Newspaper Page Text
IOCAl i'lL.fto. j/r. *4. Jokt. dr. has xerereil his section with the Sentinel and no Manayinfi Edior. 1o Our O'riends. .... ;(■ j.K' GIAM.LI.OS 1 1 R OUB AU lj ",|. 0 r;7e'i * mi-itnr ami collector. *Hf iiutlionz*' 1 * receive Mi'iijcriptions, 2 for lob work. make collections atul 1 . ...-ript*. '•' U ..nrtC'V eXtt mleil tr, hill! Will 1)0 ap "lurtc.j F. KANCAN. pivc atcc. Muminiiij! Editor. '"NOTICE! Foil Sai.e. r |E .«lR\15I.E l'lion l'TV for SALEIN A r hi boil an X. For information -*■ Apply to CHAJ 5 . J. BARKER, 10. C tt. Clerk of Court. _ __________ 'Ttucta « xpositioe bids tair to be a access. j MS Gallons C.stcrn Ms. lo in Callous, J20 a.ttigtrsA Itros. Perdido St. New Orleans President Cleveland and his cabinet have visited 'In this week and " i d by die "Crackeis " Tliat gray beard of yours can be colored luown or black by Bucking* ham'* Rye. The Home Circle Orchestra, after a ftir months vacation, has again com- j aienced its regular lehearsals. Mr. Ernest linger, of Greenwood, j and Trnselair & Robichaox. of Laurel Qrove stalled operating their houses last Monday. BET YOl'It MONEY in a good hunk. Time deposits draw interest ami I lie smallest u>n «out will open an nccouu. Bank eflltdiodmix. Tlie town council lias authorized the Mater to dispose of the pump and engine at ilic head of St. Philip and Market stieets to the best advantage. The drouth continues and it looks ns though it will never rain. Dust rale* supreme and the average mortal is disgusted with its ieigu. Wliv suffer with the Headache and Jiligi ine when you can be relieved by a tingle dose ot lied-A-Cure, manufac tured by The Hed-A-Clre Co., Ilaceland, La. Ask your druggist for it. Died.—O n Tuesday Get. 2'2d, at his residence near Schiiever, Mr. Joseph Roundtree, aged 51 vents. The funer al took place the following day at 3:30 o'clock p. in. a'. St. Joseph's Catholic Church. •Atlanta Exposition i \ally eutejtain Mr. mil Mrs. Leo Ledt t of Schnever, / losing mi last son Maicellin, had ti e iiiistoit nut Tuesday their little aged 4 vein s. The m.n i iM.i. extends its sympathy to the beieaved j,ai<-nts. I II. C. Minor of [ .-tailed giinding last ! it j,t. J. J. Shaft'er ' " Disputrhcs fioni Donaldsonville an nounce that the let in of court there La* been adjourned altogether, owing to the illness ot Judge Walter Guiou. We hope the Judge is not seriously ill * and that lie will soon hilly recover his health. We learn that Mi Tenebonne l.r. Monday and tl also made a luu dm in >i gar lieiisi > w ill now eiation. the week, soon be in '•While down in the southwestern pait «t the sioti si me time ago," says Mr. YY. ( halmeis, editor of the Chico (Cal.) Enti riiriM-, -1 had an attack of dyseiiteiv. Huvmil; heard ot Chani berlnin's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhu-a Remedy 1 bought a bottle. A couple of doss i ; ,-on,plot ly cured me. liow I nm ;l ehami ion of that remedy tor all stoiu.ieh and baivel complaints. For all druggists. On las; Rolen pie. of 0111 tow i. 1 uo.-dav morning as Mr. ii. a well I. now n butcher starting out to sell his iii at. h .|n i took flight and ran aw ay. M : in attempliug to jail h id the iniMor tal e to i i: : ' -• one of bis legs. Wk-uR.-., . v •• gave h.-r f astorta. 'Wli.-u . , .1 1 '.r t'astoria. Wbeu ^a.e elim-.t to t'astoria. Wh :. ■ , ... . tl.muCastor!*. I'all ■!! . (lie esteemed assist- j art to the v stor of St. Jos mb's ( ! ' e| . . ■ , : m vei.l! da \ s ol last | w ( ' a V -li .. _ -mile ot bis Colltl ores ot ♦be To . going as far as ()pe h ... , nil i'aJiei expil sS e* 1 : le-< ]■ well s ilistied with the ie 811 It of his t rip A strong i tin! t is making in some (juarteis to bi 11 g out Judge McEuery toi the govi: mu skip against Governor hostel. If lie should consent to allow the use of his name we may expect a lively campaign. Rather late, though, to bring him out. 1 ! 1 ! ! j i I j ! t-.Vr m N * Bnr *?. n ,,,ad « a O.vinjs trip to the Greece lit City ibis week. 1 Mr. (Jiarlestnn K. Beattie went to Houma last Wednesday on business Rev. A. Dubonrg gave tbe Sentinki it pleasant call last Monday. Gov. Knoldoeli visited Houma this week on business before the court. Mr. Sam Blum made a bnisiness trip to New Orleans on last Mondav and returned Wednesday. Mr. Ernest Rogers of Greenwood, made a trip to New Oilcans aud Bav St. Louis this week. Mrs. Harry Howell of New Orleans is spending some time in Thibodaux witb lo r mother, Mrs. St. Martin. Misses Tlierese Folse and Celeste Men u»-t ot A .sumption were the guest ol Mrs. Henry Choi this week. Mr. Auguste Robicbnux and sister ^', ss Louise spent several days in New Orleans this week. I he Sentinki. reeeive-l a pleasant eall from Mr. Louis Gaude of La fourche Crossing on last Thursday. Mr. Ciias Dupre left for Jeanerelte last Monday where lie will remain a few months. Major S. T. Grisamore, and Hon. II. N. Coulon attended the water ways convention in Vicksburg. Mrs. J. J. Daigre visited Houma last Saturday and returned home Monday accompanied by her sister Miss Nellie Bourg. Misses Bella and Irma Levy of Don aldsonville, after spending a few weeks in town tiie guests of Miss Jennie Blum, returned home last Sunday. Miss P. Cummings of New Orleans who had been the guest of Mrs. R. H. Allen of Rienzi Plantation, for some ti ne, returned home hist Thursday. Mr. Edward M. Perrin of Neyv Or leans, was here !a*t Sunday on a visft to his venerable mother ana brother and sister. Mr. Chavis J. Barker, clerk of court has been on the sick list but is now out and about again, and looking as well as ever. Mrs. Thos. Alberti, proprietress of the Strangers' Hotel, after spending a week iu Lake Charles, returned home last Monday. Mr. Raoul Lagarde, one of the affa ble clerks employed in the establish ment of II. C. Choi A Co., is on the sick list. Mrs. Victoria Triche, of Paiucourt ville letitrned home last Sunday after a visit <>f four weeks to her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Wright. Invitations will be out shortly for a grand dance to be given by the St. Charles Brass Band, at their ball on the Melodht plantation a few miles below Thibodaux. Legendre, of New Or / Mi . Josepn leans, n native ot this place, speut last Sunday here as the guest of his brother Mi. P. F. Legendre, the cour teous chief clerk of court. Rev. (.'has. Tessier, pastor of the Chinch of Noire Dame de Prompt Se coursj Chachbay, left last Monday on a irip to Canada, whither he goes to visit his aged father and other rela tives. The Reverend Father expects to be away about one month's time. Our confrere of the Comet, Mr. John I B. Taylor and wife left last Friday [ week tor Atlanta. They formed pari ! of the Press Gang which assembled in the Crescent City and took the exenr sioii for the Southern Cotton Exposi tion in the famous Georgia City. We trust they have had an enjoyable trip. * Mr. Theogene Caillonet who started grinding last Mouday week on his Orange Grove plantation, has had soine*"tionble with his boilers. He was obliged to cool dow n to have some de fect icpaired. Fortunately but little time was lost. j | Mr. J. Iv. Fowler, secretary and treasurer of the Cormne Mill, Canal and Stock Co., of Coriune, Utah, in speaking ot Chamberlain's Cough Reined V%ay 8 : -1 cousidei it the best in the maiket. 1 have used many kinds but finu Cliamberlain's the most prompt and effictual iu giving relief, : ,nd now keep no other in my home." when troubled with a cough or cold jrjve this remedy a trial and we assure you that you will be more than pleased with the iesult. For sale by all drug joists. We know whereof we afiiiin when we state that Ayer's Pills, taken promptly, at tlie first symptoms of colds and fevers, arrest further prog ress of these disorders, aud speedily stole the stomach, liver, aud bowels to their normal and regular action. The Bankers' Association held a meeting in Atlanta. Ga., on the 17th instant" at, which the financial system of tin- 1 nited States was fully dis cussed. Ex United States Treasurer Atkinson addressed the bankers and reviewed the monetary system and policv of the United States, and pro nounced the Sherman act, containing the famous purchasing clause, of which we have all heard so much, to have a gigantic blunder in tinaucieiing from the effects ot which the country bus not vet fully recovered. Children Cry for A Good Medicine Wife Cure d of Rheumatism Husband's Health Improved by Hood's Sarsaparilla ** Cl L Hood A Co., Lowell, Maas.: " My wife waa suffering severely with rheumatism. I purchased a bottle of Hoood's Sarsaparilla and ahe was soon bet ter, and after taking several bottles she was perfectly well. Sbe has never been attacked with rheuma tism since. She feels confident that Hood's Sar sa par ilia accom plished this Change, and says Bhe can recom mend it as a good medicine. Mrs. Theresa Foster Aa for myself, I Hall's .station,Ais. bad no appetite but Hood's Sarsaparilla soon made me hungry all the time. I am a sawyer for E. B. Chichester, manager of the Tuscaloosa Lumber Co., whose testimonial, accom Hood's 5 #» IJ Cures panied by his portrait, yon have already received in commendation of Hood's Sar saparilla. There are also several others of my shopmates who Have Taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and realized the best results. I can rec ommend it as a good medicine and a friend to the sick. I hope you will print this letter." W. C. Foster, Hull's Station, Ala. N.B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood'S Pills cure liver ills, constipation, indigestion, jaundice, sick headache, etc. 25 c. .on the occasion of . the thirty-third During the excitement of the fire in Algiers last Sunday, such a crowd of visitors from New Orleans congrega ted on the bridge leading from Algiers feiry-liouse to the boat, that the structure gave way and a hundred of persons were precipitated into the river. A woman was repo ted drown ed, several children missing and over twenty persona injured. Those that witnessed tin catastrophe sav that it was terrible and heart-rending in the extreme to see such a mass of human ity struggling for life in the wateis of the Mississippi amidst the debris of the crumbled bridge; and the only wonder is that more did not perish in the great excitement which ensued. D'd you get a sample bottle of Greig's lied-A-Cur f If so be sure to try it on the first occasion you have. On last Friday week. the Thibodaux Band, accompanied by some few friends of that courteous young man, Mr. Philip L. Brand, the efficient assis taut cashier of the ThiUodtiux Bank, betook themselves to his pretty home, and treated him to a genuine surprise anniversary ot his life. It. proved a complete suriirise to Mr. Brand who was much embarrassed but his good wife who had been let into the secret bad every thing arranged to tender tiie gay serenaders n delightful enter tainment which all enjoyed. From the report ot the grand jury of Terrebonne, published in our esteemed coteuiporary the Houma Courier, we judge the Police Jury of our sister par - ish must be considerably exercised. The grand jury lias been after that body with a red hot poker. In many cases, the first work of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is to expel the ef fects of the other medicines that have been tried in vain. It would be a sav ing of time and money if experimen ters took Ayer's Sarsaparilla at Jirst instead of ot taut. The Atlanta Exposition has served to bring out the negroes of :he United States as industrial factors. The ad miiable and sensible address of Prof. Booker, a leader of that race, on open ing day. lias won praise and commen dation from all sections of the coun try, and there is no doubt that it the negroes were to cast their lives on tbe lines laid by him they would fare far better and become more useful citi zens. Their display at the exposition is quite creditable to them. THE HED-A-CUIi CO. RAI KT ANO, I.A.. AlTGrsT lvi .. j i.rcies lied• A Cur reli> veil both myself I Ullil wile nf severe attacks nf Jfeailacll. 1 j lieurtilv recommend it to all sufferers. » EDMOND HOME. Ol'KLOUSAS, Jill, 14, INC,. j Mr. .1. D. IE Ureig: Dear sir:—I have used your'-Ilcil a Cur," j and tirul that it is an exueUrntnieilicmr. and j will do all y«u claim fur it. 1 have heen a vietiie. of sick headache for years, and your | medicine is about : he only tiling that 1 have found which gives me almost instant relief, j anil does iv-t leave deleterious effects. 1 I heartily recommend it. Respectfully, (HAS. VV. Du HOY. Att y at-luw. AVIS. OPRLOUSAS, t.K 10 MAI, IV*:.. t'ne dose de Filed-ad 'nr dt- Kreig a gueri in a femme d'un mauvais mat de tete neu ralgiiiue dans moins dt- vingt minutes apres que lu dose a ete don nee. M. NKZAT. Price 50 cents. Ask your dealer for it. Prepared by THE HED A-CUR CO. Raeehtml, La. Hold in Tliibodauxby UoTB cfiS^ c .V >x ' Tlr ' Pitcher's Castoria. ior the i.e W\ ~— « re ,' m \ §m ML 7 m.. \. rj •'» J ■' ' : U >5? fit FOR KIHG. Over Cue 31 a 15 i o a People wear the W„ l ., Dou^ias £3 and $4 Shoos. Theycwo tL°t£iv' 1?"~V '7 ««isfactinry. •: •' •; • : vil. ••-•I ■- t ca tulo. —not iiu;.ply you we can. .'A irtnifit, ,ly - ti--k 5 w!> 3 «v»w '0 Cordovan, French id nncijrfl <'nil' ond Ranrarqc. flHiS 1ST® Best-;---; W. L. Doiiciar, Brocktoo, Muse# ELLIS BRA.UD'S SONS. Co. Limited THE OLD HELL ]DLL 0.\ E PRICE * e «RN!::iEPSJMB HATTERS 29, 31 AND 33 CANAL SV. COB, MORTH PETERS, M:iv ORLEANS LA May.28-94-lyr. __ THIBODAUX Oil :___» & A PROSPEROUS HOME. Husband. — "Why, it s just a year ago tomorrow that we were married." Wife. — " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of shoes that I was married in, and they ar.e not half worn out." Husband. —-" So am I." Wife. — "Why, how strange. Mine were made by the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed." Husband. — "And mine are their Men's $4.00 Shoe." (ii. " Well, let's stick to them for shoemakers for the rest of our lives, for their shoes wear as finely as they look." HA MIL T0N-B ROW N SHOE CO. FOR SALE. AT i\HR Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Stored Corner Main and St. Philip Streets, Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store. Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats of the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition, A.J1 goods as represented. Emile J. BRAUD, Proprietor. , Sr., THIBODAUX Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables, JACKSON STREET. FirstCla; HEARSE ( WITH Heavy W Jill« or Black Drapery. THE FINEST Carriages BOTH Hi Open iV Close J Lf Etc,, Etc. Finest and Largest Assortment of Caskets and Coffins C3P C AV.-R I AG E S ALWAYS READY WITH N EAT AND C*iSEFUI. DRIVERS. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, up ti I A J \S H S r RSET. wlinrn I am prepared to ilo all work in thatline Horseshoeing a Specialty. Feb-22-1890. tP*-SEND YOUR JOB RPINTING TO TDISH)FFICE. WE GIJARAX TEE SATISFACTION.