Officia l J~o-a.rxi.cii oi ih.a Sraiish. of X-aio-urciie and Guardian of -fch .3 Interest of tne T
YOL. xxx.
ino^Aiix, la., Saturday; arril 27 iso
NO 39
State Ofkiokrs
Murphy J. Foster of St. Mary
SSf SbltV.'.T. S A,« ,f E. Feliciana
Imi Pnh.Acct s... CV.W Heai 11 of l nmn
lifeTwa* 1 a-er, - .John Pi.kotf of Bossier.
Sf Gen, M. ' unningh .tn N.itehitoch's
hot.Pub-Kit. A. Lafargiie Avoyelles.
i p. White............ of Orleans
L Caffe-y ..... of St Mary
StatkSenator &
foiin D, Shatter...... Terrebonne
Kef Justice: F T. Xic-h >lls of Orlea s
iMociate " .. J. A. Breaux.of Iberia
" Chas Parlance of Orleati .
' S. D. McEnery, of Ouachita
" L. B. Watkins, Red Ri' er.
jacetr Co?-?OF Al'PKAL*, Fiffcii Circuit.
|,T. Betwre-gard.. . . of St. Bernard.
|. 0 . Strat h — —-----of St. Mary.
COSGRKSSMAX, Jnb Congressional Dist.
^drevr Price..............of Lafourche
IStii. Judicial District.
j 5( ]ge................L. P. Cailinuct
bt. Attor"io..... • .. i'. f. h inchester
Ward. H. Clement. ' 2 nd Wait'd.......
...... fiannO'i !'. Biake. t 5 r.! M art 1 ., Lqa
jjste Bernard. itliVa'd, K P. A\o 5 th
Wald, Arthur A- *>• udreaux Kill Ward
ivlvestic Mitrlinez, 7 th ward Joint F.
pitiBiai' • > th ward Louis F.dgont.. Dtli
rani B- Pe.ioiiilh, D't'i waul Auguste
it ward, Evariste Morvant. ' 2 nd ward,
ahileDng *'. Ail» : ric lU-vgrron, fird ward.
Sdwin Birdsali, Jtli v-.utl Albert Savoie
thward. Mvtii'e Ki-rne, hth ward. Wil
n m First'-nbiek. Till wurd. Wellington
lelieit. Mil "aid C. W.E'.iiot, nth ward
[envy Tciiiiy, loth ward Taylor Adam.
Pa i it C i kJcebs.
apirNr'ilnsl ives.
Uerk oi Com t...
Hei id.......: ■ • -
blaming Oilicer
.......M. Delauiie.
.... A. Delamotte.
Di. W. F. ID rang
......C. J. Barker.
........ ,hts Beany
.......A. J. Brand.
. . A. Jolet Jr A Co
.... G. AbribatJr
... . T. J.Johnson.
President. T. D. Kent: F.-lk Morvant,
H.W,Tabor, Chas. K. Gandd, Ellis Foret,
ile Lcdet, Louis Lerill**, Frank Chris
, Elielmcos. Clerk Fidiee Jury. 11 .
{.Coition. .Sergeant at arms, E. Dugas.
J.GvIliaiu* Oyster Inspector.
Duainagk uommissioxkrs.
Diet No. 1—Thus. Beary.Jos. A. Claudet.
M.I. It. S. Mire.
Dist. No. ' 2 .—John McCuliah, L, Keelic,
sd H. W. Tabor.
Dist. No. . 1 .—Wallace Lefort, M. Bergeron,
[drew Pi ice, Adolphe Folse, Orv ille Tlii
Diat. No. 1 .—Livaudais Ledet, Jos. O.
toapB, Leo. LeKla *«.
Dist.No. i>.—I. D Kent, L A. Troscluir,
I. Morvant.
Dist.No. il—Jos. Thibodanx, A. Theriot,
Pitsou lupine.
Dist.No. 7 .—C. S. Mathews. H. Foret and
L A vo.
Dist.No.S.— S. Bourg, Loviucy J LeBlauc,
» 4 J. T. Biileaiix.
Dist.No. vt.—Jos. P. Bourgeois, Paul Le
tt and Estival Savoie.
Roto an'd Levme Inspectors.
net No. 1 ..........J. B. Bourgeois.
No .'2 ....... L. A. Belanger,
Municipal Officers.
May or, W. C Ragan; Councilmeu, L
|P.Caillomd, A. J. Meyer,Ozeuie Naqu n
homas Alberti T. P. Bergeron, and
Prank Zernott .
easurer.................P. L Brand.
Town Marsha!............. KJ Naquin
Clerk.................... H. N. Coulou
hs*Mistress. .........Mrs. L. Curtis
DtKF.Cl <».-.* cl* i'll K SCHOOL BlAUD
R. 11 . M> Bride president: A. F. Kuo
Woch, enntendeut and secretary : A.
J-Brand. Xuina Elfer Chas. S Math
sirs......... ......\V L. Howell, J. L.
LeBlan . Emi <• J mips.
Thih ... A cx Bridge Comm tteu.
W. C Ragan. ]i. ideut: Chas. J. Bai
ter, secretary • F auk Zciuott. H. \V.
"Xbo.'.E.!'. Morvant. Emile Ledet
Your severe fit of
Stopped at once by
For Sale by
m>TH Co.
PH ^
The New Orleans
The Leading Newspaper
of the South.
The Oail
Is a real newspaper. No expense
is spared in producing it. Its
telegraph service is unsurpassed.
Its news gatherers cover ail places
of interest. Its mechanical appli
ances are modern and the best.
Its staff of talented writers and
artists is complete.
Is a household treasure of news,
information and literature, illus
trated and tasefully presented.
Weekly hoi
Is peerless as a country, family
newspaper and literary journal,
and no home tn the South should
be without it.
Daily and Sunday - - $12.00 a year.
Sunday - - - - - $2.00 a year.
Weekly ----- $1.00 a year.
New Orleans, La.
From 90 to 140 lbs. in 5 months
ImtsTs Emulsioa is the only preparatloc
Cad Liver Oil that dyspeptics
•aa taka.
■ la pteasaat to the taste and does a^
For sale by
i-«• i:m in.. •
THE l'NDEi:>lt!M-;ii II EltKBY GIVES;
notivi- tii.it In-is uiipiviii" lor it par- |
dull. (*..t CIEa t 11 EllAA 1 IE.
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i h t v iiiii puiviiasrtl t lie
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Castoria. is Dr. SamiM-l Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nail Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
—the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria is so well adapted tochildrenthat
I recommend it as superior toany prescription
known to me." H. A. Arches, M. I>„
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
CAT.i .03 3 Iat.tyn, I). D.,
New York City.
Casto ria.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, liructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
Without injurious medication
"For several years I have recommended
'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do
so, as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
l-5th Street and 7 th Ave„ New York City,
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New Yore City.
Monroe Bulletin.
T!:e Gu inlian-.Iournal. that sterlin
Democratic jomn.il of Homer, de-*be
"Ballot refot in is not a political '
issue. The honesi men in all pai ties j
in this State favor it."
To our minds, this is a sound
sensible statement of the whale truth, j
The securing of honest elections, the
purity el the ballot is an issue above]
all politics. Iris annual and social
issue. Ir is an issue that e flee is all
parties alike. it is an Dsue i iiat '
touches and lindeilies tho deep boio
dation of social order am. 1 civil lib- i
erty. No state can be well governed, i
no state can claim to be free where tin
ballot box stuttV-r plies his nefarious
trade. Ballot reform a fleets and in-;
terests all conuitions and classes ol
life. Ballot lefenn leadiesund em
braces every leal interest in the .State,
The other proposition announced
by the Guardian Join nal is
sound. An honest man cannot favor
dishonesty m elections. Home men
may loudly tiiink otlievwise 1 hey
may imagine that they can tolerate
fraud in favor of their party ami yet
pieserve "consciences void of otfense,"'
and tlieir escutcheons of honor tin-phe
staiued. But they soon tind out their-tiric
mistake. ,
Mon, forces operate as surely and
as utesistiblv m-t u law ot gt.tv nation.
1 hose vvno dally with hand soon
a j :, 1 , i- ,1 ,
tinu its ilegi.uiing eltects. i laud ami
1 , 1 ,!•. . ,
honestv commingle. 1 he Journal is
eoimnineit*. l he Journal is
therefore, right in saying that honest
men of all parties fa vui ballot lefoim.
r I'he press favois The pteaeheis.
the women, the l.mneis, the nit
chants, the school teachets. all classes,
whether they be Democrats, llepubli
cans, or I'opulite, favor the protection
of tlie ballot box tiom fiaml and
falsehoou On this - issue, pat ty lines
will be obliterated. Personal ambi
itionsand personal biekt-iings will In
forgotten. All men of all parties who;!
, 1 • • 1 1 ,
love Louisiana and desire her tiros
•. , ,,
pen tv will come together 011 this great
? ' 1 ,] ' ,
issue and the uex: campaign 111 l,oii
isiana will witness a wonderful spec
tacle, ti woiht-ieiiow ned spectacle. It
will be a miglity mor;il upii-ing, a
gland united movement of ail goad
men which will lorever esiabJisli a
pure and honest ballot in Louisiana,
And out young men—D. our y.-ung
j men — will be .-a v ed ft0111 a doom w01 se
* than death.
Bone black in beet sugar Hoiking j
and refining is. s.ns the Sugar Beet.
rapid! v becoming obsolete. Maim lac- j
turers at first hesitated lo beii. ve mat
any other process for tlit* elarilicatiou
of sacehariue.juiees could give equal-1
|y satisfactory results. Fact** as they
liovv staud show that most of l lit- sugar'
experts have been convinced that!
mechanical filtration means greater^
M-nnninr and an euual clarification.
more than 10 pounds bone black perj
100 pounds sugar worked, and within
Suppression of Bone Black.
the next few years, as a certainty,
Jeveo th;* will be aban*.otied.
01 ill! the excellent methods for sup
pressing b.me t i u k Dr. SosliJet's mav
best. There are
that resemble the
it acts mediant
i" di-coloi izing efleet
- tillered. The facts
Lilt the product ob
tiiat no otlu r
saiy bnt graining in
lio itinm cot sisls
c«>nsi*b-reil t
|sonic features of
Cnsamajoi piece
cally aii-.i ims i
upon the sirups
ai.f.'seem to show t
tained is so pun
ulaiion is m i l
pun. '['lie liit-iing
of a thoiotigblv washed poc. dor made
out * f b*.-.-i!>. to which js added an
equal tjuiniity c-f line sawdust. Tim
Taw sugar is niein d and cob! water
addni, so ibai ih<- consa-teocv is ti>
degrees Btix. To this must be added
i0-1 pcs i-eiil of no- lo.-sd in sawdust
!niixtuie : iin- whnb- i> then forced
tluougli a Clio: pn-s The livst i:!
Iran lots a tioubu*) apjieaiance, but
after I ion i he -u ap idler-dear for at
least 15 iiom-.
The masse eui.'o ..btained bv H.is
should h„ve puritv nf EIC,
equal to lliat of any pi otlm t obtained
by a bin,e black leelliod. It is uitet
jesting to note lhat the economy by
)this method is nor onlv in the saving
jof bone black, bur a considerable te
diiciion in sugar
old method
m.-st > that occtit ;
of liltratiou.—Stic:
Mood Palp.
,, - ...
More than . >t» per eel t ot the siv.v
,, , ' , , .
nil 1 mvneis to dav could make more
, ,
m.an y to sell then logs to be imuui- I
fact tired into wood ptd[* and pai* r I
than they can possibly expect to se
cure through sates
form of maunfacl
wood pulp iinbisti
tin- manufactmi u
Due factor in si e
business is uot a! w.i
the owners of spi net
et the same ill the
led lumber. The
mis far outstripped
umber i: dustiy.
e pulp and paper
- tecognized by
foiests. When a
million feet of
r t. and tin- -amt*
s.i v mg a 1
tual new.-;
er after le:
or kindies ;
j 111 0 . 1 " 1
° 0 1 ! '
its sold to the giear
, , .
rations and printed upon du v att
. 1
that pa|>ei p: .u-ip a ,.v goes out ot
it! eotisii
i! papet 1
taw materia! take
out of the market !*>i everand pi;utt
Scully wasted so far a- any subsequent
use to w inch it may *• applied ■- con
jeerned. — Manuf. Dazet'.e.
j ^ a t
] LIST OF f.t'iE.ilS
Granted to Southern inventor* ds
week. Reported by- . A. Shop i <
j Solicitors ot A1ne1ie.it: and Foreign
I patenzs, Opp. L. f. Patent kiflice,
A. Booglier, Alexandria. Va., Desk.
E. E. Butler, Atlanta, Ga., Spring
w spa per eoipo
.,. . 1 ., > .1
tence. 1
paper. Tile Hui.v
reader thlovv s id- pa
into the waste ba-kt
with it. or it bectviiu
the old junk deHiei
passes out of i-xistei 1
baud, the pieee of
iiiannflieuin-il got - • o
building, which lasts t'ui
,80 that tin- g
spruce for pulp ;
omits to so mud
out of tin- mark*
an - 1
motor. \\ . U. Crawford, Weatherford,
lex.. Apparatus tor operating churns,
vXc. H. \ . Crazier. MonilUon, Ark.,
l ancet. J. Doig, Gainesville, Fla..
Ho ler cotton gin. W. .1. Erskiu.
•yosse, Tex.. Hay rack L, H. Finney.
I. U'hiiinini, I a.. Drop fender for street
railway cars. 0. M, Gillet, Baltimore,
Md.. Machine for cleaning and sepa
rating baled hay. _ J. K. Hall. Camp
Cornelia, (in., Hoisting and conveying
apparatus. J. I{. Hare. Baltinire, Md.,
Lett iterator basket. W. II. lleiton,
Ben I laden, Fla., Nut look. T Ivlei
nieier, Covington, K.v., Car coupling.
A. L. Lacoste, Na cbitoclies, La..
Trigonometrical calculating anil
measuring instrument. W. H. Lewis.
Adairville, Ky , Nut lock. J. Lucas,
Charleston, S. Ck. case for toilet pa
per. J. McC'atu*, New Orleans. La.,
I liter. C. N. Meriwether, Clarksville,
Ten.. Gate hinge. A. II. Neel, Shel
byville, Ky., Cultivator. G. E. Bain
Kt, Baltimore, Md., Cummutator. M.
i'. Scott, Woodville, Miss., Cotton
chopper. H. T. Smith, Umatilla, Fla.,
Shoe, W. Smith, Drake's Creek, Ark.,
Pitman box. C. A. Trufant, New Or
leans, La., Toy baby carriage. B.
Waters, Baltimore, Md.,. Envelope.
J. II. Weatherford, Memphis, Teun.,
The Sw iss Watch Schools.
i be famous Swiss watch schools are
said to be the most exacting industrial
institutions in the world. Their
methods, which are doubtless the se
cret of their success, will he found
very curious and interesting. In one
ot the m-i-t celebrated of these insti
t itione in Geneva, for example, a boy
m .-t lbst. ol an be at least, tnurtem
years of age in order to enter. After
being admitted, the student is first
introduced to a wood turning lathe,
ami put to work at turning tool
Inn.dies. This exercise lasts tor Sev
ern! weeks, according to the beginner's
aptiiud-'. This is followed by excr
et.-i s iu iiiiag and shaping screw'd!iveis
and small tools. In this way lie
learns to make for himself a fairly
complete set of tools, lie next under
takes to make a huge wooden pattern
of ti watch frame perhaps a foot in
diameter, and after learning liotv this
frame is to be shaped, lo* is given a
:i ally cut olio oi In ass of the ordinary
size, m winch lie is tauglit to drill
holes for the wheels and screws.
Throughout this instruction the mus
ter stands over tint pupil directing
him with the greatest care. The
pupil is next taught to finish the frame
so that it will be ready to receive fla
w-heels. lie is then instructed to make
fine tools ami lo become expert 111
handling them. This completes the
instruction in the first reotn. am! the
young watchmaker next passes to the
department where bets Jaught to fit
the stem-wimbug parts and to do fine
cutting and tiling by hand. Later on
he learns to in ike the more complex
watches which will strike the hour,
minute, etc., anti the other delicate
mechanisms for which the Swiss are
fatuous.—Scientific Aaieiicau.
The manufacturer's Record, of Bal
tin.ore, calls attention to the (act that
^ 1^5)4. the nnmber of new
, „i; 1 . .1 ,1,..
pusl-ofiices Crttaollsheil lit tin Nouth
. . ■ . *»i7i .,11 ,i. M
was as against 2-D-l lot <tll the
' 0 ... a 1(ia
other States. 1 lo se hguies snow
((uite cleat l.y lhattlie Soutliern Stales
jure pot only growing, but are
theothers in the gain of population
and the deveiupmeiit of thriving
towns and villages. The increase of
ti t- number ot postoflices is due to tiie
fact that the capital which is con
stantly being invested in all sorts of
m;ie ufaetiii ing enter pi ises is attracting
immigration, and naturally there is
need of mote po-tothi'e- toi the ac
com modalioli ol lue people.
First A illaiii (in lioai -e wcispeij—
••'Sh ! Al t* we quite alone T' Second
Villain 'glancing giimly ar the miser
able audience)—"All........—Judge.
ojicrs—'World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of T artar Powder. Fret
{f orr*. Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.