Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. Plmamm bikit,—T hose indebted to the "Thibodaux Sentinel" are respect fully requested to remit. Justices of the Peace Blanks for Sale Here.— In both Civil, and Criminal Cases, such as Citations, Sub pcnw*. affidavits, Warrants of arrest. Commitments, Search Warrants, Bail Bond*. Peace Bonds, Affidavits in breach (\1 the Peace, Warrants of arrest in breach of the peace. &c., Ac., All these blanks are for sale ready pre pared in the Sentinel Office. All other blanks needed put up in snort notice. Sold at reasonable rates. The Mississippi is still rising below Vicksburg. At Vicksburg it is on a stand. lit-ud the resolution offered by Hon. H. Delauue, representative from our parish, and adopted by the Legisla ture in regard to the only proper way of dredging effectively the llayon La fourche. You will find same published oo 4th page of this issue. Messrs. A. F. Knobloch and Thos. A. badeaux were appointed to carry outlie examination of an applicant for Cadetship at the Naval Academy at Annapolis. See notice elsewhere. halloin' C.sitern J15. 1500 Gallons, t'JO Libia,* A Bios. at, Perdido St. New Orleans Tin: World's Fair.— The South nay claim, without prejudice, to have more than its share of tiie world's fair. The acknowledged beauty of the ladies of the South is due in a great degree | to the use of Creole Female Tonic, the I ladies' friend and favorite, and sure cure for all female sickness. It cures prolapsus uteri and all organic disca tes. The Tetioau livery stable will have hacks miming out to and from the CiLn ki'.vv Fair on to morrow, Sun day. at die rate of, per bead, 2f>cts goiug to,and 25cts returning from, said Fair. On account of crowded matter, we will reserve for next issue the writing up of die 2nd Literary Reunion of the C. K. of A. of Thibodaux in order to give it lull justice. Be Considerate.,— Don't worry your fiiendsand family with that worn and faded appearance. Get a bottle of Creole Female Tonic. It will cure your diseased organs and chauge your pallid cheeks to the rosy hue of health. Bon. Judge L. P. Caillouet Judge elect of the 18th Judicial District Court, received his commission on last Thursday, and qualified the sum* day, Mr. Gluts. J. Barker, Clerk ot tour! for this Parish, qualified on last Thursday also. We are informed that Mr, L I\ Lori(i will qualify as Sheriff twin! . / Judge Taylor Beattie and son will snorth open an office in the old sec - wd Justice Court stand. The bnild lugisi mv being repaired and repaiut *d' We understand the law firm g<> under the name of Beattie & Hattie. Bisii.n nr:. -Preston's Hod Ake is a wieniie Inr any kind of headache. Mliioiis, neuralgic, acute and chronic. ■' ® 1 cure in 15 minutes and never Perfectly harmless. It won't I® 1 * any thing else. A Smart 31 au net h ihble around on crutches *hi ii ne can Ins Rheumntisni with **berth-of 1 )r. I)i ummoml's Lightning Reruttly, costing only $5. but worth - V. i.iiierjiiising Druggists kecep it, •nt will be M-nt to any address on <ipt til price by the Drummond j jWictue , 1S-50 Maiden Lure. ' l " Jork. Agents wanted. Die new Hope ciev isse, nine miles >^i 0 w Donaldsouville, on the right i),u 'h ot the Missippi River, was closed M '^t Saturday. Too much credit ''litiiot he given so Lieut. Hardee, F. •' Lst. Engineer, ami to Mr. Lewis, -W. state F.ngineer, for their noble * l ':kiuthL and the Tessier crevas #r«. ti vc *' M ' A-c.-iision crevasse I fc!u ' s alum Donaldsonville, cl used un last Thursday rj,j s break occlined <>u las t •unlay evcniiic at '.I o'clock. A large **thire he* between this break ami rivei, facilitating the close. Pbks>Ton's Head Ake,—I s a certain •c for headache. It will cure head |, 11 °" l >', iU, d is tjuranteed to do that. Van t cure anything else. It never i, '' s \ Hon't suffer when \ ou cau get le 11,1 »n 15 minutes. Chaa. LeBfaoc, of Heater, La., has been on a viait to hia mother and sis ter in Thibodanx this week. Maj S. T. Grisamore. reported very sick last week, although weak, has been up since last Monday, and at tending to business. Mrs. Lovincy Webre, reported so very sick last week, is improving rap idly, and considered out of danger. Mrs. Clement Lartigue, together with lier husband and children, hear, ing of the serious illness of Ler mother Mrs. Webre came to Thibodaux some time last week, aud after spendiug a tew days at her mother's bedside and "atisfied that every thing was all right, returned to her home in Plaqueiuiue Parish c u last Monday. W e w ere glad to meet at the elec tion of Directors of the Bank of Thibo daux, Mr. 0. M. Neilsou, aud to wel come him once more in our tuidst. He was the guest of Mr. C. P. Shaver, the worthy. Cashier of the Bank. Mr. Neilson is a large holder of shares in our Bauk, aud one of the effective ori ginators of the concern ; in fact he cau properly be called the founder of th e Bank. He left for Donaldsonville on Wednesday morning whence he returns to Alexandria. Hon. Thos. A. Badeaux, attorney and counsellor at law, and oar worthy Parish Treasurer, has removed his of fice from the Part building into the Fleetwood bnildiDg on Market St. Judge Bannon T. Blake, 2d Justice of the Peace elect of the Parish of La fourche, received his commission last week, together with Judge A. Oucale, elected for the same ward, lias quali fied and has opened aud office and court room on Thibodaux St., near the corner of Thibodaux and St. Louis Sts Thibodaux, La. All iu need of hi g services, will find him prompt and ready. Ou last Sunday, at the 7 o'clock low mass, took place the first communion of the children of St. Joseph's Parish. There were 158 first communions, of which 7'J were boys, aud 79 girls—a remarkable conineidence. We are in fo: med that this was the largest first communion that ever took place in St. Joseph's Church. ( hi last Monday evening the Right Reverend Aichibishop Jansens, ac companied by. his Grace Bishop Meer shardt ot Oklahoma, Indian Territory, came to Thibodaux, on Tuesday lie ex amined the children for confirmation and ou Wednesday gave the confirma tion to two hundred and one persons. After mass, on confirmation day, His Grace Meershurdt delivered a very impressive sermon to the childreu who had just been confirmed. There w as an excursion here on last Sunday from Opelousas. We regret to hear that financially it was no; a suc cess. Otherwise all the excursionists enjoyed their visit immensely and were quite taken up with our town. We had the pleasure of meeting aud burning the acquaintance of Mr. San doz. editor of the "Opelousas Courier.' 1 This excursion was given by the fire men ot that town. They were liospi* tably received by the firemen of Thi* bodaux at their Hall (Opera House) in a neat little speech by Mr. H. N. Cou jou, responded to by Mr. William Me gialey one of the visiting fire men, after which they were takeu to the Protectors' Hall aud served to a magnificent cold lunch, prepared spe cially for them. Every thing passed off quietly and agreeably. Dr. Drnniniond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism has received - thequalilicd endorsement of the medi cal faculty as being a safe and re markably efficient preparation for the relief and speedy cure of Rheumatism. Its work is so speedy and miraculous that benefit is telt from the first dose, and one bottle will cure auy ordinary ca.-e. Sold by druggists. Price i?f>. fer huge bottle, wi sent by prepaid jexpiess on receipt of price by Drum mond Medicine Go., 48-50 Maiden j Lane. New York. Agents wanted. i Female Weakness Positive Cure. I To THE editor : — I'leasc inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy i ree to any lady if they will send their Express and P. 0. address. Yours respectfully, Du. A. G. MARCH 1ST, Utica, N. Y. STATE TAX SALES Of Immovable Property. The State ot Louisiana ys. Delin quent Tax Debtors, Parish of Laiourche. Thibodaux, La., June 4th, 1892. B y virtue ok the authority vested in me l>y the Constitution and laws ot the State of Louisiana, I will sell at the principal I rout door of the courthouse iu which the Civil District Court of said parish is held, iu the parish of Lafourche within the legal hours lor judicial sales, beginning at 11 o'clock a. m., ou SATURDAY, the 2nd day of July 1892, and continuing on each succeeding day until said sales are tempi ted, ail immov able property on which taxes are now due to the State ot Louisiana, and parish of Lafour che to enforce collection of taxes assessed in the year 1891. together with interest thereon from the 31st day of December, 1891, at the rate of 2 per ecut per month until paid, and all costs. The names of said delinquent taxpayers,the amount of taxes due by each on the assess ment of said year, and the immovable proper ty assessed to each to be offered lor sals are as follows, to wit: * BOUTERIiS OLEU8 Taxes o+' 1891, amounting to $ 2.35 A certain buiidiug, in Thibodaux, on lot No. 92. BOURKEE PIERRE Taxes of 1891. amounting to $ 8.35 i lot Mo. 25, frontiug, ou Thibodaux St CHERAM1 JOS EST. Taxes of 1891. amounting to $ 5.75 80 acres of land, right bunk Bayou Lafourche, below Thibodaux. bound ed by lands of Octave Adam aud Eat. Mrs A. Badeaux. JACOB BAGONOVICH Taxes of 1890-91 amounting to $ 4.50 A certain tract of laud situated iu Lower Lafourche, right bauk, bound ed by lauds of People's Bank aud J. M. Bolliuger. DAVIn JULIA MISS Taxes of 1891 amounting to $ 7.15 16 acres laud, right hank. Bayou La fourche, about one mile above town, hounded bv lands of Blackwell and C. Wells. DISHER JOS Taxes of 1891. amounting to $28 15 A certain tract of land, about 20 miles below the towu of Thibodaux, bound ed by lands of L. Rivet Sc So'et Gui droz. DAN IIN EDWARD Taxes of 1891, amounting to $ 2.35 A certain lot ol grouud iu Lockport right bank, in square No. 10. DAUDARKE MARCELL1N Taxes of 1891, amounting to $ 2.35 35 acres of land, Lower Lafourche left bauk, bounded by lauds ot list J. B. Pittman & Felicien Thibodaux. DASPIT OSCAR MRS. Taxes of 1891 amountiug to $ 2.15 3' acres swamp lanus in N W ; of N W i, Sec 26. T 17, S R 18, E Bavou Blue. FACQUET O. Taxes of 189U-9I amounting $50.00 640 acres, being Sec 27, T 15. S K 14 E HOLL1NGER FiiED Sc WESLEY EST Taxes ot 1891. amounting fo $ 5.00 I>ot of grouud iu Thibodaux. bounded by Herley & Freeman ou Church St. LEBLANC THOS Taxes ot 1891. amounting to $ 5.50 A certain tract of laod left bank, Ba you Lafourche, below Lougville, bouuded by lauds of Paul Barrios, above any below; MITCHELL KICHELL ifc GOODE MATHEW Taxts of 1891, amountiug to A certain tract of land iu Chackbey. $ 3.35 MCADAM ALEX. OR UNKNOWN Taxes of 1891, amounting to $ 5.75, 280 acres of land, being E i of S. W ■>, S W i of S W 1 See. 32. T. 14. S. ID 18. E. VV. j of E. i. Sec. 32, T. 14 8, R, 18 E. McENERY JOHN EST, Tax 1891 amounting to $21 55 being El, See 9. S EJ, of S W, j. Sec. 17. N W j of S W '. See, It*. Ail of Sec 21, all of Sec. 33, and all ot frac. Sec, 36 iu T 14 S U 18 E. About 1581.31 acres. ROBICIIAUX TIICODULE Taxes 1891. amounting to $ (>.00 A lot and buiidiug iu Thibodaux frontiug ou Jackson St. SMITH CLEMENT EST Taxes of 1891, amounting to $18.50 A certaiu tract of land above Thibo daux, right bank bounded by lands ot Mrs. A. Roger Ji II. Clement. THIBODAUX BENNET Taxes of 1891. aiinuntiug to $ .50 i Lot No 128, iu Thibodaux, frontiug ou Canal St. WILLIAMS SOLOMON Taxes of 1891. amounting to $ 7.35 A certain lot ot groud, lower outskirts of Thioodaux bounded by Narrow Sc Lagarde Sts. On said (lay of sale I wi'l seli such portion ot each of said suetie property as each debtor shall point out, and iu case the debtor shall not point out sufficient property. I will at once and without further delay sell the least quantity ol said specific property of any uebtor which any bidder will bay for the amount ot the taxes, interest aud costs due by said debtor. The sale will be without tp praisemect for c-(hIi iu legal tender money of t'uited states, aud the property sold shall be redeemable at any time for the space of one year by paying the urice giveu with 20 per cent and costs added P. E. LORIO. June 4th, 1892. Sheriff and Tax Collector. VOTIUE T OMORTGAtiECRE IH10R8. Ofmcb Statk Tax Collector ) Parisli of Lafourche Juue 4 1892 ( In conformity with Section 63 Act 85. notice is hereby given to ull parties holding mortgage upon real estate located in Parish of Lafourche on which taxes for the year 1891 have not been paid, that I will begiu the sale of tbe same at the Com thouse door on July 2d, 1892. aud that a number of pieces of property so de iuqueut are now being ad vertised in tins newspaper, iu conformity with tlie law, pieparatory to such sale The attention of mortgage creditors Is es pecially called to these advertisements of tax sales, aud they are warned to take such steps prior to thesalesas may be uecessary to protect their rights. P. E. LORIO. Sheriff' it Tax Collector NOTICE. intend to ;tppv for a pardon. OLUCIEN CHE RAMI. 4 C4RII. I take these means to inform the public that I have sold out my Drug store to Dr. H. Danserean, and ana now with the Meyer Drug Store, where I am ready to serve all as here tofore. Trusting that I will be of service. I am, Yours very trulv, C1IAS. W. THIBODEAUX. Children Cry for VITCHSK'S Castoria FOR SALK. o .raw i j NE PRESCRIPTION AND ONE COUNTER Scale (Tromer's) cheap. Applv to ! My-14-92 Dr. E. U. BOfRG Labadieville, La. ■Hart Well Co. L. B. HART, Prop, Plaque,nine, La R. S. RICKEY' General Agent, 14 Union Street. New Orleans, La Water Guaranteed or no pay, —FOR— Boilers, Doubleeffects, Vacum Pans, Stock, And all other uses. Supplying Sugarbouses a specially, Correspondence Solicited Mil.-19 92 3in-p. , 1 LOCKPORT PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND ASS'N, At a meeting held by this association on the first Thursday of October, 1889, it was RESOLVED, That henceforth, a fair shall be held for the benefit of the school fund on the tir«t .Saturday and Sunday of June of ev ery . Jy order of xAERUE BARRIOS, Secretary THIBODAUX Shoe and Hat Store, Tv Wmwb, W\ 4, ^'; r vT M , ^3 // _'• (L>- ' —• - - r Family Scene alter purchasing Hainilton-lirown Shoe Co.'s Ladles' and Gents' $2.50 Shoe. HUSBAND.—They are a perfect lit for you.. I hope they will give you the ser vice that I have received. WIFE.—Yes; they are splendid. Our shoe dealer tells me they will wear as well as a $5.00 pair of any other make. HAMILT0N-°R0WN SHOE CO., ST. LOUlSi FOR BALE AT FHR Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats ol the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. All goods as represented. E. J. BRAUD, Proprietor. FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr., THIBODAUX Livery, Feed! Sale Stables. JiACKSOM STREET First-Clus s HEARSE • WITH Heavy Whiter or Black Drapery. THE FINEST Carriages BOTH Open & Glo^e Etc.. Etc,. Finest, and L argest Assortments^ Cask ets and Coffins ETCaDKIAGKS ALWAYS READY YVITH NEAT AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Shop on JACKSON STREET, where I am prepared to do all work in that line. Ilorssetislioeing- a Specialty. Feb-22-1890. EPSEND YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THIS OFFICE. WE GUARAN TEE SATISFACTION NOTICE! TO RKI PLANTERS. 187 SACKS OF NO. 1HONDURA8SEED rice, second year's crop for sale Brice $4 00 per barrel Apply to . BOUBGEOl* Sc LKFORT. Laiourche Crossing, Lafourche Parish, La Feb.-27-9g. For Sale or Rent. THE MAGNOLIA GROVE PLANTATION _L (formerly E. A. Tete's) in the Parish of Assumption, on left bank of Bayou Lafour clie, and about , miles above Thibodaux. For terms and conditions apply to CITIZENS BANK, New Orleans. For Sale. One pair cylinder boilers complete one portable engine, one peddling cart, the whole is in good order. UBSIN LEBLANC. White Rose Plantation. FOR SALE A COMPLETE PEN'S PUMP, ENGINE and Boiler, in Ma nolia Grove Plan, tation, opposite abadievnie. Apply to LEVIS BRO8, No. 50 Tchoupitoulas 'et, New Orlean May 13,90 NOTICE. I'oi* sale cheap. ON ACCOUNT of limited pasturage: SEVERAL HEADS OF REGISTERED HOLSTEIN AND JERSEY CATTLE. Apply to JOHXT.MOORE. fr n.-'23rd-92 3iu Schricver La