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tl tub o j au x 5 cntiucl. I jarutt. w- t~t 9 IP. senatorialDistrict j OiiV;<</ -' ' *</ f/te /'* r»A of Im four- he and Town ot Tkibodaux. Pl'liU^liED LVEKY "*.*TT.'ItliA.'V BY A. JOLLT, Jr.. & Co.. Proprietors. A. JOLET. J;.. F. SAXCAX. - General Manager - - Publisher ^irf>*sc*ri|»tion : One yea tin advance]........ *3.00 1 One copy.................. 10 i Rates ot Advertising I For each square of ten lines or less the first insertion *1.-50. Second inser tion. To cents per square. For subse- ; quent insertions, per square -50 cents. Obituaries 10 cents per line. Professional and business ear is. in cluding paper, will be published at tie rate of -50 cents per square for the first insertion, and 2-5 cents for subsequent nsertions. A ' feral discount to vearly adverti ser* .V nonnting .?andidates for office, t 0. to le paid for IX ADVANCE. Advertisements not marked on the. o»p' for a specified time will be inser te till forbid and payment exacted Persons sending communications to tais p,ip*-r must a:ways furnish therr rea'. names to th® Editor. We will not save or return rejected r. ami scripts. Allusions personam* disparaging to any o..<- w ill never be inserted excepit as advertisements nor then, if peculiar ly obieetionable. i- COLLECTIONS MADE MONTHLY. Saturday July t \S'm. THE PEABODY 1SHT1TUTE The Peabody In-titue. I.eid in oor town thi« week, ha proven a grand eiiccess both instructively ami socially. The professors in cliarge. Measis. It. L. Himes, C. C. Harris, and K. G. Ferguson can well feel proud of the tesnlt of their lalmrs. The vast audi torium of th® Thibodaux Oriera House was graced with the manhood and womanlioral, with the loveliness and beauty of our people, who listened with marked attention to the iustruc » ve and interestiug lectures delivered 1 v these leained exponents of public education. The institute was called to order on last Monday morning a 9 a. in. by Capt. R R. McBride w ho explained its objects. Judge A. F. Knobloch was called upon to pre-ide and Miss Ezel Stuart to act as secretary. The: program for the week was as follows : Monday day session : Opening Re marks, School Organization. Language, A Study of Educational Principles, and the Verb. Monday, right session : Welcome Address by Hon. W. E. Howell, responded to by Prof. R. L. Himes ; Conceit under the able management of Prof. E. Choi ; Music by tlie Home Circle Orchestra under the leader shin of Dr. J. J. Daigre. Tuesday, day session : Gtammar, Writing. History of Arithmetic iu the United States,Language and Grammar and their Corelation, and the most important principles of Arithmetic. Tuesdav. night session : Giaud Concert under the management of Prof. Cliol. Address by Judge A. F. Knobloch, a rsmlde on words : ad dress by Prof. P. II. Maroney on Cur rent Literature, Public Schools GO years ago by Maj. S. T. Grisamore. and Hoop Drill by the pupils of Mount Carmel Convent. Wednesday,day session: Fractions, Orthography, Writing. Involution and Evolution, and Composition. Wedne sday, night session : Exhibi tion and recitations bv the children of j ; ILLIintD'IIU *,» * II1L LIIIMIIUH wi Guinn Academe" under the teacher- , of. A. F. Knobloch.principal. .prmcipa a Levrn bv Home ship of Pi and assistants Misses and Mary La forest. Music Circle Orchestra. Thursday, day session: Primary Reading, Physio'ogy applied in the School Room, Diagraming, Mind Studies and History Methods. Thursday, night session : A Comedy entitled "The Private Secretary by the Men of Mirth, assisted by ptofes sional artists. Friday, day session : Primary Geography, Charts, School Discipline, Intermediate Geography, and the Re citation. Cara Levron Friday, night session : The End of Education, and a grand Concert, ably managed by Prof. E. Choi, concluding with a gtand Soiree Dansante. About 125 teachers fi ora the parishes of Assumption, Lafourche and Terre bonne att"iiderl the institute, ani if they have listened to and harvested up iu their mental granary the good and -olid teachings of the grand edu cators of thi* Peabody Institute, they have termned home much lietter pre pared to attend to the various duties of the school room, rich with the necessary ingredient* that constitute the useful rlU successful tenet.ei. Oh A s G E B u OSS O M .V solemnized according to j BLAKE-THIBODAUX. Ob last Tuesday evening at 1 o'clock in our beautiful St. Joseph's Church •a a.- quietly t!.e n:e* of the Catholic. Apostolic J an«I Roman Church tlie marriage cere- ! !i i y w!,ich joined in wedlock, never 1 i mme to patt. Judge Bannon T. Blake i»i,d Mis* Henriette Thiboxlanx, l*otli of rite Paiish of Lafor.iche. Reverend Father C. VP an!, the venerable pas tor of the church, officiated. A1 l ong!. the n atriage was intended •to be a very private one. as tliere I were no invitations >ei:t out. and only a few intimate fiiends outside of the family knew of Lie hour lived for tlie nuptial ceremony, yet some sixty or seven tv peisons were present to witress the blending of these two hearts into one. After the ceremony was performed ; , , . , , a - f De conclusion of w inch and the marriage eemticaies weie duly signed and delivered, the mar riage party consisting of the groom and bride elect* tlie immediate mem bers of the two families and their few invited intimate friends, a-ceiided into their carriages and returned quietly to the residence of Mrs. E. W. Blake, tlie matronly and affable mother j of tire happy groom, and partook of an elegantly prepared diner eu/amUle congratu latory toasts, amid the spirkling wiue ! wtre „ff e ied on all sides for tlie future liapipiness and prosperity of the young couple. Judge Blake, the groom elect, is the only sou of the lamented Judge E. W. Blake and Mrs. Cecilia Thibodaox : for their chivalry elia.acter. tiait- ir get , ||1 " ( i Judge Blake is a popular serenaded the happy he is a young man of exemplary and ex eDent habit?;, and gifted with the qualities of heart and mind which go far to make a go<id, kind and true hit-band : lie i* a lawyer by profes sion. and is now the efficient Justice of the Peace of the ward in which the Town ol Thibodaux is comprised ; he i- the descendant of a family noted and good traits of which he lias de servinglv made himself a true exem plar. Mis* Henriette Thibodaux. the bride elect, is the lovely daughter of Mr. Bannon Thibodaux and Mrs. Snzanna Abadie. a gentleman and lady well known iu our parish. She looked charming and lovely in her neatly fitting and beautiful white gown, and to be as happy as happy could be ; while we saw- her at the presbytery she was all smiles, re . . „ , . , _ ceiving the congratulations ot lieiirany friends, with peifect ease and genuine candor. The happy couple were tlie reci pients of many beautiful and costly presents. In the the Horn* veiling at about 9 o'clock, Circle Orchestra of who member,, , room and lovely midnight. bride until nearly To Mr. and Mrs. Blake the Senti nklle tenders sincere congratulations, and wishes o f a long and happy ma trimonial life. May t lie bles-ings of God ever tail to their share. DISTRIBUTION OF AWARDS. MOIST CARMEL COS TENT. Thursday, June 28th, 1894. GRADUATION HONORS Gold Medal and Crown awatded to Miss Rosa Frost. A Gold Medal awarded to Miss Ro sa Frost, as. a testimonial of merit for her lady-like depoitment, punctual .i , , ^'endance application to study, and ,fc ? eDtra! 8aUsfac '" ,n S lveD . du "?£ I 1 ! tlie - veiir * s *' ellt as a I» u I' iI :lt the Institution. AWARDING OF MEDALS AND CROWNS OF HONOR AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF PREMIUMS. SENIOR DEPARTMENT. Gold Medal for Application to Stu dy, contested by Misses A. Delaune. A Dupre, C. Doucet, M. Woods, X. Riviere. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. ! Silver Medal for Application toStu i dy, contested by Misses C. Levrou, E. Engerran. B. Riviere, C. Aucoin. X. Lalande, L. Chanoin. A. Doherty, E. Kent, B. Cragin, T. Capeila. Gold Medals foi Lady like Deport ment awarded to Misses C. Cliol, L. i Chauvin. Gold Medal for merit and gem Ttk j satisfaction, awaided to Mi*s Lim Beauvais. Crowns of Honor foi Christian Doc | trine, awarded to Misses A. Delaune, A. Dupre, L. Chauvin, E'la Beauvais, C. Aucoin, A. Doherty, E. Engerran, C. Levron. L. Higginbotham. X. Ri viere, 0. Doucet, E. Frost, T. Capeila, E. Boudreaux, B. Riviere, T. Doncet, B. Richard. GOOD DEPORTMENT. j l*t Medal.-®Misse* A. P"t»nne. El la Beaavai*. L. Chauvin, Eiuily Beau vaif, A. Doherty, A. Dupre, C. Doucet, L. Higginbotham. 2nd. Medal.—Misses I. Theriot. C Theriot. B. Riviere, E. Engerrau, C. Levron, C. Aucoin, C. Dansereau, E. Kent. ?d. Medal.—Misses P. Legendre. I Emma Delaune, M. Schloegel, B. Ca pella. M. Caro. E. Caro. Marie Cail louet. ENGLISH CLASSES. Rhktoric. —Misses A. Delaune, El la Beauvais. Literature. —Misses A. Delaune. C. Clod. Botany. —Misses X. Riviere, A. Du pre. MODERN* HISTORY. 1st Premium.—Misses A. Delaune* Ella Beauvais. 2d. Premium.—Miss C. Choi. U. S. Hi STORY. 1st. Premium.—Misses A. Dupre, M. Woods, C. Levron, B. Riviere, E. Engenan, E. Kent, L. Thibodaux, B. Cragin. B- Richard. T. Doucet. 2d. Premium —Misses X. Riviere. C. j Doucet, C. Aucoin, X. Lalande, L. i Webre. A. Doherty, B. Ramugosa, L. * Chauvin. A. Bourg. T. C'ajiella. I. Theriot, E. Really, E. Ledet, C. The riot. -, ! GRAMMAR. 1st Premium —Misses A. Delaune, A. Dupre, L. Chauvin, C. Levrou, E. Engerran, E. Kent. E. Scally. 2d. Premium.—Misses A. Riviere. B. Riviere, C. Aucoin, B. Cragir, A. Bourg, B. Richard, T. Doncet. GEOGRAPHY. 1st. Premium.—Misses X. Riviere, C. Doucet, C Levron, B. Riviere, X. Lalande, E. Kent, B. Cragin. B. Ri chard, T. Doncet, E. Scally, B. Bar ker, G- Badeaux. 2d. Premium.—Misses A. Dupre, M. Woods, C. Aucoin. L. Chauvin, C. Ory_ L. Thibodaux, I. Theriot, T. Capeila, i E. Boud*eaux, V. Bouron, L. Toups, F. Badeaux. Marie Caillouet. 31. Premium.—Misses E. Frost, V. Knobloch, L. Webre, I. Ledet. COMPOSITION. 1st. Premium^-Misaes Ella Beau vais. M. Woods, C. Levron, E. Kent, L. Bertrand. ; botbam, L. Himel 2d. Premium. Misses L. Higgin URTHOGRAPHY. 1st. Premium.—Misses B. Ramagosa. Aucoin, E. K en L A. Boudreaux, B. Barker, I. Ledet, B. Bouterie. 2d. Premium.—Misses V. Knobloch. C. Danserean, T. Capeila, B Richard, E. Boudreaux, E. Clement, F. Badaux, L. Daigre. READING. 1st Pr.-minm—Misses A. Boudreaux. B. Barker. F. Badeanr. L. Daigre, P. Legenure. >i. Caro, E. Caro. B. Ca pella, M. Schloegel, I. McEvers. 2d. Premium.—Misses L. Toups, E. Ledet, I Ledet, G. Badeaax.'E. Cle ment, L. Doncet, A. Sposito. Emma B. Frost, E. Delaune, A. Lusignan, D e i auue premium —Misses A. Delaune, A. Dupre, X. Riviere. ALGEBRA AND BOOK KEEPING. ARITHMETIC. 1st Preminm —Misses A. De'aune, A. Dupre. X. Riviere, C. Aucoin, B Riviere. E Engerran. I. Bernard, E. G * Badeaux I. McEyere. 2d Premium.—Misses t. Doucet, Louise Wagespach, F. Bernard. L. Tonus. F. Badeaux, E. Ledet, Marie Caillouet. PENMANSHIP. 1st Premium—Misses A. Delaune, N. Riviere, M. Dansereau, C. Levron, X. Lalande. L Chauvin. C Ory, H. A dolphe, L Bertrand. I Folse. 2d Premium—Misses C Choi, L Hig ginbotham, M Woods, A. Doherty. Emelie Beauvais, A Boudreaux, V Bouron. FRENCH CLASSES. GRAMMAR. 1st Premium—Misses A Delaune, L Chauvin, A Dupre, E EDgerran. X Lalande. T Doucet. 2d Premium—Misses C. Choi. C. DouceL B Rivieie, C. Dansereau, C. Ory, B. Rodrigue, T. Capeila, B. Ri chard. M. Caillouet. • HISTORY. l*t Premium—Misses A. Delaune, B. Ramagosa. L. Chauvin, C. Ory, X. Lalande. E. Engerran. 2d Premium—Misses C. Doucet. A. Dupre. B. Riviere, T. Capeila, C. Dan se ream 3d Premium E. Beauvais. COMPOSITION. Pieniium.—Misses C. Choi, L. Chau vin. READING. 1st Premium—Misses E. Boudreaux, C. Aucoin, L. Toups. T. Doncet. L. Webre, E. Clement, Marie Caillouet, M. Woods, H. Adolphe. B. Capeila, P. Legendre. 2d Preminm—Misses V. Bouron, V. Knobloch, B. Richard. E. Kent. B. Cragin. L. LeBJanc, E. Caio, M Caro, Emma Delaune. EMBROIDERY AND FANCY WORK. 1st Premium—Miss L. Chauvin. 2d " — •* A. Doherty. MENDING AND PLAIN SEWING Premium.—Miss A Delaune. HAIR WORK. Premium—Miss L. Himel. -Misses B. Rodrigue, ORDER. 1st Premium—Hisses A. Del tune. B. Rodrigue, Xmelie Beauvais. 2d Premium—Mimes L. Chauvin. X. Lalande. COMPLAISANCE. Premium—Misses A. Delaune. Eila Beauvais. C. Theriot, X. Riviere. A. Doherty, M. Dansereau, Emelie i eau vais. P LTTEXESS. Misses A. I* -•••-r»y. E. Frost. L. H'g ginbotham. t'. D wrt. A. Dnpie. M. Woods, C. L'-' io". H Riviere. E. E • gerrau, C. Aucoin, V. Knoiilocli, A. Bourg. The following named young ladies are deserving «>* a special Honorable Ment : on tor good depoitment and ap plication to study, but owing to ab sence during the session, were not en titled to complete for premiums : Misses M. Marmande, H. Adolphe, May Frost. Myra Fins'. Maggie Bou dreaux, D. Frost, M. Caillouet. C.! Caillouet PIANO PREMIUMS. 1st Premium -Misses A Delaune. C. Ory, A. Doherty, E. Kent, B. Cra gin. A. Piedra, M. Marmande. 2d Preminm —Misses E. Frost, I. Theriot. C. Theriot. C. Bergeron, E. Scally, L. Himel. HONORABLE MENTION*. Miss L. Viguerie. Next session will reopen September 3rd. That Tired Freliajr which is so common and so overpowering, is en titely driven off by Hood's Sarsaparil la, the best blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes weakness. Hood's Pill* are tlie be** after-dinner pill*, assist digestion, care beadac-be. 25c. a box • District Court is iu session in Parish of Teirebonne. the We call attention to the new adver tisement of W. L. Donglas $3.00 Shoe which appears in our issoe to day. We have every assurance from the manufacturer that the recent improve ments in style arid quality will give more satisfaction than ever to the wearers of these popular shoes. The Assessment Rolls of the Parish have been approved hv the Police Ju ry, and will soon be in the hands of tic Sheriff. FINANCIAL STATEMENT BANK OF THIBODAUX, LorrsiAXA. At close of July 3rd. 11*94. ASSETS. Cash and sight exchange____$97,698 48 Demand loans. 10.-572 03 -1108,270 51 Time loans............... 83.703 11 Expenses paid........... 2.167 91 Furniture and Fixtures.. 3.000 00 1 Total $197,141 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock. .126,000 (O Surplus........ 7.-500 00 Und. Profits.. 4.942 ' 0 * 37.442 Deposits -------$159,698 Total............ $197,144 53 I, C. P. Shaver, cashier of the above name*! bank, <lo solemnly declare that the forego ing Statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. P. SHAVER. Cashier. DIRECTORS: E. G. Robicbaux, E. Roger. A. J. Meyer, O. Naouin. K.T'. Morvant W. H. Price, H. W. Frost, C. P. Shaver. Tbos. Beary, ' . A. Tro*sialr, L. M. Layman. Accounts of merchants, planters and individuals cordially invited. No account too small. Savings accounts a specialty. STATE OF LOUISIANA ISth Judicial District Court Parish Lafourche. of Joseph Schwartz r*. So. 3037 Au gustin Adam. T ake notice that, acting under and by virtue *>f an order ot seizure and sale, emanating from the above entitled Court, in tlie above entitled and uumhered case. I have seizeti aud will ufter for sale, at public auction, pursuant to law, to the last and highest bidder at the Court House in the Town of Thibodaux. on SATURDAY. AUGUST 4th. I*H. between tlie hours ot It o'cloek a m. and 4 o'clock p. in., the following described pro pertv to-wit : A certain lot of ground situated in the ■ Pa riih of I, ifi-n'i-he -tite of leuiisiana. ini the village «! L*« kport on the right hank ot iiayou Lafourche being lot No. 2 of Block No. Ilia- »(i;cmi* f;. in plan of said village, j executed bv Allen D'Hnnecouif. surveyor, on |ieci;ii la r 26ih 18:15, a coov of whit-h plan j ; i- deposited in the Cl. rk'g office. Recorder's ; departm-.Lt • f this parish, said lot is bounded North-West by < anal *tr.-, t. N'orili hast by ] Lot N o. 11 ot raid Block No. 16. and South 1 Last l y Uf.iar le str-.t. together wi h all i I the bnildiu.* and nnproven-enta tii-reon. ! To pax and -atisly (l| I he sum of One ; llutidi* d ai d fil'y Dollars, together xvith ; eight per i-.-ot |*-r aiihno'ii ititcre-t theieon ' lroiu ibe 2*th i I D>- einher l*>'J uutill paid, . ' (2 A -urn ot ten per cenr -ui the aggregate I of -a d pi III ipa 1 and in'er*-st as attorney- 1 lee* herein ami |3) at e —ts herein eash — and i wbit-li -ai-l amount in priucii al au-i in^-rest. I attorney'* te.-s amt all on* » herein, is secured I by mortgage by act pa- ed la-fote Elphege B Ax o So'ary P ildir ofsiid pari.-b on the 2»tb day ot Dee. mbrr 1882 JAMES BEAltY. slieritl of laxfoarclie. . • June 30th 1894. , W. L. Douclas $3 SHOE no aaifcAsTZ'tt. *5. CORDOVAN, FRnO-AEW'E-LEXaLT FDCGftf&JtaMK s 3.59 P0UCE.3 SOLES. s 2, *1^5 BcrsScaaL>2i -LADIES J? Vf.75 f ***BeST * * * V-LOObCLAS, BROCKTON MASS. Voo can save ao:-r hr W. L. C«a:.a Because, are '..t . :rts! rmren of acverused sh-xe* :c -.he wor'.i and grraraalee t'ne value by itarapiag tie ra=e ass pnee oa •' bottem. which prefect* yrm Ag kigh ,..ces acd the nr if.tzar * pr ofi t! Oar shoe* c rat eastern wort Ky>. easy £a±a* and --raring Qualities. We hare theta tr ,Id erery. .er. at lower prices foe tie false erren tiaa ;-v other mate Tate at s-. '■ strtete If your f ~ caaaot supply j m. et _aa_ aold hy E. J. BRAUD. JOHN LAKKJX. COPPERSMITH SHEET IRON WORKER. Will manufacture -ji rep-air all kind* d sugar apparatus. WOKK SHOP AT FOOT < >R SOUTH END OF JAC KS- X >TREET. THIBCDAUX. LA. j-i: 'm iyr. Something fl orth Knowing , Mrs. J. B. C. GAZZO. Cures CAXCERS . RHEUMATISM . IXD PA LST. Free of Cbuje Medicines ulene charged for. RESIDENCE— 10 m le* below Ti. - vdacx right bank of Bayou Lafourche. P. 0. Address: THIBODAUX,LA. Apr 2l-si-ly. J. LOUIS AUCOIN \ f « FURNITURE of all kind. ♦ i j 'A PAINTS. HARDWARE. UNDERTAKERS* Material etc MAIN STREET THIBODAUX. LA. PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING AND RE PAIRING. G. E. VON HOFE, Pianos and Organs. P. O. BOX 1129. NEW ORLEANS. LA. Ap-29-S.H-ly JOS. OSCHWALD, (Successor to Jas. Cherault.) Shaving Saloon, Hair Cutting.Shampooing etc., a Specialty. MAIN STKEET, THIBODAUX. LA. J. B. DUNN. CIVIL EM1KEER. ARCHITECT BUILDER, PRESIDENT (iF THF. DUNN -ITCUFFK FURNACE Oh. LIMITED. Fort* rVar* P-»«in! fr/oiri., ami o-a.Hjit fi rmtmrck. SPEC I \I.TIES : Construction of Sugar Houses. Furnaces for Bagas-o. Coal. W -rnny other k,nd of Fuel, Setting -iigur Kettles. Steam Boilers. Draining Machines, and every kind of Brickwork. All Done on Strictly Scientific Principles Particular Attention Paid to Repairs. No. -Jl-J Napoleon Avenue Cor. tOti-eum *t. Sisth District. New Orleans. La. 2-17 d-ly. ALBERT WEIBLFN, Designer and Contractor -OF ALL KINDSOF CtMETEKV XVOEE_ *SMOX U.M liNTS.ft* UADSTONES,^ '•STATU VRY - ■ - AUSOl.UUMS ^t Low Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed 23U Baronne *t.. and 20S, -JlO lulia St. 10-7-93-ly NEAT ORLEANS. LA N. BOURG. T. V. UEROER05. BOURG & BERGERON Market Stand, MARKET ST., TKIBODAUX, LA. -ALWAYS <»• HAND THE BEST OF BEEF, MUTTON. TORE. VEAL AND SAUSAGES Or ALL KINDS. Mav 20-93 ly.