reported that the prices of rice
tfcf.Lt present and U is much to
** improve to enable the glowers of
fgSZ^V**** the rise.
ii» J N. Wright popular Milliner
* * hand *.me fine hats trimmed
JJ antrimmed at reduced puces.
®te her * ca |*' _ # _____
it k aid bounty checks will reach
"e*t week. Many an anxious
JSter is longing for thcur^
TJ)ib«danx Fir*Co. No 1 anil Home
and Ladder Co. No 1 will give
fflrtcnraion to New Orleans ou or
iboot September 20, 1896.
^'J^siS^ank. Time deposits
Stw islerest and the smallest am
Hit niu open an acconn. Bank
_ ________
fhehomeof Mr. and Mrs. J. Scud
in Levron has been blessed by the
ijvat of a little girl, the third of the
ha8?____ # __
The ladies who take a kindly inter
_t j,, tbfe afiairs of Mount Carmel
Carat will find something which
them in a notice published
for Infant s and Children.
Tbs indent query, "Hot enough for
r«r was hurled without mercy this
irtrk at every passer-by on the streets,
Trait, the weather was trying enough
without being reminded of it at every
tun. Still, such is the force of habit
with rmue that they cannot keep
themselves from trotting ont the
The drought has been affecting the
crepe union sly. Hereabouts the cane
leedi min very badly, and will be
acre er lees injured by the want of it.
Sewe from the Northern part of the
Bite ie to the effect that the drought
will cut the cotton crop at least 30 per
"It ie the beet patent medicine in
the world" it what Mr. E. M. Hartman
efMarqnam, Oregon, says of Cham
bediiii's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. "What leads me to make
this usertinn is from the fact that
lyienterv in its worst forms was prev
alent aronnd here last summer and it
sever took over two or three doses of
that remedy to effect a complete cure."
For ale by all druggists.
Republican methods are at work in
'the East. Employers are issuing their
orders to their employees to vote for
MeKinlev sod Hobart. Republican
bosses here will soon be doing the
tsae, and, then, they will begin de
sooocine Democratic intimidation.
The Republicans are great hands at
playing the "stop thief game."
Oar manufacturers complain of the
wwwinil of the duties, and yet the
'•tatistic* for the fiscal year ending
done 1896 show that they have export
ed goods to the value of over $228,
wO.OOO, quite an increase over the ex
portation of previous years. But some
people are never satisfied.
The latest reports are to the effect
the price of sugar is looking up 1
.PP 08 ** the price waits awhile to do
'looking up" about the time when
planters have their uew sugat on
market; that will be more profit
able to the planters.
Still, the reports, if true, are eucour
Bncklens Arnica Nalre.
I he Best Salve in the world for
3 Bruises, Bores, Ulcers Salt
w«am, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped
Rk™? ^'i'B'laius, Corns, and all
jr™ Eruptions, and positively cures
*es, or no pay required. It is guar
b» give perfect satisfacion or
oey refunded. Price 23 cents
box- F nr
reception on the tapis for
dJ) »• lll8t- P r "Uiises to be a spleu
whl k >r * ^ ot '*' u g will be left undone
arena make the reception the
tnnli**! °1'* 8 kind, and it is
that the blaze of enthusiasm for
"j* coinage lighted up in New York
j^^spiead like a praiiie fire ever the
As it ia, the fact cannot be deuied
____"* * eoinage is making rapid
CSv*. 10 EaBt. Again we are
••W that gl/ *** a t "Bills uot
Sister Faustine and Miss Bella Bar
ker, left last Saturday for Baldwin.
Mrs. Emile J. Brand visited rela
tives down the Bayou, last Wednes
—*—Fernandez of New Or
the guest of Miss Mamie
Mrs. —
leans is
Mrs. H. W. Tabor and Mrs. Julia
Breene, are visitiug relatives on the
Mr. Jos. Oscliwahl is spending some
time at Biloxi, Miss., for the benefit ol
his health.
Miss Mary O'Sullivan, of New Or
leans, is visiting her grandfather Mai.
C. Lagarde.
Messrs. T. Shephard and Emile
Hebert of Na]ioleonville, were in town
last Saturday.
Miss Vivian Knoblnch and brother.
Master Eugene, are visiting relatives
in Morgan City.
Miss Octavie Ledet and Miss Edith
Knobloch, ot Lower Lafourche, vitited
our town this week.
Messrs. Willie Gasaie and Mark
Levert of West Baton Rouge, are visi
ting the family of Mr. E. U. Morvant.
Mrs. J. A. Dalferes, her two little
step-daughters, and Mr. Camille Dal
feres, are spending some time with
relatives in town,
Mr. James Beary, the popular and
efficient sheriff of Lafourche, left last
Wednesday for New York, where he
will remain some time with relatives.
Mrs. Win. Carver, accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Josephine, and son
Mr. Edward, of Assumption, after
spending some time iu town with rel
ative left last Tuesday for St. Mary's
Mrs. M. Naquin and her daughter
Miss Einiline returned last Saturday
from a mouth's sojourn with the fami
ly of Mr. Allred Naqnin in Rockport,
Texas. They were much benefited by
the trip.
Previously acknowledged.......$222 40
Through Mrs. W. C. Kagan
Mrs. Neiuour Bourn and
Mrs Emma Lambert.
Rev. A. Duboorg.............$ 20 00
•• Kletter............... 20 00
W. H. Price.................. 25 00
Emanuel Choi and Ladv..... lt> 00
Pauline Choi................. 5 00
Villier Delaune.............. 1 00
B.T. Blake and Lady........ 15 00
Mrs. Cecilia Blake.......... 5 00
Tbos. Smith.................- 1 0®
J. A Trone.................. 1 ®»
Kolb Drug Co. Lim'd........ 5 00
Donor........................ 5 00
Thibodaux Cycling Clab....." 5 00
E. L Toups................. 1 00
H.V.Toupa.................. 100
Henry Kiviere and Lady..... 9 50
Bertha Review.......... 50
Bt. * Iliarlea Hr. 336 C. K. of A. 5 00
B. Rosenberg A Bone of N. O. 5 00
Tkos. Riviere.......... 5 00
Emile Kiviere................ 10 00
K. J. Braud.................. 1 00
A. Bouron................... 2
John B. Taylor............... 5 00
Mrs. Thus McDermott........ 1 00
Edgar K. Riviere........... 2 00
Dr. Louis Meyer and Lady... 5 00
" Albert ...... 5 00
L. C. Schneider.............. 2 50
Truville Onillot.............. . "0
Jos. N. Thibodaux............ I 00
Louis A. Riviere and Lady... 1 00
Nuuia Riviere and Lady...... I 00
Robert J. Naquin.....-..... 5 00
Chas. J. Couleu.............. 5 00
Jno. McCulla 8i. aud Lady... 10 00
Miss Ella Coiutmeut......... 1 00
Ellis Braud's Sous............ 20 00
Miss Alice Hunt.............. 5 00
Emily Kiviere...........- 5 00
Vivian Brand............... 50
Naunle " 50
Nnrah ** 50
Daunis " 50
Emile.J Brand and Lady.... 3 00
Eddie Gianellaoui.......... • 00
J. L. Aucoin............. 10 00
Dr. J. H. Fleetwoou.......... 5 00
Mrs. Adrieu Molaison........ 1 00
E. Legendre and Lady....... 2 50
M's. James Wright.......... 1 00
" Arthur Alberti.......... 1 00
F. Sancau......... 5 00
Elrie Webre.......... 1 00
Edw. Roberts................. 1 00
- 271 50
Total................ 1493 90
(To be continued)
A white man, named S. F. Hawley
died last Wednesday in the parish jail
where he was confined on a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses.
Dr. C. A. Bourgeois, who viewed the
body, certified that death had resulted
from alcoholism. The deceased had
been here some time ago, canvassing
for the sale ot a washing machine anti
it seems had some transaction with
Mr. Roman Cointment which culmina
ted in the charge stated. He was ar
rested in Covington and brought back
last Sunday* by Constable Caro to an
swer tlie said charge.
The authorities telegraphed to some
pnities with whom lie seemed to have
been in correspondence, announcing
his sad death, bat no answer was re
In Grave's Tasteless Chill Teak; yon
know what yon are taking. It is sim
ply Iron aud Quinine in a tasteless
form. It Is sold on a guarantee—
Si etre Si pay. Price 50c.
Makes fife misery to thousands of
people. It manifests itself in many
different ways, like goitre, swellings,
running sores, Imils, salt rheum qnd
pimples and other eruptions. Scarce
ly a man is wholly tree from it, in
some form. It clings tenaciously until
the last vestige of scrofulous poison is
eradicated by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
One True Blood Purifier.
Thousands of voluntary testimonials
tell of suffering from scrofula, often
inherited and most tenacious, positive
ly, perfectly and permanently cured by
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass.
Me sure to get Hood's am! only Hood'3.
, w ., rt-it are the be-t after-dinner
riOOd S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 25c.
Tim ladies intending to take part in
the fair to be given for the benefit of
Mount Carmel Convent, are kindly re
quested to meet al the Convent par
lors, August 18th at 5 o'clock p. m.
The object of the meeting being to
elect officers and form committees of
Sisters of Mt. Carmel,
We had the pleasure last Saturday
of a visit from Mrs. T. T. Fields, asso
ciate editor of the New Enterprise pub
lished in the parish ot Avoyelles. Mrr.
Fields was here on a visit to her wor
thy parents Mr. vud Mrs. H. H. Good
wyn, so that although this was her
first visit to our town, she came uot as
Mrs. Fields is an accomplished lady
and desei vedly popular as a newspa
per woman. She helps to put forth
an enterprising and interesting sheet.
She left last Tuesday for her home
in the Creole parish of Avoyelles.
One night when Sir. Isaac Reese was
stopping with roe says M. F. Hatch, a
prominent merchant of Quartermaster
Washington, I heard him groaumg
On going to his room I found him
suffering from cramp colic. He was in
snclt agony I feared lie would die.
hastily gave him a dose of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. He was soon relievedand the
flrstwords he uttered were, "what was
that stuff yon gave me f" I informed
him. A few days ago we were talking
about his attack and he said he was
never without that remedy uow. I
have used it in my family for several
years* I know its worth and do not
lesitate to reeeoiuroend it to my
friends and customers. For sale by
all druggists.
■■ • - m • m —
Tbe Populist convention which re
cently sat in Alexandria denounced
the Republican party in as unmeas
ured terms as it did tbe Democratic
party. Now, what is the matter with
oar popalite friends T It has not been
many moons since they were "cheek
by jowl" with the Republicans (hey
now so roundly abase, niakiug com
mon cause with them against Democ
racy. Is it a case of broken promises
ou the part of some leaders or what ?
Be sore to get Simmons Liver Regu
lator for yonr Spring Medicine. It's
the old reliable that did the old folks
so much good. Don't let anyone per
suade you to take anything eise in
stead. You can always tell Simmous
Liver Regulator by the Red Z on the
package. Dou't forget the word Reg
ulator—Simmons Liver Regulator—
better than anything else, and sure to
do you good.
Some of tbe prominent young peo
ple of our town organized a surprise
party last Wednesday, and captured
the hospitable borne of Mr. and Mis.
E. U. Morvant, of Rienzi Plantation
without the least trouble. The secret
bad been so well kept and the manoeu
vring so skillful, that tbe geuial host
and hostess were completely taken
by surprise and gracefully surrendered
at the firing of the first gnn. Tlie
brave besiegers were amply rewarded,
for nothing was spared by their hosts,
assisted by tbeir fair daughters, to
afford them an agreeable time. They
all enjoyed themselves to their hearts'
The Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis. Alderman Chica
go, says : "I regard Dr. King's New
Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for
Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints,
having used it ray family for the last
five years to the exclusion of the phy
sician's prescription or other prepara
Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa
writes : "I have been a Minister of
tbe Methodist Episcopal Church fnr 50
years or more, aud have uever found
anything so beneficial, or that gave
me such speedy relief as Dr. King's
New Discovery." Try this Ideal
Congli Remedy now. Trial Bottles
Free at Thibodaux Ding Store.
We have had stunning "scorchers"
this week. We allude to the weather,
not to cyclists.
1184 4 - 1896 .
For over half
a Century the
Mrs.Thos Alberti ~
'—Has served the traveling public at tin I
Enlarged and thoroughly equipped, it to-day ranks equal to any l ir»t
[ Class Hotel in tlie South, w : lth modern Improvements, and alia fastidious
public can require.
STRANGERS' HOTEL Thibodaux, La. |
unarm ■.«.
the u. S. Military ana naval Academies ana any oiner uaiTmu, »■
Technical School or a thorough course in Arithmetic, Grammar and
those subjects which are uaed in business life. For Catalogue address
TUB UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Climate especially adapted to boys from the far South
Shoe and Hat Store,
Husband. — "Why, it's just a year ago tomorrow that we were
Wife " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of
shoes that I was married in, and they are not half worn out."
Husband. —" So am I."
Wife. — "Why, how strange. Mine were made by the Hamilton
Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed."
Husband. — "And mine are their Men's $4.00 Shoe."
" Well, let's stick to them for shoemakers for the rest of our lives, for
their shoes wear as finely as they look."
Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store
Corner Main and St. Philip Streets,
Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store.
Where can tye found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats ot
the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition. All
goods as represented.
Emile J. BRAUD, Proprietor.
Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables
Heavy White
or Black Drapery.
Open & Close
Etc., Etc.
VfnAst and Largest Assortment of Caskets and Coffins
^Carriages al ways kkady with kkat akp careful drivers.
Blacksmith and Wheelwright,
op on JACKSON STREET, where l>m prepared to do nil work in that linn
Horseshoeing a Specialty.