Newspaper Page Text
®fuf liMIg ffiktox jtatfoL JOURNAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official Joiarxial of. tKo Parish, of X-aiourch.® and Guardian of th.e Interest of th.e Town, VOL. XXXII. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1897. NO 39. OFFICIAL DIRECTOR!. Statk Officers. j Pnh Aoc'L.. W. W. Heard of Uuion ^ Treat* A- V. F uruet of Si-Mar in M. J.Cunningh .m Natchitocb's Pob. Ed... J. V- Calhouu, of Orleans U. »• Senators. C Bl*nchard............. of Rapides ,5* ................... of 8tMar y Statk Senators. . „, nnr ............Terrebonne ; C g HowelV..................Lafourche judges supreme Court. H-.tice- F. T. NicholU of Orleans ,f J"o' ..J. A. Breaux.of Iberia '* •• H. C. Miller of Orleans. ' 8 D.McEuery.of Ouachita ,. L. B. Watkins. Red River. BitCotnrroF Appeaus.F ifth Circuit. J.Bmnregsrd..........° f ^Vst* Marv p.toi* ..... .........of bt. Mary ^armsmaN. 3rd.Congressional Dist. ...................ofLafourch® 18th. Judicial District. ............L. P. Caillonet. fittorney..............k. C. Mois* Paki-ii Officers. itatlves:........... M. Delaune. ......... L. A.Troslair. .......Dr. J. J. Avo. ofCoiirl..............C. J . Barker. ,a ............ Jas Beary Zm'ZW ............A. J. Brand. ».l Journal..........- • • - 1 police jurors. ard.........Emile IT. Morvant .. .....J. Louis Aucuin, Pres't *< ........Marcellia Bergeron u ...............J. 0. Toups .1 " ' L. J. Trosclair a ..........J** 0 R"<Jrij(ne u **.........Jules Gmlchuux ii Leou Falgont •i ..........Lovencr LeBlanc •i ', "........J. P. Bourgeoia justices of the peace. 'isWsrd ..............H. Clement L, ,, ')..........c. A. Engerran (w i< ____E. P. Bernard B .. E. B. Ayo Ikb •* F. Toupa Ijd, ii ..............John Darden [ftli " ..........Ed. Birdsall jiy, ii B. Penouilli L, ii ..............Ernest Foret ..........A. Cretini CONSTABLES. lit Ward... .........Chat. Bergaron .............O. L. Caro m ' ..........A. Rogar M ) it ..........J, D. Bernard bl ____Edgard Barrios bfe Ii .........William Field# tb ..........Leopold Groa ........L. Robicbaux % II Ik •1 ' [.....John Dominique Mi M ............Albert Ayo •1 ..........Joe. Remont DtAiNAOB Commission sas. [fct Is. I—Thos. Hoary, O. Antbdment Mil. 1.aMirs. . . ... [*. Tbos. Barkor, Osesr AntbA W.S. J. Ouidry. , . . [Re. Ks.J.—L. J. Trotclair. J. L. LeBlsso, ' Tesasti. Ksad and Lbtkr Inspectoes. mu Mai................M. L. BwEMMe, *• ...................tails loop* .• 3 ................A. Boudresu a 4 ...... J.T. LeBlanc Municipal Officers. ilutr, Frink Zernott; Couuoilmen. E. M P*k W. P. Martin. Edgar F. Riviere. \ si Hsrgtron, C. J. Legendre end Henry ssgsr _ _ ar# ,............P. L. Brand. Marshal..."...........RJNaqnin .............. H. N. Couloo '•Mlttrews..............Mr*.J-Cnrti* • Printer.............Lafourche Coiuet ■alien laborer........Ben Maibruugh School Boaru. biel Roger, prenident; W P. Martin "■^mteodeut ami Secretary ; Nuuia Elfert •Cbsuvm. Felix Csilhniet. Paul Meyer, Wram 6 c. Charles J. Elliot. Paul . SMSkbert. Tsimbacx Bhidoe Committee. [f Z*n»n. E. N Rotli. W. P. Martin J. L •S.A.U. Morv iut. L. J- Troaclsir . SO YEAR*' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESICNS, COPYRICHTS Ac. Ws * sketch and ileecriiition may * a * c ' ^ wbpther an invention is roitizminicaUons strictly I UWoBt agency for securing patents h»vp » Washington office. IlMai iwi through Muua & Co. receive wwtifio American, SSLUInwrated, largest circulation of Journal, weekly, terms *3.00 a year; a Specimen copies and LLANO s patents sent free. Address . A CO., S* Brea Seay. Sew York. LOOAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY MERCANTILE. J^GU.U & SONS, S. ■try (aooiL dlotlilns, Ii >ot*. uIi.m-m, Uata, »|IN aul norioim. Fall line of Kiirnirure. .tiuiu si. Hlitli|> St. Loaia Strew*. gOURG N. T. Market Stand. Always i,n baud t it- bent ot H -ef. Matron. Pork, Veal, Mini S*ti«» 2 t-» ot all kunle. .Market Street. Tliib « Uux. Go. JgOURON, A., tuinnamith usd Watclimaki-r. lewenyr, I'reacmil liu-yoiea. NV*- timeriran Sewiua Mwhiuea, Wo. Cor. .Haiti aud Si. Philip streets. J^IJOU SALOON. V.Trnlgle, Proprietor. Choice wines and liquor*, tiue cigar* always Jli hand. Cor. Green and Market "-tree**. QHOL. H. C. Gentlemen s Fnrwioltinjr Good*. A Fine Select Stoek alway* on hand. No 27 Maiu Street. gMPIRE HOUSE. J. Ii, .Ylaiemaa, Proprietor. r'ir-t oIkm aceoinaiodarioa* and excellent aide. Kreo'lot* eonoect* with railroad de cor. Corner l^ivee and Green Street., J1ROST. II. W., C'jrpre** and Pine l.nmber. Cvpren* and Sawed Shingle*, ala > saddlery tnd harnen*. lilackaniirliing and hol-ae *hoing a upeeialty. Q.UISAMORF.. 8. T. New* Depot New Orlean* Daily Palter* and a large va riety of Intok* ami novel* on hand. SuWaorip tiona received for new*pa|ter*, periodical* ami magazine*. Cor. Marker & >»r. r.oni.. J^EGENDRE. C J. Choice Fttssally Groceries Also Feed and Charcoal. Cor. St. Philip and Rose streets. TyjEYER, DRS. A. J. A L. E. PhjrilcisB* ft aid Margesas, Proprietor* of Merer Drugstore. Main street Tltibodanx, La. K. E. Hailey, Manager. J^OTH DRUG CO . L't'd. Draggists Drug*, Chemical*. Perfumery, School book*, Stationery, *tc. Cor. Mam A Green streets. J^IVIERK fc CO.. liENRY, Dry Woods Notion*, hat*, boot* and shoes, crockery, eto. Cor. Main Sc St. Lonia streets. rpiilRODAUX DRCG STORE, F. J. Galliot. Manager, Drug*, Chemical*. Toilet Artiole*. Perfumery, School hook*. Stationery. Cor. Main and St. Philip street*. ^yitiaHT. MRS. J.N., Milllnory Slort Motion*, Ladies hats and bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Market and St. Louis streets. r^ERNOYT. PRANK, Watchmaker Jr Jeweller Fine Jewelry, watches end oloclu, etc. Main Street, between St. Philip and St. Louis. DENTISTS. gLANCHAKD, (D. D. 8 J, J. K. Demtlat. Corner Green aud Bridget Streets. jQAIGRE. DR. J. J, Demtlat Office: Main Street, near Court House ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. gADEAUX, THOMAS A., Ai toraey-at-Lfaw. Market Street, between St. Loui* and Green J^NOBLOCH A SON, CLAY, Attorney a-mt-l*mw. Office*: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. £GIOL, EMMANUEL. Yluaic Teacher Give* instruineuta'. vocal and Harmony lee sons. Hemdenee .* Levee Street. p| A KG US. PROF. L. M Select School for Boys English and French in all their branches ami Mathematics taught. Narrow street, footot St- Michael Street. iyroUNT CARMEL CONVENT. An Academy for Yonag l.ndicw Kept bv the Sister* of Mount Carmel. Thor ough course. English aud French. Foot of Market Street. NOTARIAL. ^TOULON. 11. N. Notary PssbllCe Real Estate and Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Properties bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed. Maiket Street, be tween St Louis and Green street*. PUr.ELY VEGETABLE. The cheapest, onrest and hist family medi cine in the world! An effectual ajiecillc for all diseases of the Liver.stomach a-i.l Spleen. Regulate the Liver mid prevent Chills anil Fever. Malarious Fevers, Howel Complaints, Restlessness, Jaundice and Nausea. HAD RRGATiil Nothing Is so unpleasant, nothing so com mon, as a had breath; and in nearly every case it. eomes from the Rtomaoh. and can tie so easily corrected if you will lake Simmons Liver Regulator. Do not neglect so sure a remedy for this repulsive disorder. It will also improve your appetite, complexion aud general health. CONSTIPATION should not be regarded as a trifling ailment— in fact, nature denniods the utmost regularity of the bowels, and any deviation from this demand paves the wuy often to serious dan ger. It is quite as necessary to remove impure accumulations from the bowels as it is to eat or sleep, and no health eau be expected where a costive habit of body prevails. SICK HEADACHE! This distressing affliction occurs most fre quently. The disturbance of the stomach, arising from the imperfectly digested con tents, causes a severe pain in the head, accompanied with disagreeable nausea, aud this constitutes what is popularly known as Sick Headache, for the relief of which take Simmons Liver Regulator. 40-EVERY PACKAGE ** Has tike Z Stamp in red on the wrapper. J. H. ZHILIN * CO., Philadelphia. A SENSIBLE MAN! Covers his steam pipeing and drums with Carey's Asbestos-Magnesia (sectional Cover ings. It pays for its cost in less than a year. Put in a Thompson Eclipse to burn bagasse. shsTing, rice hulls, pea or buck-whest coal write for prices on rooflng building and lining papers and engineers'supplies, to DAFFTJON;* 3 TOTJTZ, 840 Union Street 9m a 8. 7. Nsw Orleans ALBERT J. LASSEIGNiE NOTARY PUBLIC. RACELAND, LAFOURCHE, LA. Offlee hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Any Notarial business promptly and car fully attended to Oomplaxion Preserved DR. HKRRA'D VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimples, Uver> Moles, B lackh eads. *—kf and Taa, and re stores the skin to its origi nal freshness, producing a clear and healthy com plexlon. Superior to all fact—___ preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for SOcts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP t. a mplr im^i. w a • M » partlytas S«e, nauM for the toilet and eliheet a foe the oareer;. kbeeletele run nod delicately aedl «Md. Atdnwttw.. Priae 2S Cents. ThaG. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. Leading dealers everywhere sell FERRY'S SEER Uon'l nak the loss of time, labor aad (round by planting seeds of nnknoirn qnnl 1 ity. The market is fall of cheap, unreliable seeds. FCMY't SCCSS arealvan the beet: do not eocept IS| substitute. Seed Annual Fiat. D. M. FIRRY * CO. Detroit, Mich WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our regular Correspondent.) \V ASHINGTON, APRIL 16,1897. Senator Gorman took occasion to give the republicans a little plain talkiog concerning their failure to accept the very fair proposition made to them for iilliug the committee va cancies and consequent failure to give the appropriation bill which tailed at the last session the proper committee consideration, just before the Indiau bill was taken up* The total of these appropriations will be inure than $73,000,000. and Mr. Gorman said that a careful consideration of them might result in a reduction of at least $10, 000.000. He also said that it was time to call a halt in the vast expenditures authorized by Congress; that the limit of expenditures on the new navy and on fortifications ought to he near, now that an era ot peace seemed to be at hand, and that he thought it was also time to limit the expenditmes on rivers and harbors. He closed by saving that the democrats could do no more than call the atteDtiou of Sena tors on the other side to the urgent need of retrenchment. It is not ex pected that Mr. Gorman's warning words will have any effect, but all the same they were timely, and it was entirely proper that they should have been spoken by a democrat. The country will heed, if the tepublicans in Congress do not. Nothing in the eloquent address made by Mr. Bryan at the Jiffeison birthday banquet, a gathering of dem ociats that will not soon he forgotten, was more important or significant than the following wolds: "The posi tion taken by the democratic party in 1896 will not be surrendered. If jou doubt the permaoeucy of the Chicago platform as a party creed, go among the rank and file of the party and measure the zeal and enthusiasm which that platform has aroused, aud you will realize the impossibility of tskiug a backward step. True," the present aduiiuisiratiou is seeking to turn public attention to the tariff question, but if our reasoning is well founded, an increase of taxes cannot restore prosperity to the producers ot wealth. In fact, we contend that neither high taxation nor low taxation can bring prosperity to the people, so long as an appreciating dollar eontiu ues to give the money owner »u advantage over the rest of the people. The money question must lie tin paramount issue of the next Campaign as it was of the last. If the Diugley bill brings genuine and permanet prosperity, the democratic party will not he in a position to win a contest by oppoeing it. If, on the other hand, the Dingle.v bill provos a disappoint ment to those who advocate it, our position will be strengthened, and public attention will be riveted upon the fact that the cause of financial depression is to be found iu our mone tary system. Senator Nelson, of Minn., although a republican, is in sympathy with the efforts made by the democrats in tht^ Houss to a mend the tariff bill by au thorizing the President to suspend the collection of duties upon any imported article, the home product of which is shown to be controlled by a trust, as lie Iihp given notice of his intention to offer the same amendment when the tariff bill gets liefore the Senate. Secretary Gage's auswer to the Senate resolution concerning the issue of orders by the Secretary of the Treasury to Collectors of Customs io relation to carrying out the retractive clause of the lepnbtican tariff' bill not being at all satisfactory, Senator Vest offered a resolution declaring this order to be without authority of law and in violation of the statutes and customs regulations concerning the payment of import duties, and by a bare majority of one it was referred to the Finance Committee, to be pigeon holed. Democrata would lie delighted to see Mr. McKinley's bluff', otherwise known as the special diplomatic com mission to visit Enrope with power to negotiate with the governments of that section in behalf of international bimetallism, succeed in accomplish ing something tangible, bat none of them have the sligliest idea that it will. The Commiseioners, Senator Wolcott, Gen. Paine, of Mas-., and Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, of Ills., are capable men, and their failure to accomplish an impossibility will be no personal reflection on them. Senator Morgan closed his long speech in favor of his resolution rec ognizing the Cubans as belligerents by declaring that whatever action this country might or might not take towards Cuba the freedom of the is land was written in the stars. Senator Chandler's bills for the seizures of the armor plants of the Bethelem and Carnegie Steel com pa nies by the government, represents i very dangerous sort of bluff, tor it is evident they are nothing else. That these companies have bAm extortion ate in their dealings with the govern ment is trne, but that doesn't give Congress any right to contiscate their property. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the tasie, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, iiahitunl i-onst mation and biliousness. Please buy and try a t>ox of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2T>. f>0 rents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by oil druggists. A Kentucky newspaper give* the following evidence of a boom in that State: "Business is booming at last All the distilleries are at work, and the supply is not equal to the de mand. The First Iceman.—T he storage and sale of ice as a business did not commence until 1805, when Fredrick Tudor, ot Boston, cut 300 tons from his owu pond, houghta vessel, because no ship owner would take the ice as a cargo, and shipped a lot to Martini que, West Indies, where the yellow fever was raging—Boston Budget. CASTOZtXa. Tit (« tails Hgututf ■ St LIS1' OF PATENTS. Granted to Southern States Inven tors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co . Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, 1). C. W. 1. Allen, Jr.. Forth Smith, Atk., Grave tiller. W. II. liaruord, Norfolk, Va., Broiler, G. Bartlett, Winches ter, Ky., Thill support. P. Boyd. Wheeling, W. Va, Apparatus for coating pipe. J. L. Brativ, Lebanon Junction, Kv., Guard rail. J. H. Brown, Rural retreat, Va., Combined harrow and cultivator. D. S. Burner, Morristown, Tenn., Antiredlling l»o« tle. G. W. Bush, Lexington, Ky., Fan attachment for sewing maehines, G.S. Carrigan, Mack. Ark.. Broom head. C. S. Carter, Wairehton, Va., ttrsing bottle. E. G. Corbett. Co lumbus, Ga., Vehicle wheel. J. Cnssons, Glen Allen, Va., Dial calender. C. F. Fusting, Catonsnlle, Md., Lettei box. B. A Hall, Pine Bluff, Ark., Commode. B. R. Hand, Goldshorough, N. C . Railway tie. A. Hardin. Loilihurg, Ky., Car coupling J. W. Kesler, Urena, Ga., Planter and cultivator. W. C. Muvor, New Orleaus La., Apparatus for aling and starting horses on race tracks E. N. Mouey, Jacksonville, Fla, Rope climber or combination tire escape, See. R. L. Moore, Statesville, N. C. Fountain marking and shading pen. D. M. Mm.m, Gaithersburg, Md , Burglar alarm system. J. Q. Myers, Orlando, Fla., Railway, spiking fork. A. J. Pennington, Gibslaud. La., Safetv platform for railway cars. C. E. Reed Bartow, FIs., Water gage. W. H Richards, Knoxville, Tenn., Soap inmpourd. G, K. Shelton, Wekiva, Fla., Slate. M. N. Wertz, Thomar* ville, Ga., Syringe. C. E. Whilden, Charleston. S. C., Breakdown fire arm F. P. White, Shaliotte, N C. Axle spindle. C. O, Wright, Rl iefield, W. Va., Process of and apparatus for manufacturing flour. For copy of any patent send 6 cents in postage stamps with date of thie paper to C. A. Snow Sc Co , Washing ton, D. C. An exchange speaking of the effect of a cyclone says: "It turned a well wrong side oat in the state of Missis sippi. tamed a cellar upside down in Wisconscin, moved n township line in Nebraska, blew all the stavee oat of a whiskey barrel in Iowa and left nothing but the bung hola; changed the day of the mouth is Ohio, killed an honest Indian agent m the weak blew the liair off a bald beaded maa in Texaa, killed a trutkful lawyer in Illinois, blew the mortgage off a farm in Kansas, scared a red headed wo man in Michigan, blew all the cracks out of a fence in Dakota, and took alt the wind out of a politician in Missou ri. A 1IYSTERY SOLVED. Busine-st* is dead—you have nothing to do but sit on empty boxes and occasionally use your duster on the work of some industrious spider which adorns your shelves— YOUR BUSINESS IS FAST GOING TO WRECK, and you can not account for it— you have "tried all sorts of schemes" to "pull" the peo ple—all but ADVERTISING. If you had, you would not wonder why your friend across the way gets all the trade.