Newspaper Page Text
Insert jour advertisement-* in tin Jmsiisofthe "Tliibodaux Skntinf.l ify.m wish to increase your Nothing iike it. business \ new advent in JJr.K A. Frost on the [letso'.i ot giatulatioiis. the fiouselioltl o la.-r Thursday ii ni'obv bov. Our con j i ! Sjsteus of run ihmaitlate cox- i arnoX.—We are letpiested to an- j Bounce that the Sisters of the Cetivent 0 f tiu* Immaculate Conception will give _6vaml Fair on the spacious convent j Miiiih situated 'mar Lubadicvilie. on Saturday a«i2. inti Sunday, Oct. 1st and 2d, Rkki* voUi: in; —If you pre fev, but a dose of Piestou's Ilead-Ake ■will cure it in lh minutes. That's Ttliat it will do—and if it smudd fad to doit, it won't cosi you a cent. \ ou only for the good you get. It is a for all headaches. pay < Marauteed cute gold by all druggists every where. \Ve welcome with pleasure among our exchanges il Le Moustique" whose initial "limber appeared on Wednes-j day. the 14di inst. published in New Orit'niis. ami edited bv Mr. Lament Francium, None but Mr. Fraucioni *wlio>e wit and humor is so well known, OOtdd have given it such a name. It jg full of.since, wit and humor. Tlie Tax layers are notified that the j jhwessur of the Parish has handed in ' his asse-smeiit lolls, and that the taxes j foi 1892 ate now due and payable to P. E. Lorio, Sheriff, and ex-officio; Tux Colic-cior of the Parish of Lafour- , the. Soi-i'iiN its m Kit its.—P reston's Hed Ake i> an lin'ailii.g cure lor any and every form ot Headache. It will cure join headache in 15 minutes, it is guarnulcdl to do that, or money refund ed. Did you ever receive a fairer of fer? If it Ones not do what we claim, we don't want.your money. No cure, lio pay. There eid b a grand Musical Eu tertaimi.e;.! at N&poleonvillc this eve ning a"* 1 t>nni! row evening. Several Brass Kmds will be in attendance. One luimkcd brass iustfumeuts will play at mice. Our celebrated Tliibo-j dans Kiass Hand will participate. Lovers of music, this is your chance to a gland musical treat. Grand fair. —Do not forgot that Bev. Fat her Vigmux will give a Grand Fait at S. Mary's Catholic Church near Km' land, on Saturday and Sun day.O' . Island 2nd, 181)2, the pro ceeds of which will be to erect the steeple of said of funds lias m»t yet been built. Then Ttill he "inu eiuents of all kinds, such a* hors lacing, papegeai, &*e.. and a "well eipnjiped restauiaut furnished with all tli,- delicacies that the season can ulford, all at. moderate prices. Yotir gein-i mis patronage is earnestly •olicited. I'liibodaux Brass Band will be inattemhnee. . . . , huridi nhteli ftir want ' Thf qi F.FNOF cures.— Creole Fe male Ionic is a certain and speedy remedy far all foi ms of female de rangement-. It will cute the worst form of prolapsus uteri after oians ha\ ■ 11 : <>\ ed of no avail, stood tla* test, and to-day it most jMip'tl.i. remedy in the jt is a sple* did. tonic. —-*rv- <*»> •**—---- plivai It 'has in the South. The nniuber of the Mea! 1: rnal" appeared iu July last. It 1 - published monthly by the C J. t a .taps-in Real Estate and Loan 1 H cn<y, 'ii<! devoted to the agricul tural, c ahuiorciid ami inter ests oi , I*e Paiisli of St. Landry and Son11 1 V tern Louisiana. We wel come b 0111 * exchanges. "Opelousas For u. foi nex : of our i,i Nkrv. nemm . Bion. amt gaits ;;; prompi I • Sontlv:: ic. It v ami m-; ci ku* *,, F *";, - A. lb; , " space, we have reserved the ciiininal proceedings tiict ('ourt. i ag.— That tired feeling. ii regularities, supprrs i diseases of Lhe female 01 ;eiiiately relieved and * ir.ed by u.-ing the great * *' ite. Creole Female Ton • ) iil.1 up weakly women * :a strong. It restores ns. uni; fijo M. n. When B. Urtor.*: Vh.*\!.: ■Wheu .4 :j, fchc cried for Ca. u : ia. .is*, she clnntr to Cast aria, rcii, Eho gavel!:.*.a Cost or ia. — . « p,. lr f. ., , i i . , iKuiv , i Geshann, the celebrated . c,Mn> r am; Mind R*-adcr. will exliib it at the Opera House in Tliibodaux on Btxt Momhiy and Tuesday, Sept. 26th •nd 27th, lsfi'2. He is a wonderful ®iaa. Come aud see for yourselves. Mr. L. F. Suthon, the binding lawyer of the Houma bar, was in attendance before the District Court in Tliibodaux on last Saturday. Mr. Clias. S. .Mathews, one of our prosperous sugar planters and owner of the Georgia Plantation in this par ish was a visitor to our town on last Sunday. Miss Lama Com teau, a fascinating young lady from New Orleans, is on a visit in Tliibodaux since Sunday. She is tin* guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alberti. j j : j j , ! j We are glad to see that Mr. Ji lin D. I'ulford, wlio has been suffering with paralysis for some time, is improving daily. He is aide to go about almost without the aid of a walking cane. If this continues on, lie will soou be him seif again. Mr. James Cherault reached Thibo danx on Friday the Kith inst., and on Saturday evening opened up his bar ber shop- He has it litted up neatly and elegantly, and is now ready to accom odate those wlio will favor him with their patronage. Mr. Clay Naquin, in charge of tnasou ty on the sugar {limitation belonging to, Mr. F. C. Yiguerie ou Week's Island came over to Tliibodaux on last Sun day morning to spend his 34th birth day with his family. Our sincere wish es of twice thirty-four birthdays to you, ; friend Clav. Mr. II. Buell, the efficient book-keep er of Hush Grove, moved his family to Tliibodaux on Friday, the 16tli inst. We cordially welcome him among us. The object of Mr. Boell's removal, is to afford him facilities to send nis chil dren to school. He still continues his services with Hush Grove, leaving here on Monday mornings, and returning on every Saturday. Mr. Zacli Champagne, formerly em ployed at the "Tliibodaux Sentinel," imt now at Graham's in tiie City of New Orleans, is spending a few days vacation in Tliibodaux among his relatives. Mr. Tlteogene J. Caillouet, the pros' jierons sugar planter of Chackbayi paid a pleasant visit to our sanctum on last Wednesday. Although quite advanced in age, Mr. Caillouet is still hale and hi arty. His sugar cane crop is one of the finest in the parish. He is delighted with the line and cool weather we have had for the last ten days, and believes it will assist and does assist the crop to mature rapidly, so that by the time sugar-rolling be gins, the cane will be rich in sacchar ine matter. Don't Take Our Word, Hal call your druggist to one side and ask him pi i vately which of all the rem edies advertised to cure Rheumatism In 1 would recommend. If lie is posted, and conscientious, be will tell you that Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy ... f | |p )(I) |y one ,| |yt ( gf wl3 H reward of $500 foi it case it will not cure. With sensible people this is the strongest recommendation. Price $5 per bottle. Sent to any address prepaid on receipt of priee. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. * * * * Agents wanted. Mrs. J. N. Wright, the popular milliner and dry goods dealer, corner Market ami St. Louis Streets, wishes to inform iter friends and the public in general, that she lias received in her various Stock, a full line of cloaks, blazeis, jackets, beaded capes, dross trimmings, .-such us beads, silk plush, i velvet, and other trimmings, too nu merous to mention: and will have (shortly embroidered silk for fancy !■work. Give !i *r atrial and be •con ■ inccd. Good weather.— l lie good weather that has set in lor the last ten days, has been productive of good results, Rice harvesting has been pushed for wai. . ami ,s about completed : plan ,, !S ,la ^ I ,lll!ed :u,<5 8 corn, and nave cut and saved their pea vine ami crab grass bay without any trouble, and tiie sugar cane is matur ing rapidly. Should this good weather continue on to the grinding season, which no doubt, will begin very short ly, our sugir planters will begin it>W ,ng under tne most nuspumms condm nous. Every planter is putting ins sugar-lntiisc in tliorouirh condition, and will Ik* iu full blast by the 15th ot October. Burring unforeseen event*, tiie sugar eiop this year will be one of tiie largest ever raised in the state. As far a* the rice crop is concerned, it v\ill almost doable that of last year. A Cure Far Twenty Cents. Any remedy sold at one dollar a hot t ie which claims to cure Rheumatism, is simply an imposition, for when all expenses aie deducted, it leaves not; more than lwcnt\ cents to represent: the medicine. Dr. Drummonds Eight ning Remedy, which is performing such wonderful cures tliat it is being! prescribed by the medical faculty every where, is compounded at great expense ,• i 1 i . I * from rare drugs, and cannot be sold for less than Five Dollars a bottle. But it always cures. Sent prepaid to any address on receipt of price. Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. The excursion given last Sunday to Crowley from this place by the lliibo daux Fire Co. No. 1 ami the Home Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, proved quite a success, socially, and will not soon be forgotten by the excursionists wlio were so courteously and hospita bly received by the kind and chival rous citizens af the beautiful little town of Crowley. As announced, tIn* excursion train left Tliibodaux at 8:15 a. m. ou Sunday with about 225 excursionists from our town and the parish; when it reached Crowl y, which was about 1:30 p. m., tne crowd was some 400 strong. They •were leccivcd by a select committee of Crowley, composed ot Messrs. Taylor of the editorial staff of the "Crowley Signal", Senater Hays, Philip Cliap pi'is, and Hon. J. C. Lyons, ex-meml>er of the House of Repiesentatives, and escoifed to the Opera House, where Mr Taylor delivered an address of welcome, and was responded tp by Hon. 11. N. Coulon and Capt. R. It. Mc Hiide, representing the two fire com panies mulei wjiose auspices the excur sion was given, in well chosen and be fitting language, and then some of the crowd dispersed throughout the town, visiting the different places of impor tance, while others remained in the hall participating in the dunce until it was time to leave. The good peopio of Crowley bad pre pared refreshments of all kinds, a:.d the excursionists were allowed t > par ticipate fiee of charge. Carriages had been prepared and placed at the disposal of the excursion committee composed of Messrs. II. N. Coulon. R. R McBride, Paulin Naquin and I'. A. DeManade, who. availing themselves of the opportunity, took a pleasact ride in the country. At (J p. m. the whistle was blown, and shortly after the excursionists were home bound, reaching Tliibodaux at. 11:30, all perfectly satisfied with the pleasant day they had spent in the beautiful parish seat of the parish of Acadia. The grateful people of Tiiibodaux ex press the hope that the day is nut fat off when the good and hospitable* citi zens of Crowley will give an excursion to Tliibodaux, to afford its citizens an opoitunity to give them a teception such as they received at Crowley on the 18th inst. A PLEASANT EVENT. The literary reunions given under the auspices of the Catholic Knights of America are at wavs looked forward to .vith much pleasurable anticipation. These Knights are to be congratulated upon stimulating in this town a taste for literary and intellectual recreation. The success hitherto attained by ti.e p nmotois of these literary reunions is in sufficient indication that there is bl tcUigenee enough to appreciate some thing besides dog shows amJ minstrel performances. The large and select attendance at the last reunion, wlcch took place on the historic fourteenth of .September, were treated ti. a novelty iii the shape of recitations by three talented young ladies of Tliibodaux. Miss Laura La garde, Miss Fanny Ku >b!och, and Miss Bettte Choi, the two lirst in English selections, an 4 the last named in a French recitation, displayed marked ability in elocution, ami w - re enthusi astically applauded and laden with floral offerings. The three young la dies, wiio recited, were graceful, ^elf possessed, aiul charmed every one by their modest and earnest portrayal of the sentiments embraced in their se lections. From the success achieved by these, charming young ladies, we presume it will not be difficult to se cure others for future reunions. La dies who have the God-given ability to deliver the thoughts of the best writers en the platform, should he encouraged to participate in the family entertain meuts given under the auspices of the local Branch of the C. K. of A. Pl .„ { - Clu)1 delivered ou the occasion last leiuiitm S p|e„did address, in French, on Christum fiatemitv. The Pri , f . announced that this was Ids d ,. eSjJ ju b;ic _ fol . Ulc leasou that llt5 ||Ug tht . voic0j the tak . lPj aud t!lc s ,]f maiden discourse before a mixed audi ence of ladies and gentlemen. If he did so well in what was his first effort, what, could iie not do after a little practice ? \Ye predict that Prof. Choi will he called upon often for an ad possession to become a successful or ator. We must not overlook the recitation of Judge A. F. Kuobloch on the occa sion, who in his usual oratorial style, entertained the audience with Cata line's defiance. By all means, say we, let tiie Catho lic Knights continue their famous liter art reunions, tor they have become quite a feature in the intellectual life of the town. j'y' louse near Latourebe Crossing, ou o about the 2nd of June 1892. a liav til v about t year u!ul a half old. * 3 Owuer con obtain same l>y identifying ind siKii notice. STAYED ON THE PREMISES OF U. TOL' louso near l.afomcbo Crossing proving piuperty, and paying costs, within HO days, or said filly will be sold to sa'isfv saul ousts. B. T. BLAKE. J. oi the P. find. Ward Lafourche. Tliibodaux, La., Sept, filth, 1892. WHITMELL P. MARTIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, thibodaux, la. W 111 practice in Lafourche, Terrebonne, Assumption, Ascension, St. Janies, aiut St. .Mary. ttg-Speeial attention given to Collecting. Aug. 27-92-ly. One pa portable engine W li ulo is in a mat p or \ liiitler boilers complete one one peddling cart, the del*. Sl.x LEBLANC. White liosc Plantation. . THIBODAUX COL TIIIBODAUX, LA. LEGE. Reopens on Monday, Septetnlier .">th. The course ot studies is thorough and compre hensive, embracing all the brr.nem s reijui site for a soliti and accomplished, as well as Christian education. Pupils of all grades an* admitted. For further particulars, address iiRO. .SPARE/, Aug.-27-It. Principal. LA. STATE UNIVERSITY, A. and M. College, BATON ROUGE, LA. Next session begins October 7.til, !*'.(2, Four Courses ot study. Able faculty. Free tuition. Living expenses >14').all tor the ses sion of nine months, l or Catalogue or information, address COL. J. U . N It'HoLSON, President. Or A. M. HARDXEE, secretary. Aug.-27-92-4t Baton Rouge. La. Advertise in the (Sentinel THIBODAUX Family Scene alter puichasiug Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co.'s Ladies' and dents' Shoe. 11USBAND'They are a perfect fit for you. I hope they will give you the ser vice that 1 have received. WIFE.—Yes; they are splendid. Our shoe dealer tells me they will wear as well as a #5.00 pair of any other make. ^ VAMiLTQN-^ROWN SHOE CO., ST. L0Urf> FOR BALE AT FHR Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store Where can be found a complete stock of Shoos and Hats 4 1 the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. All goods as represented. E. J. BRAUD, Proprietor. FEAHKTOFFMMN, Sr., Livery, Feed a JACKSON Caif CL i STREET. Stables. First-Class HEARSE WITU • Heavy Wliite or Black Drapery. till mi l HE FINEST Carriages MU I C & Colse , Ilte Finest aiul Largest AssorHiient of; Caskets and Collins CPCaLRIAGES ALWAYS READY WITH NEAT AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, Shop on JACKSON STREET, where I am prepared to do all work iu that line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Feb-22-1890. STSEND YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THIS OFFICE. TEE SATISFACTION WE SC GUARAN State Normal School, NATCHITOCHES, LA. Reopens Oct. 3,1882. liotli sexes admitted Attendance last session 270. Faculty of elev en able instructors. I nsurpassed inbeauty and health!*uincss of location, thoroughness of instruction, and perfection of discipline. Diploma entitles holder to First Grade teach er's certificate without examicf-iiin. Tui tion free. Total expense need not exceed $110 per annum. For particulars, address THUS. 1). 150 VI), Aug 20 !f2-2-m. President. Chamberlain-Hunt Academy \v. I'iliir (.1 ltSON, M ISS. ----__ft_ C. GUTIlitTI', A. 3,, Principal. A !■(llvDIXG .SCHOOL FOR 15 ()Yf. Rates extremely low owing to endow ment. Healthful location in tiie "hill coun try, on L., N. o. A T. railway. Buildings adrqtc^e. M**thodsof instruction the most approved. Home influences. Catalogues on application. Address SECRETARY C.-H. ACADEMY, Port Gibson, 51 ijs. Next Session begins Sept. 20th, 1S92. J v -9,-Jim. TULANE UNIVERSITY, OF LOUISTA XA. Tulane University embraces College, High School. II. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College for Young Women, Law and Medical Departments. The College has four parallel courses : Classical, Literary, Scientific and Engineering. Next Annual Session of file Academical Department, including the II. Sophie Newcomb Col lege, begins October ;:rd. Law Depart ment. opens November 14th. Xledical D partin' tit, October 17tli. For special or general catalogues, apply to the Secretary of the University, Tulane Hall. WM. PRESTON JOHNSTON. •Je-26-3-111. President.