OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel and journal of the 8th Senatorial District. [volume] (Thibodaux, Lna. [i.e. La.]) 1875-1898, July 06, 1895, English, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064492/1895-07-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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As a pleasme excursion tli** one
fi ivfeD ou last Sunday by the Y. M. B
A. dirt not prove satisfactory, as the
rain fell the greater part of the day iu
New Orleans.
Tbiak of Thin. Hood's Sarsapa
T illa is the only true Wood purifier
prominently in the public eye to-day.
It rules disease when all others tail,
because it makes pure Wood.
Hood'** f'Hs cuae jaundice, bilious
s3 ta, auk headache, constipation and all
liver ills
The property of Mr. P. E. Triche,
located some five miles above Thibo
daux was sold last Saturday bv the
sheriff for $500 00 the wife of Mr.
Triche being the purchaser.
The low water Craft, Alexander,
that has been lying under seizure at
the Thibodaux Wharf for several
weeks, was sold at public anctiou on
Juue, 20. 1895. by sheriff Bearv for
the sum of $470.00 to Mi. Frank Bar
ker of New Orleans La.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Mr. Lawrence Kiaemer of lower
Bayou Sec reports that hog Cholera
has developed itself in his neighbor
hood. He and his neighbors have
lost some 20 odd bogs, with that dis
ease. No remedy has been found to
-check it so far.
1000 Gallons Cistern *15. 1500 Gallons, $30
A. Uiggs I!ios. 60 1'errtido St. New Orleans
Mass meetings are being held in
nearly every town in the state and
bimetallic leagues are being formed
in many places.
From reports North Louisiana is
solid for tree coinage of silver, whilst
south Louisiana will present a strong
force in its favor,
in a good hank. Time deposits
draw interest and the smallest am
omit will open an account. Bank
of Thibodaux.
Some people are gtowling because
ladies who wish to take a little
healthy exercise, in riding Bicycles,
wear short skirts, yet these same
grumblers will sit on the beach and
watch ladies go in bathing with skirts
a great deal shorter, without a mur
mur aud will go to the theatres and
see women dancing on the stag?, with
skirts that are next to invisible, and
gaze with inexpressible satistactiou
upon the fairy scenes. Circumstances
alter cases occasionally.
Blotches. Old Sores, Ulcers and all
skin eruptions cured by P. P. P., the
greatest blood purifier of the age.
Rheumatism and Syphilis yield
readily to P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Root and Potassium.)
If you are troubled with Dyspepsia,
Stomach Disorder, or Liver and Kid
ney Complaint, try P, P. P.. and you
will rejoice at its magical workings.
Females are peculiarly benefitled by
P. P. P. It expels disease and gives
healthy action to every organ.
New Orleans, June 20th. 1895.
The Daily City Item,
It affotds me great pleasure to ac
knowledge the merit and range of the
Item's circulation. I have been sur
prised at the returns which my card
in your paper has brought me.
Please duplicate my expirin con
tract and oblige.
Yours Trnty,
M. H. Rothschild, Proprietor,
The True 6 t" Clothing and Tailoring
Establishment, 732 & 734 Canal St.
. The above is from one of the lead
gents clothiers of the city, a man
who has gn.vvii up with the trade of
Orleans, and is an euterprising
Member of this city's commercial cir
'««»• (Editor.) '
. ® Qc kingham's Dye for the Whiskers
i®* positive remedy for a gray beard.
Gat.sci.vi City Excursion Club, Ltd.
.J*'*'' New Orleans, Southern Pa
cd**|n,f. iiinr „f Esplanade Street,
"ondai. July 22nd, 1895, 8:00 a. m.
Galveston, Saturday
J 27th. 7 : :;u a. m.
t f rai,; "id stop at Gretna, Schriever,
nyette and Houston only,
v. '^'usiniiists from way points below
•.Mfity "ill take Monday uiorn
*th l ,M ' t, r ^ t 'l ,r ' ev ' e i'- Below Laf
| 0 *tet;,k e Sunday evening train for
„ Above Lafayette take
p a - v "uirning train for Lafayette.
«oSv ta '« n ' ,,) * n,m ^ t,,nicvei
rette $ 5.00
he due tit Schriever, 10.,
A. )i ... ■ , --* '
, 'teketstor sale ou train
Stored people.
C« r . G'Has. L. Wirth. Chiarman,
Jockson Brewery. New Orleans.
Miss Lucille Bernard of New Or
leans, is spending some time with the
family of her unde, Dr. H. Dansereau.
. TLe Misses Hotard, of Algiers, are
in town the guests of their sister. Mrs.
Ilieo. P. Bergeron.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moulle, of Le
coinpte, La., were visiting relatives
aud friends in Thibodaux this week.
Miss Maude Knohloch returned
trom Lake Charles this week, where
she had been ou a short visit to friends
and relatives.
Mr. Constant Uossignol and his
charming wife, of Sugar Land Texas,
are iu town visiting friends and rela
Miss Amy Williamson, first Assis
tant teacher of the Onion Academy,
leaves to-day toi her home io Stone
wall. La.
Mnc A. Knight and sister. Miss
Mollie Allain, of New Orleans, are in
Thibodaux the guests of their grand
mother. Mrs. Henry Knohloch.
Miss Laura Morvaof. of upper La
fourche, returned last Monday from a
shoi t visit to the crescent citv, accom
panied by Miss Adrienne Breaux, an
accomplished young lady of that city,
who will spend some time on the La
fourche, visiting friends and relatives.
On June 25.. 1895 Mr. Edward L.
Lashbrooke. only son of the late Dr.
E. L. Lashbrooke, formerly a popular
Physician of Thibodaux. was married
to Miss May Pearce, in the Parish of
Terrebonne. The Sentinel wishes
them a long, happy and prosperous
Uvergile Houvillian, a resident of
Thibodaux some 15 or more years ago,
died recently ir. Donaldsonville aged
70 years.
The Police Jury of the Palish of
Lafourche met «>n Monday last and
continued in session three days, when
it adjourned to meet next Tuesday.
A verv pleasant conclusion to the
above school, was given in the after
noon of June 28.. 1895. by tbe Teach
ers to a limited number of invited
guests. The exercises consisted of
songs vociil and in chorus, recitations
ete.. calculated to bring out the varied
talents of the little pupils. Miss Ho
gan was the chosen valedictoreao- who
acquitted herself admirably well.
St. Valerie's school was organised
in 1868 by the Misses Naquin who fo>
years have been the principal
teachers therein. It is a preparatory
school for boys and girls, in which
the youthful minds are taught how to
study, to yield to discipline, and to
prepare for admission into higher
schools when they become of a proper
age to do so. This school, during the
last session had about 50 pupils which
is an average of the number generally
attending its sessions.
Judging from the number of prizes
that the pupils carried away the con
clusiou is inevitable that the disci
pline of the school must be good, the
instructiou explicit and plain, and the
application of the pupils constnnt and
The exercises having been conclud
ed the guests were favored with a
bountiful supply of delicious ice cream
and luscious cakes, whilst the kiod
teachers led the pupils to a soda stand
and treated their little scholars to a
coal and soothing beverage.
Lost manhood, lost energy, weak
ness, general debility are all cured by
P. P. P. New life, new energy are in
fused iu tbe system by the blood pu
rifying a"d cleansing properties of P.
P. P., the greatest blood purifier of
the age.
A fact worth knowing is that blood
diseases which all other medicines fail
to cure yield slowly but surely to tbe
blood cleansing preperties of P. P. P.
(Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas
An accident, that might have been
serious, occured on the Thibodaux
Bi ancli Railroad last Monday evening.
A* the train was coming up church
street, near St. John's cemetery, the
supports for a car load of Lumber,
just in front of the passenger coaches
gave way, precipitating a portion of
the load to the earth. Some of the
pieces in falling struck the front ot
the passenger coach, breaking through
and extenoing backward some dis
tance into the same.
Fortunately there were no passen
gers in the front seats, otherwise fatal
injuries might have been received.
Careless loading caused this trou
ble. Tli-* props or uprights in the
side of the car which are intended to
hold the lumber in position, were
composed of mater rail too weak to
sustain the weight of the load, which
is generally said to he about double
the quantity allowed for each car to
•'One of my sick headaches, you
will hear people frequently say, as it
the complaint was hopelessly
Lie. Asa matter of fact. Ayer. IL Ui
not only relieve sick headache hut
effectually remove the cause ot this
distressing complaint, aud s
about a permanent cure.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria,
The Only
Great and thoroughly re
liable building-up medicine,
nerve tonic, vitalizer and
Before the people today, and
which stands preeminently
above all other medicines, is
It has won its hold upon the
hearts of the people by its
own absolute intrinsic merit.
It is not what we say, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does that tells the story: —
Hood's Cures
Even when all other prepar
ations and prescriptions fail.
" My boy was troubled with scrofu
la. I used different remedies without
the desired effect. Seeing Hood's Sar
saparilla advertised I concluded to try
it, and in a short time the boy was all
right." L. H. Lewis, 405 Theobald
Ave., Greenville, Mi3s.
Hnnrt'c Pilla :,rp tasteless, mild, effec
I 1 UUU S rillS tivj \ 11 druggists. 25e.
unite in ilie statement that Cninelline
for the imiiroveinent ot Ilie complex
ion is eminently agreeable, effective
and icfieshing. Prepared in liquid
ami powder, in pure white, brunette
delicate tlesli color, exquisitely
At nil druggists. Price,
50 cents.
The new Levee about *o he con
structed l wo milesjhelow Thibodaux on
the East side of Bayou Lafourche will
necessitate the removal of the Boui
geois School house.
On Thursday night, July 3, inst., at
the residence of his sister Mrs. A.
Marouge, on Jackson street. Thibo
danx, after tin illues of several weeks,
Mr. Claiborne G. Thibodaux passed
peacefully away from the scenes of
thiaeaith to the realities of a future
world. Deceased was 58 years of age,
a giHudson of the late Henry S. Tliibo
daux, the founder or this town He
was a quiet, industrious citizen,
universally esteemed and respected,
social, tind pleasant in his intercourse
with his friends, and maintaining tbe
good will of all.
He was a native of tiiis Parish, a
son of the late Anbin Thibodaux,
who resided two miles below this
town on the west tide of Bayou La
fourche. but from manhood has been
a resident of Thibodaux.
Several years ago lie hist his wife,
who left with him one son, now
grown, to mourn the loss of a kiud
and indulgent parent.
In 1862 deceased became a tneniWr
of Co. D., being organized by Capt.
Cleoplias Lagarde for service in the
confederate states Army, which com
pany was subsequently mustered into
and became part of the 26th., Louisi
ana Infantry. For good conduct in
said command he was promoted to be
a corporal, and remained in service
until captured, with his comrades, at
the fall of Yicksburgh ou July 4.1863,
just 32 years ago.
Mr. Thibodaux was one of the first
meiubeis to join Braxton Bragg Camp
No. 196 United Confederate Veterans
of Lafourche valley, and was an earn
est and efficient member of the same.
Deceased was a Christian gentle
man and a member of St. Joseph's
Catholic Church. After the usual im
pressive services in said church he
was buried on the afternoon ot July
4., in St. Joseph's cemetery near the
remains of family aud friends who had
preceded him to the silent home.
Card Ol' Thanks.
Tile Sisters of Mt. Carmel beg to convey
tlieir sineerest thanks to the Committee iii
charge of Opera House, for the kind courte
sy extended them, by giving free use of
dull for holding the Commencement Exer
cises of the Convent: to the gentlemen who
I assisted in maintaining order and disci
! piine: to the members of the Home Circle
i Orchestra tor the sweet music discoursed
! on tl.e occaticn; last, but not least, to
! Messrs C. Radeaux, F. Knohloch. V. Kno
I bloch and L. Azema, the young gentlemen
j who so kindly offered to display their artis
! tie talents in the decorations of the Hall.
Finest Cypress Land
Is u to 11 re lie For Male.
/Y TED back of Brule Guiljot in the par
ish of Lafourche. being 11 e*. , and s. .1 of
section > 0 . in t. Io. s. r. I■> e.. South Eastern
I Land District of Louisiana, West ot Migais
ontaiuiug 480 acres,
rlieiilars appiv t o
Donaldsonville I.a.,
or to 1 lie Manager of Thibodaux Sentinel.
0-l-'!t. r )-3m.
Over Oh Mill!** Pmpl* wear Ik*
W. L. Douglas $3 and $4 Shoos.
n... HiUfacarr.
tmj glYfi the best value for the money
Tji.y equal custom shoes iu styT- au J'flt.
Irolr wearing qualities aro nnstirpasaod.
Toe prices aro uniform—stamped on sola,
ft to saved ever other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply yon ere —
L $4, $3.50 c •rdovan.Frenck
Enamelled f'nlf and Kangaroo.
'■>3.50 Police Shoes. 3 sc':;.
$2.50 and $2 Workingmen's.
$2&$l.75 Boyi' SchttclShot*
Ladles' $3, $2.50. $2 and *1.75.
If your dealer cannot suppl •
you, write for catalogue.
W. L. Douglas,
Brocktaa, Mas*.
C. LAZARD Co, Limited
Shoe and Hat Store,
l&'flr ht
P Ur
Husband. "Why, it s just a year ago tomorrow that we were
Wife. — " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of
shoes that I was married in, and they are not half worn out."
Husband. —" So am I."
Wife. — "Why, how strange. Mine were made by the Hamilton
Brown Shoe Co., of St, Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed."
^Husband. — "And mine are their Men's $ 4.00 Shoe."
" Well, let's stick to them for shoemakers for the rest of our lives, for
their shoes wear as finely as they look."
Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store!
Corner Main and St. Philip Streets,
Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store.
Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats of
the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. A.J1
goods as represented;
Emile J. BRAUD, Proprietor.
Livery, Feed 1 Sale Stables.
Heavy White
or Black Drapery,
Open & Close
Etc., Etc.
Finest and L argest Assortment of Cask ets and Coffins
Blacksmith and. Wheelwright,
op ou IACKS0X 3 TREET. where I am prepared to do all work in that line
Horseshoeing a Specialty.

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