Newspaper Page Text
cm. JOURNAL OF THE 9 Ta SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official Journal of th.s Farisli c i 3LavouLrclie and tHe To-ccra of Thobodataac. VOL. XXV. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S. 1880. XO. 9. flaisiiii S!«! Lsttsrj Company ] ncur|ll iigteil liv the legislature for <iiir«rionfli ami charitable purposes, anil its tanchiw mail*- a part of the present Statu ^natitiition. in 1879. l>y an overwhelming PQTULAR VOTE. Its BRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW [NgS take place Semi-Annually, ( lime ami jKsmlter.) atnl its GRAND SINGLE NKYl DRAWINGS take place on each ot the r ten months in the year, ami ate all t iu public, a the Acailemy of Music, Orleuti.s, La. "Wedo hereby certify that wo supervise iesinuigemeiits for till the Monthly anil Senii ;cul Drawings of t he lainisiana State Lot tCo.. anil in |terson manage and control , Drawings themselves, and that tiie same oooilacted with honesty, fairness, anil in id faith toward all parties, and we ailthor tbe Company to use this certificate, with _iiutiles ol our signatures attached, in its idtertwements." i rtlAC I ION HPREC c DENft il R"i 1 OVER A MU MON DISTRIBUTED! Commissioners, We, the undersigned Hanks and Rankers psy all drawn in the Louisiana t Lotteries, which may be presented nt r coo titers. I. B. imJSLKI, Prest. La. Jia*. Bank. f.UYGX. Prest. State Nat. Bank. 1. BAIJitVPf, Prest. >. O. Nat. Bank. (1U KOHN, Prest. Union Nat. Bask. irand Monthly Drawing;, WILL TAKE CLACK JU the Academy cl Music. New Orleans. TUESDAY. OCT. IX, 1889. BU 3 EE $ 300,000 10,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars; lalves, $10; Quarters. #5; Tenths, $2; Twentieths $1 ; visl of Prliea. 1 PRIZE or 9300,000 is.......... $:}00 000 PRIZE OF PRIZE OK 1 PRIZE OK i PRIZES OK 5 PRIZES OK PRIZES OK PHIZES OK PRIZES OK PRIZES OK 100.000 is.... 50.000 is.......... ¥5,000 is. ........ 10,000 are........ 5.000 are........ 1.000 are........ 500 are........ 300 arc........ 200 at e....... 100.000 50.000 25.000 20.000 25.000 25.000 50.000 60.000 100,000 Aim-rojcim vtion Prizes. Piiies nf $5011 are............$ ilo 300 :ne.............. tic •MO are.............. Tucmin.i l Phizes tlo UK' are.............. do 100 are.............. IM Prizes, nmii.inllnz to $1,05 I,SOO agents wanted everywhere Put; Cut! It me- if - in furiher iufor e desired, writ.- IrgibL i.. tin- under led.clearly stating nnr iivilcinff, with touiity. Sired nnd Xuiuhcr. Vlore return iiih;! delivery will he assured by it ft rinsing .in envelope bearing your I address. IMPOKTATr. ordinaiy I cicis containing Postal ,Xutiev Orders issued by all Kxpress firs Of New York Exchange. »<1 H A IMIPIll.K, New Orleans. La. »Registered Lepers containing Currency y «r Orleans National Hank, New Orleans, L.». 5EMCF.1! I'hat the oif y genuine. Louis N»t« Littery Tickets issued under the "Uurter. are recognized by the highest invariably signed by ,Y1 A. Dau President. Embnsi-d by Geuorals tA»D and KaRI.v, .Mipervisors of the Js. and guaranteed by National whew Orleans, as to the payment ot —~ others are Genuine. •Mailed ■•Supplements.'' •'Original -.LtHtiaiaiia" or other iiuitations with Wen! lie- Lmi-inna State laittery * tisiiie. i»v persons unknown, un -fil nr liciitiotis names, arc attempts the public by false pretenses, of guarantee whatsoever. .^R THAT' ONE DOLLAR is at (he smallest |«irr. or fraction of a ltd in any drawing Anything in •nrn-d at a less price is either a tlw a swindle. GLES! •hyearload delivered on the bayou, wualway*. on baml. Apply to o. L. CARO, ,-W's Lumlter Yard, or to the -t Sentinel. _____ % --- rks! Bricks! Harang's Canal, "CKS, first quality, delivered iJf <*f bayou Lafourche, at per M. Wanted Every Stockowner in Louisian To Purchase ONE-QUARTER DOZEN Vermont's Colic and Bol Cure AND ONE DOZEN Vermont's TONIC P 0 W 0 ERS. P^~By doing this you save thousands of dollais. When mules and horses are overworked and in poor condition these powders restore their lost Vigor and Strength. ETTHERE IS NO SULPHUR IN THESE POWDERS. Cattle can he exposed to the weather and worked the satue as usual. N YERMOKT'S COLIC AND BOT CORE CrWILL POSITIVELY CURE any ease of COLIC or ROTS. The sttle of this preparation lists been enormous, ONE HUNDRED BOTTLES having l wen sold in the last six weeks, with nothing but praise as the result. These preparations are recoinnwded by the following-named gentlemen : N. W. Whitehead, Leon Drexler Sc Son, Altred Choi, Jim Malbrongh, H. Tetreau, Arthur Malbrongh, W. K. Denny, D. Denny, Fnink Tompkins, E. G. Robichaux, Wilson Lepiuc, John Tompkins, II. A. Frost, John W. Pugh, Dr. Dansereau, Dr. Bourgeois, \V. H. Ragan. Emile Tonps, Feiuaud Iliunt gosssi, E. H. Lacroix, Capt. Garrett, E. Roger, Elvin Himel, Arthur Naquin, Thus. Roger, Ernest Foret, Hertnogene Boudreaux, Peter Kantrowitz, C. O. Ronssetiu, A. Guigitn, J. M. Springer, Theodttle Bailie, C. V. Williams, Eva iste Mire, Klebert Bourgeois, Clayton Badeaux, Ben Walker, If. II. Donssat, Leo Bailie, II. B. Howell. John Bap tiste Bourgeois, T, Ronrg, M. Beeler, Taillieit & Co., Justillien Mire, Eugene Gnillot. MANUFACTURED BY F. H. Gruneberg, ThiWmix Drug Store. rV For sale by all retail grocers a mi druggists. Wholesale by Finley A Brunswig, N. O. * je9-ly. ! ! j i , 1 I F. F. HAN SELL & HRO., PUBLISHERS, Bmm m smmm, -Wholesale Dealers in-- Druggist Sundries & Notions, 28 «C 30 CAMrSTREET, >ew Orleans. Represented by J. B. CLEMENTS. JOS. OSCHWALD, (Successor to Jus. Cherault.) Shaving Saloon, Hair' Cutting, Shampooing, etc., a Specialty. MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. H. N. Coulon, NOTARY PUBLIC, MARK El ST REE I, THIBODAUX, I.A. Hocma. La., Jan. 30. 1889. A few doses ot Gouunx's Anti Asthmatio mixture has relieved me of a Tory bad ennth. my little dsnjthter has been eared al so, by taking the same. A. C. HOIlERT, 3 (The Barber.) CF"Advertise in the Sentinel. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 2(>ih Judicial District Court, Par Lit of Lafourche. 3 1 10 % 1 I II) CLERK'S OFFICE. > Thiboduttx, Aug.23th, 1889.$ Thereby certify that outlie 17th day ot August. 1889. the following named persons " • ie drawn by the jury commissioners of said parish, to serve as j trots lor theenstiuig teitu of sai l court bcjiuniug on Yloudav, < tetoher I4:h. 188!l. F«r the t est week of said court beginning on Monday, October Hth, IS89, to serve as grand and petit jutors. its follows, viz : NO. NAME WARD, 1 Adam, Emile 1 if 2 Webre. Wnitny 3 Hadley, Henderson 1 Uasset. .lilies 5 Keefe, .losepli 6 Webltor, William 7 Klammer. Joseph 8 Webre. Leonard 9 iligganboi ham. Mark T. 10 Gueilry, V tl -re 11 <*rdogoe. .Inlien 12 Guiilrv. J V. 6 13 Seely, v. J. I I j LeBInne. J. Louis 2 15 Adam. Tanker 1 In Se.-ly Paul , 1 17 Barrios, 1'ierrc 4 IS laee. Ambe 10 19 Bonrg. Oscar * 2 20 Bourgeois, Emile "5 21 Tonps, Ozen.e 7 22 .Stott, Arthur 3 23 Lclilanc. I'liomas 4 24 Bourgeois. Joseph 10 25 Kuoldoch Watson 2 26 Beliinidt. Gustave 2 27 Bcativiiis, E. A. 7 28 le-nain, .1. It. 2 21* Itiviere. Niima 2 30 Heltert, Eugene 5 31 la-pine. Wilson 7 32 Eelort. Joseph M 3 32 La-seigtie Lucius 5 <'■1 LeBlaile. Ilallipton 3 31 Hargis. O einent II. 4 35 Lefort, Wallace 3 36 Abdler. Frederic t» 37 Doniiaitd. Abel 7 38 Jones. Joseph 2 39 Newell, Evariste 7 40 Bn nil leant. F L 9 41 Itodrigue. Florestan .5 42 Cull loud. Joseph F. 'J •13 Braud. Emile (souof L.) 3 44 Mire. Oieus E. 1 4.* Kevin, Joseph 7 46 LeBlaue, Leo 5 47 Darden, it. p. 7 48 Bamagossit Fernand I 49 Perrin. Edward 5 50 Morvant, Eyariste 1 For the second week of said court begin ning on Moiulay, October gist. 1389. astul lows, viz : * -'-c" J Rramitier, Lawrence Bergeron, Arthur T. Hock, lloinan Pan, Aurelien la l'lune, Arthur Ooillot. Furev Lagarde, lTviation s Landry, Nigduqdii 1 9 Fon t Tramiiiond 9 10 Barrios Edgard 4 1 I Morvant, Robert 5 12 Tregle, H. V, 2 13 Ledet. P. A. 7 11 Sturkc, W. F. 2 15 Oailhuiet. F. P 6 16 Bourgeois, III site J. 5 17 Mounter. Jules 3 IS Reggio, Edward 8 19 Richard, A reside 2 2 !) Dcz audie. J. S. T. •t 21 Olivers. VV K. 2 22 White, Thomas J. 4 23 '1 mips, t tnc.sii 7 24 Bourgeoi-, Jules 0 25 Kcm-si l. 1 ,unis K. 3 26 Kerin*, Ytvrtilo 5 27 Tahoi.tihas M. 2 28 Legendre, t amiile J. 2 29 Gilcdrv. Oraeii-n 9 30 Y ompkiiis Flunk 1 — i Witness my hand and the impress L.S. >ot the seal ol iuy office at Thibodaux, - )tbis -0th day of Aug. A. D. 18.19. J. YV. KNOULDCII, v>ierk of Court. Ordiannce >0. 08. An ordinance empowering the Ylayor to impose upon any uud all violators of the revised by-laws and ordinances of the town •if Thibodaux, wherein the penalty ot a fire lias been provided for, the punishment of imnrisonmcnt not to exceed 39 days. Sec. I. Be it ordained by tie Mayor and Trustees of the town of Thibodaux, iu coun cil assembled. That wlietever in the revised by-laws and ordinances of the town ot Thibo daitx the Mayor is empowered to impose the penalty of a hue. that, in dctault of the pay ment of said hue, lie is hereby empowered to impose the punishment ol imprisonment, not to exceed thirty days. J. L. AUCOIN, Mayor. John B. Taylok. Clerk. PATENTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for MODEKATK our office is Opposite V. S. Patent Office and we can serure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with de scription. YVe advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till putent is procured. A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents,'* with names of actual clients in vonr State, county, or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO, C. 8. PATENT OFFICE, YVA8HINGTON, I). C. J. A. TRONE & SONS HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, THIBOUA UX, LA. 49-Imitation Wood* and Marbles of all hinds, cleaning graveyard marbles, inscrip tions for graves, etc. THE POLICE JURY OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS. I'irst Day'* Session, State of Louisiana, Paris', of Lafourche. > Thibodaux, La , Sept. Hi, 1889. \ The Police Jury of the parish, of L:\fourAhe met this day iu regular session. Present—President S. T. Grissuiore an- 1 Messrs. J. 8. Seely, L. F. Oaude, O. Lcpine. J ■ F. Parra, H. Avo, J. li. Bourgeois timl K. Barrilleanx. Absent—Messrs. F. Christian aud L. Le lille The minutes of the last session were and approved us recorded. Various claims were presented, read and referred to the Committee ou Claims. 1 iie billowing petition was presented aud laid over for futureaetion: Lockport La., August 3, 1889. To the President aud Yletubers of the Police Jury .• Gentlemen—The undersigned, residents ot the 4th aud 9th wards of this parish, beg res pectfully to request your honorable body to appropriate the necessary funds to erect in said wards, one being sufficient for both, a lockup or guardhouse therein priHoiters might be seemed until transportation to the parish seat might be had. Yours very respectfullv, G. A ti It I BAT, J It. P. N. IflZAN*. JAS. J. HARGIS, EMILE TOUPS, , ' JOSEPH GUIDIIOZ and others. The following petition was read aud re ceived : Lafourche Parish Sept. 10th.. 1889. To the Honorable President and Members of the Police Jury ot Lafourche : Gentlemen—Your petitioners, residents of Lower Lafourche would respectfu lly repre sent to your honorable body that the levee, ou the right descending bauk of the bayou, measuring a distance of about fourteen ar peuts from the White's cievasse to the up per line of Charles Ogeron ; the same levee which was staked out last year by State. En gineer Lewis, aud by him deemed unsafe has since caved iuto the bayou to a still greater distance, said levee now threatens dire des truction to any crop one may undertake for the coming year. Your petitioners would moreover ask df your honorable body whatever relief and as sistance you may deem advisable iu the pre mises. Signed, MABCEMN L EDICT. , PI Elf KK BREAUX. ERNEST GL'IDliOZ, V. GAUTKKAC, W. HUNTER and others. The following petition was also presented and read, aud the Jury by unanimous con sent decided that the Drainage commission ers bad full power in the premises, the same having been given to them by a popular vote : State ot Louisiana, Parish of Lafourche. To the President and Members of the Police Jury: We the citizeps of the Brulee Guillot Set tlement respectfully petition your honorable body to authorize the DiuiDage commission ers of this district to expend a portion of the Drainage funds ut the district ' towards cut ting a canal on rite lower line of the Joan Webre plantation, starting from u point 92 arpents from Bayou Lafourche, the iiue and course whereof is fully described in an au thentic act of donation by the late Jean Webre to the citizens of the Brulee Gnillot, dated the day of 18— and duly re corded iu conveyance book \o. 9, page 162 of this parish : Your petitioners beg to as-tire your honorable body that the cutting of this proposed canal will be ol great advan'agc to the said Brulee from adiaiuoge stand point and your petitioners respectfully ask of your body to grant this prayer and as in dulv bound will ever pray tr. THEO. CLEMENT, VOLZI BERNARD, J. B. ROGER, CLITUS ADAM. JOSEPH Al'UOIX and others. The circular letter of Board of State En gineers was ordered spread upou the min utes : •rFH E of State Enginkkhs. ) New Orleans, Sept. 9, 1889. ) To the Honorable Police Juries of the several uprariau parishes : Gentlemen—It having come under our ob servation that in many loealitiea in varions f arts of the State the pnhlic levees—especial y the new levees and those recently raised aud enlarged—are guttering injury by their use as raids, aud by the depredations of hog» and othCT roaming stock; wa respectfully ask tbe attention of the parochial authorities to the provisions of law on this subject, and beg them—iu cuses where they have not already dondWto take such early action as may hie neceslkry to effectually prevent their further abuse&td destruction. It is^ugested that Sec. 1 of Act No. 108 of 1888, Sec. 2 of Act No. 84 of 1884, and Sec. 2743, Revised Statutes (Fifth Clause) will lie found to place sufficient remedies iu your hands for tbe evils referred to. Verv respectfully, yonr obedient servants THE BOARD OF Sl'ATE ENGINEER*. Per Henkt B. Richardson, Chief State Engineer. The, following reports of the Treasurer on the GeueraT aud Draitiage funds of the parish were duly read aud referred to the proper committees: Trcasnrer's Report. From July 8, 1889, to Sept. 16, 1889. F. SANCAX, Treasurer, iu account with the Parish of Lafourche. To balance ouhand since last report |1750 33 To Receipts since— Licenses of 1889. — .......9 75 00 Current tax ol 1888............ 146 70 Duck taxes of 1887...... ...... 15 98—9237 68 Current tax nf 1888 ........... 44 47 Licenses of 1889.....-......... 465 00 Total receipts......$2497 48 By disburs?ments since— Con^ictioa tew............... 4000 Police jurors' p. d. St mileage 91 30 Salary ofoffiuers.............. 400 05 Coustaklefees............. .... 6875 Road and Lev. luspec/s sal. 216 25 Pensions and charity........ 52 00 Incidentals..........'.......... 180 94 Repair* ou voadsaud bridges.. 61 24 «it nesses.................... g 3 j Coroner's fees................ ](g j;-, Holding courts................ 65 00 Election expenses............ g 00 Sheriff's fees.................. 69 89 ' Cleaning courthouse......... 30 1)1): Boarding prisoners 3 mo....... 255 40 Justice ot the peace fees...... 44 til Jrtror.s certificates............. 4520 Trans, of 2 Insanes to Jackson 89 30 Binding records............... 187 00 Tax collector's commission. .. a7 35 ! Total disbursements.......... 2329 40 By balance .......9168 08 ASSETS. To Cash Balance.................. $ 168 08 Ass. roll '83, $2,295,890 at 5 m. 11479 45 Am t. col. ou 2,292.200 at 5 m 11401 00 Bui. uncollect'd $. 3.690 at 5 in.. 9 18 45 E a St p. uot fnd 3,510 at 5m____17 70 Prop, on litigat'11 150 at 5m____ 75— 75 Ast't r of '89 $2,324,620 •/ 4f..........10-460 79 Note of !•'. Davis, due Julv 1, 1889.........................|*f50 Note ot H. Campos, due Julv _ .1.1889...................50^17 Note of J. L. Thibodaux, due July I. 1889.. 23 75—180 62 00—$ 82 21 602 06 367 83 21 86 390 7 2 504 IH 220 76 360 43 100 53 $2650 78 Total assets......$10810 24 LIABILITIES. Old claims approved and re gisteied....................8 98 85 New claims salaries........... 562 50—C61 35 Assets over liabilities... .$10148 39 Respectfully submitted F. SANCAN. Parish Treasurer. THE DRAINAGE FUND. F. SANCAX, Treasurer, iu account with Drainage Fund. Dist No I—Ha), on hand J'v 8 $112 21 Less old. p'd to X. Mi re. I____30 00 DistXo2—To balance........ Dist No 3—To balance.......... Dist No 4—To balauce.......... Dist No 5—To balance.......... Dist No 6—To balance_________707 92 Less war pd Grisa i. ore 73 74 " " Cliriscian 100 Ott " " Foret 30 00—203 74 Dist No 7 — Balance............ Dist No 8 —Balauce........... Dist No 9—To balance......... \ Total Balance........ Respectful!v Submitted. (Signed) ' F. SAXCAN, m Treasurer. Thibodaux. La., Sept. 16, 1889. The following report of tbe President was ordered spread upou the minutes Thibodaux. La., Sept, 16, 1889. To the Police Jury : In accordance with directions of your honorable body 1 have bad the origiual acts in the Recorder's office bound for preserva tion. and convenience for reference. The work comprises thirty-four volumes, each with movable Index attached. The binding and indexes cost the slim of one hundred aud ciglity-seveu dollars, for which a warrant has been drawn upon the Treasurer and paid. It now remains for you to make arrangements to have the same properly indexed. A bridge over the Bayou Bleu, over which the residents ot tlie-said Bayou Bleu settle ment pass to reach the front having giveu way at the request ot the Iuspeetors of the ' roads iu the two parishes to have the same repaired, each parish bearing half the ex pense for one half of which I have warranted for. Respectfully S. T. GRISA.VIORE President. Piesideut declaring that the eleetiou of officers was now ordered Ylr. Leptue moved, seconded by Mr. Parra, that the eleetiou of the Road aud Levee inspectors be postponed until tomorrow carried. Mr. Parra seconded by Mr. Ayo moved that tiie election of the officers of the Jury and the commissioners of drainage be pro ceeded with immediately. Curried. The election ot president being first in ot del- the name of S. T. Grisamore. present in ctimbeut, was placed iu nomination aud there being uo other nomination, he was, ou motion duly made seconded and carried, de clared elected president of the jury by acclamation. II. N. Coulon, was nominated for the positiou of clerk, and there being no other nominations, he was declared elected by ac clamation. F. Sanean was nominated lor the Treastirership aud was likewise elected by ucclamatiou, there being uo other nomination. it. A. Frost, was declared elected Ser geant-at-arms by acclamation, there beiug no other nomination. Tne following Drainage Commissioners for the varions drainage districts of the parish were declared elected. Dist. No. 1 —E. U. Morvant. J. B. 8. Mire aud J. E. Coulon. Dist. No. 2.—John Mc.Cullow, J. C. Braud and Ozeme Naquin. Dist. No. 3.-8. Folse. J. Guidry, W. Le fort. Lubin Bergeron and O. Thibodaux. Dist No. 4.—C. A. Clandet, O, Tonps, F. P. Parra, YViliium Williams and Livaudais Le det. Dist. No. 5.—L. A. Trosclair D. Can eienuo and 8. Morvant. Dist. No 6. O. Lepiue, P. Toups and U. Prestenbach. Dist. No. 7.—C. 8 Mathews, R. Foret and II. Ayo. Dist. No. 8.—S. Bourg. Loviucy LeBlanc and J. T. Badeaux. Dist. No. 9.—Paul Lefort, V* Guidry and Estival Savoie. Ou motion of Mr. Seely seconded by Mr. Gaude tbe jury then adjourned to meet to morrow at IU o'clook a. m. 8.T. GRISAMORE. President H. N. Coupon, Clerk. Second Day's Messioa. Thibodaux. La., Sept. 17,1889. Tl e Police Jury of tho parish of Lafourche met this day pursuant to adjournment. Present—President Grisamore and Messrs. Seely. Lepino Gaude, Parra, Ajo, Bourgeois aud Barilleaux. Abnet—Messrs. Christian and Leri lie. A synopsis of the minutes of yesterday's session was read and adopted as such. CmlinutA oh fourth, page.