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• " 1 - — • 21)iboj&miae Smtinrl, Journal of the 9th Senatorial District. SATUKDAY, NOV. 28, 1891. Senator Gibson's Falla , cions Theory. How The Lottery Will Create Values. Now, the lottery contributes uothing, fellow citizens, to the wealth of a peo ple. Ii supplies no service to a people. A i abroad supplies a service. It car ries your goods to maket. The me chanic supplies a service, the lawyer supplies a service, the doctor, a ser vice, every laboring man contributes some tiling l»y his hiuiu or his hand to the capital o! a country : hut the lot tery does nothing of that kind. It does not contribute one dollar to the wealtii of this 8tati—not a dollar.— Senator Gibson's Algiers Speed.. Wien Doctor Palmer gave ut terai ce to exactly the same proposi tion as stated above at a Grand Opera House meeting some time since, no par ticular attention was paid to the fal lacy enunciated. Ret such a statement from a man like Senator Gibson, one who has had to deal with pratical mat ters—and even practical politics—for thirty years, would indicate that he is endeavoring to tide over the present j bitter campaign by saying but little, . and In couclticg that little in abstruse : phrases. * i That a lottery does not produce wealtii in the sense, or in the same way as does a laborer who raises cane, cotton or corn, or as a mechanic who constructs an engine, a wagon or a buggy, is unquestionably true. Neith er does Senator Gibson, Dr. Palmer, the professional man or the merchant. But to say that those composing such calliugs do not fill a useful sphere in society would be asserting that which is not a fact THE WINTER HACK MEETINGS here do not produce wealth in the way that the employment of the men aud horses engaged would if put to work in raising agricultural p .oducts. But no one acqaiuted with the facts will deny , that these lace meeetings bring a large j amount of money to the city, which is < distributed iu various ways, and adds i to the actual wealth of the city. The s atemeut that the lottery com pany to be formed when the pending revenue amendment is adopted will "not contribute one dollar to the wealth of this .State" is wholly fallacious. One million and a quarter dollars per annum is a good deal of money, aud the payment of this sum to the State in case the amendment cairies, isas cer tain as any financial or commercial transaction can be. There is no evad ing it even if Mr. Morris and liis as sociates desired to wreck their finan cial standing, for the amendment itself provides for the BOND AND OTHER SAFEGUARDS. When a portion of this money is placed in levee embaukmeuts and used iu improving the drainage of New Or leans will notan actual, positive wealtu be added directly to the property pro tected from overflow and tne real es tate of the larger portion ot the city of New Orleans? It can not be argued that the money so expended comes prima.ily from the resources of Louis iana, for the opponents of the amend ment themselves admit that but few lottery tickets are sold iu the country, die sum iu me tUUUiry, and concede that most of the business t of the company is secured from abroad. of the company abroad. Not only will the adoptiou of this amendment add $31,500,000 directly to the wealth of the cviuiuouwealto, but the increase iu real estate values that will follow, must necessarily far exceed this sum, for eveu Senator Gibsou will admit that A PLANTATION SECURELY. PROTECTED FROM FLOOD is much more valuable than one that is not. He must also admit that a great deal of city real estate that is »ow valueless—that pays uothing to the treasury in the way 'of taxes—can be reclaimed aud given both a com mercial and taxing value. There is no more unsound reasoning than that advanced by the Senator. Nor is it new. The planters aud far mers have used it against their mer efiauts, brokers, aud other middlemen ; , yet carried toits ultimate cud, the bum- ! ers the. selves would have to be placed ' in the category of non-producers, for the actual labor is done by their hired help. A BOLD "DEFI." A Challenge to Got. Nicholls. THE GOVERNOR'S UNFINISHED WORK. Francis T. Nicholls, the Governor of the State ot Louisiana, lias obeyed the dictates of his lieutenautt in Iberia Parish, and removed Capt. C. T Cade as a member ot the police juty and Mr Bobcrt A. Uliviet, as assessor of this KS,* 1 iU'Ss rr" Si T lta " eoM,j - with the order ot removals, commie sious were issued to Mr Cleveland Booiero as police j uror and to Mr. Fer nand Mestayer as assessor. As to the relative merits and qualifi cations of the respective persous nam ed, they are so wide apart that com ment is unnecessary. The people of Iberia can establish, the etaudard. Capt. Cade was an origiua! appoin ts* of Gov. Nicholls, during his first 1 term, and has served continuously since as a member of the Police Jury of this parish, and we defy Mr. Nieli oils or his lieutenants to point to a sin-; trio Amoml oof nf ttic tliof fload nof gle official act of his that does not commend him as au efficient and worthy public servant. The same applies to Robert A. Oli vier as assessor, and himself an ap pointee of Gov. Niehoils iu 1888. So that if we look to the •'cause'' for the removal, we can only tind it in the fact that they refused to surrender their political convictions to adopt thosi •Mr. Xicliolis and his followei j j anu '" 1 '" Camille Broussard of Such petty actions on the part of the Chief Executive of a State, are 'oo con temptible to meet with the approval of right-minded men, and tuey will be ic buked at the hist opportunity. However, if Mr. Xicholls has tlm courage of his convictions, and wi»lit>s to be consistent in Iris course, lie must pursue it a step further and proceed to revoke ail commissions held by Pros and sappoiters of Hon. Samuel D. M< Enery in this parish. We challenge him and his local aih isors to do it. In the first pace they have over looked the commissions held by Mes-rs Cade and Olivier as members of the school board. Then there is Mr. Xaicisse Druilhcf, of Jeanerette, and Mr. T. A. Derouen, also members of the School Rnaid. And Mr. John D. Walsh, of the third t the second ward, members of the police jury, and ail leaders and active and ^S ,esS i' e "°t'ktrs in^the interest of 111 ™cEntr\ and in favor ot the a "*' ,J dment. * * Je time for action is now.Gov..... noij your faction lieie need your back ing and encouragement tor the first skirmish ot the campaign, which comes oti'on the 21st. Your first effort was a boomerang. Try it over again ; you may be more successful this time and throw consternation iu the ranks ot the enemy. It is true it's a game of chance; hut then you plated lottery successfully in 1888 : you may hit it again. Try it. Governor. Let her roll.—[New Iberia Enterprise.] , j < i * _ " 1 - Anti Lottery Goomors. If the lottery controls the state gov ernment as the antis charge that ij does, it seems a little strange that Louisiana has never had a lottery gov ernor. Certainly the chief officer of tne state, with the power of appoint ing judges and of vetoing legislation, would seem to be the person a corpor ation or individual seeking legislation aud the establishment of rights in couit would most desire to control. Yet it is a fact that Louisiana has never had a lottery governor. Since the lottery was chartered in 1879, the executive chair ot the state has been occupied by only three men, Nicholls, Wiltz and I McEnery. Gov. Wiltz di*d a few mouths after his inauguration aud he- ! fore he had time or opportunity to ex- j press himself on the lottery. Gover nor McEnery never missed an oppor tunity to score the lottery in his mes sages to the Legislature and Governor Nicholls is the recognized head sachem of the present lottery crusade. The only time Nicholls showed any favor to the lottery was when he accepted a contribution of $10,000 from it to his campaign fund. L'oes tnis look like the lottery was controlling or seeking to control the state government ? if the lottery has anything like the pow er iu politics the antis credet i: with, surely it Jould have elected at least one governor favorable to it since 1879. and that it has not done so trust from ' w,1 * w **'*0 1 JUI, URUt* SO IL USt iroiu t atl ? Dtl standpoint he taken as pritna evidence that it did not want it. —Ex. ETSEND YOUR JOB TO THIS OFFICE PRINTING NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ __________^____________ AlI^S in p^asteboax^boxea Tiok SuUiitutvns and Imitation*. V TstlmMiiij- Same Paper. CHICHESTER,■ rr returs Mall. •el« hr aU Ian-al 1 hn.ewi.,m ESTER ° , ! ' C ME& S A HEAD XOiSfS CBftEHw £& ^ recks INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAR etJSMORL Whispers' fceird CoS fcrtabl.. -.-.rufnl »«Il Bem-aln fall. Sold hr T. HISTtlX. •SaMHeEm.imrm. Writ. far kMk at ^mk SUMtl PnSKEft'S „ H/ilR BALSAM , ^.enn=-*s and beautifies the hair. Promote* a Insurant growth- L Never Fnila to Be3tore Gray! K-jur to its Yoiiihlui Color, fcp.lp di«T38e» ii hair falJing. tuid & I .< *} a t Drugriaia T fe 3-*arkc*r'8 G.n^ er Tonic? iv chic». u-.v "Weak F/ungs, I>cb iity. Indigrtdosi, Pain, Take H1N pE.RlOORKSe Tiic oniv sure cure ter Corns. »/jp* aii pai- jbc. a; Li••• rgisU, or UiSCO^ $c Cu.. S. Y. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. ,:: By !l th " ronKh knowledge of the natural laws w-hich govern the operations of dig.-s ]i on aQ d nutrition, and bv P a earefn^artp'lTea jswrtsss " ' -*-•■- - ■ - 1 r , -i-k. iM'..iucu .ju r oreaKiait l tables with a delicately flavoured beveraa-H 1 hiiYa h iV lal h 8a 3 e . U8 nian V heavy doc-«rs' 1 -.I! 8, ,s the judicious use of such arti Jo Vi "I Lif r— ' **se ot such arti clesof d]etthat a constitution mav begradu ally built up until stiong enough to resist ^ !n i! ,e . nCy t ° dl8 ^ a »<'- Hundreds of Subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack whereever there is a weak point >V e may escape many a fatal abaft by keep ing ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame ."—Civil Serttet Gatrtu. Made simply with bo ling I How to Judgi Classical Music.— There is a vtry simple method by which even the grearest sceptic mav ascertain whether a piece of music is t__.X * » ■ «> • • m m go»d, had or indifferent. It is as fol lows : If the music goes "one, two, three, hop, hop. hop." or "one, two, three, bum, bum. bum," you may de pend upon it that you are listening to unmitigated rubbish. Rut when you hear music which sounds as though a number of well arrauged notes were stuck into a barrel and energetically ! stirred about like a sort of harmonious oatmeal pol l idge, dieii you may as sume that it i- a fugue and at once compose your features into an expres sioii of profound interest. If, on listening to the music, you fancy the notes are drooping acciden tally on the floor, and from time to time asset ting tin involves again in a quiet, dreamy sort of way, then the nocturno, and high Piece is probably not, as you are aware, are very _ class music indeed. When the notes seem to arrive in truck loads, and each truck contains, so to speak, a different sort fiom the one that has rone before, and when the t'aiii appears to ta -.e an unreison sblc amount of time in passing a given (mint, then the masterpiece is most likely a symphony, and symphonies are the gr -a'est musical creations hitherto produced. When it appears as though the notes had been tumbled down belter skel ter, then vigorously shoveled up into a heap, and lastly blown into the a<r with dynamite cartridges—that is a rhapsody, and rhapsodies are the latest variety ot music out.—Dusseldoi fer Anzeiger. If lias been charged that if the Adamsiti s an* i:i the miu.uity iu the State nominating convention, as they are sure to he, and fail to get an Anti Lottery plank on the platform, that they will holt and endeavor to torm an alliance with the Republicans. That tie-re is reason to believe that the charge is not entirely without founda tion, is evidenced by the fact that two such well known men in this State as Congressman R.anch.trd and Col. W P. Ford, both of Shreveport, declared that tliey would rather turn the State over to tlie Republicans than to see the lottery leveuue amendment adopt ed by the people, Mr. E. H. Farrar who is now on the stump in the inter est of the Lafayette dicker, is also quoted as saying that if S. D. McEnery is nominated, he will support the Re publican candidate. It isevideut from this kind of talk that the Adams fac tion have been made desperate by the del at that is staring them iu the face, but their wild mouthing! do not frighten the Democratic party, aud they ate at liberty to make an alliance —j ■— •— --v..,, ... .... ......„,. c with t. e Republicans if they choose to do so.—Ex. , r , * heir good deal of comment in this city regarding the statement which E. H Fariar is said to have made oji the stump, to the effect that if McEi. eiy is nominatid that he will support the Republican nominee, and that if the lottery amendment is idopted lie will leave the state. The consensus of opiniou here among all conservative men *s that the adoption of the lottery revenue amendment w ill not only be financially beneficial to the state, but it would tie the means of ridding Loui siana of a man that can well be spared The threat sf Farrar is really enjoy able, and the only fear expressed is that he will not carry it out.—Ex. Mend Your AddresN If von are tn.iihied with Asthma or any congb send your name. Powder Mixture an! b»>k wilt he sent to yon fine of charge. 1 want you to try it, and vou wdl be .urprieeu at results. On act-mint of heavy advertising expense it is impossible to publish the nu merous 'Certificates received daily. The earn pies will do better than any certificates F. GOUAUX. Houma. La* a 1 I MANHOOD How Lost! KowRe mWTHMLF, SSI MATURE DECLINE, and Sit DI8EASL Md WEAKNESSES of MAN. 300 Bflt; 1M ir.vRiaabia nreHcripU^ 'cSy » By jniil, double sealed. Lescriptive ProJo^u na with endorsements of the Press aud voiuntar testimoniais of the ......a FREE! a Consultation in person or by mail. Exoert lent. INVIOLABLE BEfcRECT TAIN CUKE. Add™. IlrT W H The Peabody Medical Institute. No. 4 BuUbch'fi" -----ibody Medical Institute, No. Boston, Maita. The Peabody Medical Inetitnte haa many Iml. tators, but no equal. — Herald. * l i.Z he 8cience Life > or Self-Preeervation, ,« a 1 l valuable than gold. Read it now 1 beSTSfvo* "v'rf.^£'p° lS maD ' and learn ,0 ' oTBONQ. Med -*HRevieic, (CopyrightedJ v\ r o° tS niak, ' profits per month v 111 Prove It or pay forfeit N* vv portraits just out. A Si 50 W If ft,;,. f ' r l!,,p 'o sent free t« all " H - ' hidcster. A son. », Rond St N. y. A A " S T. S . TK V ,^ AKIN< ! STOCK AND GRAIN 4 *. . Htu»n practical It an Investment nrohihil. 4i, \ <r ai, i a Mlmo8t certain : loss j Tn '. Srewlng!" Kl! ' lanator y letter mailed by ad THK MUTUAL 8TNDILATE, 6 Wall St.,N, T j J ( 1 , ; * | A. BOURON, Watchmaker and Gunsmith Cor. Mam and St. Philip Streets, Tiubodaux. La. K EEP constantly on hand a large and com plete assortment of FIN*- IHIVKLKV watches a- clocks. ! n connection with the above a great v r rietyo G LWS. PtSi OLS. POm>EK. ('ARTE[DOES, Buniin/j Material* Etc. Tne CelcDratal "ELGIN WATCHES" f'f*n»tant!y on hand —ALSO THE NEW — American Sewing Machine — YND— IjOT OF A(-cokdeons THE PERFECT NUMBElT cr- Watches, ducts, Jewelry, Sewing Mo chines. Fire arm*. A c., aarefuilyrepaired and guaranteed A lull stook ot attachments, oil and oeed es fur all kind ot Sewing Machines can be Address, hod by applying to American Sewing Machine* Best.n the World ! O. L. CEE R, Manager, BOCKON. 189 Canal Street, Corner Main aud St. Philip street. Far b, New Orleans, t/ HOOK & LADDER EXCHANGE, (Hotel Bazet Building.) Main Street, Houma. La. J. M. DURAND, Proprietor. -FINE W INES, LIQUORS and CHOICE CIGARS, WA Handsome BILLIARD ROOM Is attached to the Exchange. apS-lv Gem Saloon JAS. A. FRONT. Prop. Oor. Market and Green St., TIUBODAUX, LA. BILLIARD ROOM, BAR ROOM and K ESTA UlfAN r, ••"Tile Finest Wines, Liquor* and Cigars Always on Hand. SPECIAL BAKA FOR EXCURSIONS. ap6-ly Mrs. J, T. Thibodeaux, DRESS MAKING, -AT MODERATE PRICES Taylor System, ^Patterns to Order. HOTEL BAZET! IMaia St., Houma, La. B, F. BIZET, Proprietor. Ob ...nericaa and European Plan, Bestan rant h lonnection with the hotel. Large and air. -ooms for families and commercial traveler. Soeeisl attention given to private dinners NEW LUMBER YARD, JULES DECHUX, Propriety. ''Iiaroh stieet, between Tbibodaux Railroad and Jackson street. Choice Cypress Lumber always on hand, ol all sizes and dimensions Cypress Ceiling , and flooring, Shingles , Fire Wood and Picket* May-ay-TOly. OSCAR L. CARO. Agt. H. Hoffmann, CABINET MAKER -AND- REPA.RER, Main St., between St. Philip and Jackson Sr THIBODAUX, LA. •S-FURNITURE MANUFACTURED and RK PAIRED AT THKSHORTKSr -NOTICE. NICIES FORET, SAW- MILL (ON MARCELLIN BERGERON'S PLACE.) TF "All kinds of Choice Lumber al ways on hand, and delivered to all points on the Bayou. Smith's Hotel Main St. Houma, La. C. P. SMITH, Proprietor. Billiards, Liquors and Choice Cigars tyALWAYS ON HAND^a , *yOn American and European plna. Large try rooms for families and Commercial Trav f*®ta- 8peclal attention given to Private Di*. *•**- Transportatloa mt pass 'agars fr Picayune and Lafourche SAW MILLS, Near Donaldnonville , La, A. ESN FAULT & SONS, FROPRIEIOKM, Molding * Flooring , Ceiling, l e*' Lumber of all kinds on hand or sawed to order on short notice at lowest prices Satisfaction guaran.eed. Encourage home enterprise «p*i try the Picayune and La fourche mills oeiore making contracts else where. H. W. FROST, EXCELSIOR SAW-MILL, CHACAH 0 ULA, LA. Branch Yard at Thibcdaux UF^AII kind# of CYPRESS LUMBER and SHINGLES constantly ou hand. (Lumber de livered to ail points on the bn vou er shipped hysrail. Also agent for WESTONS PEAEJ, RIVER SAW MILLS PINE LUMBER •pli-iT A. GOSSIN. P. BOURGBOIB PERSEVERANCE SAW-MILL, t MILES BELOW LAFOURCHE CROSSING tyChoice building and cistera lum ber delivered to a!i points on tb* Ba you Lafourche. June-27-91 THE FEY HOUSE l LOCKPORT, LA., HOTEL, P. FEY, Proprietor. MEALS 1 LODGING «rAT ALL HOURS.-ea FEED STABLE ATTACHED, Nov. U 90 tfo, PURIFY THEBLOOD TH1BODEA UX'S Sarsaparilla Compound, -:) or (: Mood and Liver Cleanser. A Prompt and Powerful AlISAIiVE m Drills, It Purities the Blood, Cleanses tb* Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bow els from all accumulations of poisonous matter and gives renewed tone and vig or to the Vital Organs. Prepared in » lalxratery 0 < T he Thibodeaux PharmaeT tiiiboi»«ijx. la. inrKATio.Y: My frieml. and the pul.|j e ... .. I have removed to the s'ore pied by Mr. E G. Curtis Nn ? u ^ _______ ___________ JOBS DEZACCflB Hare jour Job Work dons at this office vSatisfrctioB guaranteed.