Newspaper Page Text
HMtf jr TOkta* I JOURNAL OP THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Offioial iTouxnal oi tfa* Wmxim 3 x of X-ffiicruroh.® and GKaazdiaa. of tHa Zzxtaraat of tha Town. vol. xxxn. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1896. OfflOUL Brin Omow. . Morphy J Foster of 8t. MarT ..R. H-Snyder of Tensas John T. Michel of Orl-ans 1*' •fcTrt'u . W. w. Heard of Union Fonrnet of 8t-Mar in JKftTij.CtlBaingham Natchitoch's Ig fth M~ .J- V- Calhoon, of Orleans *** (J,«. 81KATORS. grits SiMAToas. I ................Terrebonne .. Lafonrehe f, L Howetl igppas gorswM Const. oujj-i f. T. Nieholls of Orleans ..J.A. Bream.of Iberia H. C. Miller of Orleans g. D. McEnery, of Onachita L.B. Watkins, Bed Btrer. { H>y g H0 or ArraaLs, Fifth Circuit. ..........of St- Bernard. |,gfcaik ...............of 8t. Mary. 3 rd-Congressional Diet. ..................of Lafonrehe a Jadicial District. . ... .............L. P. Caillonet. J..............L. C. Moiae fiiMiOrncuu. ............M- Delaane. ......... L. A. Troslair. „..............Dr. I. J. Ayo. WdCasrt..............C. J-Barker. S . ................. Jas Beary ..................A* J. Brand. flEhurts!............... Sentinel ..........a. Abribat Jr lflWird M " M " Itk * a « a u 7ft " a *• a " m m MUCK JUBOH3. .........Emile U. Morvant .....j. Lnnis Aucoin, Pres't ........Marcellin Bergeron ...............J. 0. Toupfl ............L. J. Trosclair .......Jean Rodrigoe ...........Jules Godcham .............Leon Falgont ..........Loreney LeBlanc ............J. P. Bourgeois !iu& ...............H. Clement ,, l ..........C. A. Engerran \ .............N. T. Bourg « .............E. P. Bernard m jvsncu or the pkacb. 1st Ward...............H. Clement U a v ...........■ a ^ .................E. B. Ayo a. " ..................F. Tonps " ..............John Darden 74 « ...............Ed. Birdaall a " ...............B. Penonilh a " ..............Ernest Fornt B4 " .................A. Cretin* CONSTABLES. M Ward............Clias. Bergeron *1 „ ) ..............0. L. Caro " \ ...............A. Roger hd *• .......J. D. Bernard a " ...........Edgard Barrios a " ............William Fields a " .............Leopold Gros % " .............L. Robichaos a " ..........John Dominique a *■ ...............Albert Ayo ...............Joa. Remont Dunriei Commission Kits. JM S*. 1-Tbs*. Bssry, O. Antbdmsat £-Tho«. Barker, Oscar Anthft *H6.J.QsWry. ^B nis.j.~ | ) . J, Trotclalr. J. L. LeBlaac, a» um Lams Insfectors. I................M. L. Beigeron. ! •...............KaiileToaps .............A. Boudreaa ' «•................J.T. LeBlanc XuniariL OmccRs. a. C Ragan; Council men, R. I* A. J. Mayer, J. Lonis Aacom, Alberti T. P. Bergeron, and fcmstt. y- - -.............P. L. Brand. *"*•»................ JNaqoin yn Xi tiV'L"""".......... H. N. Coulon * ** * »■»•.............Mrs. J. Curtis School Board. srI* CRri ' 1 «President; W. P. Mar terintssdent and secretary ; .... r-—-Sana Elfer Chas. 8 Math faww, W E. Howell, J. L. •ae-Rniis Toaps tm*"* 4 ** Baiaen Committke. .■ I f y *- President; ........... ™*jk Zeroott. J. L. Aucoin. ■Wfost and L. J. Troselair. SeinUfio Amaricaa Afancy for avun, j™#* MARKS, ■laow r atkm-A tSSSZXtl**?* Kradboo* wriM to imiP-teotw. as* you. •-■teMw ir. Maw You. —.mTSS 1 Patent, la Anrriea §w»ifaii Paper .. .. lathe _____ s —s, K< > Intelligent SILVER OR GOLD. Better than either is a healthy liver. If the liver is 0. K. the man is O. K. His blood is'kept pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon the questions of the day. You all know what to r^ e - * ou Lave known it for years. --- ~ OH lb y t It is Simmons Liver Regulator /JLLLiZLlULJh - - - v . 1aT t V11M }J For yean you and your fathers nave found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeilin & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has the Red Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so good. A SENSIBLE MAN! Coven hi* steam pipeiag and drama with Carey'S Asbestos-Magnesia Sectional Cover ®fl[* Fl -w m- - - -___ , , write tor price# on roofing building and Uatng papers and engineers' supplies, to DArruov * routs. ■ S. 7. 810 Ualon Btreet few Orleans NOTICE! , a. THE STEAMER LOUISIANA 30mm ,MTN DonaldsonTille on Sunday, Taeeilay and Tharsday at 6 o'clock a. m., passing NapoleanvUle at 8:15 a. n>.. Thibo* mz a* 10:30, connecting with 11 a. m. train; arriecantLoekport at 8p. m. Leaves Lock port on Mondar. Wednesday and Friday, ate a. n. passing Thibodanx at f>:30 a. m., NapolaonvtUe at 13:90; arrives at Donaldsoavilm at 3:30 p. m„ making close connection with the T. h P. 3:45 train for New Orleans. On hntnrdny, makes the rannd trip from Donaldsenvilleto Thibodanx and back ALBERT J. LA8SEIGISE NOTARY PUBLIC. RACELAND, LAFOURCHE, LA. Oflfoe hoars from la. m.toBp. m. Any Notarial business promptly and ear fallT attended to. Prami pr. heeha'E VtOU CREAM dear and healthy .. plexion. Bnperlortoallf itfons and bea te e B y harmless. At all or mailed for fOcts. lend for drcnlar. nOlf KM IIMr h Mamte hiwnnll, m a sMs awsyias a*# nunsi nr ts, mm. m ium » SnlhriaAtMir. iMM, am «M Stllm i l j m* TteQXjInTNy* CO., ToMo, O. fCRRYSi 1 SEED 5 J Perftct seeds {WS _ r p«jr Ui* crops. Perfect seeds ^ Psre not grown by cluuice. Notb-^ /Ing leever left to chance In grow ' lag P er r y ' s Me eds . H#si*ra*ell 1 f them everywhere. Write for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL for 1894. Brimful of valuable i . Inftmnatloa shout best and new -1 seeds. Free by A ML * CO.. High Tlm« to Interfere. ••The civilised nations of the world will surely interfere in Cobs now," said the pence loving mnn with a shudder. , , . "More barbarity f" asked the roan who rather liked a good fight. _ "Only in prospect," replied the peace-loving man, "but it will be sim ply awful if Weyler is allowed to car rt out his present plan." * "They have let him do pretty mneb as lie pleased so far." "Very true. But he has never at tempted anything so atrocious as this and I find it difficnlt to believe that it will be permitted." „ "What does he propose to do T "Run a trolley line along the tro cha."—Chicago Post. THE POLICE JURY. ORDINANCES. Ordiaaacc Ns. 1M. Whereas acting onriei and by virtue of Act No. 137 of the General Amrabl? of this Stale, approved Jnlv 9th. 1896, entitled an Act "To preserve the purity of the ballot by regulating the manner of holding and con ducting elrcHona etc. throughout the State, ami te repeal all lawa or parts of Uwa con flicting therewith. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Pariah of l.atou-ehe in meeting assembled that the various Police Jury Wards oom prtacd in this Parish, are hereby divided into, and the following are hereby designa ted as election precincts and polling olaocs. vis: Police Jh rjf Ward No. I. Proeenct No. 1—Shall comprise all that portion of this Parish tying between the upper port of the Parish, right hunk of Bayou La fourche. and the npper line of the 8t. John's Chapel lot including the Brulce Chene Vert, with polling ptaoes at or near the Webre Plantation. Precinct No. S—Shall comprise the remain der ot the Police Jury Word No. 1, with a polling place at or tieor the Rayon Lafonrehe end of the Brulce Guillot Laue or road. Police Jury Ward No. 2 Precinct No. 1—Shall extend from the low er limits of the Ridgefleld t'lrntation to the Up|>er line of the Acadia Plnntation, with polling place at nr near the Court House In the town of Tbihndauv. Precinct No. 2—Shall extend from the up per line of the Acadia Plantation to Lafour che Crossing, with a poll at or near Arsene Bereeron's residence. Precinct No. 3—Shall extend from the rear o! the Acadia plantation or bayon Blue, east bank, to the bridge over the bayou Lacroix, with polling place at or near Orville lliibodaux's residence. Precinct No. 4—Shall extend from said bayou Lacroix to the extreme limits of the settlement, with a polling place at or near the residence of Demetrius Hotard. Pn'ict Jury Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 1—Shall extend from La fourche Ci timing to the lower line of Louis Bourgeois' place, with a polling place at or near the residence of the late Jules Thibo danx. Precinct No. 2 —Shall extend trom the low er lio* of Lonis Bourgeois' nlace to the lower line of Louis Martin's place, with polling place at or near the store formerly kept by Loviaey Folse. Precinct No. 3—Shall extend from the low er line of Louie Martin's to upper line of Ur ala LeBlanc, with polling place ator near the store formerly kept by Ben Folse. Police Jury Ward No. 4. Precinct No. 1—Shall extend from the up per line of Crain LeBlane's to the lower line of the plantation owned by Jean Claudet, with a polling place at Lockport. Free;net bo. 2—Shall extend tram the lower line of Jean Claudet's plantation to the lower line ol i. T. Usdeaux's place, with polling place at or ucar Aristide Delauno's place. Preeinet No. 3—Shall extend from the lower Hue of J. T. Badeanx's place to a point opposite Harang's Canal, with a polling place at or ..ear the store formerly hept by E. H. Lacroix. Police Jury Ward No. 5. | Preeinet No. I—Snail extend from the up per line of the Parish, left bank, eighty ar _ — _ * _ ~L a.. »l,n Mnnew linn nf V T. Dltislt*a Preeinet No. 2—Shall extend from the up per line of Live Oak plantation with a depth ot eighty arpents, to the npper line of the Collins plantation, now owned by Dranxin Caneienne, with polling place at or near the store formerly owned uy H. N. Conlou, now by T. C. Carver. Precinct No, 3—Shall extend from the up per line ef Drausin Caneienne's place to La fourche Crossing, including the Co tea u Bon dreanx, with polling place at or near Mrs. L. D. Gossin's store. Preeinet No. 4—Shall inelude the Baton PilAn and Cheetaw settlements, with polling place at or near the publie school house on Section No, 16. Police Jury Ward No. 6. Preeinet Ko. 1—Shall extend from the up per line of the parish in the rear of Police Jury Ward No. 5 to the Grand Bayon bridge with polling place at or near Oneaippe Chiasson's place on the Cbaekbay ridge or settlement. .. , , Preeinet No. 2—Shall extend from the bridge over Grand Bayou to the lower line ot the A. A. Latorest place formerly, with poll at or near Victor Legendre's residence. Preeinet No. 3—Shall comprise the Mala pay settlements, with poll at or near Louis Krseuier's store „ Police Jury Ward No. 7. Preeinet No. I—Shall extend from La fourche Crossing, left bank, to the lower line of Ariel plantation including roar settlements with polling place at or near the store of Toups St G*ud£, formerly P. Ledet's store. Preeinet No. 2—8hall extend from the lower line ot Ariel plantation to the npper line of the Upper Ten plantation of Mrs. 7,. Foret Sc Co., with polling place at or near Wellington Hebert's Store or place. Precinct No. 3—Shall extend from the np per line of the Upper Ten plantation to the lower line ot C. 8. Ma1 __ athews' Georgia planta tion, including the Coteau Folse, with poll at or near the residence on the Mary plantation front of Simon Abraham Sc Co. Police Jury Ward No. 8. Preeinet No. 1—Shall include the whole of the Ward No. 8, with polling plaee at or near Koaemond Dutresne. Police Jury Ward No. 9. Preeinet No. I —Shall extend from the low er line of C- S. Mathews' Georgia plantation to the lower line ot Mrs. Joseph Barrilleanx'a place, with polling place at Longueville. Precinct No. 2- Shall extend from the lower line of Mrs. Joseph BarrUleanx's plaee to ilarang's Canal, with polling plaee at or near Trasimond Foret's place. Police Jury Ward No. 10. Preeinet No. 1—shall comprise both sides of Bavou Lafonrehe from Uarang's Canal to the npper line of Jean Galjour's plaee now or formetly, with polling place at the Cut-Off. Precinct No. 2—Shall l comprise both aides of the Bayou Lafourehs from the upper lino of Jean Galjour's place to the lower line of Giegeire Serigny's estate, with polling plaee at or near the old Janvier Guedry residence. Precinct No. 3—Shall comprise both sides c f Bayon Lafonrehe from the lower line ol Gregoi:e SerigBevV estate to the Gull of Mexico, with polling place at or near the residence of the Pierre Lee place, near the 8anders Canal on the right Dank of Bayou Lafourche. Be it further ordained ect. That all ordi nances or parts of ordinances now extant, fixing the polling plseea and election pre cincts in this parish are hereby repealed ' * ' ' and a * ~ " ......* Adopted and appi roved 8ept.*9th. 1896. J. LOUIS AUCOIN, President, H. N. COULON, Clerk. Ordinance 8 e.~ Levying a Tax for the year 18% on all prop erty situated in the Parish of Lafourche, subject to taxation under the Constitution of 1879. Sec. I»t.~Be it enseted by the Polioe Jury Me. let.—Be it enseted by the Police Jury of the Parisli of Lafonrehe in regular meeting assembled that an ad valorem tax of 8 mills on the dollar be nod is hereby levied for tbe current year (1886) Eighteen Hundred and Niiiety-»i* on all pro|ierty situated in the Parish ot Lafourehs, not exempt from tui tion nnder the Constitution of 1879. Sec. 2nd.—Be it enacted, etc., that the arid tax when collected, shall be apportioned and set apart as follows Firet—1 mills shall be set apart to pay the curr, lit < xpeiis,-* ot the Parish including all the salaries of the palish officers auu shall be known aa 'lie General Fund. Second—-2j mills shall l>e set apart and used for the support and maintenance of the Pnblie Schools of the Parish, and shall be known as tbo Publie School Fnnd. Third.—1 of a mill shall be set apart and used only for the purposes of building, im f )roving and repairing tbe School Houses be ii ig the l onging to the Parish, paying the salary of the Superintendent and such incidentals may be necessary, and shall be known as tbe Pnldic School House Fund. The Public School and Publie School House Funds shall be subject to the legal order of the School Board of tbe Parish of Lafonrehe and a state ment of the expenditures thereof shall ha submitted by tbe School Board of this pariah, through its President or Superintendent to this Jury bi-annuallv. on the first Mondsy of July and Jsnuary of eaeb year. Fourth—I mill shall be set apart purposes, as stipulated by I nance No. 192, adopted March 9th , 1895 for Drainage ] auy subsequent amendments, sad shall be expended ss therein provided for. See. 3ri.—Be it enseted etc., that this Orili nsnee shall take effect from and altar the firet publication thereof. Adopted and approved Sept. 10th, 1896. J. L. AUCOIN, President, II. N. COULON. Clerk. Ordlnanee Me. — Whereas sufficient evidence baa been giveu this jury that tbe eit issue and tax payers of Special Drainage District No. 3 of this Pariah extending Irani the npper lineot the Acadia plantation to the Antbement tract formerly belonging to Sostbene Folse, on tbe right bank of Bey on Lsri'onrcbe, are desirous to continue tbe payment of the Special Tax for drainage purimees levied on their properties by Ordinance No. '103 adopted by this jury Jannsrv 5th 1892 and adopted and rati! by them according to law, at the General Election held in April 1882, lteeolved, that a Special Tax of eight [8! mills on tbe dol'ar on all property situated la said 3d Special Drainagb District of this par. ish be and the same is hereby levied for tbe period of five years beginning on Janvary 1st 1897 and to become due and collectable an nually in the same manner aa tbe State and Parish taxes; provided, at the ulection here in called a majority of tbe propertv tax pay ers in vaiue and number voting in said dia triot shall vote in fa vor ef tbe said special tax. whieh. if so confirmed by the tax payer* aforesaid, shall be levied sad collected as other taxes, and be placed to the erodit of said Drainage District to be used as designa ted by law. Be it farther resolved, that a special elec tion is hereby called and ordered to take place in the said 3d Drainage District of La fourche Parish, on tbe same day ol tee Presidential Election ot November A. D. 1896, between tbe home ot 7 o'clock a. nr anil 6 o'clock p. in. at the following polling places to-wit: Tbe polling plaees designated for tee Presidential election of the present year are hereby designated as tbe pulling plaees for tho said special election, at each of whieh there shall be a special box as hereinafter provided. There snajl be one box at gaeh ot the polling plaees hereinaoove designated for the reception of the ballots of the proper ty tax iiuyers voting at such election, and two commissioners at each poll to lie ap S ointed by the President of this body; the nty of which Commissioners shall be to re ceive and record tbe vote of tax payer* vot ing ; keep a list ot the names of all persona voting at said election and a tally of tbe votes cast for or against tbe said special tax. Tbe tax payers in favor of said special tax •hall cast a written or printed ballot "For Special TasP and those who are opposed to such tax shall deposit in the box a similar vote ••Against Special Tax." On closing the polls the commissioners •ball count tbe votes east and tally the for or against tho special tax. as the ease may be, and return tbem together with the tally sheets and the list of voters to the President of this jury, who shall proceed to eauvaas and tabulate the same, and promulgate the re salt of the election, declaring at sail? pro >f I* mnlgation the adoption or rejection of the said special tax herein levied, aa the ease may be That in ascertaining the value of the prop erty of the tiX payers in said district, the value •• fixed oy t*>e Assessment Bolls for the year 1896 shall be taken as tbe basis. Adopted and approved Sept. 10th. 1896. J. L. AUCOIN, President, H. N. COULON. Clerk. LIST OF PATENTS. Granted to Southern States Inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow &. Co. Solicitors of American and For eign Patents, 0pp. U. 3 Patent Office, Washington, D. C. W. B. Brown, Baltimore, Md., Steam engine. J. N. Clark, Lake Worth, Fla., Cap or nipple for mnei lage bottles. M. P. Crawford, Roanoke, Va„ Car signaling light. J. H. Curl, McMinnville, Tenn., Support for re voluble axles. E. J. DeBergue, New Oileans, La., Bicycle brake. G. A. Doyle, Gandeeville, W. Va\ Counter attachment for suspending barrels. C. O. Duffy. Owensborough, Ky., Im pression for printing presses. J. M. Flower, Pott's Station, Ark., Wrench. T. Gibon, Chtkaville, Teen.. Af»nnr»~ lun for packing leaf tobacco. W. L* Gordon. Hot Springs, Ark., Fly screen. J. P. Hendrick, Jr., FletniogsUnrg, Ky. Tooth powder box. L. M LaRne, Pari*, Ky., Bottlo. A. P. LeGion, Louisville, Ky. Wheel for h.cyctea. A. 3. Liutbicom, Wellham's Cross Roads. Md.. Combined furrower. mar ker, and coverer. G. Lorio, Hahnville, La., Apparatus for anpplying »ng>r cane to catriers. T. C. Maddux, Car thage, Tenn., Steam cooker. J. A. Martin, Morgan field, Ky., Band saw guide. C. Mats, Newport, Ky., Ma chine for perforating cigar heads. G. W, McLarty, Palatka, Fla., Bathing apparatus. F. Pawchen. Tampa, Fla., Oymer tong-. P. |„ Raymond, New Ot leans. La., Bottle. E. £. Riea, Bal timoie, Mil., Telephone switch. W. L. Salvage. Tampa, Fla.. Manuscript holder. J. Schltiiter. Baltimore, Md., Soring hitip-. C. Sehleii, Baltimore, Mil. Bail way crossing signal. A* L. Smith, lla. Ga , Drawer attachment. F. Teupe, Louisville, Ky., Piano. Bite ■tells The editor of the Arena, B. O. Flow er, criticises many gold-standard pa pers, in the September number of hie magasine: "The palpable insincerity of the great dailies dominated by the ?-dd ring, and the brazen effrontery exhibi ted by tbem, we»e probably never so glaringly illustrated aa since tbe nom ination of the brilliant tribune of t|w people, W. J. Bryan, for the Pi asi de ncy. These papers, before tha St. Louis convention, characterized Me KiDlej an tiro 'mortgaged candidate,' the tool of the ' syndicate;' they characterized him as a' straddle bag, a representative of truata, com bines and monopolies,wholly unworthy of the intelligent suffrage of tho people. They pointed out how lie bad voted for free coinage ot silver, and sneered at his later action, which vm a vittual surrender to the gold ring, as insincere. Even after his nomina tion, many of the Eastern dailiea. which are the mouthpieces of the gold ring ami the gamblers of Wall StreeK, continued their savage assaults upon Mr. McKinley, emphasizing that be was the tool of the most antcrupuloua and odious lepreseutatives of ttuals and monopolies j that the convention which nominated him was the moft conspicuous example or remorselem bossism and cut and dried machine politics on record. That was, however, when it was hoped that tbe protege of the Standard Oil Company and his coterie might defeat the overwhelming sentiment of the Democictic Party in the interests of the gold ring and tho wreckers of national prosperity and the happiness of America's millions, that a selfish few might continue their wholesale bngaudage on the highway of legitimate business. Now, however, the whole asjieet is changed, and by some straiigeaiol subtile alchemy these same editors have been made to swal low their vituperation nod quite in tlie Wall Street ami Bauk »f England's choras of praisiug Mr. McKinley and the Republican Party, which a tow weeks sgo they denounced even mure brutally than they are now denoun cing tbe splenillil representative of statesmanship ami manhood who will be the next President of Ammo», despite tlie hysterical ravings ot the press of the gold ring and the corrup tion fund of the party of trusts and monopolies and special privileges to the tew. Tho fires of certain great metropolitan and Eastern papers du ring the past throe months present the most humilisiing spectacle of reckless insincerity a ad the absolute control of opinion-forming organs by the power of selfish and conscience!**- greed u the nistoiy of «»nr country. People who think, however, have lost confi dence in va|nrrings of the gold ring. Their power has departed from tbem* n Awarded Highest Honors—World'* Fair,] vWU r rDEAU BAKING mm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant^ 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. "■