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LOCAL /» 4 . t, To Oni* 2 'riemls. -IlfK. AliTIint HUFFMAN IH OUR VU Jal thorized solicitor »nil collector. He is autliorizecl to receive subscriptions Orders for job work, make collections ami gsuc receipts. Any courtesy extended to him will be ap preciated. F. SANCAN, ManaK'ni; Kditor. Ml Joseph Kossignol, ;t wortlil ami industrious voting artisan of T1iil><><iaiix lias moved down the bayou Tvheie lie intends to make his homo. Ih. H ('nvai.Hiiglt (>)>1 11 ii.: 1 1 ni<* Op tieian, "ill arrive about Feb. Gt!i. S| ectacles fitted to order. Eyes ex amined fret*. Office at Stranger's Hotel. 1 UWO Gallon? Cistern 51s. 15iH) Gallons, $;o ft. Kigusft Bios. 60 l'erdido St. New Orleans On i amiable confrere of the Assump tion 1'innerr, genial John Marks, Eat], lias leeeived the nomination of his paity for tepresei.tative of his native paiisli. Our congrut illations, Bro. •Minks, ami success to your cause. DamhiifV leads to blanching and baldness. Cure it with Hall's Hair Renewer. The New York Sunday YYoild all i Sunday Herald, newspapers, maga zines Ac., always for sale at McBridc'e News Depot on very low terms. S. T. GRISAMORE. News Dealer. \\'e ate reliably infoimed through a special committee sent to investigate, tout the I'aiisli Diedge Boat now cutting a connecting canal between l).i\ou L'Eau Bleu ami Brand Bay on, Mouth ot Lake Fields, is doing good and fast work, and that the project is fulliid to be perfectly leasable. Kki*v< iK-N in Hats.—T he season being advanced Mrs. .1, X. Wright ni trites those w hn need a hat to call at lo r stole, coiner Market and St. .Louis •Sts., ami get a tine hat for little money At tin- eigaiii/.alioii of the new Dem ocratic l'attsh Central Committee tlie lollowii.g oftieers were chosen, viz: 3'lesitieiit. L. 1'. Caillouef ; Vice Pres ident. 1 . \\ . Nicliolls; Secretary, S. r f. I i i isairoie ; Ti easuier, 1'. J). Kent ; {Sergeant-at-arms, L. J. l iosclair. Ayer s Hair Vigor is certainly a re liiiiikat.le preparation and nothing like it lias ever been ptodueed. No matter how wir\ and unmanageable the hail may be, under flu* influence of ibis incomputable dressing, it becomes soft, si.k\, and pliable to the comb and brush. KEEP Y01U MONEY iu a good hank. Time deposits draw interest ami the* smallest am ount w ill opeu an accouu. Bank of iliihodaux. \ eiy Rev. Father Menard's last will "a- admitted to probate last "Wednesday. Mr. Bomion T. Blake is constituted mnvt-isal legatee and tee taiueiit.ily executor. It is understood that lie i> given instructions in a jni Aate letter■from the testator with te Sards to the latter's wishes. N I.M People needing first grade SSYKI'P battery syrup, choice cooler and molasses, or tine open train JSUGAK sugar, should lose no time in making known their wants to Mr. Gcotge Dionne, of Ihe Enterprise plantation, who will supply them with first class articles, at very reasonable prices. Mr. Thomas Henry was thrown from his horse last Saturday and was pnin Jully hint. At one time it was feared \ that he had received serious internal injury but Ins -nany frieucs will be glad to leai ii that that fear was ground less ami that Mr. Beaty is now doing Veil. Soli u* time :i^o Mr. Simon Goldbiuiiu «>t S;ili ,ul> Re\, Cal.. was troubled ■With u hiu.i back and t heumatism. Jit- list ( Chamberlaic's I'aiit Balm and si piom ■I cllle « as ( If'*( ted. He savs In* !,:i .-nee advised iiiiiiiv of his liicnci' to 1 1 \ it and all who have (lone H> Im \ ( spoken highly of it. It is lot t-llli l*_v all diuggisis. '1 i i l ( nut to our < xehaiige table Jnsl w. ek. The Sdlllll ■nt Punier, a ncil,b la w spap. l | 111 fished tit New ( >1 U-:i - and devoted to the agiicultu ral n dt ,stts of 1 he s( ntliern states. The u a her oriole us i s N»». 2 <>f vol. !I and i .on _ h di iii inn! i' oil? s'/.o i> very pi. : (b'e ill make up and matter. ll i- pi. b; -lied b\ tlie Southern Far IIICI 1 and lias an able editorial 401 ]>". V c w ish it si jde.iM d to welcome it as one ot out •Weekly \ i^ltol s. _______ lev i! it ion cal ds at e 1 uU announciug tin- ■ T la e of out csU cined con Here. 3'. !. 'm,*and. ot tin* Valley of the >f 1 .11 aux lb id gc, with Miss ( nn e Bichat (1. oil to-dav at 5 €»\ 'i ck p. in. St. Be nard Church, j!le:iu\ bridge. itaron and regret our inability to end. iVe extend our confrere our hear «t ( otigiatulatious and our sinceiest -lies lor a long life of happiness aud isperity with his chosen help-meet. <C ^ * »***'. Judge I,. P. Cii ilionet has been laid u,> this Week willi l lieu mat ism. Mr. Philip J. Kunblock, a prospe rous jouug merchant of lower La fourche was in town last Tuesday. Mr. Hector Lacroix, of the Vaclie tie settlement, paid our town a short visit last Tuesday. Messrs. L. F. Sutl.nn, H. C. Menor and L. C. Morse, prominent citizens of 1 erreboi,ne, visited Ttiibodaux, last Tuesday. Mi H. \\ . Barton Democratic candi liaie t<>i o-presentative of Terrebonne atol Mr. ('. A. Duval the popular uses sor ot Tern-bonne, passed through heie last Monday on their way to Na I'oleoi; ville and again on their return ti ip \\ ednesday. Their many friends were glad to meet them. ( bambet lain s t'oiigli Remedy is fa for its cures of bad colds. I opens tin* secretions, lelieves the lungs and aids nature in restoring the s.vsi. m r.» a healthy condition. It lieely used as ....... as the cold has be*Ti cmiti acted, and before it has be come settled in the system, it greatly lessens the seventy of the attack anil has often cured in a single uav what could i ave been a severe cold. Foi sale by all druggists. When Baby was sick, we gave tier Castoria. When slie was a Child, site cried for Castoria. When siie became Miss, sbe clung to Castoria. Y\ ht*u she had Children, she gave them Castoria, DOXATTOXS TO 77/E TOUBO FA 11!. The show window of the stole of Messrs. S. Blum A Sous pn-seuted iptile an attraettve appearance all the week with its splendid display of ar tistic objects donated by the charita ble people of our town for the benefit of the I'etuo Fair. Silver-ware and at ti cie needle woik were them in pro fusion. Mr. Sam Blom who has been instrumental in soliciting for dona tions for tbat vroithy object is over joyed at bis success and lie has a light to be, for our people lesponded nobly to tin* call of charity. Tim following is a partial list of do nations so far as reported. 1 Handkerchief Case enclosed in glass. Mother Superior Appidiue of Mt. Carmel Convent; 4 sets Crystal Glassware, Dr. L. E. Meyer: 1 silver bread trav, Mr. F. Zernott; 1 hand worked Mexican handkerchief, Mrs. Sam Pointer ; 1 tine vase, Ellis Brand's Sons; 1 pair bottles of perfumery, H. C. Cli.d &• Co.; 1 line chair back, Miss Clotilde (Mini : 1 line pin cushion, Mrs. Lutie Lyle Summers: 1 silver sugar boy' 1. Miss K"sa Fiost: 1 whisk broom and holder. Mrs. H. H. Tlmruton ; 1 tine pin cushion, Mrs. It. T. Blake ; 1 toib-i case. Mi.-s Mamie Thibodeaux ; 2 pin cushions and ornamental (lowers Miss Mary La forest; 2 hund-wotktd Towels. Miss Louise Philson ; 1 Mexi can wmked Towel, Miss Jennie Blum : 1 Mexican worked towel, Miss Stella Blum ; 1 plush chair back, Miss Mary Fubic : 1 set lamp mats, Mrs. M. A. Ilollins; 1 tine dmvla, Mrs. C. P. Sha ver ; 1 line dowla. Miss Mamie Keefe ; 1 silver mounted card receiver, Mrs. A. H. Hoffmann : 1 pretty doll, Baby Esther Ilotfiiiiiiu ; 1 fine hand-worked photo holder, Mrs. T. P. Bergeron ; 1 line sofa pillow, Mrs. S. A. Binning*; 1 fine head rest, Miss Ella Coiutment; 1 chair tidy. Miss Emma Flush; 1 fiue chair bin k. Miss Katie Keefe; check for $10 00, K of P No. 82, Thihodnux, 1 lamp, Mr. R. If. McBride, and $51.00 in cash. Read Ay er's Almanac, which your druggist will gladly ham] you, and note the wonderful cures of rheuma tism. catarrh, scrofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debility, humors, and sores, by the use of Ayer's Sat saparilla, the only Satsapaiilia admitted at the World's Fair. 1. (). O. F. — At the regular session of Excelsior Lodge No. J4 I. <(. O. F. of Louisiana, held Saturday evening January 18th insr.. the following offi cers were installed for term 84 of said Lodge. t»y s. T. Grisamore D. D. G. M. of District No. 4, viz : Noble Grand. Thomas D. Kent, P. G-: Vice Grand. E. X. Button; Sec retary. S. T. Gtisamore, P. G. M.j Treasurer, F, Zernott, P. G.; Warden B. Ci'inciiient : Inside Gttaidiau, E. M. Smithwick : B. S. to X. G., John Lar kin, P. G ; Bcpresentative to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, S. '1'. Gris amore ; Delegate to Widow and Or pliin's Belief Association of New Orleans, F. Zernott: Trustees of Widow's and Orphan's Fund, S. T. Grisamore, E. N. Burton, E. M. Smith wick. For Salt. r | 1 11 AT DESIRAltl.K LOT OF GROUND ! I «. it li iinpi-m citn-nt- tuercon, known as I .......Attain" prniieity corner ot Second and ; St. Cl aries streets, one of the largest, best I located and nest drained lots of ground in j the -uburbs of tlie town of Thibodaux. Ini i proveuients consist of a large and coiiiino- i dious residence, kitchen, stable, coal and wood house and other out-houses. For Terms and particulars address Frank Attain, care Denegre, Blair ft Dencgre, At torneys, New Orleans, La., or apply to CLAY KNOBLOCH ft SON. Jun 2-V96-lm iliihodaux, Louisiana. Impure Blood Scrofula Breaks Out in Running Sores The Poison Perfectly Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. " A year ago a sore came on one of my limbs. It spread, and soon four others, Which proved to be as bad as the first, broke out. 1 could notaccount for them and my physician did not seem to do me any good. The erup tions would spread to the size of a half dollar, and the flesh would become ulcer ated nearly to the bone. I finally de cided to try Rood's Sarsaparilla, and'af J ter taking eevera" Mr. C. t). Covington bottles of the medi Farmerviiie, La. cine I am glad to say that my limb is now perfectly well, and I am in better health than I have been for some time. Soon after the sores appeared I was compelled to take my bed, but Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla lam now enjoying good health. I con sider TTood's Sarsaparilla a good medicine tc keep in the family for general U3e. I gladly send you this testimonial, as I Sarsa parilla would like every ■ufferer to know the value of Hood's Sar- %%%%% saparilla in a case like mine." C. D. Cov ington, Farmerville, Louisiana. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner •Uls, assist digestion, prevent:constipation. o DCUU JUU Hood C ures COMMUNICATKD. Thihodaux, January 189c. M n. Editor : in the early nart oflS62 the war spi-ir ttt La fun relic was tlmmugtil , amused ami all business and action was aitsoibcd in the formation and eij iipning ,,f military companies to tssjst ft the defense of the Southern Confederacy. The Lafourche Guards mulct' Captain Vick and the Lafourche Creoles under Capt. Bush had been in active service for several mouths. Due company under c •inmnud ot Capt. La garde was being organized whilst a second was formed and mustered into service on March 5. 1802 known as the Allen Bides with the following rank and file : 1st Lieut. Caleb J. Tucker 2.1 " Lovinev A. Webie 2d Lieut. Jr. Clay Kmddoch 1st Sergeant F. E. Guedry 2d Loviney A. LeBIanc 3,1 C. J. Guedry 4th •* Atnelieu Brand 5th " Thonas J. Kepler 1st Corporal Charles M. (binder 2d Gustave Mnrvaut 3«l Clay Bernard 4th " A. Schuyler Bourgeois PRIVATES. Adam Ernest A-'aui Emile Atkinson J X. Aueoin Alphonse Bark August Brown Robert Bergeron Franklin Bouterie Prosper Boudreau Pierre Boudreau Prosper Bourgeois Paul Leonval Emile Ledet Francois Ledet Paulin A. Ledet Henry F. Laine Seraphin Lawless T. Percy Landry Joseph Mnrvaut Ernest Martin Justilien Melancou Aitnc Molaison Jules Hebert Alpliunse Kmddoch vVin. Tell Bourgeois Maxiiuilien Naquin Melville Bourgeois Appolinaire Poetic H. P. Harms Demastheue Poche Octave Cliiasson Octave Picon Ernest Cliiasson Edmund Picou Urbain P. Collins rtiouias J. Picou Theophile C'hanipague P. Ernest Parr Ooradou Caillouet Joseph F\ Roger Gustave A Champagne J. A. ltoussel Thomas F. Champagne Emile Scott Paul Chitsson Ulysse Sevin Joseph Champagne Robert Smith John J. Durkey Eli D. Stiveus Justiien Duskey SiUs F. Simoneau Constant Dan tin Jules Simonexn Victor Deslat te Felix Trosclair Eugene Dyer W. N. Trosclair Jo-eph Clement Tiasiraond Trosclair Leufroi Estiven Henri Trosclair Loviney Francioni Laurent Toups Louis Falgont Qnezime Toups Terence Guedry J. J. Tonps Prosper Guedry J. B. Euo Toups Felicien Guillot Paulin Toups T. Emile Guillot Telies Toups Ozeiue Gladisli Jr. Wm. J. Tabor William Gande Emile H. Tabor Edward Green W. P. Thibodaux Cledauient Heuler Ernest A. Vauderdoes Philip Hill John H. Wagenspack Florian Wageust>ack Ulger We.bre P. Oscar YVegenspack Louis Cti|>(. Hall, in the organization of the 26tli Louisiana, was pi mooted to be Major, Lieut. Tucker was promo ted to be Captain, 2nd Lieut. Webre became first Lieuteuaut aud 2nd Lieu tenant Jr. Clay Kuobloch became 2nd Lieutenant. Lieut. Clay Knobljeli having subse quently resigned, Sergeant F. Ernest Guedry was elected as second Lieu tenant. Cap. Tucker was killed at Vicksburg when Lieutenant Webre became Cap tain, Lieuteuaut Guedry became first Lieutenant and sergeant Loviney A. LeBIanc was promoted to be second Lieutenant. Dining the service private Justilien Stivens died June 22d 1862. near Ed - I ward's Station : Theophile Picou died i in hospital on June 28th 1862: Ed ward Tabor died iu hospital July 1st 1862 ; Ernest Champagne died in camp July 8th 1862; Demostheue Barras died at Mississippi Springs in August 1862. Felicieu Tonps aud Jutes Mo laison also died. Joseph F. Caillouet was discharged n - Luo Guedrv October Lit, 1862 belli for ,!,s.ibiliiv. ,, "1' Vicksbmgli Cant, (abb J. lacker ami private E...iic Gamlet were Killed. Privates Melville N. Naquin and Josenh 1 rose la lr were mortnjlv wouml ed : L. A. LeBIanc. Pi iva tes John J Mottli, Oneziiue Falgont, Aime Melan con and Sergeant C. J. Guedrv were wounded. 1 his company earned an liomnalde leeord at Chickasaw Bavou and durim* the siege of Vicksburg where it was taken prisoner. Subsequently is mem hers were paroled and finall v'exchang ed ami was in process of ^organiza tion on Bed Biver when hostilities ceased. These facts arc drawn fioni Colonel \Y itichester Hall's story of the 26th Louisiana Beginient, and mav he ot intei«-sr to many of tlie readers of the SENTINEL. ']• (; I he Cit\ Item s ungracious ami un called lot fling at the new spnpeis u Inch see tit to print the Constitutional Amendments savor verv ninth of -our grapes. C. LAZARD Co. Limited THE OLD REUnJ LE OLE PRICE CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS AND HATTERS 29, 31 AND 33 CANAL Si* COR. NORTH PETERS, „ MS I* <> FILE ASS LA May 2G-94 lyr. THIBODAUX Shoe and Hat Store, U a 'A \ - ■ 5 l\ a-Vrfn 1 /ii rw L y I i Af |^7) ;\^ej y o' [ ■ b 0 A FROSPF.FOrS HO ATE. Husband. "Why, it s just a yjar ago tomorrow that we were married." Wife. " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of shoes that I was married in, and they are not half worn out." Husband. — " So am I." Wife. "Why, how strange. Mine were made by tlie Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed." ^Husband. -vod mine are their Men's $ 4.00 Shoe." V ell, let s sticiv to them for shoemakers for the rest of our lives, for their shoes wear as finely as they look." HA MIL TON-8 ROW N SHOE CO. FOR SALE AT FHE Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store Corner Main and St. Philip Streets, Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store. Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats of the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. A.11 goods as represented. Emile J. BRAUD, Proprietor. FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr., THIBODAUX Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables JACKSON STREET. FirstCInss HEARSE WITH Heavy Wliito or Black Drapery. THE FINEST Carriage? BOTh Open & Close Etc., Etc. Finest and L argest Assortment of Caskets and Coffins EF-CaKRIAGES ALWAYS READY WITH NEAT AND CAREFUL DRIVERS. Blacksmith and Wheelwright,' op on J AC vSON' S TREE T. where I am prepared to do all work in tlmtline Horseslioeinw a Specialty. Feb-22-1890. * Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. An Oi.i» Soldier's Recommenda rios.— ]n dm late war I was a soldier iu tin* Fit -1 ..tar'land Volunteers, t ompni \ (,. Dming mi term of ser Atce 1 contracted chronic diarrluea. •Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found auy would give me relief it would injure in v stomach, until ChainhetIain's Colic. Cholera and tliataluea Remedy was biought to my notice. I used it anti * will say it is the only remedy that . gave me pel iiianeiit relief and no bad j results oj ow. I take pleasure in re | comnieiiiling this preparation to atl ot m\ i !u comrades, while giving their services to their country, contracted this diiadful disease as I did, from ejitin g mi w holesome and uncooked food. Yours truly. A. E. Bending. Halsey. Oregon. For stile liv all diuggists. . J 1"* Supreme Court tendered deci sions last Mo,id,-iv but only one of the Lnlouiche cases was passed upon, that at the lown of I hihndaux vs. Constantin A Bniggard in which the appeal was dismissed by tlie court.