Newspaper Page Text
cun* dcntuici. . ./<•»(<(/ o! the Parish of La f>v.r ll'lll 1 To pr *t: fsMK' •1 T-A k. T'V r-T 0 U±JXA « Jr., A. J >f. ,KT. Jr.. F. S.'V I'AX. . - OrFiCF:— Main Sr. between Philip a;: i St. Louis Streets. uatorTal District { _____ Thibodau X. - VTIMIUAY BY Jr., & Go.. Proprietors. General Manager - - Publisher St. One yea 'in advance]........ One copy.............. S3.00 10 S US U Kit a \ FEB. . 24, 1H4. .JUDGE /:. />. If HI IE. ill . ! ! i.V t:ik ■ Ni i i i) s': The tnmdiiatiou by the and the i aimed iate confnmafiosi tlh* Sc;.ate on 'as : Monuav.fd Jin'ge I) White. am S. ■ nior Lniii-ia ■..*> Set tor, to bt* •t .In af the Suprc Com t . i i in- Un ill d States, was !-i tbi* t ;:!inn i' a ' loca! event o! 1 g'-filtl-st li t- por*; tia-e on that (lav. take '!,.* ' a,in :■ - oi tin- Ptra uin til- '2 ' e si. • l!-<* non:a;atin:; : * So far '•i i i'l'i ! "i 'in! ac'i ; Ilietiis i ( 1 |n r.-olitll accoiliplt incuts ts.ii 1.1i asm so. Jttdg • Wl i' i:: 1 t ■ , u as t\ alt Ii v of tin* gl di -tmciii * t: r llils Lilli It * ! iiolt It is also a I;!-*! Initial c ii .it: ti (I tit the St.,:.-. (:imi w«* proudly add Pal ish of I „ ; I * . , l:r) iiccaii't- ih*. :t tin iithei is t lam good will L 'Ut.'iao. : i J i ' i ' i e lime -s i f the it! bv ■me i.ti. the To (»f vidimi : '.at ci Pi i-sidentd ciiciiir tn wlii to he eieilite Stale' <d' V, i New York, a that tlie a] elmsi ti n am 1 "*" tit - ilii et*ted t lie ' State. 1'he poiiitmciit is used ot the nectient si ml .ms fully expected would !m\ e been 1 til b - tip ■am; C «n i i ot k at least, or jios'iblv ore of tin othet two States. An uncompromising controversy be tween lie. Piosidetit and Senatoi Hill, nvi tin* j ..1 1 -iitage ot N-*.v York State lias induct ti ll , President to seek else when: for a judge ef tin* Supreme Com i. Tuns it .- that th'- canine has come to Louisiana. Judge White, mentally, intellectu ally. :mn;*!!y and legally, is the pe *r of any man in the United States, and his a|.:ioinfmt-i't by the President and his speedy eoniiiinatioii hv the m nate. is not only a must deceiving one. but one ot merit tied ami found not wanting. It is said that his is the first in stance of the confirmation of a nomi nee for the Snpienie bench without previous reference to (lie Jmliciaiy Committee, and Judge White also en joys the distinction of being the only Senator to teceive such an appoint nii-nt while a meinher of that body. Remarks m tin* Senate eulogistic ot Judge White were made by Senator Pugh, Chaiiman of the Judiciary Com mittee : Senators Hill, Iloai, TVllei and others : in fact for a while all party lines weie broken, and all com mingled together in hearty congratu lations to the distinguished nominee' President Cleveland is to he sin cerely congratulated on this happy choice, and Louisiana, especially the Palish of Lafouiche which has the proud honor ot claiming Judge White as title of her noble and distinguished sons, serais greetings to the Chief Magistrate of these great United States for the distinguished honor conferred upon our Statp, and the Parish of Lafourche. Thk Till bodalx Sentinel, the first. newspa per in the United States to hoist at the head of its columus after his elec tion as governor of the State of New Yolk, the name of ''Grovel Cleveland ' as the next standard beater of the National Democratic party, and to keep it there for over two years until his nomination and his final election •is piesiden 1 of the United States, sends also cordial and sincere greet ings, auil expresses the leeling that its reward has come, and that it is now fully satisfied. This nomination is heralded all over the nation from the broad Atlan tic to the endless shores of the Pacific from the great lakes of the North to the Gulf of Mexico with giaud and enthusiastic acclamation, but nowhere on God's green earth lias such a feel ing of true and genuine pleasure been felt as among the good people of Judge White's native parish : ever since the news has been wired to them, it is the every day talk from morning to evening, and the enthusi asm and hearty congratulations grow stronger and stronger. Lafourche ha' reached the zenith of its pride. Re joicings are heard on every side; every household talks about it ; even the little children have caught on the good news and lisp the words : ''Judg-i i White has been appointed one ot th e j J: dues of the Supreme Bench of the \ United Matts." Some anpiehension, howevei :s telt 1 especially among those inteiested ni , tin- sugar initustiy of the State, and it js said that Midge White should not accept the nomination under the cir cumstances : that ids letirement from j ; ; j | the Senate wonltl jeopardize the vital interests of our State. Knowing ' - i ■ Judge \\ lute as we do, we would say . f. those ulioare sO appi eV-nsi ve that i we believe Judge \V Lite kno he is doing. ami ti;a f in aee-pting this nomination, he carefully weighed every tiling in the balance. We fee! assured chat future developmen's will pi op'i-itioii. He and would imt sts of his Stale, lis own inicrests aggi andisemenr, i ti» v of his ti ns!. bear us out i:i tiiis ct-rtai nl; U c ' ulil not s:*.ci ifice ! lit' • in ten* without ti»eir r i < >: i i • • lt fa: h.s o AD i >D1 -illlill and tfitt ^ in o v»* s;»ivm what I in teis issue app card of Maj J. I>. ai.ii widely kno - architeet ,.i d M City of New Orie 40 y c.u - of |• i octic busim and is ••l' s elsetide I e ilimn. a f.i vmably i. Civil Kugineer,, el. located in the ns. He h s o'er 1 experience in his v.-ll and popularly known throughout the sug n di»tiicts of Louisiana : be is a thorough gen tleman, oni* of tne nui't expelt architects am: builders in iiis special line. Any om- of our sugar planters desiring work done iti his calling, cannot do better than o nsult him ; in till matters eoitfernii g his special ties he is at tin* top notch. U T ANTED.- A GUOl)POSITIONAL SALES man. ti kt*i*p«.*r or accountant in a storo .;r on a plantation. The bestof refer, anct-sc-'n be furnished. Address "M.," care of Thibodaux Sentinel, Thibodaux, La. The party applying is a well known resident of this parish". Elsewhere in this issue will be fo.ind the poi son, tl offer of one him - died dollars reward l»y the Shei iff of tins- pari'li for tin* arrest and convic tion of the party or parties whoso foully muidered Mr. Juiieii V, igimle We understand that several other offers ofiewau! will be mail** in this connection. Mr. Albert Uavoiiv. of Aikaiu-as City. Kan., wishes to give mn teatlcis the benefit of his experience with colds. He says, : **1 c.mtiarf* d a cold early last spring that s<*t;!, .1 on my lungs, at d had hardly lecovered from if when I caught another rliat hung on all summer and left me with a hacking cough which I thought I never would g"t till of. 1 had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy some fourteen years ago with much success, and concluded to try it again. When 1 had got through with one bottle my cough had left me, and 1 have not Buffered with a cough or cold since. I have recom mended it to others, and ail speak well of it." 50 cent bottles for sale by Roth Drug Co., limited. . ; ; 1 i j j ! ' > HE RIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA* 18th Judicial District Court, Parish o Lafourche. | ■ : j LeweUljn Pimh VS. No. 3006 Charles J J ... , , Guidroz ' , ase, 1 have seized and willort.-r tor sale at j 'FAKE NOT ICE, THAT ACTING UNDER i and by virtue of an (inlet ot seizure and sale, emanating ft on. tbe above entitled Court, in the above entitled and num'-ereil public auction, pursuant to iaw, to (lie last and highest bidder, at the Court House iu the town of Thibodaux. on SATURDAY, MARCH24th, 1891, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock p. in., the following described proper ty, to-wit : A certain tract of land, situated in tbe par ish of Lafourche, in tbe Yaclierie Dugue Li-I I vaudais, at about Twenty-five miles below the town of Thibodaux, at about live miles from Bayou Lafoun he. measuring five ar jicits in width along the public road by a 1 length of eighty arpents, being the whole ot I ots Xos, one and two, ami one half of Lot 1 Xo. three ou a plan of subdivision of ••Uncle PeteC plantation made on the 9th of -iauu 1 ary, 1889 by A. Job r. Jr., surveyor, and ile | posited in tlie (link's Office of toe Parish of Lafourche, said tract ot Land being bounded iu front or towards Bayou by lands ot Kb hard Foiet, Bios. &. Co., and i . the rear by the remaining one hall of Lot Xo. Three ot said plan of subdivision. To pay aud satisfy the fu I and entire sum of (I) The sum ol One Thousand One iinu died and Twenty live Dollais, (•') Eight per emt per annum interest or: said tnincipal fmm January 11th. 1893 until paid. (3) A sum oi ten percent ou the aggregate of said prin cipal aud interest hert-iu recovered as attor ney's fees. (4) All costs herein of these pro ceedings in Cash. Which said amount in principal and inter est. attorney's f.-es and all costs herein is se emed by moitgage with vendor's lien and privilege by act passed before Thomas A. Badcaiix, .votary Public of said parish of date of th** 1 Ith day of January, 1889. February I7tli. 1894, P. E. LORD). Sheriff of Lafourche. STATE OF LOUISIANA 18th Judicial D strict Court Parish Lafourche. Felix Loch ex .Vo. 3011 .1 i/o et al. Ho m i!to rp.\KF. NOTH E THAT. A ('TING UNDFR A and by virtue at an order ol seizure and sale, emanating from the above entitled Court, in the above eutitled and numbered ease. I liave seized and will otter for s::Ie at public auction, tr.irsuant to ! uv. t.> the last and highest bidder at the Court House in the Town of Thibodaux. on SATURDAY. M MICH 17th, 1891. between the hours ot II o'clock a m. and t o'clock p. tn.. tiie following described pro pertv to _ vit . ] So mm h of a certain plantation or tract °f land with the buildings and improve meats I hereon, m u-liiiery. males, and in:- | plemcntsot husbandry, situated in the Par ish of I.aioiircSeu in tuc settlement known ss the Va h r;,- Dugue l.ivaiidais. and known as the ••Home" plantation, being at about twenty'tiii-re miles below the Town ot Tin liodaux. ami at about tilt.-e miles hack ol Bayou L.ifumchc. situated on both sides of Bayou Lavnehci a . nini widt h said portion of Raid plantation measures two irpents front 1 by a tb-ptli olaimut toity nrpenrs. and ta in" the portion ot lot Xo. 3 of a plan made by Bonrgi-rul, lleimry Surveyor, and is ilie two arpeuts front furthest fimu Iliymi Lsfoitr eiie. and is houudi d North by Lot Xo. 4. of said plan, and South by the remaining three arpeuts front of said Lot No. 3 which belongs to v. mint-, and which was sold to Willow Severin Foret. 2 fhe undivided fourteen sixteenths of a certain pi.trillion together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all the appurti r.unccs thereunto belonging. sitmite l in tie- R.-uisli ef Lafenrebe, anil <!e. scribed ami cennmst il as follows to-wit : I A ccr ain tract of land in the plan called "La Vaeiit-rio Dugin- Livaudais" about twen ty-three miles lu-'ow the Town of Tiiibo designated by tbe Xun.'oer Four. Mi the sai'l plan of -aid Vaeberie made by Hour gerol on August g.iiti. IS37.. said iot Xo. 4 on a plan of Bnurgerol. Surveyor, fronts toward the West to a load of sixty leer leading to a road often feet lending to Bayou Latourelie, measuring live arpeuts four mires front on said p-ad by a d* pth of I ltd.toiaes on the side of Lot Xo :! ami lgfS g-5 toises on the side of lot Xo. 5, ami 163 toises on the rear line bounded in front or West by the afore said road. South or towards Bayou Lafour che by the "Home" plantation ot Mrs. Wid ow .1. >, Foret aud North by lands of Au guste Ledet. 3 c The whole of the following three tracts of land together with the buildings aud im provements thereon. lights, ways, privileges servitudes and appurtenances thereunto be longing, or in any wise appertaining, toitil ing' part of Uncle P.-ter plantation, situated, lying aud being in the '-'nri-hol Lafourche. Mate ol Lnui'iaii-t in the Vaeberie Dugue L vamlais. at a distance of about twenty Mdes below the Town of Thibodaux, a d ot three miles from the. Bayou Lafourche on tae b ft bank of said bayou To-wit : l~ A tr.i**t of (and measuring five arpeuts ami foili l ■ i- 1 • s iu width anil forty arpeuts in beptli l.aing tot Xo f> of Section Xo 36 in I .>wn-hip 16 South ot Range Nineteen East, containing two hundred and seven 46|100 ar ia' nts ail more or less : bounded on the si e towards Bayou Lafourche by lot Xo. o own <d bv Auguste Ledet or assigns, on the South by propel ty of Charles S. Mathews or o-dgus. on the Xortli bv a public road sixty french feet vide, separating it from lot No. 7. West herein below described, ami on the I ast bv part of tbe tract of said land her-in thirdly described, the whole in conformity with a certain plan complied from the ap proved Government Court and private sur veys ot Joseph Gorlinski. United States Dep uty Suiteyor and Civil Engineer in l* i .>s. at Baton Rouge. La. - i A tract of lani measuring five arpeuts and tour toises in width and forty arpents in depth, being b>t Xo. 7 of Section No. 36. j in ''i.wii'lup Sixteen South of Range Xii.c te ii Uasi. containing *200 lb-100 arpents, all more or less bounded ou the side towards Bayou Lafourche by lot Xo. 8, owned bv i I vibi., Pugh or assigns, o ■ the South by the l ' ihbe road hereinbefore mentioned on tlie Ea-t by part of the tract of land hereinafter des'-rihed. and on the North by the propeitv of Cytl.ia Pugh or assigns, the whole in eon f trinity with the aforesaid plan. 3 A tract ot land adjoining the tra t a bove described and measuring five arpents : in width by eighty arpents iu sleprIi between parellel lines, lying in fectiun number Thir tv-ti'v. lownsidt) sixteen south of Range Ninelei-n East, coniaining four hundred sit pr rli ial arpents more or less, bounded on tbe North by vacant land ill section No. 3i. on lbe Sou'll by lamls of Char.. 8. Mathews or as-igiics. on the last by tbe reiiiaiudet- of said Uncle Peter pi motion, anil outlie West, t Hie side toworda Bayou Lafourche, lots Nos. *iand i licreiuaooi e (IcscmIk d. 4 The undivided seven-eighths of a cer tain tract of land, situated iu the Yaclierie Dugue Livaudais. and West of Lot No. 4 of the Bourgerol plan, and separate! tlieie from hv a road, and measuring two nipcuis and innr toises front oti said road bv a depth „t thirty six m u nts. bounded ' ' nip nts, bounded in front or East by the aloresaiu mail which measures sixty feet, 'outli nr towards Bayou l a foil r che by lands ot B. A Johnson or ( . S. M ch ews, and North by lands supposed to belong to Dr. E. Souchoii. o- Tbe whole of the following described property, to-wit. A tract cl land above and adjacent to tbe plantation known as tbe "Gayoso'' planta tion, situated in said parish of La'our, In measuring four and a half arpents more or les- front by about filty-five arpents deep ly ing mi both sides of Bayou Portugal*, ln-ing a part ol the undivided i|itarter of section or h t No. 37 acipiired liv J. S, Williams and J. Ravage from Roscmoml Dulresue on the 22nd of December, 1847. A l-o 24 mules, I wagon. 6 carts. 3 single car's. Li*wo mule plows. 3 four mule plows, 2 two mule mould Board plows, 2 harrows, 2 W i st cultivators, I Cotton seed meal distrib utor. I stubble shaver, 2 pea vine rakes. 12 weeding bees, h brier bonks, 12 stubble lines, a cane bonks 10 cane knives, 6 pack saddles. 12 sets of p ow hi messes, 25 loads ot hay, 1 stubble (1'gger. To pay and satisfy the sum of (I) The sum of two rlioiisand nine hundred and tortv seven and 92,100 dollars (2) eight per cent per annum interest on said amount from March 1st, 1893, till paid, |3) r. sum ot five per cent on the aggregate of said principal and interest as attorney's fees here n, aud (4) all costs of these proceedings in cash. And which said amount as aforesaid is se cured by act of sale and mortgage passed and executed before Earle Knobloch Notary Public of Lafourche Parish, of date thi 17th day of March. 1892. February 10th. 1894. P. E. LOKIO, ' Sheriff of Lafourche. | | WILL CU^E pS COLD in II \t b L ts.i in 2 WILL STOP 1 MSTANTLY E* ID E? C MailJCon; aw—r fc. Par ker'a Pyittp.U.i, t's Fnin sionof 3 Coupons frm» ker'j C oui;i _ sionofCtHlLivrtr . s <ol orAlv.;■->< ordial.toE.J.HAST A CO.. X. .< rh and receive a Handsome Cbrnnio H -x 2 o) no adver ts.-.r.g on it, I ice ot C barge. F 0 f| SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. the Felix Loth VS. ty. to wit I A certaiu STATE OF LOUISIANA. ! _ 18th Judicial District Court, Put ish of Lafourehe. Xo. 3010 Iiiclaiid Foret et ah. r J'AKK NOTICE THAT ACTING UNDER A and b.v virtue of an order ot seizure and sale, emanating from the above entitl ed Court, in the above entitled and number ed case, I have seized and will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder at the Court HoU9e. in the town of Thibodaux. on SATURDAY, MARCH 17th, lSUL between the hours ot II o'clock, a. m. and 4 k p. m.. the following described proper plautation. together with all the Luildings and improvements thereon, the machinery, engines, etc , and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging, situated in tie- parish of Lafourche at about sixfdt-n miles beiow the tow n ot Tiiibodanx, known as the "Mary"' plantation, bounded above by lan Is of Adder.- Folse and tile • L' topia" plant: tion ami below ny lands of B. A. Johnson, and which is composed of (1) A tract of laud measuring twenty-eight and a halt arpents trout i>y forty arpeuts deep betv eei* convi rgn g lii »-s. bounued above by : lamis of A. Folse or agsigiies, an below by ; those of B. A. Johnson. 2- Another tract ol land in the rear and j adjacent to the above tract, designated by tin No. : 2 (m a plan of Bourgerol dated Alt- 1 gust 2-">th. i-NUi, deposited in the office of T. | Segtiers, late a Notary Public in the City of i New (Ii leans, is plan No. 42. and measuring forty arpeuts in m-ngtli by the width of nine j arpents. forming u tivpazoid with a supei li ; etc ol about three hundred and ninety-three j arpents, aud 3- Auotliez tract of 'and above and adja cent to the last described, and measuring one and a ball arpent move or less trout by Eighty arp-nts deep, bounded above bv lards of A. Fu .-c and the Utopia plantatiou also 39 in ti ies. 6 wagons. 4 carts. 2 single I carts. Id two mule plows, s four mule p ows. 1 six mule mould board plow, 3 two mule mould board plows. 3 barrows. 3 West culti , v itors. 2 cotton seed meal distributors. I stubble shaver 3 stubble digger.-, 2 pea vine rakes, 18 hoes. 22 brier books. 18 i stubble hoes, 111 cane books, 77> cane knives, i 16 sets of plow harnesses, 6 sets ot wagon j harnesses, 3 pack saddles, 801 bids, ot coal, j 7.U loads of bay, b0J bbis. of corn iu shuck. | To pay and satisfy t lie sum of 1 The! principal of four thousand three hundred and I thirty two and 44 100 dollars, (2) eight per S cent per annum interest on that amount from i .March 1st. 1 '93, till paid (3| a suiu of five J per cent on the aggrega e of principal and I interest recovered as attorney's fees herein | ami all cost- of these proceedings in cash. 1 And which said amount as atoiesaid is se emed by act of sale and mortgage passed \ and executed before Earle (vaoblocli, N tarv Public oi L tlourcbe Parish, ot date tbe I7ta j day ot March. 1892. i- ebruai y lotn, Ih'I4. P. R. I.ORIO, bberift' Lafourche. : t THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. lSlii Judicial District Court I'.uisli of Lafntiu-be. A. Seligman r.s. Xo 3001 and Guarino. Lnhruzzi T a A K E NOllCE. IHtT PURSUANT TO rder and decree of the above Court and to a commis-ion to me dir*-ctt d in tbe a | hove entitled and numbered case, i | w ill offer for side at public a.tetion, pursuant to law to tbe last and highest bidder, on the tx*'mises siluati-d at tlu* corner ot Levee and Main strtetsaud at the Court House in the town of Thihod.iiix. on SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1834. between the I ours of 11 o'clock a m. aud 4 o'clock p. up. the following described prop el ty. the same being ol a perishable nature and cosily to ke. p, to-wit : The contents of a grocery store situated at lire corner of Levee and Ma'ii streets in the town of Thibodaux consisting of Grocer ies. Liijuors, Jze. Ac., also two horses and three carts. Terms of sale Cash. February 17 th, 1894. I'. E. LORIO, Sheriff' of Lafourche. j UDMIUISTRATIOH ft0TICE. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA 18th Judicial District Court Palish of Lafourche. I 'accession of .John A. Month 1366 Probates. \Y7HEREAS rkxe j munch of said * » Parish, administrator of the aforesaid estate lies rendered a final account of his administration of the aforesaid estate* Now, therefore all persons are hereby warned and notified t» file their apposition in writing to tlie ssid account with the clerk of said Court at his office in the town of Thile daux within ten ( avs after tbe first publication hereof otherwise the said account will he approved aud hotnolgated n accordance with law. ( ' s ~*~ ) Witness my hand anil the impress <L S> of my seal of office at Thibcdaut, l—) La., this the 17th, day of Eeb. A. D.. 1894. J. W. KNOBnOCn. D'y Clerk of said Court Attention. Business Men. rpnK ixk erasing Kt.E 1 trosine 1 PENCIL. It erases Ink i u two s^eondiL two second*, without abrasion on paper. ID'itERr PICOU. Agt, At MeB-ide'* Mur.- on Market St. Thibodaux, Ls. FELIC1EN TOUPS GENERAL COLLECTOR, Stonmhoiit sititl Doetorit Speeialty. OFFICE : Near Gossin's Ferry. P. o. Address Lafourche Crossing 22-93-ly. I PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND HE PAIRING. G. E. VON HOFE, Pianos and Organs. y. O. BO Y J Bit). NEW ORLEANS, LA. A p - HENRY DASPIT. HAS. A. LEVKET DASPIT ac LEVKRT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 39 DECATUR STREET Lock Box 329. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Liberal V lvanc-e- Made on Consignmentso A P-13 •GAR, Mt'L \"f>, RICE, ETC t-lv . J. B. DUNN, CiVIL ENGINEER. ARCHITECT -AM - BUILDER, PRESIDENT (IF THE. DUNX-SFTCL1FF* Fl'RXAGE CO.. LIMITED, Fort.* Yfarr Fractirul F.rptritnrt and ^rienlijr Ktiturck. SPKt'I VI.TIKS : Construction of Sugar Houses. Furnaces for Bagasse, Coal. M ood or any other koul ot Fm S( tting Sugar Kettles, Steam Boilers, Draining Mucliities. and every kind o: Brickwork. All Doneoti Strictly Scientific Principle* Particular Attention Paid u> Repair*. No.31? N:»poleon \ v. iihp ( or. ( oliHruu Sixth District. New Orleans. I.a. 2-I7-: 4-Iv. ALBERT WEIBLEN, Designer and Contractor -OF ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WOKK MON U M KNTS,?to o^,*~— ■ - '—■*-■ V.-C of? 11 I*; AI )ST() N 1 S.?'c <* S i' A T U A 1 1 Y''-rx* ->:■ d A U SO I, FI MSS* * -. _____ , -«(*♦ Low Prices -uni Satisfaction Guaranteed Itaroinic s t:tiu' 'JOS, '210 .1 u!ia -T-9'My NHWORLK VNv IA N. BOLIDE T. V. BEKOEUON. BOLHG & EEFvGEEON Market Stand, MARKET ST., -A I .WAY'S B UST or B.EK ! , THIBODAUX, LA. Ii*. II \N!> THE MUTTON, PORK. VEAL AND -AC Mav 2()-'.i:t ly. AG!> OF ALL KINDS c:ias. a. Lsui 1*. M.ilKKT KNC.KKIUS. • : 7 ^fVnT>T> n* Cor. CANAL & MAIN STREETS. Thibodaux, La. Fresh Bread twice a day. at 5 A. M., and at 2:30 P. M., delivered by cart in town and country with promptness and dispatch. None but the best graded flours o 7-1-93-lv