRACTICALLY [^Tj m m Mesircuiiiis Over i Beaut Deeign CG ful F 7 CIIE. Send for List a Tulare. r .. mani f.ctwssd by «ONUMEOT*L 5 |RON2ECOMP«.Y, S T- GRISAMORE A.OENT. For the parishes of Assomption, L» fonrebe and Terrebonne. Call at his office in R. R. McRridds Store and see specimens and designs TROTTBE, Cwi to- nmgas. letwesn TUMsa aafr'SMfel nikodsu, la, _ -Ksaps on hand a (Ml Qao tt COOK AND HEATING \ STOVES. —Also agent tor tha 1'hartcr Oak and AhmI Stove*. .artioalar sUssilun givea la lad^iad* Guttorlag. THIBODAUX FOUNDRY! L. KEEFE, Proprietor. Thilioiliiux, La., H A\ I NO iiuri-liiiK-ii the above and wall' known estai.lisliiiient, takes irreat ploaSt ........ aiinoiiiu-iiig to tho planter* that h^ T-'* veili(eil ih.> Foundry and Machinal '-•■•t*. aad is now prepared to do snv work) '*• l -w bus. with neat oca* auddispatok. ^ STEAM EXCISES, * S U if A It MILL.!. DILI /Xl.Vf,' WHEELS, SR A t TISO and G EASIER, -AND CA STISOS ar.,n ilesrriptuuis ma>la to order Agent Jdr Knowles Steam Pumps and Judson Governors , -ALL KINDS OF Brass* -SUCH AS GUAGE COCKS. C YLISDEH and PUMP COOKS. < GLOBE VA/j VE3 t tic., ttZf* i •aade toorder and furnished at tho shortaaii tjolico. Having refitted the blaoksmlth sbonJ he can do all kiuds of work la that Uaa? .n the best manner and with dlspatoh. *1 He resuectfuliy solicits a ooutiuaano* Ml the former patiuuaga extended to i 1 * 1 * a{| tblislimect. FRANK BARKER,. Successor to Barker Sl Sevia, J Commission Merchant, v AND DBAI.ER IN ALL KIIM OP COUNTRY PRODUCE, COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Rice, Potatoes, Eggs, Honey, Bern wax, Tallow, wool. Sides , ' Moss , Poultry , Etc., Etc., T £ No. 119 , Decatar Street, NEW ORLEANS. Liberal Advances Made i Canslgnmenti. aas-l»(^ _ j