Newspaper Page Text
JOURNAL OF T11L9™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT VOL. XXXI. Osficial Journ al ci th.e Ta.zish. o* X^ afo-urcHe and Giiardiaa c£ the Interest of th.e Town. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, JAXUAUY : 5 1896. XO 26 IKMt WH dj I' OFFICIAL IHKECTUK'i. State Ori-TCERS. G.*vtsrn<'r : Murpby J. roster of St - Maiv Meut Gov ............... »*«C. of State...T. S of h- 1- • In-iami Ao !. !'n!i. A< ct's. — 'W. W Heard of Union Nr ite Tn* p-irer, - John T'c k.-t t of Bossier. \t t 'v Gen. M. J. « Min nine limn Xit ehitocii'.s Pub. Ed. A. .1 • Lafargue Avoyelles. U. S. SENATORS. w. ('. Blanchard ............«f R.ipuDs Gon Cattery ................of S' Mary Statk Senators. Jos. K. LfiBlanc ......... of A-sumpt ion John D, Shatter...........Terrebonne JUDGE* SUPl.r.MF. Coxj:<t. 'UhidfJustice: F. T. Nicliollsot Orleans Associate " .. J A. Breaux.of Iberia ■ < -*'* j[. C. Mider of Orleans. " * S.D.McE nery.of Ouachita " " L. B. Watkins. Red River. Circuit Cotrr.T ok Appeals,F ifth Circuit. K.T. Banre jir.l..........of St. Bernard. *{. D. Smith ... .........of St. Mary. OovrjuESSvriN. 3rd. Congressional Hist.. Andrew Price ..............of Lafourche IStli. Judicial District. J edge..................L. P. Caillouet. Dlst. Attorney..........B. F. Winchester JUSTICES OK THK PEACE. 1st Wi.• i! If. Clement. '2nd Ward...... ...... Bamn. : I'. Blake. Kid Ward, h'a risie B -r; aid. 4th Waul. E I> Ayo oth Ward. Arthur A- B.tiidi eaux. 3th Ward Sylvestre Martinez, 7th ward John F. Pitlman i. ~tli ward Louis Falgont.. tdli i.e.iilh K'th ward TV,t 1 11 I Civi in . 1 : a El. Rebel ! ' j i li rv T< itepre COX si. Hit A U U11'1 I ward, v. aid. , I nth ward Ta.\ lot A .'.a in . P.Vttl'H OFFICERS ......M Corone"...... Clerk ofConri Sheri tl ...... Treasurer Official •'.■urea V tf tSOr . .. .. 1)1 1..... Deianne. L. A• Troslair W. F. Ha i a li.r. . .C. J. Parker. ... .las Beary .. A. J. Braitti. ...... Seniinel G. Jr Police Jurors President. T. D. Kent: E-U. Morvant, II. W, Tab w. Cha s- K. Gauile. J . O. T>>< ]-s Kmilp l.edet. Louis Leri!!". Frank Cliris T.en, E'ie Due,IS. '.Perk Police Jurv. M. N> Coujou. Sergeant at arms, <. A ■ Drainage Commissioners. Dial So. I — ''boa. Deary, O. Aulhoinent HU 1.1. I! s. Mire. that. \"«. -'.—Tims. Baiker, Oscar Anthe lneiit. G J. Gniii ry. Disc v..: — I. Trof.ela'r. J. L. LeDIaue. j. J. Toti.iasd. Roar and Levee Inspectors. District No. 1 .....J. B. Bourgeois No. 2........ L. A. Belanger, Municipal Okficers. Mayor. W. C Ragan: Conucilmen, R. R Melb- .'.e A. T . Meyer, J. Louis Alien r. Thomas A • .rti T. P- Bergeron, and Frank iNra >tt. Treasure'................P. L. Brand. Town Mirsbal...............R J Naipiin Clerk ................... H.N.Coulon Post Mist;ess.............Mrs- J - Cm tis School Board. R. R. M Bride President: W. P. Mai' till, super rendent and secretary : ......... Ntitna EH'er Chas. S Math ews. L. Kr.ieuier, W E. Howell, J. L_ TtBlanc. Etniie Tonps THisooArx Bridge Comm ttkk. W. CRag iu. president,; ........... ....secretary- i' ank Zernott, H. V. 'Vabov. E. I'. Morvant. Emile Ledet. ; ■ §• l'!? »BcdTB b! 'ffJ» .for them Ar in"tTherT. rlat^F SriL v. > /them. Tliev are tlie 'JX C, *V Maud..rl seed.", every sown Ly tht'lfl hih . rg -st; '.inters tn the w, vM jrw V.'i. ... \ouplan 1 aO-'uuuv.' le--*. v*• Si ;m i A^niml Jof *U6, v j Ai-iiiaitic i'*u).v li'f .•*> 1 :;nb!errors ver iy. ,-jj / .. Mjiiir.l f:vt*. . ' ruar. cc., // l ' .1 role, h: -y.szmgs'& >i ( ^ •'■' '" F CA-JS/ 1 .TS, t ■ VT?AOS MARKS. I ' C". ~\i PATEMTS. v coPtKiaHTS, etc. 1 - Mf >rr n an i free Handbook write to Pm > \ t'WA y. New York. 0 • - nr.:. : , itin America. 1 v . . • * • . i-s brought before the pu . . egivi e oKliarge lu tbo fficutUic ^iiwrifan __inrc«t ctrctilatlon of any arlentiflc paper In the world. splenUidly Illustrated. No lut.-in^rnt mau should He without It. Weekly^ 83.0Oa year; $1.5*3 fiix montha. Addreas, MUNN k GO.. PDBUL.a*as, 3li 1 Broadway, Now Vork City. Lai #* <IK fK & P ; ff t . „ 8 I ' A »'.< FS J Ur: HIP Ss, y } EJ> FOR DELIVERY" DU1UXG | Jan, Feb, March, April and May. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PAY THE FREIGHT. PUECH & FEERET, l-ll-'OGotP. G3 Y Gravier Street, HEW OP 2 .I/E]i\.!TS. ' ;/ , X' ■ * r J..V ' ! ■ ' i ' ' • I ' G l ,1 ., f t : i i j j l i i i , . I ) I l ! j 1. I . J ) , 1 11 J J : I ) j \ _ Jr -n . v.i _ ....... - *s•—,.•. ali . -.t O PROMULGATION 1) BGfSSED ASESBHENTS —TO THE— COIJSTIT7J-T1GM —OF THE— STATS 0? LOUISIANA, ■ —ADOPTED BY T1IE OtilESSL ASSE8BLY OF 1304. STATK OF I.OUISTAX \, ) ° 1 U ICE . |- THE s ECl:ETA IIY OE STATE { In pursuance of the provisions of ttie Constitution, publication is hereby made and given to the qualified electors of the State ouistana of the proposed amendments to the Constitution, which have been concurred in by two-thirds of all tile members elected to each House of the General Assembly of this State, at the regular session thereof, held at the City of Baton Rouge, in the year 1,04, and which are required to he published for the information of the qualified elec tors of tiiis State for three months pre ceding the general election for Repre sentatives, and which proposed amend ments more fully appear in Joint Resolu tions m2 to 202, inclusive, of the Regular Session of 1S94; which are hereinafter officially published for the information of the qualiiied electors of this State, and which will he submitted to them for their approval or rejection at the next general election, to be held on Tuesday, the 21 s* day of April, 139«. it being the Tuesday next following the third Mon day of said month, in such manner and form that the qualified electors may vote for or against said amendments: and if a majority of tiie qualified electors voting at said election shall approve and ratify said proposed amendments, then such proposed amendments, so approved and ratitied. shall become a part of the Con stitution of this State. No. 192. JOT NT RESOLUTION. Proposing amendments to Articles 37, 42, 4ii. 17K. 1!..', 2ld, 210 and 242 of the Consti tution of tiie State of Louisiana and also an amendment relative to suspen sion of officers. Section 1. Bo It resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, two thirds of all tlie members elected to each House concurring. That Article thirty-seven of the Con stitution of the State of Louisiana shall b» so amended as to reail as follows: Article :!7. Every bill shall be read on three different days in each House, and no bill shall be considered for final pas sage unless It has been read once in full, and the same has been reported on by a committee. Nor shall any bill become a law unless on its llnal passage, the vote he taken by yeas and nays, the names of the members voting for or against the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of th® members elected to each House be record ed thereon as voting in its favor. Pro vided that bills revising the statutes or codes of the State, as a whole shall he rea l in such manner as may he pre scribed by the General Assembly. See. 2. Be it further resolved, etc., That Article forty-two of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be so amended as to read as follows: Article 42. All stationery, printing, pa per and fuel used in the Legislature and other departments of government shall he tin in-li".I anil tie- itriniing. binding and distributing of the laws, journal or department reports, and all other print ing and binding and the repairing and furnishing the halls and rooms used for the meetings of the General Assembly and its aommittees, shall be done under •ontract, to be given to the lowest re sponsible bidder, below* such maximum price and unde* —- * - -uch regulations as shall he prescribed by law. No member or officer of any of the departments of the government shall be in any way interested in such contracts. And all such contracts shall be subject to the approval of the Governor, the President of the Senate, and Speaker of tiie House of Representative s, or any two of them. See. 3. Be it further resolved, etc., That paragraph twelve of i-.d • • six of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana be so amended as to read as follows: Creating corporations or amending, re newing. extending or explaining the charters thereof. Provided that this shall not apply to municipal corporations or to parishes and levee districts. See. 4. Be it further r* ■ That article one hundred and nty-nlno of the Constitution of tin K:..t. .jf L' uis iana be so amended us to r. el as fol lows : Article 179. The <3en. ra] I A.---. mhly shall create a Bureau of Au ure, define lts objects, designate Its oMic and lix their salaries. See. 3. Be it further r. s 7 Vt < , etc., That Article one hundred an J nin ■ !y-t\vj of the Constitution of the Slate ■ of T.'.cis iana he so amended as to r 3 ::s fpl lows: Article 192. Parochial eh tc ha held on the : ame lay , -■ the ; ncral State election. Sec. 0. Be it furthi r r- 'v l, etc.. That Artie!- two httn-ir. .1 bar of ie Constitution of the State of Louisiana be so amended a.« to read ns follows: Article 204. The taxing power shall he exercised only to carry on and maintain the government of the State and the public institutions thereof, to educate the children of the State, to pay the principal and interest of the public debt, to suppress insurrection, repel invasion, or defend the State in time of war, to provide pensions for indigent Confeder ate Soldiers and Sailors, to supply the c'v'zens of th- S ate who lost a limb or limbs in the military service of the Con federate States with substantial arti ficial limbs during life; and for levee pur poses as hereinafter provided Sec. 7. Be it further resolved, etc., That Article two hundred and ten of tiie con stitution of the State of Louisiana ho so amended as to read as follows: Article 210. There shall be no forfeitures of property for the non-payment of taxes. State, levee, district, parochial or muni cipal, but at the expiration of the year in which they are due the collector shall, without suit, ami after giving notice to the delinquent in the manner provided by law, advertise for sale the property on which the taxes are due in the manner prescribed by law and on the day of lie he shall sell s'jch portion of the property as the debtor shat! point out, and in case the debtor shall not point out sufficient property, the collector shall at once and without further delay sell the least quantity of property which any bidder will buy for the amount of the taxes, interest and costs. The sale shall he without appraise ment, and the property sold shall be redeemable at any time for the space of one year, by paying the price given in cluding costs, and twenty per cent there on. No sale of property for taxes shall he annulled for any Informality in the pro ceedings until the price and all taxes paid with 10 p« r .-ent inter' st he to the our ■has.'r. All deeds of sale made or that fcv e (; i>,.tors of tax-'S ■ received by courts i:i evidence : facie valid sales. '•red Sc*S. I!' • it flirt) Thai Art:,-, h tro of ♦ ho lY >' t'tmi -a bo i so a:r.e: 1\. lit. g 1 ;: .•aril: it* 242. The ( sb:* 1 ,.p, **or ^0 * uut'•'orTTrr t* :o pn r ■> ar'hi rU:o3 of the St by a > of the tux-payers in number and in v voting at the election, to levy s ; ... J taxes In aid of public inpeov n, :: .. , r railway enterprises und--r!alien by i rt vate corporations: provid- .1 that n tax shall no: exceed the rat" of live r.'.iHs per annum, nor extend for a longer per iod than ten years.and provided further, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to public buildings, bridges and works of public improvement mentioned In Article 209. it being the in * * Pr nil tr.ssrtrr of th's rrovi-o that : ml sini.ii ipaltfi : shall have the : to tax thi mselves to any limit sub to the restrictions of Article for G. \7. BOLTON, h r cf the I! - ,use of H pi .-s-ntatives. H. R. L .TT. nt Pro Tempore of the if nate. Secret: ry of State. No. 103. JOINT RESOLUTION fng Amendments to Articles 93, 'd, 93. 9!). I T, 102, 303. 103, and '. i ihe Cons'i-ution of the State of • -•ana. ILia.ivc to Co it 'ts of A-> 1. r 1. Be it r -roly, d by the General : 'Y of the State of Louisiana, two f- :■• of al! th r.e mbers eb etc ! to ea- h u- . that Art e'e nincty-i'v; ' :... :i < f the S.ate of T, c.ii.-i i. .i as to r a i as f llo s: icr ii : ft r pr ivided shall ; U - ■ jurs-dl'-tion only, whi n 1 j..•'. : ct'on U • xn nd to all cases, civil f. r red, etc., That Ar ■ Constitution of the e so amend..d as to : •" i ' ' ■■ The Courts of Appeal shall (i: sist o', not I *s than three nor more G.u-.i r.x judges, and each circuit shall *' • d of :hree ju dv s. In the ger. ' : y ' : " Gvci.on in !9i» they shall he (lee;. 3 by th® people.^or the term of four year.-. In case of death, r r.ignation or r moral from office of any of said judges, the vac a icy shall b .> tilled by i ppoin nient by th-- (. . rncr. Th: y s!:all he eitirens cd the U; ;'ed Blatss and of this State, I urn. d in the law, and shall have prac t ' *d law in the State for six years, and have fcvtn aefal residents of the districts from which they shall have b«-n elect: d for at least two years pre ceding the eie than. S e. 3. B- it further resolved, etc.. That Ail el,' : i . ; ■ Cl , - - \ cl! ,,t I ... I 'itilsrifll'l.iTI of the Biate of Louisiana be so amended as to read as fcl.ows: Article 17. The Stale shall be divided into two circuits. Until otherwise pro vided by law the parishes of Coddo. Bos si- r, Wi bster, Bl» nviile, Clniborne, Union, Lincoln, Jackson, Caldwell, Winn, Naichitoi'liea. Siibine, Desoto, Red River, <>u:i< lnt i. Ru iilimd, Franklin, < atulmula' • ..iniordia, Tensas. Madison, Hast Carroll, iii-si Carroll, .Morehouse, St. Landry, Acadia. Avoyelles, Rapides, Grant, Ver lem Calcasieu, ' a nit-ron, Vermilion, Litavotte. Iberia and St. Maitin -liall compose the First Circuit, and the par ishes of Orleans, Last Baton Rouge, West Balon Rouge. Livingston. Tangipahoa, St. Tammany. Washington, st. Helena, Last I elu-iana, l\ e-t Feli-d na, l'oiute Coupee, then ilie. st. Mary, Terreimnne, Assumption, I,atoiii'Td:e. sl. ( ] i a lies, J* ti el n, St. ilernard l'l.'ojui John the, st. Jaioes ami \s,elision slui:! compos* liie Second l ireuit. In ordt r that no inconvenience may re sult to tha public service and to save the expense of a special election, the three judges cle-'tfd by the General Assembly in 1S92 for tiie first, second and third circuits respectively shall he the judges of the Court of Appeals for the Fust Circuit, and the three judges elected at the same time for the fourth am: fifth circuits, and for the Court of Appeals for the parish of Orleans respectively, shall be the judges of the Second Circuit; and they sha.l huld office until the gen-pal State election in 1900 and until their suc cessors are ele-ted and qualified. Until otherwise prow •• -1 by law the State shall he divid'd into six Appellate Court Districts and one judge shall be elected from • aeh of said dis tricts by the qualified voters thereof, to be voted for at the general election in 1300. and every four years thereafter, and to serve for a term of four years. The parishes of Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Bienville, Claiborne, Union Lincoln, Jack son, Caldwell, Winn, Natchitoches, Sa bine, De Soto and Red River shall com pose the First Appellate Court District from which one judge shall be elected. The parishes of Ouachita, Richland, Franklin, Catahoula, Concordia, Tensas, Madison, East Carroll, West Carroll and Morehouse shall composq the Second Ap Vpi-i! 'curt District from which onS judge shall be elected. c The parishes of St. Landry, Avoyelles, Rapid s. Grant, Acadia, Vernon, Calca epju, Cam. ran, v, rmi.lion, Lafayette, lb via and Kt. Martin shall compos tha Tnnl App.-iiap- Court District from which ot.«• Judi; shall he elected. Tii - pari.-hes of East Baton Rouge, 77 --St Baton Rouge, Livingston. Tangip ahoa, St. Tammany, Washington. St. H'l na. East Feliciana. West Feliciana, I'ointe. Coupee and lbirville shall tom po.-e the Fourth Appeilat? Court District from which one judge shall be elected. Ihc parishes of St. Mary, Terrebonne, Assumption. Lafourche, St. Charles, Jef farson, St. B'rnard, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist. St. James arid Ascen sion shall compose the Fifth Appellate Court District from which one judge shall be elected. v The parish of Orleans shall compose the Sixth Appellate Court District from which one judge sha'l he elected. The three judges elected from the First, Second and Third Appellate Court Dis tricts shall compose the Court of Appeals of the First Circuit. The three Judges elected from ths Fourth. Fifth and Sixth Appellate Court Districts shall compose the Court of Ap peals of the Second Circuit. Be it further resolved, etc.. That Ar ticle ninety-eight of the Constitution of the State o: Louisiana be so amended as to r'a ! as fol'ows: Art. de 9.3, The judges of the Court of Appe ls shall h- Id two annual t- rms of court at such places in the circuit a. may be fixed by law for the return of appeals. Sec. 5. Be it further resolved, etc.. That Article ninety-nine of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, be so amend ed as to read as follows: Art. le 93. I'r.til otherwise provided by law. the terms ot th Court of A. . als shall he held as follows.: FIRST CIRCUIT. At Mor.r- first Mondays in May and January—F- r trial of .w -is from the p: ru-in s -c * I:::i'• *i:ta, it!- bland, Frank lin. ! at la. Com oi ia, Tt nsas, Madi son, East Carroll, West Carroll, More house, Union and Jackson. • - .- tr L. m -• v'm ; cals i .urn I : i the at cr-1 Mcr.'ay in ;. For t al of Tar;-!; :.h r>, ft. Tammany, Washington and S- Heh.• At Ua'e.p. i'-'u'-e third Monday in Oc to'-. r and f-mrth Men iay : n June—For tr of a: f;-i m th- u v'' 1 e ; of East Baton Re e, V,' -t B :t->!i B - ; Bast Tr!: i' ' '. Fell ia':a, 1'oir.te Coa J: At Thibo f. erth Monday in Novem ber an'! third Monday :u .In:.. —For the trial of ; . peals from the .■ a of St. A* X ' ;.G, ' ;■* ] io. o r her an J Mere'.:—For trial of appeals fie::: t' - -- fies of Orleans, St. Ber nard'. . i s, Jefferson, St. Charles, ft. John the Be. list. -it. James and As c : si..n. S 'G. Be it further resolved, et \, That Article on. slittitlon cf th aireiid-d as-to and one of tlie Con tf of Louislna he so ns follows: ' shall he ren dered by ti.e Courts rf A op. al v, Clout the I'oncirrr ev r two r. : 1 seiuence cf ber. or nr r. •f two j:id ear r®'-v.s::t'on or any of th not recused shall have authority to call upon any judre or judges oi Court, whose duty it shall called upon, to sit in the judge or i'll' as 1......• •• 1, s' the deterrr.inuti u. of the .-a ©The j ia. - ■ of ■ c • - shall have ■ ( u Ir. m any rr* •n the j; 1 T© ■ : '*y to .all he T' : s: rict 1 so no . f til 0 to a ! ( 1 in : i: t> 'U premc Court sir " qu'-sii.ius or proposi tions of law the instri' di - pro; er decision. that h it dc.fires art for its tii. r-.upon th" Su instruc preme Court map cither giv tions on the questions and propositions certified to it, which snail be binding upon the C u-urls cf Appeal in such caj® (Continued on }uu;e 4.) Awarded Highest Honors— World's Fair,' DR. POHDIH MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fra« from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.