Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. The new "as lam, v.eic erected and put in position on April II, ISt)1. ,;r aiut nee plantei - vertisement of W are referre > 11. Bloom - field. indaii! Ilium Hie th. is hill a; Ii i/iulv to Lend the bin nr lies lo\v;i ini tlie e;ii tii- One of 'lie Juxuti - ' . ii be en joy ed tlsi.s suiiiiiH i. i v * *■ -e:] tlie c:m town pump to be p'M into •M'tion. making the a erage boy happy.shnv cling the niiuiing wutei . and sprink ling the dusty stieets. 100* Gallons Cistern, $15. I•"i'.ii! Gallons. A. If ii?gs tiros.,' i I'erdido - I. N MW OrlDiiiih - * - People in Thibo Li x v ';U! kc ;*]> (•( :*]• Great cakes of bran new ice n ire seen passing along th<- -i n ,.t s eve ry day. The first cake of the *ua son c nine out ptst Saturday. rite iiiio gla - iiitcudi il for Brand's Hat and Shoe .-fore, on the coiner of St. Philip and Main streets lias arriv ed, but in many pieces. Tin's is a mis fortune because it will require some time to have another sent. Tho measles have been prevailing to a great extent in till . . arish, but are generally of a mild type whilst La Grippe, when if did not taken urn: hold lias show it its p:. race upon /nc-arly every body in tin* shape of The number o. steamboats, tugs* coal boats etc., in.- ing through th'' bridge daily prevents the keeper from enjoying his usual imps, and is calcu lated to make him forget the injunc tions of th third commandment. stubborn cobbs. that can with difi'cnlty be gotten rid of. For ten days there was no gasoline to be had in Thibodaux, and long wen tin laces and sad tin* hearts of those who lmd only oil stoves to cook thei 1 ' daily food, it was only in much tri bulation and vexation of spirit that their hunger pa, if. d tml the demands of an unruly appetite silenced. Five coni bouts aim being, or have been unload 'd in Thibodaux. Three leads we' ■ .-ei:t per rail to interior plantations, one was for the Thibodaux Foundry, and the other for Mr. JeflVies' foundry on the oppo site side of the bayou. Several loads have passed by this point, to planta tions below. • * ----- On the t'i l-t page of to-day's Senti lltl will 1 i*e found the Regulations lu IS ssnry » '< > r 11; e CO Hectors of the the ]*>Olillt\ upon si 1 12 , ill . Planters desi iton. h ofobt aiding bom ity xviil have to foi'oVv exae tly the Mi i H; dations reqttir fd t o avoid all troii!» Ie. When th ie requisi te blnnks will be Fen t out by tlie (rOVI i rnment the mat ter will be easily a it:; inged although iron i the re ■ailing of i Ik* rules tliey aj> 1 ' *' * - ' 1 to he : uimcwliat C ( miplicated. 1 ,-\ t tJ.l ev hills to [1 revent any delav tin ■. ■ vl'or 1 . ! be s! rici ] y ■obeyed. I'ncle San kind of a m an to stand to for' I * 11: a .... , and wil! ]j ave to be obey |d. I'liere as a ccllision of two local Mail's, one from tin's branch, on the inaia mad near Scally's place, below Lafourche Crossing, on hist Saturday, lTe liiihodanx train was ruauiiig s ilowl.v. and got the best of the en | counter, iccoiviug comparatively little damage. There was big jumping just before the meeting took place. For Innately no one was hurt. The Locomotive, belonging io tliis brauch lias been cjurying a largo uutu of laborers, every morning to work, elevating tbe road bed, near Allcinands, and returulng with beta in the evening. \\V[T \ ] 'Uj iuA L THIRTIETH !) iAUADE! 'EiSL: ■ . . V- •*/&» ' 'bWA 'A** bn ■A. ; • 1 j , -J -g- * r -*~ j Jim, - . 1 sun" ide beg.i j and the ? and ih 1 prcparai ' Bonqnel ing ( ar; ■ various lion of t At t\K assembh prepare ; magintii around, led the 1 At .he rompnni live lio; to come ill !i iremen were of beaut;!'::! :g"ne lions: - for the decora" engines and apparatus. > clocl; the lireim a bra::n to at their Truck houses to wire ur v.'.th eioivening notes, appointed hour the various i moved from their inspec ts to the designated posi tions, and awaited the signal of de parture. The tap of the bell, at length, announced that time was up. ■nted when the Thii til th Animal Parade in gan. The pioces-bon moved off as j's lion. I.. P. CY. iliouct. Grand dial, assisted by Sam Blum.and dent Bourg of Lorkporf, as aid-. The Fin* Department rep;> - by J. MeAllist r Bouig. Chief. Camille Brand, B. !'. McBride. Robert Naquin? Ozenu* Naquin and Charles Thomp son, all splendidly mounted on mag- I j nificent horses. Home lino!; and Ladder C ! under charge of Me*> Albert Richard, Edgar Hobert, of Terrebonne. nd Albert Guillot, as : Marshals. This company was pre ceded by the band of the ! ouisiana 1 •=>: ; •Lu - oping Field Artillery Company of New Or- I ' Vans, which line baud announced the! approach of tin* company by excellent ! music. The company was under command j •of G. Prejeant. Foreman, with :50 men j at the lopes looking splendidly in their > blfio uniforms. Their Truck had been I handsomely decorated by the skillful i hauus of Mis. 1! sa Hoffmann. Next came Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1, with Dr. Oscar Thibodaux, of Napo leonvillc, ;is Chief Marshal : this com- j j»any was supplied with music by a 1 portion ot tl.e tamoiis Washington Ar- ! tillery baud of New Orleans, under | the leadership of Mr. Oscar Wolff,. I L niie Li\ icic, • X* 1 Mich as only that baud call give. j The counai.v in their led compauy in their red shiiis, and new siraw hats, under comuiaud i of P. A. Demanu do Foreman, stepped off with the regn i la i i ity of veterans, . as most of tlit'ii) v. i '1C, hath as sold 101 > ; and firemen. 1 ; | Their engine \v;l * very neatly do colated by the e; ^ |)0 ri skiil and ex cel lent taste of Miss M; try Laforest. Another ninth m o f the Washington Artilleiy band, i ; j; tally as good as that in front, jnV rod i d Protector 1 in* Co No. 2. with Messrs .T. A. Pi •OSt. Dr. J. N. Fleet \v nr ul. Davis Foret, Earl Knobloch, F. W. Nichols, W .11. Price as Maishais. and with Pi auk Zernott, as F.nei :;.t i! i, with 20 me a at the ropes, presented a fine view in t i:oii white shirts and 1 ;;irs . The steaiue: liad been very niee.t ;n ranged under 1 lu* exquisite taste and expel t manage ment of Mis. S. A. Binnings. Then came the Bucket Brigade, headed by Thcuphile Bergeron. Henry Fritzinger. Dr. Joseph Pqjos, ot Schiicver, and Dr. C. A. Bourgeois. The Thibodaux band fiunislicdmhsic for tliis company, in its usual and charming style. The company w as in command of Emile Oschwald. a s Foreman, with 15 men in line, looking i handsomely in their dark uniforms. This company had taken possession of the «dd steamer of No. 2. and under the skillful decorations and charming tnste of Miss Parr and Mrs. Thibodaux £C presented a hue appearance again after an absence of sevewl (in liia j years. Lastly came the new and original 1 >-fi am hand Engine, constructed out of 1 a boy's Express wagon. This company had just been oigani-e.i for tin* occa sion. and was preceded by that now : ai d magniticien; Aiabian Colt. Ruc«*u halnsJi. will two Arabs iniliortl ex ; shifts at the j iv:i1 ' ii"iiid.M»mt j wiling all the - t *» . L , -j • r | ies as the pro he side -pertatoi. ■ cm Jae •presentin' •tn I : uces ai.d ideil with nifoui che, ; esioniie Parishes, as attractive to troeession moved it was halted at the residence of R P. McBride w here lemonade and cake were profusely served to rh<* ••Boys' ■ nil their friends in line. Alter the Parade had been dismissed a! t House, square the | various companies took their appnra tus to their homes, and in response to 1 invitation.* given, visited the residen ces of L. P. Cailhuief. Grand Marshal. Ellis Brand. Judge Taylor Beattie, and J. Me Bourg, Chief of the Eire Department, at < n-h ,.{ which dwel lings they were hospitably ruccivetl and handsomely entertained by bevies oi fair Ladies and charming hostesses, n.e various n::a,panics paraded the ; sttct-i.s auil were ertrriained at other pie.ees dm ing the night, and not until J the nid-night hour the sound of music . not a word or act d luar the Inn atony of tit! h that it is doubtful if an was seen. T'-icti the did I ! j j > I i j 1 ! | i were near ease. There was wing the day to ;he occasion, and ally visitors intoxicated man whole ihe Tliir I tieth Anniversary was one of which the. Dcpai l inear may be elated, and | • u j ; i] s p ; t wa< a day which the citizens j of Thibodaux may remember with ,• pb asm e their lei eptiou, citizens ami neighbor wliich the firemen mav !'•(* V .Til 1? i Personal. T::-.. lot bee out, and Lagarde, who ha . in ab] to I e 1 he Sr.XTXXi i. trusts that he mav soon r< - ver entire]v. Among the good people present on j parade day, were Alikin Bourg, and . Emile Naquin, of Houma, who always I icceive a cordial welcome in Tliibo- j da ax. Napoleor ville was ably represented I on parade, day by Dr. Oscar Thibo. j j d.aux, Marshal ot 1 hibodaux lire Co, ,.•(). !.w.i-ocivjiort s!,oiie out jirota 1 imntly in the jterson of Prudent Bourg, aid to the Grand Marshal. Citizens from 'own the bayou re ports that Mr. Leon F, Camlet, inem ; bet of the Police Jury, third ward, and Mr. Ilaute.t. teacher of the Loek j port school, are both critically and hopelessly ill. A Careful Culling, with As a rule the druggist try are the most • oful do everythin' never fail to make before expiessing prominent drug' of the conn j ample. Thev xactness and ! full examination r an opinion. A t writes : Klrkktox, Ga., ! Ijcntlemen -i'lease ship by freight another case of your incomparable Dr \\ cstiiiorelau J's CY.Iisaya Tonic. It is the only preparation of tlm kind I have | seen that fully bears our the promises I made by tin seller. We gnaiaiitee it. \'ery truly yours. II. C. Limionos, j Druggist, and Physician. ! For sale by the Thibodeaux Pliar- j maev. Children Cry for PXSCHXB't C ASTORIA THIBODAUX »1 ll jTl | 8 | I I ■< f a .4 h. i .JL / 7 fife ty ' r - bVffWu ( } I A i :jd VIJ VI * o/7/7, l' \ <■ /Hi? AI VC A /V® A/V 41 sViPii!', Scpiip itfus■ i* purchasing: iI;i!iiillon*15roffa him# C».'ii La dips' •!t?;S Gouts' sil.cTI) Shoe. Il USB AND.—The. are a perfect lit for you. I vj.-e that I !:uve ret*. lived. Vi IFE.—Yes; they are splendid. Our shoe de well as a pair < if any oth; •r make. : hey will give you the ,-ser ■lbs ;:k* they will wear ?g FOI Thibodauo Where can be f< the finest goods as represented to. // AM/L TQH-BEQ;i SHOE CO., ST. LOUIS. v SALE AT THLl x Shoe complex; ratios, and at prices and Hat Store. sfiK-!; A b'hops ami Hals oi <> Bmef any tompetilion. All Proprietor. P v R. A ^ Ji U, '4 ? lynni LlVtii ai IBii-i-it-CTsss !|n \ !>o I I Lj ; i I l TT7" r \ LTTdTT f; - . 1 J- i .hlJL'^ 1 i c rp BO DA. U X Pita 5 »7"i OQn ri cu Ir*. Q }. 2 u, * !i r O \ J 0 C) ua .to Old uif J A< 'IvSOlN s r r { v. bj ifi r j * ^7 ' '• ~ J •* v * * "• \A . . . - .* J THE FINEST Carriase 1Fa a.i *,0i • « U#i i liEll ( 0Hi3iS Blacksmith hop on YCKSON STRV.l Horsosh.) Feb-22-1890. C«rSFND YOVll JOB I'BH TEE SATISFACTION. iiMww-xnc. -- ----— .. r*r.:.r * and Wh3slwright, TO no a .. w j; • i M. 11 V . OFFICE. WE GEAR AN FOH SALE To I Si- ,v !lJ S t'.'I M.: ie jii ('iiita- vt v r.JOO street :it I bib d.-mx Li ' l'! 1 '' t" I \ t ;It' mer Jtiilainy 1' O. u. m to the I :into »AlfN t'EXTINEL. six bund red and foi; y i er' s cypress EilDl, tbe finest in tin -tut* f] tlie right bank of buy-au ! i. anil situ it ■d fit >rr '4 CtlOIJ Guillot, abov * ttm to .. a oi I bibuibuix si .'7. T, 15. S. K. 14. V. Uttici' at Thibodaux ipply j ! ! | I j ! j .'Soli i*i* £«» Tax Xoticc is iici'i '.y sov< n ibat tie tin* town ot Thiboiinux me now payers are invited to -all at -:»t in order to avoid infere-a and cost M. WALSH. Jan. 31-91 t*ixe- for line. Tax and settle FOI rM. \ i A COMPI.KTi: IVK.N'S l't'Mi*. UNLINK and boiler, in Magnolia L:»v* plan tation, oppositu Labadiax ill*. Apply to LKVIS !!POS, No. 5» Telionpitiealas ttreet, New Or>a*fc May, 1), 90 Mr. F. "Jiiu in > cuieil me. llesi V. ).:i PricA. 1.00 IiT all lini'o'i-ls W. E. HOWELL. L. E. MICHELET Howell & Michelet, Attorneys and Oounsellors-at-Law, X.VrOLKOXYMLLE. LA. Will practise in the State snd Federal Court*. tSf A member of the firm will be at Tbibodaux every Monday. MeMtdy r-~ \v (> - ■ - M r pl> tit: ; w \ V Viitl*. '.mi* k n: z • Solo. up* for Trritrati<*n ]inrpo ir.'i iioilers ;a ^ood or'-ier. *ss Ul.URUk DIO.NXK, ciitnicl. AprU-91-tfo. >: on ( ii s -mis Ir»ut>'pil uv cun^h. Siuiialrs :iu 1 1 K. (i'i;;:iiu. II -mt:.i. Lt LOCKi'oitT i \i a lueiil! *ri; tMl ASS'X. To T < W ::e: iield iiythia a-so< iation on -il nr of October, 1NS9, it was . 1'luit fair shall lenidit of the sebool fund on de.v and Sunday ot Jane id ev . v order of . ii.KUL ilAitltlOS, Seeretsrv '■ I' COier AMI IliYiir i.A h U1 ■ WI.F.II.T |*A! e. KT, 'HU*!!!:# Saint John I.rjt.urdie Shippers: trip: xvil! si w navi m-j t >p* I 1T. 11 :t su.'nt John resumes her ii: I'.-vmi Lsfoim-h*. lcnvinu ■very I'uesday and Friday, raid • ; n t'e trad* >:s loni* is •"mils W'ben danger ef in threatening your homes and > r»n»rs of tlie ntesmbout Paint luded to layup their b' St. rather th in t tW : *■ *jf tbe rhanees of bri akinlf vonr )re*u« V.'o merlticeil our personal interest Mian in your l eh If. but now h* pr snd trust you w ill "i't< us tlie opportunity of reeuper utins •. , i;e loss-* I t * liberal slims of your pat ion d|fe. It will continue to bs onr aim and purpose to always merit y*ur confldsriee and i storm. MAX HT.ANCHARD. L. 1*. T>EI..*noU8eATE '-Owners W. f. Al'COIN, ) Mch2S-9l-4t. \ Hrvm yonr Job Work done •tt this office. Satisfaclioa guaranteed.