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WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our ret/ular Correspondent.) Washington., J;iity.l7rli. 1SPG. '■Hawaii ! fin- ill»* "inner " That's v ' <t all "ni'il iIomiii'Vii's ;ri' shnntll}" 'O (1 iv wlietln-r they ate nn in'iets nf the National Coinn itti <• m jn>t nlain everyday (h-nioeiafs. i h - is only at - other illustration proviii" that '■not !i in" saeecile sticci ss.' ester (lav when the 1 tenineratie National Committee met to decide upon the time and place for hi ldin," the next National (\>nv 1 tyiti.i!< members while I it actie 1 11 1 : • a 1 , : ntoa - a - 1 " he tine fee huh: ! : ■ ! . I .oive' ; top. V et c ili - x tiled ;ls to • . of ill comjietill" C : ties sho-'-'d vi n S lie looior of et.tei laiiiiiu; lie e I ! i, v e i ■ i : 111 !. Today, aft el a contest, which ailiioa"li Spirited was "ond natnred fiinn start t<> finish, thev were all shouting '•lima ah Î for the winner " Let every democrat hope the same spirit will a'lim ite tin 1 de!e"|tes to the conven tion and t'oit when the nomination is made every demeevat. norih. south, east and west, will shunt '•hurrah 1 for the winner,' and then take off his coat and go to work to make him a w inner. ! f the memhers of the National Ci mmittee retied the opinions of the di mocratsof the States thoviepresent, ti e old démocratie party isn't ready to pass in i's checks just yet. A morel coeky set of men never assembled in j Wa-hington. They behove to a man th it î he democratic party lias a chance to i rieve its fortunes and elect the I next President, and that all that is nt ( ded is to put up a candidate who v i 1 unite the party and bring out the M'ters who have for or.c cause or an other become disgusted and refused to vote. And they believe further that this can be done. It all depends upon the rank and tile—the plain, everv day democrats. There are enough of them to carry this country. That lias been repeatedly proven dining the last twelve years, and can easily be proven again, but. only by united action. Let every democrat appoint himself a committee of one on the good of the patty, and there will be— there can be no doubt of the result. If the republicans c'cct the next Pres ident it will lie solely the laiilt of n en who believe in democratic principles but do not live up to them. l)i. Patten, President of Piincetou College, was leeently in Washing on, fo; the special purpose of uniting; Piesidi'iit and Mi -, Cleveland to attend the I eh-hr i f ion i f the 100th ni) iver sa l> i f that institution. No official ant: « •iucement has been made but t;a . nason to believe that the invitation was accept cd . f 'ommissionei Loelm n's report of tin condition of business in the IVn sio'i, tho can i-' an effectual answer to! ti i slanderous slurs upon the admin ister: m of that office which are con-! stautly made in certain ijuaiters. It shows that mi Pec 1, the lnisin» s ; of . the î knee was practically up to date. ' Since then the calls of Congressman often nearly 1.00 > a day, and largely : unnecessary, have resulted in throw- 1 ill" the business behind. Of the inte-i rior workings of the office the report 1 says : "I am satisfied that the officers i and derl-s are bringing every effort i to hear unoii rlie prompt and proper' adjmliea ion of all the several classes I of claims now pending. Cases that aie îeady for adjudication aie prompt- j !v disposed of, and apparent delays i are nsnally.the îesult (»f negligence or ! inability on the part of claimants or their attorneys to supply necessary evidence, after being notified, oben repeatedly, of the necessity for fur nishiug such evidence." Senator Mills of Texas, made a Speech this week on his resolution, containing what lie believes should lie declared to the world as the financial policy of the U. S This resolution contains seven distinct declarations, which may lie summarized thusly ; 1st, against retirement of outstanding legal tender notes; 2nd, in favor of the coinage of tiie silver bullion in the Treasury ; 3rd, in favor of the issue of emergency legal tender notes in case of a deficiency in the revenues: 4th, against the issue of interest bearing bonds ; nth in favor of paving govern ment obligations in both gold and .silver: «Ith. repudiating the theory that a public debt is a public blessing': 7th, urging the maintenance of % sinking fund for the rapid extinguish ment or the national debt. Secretary Morton this week told a joint meeting of the House and Senate committee on Agriculture that his action m refusing to spend the money appropriated for the purchase of seeds for free disti ibutiou was, in a meas ure, due to abuses, such as Congress men selling their queta of seeds for a pittance, i'he department, lie said had in several il s aners bought from outside dealers Congressmen's entire ■quota nt seeds which lad cost the government about j'Ul) h>r each quota for STâ each. He told the committees very plainly that he didn't believe the gnnd accomplished by free seed disti ibntion amounted to even a small tiaction of what if had cost. The action of the liiitish govern ment in affording the same protection to Americans resid ng in the Trans vaal republic that it does to its own subjects has been extremely well îe ceivcd in Washington and has done much towards restoring a friendly feeling towards the English, 1 - ; j I .__ »lairing a Ta' to la r; II- ; V':-> trail:» Sea i'-i I;;i aLloiii. A biîliartl tabla « an La Itu'" in 4 hours if carte bJacclio is given lu î ho manufacturer, but he prefers to have time to get the right effects from one month to six. The wood needs to bo sea- ! soned for a period of nearly seven years. Ricli, deep Spanish mahogany is used, pollard oak, ebony ami satin wood. I Tables are not always covered - in green. Blue is sometimes used and a pure olive green. The late Prince Leo-j pold was the first to make use of the ■ latter color, and olive green is known Prince today in the billiard world Leopold's color. Tlie balls must be well seasoned be fore they are used for play. Manufac turers have incubators in which to store them that th<\v may undergo the drying process, tioam incubators will bold fully | 3,000 hall.-.. V» iM ii they are first made, ! tiny are ''green." Solid ivory is the; only satisfactory mat dial of which to j make them; ''artificial halls" (those j mane I, f compo.i;: n) ar? much heavier j t' m t w.arwe:!., Li.ghsn makers, | to give the lv l ' ills a perfect color, st.. n th; a: in a d-.-.-t.n ti: n that is s.mie Duns d' e.d, d as the "guardsman's bath. " This is extrnc*: d from the old «■oats of Tommy Atkins, and for bil liard bairn it is tire finest scarlet dye •known.—Dew Y ah World. A lirave Chinese Officer. Euang Tsa-Lien, who v ns a returned Am riraii studtnr, was hrih d before tho surrender cf Wci-Hai-Wei. Ho was first hri: '''liant of rhe Peiyang cruiser Tsi Vuen, having succeeded the late bhen ëhou (fli' another returned Ameri | ; j I j j j ; ! j . ' : 1 1 i i I What V \\vv m is k &Ä w m m C'N%'sltsàc Co >• •-N. UvriVV *:a Castoria is Dr. Sainn.T Pitcher's jirescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic subs'fanee. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing- Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is tlie Children's Panacea —the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. '('CaAtorlafefm well adapted to children that I Casrcria cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it. as superior toajay pri'soription known to me." II. A. Abcuer, ?t. I)., * 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V. "Theuse of 'Castoria' is so universal and tts merits so -.veil known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cannes Martyx, D. d.. New York City. Sour Stomach, Diarrhœa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl gestion, Without injurious medication "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin- F. Pardee, M. D., 125th Street and 1th Ave., New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. i ! THIBODEAU DRUG STORE, Cor. Main and Si Philip St., Thibndaux, La. We have a very l'maptete stock of nà'à'ss. MMm cnEMica&s, SOUPS* PBESMES* COMBS, fwmwmn m m Emm g TRUSSES \X 1 > SHOULDER BRACES, 7 CIGARS TOBACCO AND SN'UEF PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. Sr boni tun] Blank Books. FEES!! GARDEN SEEDS, AT LOWEST PRICES. j. t>. prxx. CiViL mmm. archite:? --VNI- — lUJILI PRESIDENT OF THE DI N N j 1 : IV!.IF FURNACE m.. LIMIT P. Forty Years Practira / - > . /» t st un- î . nt hit M'limi.rti s : r Hi .'i -« Construction of Su«r:» lîa^asse, Coal, Wood of Fuel, Sot t i xi intf Suh:h r Rollers, Draining Macii in«* Fin:><*<-• for • t ii• • r kind • s, >{»•; fitlil nd .♦ I " , iirainniH m i m*s, every kind of liriekwork. AH DoneonStrietlySclenliflc '.'rineiples P.irtienlar Attention Paid to lîepairs. No . - 1Ï Napoleon Avenue Cor. Coliseum St i\ew Orleans La can sfnTenf, v. no was LiiTii whilo com mun d big j he Tsi-Yi:cn in the Cm naval 'action of the late war at the mouth of the Vasliau river, Korea, July 25, 1894, owing to the cowardice of his subse quently decapitated captain, Fong Peh Kicii. During the fighting at Wei-Hai Wei Lieutenant Iluar.g Tsn-Lien was ln:d!y wounded ::iV] was thereforo ad v ' to !-• :;vo hi.; ship and go to Cbe fn treatment. This ho resolutely refused to do, declaring that "his duty to ihe emperor'demanded his remaining at his post." After having had his v onuds ha dr»:-vcd, the late lieu n irait v.oit t:i with Ws duties oa _ e>t VUÏicûl :Lk '.ririU'inEngland" has rec: ntly said ihr.t .■ ns amputate I -.- frequentiy n w l.r.nierly. The board, although ha had to he supported Ivan attendaiit in doing so. Shortly afterward a shot struck thigh, but la- still r- fused to lctire. remaining with his guns. A few minutes after ward a shall from the euer y 's batteries ala ort annihilated the gallant officer. —like, h r, ci d 's Magazine. Dr. A'lpntnt ion. A. Pc air ■ vk.ttld. one cf tho liigh nee of medic;..*.-i.a., made such prog rès. • » hat tho knife is rarely used. The cid days cf cut am! slash are over. Am pi: sis n. rays Dr. ti. uld, is a confession t.f i.a the:apeutic tragedy. Deu mi : a: once lias also made long strides, I can nr: n her a time whin if a man had a single tooth ache the tooth was iu.modnsi iy yanked <.ut. Cut uewa days dental shill is concentrated in saV nig i. very teeth in the head. Tho world mows, and yea l:n\o to striko a good gait to keep up with it.—New York Herald. John W. Trotter. Copper, Tin and, Sheet Iron Worker. St Philip, between and Main streets, Thibodaux, La., Keeps on hand a full line of COOK AND HEATING STOVES --Also Agent for the CHAETEE OAK and FAME STOVES. Particular attention given to ROOF ING AND GUTTERING. The New Orleans The Leading Newspaper of the South. ALWAYS RELIABLE! ALWAYS SIVI HS THE L ATEST iiEWS. The Daily Picayune Is a real newspaper. No expenre is spared in producing it. Its telegraph service is unsurpassed. Its news gatherers cover all places of Interest. Its mechanical appli ances are modern and the best. Its staff of talented writers and artists is complete. The Sunday Picayune Is a household treasure of news, information and literature, illus trated and tasefully presented. The Weekly Picayune Is peerless as a country, family newspaper and literary journal, and no home in the South should be without it. I 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Daily and Sunday - - $12.00 a year. Sunday - - - - - $2.00 a year. Weekly ----- $1.00 a year. NICHOLSON a CO., Proprietors, New Orleans, La. Emile Vergnes. G. F. G , kt. Jean Senat VERGNES, GUET, & SEN AC, SUCCESSORS TO JOSEPH CORN I BE. Importers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers. Wines, Bn.mlie:. Gins, Hums, Cordials, SOLE PROPRIETORS CELEBRATED O .M STANDARD m ~~ — z- ---------r......- —-- X » ff* fe%iT > WSt t K Ü/0 •r p\o p i i ft w WHISKim t/o June 9 94 iy. 37 DEC ATI It ST. NEU ORLEANS. soll: agents. J. Plitiaml & C<» . AV]» i!i- Wim-s anti C an ts, Bordeaux. Fisse Thirion &: Co.. Cotton Ex. Extra Dry Champagne, Keims. G. Malefaud, Cognac Brandies. Cognac. Ramirez & Co., Sliei ries ami Ports. Jerez de la Frontera. THE SENTINEL JOB' OFFICE MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. Is the Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the State, Outside of New Orleans. CARDS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. STATEMENTS. LAWYERS' BRIEFS. PAMPHLETS. PROGRAMMES, WEDDING INVITATIONS In f act, anything from a visiting card to a newspaper, Printed NenPy, Cheaply and Promptly. SENTINSL JOB OFFICE MAIN STREET. THIBODAUX, LA. LOUISIANA STEAM !l!l nan ta in „ J.M lllllil HUM] KOBER IS & CO., Proprietors. 101,303,305,307 GRAVIER STEEE1 NEW ORLEANS, LA. 0Ta8h, Blinds, Doors, Molding, Flooring and Ceiling, Balusters, etc., always cn baud or made to order. Orders promptly attended to. > ff >*•») > -L a il Ur m ! V-7 -:T , » -S t [ > ; .?i:i y y : ,;f Y C. j jab-1 «K ( t K .,1 -| p-ifV -(-» •: ■ ' s and y, î- 'id. â'om i, * - »., • - b-, r I - «/ 'I .ii j.:. \J vluffi fVU'S : :n iiL-niu j'j' 1 " ' « iak i 1 ' T ; '. » ■ - f ißr~ Y * . j cxT i •• nun-7tnr.-W!t.- - ; :—r-f • m the t ■ ilrr-l dose—«/ i '.'.tin jv» : . 1 l t ' 3 _1,, l.I tkilce. i it Cures j Dyspepsia, Kidney r.nd Liver ' Meiiralsr'a, Troubles, ' Constipation, Bad Gicod ■ Malaria, ^ Kervoaa ailments « Women's complaints. -i only il u j; niino—it has crossed red j lmeson thu wr::-.m-r. All others are sub- ' stitutes. ( in ioct 'j't of t'.vo rc. stamps we will send s.t . : '!co Beautiful World's« Fair Views and took—free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, WD. 1