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WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our reqular Correspondent.) Washington, L'kc. 11, 1896. Dear Boss : Unless you can buy us several more Senators it would be ini possible to pay a tariff dividend on the investments of the late campaign." While the above is not tlie exact wording of the message sent by the caucus of republican Senators to King Hanna, it contains the substance and real meaning of the request of the tiuu irai iiiraniii^ «»i irquufw ui n:e caucus steering committee, that Mr, Hanna shall try to "influence" the election of Senato!s who will pledge themselves to act with the republicans on the tariff in several States. Among the legislatures upon which tlierepub licau Senators desire Mr Hanna to try his "influence" are those of North Carolina, Kentucky, Washington and South Dakota. It high tariff Senators can be secured for all of these, the passage of a high tariff bill at the ex tra session of the next Congress will be assured. Otherwise tbc matter has been made very doubtful, with the chances against a high tariff, by the action .of the silver republicans in de clining invitations to enter tiie repub lican Senatorial caucus. While the caucus of republican Sen ators did not by a formal vote abandon the Dingltv tariff bill, they did what was practically the same tiling when they refeired it to the steering com mittee and empowered ihat commit tee to act upon its own judgment. Pressure from the woolen manufac turers may compel the tepublican Sen ators to demonstrate by some sort of a vote, not necessarily on the hill it self, that the Dingley bill cannot pass, but the bill is as uead as Ben Han i si'u's force bill, so far as any serious attempt to pass it is concerned. The lepiiblicans couldn't pass it if they wanted to, and very few of them want ! to. This was shown this week when ! the hill was before the Senate for a j few minutes (on Senator Alien's nio- ! tiou to take it up, which was carried ! by a vote of 35 to 21), by the; conster- 1 nation which existed among the re- j publicans who had voted for the mo tion because they were afraid to do otherwise. Representative Stokes of 3. C. has been served with notice of a double contest for his seat in the present and in the next House. Dr. Stokes came to Washington last year with Hie proper certificate of election but his seat was contested by Mr. Johnson a republican. Finding nothing in the case upon which to base an excuse tor giving Johnson the seat, the republi cans of the house declared the seat vacant. The two men were again candidates and Dr. Stokes was elected to the vacancy and also to the next, House. Johnson's contest depends more upon the republican majority than it does upon any evidence he ex- ! pects to produce. Senator Blanchard voiced the sen- j ment of nearly all of the democrats in ! both branches of Congress when he ■ said : " The democratic party, while ■ beaten in the recent election, is com- j pact, organized, aurl full of hope for Î the future. It simply bides its time, j It has lost some material which can be j spared, and gained lots of friends, adherents, aud well-wishers. It has always been a party of wonderful re cuperative capacity. It will be ready for tbe fray in 1898 and in 1900. Woe to tbe republican party if it does not make good that dangerous promise it lias heralded throughout the land of prosperity aud good times." Senator Quay lias astonished those ) who thought they knew him, not only j by his change of tactics—he lias heie' tofore been the most silent of lighters —bat by the wording of some of his published interviews aginst the jandi dacy of Mr. John Wauamaker for the Senate. For instauce, when lie said : "In the U. S. Senate, we have million aires and business men enough to serve all legitimate purposes. Senators are needed who have uo specialties but who will act for the interest of the country in gross without special affini ties. The people most deserving of representation and most in need of legislative protection are the farmers, the small store keepers, the artisans and the laborers, and I stand by them." J tie truthfulness of the above is unquestioned, but that it should come from Quay is astonishing. While not himself a millionaire, Mr. Quay has always had the reputation of be ing in touch with the millionaires of the countiy. But, he is first of all a politician, and as such is apt to make use of what lie thinks tobe the most effective weapons to carry his purpose. The House is going right ahead passing bills just as though the Sen ate Calendar was not already choked up with House biils passed at the last seision which haven't a ghost of a chance to get acted upon, The mountain would not go to Ma homet so Mahomet went to the moun tain. After remaining in Washington nearly a week stopping just around the corner from the hotel at which Speaker Reed makes his home in Washington, without receiving a call from Mr. Reed, Boss Hanna decided to call upon Mr. Reed and he did so at the latter's office in the Capitol. In view of the humble manner iu which most of the republicans waited upon Hanna, this call must have been a lit tle humiliating to him; that it was pleasant to Tom Reed is certain. Senator Mills has left all the other resolutions relating to Cuba awav be hind by offering one directing the President to take forcible p< of Cuba and hold it until the — 0 ____ possession ie Unbans ! organize a government of their own. The New Orleans States is responsi ble for the following story : "A lawyer who had gaiued a large local reputation nan Ids lull length portrait painted by a great artist, and he was so proud of it that lie kept it in his office for the inspection and admi ration of liis friends. One day an old country client came in ami after look iug at the poitrait for some time the lawyer asked him what he thought cl it. "Tain t like," was the reply. ''What ia the matter?" asked the ori " • with asperity, "Wall you see, 'Squire," was the drawling reply, "the I'ictur man lias got you with your l»an«l in your own pocket, and he ought to have you with your hand in somebody else's pocket." By all means let us have an extra session. Let us have the thing over with. I here is absolutely no excuse for delay. A return to the McKinley bill is not contemplated, but the Wil son bill is full of errors, inequalities and injustices. Let us straighten them out. Let us be moderate and conservative in doing this, out we have got to have $50,000,000 more of revenue a year, and this money must corne from ■duties, and it must come before the 1st of July, too.—Philadel phia Inquirer, Rep. Nothing Higher Than The King: "The German always play the ace as the lowest card in the deck now." ' \V hy î" "F«r fear of being arrested for lese majesté." —Truth. The rose is loveliest when reposing amid the shadows and contrasts of its native foliage —Cooper. ! ! j ! ! 1 j ; ! ! i ! j ; 1 ! J j ! What is Castoria. is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea —the Mother's Friend. Castoria. ^Castoria is so well adapted tochildrenthafc I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, S. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Martïx, D. d., New York City. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Ebwin F. Pardee, M. D„ 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York Cot. TAKE NOTICE AVc call the attention of justices of the iieace elect of .this and adjoining parishes that we are prepared to fur nish them all needed forms in their line of business on short notice and at reasona ble prices. Write or call and see for yourselves. S. T. GRISA MORE —HAS OPENED A— NEWS DEPOT, STATIONERY, BOOK STORE, On the corner of Market and St. Louis streets, and keeps the largest variety of goods in that line that was ever offered for sale in Lafourche. He has also a fine assortment of Tinware, Granite Iron Ware, Wire, Flower pots, &c. Subscriptions received for newspa pers, periodicals and magazines at publishers' prices. AH ftt prices to suit the times No Gripe When you take Hood's Pills. The big, old-fash loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take Hood's and easy to operate, is true ___ of Hood's Pills, which are J I I up to date in every respect. III Safe, certain ami sure. All ® druggists. 25c. C. I. Hood & Co.. Low ell. Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Farmers want to make, not to bor row money- It is of no advantage to horrov money at low rites of interest when they cannot sell their produce for enough to pay the interest, let alone the principal. Remove the in cubus that has patalized agriculture for so many years ; give the farmers an even chance in the race of life; af ford them the opportunity to sell their produce at reasonable pi ices, and it will not he long before the farmers will he lenders of money instead of borrowers. Ability to borrow money at cheap rates of interest is not the remedy ; opportunity to make money is the cry ing need of the fannets to day. Mrs. Creegan — "And how is Tommy getting along at the school?" Mrs. Shaughneasy—"Splendid. The teach er is that fond of him that she keeps him wid her half an hour after tiie other boys go home, narely ev» iv day of the wake."—Boston Transcript. John W. Trotter. Copper, Tin and, Sheet Iron Worker. St Philip, between Thibodaur and Main streets, Thibodaux, La., Keep* on Hand a full line of COOK AND HEATING STOVES --Also Agent for the CHARTER OAK and FAME STOVES. Particular attention given to ROUF ING AND GUTTERING. The New Orleans The Leading Newspaper of the South. ALWAYSlfUABLE! mats 6HI H6 THE L ATEST HEWS. The Daily Picayune Is a real newspaper. No ezpenas ts spared in producing it. It« telegraph service is unsurpassed. Its news gatherers cover all places of Interest. Its mechanical appli ances are modern and the best. Its staff of talented writers and artists is complete. The Sunday Picayune Is a household treasure of news, information and literature, illus trated and tasefully presented. The Weekly Picayune Is peerless as a country, family newspaper and literary journal, and no home in the South should be without it. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Daily and Sunday - - $12.00 a year. Sunday - - - - - $2.00 a year. Weekly - - - - - $1.00 a yeas. NICHOLSON « CO., Proprietors, New Orleans, La. THIBODEAU DRUG STOBI Cor. Main and Si Philip St,, Thibodaux, La. We have a very complete stock of 9S'4N/S, MÆ&IC1JTÆS. CHEMICALS. SOAPS, 9BUSBSS, C0M98, MW IIS1Y ©î â!3L sill TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, CIGARS TOBACCO AND SNUFF. PURE WINES AND LIQUOR aRAvioitasY, School ami Blauk Books. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, AT LOWEST PRICES the sentinel JOB 0FFIC MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. Is the Best Equipped Printing Establishment il State, Outside of New Orleans. CARDS, POSTERS, DODGERS BILL HEADS, NÖTE HEAD3 LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, LAWYERS' BRIEFS, PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING INVITAT] In /act, anything from a visiting card to a newspaper * Printed NetAiy, Cheaply and Promp SENTINEL JOB OFFII MAIN STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. LOUISIANA STEAM iü Mil il mi run HOBEHTS & CO., Proprietors. 301.303, 305,307 GRAVIER STRE NEW ORLEANS, LA. ^•ash, Blinds, Doors, Molding, Flooring and Ceiling Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order, Orders promptly attended to, FELICIEN TOUrçj GENERAL COLLEm Steamboat and dJ U111». a Speciait] OFFICE : Near Gossin'g Ferry, _____ Lafourche Cto, The Four Quarte« of the Globe are Drawn Upon Out of the aim of its Store of Tin© Ttaiie§= Will enable youtoi up knowledge of thr and its affairs. The business at« clerk, the mechans farmer, the young u the grave and gay *i Heat and Hatter in its CohJ »S&COOCe Daily and Sunday................. Semi-Weekly, issued Tuesday»* and Fridays..................... Sunday only ................ Sample copies free on application. The Times-Democrf, NewOrinw,