Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL 1 WR S3. me ii lfu < tl ii. Bloom Sugnr ami tire> to advertisement of W field. From last Sunday noon until Mon day noon 2.79 inches of rain fell in Thibodaux. |grBLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. The Steamer Marco toot ,don of colored people rille on Saturday, and them on Monday. : an excur to Donaldson returned with Persons who imagine that they are. entitled to a few warm days during each summer ought to lie satisfied foi tin last, 20 days. On Thursday last a little son of .1 M. Guardia, whilst climbing in a tree, fell on a fence and hurt himself pain fully under his arm. Try BLACICnRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. If any one supposes that there is no travel on the branch rail-road to this town, let him go to the depot on the nnival and departure of trains for a few days. Do not idle away your time to-day but move around lively. This is the longest day of the year and every one should work whilst the 8UI1 shines. ^ ---- An immense britcliing, manufactured at the, shops of Mr. O. Naquin was shipped on the Assumption a few day ago, t« the plantation of Major LagarS de near Lock port. It weighed 1500 pouti ds. riu- Steamer Lynn J., Captain Le pine, is now making tri-weekly trips between Lockport and Donaldson villo passing Thibodaux each day at noon. The Lynn J., is alternating with the ■Helene. Mcfc.1 res'. WINE OF CAROL)I tor female diseases j The police jury will meet on the i first Monday of July next to examine and rectify the assessor's tax roll. All persons should see that all correc tions in this assessment are made be fore that day. ; _ As an Emergency Medicine, for sad den colds, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral takes the lead of all remedies, a dose or two generally sufficing to stop or dinary caughs and ease the worst* For the cure of throat and ltingdisor- ! Mr. Henry Lejeune, w hilst driving a vicious horse, up the bayou, that be gan Kicking so furiously as to cause the young man to jump from his bug gy, in which attempt he unfortunately had his leg brokeu. • ders, this preparation is unequalled. AteELREE'S WINE OK CARDL'I tor Weak Nerves. At Lafourche Crossing, on Wednes day evening, as Mr.Oncale was taking down some meat in the butcher stand, a bolt of light ning struck the build ing and knocked him senseless. He was brought to Thibodaux, when hi recovered and is now well, feeling no pains from the shock. Mr. Uncalc is Years old i ne no i A little sensation was created here last Sunday when the news came that, Mrs M. II. Malhiot, w idow of the late ,1b . Frank Malhiot of Assumption, and •Lemuel C. Aubevt Jr., had been mar* lied in Napoleon v ille. The Sentinel joins the numerous friends ot the par ties in wishing their future to be one of peace, happiness and prospeiity. fcsrWINE OF CARDU!. a Tonic lor Women. Last Sunday a trotting race came off in IViic in's Park between Martinez's hor.e <>: Napoleon villo. and Beam's hm ~e of Lafourche, best three in five. Beary'f. hovse was the winner in four heats. The track was heavy and the weather bad. Another trial is reported to be ar ranged in tiie near futuru. An excursion irom Donaldsonville and the intermediate points came to lliibodanx last Sunday, on the K. W. t ole, t apt. Max Blanchard. There were four or fire hundred people on board. Tiie attraction for them prin cipally wins the great trotting race on Tctreau's race track. They returned at ditsk and no doubt j •enjoyed themselves vetty avail. , Excursion. ! On Sindu party given at noon, an excursion the Low aid Benevo lent Association of New Orleans ar r ' ' i " i • >d >1 > . flic tr hundred i j.nii.„iii.,,t.i iill..i_ (igh. .a.aches. This association was organized September 8. 1887, this being its first excursion. The committee ofarrange ments were Messrs. Thomas M. Wells, chairman, C. C. Piper, Martin Ernst, Aug. Frisherst, W. II. Maier, Wm. brand, 11, Mosen, It. Macardy. The membership appeared to be composed of good material, everyone conducting himself properly. The excursionists made their headquarters in Firemen's Hall, where they enjoy ed themselves dancing away the after noon until the whistle of the cars no tified that the time to return to their homes had arrived. The committee managed eveiything judiciously, so that all left satisfied with their visit. The attempt to close the St. Mary Pamela crevasse lately made has re sulted in a failure to accomplish the purpose. However, the flow of the water has been greatly obstructed, and, with a falling bayou the water will soon cease to pass the breach The people who were injured by that unfortunate break have suffered much, many lost, their entire crops, others a part and some saved theirs only by tiie use of pumps. It may not be too late to make some crops yet, and, the energetic suft'eieig are determined to make the best of their condition. Female Weakness Positive Cure. To the Editor: I'lease inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged female or game 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any lady if they will send their express and 1', d. .Address. Yours res pectfully, Du. .1. H. MAKUUISI, is:t Ueuessee st., Utica, X. V. On Wednesday night, the Firemen's Hall committee, composed of R. K McBride, It. A. Frost and P. J. Naquin, representing Home Hook & Laddei Co. No. I, and 8. T. Grisamorc, J. M. Guardi a and II. X. Coulon, represent ing Thibodnnx Fire Co. No. 1. met and elected S. T. Grisamore, president; K. It. McBride, secretary, and John M. Guardia, treasurer of the board. ___ Notwithstanding more than two in ches of rain fell here last Sunday night, and Monday morning, the streets were dry, and relieved of all surtace water in two hours, which shows what proper, common sense drainage can do in Louisiana. Ten years ago it would have taken 48 hours to do w hat was hours. done in less than 3 and THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are McElrec's Wine of Cardu; for sale by the following merchants m Lufour-die parish, Thibodaux : Jos. T. Thibodeaux & Son. On last Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock, a fin* was discovered in the large rice mill of Bush & Williams at Lafourche crossing, which com pletely destroyed that fine structure By the exeitions and energy of the ... , . . neighbors and some section hands of . ,i . | the S. 1. Railroad the lire was con- j will add greatly to uieuts of the town. lined to the one hiiililin been winds blowing the depots and very probably the railroad bridge would have been consumed. There was an insurance on the building but not sufficient to cover the loss. Mr. ( G. \\ illiams lost all his apparatus for hauling fiat boats, raising freight etc, which were stored away in the build ing. Tiie money and valuables wa re recovered without damage. The cause of the lire is unknown. 1 he Busy Uses gave a very nice and agreeable party at Mr. Liter's resi dence on Jackson street, last Tuesday afternoon and night. A large attend ance was had. The visitors enjoyed themselves in dancing, promenading and eonveisation. 1 lie yards were beautiful in the soft light of the moon. The festivities were maintained until the licit tolled the hour of midnight w hen the party dis persed, all satisfied with the rendt of tin- entertainment. Fair ladies and smiling girls (.ispensed cake, lemonade ice cream, and gumbo during the hi - Ding, by w hich the Busy Bees added a nice sum to their treasury. It is proposed to give one of these pleasant reunions once a mouth, which the social enjoy- i Had there | Personal. Mr. Martin Turnbull, agent oftiie Times-Democrat, gave the .Skmixui, a pleasant call The other day, which w;:s high!v appreciated. ...uongine excursionists who came up from New Orleans last Sunday was Mr. Ed. Morphy, reporter for the States ' with whom the Sentinel was pleased i to form an acquaintance and pass an agreeable hour. Miss Alice Malhiot, who lias been ' at school in New Orleans, for some ■ months has returned home. Miss j Alice has received a warm welcome I from her friends. A very pleasant evening was passed j at Firemen's Hall, on Tuesday, June i -'1. by those who witnessed Col. Oro- j vet's "America", in which were repre- j sent ed KO differcut views of the war! of secession, and various other views! that were interesting and pleasant to j look upon. His views of Stonewall Jackson, Gen. Lee, ex-Presideut Clove- j laud were received with plaudits, but ; the lovely view of Mrs. Cleveland.! filled the room with rapturous applause i These scenic representations are : useful and instructing, enabling view ers to form good ideas of objects of in terest that they cannot otherwise sec. The pictures of Wall street, Brooklyn bridge. Niagara Falls, the eapitol and others were so perfect that one im agined that lie was standing in trout ot the realities. Remember the grand Excursion from New Orleans to Galvesion by the Li terary and Gymnastic Club of Breaux Bridge, which will leave New Orleans July 2, 1890, at 6:30 a. m. and return from Galveston July 5 1890, at 6:30 p. m. Price from Sellriever, for the round trip, $7.50. This will be an excellent opportunity for persons to visit the beautiful cities of Houston and Gal veston and enjoy a bath in the open sea. The overflow in the basin between the bayous Lafourche and Teche lias enabled saw mill proprietors to cut and float immense quantities of tim ber to their mills with which they can cut lumber to supply their custom ers for months to come. The demand for lumber is good at present, and as soon as the mills can get to work they will be pushed to supply the demand. Last Monday being the birthday of Mr. Michelet, principal of the Guion Academy, the pupils, aided by the other teachers, prepared a surprise for him when he returned from his din ner. I pon entering his room lie was sur rounded by the little girls ami boys, when Master Camille A uselet present ed him, on behalf of the school, a fine library lamp, a large glass fruit stand filled with fruits, an elegant cake and a nice boquet. The principal was so taken by surprise that he entirely for got bis impromptu speech and was obliged to content himself with a simple expression of earnest thanks Young Auseli t acquitted himself fine ly in bis presentation speech. It was u hi mb (HfM-muimn speech. t was .......... . . > ... | a pu tty compliment to the principal j ofthe school. of the school. | When the Sentinel Hcporte the children were claiming nic with so much fervor t int petitions were no doubt granted. The Oops. department of of the present The report of tin agricult urc speakinj crops says: , While several States increased the .ire.: of w inter wheal last autumn, the heavy reduction, by plowing and} planting in other crops to replace the! ' v _i>iter-killed wheat in Illinois, in In- I •Bairn, and to a limited extent in other | States, has reduced the acreage in j • very wheat-growing State of any prominence except Kansas and Ore- ! gun. 1 he average percentage of crops is : slowly below the average. The apple crop presents a very | poor prospect, not much over 50 per cent ot an .average whilst peaches gen erally arc a failure. Children Cry for PIIOHia'1 Castoria ' i ' ■ j I THIBODAUX Family Scene alter purchasing I.niiiiHnii-ornwti Mine Co.'s Ladies' and dents' Shoe. III. SB AND.- 1 hey are a perfect tit lor you. I hope they will give you the ser vice that I have received. 'WIFE.—Yes; they are splendid. Our shoe dealer tells me they will wear j*s w ell as a $5.00 pair of any other make. HAMILTON-BROWN SHOE CO., ST. LOUIS. FOR SALE AT THE Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store. Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats of the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. All goods as represented. E. J. BRATJD, Proprietor. Hotel Larre, NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. HXJGrHES LARRE, LVoprieto i\ Meals and Lodging at all hours. Handsome Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers A magnificent Bar attached to the hotel, at which the public can at all times find the choicest "W ines, Liquors. Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Special arrangements made for board by tire week or month. OTLIVEHY STABLE in collection with Hotel. BUY YOUR CLOTHING ! -FROM- C. LAZARD <fe Co., THE OLD RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AMO MATTERS, 29, 31 and 33 Canal Street, Corner North Peters. NEW ORLEANS, LA. I | j ! FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr., THIBODAUX Livery, Feed 1 Sale Stables, .TAC'KSOX STREET. First -Class HEARSE WITH Heavy White or Black Drapery. THE FINEST Carriages ROTH Open & ('Jose. Etc., Etc. Finest and Largest Assortment of Caskets and Coffins GPCaruiahks always heady with neat and careful drivers. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Shop on JACKSON STREE 1'. where I am prepared to do all work in that line Horseislioeing; » Specialty. Feb-22-1890. RTSEND YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THIS OFFICE. WE GUARAN TEE SATISFACTION.