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WASHINGTON LETTER. { From our regular Correspondent.) VV ABHINOTON, Rkpt. 18, 1896. Several important démocratie con ferences were held in Washington and vicinity during the present week, and the precautions taken to keep the subjects talked about at tliese confer ences out of the newspapers have been successful. Among those taking part in these conferences were Senator Jones, chairman of the democratic National Committee ; Senator Faulk ner, Chairman of the Congressional Committee ; Senator Butler, Chair man, of the populist committee, and Senators Gonnnn, Teller and Dubois, and National committeeman Scott, of the democratic advisory committee. It is enough for those who desire the election of Bryan and the triumph of silver to know that the object of tliese conferences was to add to the certain ty of that result, and that they were in every way satisfactory to those who participated in thorn. More could not be told without a violation of confi dence, and without furnishing infor mation which might enable the Mc Kinley crowd to throw obstacles in the way of certain plans. Suffice it to say that every man who participated in these conferences is certain that Bryan will be elected. Democrats are unsparing in their criticism of Secretary Carlisle, who, by the way, is going to take the stump in Kentucky for Palmer & Brickner, for having written a letter saying in effect tiiat lie would redeem silver dollars in gold, if the demand was msde. Senator Faulkner declares tliis to bean invitation to the money sharks to raid the gold reserve of the Treasury and force the Issue of more bonds, and expresses the opinion that it wi|i he worth thousands of votes to Bryan and silver, by convincing people of the Intention of the gold men to go still Inrther than they have yet gone towards turning onr financial interests over to lislf a dozen bankers in Europe and New Yoik. He says this "emphasizes the necessity as well as the doty of those who believe in American 'financial independence to snpport the American policy repre resented by the democratic ticket." Hon. E. P. Baldwin, Auditor of the Treasury, continues to make Bryan and silver speeches just as though lie he had never beard any thing aboot President Cleveland's intention to remove every office bolder who takes the stomp for Bryan. Mr. Baldwin made a speech before the East Wash ington Democratic Clun this week especially devoted to the financial question. After stating in detail how the money power had dictated the financial legislation of the country until present unsatisfactory conditions -had been reached, and placing the fault for the present system upon the republicans, Mr. Baldwin said : "How " does McKinley propose to stop the •ale of bonds if ho is electedt He can't get gold in any other way than Mr. Cleveland did, by the sale of bouda. This administration bad to sell bonds to keep the reserve intact and had to do so a second and a third time. How will this condition be remedied by McKinley f It was either iasoe bonds or pay in silver, and if the Utter had been done the bankers would have cried repudiation. Bonds had to be sold from #1.04 to #1.17, the financiers making this great profit, and this state of things would continue under Mr. McKinley If Mr. Brysn is elected democratic House will be elected. We have the Senate, and a hill will be paBse«, which Mr. Bryan will sign and the law will be enforced and these hard times will disappear." A well advertised public meeting of the "Sound Money League," of Wash ington, was attended by just seven people and three ef them were newspaper reporters. Representative McMillin, of|Teno cs«ee, who has come off the stump long enough to finish preparing the democratic Campaign Book says of the present situation : "From the begin ning of the fight those well posted have known that the republicans had everything esst of New York; that the democracy had everything south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers, and everything west of the Missouri river, and that it has got such a hold in the Northern states of the eastern portion of the Mississippi valley that the entire Maine election or the Ver mont election have been insufficient to make even McKinley and Hanna feel secure. The democratic party, with all the handicaps that have been placed upon it, is in a better position to win a victory to-day than it haa been at this stage of the campaign in aoy contest in the last twenty rears. We are going to win this fight. Maine and Vermont prove that the republi cans were correct in their estimate of New England, just as Arkansas and Alabama proved that the democrats were correct in their estimates as to the situations in the South and West." Capt. D. F. Allen, a member of the States Board of Tax Commissioners ot Indiana asys of - his state : "I think that Indiana is almost certain to give its electoral votes to Bryan. There is no weakening on the* part of his adherents out our way ; on the coo trarv. the cause is gaining force all the time. If a vote were taken now he would win by 35,000 majority, and them is every reason to think he will ! defeat McKinley by those figures, or ' Bveti more. The farmer's vote is for JiTvcr and no argument or persuasion oftli- gold crowd can change the biûmU of the men who feeds the Nation. STRENGTH OF THE GOLDBUGS. Here ia a significant straw from Wisconsin which well illustrates the weakness of the goldbng Democrats. Wisconsin has the reputation of being the State where tliete ia the largest number of goldbng Democrats. It is the home ot that venerable irreconcil able Gen. Bragg. It bad an anti-silver delegation in the Chicago convention, and it was expected to keep up the fight. The election law of Wisconsin, like that of Louisiana, requires 1000 sig natures to enable the goldbng Démo cratie ticket to be put on the official ballot. The goldbugs have been work ing on a list for weeks, but have been unable to get the 1000 signatures. They could not get over 600. and were in despair, and finally turned the list over to Chairman Usher, of the Repub lican State Central Coitmittee. "What!" tie exclaimed, so says that stalwart goldbug paper, the Chicago Record, "are these all the names you can getf" He was informed that it was very hard work to get Democrats to sign, that the State had been canvass ed, and it seemed impossible to get more signatures. "Every Republican can aign that," replied the ohairman. "Hustle and get some Republican signatures. They will do as well." It is probable that the Wisconsin goldbugs will get enough signatures to place their ticket on the official ballot, bat it will only lie with Repub lican assistance. It allows that the goldbug Democrat depend mainly on the Republicans for strength, that they are merely a Republican side show, and a very weak one ft that, when after weeks of work in the great What is CAST0RIA Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription Her Isfisfil and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine sor oilier Narcotic substance. It is a harmless ■iihilliiiti for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty ye ar s' use If Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Nhum# ""t he Mother's Friend, Castoria. iii n to ■ »I— m /Ca/ftorfalMo well adapted tochildren that Irseo wnn en d ttaa i u ri i nr tosnyi wMrH i^i ffi known to me." H. A. Ancncn, X. D n IU So. Oxford St., Brookba. If. T. "Theme of *OMtoria* to so universal and Mmsstta so well known that it seems a work of mpeswogatioa to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do pot keep Csetoris wktHq map reask." GtsualbarasP. Stow > Da, wrY« Castoria ■eeCoHc. Cons tl pa U oa . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kffla Worms, gives sleep, and Without injurious "For several yean 1 have ; 'Castoria' end thaS ahmpn continue to do so, as It baa tow Ha fe produced bspeOchrt results." Boon r. Pasmu, M. D„ lUth Street and ntAvw^ New York CBy. ocfcCky. Thx Qanana Oowtir, IT Knur I Knw Toun Chm TAKE NOTICE! We call the attention of justices of the peace elect of this and adjoining parishes tliat we are prepared to fnr nish them all needed forms in their line of business on short notice and at reasona ble prices. Write or call and see for yourselves. 8. T. GRI8AX0RE —HAS OPENED A— NEWS DEPOT, STATIONERY, ------ — ",} nwar ®* Granite Iron Ware, Wire, """ r Mt ' XrM BOOK STORE, On the corner of Market and St. Lonis streets, and keeps the largest variety of goods in that line that was ever offered for sale in Lafourche. He has also a fine assortment of Flower pots, &c. Subscriptions received for newspa pers, periodicals and magazines at publishers' prices. All at prices to suit the times* No Gripe When you take BeoffaMto. ThRfeokMI toned, sugar-coated piUs, which tear yea all to pieces, are not la It with Hood's, Easy to take Hood's and easy to operate, is true _ of Hood's Pills, which are 11 _ up to date in every respect P^IIIS Safe, certain and sure. All ■ ill w druggists. Me. C. I. Hood * Co^ Lowell, Mans. The only Pills to take with Hood's Ismpacilla. "sound money" State of Wisconsin, as they like to call it, they can get only 600 signatures to their petition for representation at the election.—Times Democrat. A CHEERFUL FACE. Next to the sunlight of heaven is the cheerful face. There is no mistaking it—the Ibright eye. the unclouded brow, the sunny smile, all tell of that which dwells withiii. Who haa not felt its electrifying influence f One glance at that face lifts us out of the miste and shadows into tire beautiful realms of hope. One cheerful face in the household will keep everything warm and light within. It may be a very plain face, but there is something iu it we feel, hut cannot express ; and its cheery smile sends the blood dan cing through the veins for every joy. There i* a world of blessed magic in the plain, cheerful face and we would not exchange it (Hr a*1 the soulless beanty that ever graced the fairest form on earth.—Detroit Free Press. John W. Trotter. Copper, Tin and, Sheet Iron Worker. 8t Philip, between Thibodaux and Main streets, Thibodaux, La., Keeps on hand n fall Hue of COOK AND HEATING STOVJC8 —-Also Agent for the CHARTER OAK and FAME STOVES. Particular attention given to ROOF ING AND GUTTERING. The New Orleans The Leading Newspaper of the Sooth. ILIHYSRÊLMBLEI turn tiw KiKU iai kis. The Daily Picayune la a real aewspapov. No ospoaoo la spared ia producing It. Ito telegraph service is unsurpassed. Its news gntherere cover all plncefl of interact. Its mechanical appli ances era modern and the beat. Its staff of tslanted writers aad artists is complete. The Suhday Picayure Is a household treason of sows, ia formation aad litarataro, illus trated aad taaefully presented. The Weekly Picayure Is paarlsaa as a country, family aawspapar and literary journal, aad ao homo ta the South should ho without it. TBRNS Off SUBSCRIPTION : Daily aad taaday - - fis.oo a yoac. Sunday - - - - - feootftaa Weakly • • . - - #s.ooayofl* MICNOLSOM « CO, Proprietors, THIBODEAUX DRUG ST0R1 Cr. Main and 81 Philip 8 t„ Thibodaux, La. - ■ :o:- We have a very complete stock of MiWA M CMMMlCsäLS» SMPS, 9MV8MM8» C0M98, PÎ1FOT31Y ©ï MIL HBM TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BBAOES, CIGARS TOBACCO AND SNU1T. PURE WINES AND LIQUOl ma mmmi School and Blank Books. FRESH HARDER SEEDS, AT LOWEST PRICE! THE SENTINEL JOB 0FFIC MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. b the Beat Equipped Printing Establishment in State, Outside of New Orleans. OARDS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS. LAWYER8» BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS. programmes, wedding inyitatic In fact, anything from a visiting card to a newspaper Printed Neotly 9 Cheaply and Prompt SENTINEL JOB OFF] MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. LOUISIANA STEAM ROBERTS & CO., Proprietors. 301,303, 305 307 GRAVIER STREJ XVEW ORLEANS, LA. ^■ash, Blinds, Doors, Molding, Flooring and Ceiling Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly attended to, FELICIEN TOÜF8 GENERAL C0J Steamboat and Bilim, a Specialty, j OFFICE : Bear Gosaln'c Ferry, Lafourche 1 The Four Quarters of the Globe are Drawn Upon Daily. Out of the abundant of its Store of News Tlh© Times Demecrd Will enable you to j, up knowledge of the \ aad its affairs. The basinets man,I clerk, the mechai * farmer, the young i the grave aad gay, will| Heat and natter iu Its I O&OC&OOOt Dally and Sunday.................|u.n t] Semi-Weekly, issued Tuesday, 1 and Fridays..................... i.mtl Sunday only ...................... 1 . 001 ] Sample copies free ou application. The Times-Democrat, Now Orleans, |