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entoncL JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official «Touznal of "biie I*aris3a. of X*ed oiarclio and 'Uae T own of TZiibodauac, VOL. XXV THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 r I88». NO, IS. hibqdeaux Comer Main and St. Philip CHRISTMAS Cards new year. BRUSHES, COMBS Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Photographic Albums, Vases. PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS CIGARS AND TOBACCO and GOODS PHARMACY, its, Thibodaux, La. Young and Old ONE! COME AUTOGRAPH Albums. SCRAP SHAVING Oases MANICURE Dressing Cases, Papeteries, Cups and Saucers, Photo Frames. YOURSELVES Assorted Pure Candies. FINE STATIONERY, ETC. nprecedentedATTRACTION ! OVER TWOHILUONS DISTRIBUTED U Louisian; Stie Lottery Company Incorporaed by the Legislature for luoationalaml charitable purpose*, and its franchise iftde a jart of the present State Constitntio, in 199. by an ovekwiielmino COI'CLAR V'TK. Its GKAJD EtTRAORPINtRY DRAW ISGS take place Semi-Annually, (Tone anil December. find its GRAND SINGLE NUM HEK DRAWINGS take plaee in each of the ether ten mnths in the year, and are all drawn in pblio. at the Academy of Music, New Orica*. La. "VVe do erehy certiTv that we supervise tbearramanentsforiiU the Monthly.and Semi Annual IHwinga of the l.oui>iana State Lot tery Co.,*nd in person manage anil control the Dramgs themselves, and that tile same sre cosseted with honesty, fairness, and in good fah toward all parties, and we author ii» the^ to u«o this certificate, with tarsi nr* of our signatures attached, iu its advert) men ts." Commissioners. Woiie undersigned Ranks and Bankers will (all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana ■Stateor.reries, which may be presented at ■our caters. R. WALB8LEY, Prest. La. Ni'. Bank. PtNAFX, Crest. State Nat. Bank. AAL1MV1X, Prest. 0. Nat. Bank. M KOI1N, Prest. Union Nat. Bank. Sni-Anmial Drawing, Wll.t, TAKE PLACE Ae Academy of Music. New Orleans, T18DAY. DEC. 17, 1889. cm pm $ 600,000 1003 Tickets at Forty Dollars; Hfs, $20; Quarters. 810; Eighths, ^Twentieths, $2; Fortieths, $1. Llat of Prize*. ■RIZK OF $000,000 is..... ......$04)0 000 SIZE OK 200.000 is..... ...... 200.000 RIZE OF 100,000 is..... ...... 100,000 R1ZE OF 50,000 is..... ...... 50,000 RIZES OF 20,000 are- -. ...... 40,000 R1ZES OK Ih.OiKi are... ...... 50,000 •RIZES OK 5,000 are... ...... 50,000 fRIZKS OF 2,000 nre.. ...... 50.000 (/RIZES OK S00 are... ...... 80,000 •FRIZES OK (>00 are... ...... 120.000 (PRIZES OF •100 are... ...... 200,000 Apfuoximation Prizes. frizes of $1.000 are........ ....$ 100.000 4 do S0C are........ ...... 80,000 j do 403 are......... ...... 40,000 Terminal Prizes. • do 200 are......... ...... 199,800 do 200 are......... ...... 199.800 A Prises, amounting te 8*, 139,000 GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE **For Clcr Rates or any further infor *n desired, write legibly to the uuder .d. clearly stating your residence, with County. Street and Number. More ; return mail delivery will ho assured by er.eloeing au envelope boating your .ddiest*. IMPOKTANT. ordinary I sitters containing Postal v. Money Orders issued by all Express oauies or New York Exchange. eased 11 A WA1PHW, New Orlcaus, La. ;ss Registered Lct'.ers containing Currency 'ew Orleans Xational Itank, New Oklkaxb, La. EM EMBER, that the payment of - is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA NAL 15ANES of New Orleans, and the ets „re signed by the President of au In chartered riglits arc recog d in the highest Courts; 3 of all imitations or uiiouymous lues." SE DOLLAR is the price of the smallest nrtiartien ol a 'lickrt lSSl-LI) BY L'S my Drawing. Anything in our name ed for le.-s t ' an a Dollar is a swindle. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court, Par ish of Lafourche. CLERK'S OFFICE. ) ( Thibod»ux, Sept. '18, 1889. ) I hereby cert fv that on the 27tli day of Sept. 1889, the following named persons were drawn by the jury commissioners of said parish, to serve as jurors for the ensiling term of said court beginning on Moudav. Deo. 2nd. 1889. For the first week of said court beginning on Monday Dee. 2nd. 1S39. to serve as grand and petit jurors, as lbl'ows, viz: HO. SAME. WARD. 1 Dillard, Josh 1 o 1 etflanc, J A 9 3 Bernard .1 C n 4 Kobielianx, Edwin 7 5 Abbot, VV 7 6 Merer. Joseph o 7 Robert. W A Jr. 2 8 Folse Alexis J r. 3 9 Rielian. Albert 1 10 Thibodaux. liypolirc Jr. 1 11 Knight Ben 4 12 Gourges Theodor® 5 13 Meniier. A 5 14 Cliauviii. Aleeste 3 15 l'oche. Octave 5 16 Bailie. Iso 3 17 Dunne John Jr. 4 18 Darden, John 6 19 Clement, Trasimend 2 2t Falgont. Clinton Guillot, Michel 3 21 1 22 Doherty, Edward 7 23 Caillonet, Jas T 6 24 Knobloch. C E 7 25 Foret, Nickless 9 26 Knobioeh. J O o 27 Fields William 3 28 Fleetwood, Oliver 2 29 Roussel, Leopold 5 30 Frazier, T M 7 31 t rcouaux. Valsin 3 32 Richard. Camille 4 3« Diipnv, Klorestau 8 34 Oucnie, Aleee a 35 Nicolas, Jean Omer 3 36 Clement, 11 Jr. l 37 Griffin Isaac 10 38 Ellert. Noma 1 38 Cliappuis. A J 2 40 Denianade. P A 2 41 Ballard, Robert 2 42 Leclie, Sylvain 5 43 Adam. Graciru o 44 Cancieuno, Oscar 5 45 Bourgeois. Richard o 46 Gray, Philip o 47 Boliinger Jas M 10 48 Bourgeois, Robert 2 49 Roussel u. .1 Clet 2 50 Clement Cordell us 5 For the second week of said court begit ning on Monday Dee. 9th, 1889, as follow viz: l Pitre, Philip 2 2 Lagarde. Henry J 2 3 Herbert, Philip 2 4 Osehwald, J G n 5 Frost, William H 2 6 Price W H 2 7 Hoffman. Wolf 2 8 Guillot. Ynlsin 2 9 Choi, Henry C 2 10 Pierce, Edwin 3 11 Lapevrouse. c D 5 12 Lei (lane, Joseph W 2 13 Springer, J M 5 14 Foise, C A 7 15 Osehwald, J f4 Jr 2 16 Elfert, Robert 1 17 Robichuux.T E 2 18 Reed, Joseph 1 19 Portier, Orestile 5 20 Foret, Kllis 4 21 Kramer, Gregoire 6 22 Guidroz, William 9 23 Brown, Joseph J 4 24 Brand, Philip L o 25 Aucoiti, Ia>o N 2 2t> Harg's. Aleide M 2 27 Folse. Adolphe / 3 28 Beuoit, 8\lvain 6 29 Lasseigue, Ciias B 5 30 Clement. Alfred J 2 Iu faith whereof, I I »» ll iirus i»«j unux. ----I*--- 3 L.8. >ot tlie soul of my office at Thibodaux-. ) ) this the 28fh dav of Sept., A. D. 1889. P. V. LEGENDRE, Deputy Clerk of Court. J.A. TRONE&SONS HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, THIBODAUX, LA. XfTmitation Woods and Marbles of all kinds, cleaning graveyard marbles, inscrip tions for graves, etc. Advertise in tiie Sentinel STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court—Par ish of Latouiche. Succession of Joseph llosemond Le Blanc anil Community. No. 1288. Probates. Pursuant to an order and decree of the above entitled court and in obedience to a commission to me directed in I be above en titled and numbered sneces-ion bearing date October Iti, 1889, I will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last *.nd highest bidder at the courthouse in the town of Thihodanx, on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1889, between the hours of II o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., the following described pro perty, to-wit: 1. A certain lot of ground situated in said parish of Lafourche at four miles below the town of 1 liihodaux and above the New Gr it ans. Opelousas ami Great Western railroad now Morgan's I ntusiaua and Texas railroad and Steamship Company, and being lot No. four (4) on at plan made by Joseph Nicholas on April 18th, J85J, measuring fifty-seven feel seven inches (57 ft 7 iu) fronton the pub lic road,one hundred and eighty feet (180 ft.) deep op the western line. one hundred and eighty-one feet (181 ft) deen on the eastern line, ami nineteen anti two-twelfths feet (19 2-12 ft) in the rear; Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon. 2. A certain tract ot land situated in said parish of Lafourche, right bank of bayou La fourche, at about three or mt>re miles below the town of Thibodaux, measuring three ar Iamts more or less front, by forty arpents in depth, hounded above by land now owned by Lucieu L. Guidroz. and below by lands now owned by widow ami heirs of Cteoplias Adam, deceased, together with all the build ings anti improvements tln-reon. Purchased by the said Joseph Rosemond LcBlanr. deceased, in cuutorniity with ex isting lines ami "per aversionem" from houudary to boundary, without warranty as to the exact quantity of land sold the more or less going to the profit or loss of the pur chaser. MOVEABLES. Seven bedsteads and beddings, two ar ninirs, 18 chairs, 1 poker, 1 dinning tabic, 2 washstuuds, I safe, i stove and cooking uten sils, I clock. 1 bureau. 6 looking-glasses. 1 lot of porcelain ware, 2 sewing inaehines, 2 small tables, I buggy and harness, 3 lamps. 1 shotguu, I Small table, 5 round tables, 1 iron sale. 1 remnant groceries, 1 lot store fix tures. 1 lot barroom. Terms and Conditions of Sale—('ash on ihe spot iu United States Treasury Notes to pav debts. P. E. LORIO. Sheriff. Noy. 23, 1889. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court—Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Pierre Lorio. Probates. No. 1292. Pursuant to an order and decree ot the above entitled court and in obedience to a commission to me directed in the above eti titled and numbered succession bearing date of October, 24, 1889,1 will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder at the courthouse iu the town of Thibodaux, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889. between the hours of II o'clock a. ra. and 4 o'o'ock p. m., the following described pro perty. belougiiigtothesnid succession, to-wit: A certain lot of ground situated in this parish, in the town ol Thibedaux, being the southern half of lot No. thirty-eight 1 38) as represented on a plan of said town made Hiid executed by James B. Griiiage on the 1st day of May, 1812, being bounded in front or west by Lower Canal street, north or to wards file bayou Lufoiirche, by the other half ot said lot No. thirty-eight (38.) south by St. Bridget street, aud cast by Narrow street, together with ail the buildings and improvements thereon. 'terms and conditions of sale—Cash on the spot in United States Treasury notes to pay debts. DESIRE H. LORIO, Oet 26, 1889. Administrator. SHINGLES! Retailor by carload delivered on the bayon. Cheap and always on hand. Apply t<j O L. CARO, J. Dccliux's Lumber Yard, or to the Thibodaux Sentinel. SUGAR AND RICE ESTATE AT AUCTION. "CHINA GROVE" PLANTAT'N Sal® by P. E. Lorio, Sheriff, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1889, at the Court House in the town oi Thibedaux between the hours 1 and 3 o'clock in th® af ternoon at public auction. That certain tract of land kuown as the "China Grov®" Plantation, situated in the parish ot Latourch® on the left descending bank ot th® bayou Lafourche at about four below the town of Thibodaux. measur ing 14 arpeuis mere or less front on sail bayou Lafourche and Morgan Railroad by eighty (80) arpents iu depth.- the latteral lines converging considerably as they recede ironi the said bavou, hounded above by lands of Babin Bros,'and below by the track of Morgan's L & T. rail road and lands of Alareelltn Richard; tl.e whole agreeably to a plan or sketch annexed to an authentic ol sale of said plantation of date the the 15th April, 1881 and recorded in * In' conveyance office of the parish of La fourche. Together with all the buildings and im provements thereon, and ail the appurtenan ces thereof'.- eight. (8) mules, fivo (b) carts, five (5) plea's, all agricultural implements thereto belonging. Terms—One-third cash, and the balance at one, two and three years, with interest there on at the rate of 8 per cent from the day of sule, and secured by vendor's lien aud privi lege, the net to contain all the other usual security clauses. Act of sale before Philip E. LeBlanc, Nota ry, at the expense of purchaser. Eor further particulars, iiddress UHAS. ESP^SNAN, 99 Decatur St., New Orleans, La. 1* E LORIO, Sheriff Nov. 16. 1889. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of Albert J. Brooks. 1300. Probates. No. Pursuant, to au order and deeree of the above entitled court and in obedience to a commission to me directed iu the above enti tled and numbered succession and bearing date of Nov. 21, 1889,1 will offer lor sale at public auction, pursuant to law, to the last and highest bidder, at the courthouse in the town of Thibodaux, on SATURDAY, DEC. 28, 1889, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m , the following described pio perty, to-wit: 1. The eastern half of a lot'of gronnil situa ted in the Town of Thibodaux. being the eas tern half of lot No. one bandied aud ninety one [191] as represented on apian of a part of ssiil towu made by E.D. Richardson, survey or, on the 17tli day of June, 1846; said lot No. one hundred and niuety-one [I9ij. of which this is the eastern hail', measures nine ty-seven feet aud one inch ,97 feet 1 iu] on Harrison street and ninety-six feet eleven in ches [96 it 11 in] on Church stn et by two hundred aud twenty-six feet and 11 inches |226 It 11 in] on the northern line and two hundred and twenty-six feet and one and oue third inches [226 ft 1 [ in] on tbe south ern line iu depth, said eastern half being bounded in front or west by lot ot George Bryant, north by lot No. one hundred and uiuet.v 1190|, east by Harrison street and south by eastern half of lot No. oiie hundred Hnd nine-two [192], Together with all tbe buildings and improvements thereon and all the appurtenances thereof. 2. A certain tract of land situated in this parisli in the Urusle Grand Cbcr.e at about four miles north of tbe town of Thibodaux, and at one hundred and thirty [130] arpents from the bayou Lafourche, measuring one and one-half [l^i arpents fronton the wes tern boundary by seven [7| arpents morn or less iu depth ; hounded north by lands now or formerly of Evariste Adam, south by lands of Eugene Boudreaux, now or formerly, west by lands ol owner unknown, east by tile pub lic road. Together with all the buil lings and improvements thereon aud all tbe appur tenauces thereof. Terms aud conditions of sale—Cash on the spot in United States Treasury Notes to pay debts. FRANTZ ZERXOTT, Administrator Nov. 23, 1889. RULES OF COURT CHANGING TERMS. It is ordeicd that tbe terms of the Twen tieth Judicial District Court shall bo held as follow s: Iu the palish of Assumption : On the first Monday of March. On the first Monday of June Oil tiie fiist Monday of September. On tiie first Monday of November. The terms beginning i n the first Mondays of March and September shall be Ju y t< r ns at each of which, a grau 1 jury shall be em panelled. The other terms will be civil terms. The terms in March and November will be presided over by Judge Walter Gnioti, and the terms in Juiie and September will be presided over by Judge Taylor Beattie. In the parish of Lafourche the terms shall be held as follows: Ou the first Monday of Febrnary. On the first Monday of April. 'In the first Monday of July. Ou the first Monday of October. The terms begiunig on the first Mondays of April and October shall be Jury terms at each of which, a grand jury shall be empuuel led. The other terms will be civil terms. The terms in Februaiy and October /will lie presided over by Judge Walter Guion, and the terms in April and July will be presided over by Judge Taylor Beattie. For each Ju ry term a Jury shall be drawu for three weeks of the term unless otherwise specially ordered by the Judge. The Judges reserve the right to interchange term with each other and to preside oue ler the other whenever tho public interest or tbeir own convenience may render it desira ble. All eases in which ore of the Judges may be recused shall ho continued to the uex't term hold by the other Judge. This order shall go into effect from aud at ter the first day of January, 1890. Thus done and sigi ed in open court, at Napoieonville, this 4th duv of November, 1889. (Signed) WAITER GUION. TAYLOR BEATTIE. Judges 20th District. Filed November 4th, 1889. (Signed OSCAR DUGAS. Deputy Clerk. ) A true copy. Clerk's Office, Parish -----> of Assumption this tenth dav o' Nov C ) ember, A. D., 1889. (Signed) OSCAR DUGAS. Deputy Cleil*. r lied in my office on this 7th day ot Novem ber. 1889, and spread on the minutes Book "J" of said account folio 115 and llli the same day. ( Witness my hand anil the impress s l,.3. > of the seal of my office at Tliibi danx, X ) this 7th dav ot Nov. A. D. 188J. J. W. KNOBLOCH, Clerk of said Court, Parish of Laioim-he. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20tli Judicial Distiict Court, Par ish of Lafourche. Succession of John Johnson. No. 1302. Probates. Whereas. Frauk Zernott of said parish, has mails application te the said court to bo ap pointed administrator of tbe aforesaid estate. New, therefore, all persons are hereby warned and notified to file tbeir opposition to the said applieation iu writing with tho clerk of said court, at his office in the town of Thihodanx, within teu days after the first pub lication hereof, otherwise the said applicant will be duly appointed and confirmed as snclt administrator in accordance with law. (~—- ) In testimony whereof, witness my J L.8. > hand and the impre-s ef the seal of (J my office, at Thibvdaiut, this 23 day ef Nov., A. D., 1889. J W. KNOBLOCH, Clerk of Court. Sex and Denominations. While loading sugar on our boat on Sunday recently at a Louisiana plan tation some of the passengers strolled back toward the settlement and went into a church just as a couple had taken their child iu for baptism. The old colored preacher,' noticing the large crowd of white visitors, ex tended them a cordial welcome and asked till to be seated : then turning to tiie couple before him, asked: "Ob what denomination am dis chile ?" "Salt ?" said the young father, evi dently perplexed by the word de nomination. "I axed yo' ob what denomination de chile war," repeated the minister, a little severely. The parents looked at each other iu evident confusion for a moment; then the father stammered out: "1—we— doesn't know what yo means by de nomination, sah." "Huh ! yo' don't!" replied the preach er, scornfully ; "well, den, I'll sim plify it 'cordin' to yo' igu'ance, so yo' kin understand it ;\uu de child a boy or a gal chile Cincinnati Commer cial Gazdte.