Newspaper Page Text
L " . Governor: Liect Gov . Sec.of>?a A;. ! P : A * - - » • >*<»*■ i 4. ■ - » . . . • - - Attorney Ge:.» V»\ i- Keg« - ... p„t. r, >r tr 8apt. of Pub. K Wit IÎ Jack U. S- SENATORS ■an. D SnstA........... «'Orleans K- L C ................. Of Orleans. Jcogk« Srp? EME Cocst. Chief Justice. E-i" I>- . iez. of OrVar»«. Associate *' . J. A. Breaux- of iuoria •* " C t. Fena«r. of Orlean*. " ' 8. D Mc'nery. of Ouachita L. 15. Watkins. Red River. Circuit CotruroF knnjLu.. Fifth Circuit. R.T. B'-a'.c.'srd..........*f St- Bernard. H. D. Sum, j .............of st. iiirjr. CongkesoMan. :,!<!• Ct.-ög.-et*ional Gist Aad:«»' Fi n e .. ........ — of Lafourche Dlst Jt: r>o 20th. Jnd. Di>t. Tavlor Beattie.............Walter Guion. Dift. Attorney.......... L P. Caillouet Pa 1 H OFFICERS. Représentât! v es :...... Léotihla* Trosclair. " ... J. Telemaque Badeaox. Carotter .............. Dr John Gatio. Clerk of Court............J- W. Knoblocb Sheriff........................ P- E- Lorio Printer and Treasuier......... F. Sancan A»-!*-!or................Prosjier Tonps Returning Officer..........W. C. Ragan, Police Jurors President,S- T GrUamore: Jno.S-Seely, L. F. Gaud«Ç, F. Band eaux, J. B- Bour geois. Frank Christian. <>■ Lcpine. Haniil ton Ayo. Louis Lerille, Frank Paria, lerk Police Jury. H. N- Coulon, Drainage Commissioners. Dist. No. 1.—E. L'. Morvaut. J. E. Coalon »Dd .1. B. 8. Mire. Diet. No. —John Mct'ullab, Z. C. Brand •nd Mc. Bourg. Di»t. No. .5.—.8. Folse. J. Goedry asd YY'ai ace nefort. Diat. No. 4.—C. A Cl»«.-et. O. Toap* and P. Parra. Dist. No. 6.— L. A. T.'Oii 'air. D. (.'antienne Morvaut. Dist. No. h — U. Preateubacli. P. Tonps and O Leptne. Dist. No. 7.— C. S. Mathews. lî. Foret an<R A vo. Diet No. 8.— S. Bourg. J For«-? > i -I T. adeaur. ^'ist. No. ft.—Paul la-tort. Valero Gueilry sud Est Savoie. Diet. No. 10.— I,ii » Bergeron. I.eufrov Daigle and O. ThDxmaux. Roa:* and Lkv:-.e Inspectors No. !..... . ... Lu« i«-n Tu -clair No.2 ..... . . liatcciin Bergeron No. :i.. ________Erni e Tonps No. 4 .... . ..........D. Babin No. 5..... .......Vaiere Guidry No. f. .... ........J. E. Coulon No. 7 .. . ..... Lu bin Bergeron No. 8..... Sy/nphore Rodrigue No. 9..... ..........H. Lacroix M cxici pa l Officers. Mayor, J. L. Aticom : Conncihnen, C. J. Barker, L. P. Caillouet, II W. Frost. W. C Kagan, C. W. Thibodeaux and Frank Zernott. Treasurer................ ...F. Sancan. Town Marshal.................J. Walsh Oierk................... H. X. Coulon Printer......................F. Sancan Pos* Master.................G- Boudreaux TlRKCTORS OF THE SCHOOL Bo >KD. Th-js. A. Badeaa x president: A. F. Kno hloch, sujierintendent and secretary; J. L. Aucoin, E. U. Morvant. B. A. Wai mold. E. A. O'Sullivan. H. V. ' ale,. Directors of Thibojacx Bridge Co. i. D. liooie, president, J L- Aucoin, teasurer; P. E. Lorio, secretary; An raw Price, E. McCullcm. HA 11. no A 1> sen ED l LE. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAIN FROM NOV. 28TIL, 1889. 1st. train leaves Thibodaux.9 .. a. m " " arrives " . ..10:20 a. m _______ Train for New Orleans and west 1 connection leaves Thibodaux 4:85 p. m. arrives .. 6:50 p. w Mail closes 15 minutes before the de parture of the train. GOUAUX-8 PILE CURE, (Guaranteed.) FromW. 11. Moon, bookkeeper of UohertH <t . < o , A Blind Factory, ex-ineuiher of ! Citv Council. Presiuent of the Board of Con trol. -- • N«w Orleans, Dee I, 1889. r. Gonaux, Lerj. Dear Sir-Th. hetlle *f Pil. Ointment oh 1 tameil from vlu ha» worked wonder» and given me the greatest pos»ibl. i «lief. Pleare ! send me another bottle. It will give me | pleasure to rec-ommeud ibi« remedy to all porsotin similarly atHii-teil Itespeetmllv. VY. H. MOON, tfi Carondeiet St. 1 endorse tlie above certiticate a» it by» j clii-ed me also, l>v using only one bottle. WILLIAM BELL. Foreman of ts Sash Factory ic Lumber Yanis. Price, $1.00 by a!! druggists. H. Dugas. D.i.ix luu». Jos. E. LkBlasc DUGAS & LEBLANC -DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ARMELISS STOJIK, AMUiptira- 1M« • i p) F"jf> jL * -* ^ JXJZj j HIE THIBODEAUX PHARMACY. < <*r. 3Liiu ami .SI. Philip Si., Uiibadaux. La. ---UNMIK THE MANAGEMENT OF C. W. THIBOD EAU X, Pharmacist. \S'e have a very complete stock of Oni'GS, MEÜICI.YES. CSEMICzUcS, SO.'iPS, &BVSBE8, COMBS, Tsssmm $£ M3, srass, TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. WINES LIQUORS. syaaia sa&sKBSKKäT. School ami Blank Books. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, VT LOWEST 1'KICKS. ; ; John W. Trotter, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. St. Philip. Between Tiiibodaux anti Main streets. Thibodaux. La.. Keep» oi. han't a full line of COOK AND HEATING STOVES. -Also Agent for the CHARTER OAK and FAME stoves. Particular attu.tion given to Roc^ in g guttering. Etc. FRANK BARKER, (SCCCfcssOB TO BARKER i SEVIX.) Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, <»-< oTTG.v, -I GAR, MOLASSES, RU E, POTATOES, EGG', HONEY, IiLE WAX, TALLOW. WOOL, HIDES, MOSS, Pon.TKY. ETC. NO. JIO DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS. LA. «tLIBERAL ADVANCES made on con SIGNMKNT s DR. ARMAND MARY, Surgeon Dentist from New- Orl«-an«, will visit Tiiibodaux the 17th nt October, remaining in our town Three Day». Teeth Extracted Without Pain ! •»-All work Guaranteed and at loH«-*t City N O. <-19-S)0-ly. prices. office: J'41 Conti St. near Dauphine R. JlcBRJDE^ ' Cook and Heating Stoves, --ALSO,- Fire Grates. Hardware, Staat, true NAILS, CROCKERY, TIN. WOOD & WiLLOW WALE, INSURANCE. COAL, GASOLINE. LARI) AND LUBUiCA I INC OILS. Lam P' p haR i c, |f rs ;, lror ' and Cla > Furnaces, Carnage Bo.ts, Hemp and Gun Packing. 13 A I? IS W I Ii -A full line of the «-ulf-hi ate.l E 1 M , "k"Y' I'".......... T ChtrlerDak,Aulocrit anl m Stovss always on baud, and sola at REDUCED PRICES. COR.SKk : MARKET ami ST. LU I LIT STS., ThilHMiiiiix, ! | j Tt«lBro»<»»r, rF*SENL> YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THIS OFFICE. dr. t. p. caillouet, LOCKPORT LA., Pharmacist- and Chemist. _ :typEESt =Lr™ Shaving^ Saloon, Hair Cuttin&Shampooing a Specialty. JOS. OSCHWALD, (Successor to Jas. Clierault.) .-VIA STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. H. N. Coulon, NOTARY PUBLIC, 3IAHKE1 STJiEEl , THIBOUAIX, LA, ZHEIEYE8 LIVEBY STABLE ! Horse» A: liuggie» xt »II Hours Oay and Vighi. Conner lion made with Tezog Train fw Bau ma. commit l 'ul and H«|. On hand allliccivat night. Passenger« trav elingby le Ia » I rain, to or flora New Or «onveuinee at SCHKIEVER • J A Jii.r. without lei* graphing to Tbioo Jaux On Laud ail tines. HECTAtt F. CKOSIEB J. ED. BLANCHARD: DEN , Cor. Green St. Bridget Sfs. IDEITTüla NOTICE. J. J. D AIGRE ' Dentist: Office, corner Main and Muronge streets *»"Has located in town permanently, and : will perform nil operation* app.-rtain ng to ' "is profession at very moderate prices He ; will al», practice in the Surrounding country and adjoining parishes when called for NEW ARRANGEMENTS. 81 lOYt.lilLS HRTKi. Mr. Thema» Albert i informs his frie n u t ■d tbe travelling public that he has made Mme new arrangements which will » nable him • satisfy all those who will honor u ,i„ with their custom. Meals turnished at allhoureof the da« A - M aud ,>ian - ( ouime>hous and wel I furnished rooms. ™«™*<™** " j ( Mr - v - Gou»nr. Honma. Ut ' , ®° Your "File Ointment Salve'' is the best remedy I have ever tried tor pile», it lia» cured me of a very had ease I had tor veats. 1 I know several persons it has cured also. I am an eld man and 1 have seen many ease» , », ........ \....."'v 1 anr« treated tiv many ibs tors and patent medi «•iiies. nothing can com .are with your salve. You ought to »(Hit all your other business ami «1» nothing but prepare that salve bv large «1« nothing but prepare that salve bv large HUantities. It it was welt known you could net prepare enough el it. Yonrs tmlv Ellendale F O C. .SAMUEL YVOLF Price. $! 0<J by all druggists. False liiyer. Pointe C'ottpf-e, Aug. i*-l, 188?* Mr. F. Gonaux Houma. Dear Sir—It is with pleasure, that I add my testimony with the many thousands vou posse»», for the great benefit I have deri ved from your "Ptie Ointment " I would not be without it for anything. P. O. YVKBKE. Price, $1.00 by all druggist's. Have jour Job Work done at this office. Satisfaction guaranteed. 7y l.BSBSRfAy* V J-J-SO^PAWa XALVE AT 1 ACHFINT FQ« steam CfLINDERS PAT .M AV.A^JêfJ - THE SENTINEL JOB OFFIC main street, thibodaux, la. Is the Best Equipped Printing Establishment State, Outside of New Orleans. CARDS. POSTERS. DODGERS, BILL BEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS. LAWYERS' BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS. . PROGRAMMES, WEDDING INYITAt| h<ct, arn thing from a visiting card to a newspaper. Printed X** 1 * <"><l Prom] SENTINEL JOB OFFIC] main street, thibodaux, la. &ÖWI8 A. CHAPOT* -DEALEK IN sjN. ~s Repairs Tin, Iron and Zinc Roof, and all olber work in line, at the lowest rates. Spouts and Guttering put uJ 49 Bourbon St., cor. Bienvilj rVEW ORLEANS, I A. LOUISIANA STEAM SlSIi, III,IRi l\I ill Fit! ROBERTS & CO., Proprietors. » - , 301 ' 303 » 303 > 3f, ' GKAYIER STliEEl VEW ORI 1 lySash. Blinds, Doors, Molding, Flooring and Ceiling, Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly attended to. Newefl j GUST, D. BARRIOS, Lockport Livery Stable First class j HE ARSE mmvBBsseMR-. m || CASKET —— COFFIN WITH HEAVY tVUIlE -OR l$lack Drapery. Hotel Larre, NAPOLEONVILLE, LA. 1 HUGH ES L ABRE, Proprietor. | Meals and Lodging at all hours. Handsoinc Sample Rooms for Gommerelal Travelers Sr'^ a Jrf" gementS mude for board b >' the week or month. ®"LI\ ER\ STABLE in connection with Hotel. TEE^ATOFAm™ 0 '' W "™' i ™ S WE GUARAN-