Newspaper Page Text
i.CirrtL SLIV £. The police jury met regular session. I liis week Always in season, Hopkins'Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch in Milk. jjew cases of small pox have been disco vei<•<! in Doniilsonvilie this week. Itlll'i iPitlon- c,stern SIS. IRttnGnlions, ISO ^.Uiggs.Y ISros. tin I'errtido St. Sew Orleans Tliihodaux is on a boom socially ; dam * pai ties and picnics are every dav occui dices. keep tour money in a good hank. Time deposits l draw interest and the smallest am ount will open an accouii. Bank of Tliihodaux. Er To Date. —Mrs. .1. N. Wrigli p,,|,i 'ai milliner wishes to inform lie friends and customers that she has received her stock of spiing and sum mer goods, viz : white and fancy dress goods. lawns, embroideries, best assortment of trimmings, trimmed and lintiiinined hats, baby caps, flowers, ribbons and fancy articles. Prices to suit the times. On Tuesday evening 5th, inst., a Surprise Party was given by some of oin young people, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pointer on St. Philip Sreet. The party was given in honor of Mrs. Pointer's guests, Miss Gussie Feitel and Miss Edna Joseph. When Bab}' was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she ls-eame Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The Times-Democrat, The Picayune, The States, The Cit v Item, The New York World, The New York Herald, The Catholic News, Detroit Free Press at S. T. G'isamore's News Depot. While ill Ktnckston, Cal., some time sigo, Tlios. F. Langati, of Los. Banos, that state, was taken very severely with cramps and diarrhoea. He chan ced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who was similarly afflicted. He says: "I told him of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and we went to the Holden Drug Store and procured a bottle of it. If gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and it eau vouch for its having cured me." Bale by all druggists. For Hon. H. N. Conlon represented the Parish of Lafourche on the Board ot Assessors which recently met in La fayette for the purpose of assessing railroad property. Uucklens Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gnar anted to give perfect satisfacion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box 1 For sale by Thibodaux Drug Store. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a copy of The Times Demo crat Almanac for 18%. It is in reality what it claims to be a cyclopedia of Useful historical, statistical, political and general information. It can be had from the Times Deiuocrnt for the sum of'25cts. Whooping Cough. There is no danger from this dis ease when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and aids its expectora tion. It also lessens the severity and frequency of paroxysms of coughing and insures a speedy recovery. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. For Bale by all druggists. We have been requested to say that the Executive Committee on Monu ment will meet tomorrow at5:30 p. m. in the Catholic Knight Hall on Main strut. and the members and officers of that committee aio requested to at f t mb LIST nr L/ITTLIUS and Postal Cards remaining Thibodaux Post I Mfice. May It 11 , 1890. at the Ramin Jnlm Amo- Kate Coiman Sio-in Ancoui 1 .«*t>ii ti-.t Ferivtii K,:itio.v.-,i Ibigmmii Killi]i|n> I'ugghm Giovanni t'< iltl'.H Ron/o Giovami Xuali -.a Morris 11'Amien Keller John v l.omollo Vim im-'i boo Billee Johnson Willi ito .Ionise .lotinov I' oi Igniazin Wilson Sutloniii ; Letters. ('.'I Korrotto Kranci Oaloo Ginvm'.i J. CURTIS. P. M. FEKSONALS. v as a visitor to l was (livvn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naquin, spent a day at Kneel,mil this week. I Mr. Clay Rousseau. Thiboilnux mis week. Mr. II. H. Michelet of New Oileans, paid us a pleasant, call Monday. Mr. Numa Riviere and wife visited Lock port this week. Mr. Simon Abraham, was among the many visitors to our tow n. Mr. Scuddy Frost, visited Lafayette oil a business trip this week. Mr.Lawrence Pugh,a popular barrister of Assumption, was in town Friday. Mr. Emile Adolph of Assumption, Thursday. Miss Hilda Loeb of Morgan City is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Sam Blum. Misses Pauline Kling and Athalie Delaune, of Napoleonvillc, were in tow n last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Dims. Koudieaux, a prominent planter of Assumption, was in town Monday. Miss fhlile Richard, a pleasant young lady of our town, speut*a few days in Lockport. Miss Stella Blum, after spending two weeks in Donaldsonville visiting relatives, returned home Thursday. Mr. Ozeme Naquin, a piominent citizen of out town, visited the Teche this week. Mrs. Julia Breen and Miss Bertha Oschwald, who have been oe the sick list for the last three weeks, are now convalescent. Miss Celine Folse, a charming young lady of Talieu, spent the week in our midst, the guest of Miss. Harriet Bou dreaux. Mrs. Sam Blum left Wednesday for Morgan City on a visit to her parents. She was accompanied try her sister Miss Hilda Loeb who hud been spend ing a tew days with Mr. and Mrs. Blum. Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit teis. This medicine does not stimu late and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance ot the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people Ijnd it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at Thibodaux Drug Store. We reproduce elsewhere the address of the Democratic State Central Com mittee. It declares that Gov. Foster and the rest of the Democratic State ticker have beeu undoubtedly elected and that the Democracy of the State will see to it that these officers will he declared elected according to the constitution and laws of the State, and seated, accordingly, Iu view of the threats ot revolution ami violence made by the other side, and their expressed purpose to have Pharr counted in and seated, it was pertinent that the Democratic party should speak iu no uncertain tones on the issue before the people. The Democratic party, believing itself to be in the light, believing that it is acting within the law and under the sanction of the constitution and that it is sustained by the will of the ma joiity, does not propose to abandon miy of its lights. If it, did less, its members would deserve to be classed as cravens, which they are not. It, says to the people you have elected Gov. Foster, our nominee, and, with your aid we propose to see him take his place. The people will staud by the com mittee. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City. 111., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that, there was no hope for hei but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consump tion, tiied without result everything else then bought, one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery nml in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It is such results, ot which these are samples, that prove tlie won derful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Thibodeaux Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and 81.00. Sugar cane is growing finely and is in a generally llomishiug condition, week was ett crop. and the weather of the tiielv favorable to this Jnst now everybody is beginnig to; ! taken Spiing Medicine. Aud it is a, | good tiling to do provided you take j Simmons Liver Regulator—the best Spring Medicine. It's a sluggish liver that clogs the system and makes bad blood. A dose a day of Simmons Liver j Regulator will make a new man out of j you. and a new woman too. Look for ' ' ! | ! Impure Blood Scrofula Breaks Out 5n Running Sores by The Poison Perfectly Cured Hood's Sarsaparilla. " A year ago a sore came on one of my limbs. It spread, and coon four others, Which proved to be as bad as tko first, broke out. I couid not account for them and my physician did not seem to do mo any good. The erup tions would spread to the size of a half dollar, and the flesh would become uleer ated nearly to the bone. I finally de cided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and af / ter taking severa" Mr. C. D. fovingtea bottles of the medi FarmcrviiU;, La. cine I am glad to say that my limb is now perfectly well, and I am in better health than I have been for some time. Soon after the sore3 appeared I was compelled to take my bed, but Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla I nm now enjoying good health. I con sider Ilood's Sarsaparilla a good medicine tc keep in the family for general U3C. I gladly send you this testimonial, as I Sarsa parilla iff Hood's M. Jl**^*/*/*. C ures would like evory ■offerer to know the value of Hood's Sar ■aparilla in a case like mine." C. D. Cov ington, Farmerville, Louisiana. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner •ills, assist digestion, prevent constipat ion. 25o "THEY CAN 77 !' GO BEHIND THE RETUliyS Under this caption we reproduce in another column an able aiticle from the Daily States, written by an ex justice of the Supreme Court, giving a lucid interpretation of the powers ot the general assembly in the matter ot counting the vote for governor and promulgating the result. The arti cle is well reasoned and the conclu sion reached unassailable. That con clusion is. that tho general assembly has no power to go behind the returns in counting the vote for Governor. As our reader know, that is the Sentinel's opinion on this important question which is 1 now agitating peo ple. It is hard to conceive how any other constiuction can be put upon the constitutional provisions regula ting the subject. It must be borne iu mind, when considering this matter, that the point is not what ought the law to In*, but what, ix the law. Whatever is the law, we should bow to its majesty, and unite in its en forcement, let the result be what it may. The Republicans claim that Cupt. Pharr has been elected and counted out. The Democrats deny this. The returns show the election of Governor Foster by 27,009 majority. If the con stitution provides, as there is no doubt it does, for the counting the votes troiu the returns, the votes should be so counted and Foster declared elected. We cannot afford to violate the consti tution, to remedy a fancied wrong. If the constitutional provisions be defi cient in ibis respect, the leniedy lies in amendment, not hi violation, of these provisions. The Sentinel has faith iu the wis dom, prudence, integrity and conser vatism of the majority of the members of the general assembly and it be'ieves they will be guided by the constitution and look after the general welfare. It believes that even among Republican senators and representati ves-elect, there tire such wise and conservative men, who, although they may firAily believe their party lias been wronged, would not. violate the constitution to right such imagined wrong. Ayer's Pills are recommended by leading physicians and druggists as the most prompt and efficient remedy fur biliousness, nausea, costiveness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver and sick headache; also, to relieve cold, fevers, neuralgia, and rheuma tism. ARRIVALS AT THE STRANGERS' HOTEL. j j Mrs Win Heywooil. George Hey wood. Miss Lottie Water- Miss Pluiebe Waterbary, Sig K. V simiiii. Kay L. Iioyie. E. S. Denise, Heywood Celebrities, Ilv. Det erges, Krncst Loeb, K. O. Bertrand. C. ('. Crawford, A. Hive, Geo St-Clmr, Col Wash David. K. U. Kearney. I*. B. Omveiiberg R. Divgard. Klie Blmn. .j. Grossman. D. L. Johnes*. B. K. ■lines, M. Fern. \. \\ . Whitehead. Ferd Jorhert. K. ,1. Xnieghton. Ar-ine Penibat. j Miss L Kavrot. J. Kirkinan. New Orleans. ' K. S. Colin, Miss K. Howard. New York. Win ! T. Jackson * wife.,I. M. Xabes. L. Williams, ' Nt-Lonis; ('apt. .J. Shatter. Kd McCulluin, ■ .1 Tucker. L F. Davidson, Iloiuna : W. M. Sloum Shreveport: das Davenport. K. ' Corrigan. Bayou Sarah, E. C Morvanr. T. D. ' Ken*. Kniile Ledet, II. Toups. dos Jettries. M. Cartriil, H. X. Conlon. Dave Se illy. E. Adolph. Lafonndie; Geo Buckler, E 1 Mail ing, Livingston; L. (labile, I>. Landrv, ! Lockport: S. Abraham, Kaceland ; W. A. | Pomerade, Capt Garland, Memphis; H. ! Weithman, Doualdsonville. The most grizzly anti faded beard can be colored beautifully by Buck ingham's Dye. 1844-1896. ^ For over half £ a century the Mrs. Thos. Alberti -lias served the traveling public at the- CORNER OFtlKEKX ANI> TH1 IIODAt X STREETS. Enlarged and thoroughly equipped, it to-day ranks equal to any First ^ Class il< tel in the South, with modern Improvements, and alia fastidious publieean require. | STBANGEBS' HOTEL, Thibodaux, La. 7imimiumuMiUUiUiiUiuuuuiumMmumuu^ C.LAZARD Co. Limited TEL OLD RELIT! ILL OL E PRICE CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS AND HATTERS 29, 31 AND 33 CANAL ST- COR. NORTH PETERS, Ml U ORLEANS LA May 26-1*4 lyr. THIBODAUX Shoe and Ha t Store, (on Il~l= m rV?.] L: A PROSPEROUS HOME. Husband. — " Why, it's just a year ago tomorrow that we were married." Wife. — " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of shoes that I was married in, and they are not half worn out." Husband .— 11 So am I." Wife. — "Why, how strange. Mine were made by the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed." Husband — "And mine are their Men's $4.00 Shoe." " Well, let's stick to them for shoemakers for the rest of our lives, for their shoes wear as finely as they look." HAMILTON-BROWN SHOE CO. FOR SALE AT TH& Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store Corner Main and !$t. Philip Streets, Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store. Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats of the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. A.U goods as represented; Emile J. BRAUD, Proprietor. FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr., THIBODAUX Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables JACKSON STREET. FicstClass HEARSE WITH Heavy Wliit* or Black Drapery. THE FINES'! * Carriages BOTh Open & Close 'Av Etc., Etc. Finest, and L argest Assortment of Cask ets and Coffins G^Carriages always heady with neat and careful drivers. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, op on JACKSON STREET, where I am prepared to do all work in that line Horseshoeing tv Specialty.