Newspaper Page Text
HOME HINTS AND HELPS. —Fricassee of Oysters: Makea thick white sauce from a pint of cream and two tablespoonfuls of flour, creamed with two of butter. Season with mace, cayenne pepper and salt: to this sauce, w hich should be of pood consistency, add two dozen oysters that have been chopped fine anil scalded in their own liquor. Serve in heated pate dishes.— Ladies' Home .Journal. —Rice Fuddinp: One cup of rice, one- ] half cup of sugar, eight cups of sweet milk, piece of butter size of anepp, one cup of seedless raisins, a little salt. Hake two hours. This can be warmed over by puttinp a cup of milk or cream on the top and placing in the oven. This is niccserved with whipped cream, dotted with currant jelly, or it is pood without sauce.—Housekeeper. —Cookies: One cup of supar, half a nutmeg prated, half a pint of milk, half a cup of butter, one teaspoonful of bakinp powder, sufficient flour to make a douph, two epps. Heat the butter to a cream, add the supar, and beat again. Real the epps all together until light and add them to the butter and sugar. Then put the milk, nutmeg, baking powder and flour, and mix all well. Roll out tlie douph, cut with a round cutter, and bake the cookies in a mod erate oven till they are a light brown. —Fried Liver: Cut in thin slices, and pour hot water over them; pour off the water, and wipe each slice; sprinkle, with salt and then dredpo with flour; put a little butter in the spider; when hot put in the liver and fry. Some pre fer to fry the fat out of a few slices of fat salt porlc to cook it in. When the liver is fried on both sides remove to a platter, and add a spoonful of water to the spider, spread a little butter over the liver, and pour the gravy on the platter.—N. Y. Observer. —Egg Sandwiches: Take cold epps which have been cooked for twety-five minutes, chop the. whites very fine, and mash each yolk with a teaspoonful of butter. Then mix the whites and yolks, seasoning to taste. A little lemon juice may he added, to the taste. Spread a slice of bread evenly with the epp mixture, a similar slice with butter, and press the two to gether. The sandwiches should be covered with a nankin, to prevent dry ing.—Good Housekeeping. —Lady Cake; Beat one-quarter pound of butter to a cream and add gradually one and one-half cups of granulated supar. Mix and add slowly, beating all the while, one cup of lukewarm wa ter, then measure two and one-half cups of sifted flour. Add one-half of this to the batter, beat vigorously. Beat the whites of four eggs to a stiff froth, add half of this to the batter. Mix, stir in the remaining half of the flour, boat again. Add the juice and the prated yellow rind of one lemon, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and the remaining half of the whites of the epps; bake in a moderately quick oven for three-quarters of an hour.— Boston Budget BEDSIDE DRESS. Ideas for Comfortable and Convient Gowns and Slipper*. A loose, comfortable gown of heavy flannel or some equally warm material and a pair of soft bedside slippers which may lie easily put on the hare feet should be a part of the outfit of every woman, ready to slip on in case of sick ness or any sudden emergency. Tort many girls are careless in the matter of rising. Many a fatal illness may be traced to the sudden chili taken by placing the soles of the bare feet on the cold carpet, or, worse still, on the oil cloth or bare floor. The bedroom at night should he free ly supplied with fresh air. and it should be kept at a considerable lower tem perature than is consistent with health during the daytime, when the occupant is warmly clad. A convenient wrapper of heavy wool which may be slipped on the moment of rising is invaluable in case of sickness nothing is more com fortable than such a loose wrapper and soft slippers. The best material for the wrapper is heavy blanketting flan nel. This comes in blankets. One single blanket is usually sufficient to make a plain wrapper with simple sleeves. It should bo made as plainly as possible. The best design is a sim ple sack-shape, either fastened by a very slight fulness on to a plain yoke in Mother Hubbard style, or made with a seam down the center of the back, with seams under the arms, and loose fronts. The bordering of the blanket is put down the fronts to form the trimming. Eiderdown flannels also make a very good bedside wrapper. This material costs about ninety cents a yard, and is found in all colors and various patterns. Blanketing flannels may be found in all colors with various borders woven in contrast. A very fair blanket for this purpose maybe bought as low as three dollars. The daintiest bedside shoes are those knitted or crocheted in heavy zephyrs with fuzz interlining in Saxony wool. The next best slipper to this dainty homemade one is one of felt. The thin sole of the knitted slipper is a serious objection to it. Order the shoeman from whom you buy the sole to glue on a leather sole over the thin cork sole. It will prevent the sole from wearing out long before the slipper, as it usual ly does, and will protect the stitches by which the woollen slipper is sewed to the sole. When a simple cork sole is used these stitches are exposed to wear and soon give out. even with the slight wear to which the bedside slipper is subject.—X. Y. Tribune. The New Bread. T3 OYAL unfermented bread, made without yeast, avoiding tlie decomposition produced in the Hour by yeast or other baking powder; peptic, palatable and most healthful ; may be eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which is not true of bread made in any other way. Can be made only with Royal Baking Powder. Receipt for Making One Loaf. O NE quart flour, i teaspoonful salt, half a teaspoonful sugar, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder, half medium-sized cold boiled potato, and water. Sift to gether thoroughly flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder ; rub in the potato; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly into a stiff batter, about as soft as for pound cake ; about a pint of water to a quart of flour will be required— more or less according to the brand and quality of the flour used. Do not make u stiff dough, like yeast bread. Pour the batter into a greased pan, 4'.x3 inches, and 4 inches deep, filling about half full. The loaf will rise to fill the pan when baked. Bake in very hot oven 45 minutes, placing paper over first 15 minutes baking, to pre vent crusting too soon on top. Bake at once. Don t mix with milk. Breadmakers using this receipt who will write us the result of their experience will receive, free, the most practical cook book published, containing 1000 receipts for all kinds of cooking. Ad dress Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, New York. PRETTY FASHIONS. Tnr, small boy will be seen to best ad vantage during the coming summer in the Fauntleroy suit. A perfectly plain skirt of heavy silk, bengaline or velvet may be made up with a front of some contrasting ma terial, or with the front of the same cov ered with embroidery or passementerio. Small girls wear party dresses, with slips of silk covered with crepe de chine or chiffon. Plaitings of lace around the skirt, over the shoulder and as a finish for the sleeves, are a favorite trimming. Very pretty and cheap low turn-over collars can be made of the half of one of those colored-bordered handkerchiefs, which can be bought at a ridiculously low price since they went out of fashion for their original use. To Believe the Truth About the efficacy in obstinate cases of dys pepsia of Hustetter's Stomach Bitters, re quires no strength of credulity. Are you troubled with indigestion f If so try it, not occasionally, spasmodically. Take a regu lar, persistent course. Prompt relief, ulti mate cure will be the result. The dyspep tic, the. bilious, the nervous, the rheumatic, the malaria and kidney-troubled attest its efficacy. A wmeglassful before meals. They wash their clothes WITH CLAIR ETTE SOAR Tfewbefet^y^ ^ eirstye * MADE ONLY BY N.KfAIRBANK 8 cCa St. Louis. HBaataamfl i We offer you a ready Ume -a made medicine for Coughs, Bronchitis, and other diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Like other so called Patent Medicines, it is well advertised, and having merit it has attained a wide sale under the name of Piso's Cure for Consumption. It is now a "Nostrum.'' though at first it was compounded after a prescription by a regular physician, with no idea that it would ever go on the market as a proprietary medicine. But after compounding that prescription over a thousand times in one year, we named it " Piso's Cure for Consumption." and began advertising it in a small way. A medicine known ail over the world is the result. Why is it not just as good as though costing fifty cents to a dollar for a prescription and an equal sum to have it put up at a drug store? THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT USED SAPOLIO GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN. Best of A11 To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the Springtime conies, use the true and perfect remedy. Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents: the large size $ 1 . Try it and be pleased. Man ufactured by the'Califoruia Fig Syrup Co. only. There is one thing about a house which seldom tails, but never hurts the occupants when it does. That is the rent.— IS. Y. World.*___ Deserving Confidence.— There is no arti cle which so richly deserves the entire con fidence of the community as Brown's Bronchial Troches. Those suffering from Asthmatic and Bronchial Diseases, Coughs, and Colds, should try them. Price 25 cents. Now and then you hear of a charitable coal dealer, but he is not likely to go very much out of his weigh to be so.—Texas Siftings. How Mr Throat Herts!—W hy don't you use Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar J Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. The diamond is the hardest of substances. No one appreciates this fact more than the engaged young man.—Ram's Horn. Beecham's Pills will cure constipation, keep the blood cool and the liver in good working order, price 25 cents a box. The greatest circulating medium is the drummer.—Galveston News. Want to make a little extra money to buy some of those things you want so much, and can't just well afford them? Very likely; ninety per cent, of the people have that feeling. Canvassing is hard work; that is, door-to-door canvassing; we have none of that; we have a method of making more people read Tur. Ladies' Home Jqprnal which will enable you to make that extra money in a pleasant, dignified way. Write to us, and we will tell you our plan. The Ccrtis Pi-rushing Co. Piiiladllmiia AM ASTONISKI KC TONiC FOR WOMEN !t Strengthens the Weak. Quiets the Nerves, [ Relieves Sfcathly Suffering and Cures FEMALE DISEASES.) ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT. $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Chattanooga Med. Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.| ; WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY j Saccessor of the tuabndged." Ten years spent in < revising, 100 editors < employed, more than j $300,000 expended. mm ■wmm, A Crand Educator Abreast of the Times A Library in Itself Invaluable in the J household, and to the < teacher, professional j man, self-educator. ■ Ask y oar Book sell c r to show it to you .V.R.A. • Published l»y |q.A C.MERRIAM CO.,SpniscrrEtn,M------....... fTpT'Pnd for frtv* proppoctnt* containing specimen< l paVt «*. illustrations, testimonials, etc. < not buy reprints of ancient editions. TI33S I© C o ROSA o oncha Cigar imfouted. > The best in the lb S. for the monev. Fifty pent to any address for $a.S>,». hy post or express. SOL. COLEM AN. 8!».-. Main Street. MEMPHIS, TENS. THIS PAPER emliuiaela. . , BEWARE OF FRAUD. _A«k lor, mid iuidst upcu havtnx VV. L. DOUGLAS SliOEssl None gen uine r/itiiiiut W. L. Douglas name and price damped or. bottom. Look fovlt when you buy, DOUGLAS FOR GENTLEMEN. S3 SHOE A sewed shoe that M*ii not rip; Calf, seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom made shoes costing from $4 to I 5 . The following are of the same high standard of merit: $4.00 and $5.00 Fine Calf, Hand-Sewed. $3.50 Police, Farmers and Letter-Carriers. "2.50, $2.25 and $2.00 lor Working Mga $2.00 and $!-75 for Youths and Boy3. $3.00 Hand-Sewed, i FOR .50 and 2.00 Dongola, ) LADIES. $ 1.75 for Misses. IT IS A DUTY you owe your sell ' 5 get the best vnluo ter yonr money. Eocacmlza in yottr footwear by purchasing W. X>. Dougins Lhocvs. which represent the beat valu* at the prices edvs.titea an thousands can nas tily. Do you wear 'c^rlF WilJ.tlve cxcJiialve talc foplioe dealers nnd (renerai voctvbants* where I have no H cnts. \V rife for '•artilosrm?. If not tor Male iu s^ur place mcihI direct to Factory, a'.ail 119 ad, sizs &ud width wuuied. i'ost&se Free. VV• L« Donclas; biocktuoi FARMfe? /. GARDEN KKW ff H1YK MK PLANT. Prlrf, laffBli pictrt. K$rc purt-bivser of $ parke. ejn •fTor $ for\»hJch»t wfII way foO.OO._ ►vend lor car Uotlon SccJ Lists We Kail Seeds te Ktery State. Vv'F. OFFER $50.00 FOR A HAKE FOR OUR NEW WHITE EGG PLANT. Fmt $ 1 .YHM Those M'luliDpr us order for one packet New White Hgrgr i*lar.t. price f L ceatv*. and S5 centa of otner seeclM. nuuii.g' in all 6100 , will u; eutitled to *eoA narae for HIIITK L(.« PLANT, for which Yte t/ffpr (£0.00. Ui.e p^eke* JACKSON WfONIlEU BK AM sent free with each 81 00 order F«lt $1.00 we wi:l wml. by mail, potpuui. 12 pa. h. t*< of onr N.'reltjps and ?p« altics, w t.rlh tlJSS, as follows: One each New W nite Kitjr l > lant (tor vhich " o<»tier :»no lor a name) Burpees Bush (Larjje» Lima Bean, riimbine C.-u'iber. Hender mn'M Bush Lima Bean. Jackson Wond*-r Bean. Peach Tomato, ^t«fne T«nra; •. I >eneer Markt t Lettuce, Buncombe Cabbatre. White (Jeorprm Oollard, (Vo stiul Pepper. Fan F.or>e (Pole ) Bean. 8EF.IUI FOKAVE CK»Ph. All of these ar*- fully rtr .bed in our regular Annual List. Send to us for it. The follow sen t \- -*t paid; ntv»; four pounds. Si o0; ' AmbrrCane." one pound 1* cents; four pounds J1 u 0 ; "Whi'.e kaifir Corn." *• Yellow Mair.e." " African Millet." " Wnite Millo Kaize. ' Red Kaffir Corn.'* '•Jerusalem Com," "Conch Pea." either of the^?. one round. *0 cents; three suk! one-half pound* for Jl. ** Pearl Millet." " Japar* Hire.'' **8oia Bean,' one pound. 34 c< nis; three pouncs for €1. "Egyptian Wheat.*' packacre 25 cents. TKHSl.VTK. the preat Sout h American feracre rant, immonhe producer. 1 ounce 25 cents: cue sourth pound. TO wins: nouni, •1.75, pcstnaid. CIlUFAk. Sp ennid tor fatteninpr Hop's. 1 pound. Sr, cents; 3 ixvinds for •!. p.^tpeid. By Ei press. peck. Cl. \Y ATEBMK!.»N hEEII. AutruRta is headquarters for quality and we se : on > tiio*-* *av«4 withextrei " ' ostpaid. m'y 1I1 of care. SKk Ol'B U.-T. A three ounce package of each of our four finest varieties for Cl. AddreaA SEED DEPARTMENT. v AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. ALEXANDER DRUG AND SEED COMPANY DO NOT BE DECEIVED with Pastes. Enamels*, and Faints which slaiu. the hands, injure the iron, and burn red. The Ulsing £un Stove Polish Is Brilliant, Odor ess. Durable, and the consumer pays fur no tin >r glass package with every purchase. LILLY CARRIAGE CO., MANUFACTURERS of Fine Carriages, Baggies $ Spring Wagons. II a mens Made h> Order. Kenalr Work A Specialty. MEMPHIS, TJEXK. liilb FAPI.ft oworj fee* jou wxUt. EEDS o WARRANTED. O iBfst in the World. By mail, postage paid, «eisl li package and up. ' Cl rand lot of EXTRAS given ' with every orui r. Prettiest I and only free Catalogue in ; the world with pictures of : all varieties.- Send yours iund neighbors' address. . r - n - m r . T . n K, H. SHUMWAY, . 11 iTTmVi 11 imr. wp.oCK JOED, - ILLINOIS. -jlA-'Jt THIS PAPER «.orj -naiCU wnx. _._ =S.iSL ___ Simple, easy ot operation,ael'-rofru jlatiii?:, reliable, fully gronranveed. !3end 4c. ter liras. C-itai ''tfue. Geo. . Plrtel & Co., Idlrs. Quincy. I11.U.S.A. garwAiSB This PAPER o«jrj tiara j&u wiite. DMNTYWM^W Tbo best Instructor Id ladles'fancy uml decorative work on the market. 400 illustrations. JUST OUT. RAPID 8RLLKK. AfiB.M'KW.WTKl». Write, hANKs «V ( O , Dearborn lot., Chicago, UL AJUE THIS P '.FEB erwr* ..vw j-u writ* fUCETVM CT& fForallSewingMacblne#. liCCU Inbkjf Standard Roods Ooiv. A LID l a V*"Y B fl E? O i The Trade Supplied. drill I I l-fc&.ISeiHt for wholesale prio# DCOABDC i ,l!4t - Bi.ei.ock MFC. Co, KCr #%B null * 9!5Locustst.St.Louls.Mo •P-.NAMS THIS PAI»£R cr.ry time you writa TFrom lfito'.'C II* ___ r pQ Fr nr WHB mcotb. Hum * U C treatment ^by i«•$**• g*QL** ticinjr phttlrianL No siarvuig.^sT »• Thonsan.ia cured. Ser.J Sc Id •Umrui \ o. w. K. SNYDER, M. IK, >!»!! DeptT McVlclter'^ Theater, Chicago. ILL. WK MANUFACTURE BEST MACHINERY gg.Tt WELLS Cr-talos-ue Free. LOOMIS & NYM.VX, TiFViii, omu. a-.SAMI This PATER may Umtjaawtitt. i RIU3I HHIC ISivshloek (.'at. INS; i free by mall for2c. Stamp. Immense. Unrivalled. Only total one ever Invented. 11.-At-weights, s un immll-m'd. $12 allay. Write quick. Brohard Mig. Co., l'hila. THIS i*Al'i£K every fiac you write. " DHIMTQ for making WELLS. l.'iOO shape* rum I 0 and Mws.ipqiJ DUMP? smooth pit and hrM: buv ofdeulpr*. IliUn I wIftlO Ailf.VTH laiidMzeK-jROfjp^pssmimth WANTED. GLKAS&S Jk liAlUXY HFU. CO., SXW YOEkClTT. r.VAME THIS PAPER arery time jcuwr.t#. OPIUl Morphine Habit Cured in IO to 20 days. No pay till cured. I DR. J. STEPHENS, Lebanon, Ohio. r.YAAU XU28 ovexj tix« yoc «t/a WANTED Traveling Salesmen: or have fine side to Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the I Best. Easiest to Use, and Cheapest I Sold by druggists or sent hy mail 150c. E. T. Hazoltine. Warren. Pa ~a7n. K., F. 1439 WHEN WRITING TO ADVEISTI9EES PLLA8E otate that you *nw the Advertisement I. Ihi.