Newspaper Page Text
WitMv ttlmiaux JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official J oumal of th.e Town of Th-iboda-uac and th.e Parish, of Lafo-urcHe. VOL. XXIX. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JUNE 10 j.894. NO 46 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. State Officers. Governor : Murphy J. Foster of St. Mary Lieut Gov..................'......... Sec. of State, -.T. S. A<lains of E- Feliciana And. Pub. Acct'B... W. W. Heard of Union State Treasurer, - .John Pickett of Bossier. Att'v Gen, M. J. Cunningham Natchitoch's Sapt.Pub. Ed. A. . Lafargue Avoyelles. U.'K. Senators. E. D. White...............of Orleans Don Caffery..:..............of St. Mary State Senators. John D, Shaffer.............Terrebonne. Judges Supreme Coukt. Chief Justice: F. T. Nicholls of Orleans Associate " . .J. A. Breaux, of Iberi a ** " Chas Parlange of Orleans •" ' S. D. McEnery, of Ouachita •" " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Ctrcuit COURTof Appeals, Fifth Circuit. B,T. Beauregard..........of St. Bernard. fl. D. Smith...... .........of St. Mary. Congressman, 3rd- Congressional Dist. Andrew Price............— of Lafourche 18th. Judicial District. Judge..................L. P. Caillouet. Diet. Attorney..........B, F. Winchester JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. 1st Ward. H. Clement. 2nd Ward....... ......Bannon T. B'.ake. 3rd Ward, Eq a . riste Bernard, 4th Waul, E B Avo 5 t|j Ward, Arthur A. Boudreaux. Uih W j., Sylvestre Martiuez, 7th ward John Pitlmann. 8th ward Louis Falgout. 9 -ward B. Peuouilh, loth ward Augus e Cretini. constables. 1st ward, Evariste Morvant, 2nd ward. Emile Dugas, Alb^ric Bergeron, 3rd ward, Edwin Birdsall, 4th ward Albert Savoie 5th ward, Myrtile Kerue, (ith ward, Wil liam Prestenback, 71h ward, Wellington Hebei t, 8th ward C. W. Elliot, 9th ward Henry Tenny, 10th ward Taylor Adam. Pa«i>h Officers Representatives:............M. Delaune. " ..........A. Delamotte. Corouer...........Di. W. F. Harang. Clerk of Court..............C. J. Parker. Sheriff........................ P. E Lorio Treasurer.................A. J. Braud. Printer...............- A. Jolet Jr. &- Co Assessor..... ..... G. Abribat Jr Returning Officer ......... 1'. J • Johnson^ Police Jurors. President,T. D. K*»ut; E-U. Morvant, H W, Tabor, Chas- E. Gandd. Ellis Foret, Emile Ledet, Louis Let-ill-, Frauk Chris ten, ElieDucos, Police Jury. H. R. Conlou, Sergeaut at arms, E- Dugas. J Galliano Oyster Inspect..! Drainage o.ivimissioners. Dist No. I — I'lios. Beary, Jos. A. Claudet, and .1. B. S. Mire. Dist. No. 2.—John MoCullah, L, Keefte, and H. W. Tabor. Dist. No. J.—Wallace Letort, M. Bergeron, Andrew Price, Adolphe Poise, Orville Thi bodaux. .... , „ Dist. No. 1.—Livaudais Ledet, Jos. O. Toups, Leo. LeHla m Dist. No. a.—T. D Ke it, L. A. I rosclair, S. Rlorvaut. Dist. No. ti—Jos. Thibodaux. A. lheriot, Wilson Lepine. Dist. No. 7.—0. S. Mathews. K. Poret and ^Dist°No.S.—S. Beurg. L ivincy J LeBlanc, and .J. T. Bvleaux. Dist. No. Vl.—Jos. P. Hourgmia. Paiii Le fort, and Estival Savoie. Roao and Levee Inspectors District No. 1... No.2 .... No- 3 .. No. 1 ... No. a--- No." No.7 .. No-8 No. 9 Munich J. B B mrgeots. Mareellin Bergeron ... u- A. Belanger, .....M eliel Adam, .....j. IV 8 Mire, Rodrigue. Orville Tbijodaux, 1.1 >ff:ceks. M-vyor, W. C Kigai; Oouucilnieti, L P Caillouet , A- J - M.-yor, Ozeme Naqu n Thomas Alberti T !'• BeiRerun, ami Frank Zoruott. Tro.taurei......... L. Brand. Town Marshal............ It .1 Naquin Clerk............... H.N.Coulou p r ieter ........- - A Joh-t .) r. JL (Jo. Pus* Mistress..............Mrs. L. Uuitis DiRKcroa' 1 ok Tilt 'School B ukd R. H. McBride pit sideut : A. F. Kuo bloeli, <en»eriu tendon t mil secretary ; A J Brauil, Numa li.f-r Chas. 8 Math ews............ AV E. Howell, •). L LeBlanc, EmiV Tone* I'm .'ALX Ban W. C Ragan, pi ker. secretary • F an •A'aU-v. E. U. Morvaii ' RA l Liiit A i> Departures: Tim 1st train at ....... 2d. ** Sd. " UK. OoMM Tft E. I lent . Clots. J. B<n- . v Z. i noit, II V. i . l.ini'.e L.ah-t C!, vests, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-5 eat business conducted for moderate Fees. 3 cv i Office is Opposite u. S. psteivt Office? ar we can are | stent less time tnau those J rc .cte from Washington. S end model, dr.nrir ; rhoto., with descrip-€ i. Wc fii-ise, F t • ->'e o- m t, : v :c of? "~s. Oar fee rot i it is.- -• -tired. > Don't Lose Heart. PLANT FERRY'S SEEDS this year, and make up for lost timft i . Ferry's Seed Annual for 181*4 will/ give you many valuable hints, k about what to raise and how-to i raise It. It contains informa -. Vtlon to be had from no otherf , source. Free to all.., . D. M. Ferry fc Co. j D etroit, IBck. 5 DOLLARS ™ PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right in and around their own homes. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays betterthan any other offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow onr plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring yon a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No barm done If you conclude not to go on with the business. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND. MAINE. PAR'OIDIUM OR BLACK SULPHUR (PATENTED.) The Most Effective Killer of Insects ano Worms Working Destruction in Fields, Orchards and Gardens. ^"Prospectus and Directions sent on appli cation. One box sample sent free to any address on receipt of 30 cents, by F C. BOUCHER & CO Germania Life Ins. Bldg. ST. PAUL, MINN A. JOLET Jr., & Co., Agents For Assumption,Lafourche and Terrebon we. Thibodaux, La F. P. SEVIN, —Successor to— SEVIN & LEGENDRE, 6 and 8 Toulouse Street, New Orleans, La I Gcnl Commission Merchant Will attend to the sale «f Hice, Sugar , Molasses, Eggs, Chide ens , Hides, Wool, Moss, Furs and all country produce generally Liberal Advances on Consignments. Antoine's Restaurant. Elegant Furnished Room.' For Travellers : BOARD BY THE DAY, WEEK 0B M0 - H Moderate Prices Nos. 65,66 aili 61 St. LOUIS STREC, NEW ORLEANS. J. E BLANCHARD, & SON .t-qsp* DENTISTS 'hfisw - O r. Green tfi St. Bridire! Sts. FRANK BARKER, (SUCCESSOR TO BARKER S SEVIN.) Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, rsrCOTTON, SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE POTATOES, EGGS, HONEY, BEES VVAX, TALLOYY WOOL, HIDES, MOSS, POULTRY, ETC. NO. tin DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. «a"LlBEUAL ADVANCES MA id ON CON SIGNMENT3. ORlllYAWE I%«.— Establish ini; stations tor the Road ma chines, owned by tlie Parisli, and regulating the manner ami conditions under width citizens <>f this narisli may obtain the full use of said machines for the making, repair or maintenance of their respective puolic roads. Sec. I — Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the parish ot Lafourche, in regulai meeting assembled, that two stat'ons are hereby established whereat one of the parisli Road Machine shall lie kept, except when in actual use. as follows, to wit : One at or near the residence of the Road Inspector of each of the Distr'cts Nos 1 and 3 ; and the said machines stationed as afore said shall he in the care and custody ot the Road Inspectors of the District, wherein in it is stationed. Sec. -J.— Be it ordained etc. That in no case shall the parish road maebiue be used elsewhere than on a public road within this parish ; and their use may be obtained lor said purnose free of cost on a verbal or written request of the party desiring their use, made to the Road Inspector in charge thereof, the apulieant etatiug the acreage of road he desires to make or repair anil the number of days he requires the use of ma chines. Sec. 3— Be it l'uither ordained etc. that persons obtaining the use cl'the road ma chines shall he hound to return same at the statiou herein above designated therefor, or at any other point designated by the custodian, not at a greater distance from tLe place where he has used the ma chine than is the station house therefrom. Sec.— 4.— Be it further ordaiued etc. That the custodians if said machines shall be required to keep a Book, wherein they shall in8c:ihe the name of the applicant, the date whereon same is made, the number of acres of road he requires to make or reuair, and he shall grunt the use of said machines in the order wherein applications have been made, that is to say, the first to apply shall be granted the use first, and so on uutii all applicants shall have had the use thereof. - Sec. 5 — Be it furt ier ordained etc. That the road machine station at or near the resideuoe of the Rea l Inspector ot the 1st District, shall be liable to use ouly in that section of the Parish extending from the upper limits, both hanks of the bayou, in cluding interior settlements, to the Raceiand Feriy; and the Road Machine stationed at or near the residence of the Road Inspector of District No. 3. shall be used only in tkrt section of the parish from Race land Ferry, to the lower limits of the pari-h, comprising both hank of Bayou Lafourche and the interior settlemeuts. " Sec. 6 — Be it ordained further. That the custodians of the said Road Machines are hereby empowered to cause any repair to be made to the Road Maebiues that may be re quired to maintain them iu servieialiie con dition, and the cost whereof shall be paid by warrant ol the Piesideut on the parish treasury, on pesentation of a voucher duly receipted by the said custodian. Sec. 7.— Be it ordaiued etc. That this ordinance shall go into etfeet immediately alter its first publication. Approved an; adopted May 8th, 1894. THOS.D. KENT, President H. X. COULON. Clerk. Tableau. Of probable expenses ot this parish for the current .year1894. Salary of Officers. $ 1,000 00 lload and Levee In-pectors 1.300 00 Grand aud Petit Jurors I,.700 00 Sheriff's lees 1,000 00 Boarding prisoners 9,0(10 00 Assessors Commission 1,000 00 Tlx Co!. (Join. 1.000 00 Public School funds 0,000 00 Pub ic School House fund 1.000 00 Police Juror's per diem aud mileage 600 00 Witness 'ees iu Criminal cases 700 00 Coroner's tees 600 00 Transportation of Convicts 400 00 Justice and Constable iees 700 00 miction fees 300 00 Cliuiity expense* 700 00 Public load expenses 600 00 Drainage fund 2.600 u0 Incidental Expenses 1,400 00 $ 21,000 00 Approved and adopted May 8th, 1891. THO$' D. KENT, President. II. N. COLON. Clerk. ORSHYAACE \o. Or. ering a special election, submitting to the propeity tax-payers oi the town ot Thibodaux, who are qualified electors un der tiie laws of the State, a proposition to vote a special tax to build aud construct a system of water works lor the towu of Thi bodaux, aud tu fix the rate of saiu special tax and the time during which it shall be collected. Wbereus. tbs following citizens and prop erty lax-payos of the corporation of Thibo daux, viz : E. N. Roth. Ellis Brand. Thomas Stark, R. J., J anile i ivicre, L. V. Riviere it Co.. A. Weisseuthanner, YV. Hofimaun, L.Dicx lef. J..M. Guardia, H-C. Cliel it Co., aud others whose names are appenued to the pe til ion herein leiiied to and lieehy made part ami parcel of this ordinance, aud to lie published with it, being more in number and iu i he amount of t heir assessment, tli in the number required by law, have petitioned the mayor and trustees of the town ot TV ib odaux co levy a special lax ol five mills per annum, over and above < lie constitutional limit often mills for and during the peiiod of tell years, for the purpose of raising addi tional revenues tu build aud construct a plant of water works lor the use and beuetic ot the town, and have further pe'itioned the said mayor and trustees to cal! a special e leciou to submit to the property tax payers ol J hibouau.v, who are qualified eleciots mi der the laws of the btaic, the said proposi tion to levy a special t ix of live mills [ice an num for the period of ten years, ie>r : he spec ial purpose aforesaid ; Be it therefore, enacted, by the Mayor and Trustees of the corporation ot Ib.ooh.dix that the questiuu of levying a special tax of live mills per annum on all properly subject to taxation iu the corporate limits of n.e town of Thibodaux, lor the peiiod of ten years, to raise revenues to build and con struct a plant m water works for ihe use and benefit of ; he lowu of '1 hi'iodaux, be and the same is hereby subuii cd to the propel s .• i .ix-pa,\ ers of lie town ol Thibodaux, quul ■ red lovofo under me laws ol Lnnid.aa. an i lor the purpose of asociiai iing the sens' oi lin'said propel ly tux payers u special elec, tioti is hereby called to be hekl in the ton u | of Thibodaux, at the Court-House on Mon I day the Dt li day of June, 1894. from 7 o'clock ! a - f° ""'dock p. in., at which special elec I all the nroperty tax payers ol the corpo ration of Thibodaux. qualified to vote under the general election laws of the State, sha'l have the> i*i"!»t to vote lor or against the pro position as i hey deem proper. Be it further enacted, etc.. That tli« prop erty tax-payers of the corporation of Tliibo i (laux, qualified to vote under the gtmeral election laws of the State, who favor the 1c vy ol the said special tax fur the aforesaid purpose, shall, at said special election, de posit in the ballot box kept lor the purpose, a printed ballot with the words . "Special Eleetiou for Water Works of the town ot Thibodaux. l*or e special tax of five mills per annum lor the period of ten years lot erection of *« ater VY orks; and that the property tax payers disapproving of the levy of said spec ial tax sh.,11 east a printed ballot with the words: "Special Election tor Water Works ol the town ot Ihihodaux. Agaiust a special tax of five mills per an num tor the period ot ten years tor erection ot Water Works " Pelt further enacted, that the said elec tion shall he held by three commissioners ap pointed and sworn in accordance with law who shall keep a list of the tax payers votiug « bereou shall he inscribed the name of each person voting, and his name shall also be checked oil the list of qualified voters as soon as each person shall have voted : and itt the close ol the poll the said cummissiou ers Shall open the ballot box aud eouut and tabulate the votes aud make due return thereoi in writing as .equired bv law . aud alter being counted, the ballots cast shall he put back in the box which shall be sealed, and together with the returns of the election delivered to the Mayor and Trustees ot the town of Thibodaux, who shall without delay tabulate and promulgate the result of the election iu the manner prescribed by la w. Be it further enacted, that if the required majority-of votes shall be east at said special election in favor ot the said special tax. the mayor aud trustees of the town ot Thibodaux shall within the delay required by law, a dopt and puss a proper ordinance conforma bly to the result of said election and the wishes ot the tax-payers, levying a special tax as herein contemplated, over and above the constitutional limit ot ten mills on all taxable property withiu the corporate limits of Thibodaux Apioved and adopted, May 22nd, 1894 _ „ W. C. RAGAN, H. N. COULON. Mayor. Clerk. OPINIONS OF THE LOUI SIANA PRESS. WANTS IT PURE AND UNADULTERATED. Baton Rouge Item : It may not be necessary here to point out to the iu telligent fiiends of ballot reform iu the general assembly that there is great dang r of a measure being put before that body which wiU not em brace the safeguards demanded and which the true friends of ballot reform could not consistently indorse. Such would be a shrewd political move de signed to force opposition from and place the friends of a clean cut ballot measure into a false position. The held will have to*be very closely watched to prevent a surprise an J every effort to side-track the kind of a measure de manded by the people exposed. A pure and unadulterated Australian bal lot law is what the people want and nothing less will satisfy them. SHUT THE DOORS ON THE PEOPLE. Shreveport Times: So the ballot re form question has become concealed behind the folds of secrecy. That is a political method, and a dangerous and menacing one to the aim to be at tained. It is the very principle that popular opinion is combating. The people, the whole people, aie interest ed in this vital measure, and should know, as they are entitled to learn, every step iu the consideration of a measure that, concerns their peace, prosper ty, good government and lib ci ty. The committee, may meet be bind closed doors, but the public should be informed of the nature and progress of their deliberations. Secre cy is th - weapon of wrong and tyrun ny. Liberty, like (he eagle's flight, loves the open air aud plenty of room. A NEW ELECTION LAW. Mansfield Democrat Journal : Fac tional politics have caused a gieat deal of trouble in Louisiana. A new elec tion law. seeming a free ballot and a fair count, will, in part, put, an end to factional contests and bring to the s ate comparative peace and quiet when turmoil and strife can with rea son l>e looked for. If a new law is not pas-ed by ike present legislature an organization will spiing up within the ranks of the Democratic paity that will send men to the next legislature who will give tile lelief witch is al most universally desired. T'-e people are in no humor to he trifled with in this matter. They waul hunt st elec tions. «o that it can no longer be said that Louis;. na is the pa'adise of bal lot-box staffers and political bosses. STRIKING DOWN THE LAW. St L-indry Clarion : SuBering one j law to be violated with impunity, es pecially if it be (lone by common con sent, is a set ions blow to the adminis tration ot all law, because h biingsthe comts unit law oft'cers iui-i contempt. | if it. be an established and admitted fact ihat (lie office!s of this court eau ! not eui'oiee she Sunday law, liien in bf the law here be leduced to the well merited contempt of all law abiding people; and it will be time for them to inquire where they are to look for the protec tion of life and property ? If the courts in this district haven't got sufficient authority and influence to enforce the Sunday law,what assurance have the law abiding element that tliev cau withstand any combination of law bieakers? None, none whatever. UNEQUAL AND UNJUST. Baton Rouge Advocate: Perfect can dor. however, compels us to express the opinion that Senator Cordill's measure is neither practical uor equit able. We do not believe it to be fair to enact a law constituting a man a citizen should lie happen to live iu New Orleans or iu Calcasieu, and dis franchising him if he should happen to remove to Jefferson or to Rapides. Under such a law men who could not vote in the polishes requiring an edu cational and property qualification would remove to those parishes where the qualifications of citizenship are less exacting, the result being the massing of the illiterate and the thrift less in those parishes, and tlie shifting ot the "black belt" from its present location to New Orleans and the par ishes heretofore exempt from such an element. BALLOT REFORM. Attakapas Vindicator : Other things ot vital importance cry aloud for leg* islative energy and attention. The purity of the liallot pleads in no un certain terms for recognition ; and on it hangs the law and the prophets. Ballot reform 6tands at the door of the capitol at Baton Rouge knocking for admittance, and to deny her this is a crime. The welfare and peace of this great commonwealth hang dependent ly on a total revolution of the ballot system of the present. It is vicions, crime provoking, daugerous and abso lutely destructive to our form of gov ernment. The ballot should serve the will of the people aud the state as the lightnings do the will of the Almighty. No organization, however strong and rich, can withstand the onslaughts of a corrupt ballot. Without a revival of the legislature to this tact, Louisi ana must perish iu her own rotten ness. NO PLAUSIBLE EXCUSE. Vermillion Star: There can never he any plausible excuse for not enact ing an election law before the adjourn ment of this session. We do not say change the law, but enact a new one and forever erase from our statute books that fraudulent pretext of a law which lias so long disgraced them. The democratic party has already blackened its recoid by not having purged the statutes of a iaw which de feated honest govei ui.ient so long, aud kept rascals and carpet baggers in of fice. No party, however honest their administration of affairs, can expect to command tlm respect and confidence of the people while the officers receive their authority at tlie hands of an in fernal machine. To allow the present miserable pretense of the la w to re main as a kind of spile work against its formulutors and inventors, is cow ardly. It is too much like adopting means which we atmsed otbeis for us ing. The people are loudly demand ing a law which will secure to them houest elections, and the present leg islature must face tlie music. LIST OF PATENTS Granted to Southern inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co Solicitors of American and Foreign patents, Opp. U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. G. W. Barfield, Rome, Ga., Ca.v coiipling. J. M. Bolin, Davtou, Ky., Suspenders. E. M. Caflall, Baltimore, Md., Preserving ai tides ot structures. W. Carter, j. W. Dawson and J. Mey rick, Louisville, Ky., Signal-light fix j tine- T. Guidon, Eureka Springs, i Ark., Clothes pin. N. Hamlet, Little 1 Rock, Ark . Burglar alarm. B. Hano, i Santa Fe, Okia. Ttjr., Shingle gauge, f J Jacobs, Biowpingsville, Md , Wag on brake. II. R. Jernigan, Charlton, | Ala.. Baling-press. C, Marsh, Wash ington. Miss-, Plow. S. F. Miiliron, - Baltimore, .Mil., Hanger for papers or books. R., S. Mudford, Texarkana, | Ark., tiling machine. G. W. ! Mm ray. Sumter, S. C., Planter. J. V. i Pilcher, Louisville, Ky., Button. E. | S. Reed and A J. Stoops, Chattanooga, j Trim., Antifilli'.ig device for bottles, I A-c. W. B. Reed, New Orleans. La., Electric meter. C. J. Roberts and J. W. Owen, Buford, Ga.. Animal-trap. i M. J. Ryan, New Orleans, La.. Leatu ■ or -.tripping machine. S. M. Schiedel, i Hagerstown, Md., Shield for pneumat ic tires. W. Seaton, Greenfield, Ark.. Fish trap. J. W. Thomas. Nashville, Tenu.. Pneumatic system of and ap paratus for handling railway switches.