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CljiboiiauxSfttlmeL Journal of the 9th Senatorial District. Official Journal of the Farisliot La ; fourche and of the toicn of Thibodanx A PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY A. JOLET, Jr., & Co., Proprietors. A. JOLET, Jr.. F. SAXCAN, - General Manager - - Publisher Office:—M ain St. between St. Philip ami St. Louis Streets. Si*t>w<*ription : One year [in advance]........ One copy................. $3.00 10 Hateis of Advert ising : For each square often lines or less, the first insertion $1.50. Second inser tion. 75 cents per square. For subse- j quent insertions, per square 50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line. Professional and business cards, in cluding paper. will be published at the rate of 50 cents per square for the first insertion, and 25 cents for subsequent nsertions. A liberal discount to yearly adverti sers. Announcing candidates for office, $10. to be paid for IX ADVANCE. Advertisements not marked on the; cop\ for a specified time will be inser- j ted till forbid and payment exacted. j Persons sending communications to this paper must always furnish their j real names to the Editor. We will not save or return rejected manuscripts. Allusions personany disparaging to j any o,.c will never be inserted except asarhertisements nor then, if peculiar ly objectionable. COLLECTIONS MADE MONTHLY. isA i I; KI >A Y. NOV. 2S. 1-91. FOR GOVERNOR, Samuel D. McEeeey, OF OC AC HIT A PARISH. ANNOUNCEMENTS. To The I hereby submit myself as a Candidate tor the office of ' CLERK OF COURT of this Parish, at the .approach ins Primary] CLERK OF COURT. The Democratic Voters Of Parish Of Lafourche. Eleetion, and respectfully solicit your sup ■ort. 'Chas. J. Barker SHERIFF. Mr. Editor :—Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF of the Parish of Lafourche, subject to the Dem ocratic nomination. 1*. F. LORIO. AMUSEMENTS. Firemen's Hall Richards & Pkingi e's Famous Georgia Minstrels, Tuesday, Decem ber 1st. 1891. One night only. Fisher's Cold Day Co., on Monday December 21st, 1891. what Will they do ? Of the twenty-eight so-called dele gate* appointed by that little coterie of wouid-be political bosses, who had to count people as "present but not voting," in orjler to give them the ap pearance of a quorum, four have al r ady peremtorily declined to serve. These four gentlemen tendered their declination before the primary election and gave good and sufficient reasons to justify their action. They recognized the fact that the right to choose repre sentatives is vested under our system of government with the people and sharply rebuked the attempt of an ar rogant minority of the Central Com mittee to usurp the rights of the peo ple. Since the alleged appointment of these so-called delegates, the Demo cracy of Lafourche has spoken on the g ubject and has most emphatically re pudiated the revolutionary and uii democratic action of the minority of the committer. It lias asserted its rights and prerogatives in no uncer tain manuer aud it behooves every true Democrat to hearkeu to the voice of the people. Hence, naturally arises the question what will the remaining so-called de legates do 1 The people Lavs pro nounced against them by electing their own delegates by an overwhelming majority of the white votes of Lafour che, and have formally revoked what_ over semblance of authority they might have laid claim to under the pretended appointment of the minority. The sovereigns have declared that those who had arrogated to themselves th e authoiity to bestow rights and prero gatives which belong to the Demo cracy collectively, had acted without Any authority whatever in the premi ses, and their pretended appointment RETURNS OF PRIMARY ELECTION Official Count and Compilation of the votes cast at the White Democratic Primary / Election held in the Parish of Lafourche, on November 16th, 1891. X STATE OF LOITSIAXA, Parish of Lafourche. $ Be it known that we, Silas T. Grisamore, James McAllister Bourg and Joseph Louis Aucoin. pursuant to the power and authority vested in us by re>olut.on of the Democratic Parish C'eiural Committee of the Parish ot Lafourche, adopted at a regular meeting of said committee, held on October 2-lth, 1891. and constituting us a spe cial sub-committee of the said Democratic Parish Central Committee, with full power and authority to receive and, canvass the returns of the primary election called for and held on November ltith, 1S91, for the election of 28 delegates to represent this Paii>h in the Democratic State Nominating Convention to be held on December ltith, 1891. and for other purposes, and to declare the result of said primary election, to sign and issue credentials to the delegates elected, and to decide any contest or protest that may arise in said election, did meet on the lfitli day j of Xo*'emlor, 1S91. in the T< wn of Tliiluulanx. pursuant to said resolution, to receive the returns of said election,] and to canvass the votes, and dcc'ate the result, ami we did then on the said Kitti. and the 1711 1 day of November, ! 1891, receive the said returns'fron. the various commissioners of election at ti e divers polls, and did canvass the said returns ai.d the votes cast, and did find from said canvass, that the following named persons received at each | polling place the number of voles set opposite their respective names, and the total number of votes throughout the Parish set opposite their names in the column of "totals," as follows, t.o-wit : " i ; i : l i Ward 1 i Mill « Ward :t Wrd I Ward 3 W « Ward 7 - W » io XAMF.s OF DELI OATES John v Seulv........ it I.. i> ib in u;: •-'4 30 13 pj 43 10 22 •43 3) n; 11 29 7)0 * >.-<•:»r A;i*»**lloz........ '.1 l.'i u 1. HI m ; Jl 30 1' p-j 13 '4 2*2 •43 34 •a; ! 1 29 :.(■ .Instilion Min*........ !• lo li 1. l!> Un J4 30 Is »•_> 48 10 *2*2 •43 30 p; ' 1 2 ♦ k'rn»*st Hcer......... •.* IY r. i; In Hi; J i ;i0 !* 13 10 22 -J3 30 *17 1 1 29 .AH Loyim y Ko<l s--- :< lo 1 1 lo id; 1 30 is hi 43 1 0 *2*2 43 3i) *r 11 29 50 L. A. 'lr >>elaii*........ !• lo «'■ 1. !• ip. 30 ]' d'2 13 10 22 •43 3 l *7 1 1 27 50 1L A. V' oimold........ !i 1 1. il> •; ■li 30 IS 43 10 22 ■4 30 ! 1 29 ;>n W. II Raunn.......... 11 lb ti 1. !U U>7 44 30 IS «>*3 13 10 22 ■43 30 •7 1 •>9 5 Frank Ulni-teii........ !l lb 1 ). t iP; _'4 30 IS 43 10 22 43 30 p; 1 1 29 ■*o A lien Smit li........... li lb 1 1 In, lhT 44 10 IS 6. 43 10 22 •43 30 *■ ( 1 29 50 Kinddnch ........ U 15 S 1 .III i»-p ■4) 30 IS OJ 43 10 2*2 •43 30 ! 1 29 oil S T <«i is:in»i»i*t* ..... U 1. i i .uii Id? •44 30 1 s r,-. 43 1 22 •43 30 9 ; ! 1 *>9 50 L. 17 < ' ■ i lonet........ !> 1. t' 1 i ,11 !<).» •41 :f0 IS 0*2 43 10 22 •43 30 9 ; 1 J 29 50 I- 1». Mtore........... <t 15 • i. ijn ft.; oj :! i |S 07 13 11 22 •43 30 0 : 1 *29 50 Tiieturei t* ('aillo.iet____ !• lo i i H, i «'>; x:l 30 is 0' 43 10 *2*2 •43 30 97 4 *29 AO J M Ilmira ........... !l lb •i 1. In ip; •44 30 Is 13 10 22 •23 30 97 14 29 5( J. I >. Aueniu .. T ....... !* lo •> 1, >■ i «i i»;; •41 30 1' p !3 10 22 ■43 30 97 11 29 A ililariou Lagarde...... ■i : lb 1) 1. Jin u;r 41 to IS fv, 4b 10 22 •43 30 n. , ; *>9 5i '• Oscar I.epiue.......... <1 !b t 1. in m>; •44 3 1 IS p-j 43 10 22 •43 30 9 : 1 1 ;S 5 0 Dr. .John (iazzo........ !• lb (J 1. Mi ir.7 41 30 1 S 0 43 10 2*2 43 30 97 4 29 50 (7 (i. Davis .......... !l lb • > 1. 10 io 44 30 IS p-J 43 19 *22 •43 30 07 14 •2!» 50 Frank P. Parra........ ;i lo li 1. in 1p7 ■44 30 is 0*. 43 19 22 43 30 97 4 29 50 (t. D. Barrios.......... !l lb t) ,. in lu-7 il 30 is 02 43 10 22 43 30 1 ' 2s 50 * Wallace Lefort....... '.i lb 6 1. 10 11*7 .4 30 IS 0> 4 . 10 22 •43 30 !»7 14 •2<» 50 * J. Prudent Bourg...... 9 lb! 9 1. 10 1 (i7 •44 30 Is 02 43 lo 22 •43 30 97 1 •29 50 • Joseidi T Li irianc____ !l tb 1) 1. III 1p7 44 30 K 02 4' 10 2*2 43 :#» 97 11 29 50 • Phi ip Mold liaii\..... q i.V 1. 10 it;; II 30 is' 02 43 10 2*2 •43 30 9 ; 14 29 51 Dr. \V* F. Haraiur..... il lb 1 t. 1. 10 i fi? 44 30 IS 02 13 10 22 ■43 30 97 14 21 1 5o • For Unife Mule........ 9 tb li 1. JO IL7 44 30 IS p* 13 i >2 •43 31 97 14 2« 50 Against Proxies....... 9 ib li 1. 10 l()7 44 3o IS 02 43 10 *22 •43 30 97 14 2 50 For Members ot rl»o Pa Ij I Ceutral Committee : 1 .1- M- Lefort. 3rd \\ aid . .71 -I 02 43 10 2*2 43 30 J. O. Toups, 4th Ward .. - 97 11 29 4? S. (\ Bi»urgeois,8/li •* • .. .. ** w X ; " 2 s'0 2S :d *5 b! 33.;-j ol 74 4 ->3 7 'i 14' 1110 4(1 4S 33 38 1 . 37 s Sll 4S 3!* S5 b 1 33 I.-4 (il r-4 4 43 7 « 14 10(1 III is 33 3S 1-578 so -JS 3!I s.\ : 1 3. (14 04 7-4 -44.43 7 I, 14 100 in IS At 3 s ■b78 sn -js :v9 s5 7 4 33 04 04 74 44 4 i 7 6 14 100 10 is 33 :{ 1.378 sO -js 39 S5 7 1 33 04 04 74 '4( 43j 7 ' I'jIlOo 10 4S 33 3> 1.578 v() -js :v.» S5 7 1 33 1,4 01 74 44 43 7 14' 100 III 4S :t3 3 1.370 So -jS 3(1 s. > 7 ! 33 04 01 7 4 44 :3 7 • 14 100 IO 4S 33 3 157 s VO rjs ■» s.') 74 33 4 04 7-4 41 43 7 i 14 100 111 IS 33 :{' I-n 8 SO 4S 3 :1 Sb 74 33 54 01 74 41 43j 7 14 100 IU IS 33 3 s 1.378 80 -js :n sr 71 33 4 (.4 74 44 43 7 i 14 00 10 is ;{3 ;js 1.07 so -js ;p v;, ' ! 33 04 01 74 41 43 7 • 14 100 40 IS 33 3' 1.377 so 48 :t 7 71 33 04 01 74 41 43 7 t 14 100 40 4H 33 3S 1,7.5 ->(» -js :{*; s.i ; 1 33 04 01 7 4 41 '43 7 4 100 40 4S 33 3S 1572 80 *2 8 L» 8. 1 33 04 11 74 4143 7 j 14 loll 40 4S 33 3s 1.578 SO -JS A!* S:, 7 1 53 O J i l 74 4143: 7 14 1 ih 1 |u is 33 :,S I.37S -0 4' :«I -b 7 1 33 04 01 7 4 44 43 7 ( 14 100 in IS 33 3ft 1.578 Sll -.lx :{<■' S4i 7 1 33 04 01 74 44 43 7 i •v 100 III is 33 3.S 1 378 SO ' 2 s 99 s., 71 13 0-4 01 74 41 43 7 ( 14 100 40 4S 33 3S 1678 80 -2s ;{9 8., 7) 33 04 04 74 41 43 7 ( 14 100 40 4S 33 3s 15/ 4 so *js 3 • >b 71 33 0-4 01 74 41 43 7 * 14 100 40 4S 33 3S 1.378 v() 28 :U* s.> 7 i 33 ''4 01 7 j44 43i 7 i 4 100 10 IS 33 3 1.57.3 80 2s :I9 s:, 7! 33 ,4 >T 74 41 43 ! 7 i 14 100 40 4S :{3 3 s 1.577 SO -Js 39 sb, 74 33 0 4 04 74 44 43 7 ♦i 14 100 10 IS xi 3 s 1.577 80 28 :J9 8.1 71 33 04 , 174 41 43' 7j c 14 100 40 4S 33 3* 1.37S 80 28 :t9 8.J 7 t 33 04 01 74 1 1 43: 7 • 14 100 40 4S 33 3S 1.778 SO *4S 33 s., 71 (3 04 il 174 44 43 7 p 14 loo in 48 33 3' 1.57S 80 2 s :;9 <5 74 33 7,4 01 74 44 43 7 6 14 100 411 is 33 3 - I.77S >0 4S :i!l 74 33 04 0.1 74 41 43 7 0 14 100 to is 33 3s 1.37S SO 4S 3>i s.. 71 33 04. 01 74 41 43 7 t; 14 ... 40 48.33 38 14(54 c0 28 9,9 s -« 7 4 33 1,4 01 74 44 43 7 0 7 ..... 18 33 38 1465 1 .......... |'*i** .....!........ 199 ::7:: b'LL p G no And the said John S. Seely, Oscar ! Angeltoz, Justilien Mire, Ernest Roger, | Lovincy Rodrigue, B. A. Wortnald, \Y • II. Ragan, Frank Christen. I. D. Moore, Theogene Caillouet, J. McBonrg. J. L. . Aucoin, Illini um Lagarde, Dr. JoliL Gazzo, Wallace Lefoit, J. Prudent Bourg, Joseph T. LeBlanc, Philip Ro hichaux, and Dr. Win F. llaraug, hav ing received at the said primary elec tion fifteen hundred and seventy-eight votes each, the said L. A. Trosclair fifteen hundred and seventy-six votes, the said Allen Smith fifteen hundred and seventy-seven votes, the said Clay Knobloch fifteen hundred and seventy seven votes, the said S. T. Grisamore fifteen hundred and seventy-five votes the said L. P Caillouet fifteen hundred and seventy-two votes, the said Oscar I.epiue fifteen hundred and seventy seven votes, the said G. I). Barr os fif teen hundred atm seventy-seven votes, the said C. G. Davis, fifteen hundred and seventy-five votes, and the said Frank P. Parra fifteen hundred and seventy-seven votes, and the said above named twenty-eight persons be jtig the only persons voted f >r as de legates at the said primary .election. I and they having received a majority of the votes cast, we hereby foima'.ly de clare the said above named twenty eight persons, the duly accredited de legates of the Patish of Lafourche to the Democratic Nominating Conven tion to he held at Baton Rouge La., on December 16th 1891, and fourteen hundred and sixtv-two votes having conferred absolutely no power of re presentation upou its unfortunate reci pients. Nothing could be clearer than this deduction—from the result of th** primary election, he who caunot re td this lesson from the hand-writing on j the wall, must he wilfully blind. ! Will rhe remaining so-called dele-j gates read the lesson aright and follow the straight path it points out to j every Democrat ? or will some of tht ui J foolishly enwrap themselves in the ini- j penetrable shroud of prejudice, fana- | ticism, and political hatred, and refuse | to see the liwht of oav n „,l to .......... ' to see the light of day and to follow the j course of wisdom ? \Vi 11 they how ] honorably to the will of the people aud j patriotically lay whatever pride they | ma.V have in the matter on the altar of, true Democracy? or will they, al. j though discredited at home, venture I abroad in the mad attempt to repre-: sent the people against the people's j ^ j These are momentous but pertinent questions and the sooner they are an. j swered by those to whom they are pro j pounded the better for their loyalty | and fealty to the Democracy. These I gentlemen cannot afford to lend them- i selves to any scheme which tends to d'srnpt the Democratic party and to j ! been cast for the | none against the 'Unit Rule," and I And the said Joseph M. Lefort. hav* Unit Rule," we do hereby declare the "Unit Rule" adopt ed and that the fourteen votes of La fourche must he cast as a "Unit" on all questions coming up before the said Convention, the majority of the delegates present controlling, and twelve hundred aud fifty-live votes having been east "Against Proxies," ;tnd none in favor of proxies, we do hereby declare that the mle "Against Proxies" has been adopted, and that the delegates herein declared elected shall have no right to give their prox ies to any one to represent them in said Convention. lug received one hundred and ninety* nine votes for member of the Demo eiatic Parish Central Committee, from the Third Ward, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the removal from the Par ish of J. D. Babin, and there being no other person voted for in said Ward for said position ; and the said Joseph 0. Toups, having received one liun d ed and eighty-nine votes for mem ber of the Democratic Parish Central Committee, from the Fourth Ward, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the re moval from the Paiisli of Thomas Le Blanc, and there oeing no other per son voted for in said Ward, for said position ; and the said William C. Lorraine, haring received one, hun dred and ten votes for member of the Democratic Parish Central Committee from the Tenth Ward to fill the va subvert White supremacy. They may be ever so opposed to the adoption ofthe revenue amendment, and pre pared to go to great lengths to accom plish its defeat ; but it they are Demo j erats, as they have hitherto been, they ! must recognize, and bow to the w 11 of the people, and let their private opinions give way before the opinion j of the majority. It may be hard to J make the sacrifice; wounded pride may revolt against it : but duty | >• > i i * - m the way and honor beckons on | Let no honorable man (imitate h, ob.-v ' tU a............ ' the summons, The Times-Democrat of New ();• leans in its issue of the 24th inst, aniui adverting upon the methods resorted to by some of the sugar planters of St. James at the pr^im vries held in that! parish last Sunday, saiu thinn-s which n apply not. only to 8f. James, but to other parishes in the sugar belt. Said the T. D : "The result of that great victory (in St. James) must also he understood as a vigorous rebuke of the methods used by some few large planters who sought to control their white laborers by threats of discharging them if the lat ter should vote the McEuery ticket j fancy oecasionea by the death of Theo the Palish of Lafourche, for their res- i . , . pective wards, that is to say, the said j pliile Dncos, and there being no other person voted for in said Ward for said position ; and the said Sylvaiu C. Bourgeois having received six votes for member of the Democratic Parish ( er.tral Committee, from the eight Ward to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal from the Parish of Jules B. Falgout, and there being no other person voted for in that Ward for said position ; avc, therefore, do hereby declare the said Joseph M. Le fort, Joseph 0. Toups, William C, Lorraine, and Sylvaiu C. Bourgeois duly elected members of the Demo crntic Parish Central Committee o r Joseph M. Lefort. for the Third Ward* the said Joseph O. loops, for the Fontth Ward, the said William C Lorraine, far the Tenth Ward, and the said Sylvaiu C. Bourgeois, for the Eighth Ward. And we do hereby certify that the voters who cast their ballots at said primary election, expressed their choice for Samuel I). McEnary, for Governor, by a formal declaration en dorsed on toeir ballots. \\ it;ies> our hand, at Thibodnnx Pnish and State aforesaid, this 17 1 li day of November, A. I)., 1891. S. T. Grisamore, Chairman, J. L. Aucoin, J. M. Bourg. Sub-Committee of the Democratic Central Committee. Parish of Lafour che. At the pie.tent time, g a ring the grind ing season, which lasts about two months and a half, quite a number ot white me >, such as engineers, sugar makers, sugar boilers, and sugar clari fiers. are employed in the spgar houses at very remunerative wages, and it was upon that class of in n that the ex periment of employing intimidation was resorted to by some few zealous Anti-Lottery planters. The results are strongly indicative of a dismal lai'ure. The experiment u ?? ! h ® , ® il8 *; 1 Ter - v , '! ,zaV . doU! ? to , 'l'« be 'V '" tl ' ,est « f thoSb wl *» »*v»ked it, and it may be verv dangerous to Democratic harmony and to Democra tic success. And in this connection, a fact of very strange significance, that the same mode of ltersiiaximi l/'/IV HPl'PI* the same mode of persuasion teas never used hi/ planters on tlieir colored labor-\ ers , even at a time when the rote of the aetjro in the sugar producing parishes' amnted rer !l against Democratic \ success and t elate supremaeg. One thing, however, is very certu and that is that the white iaboici not yet ready tosubmit to such control, ratio and that he re'*uked the experiment: with admiiabU- coolness and with pa-* triotic dignity. Such scenes are not pleasant to recount, they are not like ly to recur, aud they could result ouly 1 from the fierceness of political differ ences which border on fanatical freuzv, soon to he most regretted by its most willing victims." "' ' 7." " ' 7, " **" ",7 e 8een 1 ,:lt ' Ie ^ ( l,, ' :l * honorable men, and reputable citizens, whose integrity can be questioned by no one, not even by the most prejudiced Adam site. Elsewhere we publish the list of the Commissioners of election who acted on Monday November 16th, at the va rious polling places, in this parish. The Adamsitcs failed to name the two commissioners tit each poll to which they were entitled, under the resolu. tion of the Central Committee ; al though they had •"watches" at most of the polls, for the purpose, it is said, of comparing t lie lists of voters afterwards to see if there had been any double voting or "repeating.' From the list ot the commissioners who served at the polls, it will at once If any one should be malicious enough to charge fraud or malprac tice in last Monday's election, let him come forth and name the box where such mu!practice took place, or else let him hold his peace. Indulgence in glittering generalities avails not when evil-toiiguec. individuals would cast reflection on honorable citizens and fellow Democrats ; they must assume the responsibility of particularizing, or else stand self-convicted as base de tainers ot honest men's characters. Let the accuses stand forth in the broad light of day, and meet face to face those w hose fame they would* in the dat k. Messrs. Knooloch Moore have been in the city this week, attending to professional business. TAR. PLACIDK HEBERT, AT HOTEL U. \J Toulouse, Lafourche Crossing, La., takes charge of all curable and Tisible diseases. You ean find him for consultation at Tou louse's Hotel, Lafourebe Crossing. Cures the following diseases: Dyspepsia, Kidney affect ions. I (ropsy. Pneumonia, fever* of all kinds. Paralysis. Nervousness, gravel heart diseas -s, Rheumatism all private diseases, Ac. Proves to the public the causes and source* of all diseases. Gi^arautees cure or no pay except in doubt ful eases When guarantees are required, the patient may deposit money exacted for cure in the hands of Mr. Toulouse who will return the same if cure is not affected. Come and be convinced. Without any information given, Dr. Hebert at once locates the disease, makes hi- own diagnosis of the case, and treats it accord ingly : All his medeeines are pure and harmless. To prove this when required, he will takes dose of each at the same time, take thereafter a cold or warm hath, followed bv a heart* meal. * J Those unable to come for consultation, can write, and the Doetoor will call on them. NOTICE. THE nONAI.DSONVILLE LUMBER YARD 1 solicits the orders of Planters Merc hants and others fqrOYPKKSS LUMBER. i , ■'IVui?n rt l v i! l'. f white caster J-J MBEK AND SHINGLE CO., limited of j ' v ,!,'L 1 Li7'.L 1r ' a " LT' placed in Donaid Sonyilie for the convenience of its patrons We expect to carry in stock a full line of our lumber and slun«les, and request a call from all who need lumber. Red Cypress lumber, such us fluorine, plain or corrugated ceilin K . and wuinseoaViuj. moulding, (lrop sidinir doors and sashes and atl kinds of dimension lumber. Address all eorniminieations Ac .to Dnnaldfrouvillc Lumber Yard p. o. Box 189 a»ov. -*-.♦!. Donaidsonville, La. NOTICE. VILE OF FHRKIEK. Notice is hereby Riven that we will in no cordance with Ordinance No.-of the i'o lico Jury of the Fa. ish of t.afoureh r, adopted and approved at a s, of said l.ody Tebl iso, J Yr:* ty W"' " f s, 'Dtcrnber^A.'te, sell at public auction to the last and blithest bidder, in front of the Court House in the 1 own of Tliiboda—x, on -A rt RDA\ , DECEMBER oth, XS 91 said ordin?;7; P 7o n —''rjriVited'in th in ^ cecdinfjs ofthe 1'olice the Thibo' \t X tb! tNT !r r ' f ' V" tf nth day of Oct IS; At the same tipic and place and on the same terms and Conditions, we wi the Krry at Gossm's about _> miles beiow Th,^ f*. T. GRISAMORE. OSCAR LEPINE SK ent of the Police Jury. _..... Cha irman of the F inance Committee. Lockport Public School FundAssociafioa «» r Q f:.n.!« a fl7 , r-Cie d.^XIsdo"i5i/- ,,re " ler> Srt,,,ea ' et 'hnianrhe Par orilre. PIERRE BARRIOS. See. OTIS KiVOKT noTf -UUL ll -DEALER IJf /* ' fl '<'Pll street, TllibotlaUX La Groceries, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. G *ve me a call und JanK 0 - 9 l-iv ni> ' aSSO,,wen » U. Deo Fk UX Dcqa, JosiT i u - —---' ' ' '' LAS0 1 » * 1 1 ' 1 r ' n ------ ' lkmlanq DUGAS & LEBLANC -I'KAI.KRM in_ EHal merchandise ARMELISN STORK, Aa*«nptU»u S Cy*SEND YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THIS OFFICE