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JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official Journal of ■ih.o Farish. of Lafourclio and -bli© Town of Thi/bodanan tol. xxvir. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1892 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Statk Officers. Jjovirnot ' Morphy J. Foster of St. Mary Lieut-Gov . .Chits Parlance of P. Coupee, <ec- of State. ..T. S Adnms of E. F-dieiena Anrt. Pub- Acct's... W . 4\ Heard of U.uon State Treasurer, - .John Pickett of Bossier. Att'v Gen, M ,f. Cunningham Natcliitoeh's A. !>. Lafargtn: Avoyelles. U. s. .Senators. E. D. White...............of Orleans R. L' Gdisoii..................of Orleans, Stack Skxatoi.s. j. S. Perkins..............Assumption Jouu 1>, Shaffer.......... Terrebonne JUlXi 'SUPRMK CoD'tT. Chief Jnstice: F. T. Nicholix of Orleans. Aswuiate *' ...J. A. Breaux, of Iberia -• " C E. Fenner, of Orleans. <• ' S. D. McKnery, of Ouachita " Jj. B. Watkins, Rt'd River. Circuit COST-TOK Appeal , Fifth Circuit. R.T. Beaare^rarJ..........of .St. Bernard. tf. D. Smith •............. of St. Mary. Congressman, 3rd. Congressional Dint* Andrew Price...............of Lafourche Dist Judges, 20th. Jud. Dist. Taylor Beattie.............Walter Guion. Dist. Attorney...........L. P- Caillonet PA I H O. KICERS Bepreseutatives:............M. Delanne. " ...........A.Delamotte. Coroner................Dr. John Gazzo. Clerk ofConrt............J- W- Knobloch %riff..................P- E- Lorio Treasurer............Thos. A. Badeanx fnnter......................F. Sancau iasessor................. - Prosper Toups Eeturnmg Officer..........W. C. Ragan Police Jur.ORs. President, S. T. Grisamoie; Jno. S- Seely LF.Gaudd, F. Barrilleans, J. B- Bour fteois.Frank Christian, O. Lepine, Hamil ton Ayo, Louis Lerille, Frank Par a Clerk Police Jury, H. N. Couion, DRiESAGK CoMMISSIONKRS. Dist. No. 1.—E- U. Morvant, J. E. Couion ud -I. B. S. Mire. Dist. Mo. 2.—John Me Cull ah, J. C. Braud and Me. Bourg. Dist. No. J.—8. Folse, J. Guedry and Wai tes netnrt. Dili No. 4.--C. A. Clai~*et. O- Toups and P. Parra. DiitJo. 5.—L. a. Trosclair, 1). Cancienne Morvant. Dist.No. 6 —U. Prestenbacli. P. Toups and ■0 Lepine. Dist. No. 7.—C. S. Mathews. R. Foret and Ayo. Dist. No.8.—S. Bourg, J. Foret un-1 J. T. tdeaux. hist.No. 9.—Paul Lefort, Valere Gat-dry sdEst Savoie D*tt No. 10.—Lu n Bergeron. Lenfroy Wjeand U. Thibouaux. Road and Lkvkk Inspectors. ItotNo. !..........Lncien Trose'air No.2 ..........L. J. Caillonet No- 3 ... ........Emile Toups No. 4...... F. L. liariUeaitx No. 5............ Taylor Adam No. (> .......... J . E. Couion No. 7........Lubin Bergeron No. 8.............Alfred Allan No. 9..............Fred Davis Municipal Officers. Mayor, J. L. Aucom; Coniici.lnien, C. J fcrter.L.P.Caillouet, II W. Frost, W. ^ R»gan, C. W. Thibodeaux and Frank Imwtt. treasurer..................F. Sancau. T «*n Marshal.................J. Walsh Cl «k..................... II. K. Couion «btar......................F. Sancan ^Master.................G- Boudreaux M*ECTo:t? of the School Be ad. J-L. An- oiii, president: A. F. Knobloch, w perinteudeut and secretary; R. R. HcBride E. U. Morvant, B. A. War •oifi.Anatole J. Brand H. V. Aahoj. T Badeanx. ,) »RCT 0!18 of Thibodaux BmnGE Co. B, Mooie, president,' J L- Aucoin, ttRsurer; p. E. Lorio, secretary; Au JwPrl.e. E. McCollum LA1L no A /> SCI! ED l 'LL. ^klVAL ANl) DF.PAKTl UK ol- TRAIN fl'.OM xov. 28 th.. 1889. - 1st. train leaves Thibodaux.": 10 a. m arrives " ...11 a. m ^ruin fur Xnv Orleans and west "flectionleavesThibodaux 4:t0p.m. arrives * . .5:58 p. m ^aii closes 15 minutes before the de of the train. SAME-TWO YEARS AFTER ~"tk, 1890.—It will be two years this tfcliU .K V have lmd no attack ot Asthma. Tons a ccatitieatc you can wish, fiesrim " st hma Remedy has proved most ef tw and secured a full cure, in a case opened in my family. P- A. Barios, Lockport La. THE POLICE JURY OF FI (I A L PROCEEDING State ot Louisiana. Parish of Lafourche. i Tliibodanx. La , May IOth. 1892. f 1 he Police Jit ryot the parish ot Lafourche, met this day according ti> adjournment. Present—1 resident S. T. Orisamore. and ••lessrs. F. I*. Parra, F. Barrlleaux and J. II. Bourgeois, Absents—Messers. II. Ayo and P. Christen. L. Ijd dh-.O. Lepine, Jno. 8. Seely, and Ad der Thibodaux. There being no quorum present Mr. Parra moved an adjournment until to-morrow- at 19 o'clock a. m and that the Sergeant at Arms he sent in the meantime lo notify Messrs Seely and Thibodaux to be promptly on hand at that hour.—Carried S. T. GRISAMORE, President. H. X. COULON. Clerk Second Bay's Session. Thibodaux, La. May, 11 1892 The Police Jury ot Lafourche met this day pursuant to adjournment. Present :—President Orisamore and Mes '*'rs. Spety. Parra, Bourgeois, Barilleaux and Thibodaux. Absent Lepine. Lerille, Ayo and Chris ten. The minutes of the two last sessions as well as the adjourned session of yesterday were read and approved as recorded. The various claims were read and referred to committe on chillis. 1 The. Petition of Citizens of Bayou Bine asking and appropriation of $300 for the Public Road through what is known as the Bourbicre. 2 'The Petition of Mrs. Adolph Ford ask ing for Pension, and the Petition of Citizens ot Cbaebay, Choupie and Bayou Haron for the anpointnieut of Mr. Theobald Gros to tlie position of Road Inspector for said district, and the above Petitions were laid over for future action. The foiling report were read and duly received. GRAND JURY REPORT. Thihodaux La., April 8th 1892. To the Honorable Judge 20th Judicial Court. In behalt of the Grand Jury selected for this criminal tprin of Court the undersigned Foreman appointed by your liouer, desires to make the following final report. In accordance with instructions received Iron; you we examined the Parish Prison, which we are pleased to report appeared in as good a condition as can be desirod. Better vent illation however for the lower cells would not at all be discordant witu humane and healthful demands, but as the building has served in its present condition lor a great number of years it may be con sidered an nimeecessary innovation for us to recommend I'm placing of several ventilators in the jail lor the benefit of the piisoners iu toe lower cells. 'The Police Jury would not do wrong in giving this matter in consideration. 1 he prisoner now in custody four in unm bet expressed themselves peile-tly well s < tidied with ihe care and attention aecoded ti cm by the officials A visit to the Recorder's Office disclosed lo your jury men that the records aud papers of the Parish slid other fixtures therein contained are in proper order and condition with the exception of about a dozen volumes of the records ot this Parish of the beginning of tliis century', one of the dates in the nets going back as far as 1899. The hooks are mutilated. We were informed that the other grand juries had recommended that the.-e nooks be bound, but so tat nothing has been done, hence we deem it our duty to re commend and urge upon the Police Jury of the Parish ot Lafourche that these volumes ot our public tecords i-e bound and otherw ise made secure. Several of the books cannot easily be bound as their edges are worn and shattered in a in inner that renders them practically impossible - As a means of pre servation we rc'-minuend that the Police Jury have the records that are in (his condi tion recopied into sale and sound books. In the Clci k.L Office which we examined uevt. we found its contents in propel' shape and order. Our attention was next given to the Parish Treasurer's books and accounts. A revicwal o that officer's books, the accounts and entries iu which that gentleman, with much lourtesy and consideration, fully ex plained. ili.-ciosc that there is now in the Parish Treasury a grand total of $11,419 91 of which account $6414.91 belong to the general luml and #7925 19 are due tlie drain age fund of the nine drainage districts ot the Parish. Vonr jurors find it very strange that there is mi much money in the Parish Treasury lor drainage and that there is so little done in this respect. The 'Treasurer complained of this faett and suggested that something be done to put the money into practical use. The nccts- tv f.r some such action more strongly emphasizes itself when it is taken into consideration that the public roads arc in a very d'sorodiiable condition and the travelling public .nr much inoonvenieticcd thereby. T.-v Police Jury in our opinion, should force the road inspectors who ale un der their ilm-ct supervision to keep tlie roads in a pi. mu" condition, especially since there are ample funds on hand for that pur pose. The Police Jury should either do this or revise the v, hole road and levee inspection system of the Pu-ish. It strikes us that some plan, better than paying rmm ins; colors, a regular salary and lilting had ; o a ■'* could easily be hit upon. We recommend that the Police Jury look in to this matter. As !.--r i- .t vfi-in m office to which your As !.--r i- .t vfi-in m office to which your honor iu your our attention, wa llow - Hess lo tak* - had no specifiers, any direct couipla cannot do aiivtlm gc to us incident.illy called will say that we were ry definite steps, as we in act upon. Without !t from some source wc g. In this connection we would like lo .-ay that it would be wise lor the public wlmii they have any st eh com plaint or greivance to make a note ot it and when tlm Grand Jury is empannelled to ap lo f.i.- that body and make statements of the facts The Grand Jivy is hound to listen to all grt-iv Her imm-i- the ,.nblic. "ho are invested with full right, should avail themselves of th(> opportunity uttered to get redress it they in- justified in iIn ir complaint. Alter examining a number of witnesses iu regard to cutting levees in the lower part ot the Parish which it was alleged had been (tone to the detriment of a number of persons in that community, we fin-l that the evidence is too vague and indirect to justify us in es tablishing a ease. It seems that there are ■----w——n—— numerous cairn's cxistii used for n-rigktim.''fiura> been impo-aiii e for us t definitely who had the canilts made. While the law etenses no mm for iul'mcnmis. and while w-( do not desire to go beyond the bounds of the law wc think it would he a hardship to punish an> one of these people even if a case vv is found, for wc are informed that the levee in that part of the Parish is So low and detective that a fiords protection hut a small portion of the year. Upon examining various officers of flic Parish as to why tliev did not make an arn-st in the Blanchard Series we ascertained that they did not do so lu range the Steamer As sumption left the wliarl m the town ol Thiho daux too quickly lor them to make an arrest. Alter tlm affidavits were sworn out t.lic officials tried to make the arrests tint could not find the parties eh gaged with the crime. Judging fro hi the complaints t hi f are made concerning the negligence of the r.tail inspec tor ot the 1st District of the Parish we think it advisable for the Police Jury to urge said inspector to be more attentive to nis duty. His roads especially a peice iu front of the Blanchard Place np the Bayou arc said to lie in a very had condition Respectful! v Submit ted. (Signedj R. P. DARDEN, Foreman of Grand Jury. below the cut-off 1 hut wba.r it has Filed April 8th 1892 (S'gned) I*. F. LEGENDRE, D'y. Clerk A true copy. 1 est Clerk's office Parish of Lafourche Maytith, 1892. D'y Clerk of Court. To the President and members ol the Polio Jury of the Parish of Lafourche, and MayoO and Trustees of the Town of Thihodaux. Gentlemen :— As will appear by the official proceeding of the Town Council 'of the Town of Thihodaux at its special meeting held on liie 18th day ot March 1892, the Mayor and Trustees of the said Town ot Thibodaux adopted and enacted as their own. the resolutions relative to the management of the Thibodimx Bridge, passed and enacted U,v the Police Jury of Lafourche at their scs-ion on the day of 1892 And at said special meeting ol the said Town Council of Tliibo daux, Messrs W. C. Kagan, Frank Zernott, and C. J. Barker were elected on the part ot the s -id Council as members of the Joint Bridge Committee, created /.y said joiut resolutions of the Police Jury of Lafourche, and Town Council of Thihodaux. On the 11th day of April 1892, the Thiho dunx Bridge Committee created by and under resolutions of the Police Jury of Lafourche, and the Town Council of the Town of Thibo daux, asherein above mentioned ; met in the Town llall. in the Town of Thibodaux lor the purpose of organization. Mr VV. C. Ragau was elected President, and Mr. C. J. Barker was elected Secretary. It was resolved that the Lessee of the Bridge whenever the Bridge would be farmed out by this committee shall fur. ish a bond,, with good and sufficient securitv. in an amount equal to the full ren tal price for which t-aid Bridge is let, and con ditioned to secure the full and punctual pay - ment of the rental at its maturity, aud ior the faithful discharge and performance of all the duties imposed upon sat Les-ee ; and it was further resolved, that whenever the Bridge is let to farm, it shouol be let by the rear, and that the price of the lease shall be paid iu quarterly installments. The salary ot the President was fixed at one hundred and fity dollars a year, and that of tho Secretary at Seventy-five dollars a year It was resolved that the farm of the Bridge be let to Mr. Al- cc oncale, for the term ex tending f oui the first of April 1892. to the thirty first- ot December D92 iiieiiisivc. at the rate ol live taou-aii I dollars per annum, and the Haiti Mr. Aieec Oucalo being present ac cepted the lease. It was further resolved that the President he authorized to pav into the Treasurers ot the Parish and Town, tne sum ot five hundred dollars each, and to deposit in the Bank ot d'h.iiodaux the sum ot two hundred and fiity dollars, subject t * the President's order, e miitersigned by the .secretary, said sum of iwo hundred and tiltv dollars, to he used as incidental expenses iii repairing and main taining the Bridge, On motion of Mr Sm ly seconded by Mr. Part a. the bond ol the President was fixed at the sum ot twelve hundred and fifty dollars (I2ot).00 j On motion of Mi Zernott seconded by Mr. Parra the committee adjouned to meet in the Town Hull in Thibodaux on May !0th 1892. at 7 o'clock p. m. VV. C. RAGAN. President. C. J BARKER, Secretary. To the Police Jury. The commissioners of Drainage District No. 2 during the past year have kept the drainage ditches cleaned so as to allow a quieu aud thorough passage of the suriacc water. Their District is now in as good a system for -ufficieut and sjn edy dm mage as could ta re isoualdy desired. Since vonr last session, one ot the comurs si-ii.eis. Mr. Hugh Cog an h is died. Mr Co-gun was a very worthy man. and at tended promptly and etin-ienfly to his duties both public and private. la Lim the community loses a good citizen. By older of the the miissioiiers S. T. GUISAMOKE, Secretary Drainage District No. 2. Thibodaux La., May 10, 1892. To the Police Jury : In accordance with Ordinance No — adop ted ami approved at the leguli r session ot this In-dy. held on Jauuarv ith 1892. I have ordered and held a special election, in the Third Drainage District of the Palish ol La fourche. Louisiai.a, on the 19th day of April, 1892. being the date o', the General Election, and designated eommis-ioners of each box. which were located at the same places at which the polls of the Regular Election were located, tlie pel's being kept open from 7 o'clock a. in,, to ti o'clock p. in., to ascertain tin-will ot tlie voters who held property in sal.1 Drainage District in the matter ot levy ing "a special tax of eight mills on the dollar on all taxable property situated in said Third Drainage District of tin* Parish ot Lafourche • beginning tlie present year ami to beconia due and collectible annually in Die same man ner ; s the State and Parish Taxes, "said taxes when collected to be placed to tho cre dit of the said Third Drainage District to lie u-cil as designated by law. The commission ers of the said special election have made pro per returns to me aB follows, as compiled from the returns accompanying this report : At tiox No. 4 located at Arsene Bergeron's there were east twelve votes all iu favor of the tax, returns signed bv Urbain 'Toulouse and Clay Bergeron Commissioners. 12 t At ho No. o located at Jules Thibo daux's there were east fifty se en votes all in favor ot the tax signed by L. J. Caillonet and Pierre M. Boudreaux. At ho No. (i located at or near Louis Martin's there were sixty four votes polled ail in favor of said tax, returned signed by Felix Uobichaux aud M. L. Bergeron At 'mi No. 7 located near Ben Folse's there were east twenty-eight votes all in favor of cox returns signed bv Sos. Folse and Alex M. Folse. At lo No. 21 located near Lul'roi Daigle's no votes were polled. At bo No. 25 located at Ozeme Ho tard's seven votes were east all in favor ol tax returns signed by commissioners. 7 Making one hundred and sixty-eight vot,-s all iu favor ot said special tax. 198 From the Assessor and Tax collector I find tbat there ale two bundled and eleven legal votes hold inf, property in the said Third Drainage District, and that the assessed value ot all property in the s.,id district amounts to one hundred ami forty three thousand and fifteen dollars. A majority of the legal voters have voted in favor ot the said special tax, who represent property to the assessed value of ei.-hty-eight thousand six hundred and fifty live dollars, being more than one half ot the assessed nro pei fy in the district. I therefore declare the said ordinance of the Police Jury in reference to the levying of a special tax iu 1 lie - , Third Drainage District, adopted by that body on the filth day of January Eighteen hundred and ninety two (1892) to be the law. 8. T. ORISAMORE, President. To the Police Jury : The undersigned presents the following statement relative to the condition of the Levee Lottery Fund of this Parish. Jan. 1st 1892 amount ou h'nd us per last state ment...........................$7011.25 " 14 p'd check No. l a Dis. 3 $90 00 " 22 " " " lfi l)is 4. 54 90 Ap'l 10 p'd ch k No. Ii Dis No.3- 10 00 Total 159 90 Balance $0859 35 Distributed as follows : To District do. 1..........$1091 25 " " " 2.......... 108 18 " " ' 3.......... 709 55 314 65 1600 89 910 61 1090 00 100 09 70 07 192 03 " " " 9......... Batture of Incidental Expense.......... As there is no further need of the funds ap propriated for batture experiment I recom mend that the balance of $70.07 lie placed to to the credit of the Incidental Exuense Fund. Respectfully Submitted, S. T. GKISAMORE, President. Treasurer's Bieport Report of Thomas A Badeanx, Parish Trea surer of the Palish ol Lafourche. GENERAL FUND. March 15 1892 Bal. on hand.......... 6974 88 Receipts since : Taxes of 1891 ........................ Licenses of 1892...................... Back Taxes ot 1890................. Thihodaux Bridge Allotment. May 10 1892 Total receipts Disbursements Salaries of officers.......... 3! 113 42 49 US 50 50 00 lload Inspectors..............216 25 Pensions...................... Witness fees.................. Jurors fees.................. Jail acct. and sheriff's salaries. Com ot Tax Collector........ Justice of the Peace.......... Constable fees................ Incidental Expenses.......... Repair of Roads.............. Conviction lees............... Coveying prisoners........... 262 25 318 26 122 46 23 99 27 30 105 40 16 77 95 00 68 90 1916 48 May 10 '92 bal on hand this day____$8007 85 Respectfully Submitted. THoMAS A. BADEAUX, REPORT of Thomas A. Badeanx. Parish Treasurer, in account with the THE DRAINAGE FUND. District No. 1 — Balance...... 655 IS Receipts since................ 37 II Total............ 692 29 Disbursements........ 1 85 Balance District No. 2—Balance....... 399 10 Receipts since................ 27 67 Total........ Disbursements.............. Balance District No. 3- Balance..... Receipts since.............. Total Disbursements............ Balance District No 4—Balance..... Receipts situ-c............ ... Total........ Disbuisfetncnts.............. Balance District No ■>—Balance..... Receipts since........ Total Disbursements Balance n.—Balance...... eipts since........ Total Disbursements. 155 96 12 22 168 18 61 23i; 35 11 23 300 58 287 05 .1293 14 . 87 32 . 1380 46 4 39 riti 88 l 10 13 53 690 44 425 68 Balance Dist. No. 7.—Balance........ 810 57 Receipts since........... 8 37 Total Disbursements 818 94 41 Balance District No. 8—Balance...... 660 35 Receipts since.......... 12 96 Total....... 673 31 Disbursements .............. 110 64 Balance District No. 9— Balance ...... 179 17 715 7S 818 53 562 67 Grand Balance Respect nil v submitted. THOMAS A. BADE4 UX. Mav 10th. 1892. Parish Tre asurer. These two last reports were retered under the ruh-s to the Commit tee on Finance. At this time the petition ot the citizens of Chaekbev etc., was taken up and the Presi dent stating that the Road Tiisneetorship was vacant in said district. Mr. Theobold Gros was declared by a unanimous vote elected to till the vacancy. Mr. J. McBnnrg was duly appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Hugh Cogan ou the board ol the 2nd District Drain age Commissions. Mr. Parra at this time informed tlie Jury that Mr. Filmore Lee died on or about the 21st ot March hist and in as much yshis fami ly were in distihute circumstances, he moved that .Mr. 1 e.c s pension he continued in favor of his family. Carried The Pension of Mr. Curtis was continued at rate ot $4.00 per month to start from Jauuarv 1st. 1892. Mr. Seely seconded by Mr. Parra moved that the Compensation of the Commissioners of Election. Deputy Sheriffs and Clerks of Election who served at the Election of April 19th last, be fixed at $2,00. Carried by following 'Mte : Yeas Grisauiore. Seely. Parra Bourgeois Barrilleaux, and Thibodaux. Nays:—None • Mr. Pa' ra seconded by Sir. Bourgeois offer ed the following resolution who was duly re ceived and adopted liy following vote .' Yeas :— Grisamore, Seely, Parra, Bourgeois, Barrilleaux, <ind Thibo daux Nays :—None. Kewolcalion O'o.— Whereas the square around the Court House requires that there should be a suita ble banquette erected around it : and whereas Previous Police Juries of this Parish have shown their desire on previous occasions to have proper banquettes constructed around the same, and whereas at this tune the Parish finances are such that we feel that it would be possible to expend the sum required to entry out this needed improvement without prejudice to any other parish interest. Therefore, he it resolved, that the Presi dent of this Jury be, and is hereby empower ed to have a suitable brick side walk con structed, on the West, East, aud Soutu sides oi the court house square. Resolved further, that the sum of Four Eundred Dollars, or us much thereof as may he necessary, bs and the same is hereby ap propriated to pay said banquette construc tion. Resolved further that the President of this •Jury is hereby directed to begin said con struction at once. Mr Bourgeois seconded by Mr. Parra mov ed that tin- Jury do now adjourn to to-mor row at 9.1 o'clock a in. Carried. N\ T. GRISAMORE, Pres't P. Jurv H. N\ COULON, Clerk. Third Diij's Session State of Louisiana, 4 Parish of Lafourche > Thihodaux. May, 12th 1892 ) The Police Jury met this day pursuant to adjournment. Present : President Grisamore. and Messrs. Jno. 8 Scciy.F. P. *'arn.... B. Bourgeois. F. Barilleau, and Alidor Tiiiho taux Absent: Messrs. <>. Lcpmc. L. Lerille, H Ayo and F. Christen. Mr. Parra on behalf of the Committee on Finance pieseuted the following report, which was ordered received. Thihodaux. La., May 12th. 1892. To tiic President and Members of the Police Jury ol the Parish ot Lafourche : Your Finance Committee to whom was re* ferred the Report of the Parish Treasurer, In gs leave to report that it has examined the laid report and compared it with the books ot the I reasurer aud his vouchers evi dencing the disbursements made, and every thing was found to be correct Respectfully Submitted. F. P. PARRA. J. B. BOURGEOIS. Mr. Parra at this tune offered the following Budget ot the probable expenses for the year 1892, and the same was read aud adopted by the pillowing vote. Yeas :—Grisamore. Seely, Bourgeois, Baril lemx and I'biqodaux: Nays •—None. Lafourche, May 12:li 1892 ■ Your Finances Committee respectfully re port, that t hey have prepared the probable expenses of the year 1892. Salary of officers.................. t 090 00 Road and Levee Inspectors Salary.. 1 390 HO Grand aud Petty Jurors............ 1 500 00 Sheriff' fees......................... I (i;;o 00 Boarding prisoners. ............... 2 000 00 Asscsor- Commission.............. 1 COO 00 'Tax Collectors Commission........ 1 000 00 Public School fund................ 6 000 00 Public S ired house luml .....____ I 000 00 Police Jurors per diem &. mileage.. 500 00 Witness tecs iu criminal cases...... 700 00 Cormiers fees........ 590 00 Transportation ot convicts.......... 100 00 Justices and constables fees........ 700 00 Conviction fees.................... 300 00 Charity expenses.................. 700 00 Election expenses.................. 500 (ill Public mud expenses....... 500 00 Drainage fund.................... 2 500 00 Incidental 1 400 00 Total 25 000 00 Respectfully Submitted. F. P. PARRA. J. L. BOURGEOIS, Mr s. (-!-• presented the following report from tii •. committee ou claims State of La., Parish ol Lafourche May 12 *92 - jLentleiiien:—Your committee on claims to whom various claims were-referred lieg leave to sav they have ex.tmied them carefully and report favorably on the following : to wit— C. A. Eugerran Justice of tlie Peace. .$ 27 68 J. B. Lnziguaii Constable............ 42 30 Thibodaux Sentinel.................. 152 25 Mayer Drug's store.................. 29 30 Edward Badeanx................... 4 00 Hoffman & Aucoin.................. 4 50 W. J Di-lier special constable...... 3 25 W. J. Disher " " ..... 2 75 Alexandre Dupuy J. P........... 2 31 Alexandre Dupuy J, P........... 2 25 Thomas Foret........................ 8 20 Continued on fourth page.