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JOURNAL OF TiiE 9™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official Journal of t 2 ae Parish, of La fo^rcb .9 and Guardian of th.e Interest of tlie To-osrn. VOL. XXXI. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, MAY !) 18S6. NO 41 Ol'FICIA L DI RECTOR J. Statk Officers. Governor : Mnrpliy J. Foster of St. Mary Lieut • Gov............... ............ See. of State...T. S Adams of E- Feliciana Aud. Pnh.Acct's.-.W. W Heard of Union State Treasurer,. .John Pickett of Bossier. Ati 'v Gen. M. J. < hi mi in "ham Nat.cliitoch's ^■i|)t. Puli. Ed. A. J . Lafargue Avoyelles. U. s. sknatop.s. N, C. Blanchard............. of Rapides Jinn Cattery ................of St. Mary Statk Sknators. Jos. B LeBlanc......... of Assumption John I>, Shatter............Terrebonne Jvj gks Supr.KMR Court. Chief.Justice: F T. Nichollsof Orleans Associate •' . .J. A. Breaux.of iberia " H. C. Miller of Orleans. • S. D. McEnery,of Ouachita " " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Circuit Cotjv.tof Apphals,F ifth Circuit. R.T. B iniegard..........of St. Bernard. HD. Smith ..............of St. Mary. CoNGiiFSSMAN. 3rd-Congressional Dist. Andrew Price............... of Lafenrehe 1-ch. Judicial District. Judge..................L. P. Caillouet. Dist. At'orney..... ..... B. F. Wiucheste r JUSTICES OF THK PKACK. 1st W:t :•<?. H Clement, -i id Ward....... Ij.'.mioi : 1 '. Blake. 3 rd Ward, Eva riYt e" P :: -ml . tth Ward. E B Ayo 5th Ward. Ai iliur A. Biiudrci mx. Utli Ward Sv'vest u> Martinez, 7 th ward John F. Pitima ■ .0. -r ! [1 -a .TO T,0144s F Otll ■ward B :i' 1, Lull ward .'lUgii'te Cretin; CONSTa ::m:s •s' V, '. V. iriste Morva lit. Jnd ward. R \' I r.t-ig, 1 011. 3 rd ward, Edv.ii. , 4 :! 1 waid Albert 8avoie 5 r i. ..v a; a. Mv» ■: i : ■ Kerne. 1 dh ward. Wi! 1iain P Till v:s rd. Wellington Hel.ei! J^tll VP; [ "ii C. W .Ml lint. 3 th ward flenri any, 10 th ward Taylor Adaui. Part n Officers. Representatives; .Di . ..M. Delanne. . L. A-Troslair. W. F. Harang . ..0. J. Barker. .....las Beary ...A. J. Brand. Sentinel Coroner______ ... Olerk at Court ... Sherid ........... Trei-m 't....... ■Official Journal.. Aaioisor........... .... G. AbribatJf Police Jurors President.T. D. Kent; eHT. Morvant, H. W.Tabor, Chits- E. Garni*. J. O. Toops Emile Ledet,Louis Lerille, Frank Chris ten, F ie linens. Clerk Police Jury. H. N. Couiou, Sergeant at arms. A. Frost. D tAixAGB Commissioners. Dist No. I —Thus. 15e:trv, O. Antbement Htid .1. B. N. Mire. Dist. No. g.—Thos. Barker, Oscar Autlif* nicnt, G. J. Guidry. Dim. No..:.— U. J. Troji-hi'r. J. L. LeBlanc. j. J, Tomassi. Koa:> and Levee Inspectors. District No.!..........J. B. Bourgeois No.2........ L. A. Belanger, Municipal Officers. V-.- or, W. 0 Ragan: ••onncilmen, R. ■ A . I Mi ver, J. Louis Auco n. Alberti T. P- Bergeron, and ......P. L. Brand. ........R J Naquin _____ H. N. Coulon .....Mrs- J• Curtis R M<1 Thomas Frank Zeruott ■PreaMirer........ Town Marshal... 'lerk ........... PnP. M istress..... School Board. K. U. M. Bride President: W. P. Mar tin. superintendent and secretary ; •... .........Numa Pilfer Chas. S Math ews. L. Kraeuier, W E. Howell, J. L. LeBlanc. Emile Toups Thibodaux Bridge Committee. W. C Ragan, president; ........... .... secretary: F ank /fernott, H. \V. Tabor. E. U. Morvant. Emile Ledet. IN ,0 : CAVEATS* "SAP;; rr;ARX3, rrStCN PATENTS, CCI-VR1CHTS, ate. ■' nu t 1 ]u:r. :!kk»a , r;to to i I'K. Ainv.vY. Nsw Yobs. - . -u-i-u: i stvnts In Ainerica. . 1 viisis l.ronzht before ■ ivoit tree ol charge In the iRntfon of ruiv scientific paper;fn the ■il'v illustrated. No intelllcent . , .Uiiiinut it, \Veekly, 83.00 a u: u'tbs. Address, MUNN A CO,» , Sol Broadway, New York. City* | FOR DELIVERY DURING | March, April, May, June and July £ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. PUECH & FRF.RF.T, 3 l-ll-'OG-Snt. 634- Gravier Street, MEW OM-SAITS. T2 73 Mme. ESPENAN, SAGE FEMME DE Ire CLASSE. Aneionm* eK-ve «lt* lit mat emitc d'ae coticliHueiit <le Bagmi-s do 1: g,.••••«.. diplomee par la laeultf de inedeciiie de Montpellier. France. 1'ltix S.): Accouchement et les soins pendant !> jours clans le village et a l'exterieur si le hesoin i'exige. Residence : Kno. Canal et Market THIBODAUX, Lm:. A SENSIBLE MAN I th Covers liis steam pipeing ami .irums Carey's Asbestos • Mug ties i a Sect ion a! l iags. It pays tor its eost in less than a Put in a 'I hompson Eclipse to burn '. shaving, rice bulls, pea or taick-v. lie write t< r prices on rooilng Iiui dins lining papers and engineers' supplies, l DAFFU03T & STOTJi'Z, Sly Union Street 9nc S. 7. N e'.v < irlean - am. .HOT ICE . Ijrr- a, THE STIvAMl-At LOUISIANA I saves Diinaldsunvilte oil -a.: ,y. 'luer.,lav uiei Thursday at o'eioek > m., passing Naeoleaaville at K:la a. m.. Tiii deux at 10:30, connecting with 11 a. in. train: arrives at Loekpert at 2 p. in. Leaves Lockport <n Mnndwv. Wednesday ai d Friday, ntd a. in., passing Tldbailaux at 3:31) a. ui., NnpoleonviUe at 12:30: m rives at Donaldsonville at 3:30 p m.. nicking close connection with the T. it P. 3: Id train for New Orleans. On Saturday, makes the round trip from Dunaltlsonrille to Thibodaux and back Perseverance SAW-MILL. 4 miles below Lafourche Crossing, A. ii OSS IX, Fit OF, C 1HOICE ROUGH AND DRESSED I.t'.Al HER I —Ceiling, Moulding. Flooring. Shingle Ac., always on hand or sawed to order ons short notice, at lowest prices, and delivered to all points on Bayou Lafourche. All orders promptly attended to. Apply to A. GOSSIN, proprietor. Lafourche Crossing, P. O. La. 5-11 35 lv-P. Gem Saloon W. H. FROST, Prop. Oor. Market and GreenSt. THIBODAUX, LA. BILLIARD ROOM, BAR ROOM an RESTATJ RANT, ALBERT J. LASSEKLNE NOTARY PUBLIC. RACELAND.LAFOURCHE, LA. Office hours from 8 a. in. to r, p. m. Any Notarial business promptly and car fully attended to. Ooinplsxicn Preserved L>a. MEBRA'S c 1 W I h - ;•»' ta K-'s iiSa^ilEh x,; i Ujinovor Pr.-ckls.?, Ptmples. t.ivvi- - Males. Blackhca:!.:, Saabura an.', Taa, and r - stores ihe akin to its origi lial ir.'shne: a. y-oducing ; cl?ar and healthy tomL,.,. ,,,, pl exion. Superior to all face'.' vrepanitions and perfeetlv harmless. At all druggists,.or mailed forSOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA bKirl SOAP i, Binin'r InrompjireMe as a * ill piciiV.nt; Sonp, Ra oiLa!-'! f,.r the t -il ?. at: l without a rival for th«* nurvrr. Ah>olutclr pure anJ delicately m«.-dl uv.-b At »:rue?istA. Price 25 Cents. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, 0. rccei I ■ • 1 1 :r >f Id I w; su rr I lift Jhoy vvlto w.:s had been playincr a was vny fired. Oa< 1 ani smi n in -ay. was not hoy ; in- did nut mind hi,, sometimes utteied words I ever to hear com childicn lie was a genel oils. mi l; y wlnie and s idavnialos. motiief. and do not u i..!i lips; but kind of a hoy tor ail that, and was quite a fav rite. "1 am afraid. ('fi l-j,. 11' o ll b 1 1 hi< mn lorn lie." said I. . ry : i.i- 1 s a VP! v X 'W. if You Y.i'l t* >:i'.il \ on tin u ii h • v. i red Char lie. >ooi: ing up ini 0 my face fearlessly. Would you 1,' ■ p a llatighiy boy. Ulie? Does iie di serve lii.s mother's iness ?" 'i i s i sliould !:« ■op him 1"said Ulcr lie again gether. m that tit nil lit I V. t.m into and led. '-d,. v. Willie ll, l aim! mot! uuruiv .'lull V I', ll ll'lli . i a naughty ho ought to ii• ■ kej-.r by a or 2 lie is - i.-.,:bei!u:ut every way." "Now auntie," replied the ii; —"imu aiinrie. do you think !u he good if his mother did m him? lshonld keep Mm and make him hetlei Here was his answer. How mothers act upon little Oh: rhe's o so lute reply. "I should keep him!'' He is my boy; God gave him to me. lb may be umiutitnl and disobedient sometimes, tut 1 sii ilJ keep liim—work with him ami for him, still hoping, ami never quite despairing. Yes, children, the mother is the last to give up her child, through evil ie port and good report, in times of sick ness and sorrow ami trial, and even in crime, she will shield, she will love him, and pray for him, aud keep him always in her iteurt. And does not the blessed Savior show the same patience ami love to us all, His children, for whom He died ? Does he not wait "vet this year," that iliey may bring forth fruit ? He inter cedes for us, sends blessings ami mer cies and trials, all to Ming us back to Him. He will not let us go until we prove wholly recreant. Let us play that, as little Charlie said, "lie wiil keep us," and at last leecive us into His heavenly habitations. <4 , m | cuuid j kccp'ed ! > :i ' j ! 'Fid-Bits: Our capacity for affection is not to lie valued loo ligh'.lt genuine love is :::i aitie'e of theie should lie a generous sup; to her husband, who is in the hall he low: "Walter, dear?" "Yes. darling. "Yon gone yet, love?" "No. jet. "Are you in a lmrry, jief ?" "A little ptecions." "Could you come back .just a moment, dariing?" "Wiiui for. lovey ?" "Oil. fo- somctliing. deni;- ?" "\\ luit is it, birdie i "Oh,•come and see, darling." "I'm late now, litil, girlie " "Only for a moment, dean st." "Can't you sell me where I am. ; ot ?' "No, sweetheart.'' "All right !u« I'm coining." "You dear old boy " "You darling !" This is a bad case, but ten to one they'll get over it in timo. it.d h'h hi i'\<'i \ ucii-ordered household : but the harsh, cold and unsympathetic world is likely to do some giggling when a bride of a motitb stands at tiie head ot a second flight of stairs and calls down Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. AJ.AIMIING SPitEADO!'THIS !1I;I-: ID? DISEASE MUST HE CHECKED ii V > tGDKUlS 'IK Y "I RES. i ni :medy t~\ r\ correspondent sends in the following : There is no better or surer protection from Small Pox than Darbys Pro phylactic Fluid, a most pow erful disinfectant that will effectually prevent its spread ing and effect a cure, and is perfectly safe to use. It is endorsed and recommended by eminent physicians and chemists. "A member of my family was taken down with Small Pox. I immediately com menced to use Darbys Pro phylactic Fluid as a disinfect ant. It kept the atmosphere of the room pure and fresh, The patient was greatly reliev and not for a moment de lirions : was not pitted and was around the house again in three weeks, and no one else in the house took the dis ease. —John- VV. Parktnson. Editor of "The Caterer," Philadelphia, Pa. Get a bottle of the Fluid from your druggist. Price, 50 cents a bottle. FIFTY YEARS AGO. 1846—No. 32—1896. Bv UNCLE SILAS. the siege until the In the early Spring of 1840, one Half a century ago, times were lively in the United States. In February, at the close of Presi dent John Tyler's Administration a treaty had been effected between the the republic ot Texas and the govern ment ot the United States by which the former became incorporated into and formed one of the. latter. In 1836. the Texans were in revolt against the parent government of Mexico. This was a natural result tollowii.g the settlement of the wilds and prairies of Texas bv citizens al most exclusively of the United Stales. whose ideas and language were radi ealiy different trout those of the nation j of which they formed part. TlieMex-l icau government sent a fore- of tro.?'►.■; ! under command ofSanta Anna, who I .was probably the greate.-t gt-j:>■ r.;! ! that ev, r commanded a Me:;ica:i my to subjugate the n-vclted Tex and establish her power over id disaif- e'ed State. Ii s ;\:mv Sound a company of sol- j da is (-1 1 e.Vis in Fort Alamo near i 8an Antonio, among whom were the I renewiled David Cro.'kett and ilie somewi,:u famous Janies Bowie, I once a resident of the present Acadia | plantation near Thibodaux. This little band ofheroes, witlistood \ for several days and not i last man was slaughteied I was the Texan-flag lowered. ! Atier committing .several other in human and 1 1 eacln-ious acts Santa Anna caught up with the last armed force ot the insurgents near the San Jacinio liver, bet men Houston and Galveston. , Livouacing at night with the expec tation and intention of destroying the little hand ot patriots, far inferior to his own force in number, Santa Anna retired into his tent and was soon lost in pleasant dreams. But before the sun lose above the tree tops. General Sam Houston, with ids little army of 1 et'oie J t Mins, nutter the inspiring erv ot "Rein* niherthe Alamo" had wound* • d Santa Anna and captured him and his entire auny. Acknowledging the independence of Texas, Santa Anna, leaving oce leg biiried in the Texas soil, with his eon-maid. were paroled ami permitted to let am to their on n govei iiment. Tie tieuy, ihas foimed accord iiir the S.ianisli idea, was not res I'K lt (1 bv i in- Mexican government, aiihocgi, i In* new Republic remained mum lested until it was merged into that of this United States. Santa Anna had become the Presi dent ot Mexico, and, imagining in liia • •i: < = <!-■: -:D J mill', ,-wtV. that if lie coaid 1 .'.as a'ouo i:. cuabi easily "ben eiiiangied with atj whip aii:ai < Hen troop, and i he Mates. mass all the e : orthei ti ami M.liMOl 1 1 : a. 'i.v. I. a Treaty, ! '■ Unit, d i aiv Tav ■ ' ■ i Rough " i ; i:*y near the )iiin;l of ob i vat.o: d a fm t on i tatmiu-d a n mone a« an army . Tayloi hid erect k of lIn- 11 ver and • d sohiicis there f iff i bat ! lie Mex idvaliving necaine i alai in wais telt for i!:e - i nmoiaml, and umler a ■ m de 111 Folk for volunteers:, t ran lit,* :n»d drum was >11-. Wl-ll lean tr known, gi safety ot call Iruni 1 file sound beaid m ,-veiy town whilst ter. volun ''•eis u spomh-d wheie one was sum moned. Omaha \V r Boston)—! a let I er i rum ; ask ii g me i o hi: Dibofa Man (in : 1 a Vi* jusr received trieiul in l-Jlizzardvillc "gage a school teacher and I thou ■z!G pc ■iliaps yon— Boston Gill (hang It! iiY f - That will no, sir. Do von Miji ;him? <i ny unman of culture and 1 eti non • f.r w oil d ene.sonf to leave Boston ? "i >i i/./.rl ! d vi lie is a lively place in slimmer.' *'T io rmoineier goes to 20. 1 below z fig in winter. I suppose." "Yes, 111 nii •u u t ,: : her it gets up to 29° tielo v quit »* «»!'f v ■n a fi' r ( i*i istmas." •■1 lets ii !' f ,i v K ,M, d-delight i'ul prospect ! A f * • i no theaters, operas coueerls 01 • lectures the whole vear round ?" ' •WV'!, . Deacon Lunkhead generally g i \ * s ti s a little lecture ar the Fi iony ( p V*-|»! . 'g ' rayi-og meeting." "Anil pal 1 !ti k any woman in her right sense " iii ci mseut to bury her Seif in such it *»!:'• . vi hat became of the school I'Mflli ei \ 0 a had before? Bill site tie deal !l 0 }. commit sui Cide? "No, lodeed She got married. They get m allied off so fa-.t we can't keep oar selioo 1- o,.em" "Oh J The poor ! 1 ! t Ii* < -Oil. Ill n mustn't be allow ed u> grow lip 11. ...... i'K g'»*" nig ca i i:."i 11 - ( "Gall most 11 1 "Wh.,'.h. tlieir'goi d ••Hough io U ill i e Jesi droppe,! Ill Neplmw -•-! "And it's all try in' to pii i Muggins pole Will ■ V . didtl'l km: . >" on consider the ;ei isi u: of w omen ?" ■ c.\ in lose much of ' he i i:iey get old* 'ms . i! money ain't there?" I ncle Josh — •y folks that's — Pile • k tlie ninth Huggins—"I Reeoid (Fa.) Awarded Highest Honors —World's Fair, oa MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.