Newspaper Page Text
notice. tV „rmn* ll:,vin K l ' Iilim '' a «? inHt *"<■ * l,i Krani-om S»i.cnn. iIcchscI . will f iiw I" 1-Mw-j.r.l 1*. Roberts. IF"' .'i to Tlionuis A B.ijtaux, at __________ PECIAL OF FEE! Cl D ubse J fj facilitate new town .subscribe,* who v be disputed the full price bcb-eripti'in at one trine. w« will tend YIT-VAT t<> ana raw subscriber j ( lla corj.orafi limits, lor 1 )i EX T) n month , payable in advance ' lf , who wish to tab adrantaye fer should call or write at once. of 'fond in another column the adver ^; nt of the Racket. There's a Ittitmue this week. Sscliitoelies bus Iwd kjirim this week, he'd |L. Himes. State a teacher's by Prof. R. institute Fomluctoi. On the 2nd prox.. as advertised, the i . A. excursion leaves Thibc v tor New Orleans. Dont forget |4l« j TSu ball which look place at labors Mill lust Thursday night, was a grand L',,.s notwithstanding the very [ftMeiimg weather. r f, y,_\\'e have received acircu [ to letter from Deo. Moorman Ailjn tttut iitui. and Chief of Staff which will jtiTVc of interest to Veterans- Rook for it next week. The Thibedaux Cycling Club of this L vu null celebrate their anniversa nim May 20,1897 by a grand ban Lntatthe hall of the C. K. o f A. |Caids will be sent out shortly. The side of the pews of the church I »tNapoleonville brought $1400, this lesi._• an increase of $200 over last |j* ^ Kia.l Observer's communication in j sixtlicr column. It is interesting. ! ifi-s Tucker whose wedding is cliron i idol therein is a niece of Mrs. E. W. |Bbk of this town. The fair which was to have been | jj'vtMi on May 14. 15. and Hi. for the I benefit of the Father Menard Monu Bent fund has been postponed to I some later date not yet fixed. Tiie question of St-Joseph's Church | heiug too small for the congregation j ct this parish is again spoken of Some offer as a remedy to enlarge the wings on each side, some to place tiiajtH in the aisles, and others to build [ galleries. The sale of the pews of the Catho [Betluirch litre took plaee last Sun* jilt immediately nftei liigli mass, sic I cooi ng to custom. Tito sale brought some $2200, being j It increase of several hundred dollars etc last j ear. Remember the excursion to Opelou | Ms to-morrow. You should not miss it as the trip will no doubt bean enjoy »bleone. All kinds of amusements at Opelousas. Tiie word contest of our confrere the t'mml was closed on last Tuesday, the 2»>th. Mrs. II. II. (ioodwymi who compiled . snuaster list of 47,04b words carried j the ust prize of $10 while Miss Vivian EAmibloch captured the second with a i 1st of 34,585 words. On next Wednesday the beautiful feii-t of St-Valiuic w ill be celebrated si ^-Joseph's Church w ith unusual [Splendor. Invitations have lieen sent ''.' Father Duhourg to a number of S Msof neighboring parishes. The tffodaux Band will 1 uul as usual its f *u'tharmony in tiie procession that place. ■-----*--------- H e council of the town of Houma | hs | asaed au mdiaauce compelling ;^1 bicycles to ln* provided with a S f i! Idler dark umter penalty of a \ *®* l his is a good move and a pre ta« > , and vve see no terson why our t tMwcil uliuuld not follow suit. 1 nr Airship We ate told by one shown young man that tins .eeiatt passed.iver i'liibodaux on t*'; Wednesday looming it 8 o'clock. ; °ne oiati .-aw it, however. What * , "ilt traveler that object must be: Rsu | ovei the count: v. hisruuinied that the Tliibodaux ® 4|| d expects at an cai ly date to open t ***» 6 s ot Sniiitay afuiiioon concerts ft'- college groniids. Nothing i tu ts jet d.iiiiii d is llmv ii.ukIII; ; 't attic i Tunic, (in sc '■ ve.iv iiin.i. M. lapid pi ogress p t Prof. L. j m e: ts will no • otkunwieiige « ith thanks tilt ■ :, 'f an ii v it n • •. . o at i end tliel ■ fifth aiiiiii, .sail Ball of >h Hook and L.niih r Fo. No 2 ^ '4 m f'ny, Ti,,. ;,.,ii will take *"* A itut-v II t! ; , and it is ino 'make it an , oue. The yj' • ■ ee is compesed ut .Messis. K. ; - " ' chairman ; A. Sonmeillun, John C. Veriet, Eugeue Joret, ti * 1 **« Vy. ***« Pfeytet. PERSONALS. Legendre is again on of Albemarle -Mrs. Frank the sick list. *v^fiss M. R. Theriot, was iu town Tuesday. Miss Cora Him«l of AssnnTptum spent tins week in our midst. Mr. (Jzeme Naquin visited fronds and relatives in Houma this week. ^Jr Then. Reboul of N. 0. paid rhihodaux a liusioess trip last week. Dr. Chas. Menville's jovial eounte nanee was seen on our streets tins week. Mr. Numu Riviere made a busi ness trio to mo Crescent city this week. 1 Mr. Finis, (iruneborg of New leans was a visitor to our town week. Or tiiis of near Wltil Mr and Mis Chas E. liiumng Jeancrette spent last Sarnia lelativcs here. Miss Emma Kent who is attending school in X. f). was home tor the Easter holidays. Miss Sarah Caneannon was the charming guest of .Mrs Frauk MeCulhi during Holy week. Mr. Albert Engerran made a business trip to Lock port last Monday ret mu ing Wednesday, Mr. Adolphe LeBlance of Lock unit is in town, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Chas Barker. Messis. T. D. Lallande and Camille Richard ot Lower Lafourche were iu town last Wednesday. Messis Jos Naquin and Finest Thibodeaux made a trip to Napoleon ville on last Thursday. Mis M. A. Thornton spent a few days in Berwick City this week, le turniug on Wednesday. Miss Meh.dia Bonrg of L>>ckpoit spent a few days in town with the family of Prof. L. M. Ilargis. Mr. Edgar Riviere one of the em ployees of Auenin's Furniture House was a visitor to New Orleans this week, Mr W W. Buford of Donaldsonville and Mr Robert Martin of Aesumntiou were seen on our streets last week. Mr. Gaston Trosclair spent last Saturday with bis parents at Laurel Grove and returned to New Orleans Sunday. Mr. Allen Foster of Brooklyn, N. Y , is spetuli ng some time in our midst, the guest of his uncle, Mr. Thomas Badeaux. We are pleased to note that Mr. E. J. Brand's little daughter Nannie who had been confuted to bed with fever Is improving. Y-ffiJ# Mrs. Dominique Ilarang of Lower Lafourche visited this week her little daughter Alice who is attending Mt. Carmel Convent, Master Harry Boell, a bright young man of this town now employed in New Orleans, was here on a visit to his mother and father. Miss Bertha Riviere after a sickness of a couple of weeks is n aw able to go about a little. Ir is to be Imped site will soon have fully lecovered her health. Mr. and Airs. Sam Blum with babv Harold, also Miss Stella Blum, of Tliibodaux, and Master Joseph Loeb of the New Orleans high school are all at the Loeb Mansion to celebrate the Easter festival at home.—Democrat, Morgan City. | BUSINESS MENTION. | Henceforth, local transient advertisers may make their wants known amt advertise their business through this column at very reasonable rates. Matter can be changed weekly if desired. Our object is to help our home people, yb encouraging local advertising. Call or write for terms. Rig) nitons Cistern sis. 1600 Gallons, $-o ;s.v tiros. 60 Perdido St. New Orleans Save your coppers to speud at the "Racket": three will buy a spool of thread. Just think of it ! For Sale. One I>ii hold </. mtdnation Lock Inin Sale, One ••Paragon" Paper Cutter and one Perfo rator. Apply te this otlit e or to JUDGE L. P. CAILLOUET. riiibodaux. La. Notice 1o Kipp Planters. wilt send their or lers from now up to tiie 1st ot April. I wilt deliver to any laud in- I'M mi barrels or more, luit not less Aodress : GEORGE DIONNE. Tliibodaux, La. Bead the "Racket Store" ad. in an other column and lean) howto save! , n onev. POP!POP! With returning spring the people want a refreshing summer beverage, such I delicious article as Pol oer Bros, put up at their celebrated Pop Faviory iu this town. lie factory is now iu full blast and Poiinet Bros, are ready to till all or dere. Address Poltser Bros., Tbibodaux La. Carbuncles Appeared Each Ecr.cor, Sii>od Was Purified With Hood's Caroa psritfa — At: Ir.. Ic:V: Ulcer. carbuncles c:: i. : ' , j::y hack. They would • 1 : : and re turn the nerr *. - '• i ■ ••• a takin® flood's Kara-...;'h: v revel iiaci aay carbuncles sh.< i'. ; .-> had a fever and r.u i: ioi. •• :•• c• i d on liis .'1: . • . - : ' . rt .'...-i it. Our , :iy ' . . : -v.-mYc a 1 lood purifier and J v i.-.-y IL.-od's Sarsaparilla v. :,b , ■ V :tvuita." A. G. B.J asics, To::.-.. " I have bee i a g: . v - ■ a: cr .ram mus cular rhcurnati.'.n and ir . :oLr began taking Hood's; arir.-t. I continued its use until January '-hen I could go about as well nr err : and I have had no acute pains fir i. W. MXKKICX, Grand Isle, Louisiana. Koed'o Ssrsajssrli Hood's Pills v :i d : for .v - pit!; t i takf ; i-.irsapari'.U. i HYMENEAL. Bergeron— Morv ant. On last Monday Mr. Charles Berge ron, residing a few miles above this town was married to Miss Louise Morvant also from up the bayou. The ceremony took place at St. Joseph's chinch. Mr. Bei get on is a wot thy young man who has been employed torn number of years on the Boiler Works of Mr. Ozeme Naquin. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Gustave Morvant and is au amiable young lady. Their many friends extend them their best wishes for future happiness. SCH EX X EY 1>ER—BrEAU 1>. On last Tuesday at St. Joseph's \ church, Mr. Edward SMinekueyder and Miss Auastasie Breand were joined m the holy bonds of wedlock. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. The statement in Senator Elkin's speech that llie people of tills coouliy pay at the late of $500,000 a day m ocean to foreign ship owners for carrying what they sell and buy is enough to make every patnotic American hang bis head iu shame for the incompetence ot American states manship.—Indianapolis Journal, Dem. \2 '< Every ingredient Hires Rootbecr is health | giving. The blood is 1 improved, the nerves i | soothed, the stomach; [ benefited by this delicious j] beverage. HIRES Rootbeer Quenches the thirst, tickles the palate ; full of snap, sparkle 1 and effervescence. A temper ance drink for everybody. I Made only by The Charles F.. Hires Co.. Philadelphia. A package makes five gallons. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily am! forever, bemado well, strong, magnetic, l ull of new life and vigor, take No-'iVBac, tha wouder-woriter, that makes weak men strong. Many gain tea j" until in ten bays. Over 400,000 cure d. Buy No-To-Bae of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, ot)c or SI .cO. Uooklot an'-! sttrrpio rt:'.iD.i free. Ad. Sterling itomedy Co.,t L.cago or Now York. RAILROAD D J. OCTAVE TOITl 3 3, PROPRIETOR. j rhoice fresh beef, p n s. v**al, mutton and sausages constantly on hand. -Ol'KN f.VKHV MORNING.— situate I on tiie Railroad, corner St. Mary street, and of easy access trout all parts of the town. 'C'l'bourg, Market Stand, MAT.EET ET., TIIIZOC AtJX, LA REST OE ANI) T £T. -ALWAYS ON HAND THE- RE EE , MUTTON, TOF.K, VEAL SAUSAGE- OF ALL KINDS CASTOR X A. fbeho HaiU il|Mn| tin 184 4.-1800. For over half a Century the HOTEL .1 Mrs. Thos. Alberti = II; s served the ti uveling public at the CORNER OFjGREEX AND TIIIBODAl X STREETS.] Enlarged anil thoroughly equipped, it to-day ranks equal to any First Class ltotei in the South, with modern improvements, and aba fastidious public can require. STRANGERS' HOTEL. Tliibodaux, La. HORSES! MULES! HORSES Ir. E. ¥. Halstead Will Attend THIBODADX, La„ June 10th Veterinary Surgeon and Animal Meal cine Specialist, from Hereford, England begs to inform the public that Ire At Messrs. Tetrenu', Stables, aed "ill remain mail fWtbw notice:for ft. treatment of Lame and Sick Horses and Mules. Bony en arg standing successfully treated. TERMS VER Y MODE!}A TE. Mar. i- 96. HIGHEST REFE ENCES THIBODATJX Shoe and Hat Store, //= mw ft r ■yzT^-] [[ ^ A PROSPEROUS HOME. Husband. — "Why, it's just a year ago tomorrow that we wen married." Wife. — " So it is; and, do you know, I am wearing the same pair of shoes that I was married in, and they are not half worn out." Husband. —" So am I." Wife. — "Why, how strange. Aline were made by the Hamilton Brown Shoe Co., of St. Louis—their Ladies' Hand Sewed." Husband. — ". .nd mine are their Men's $4.00 Shoe." * * Well, let's stick to them for shoemakers fer the rest of our lives, for their shoes wear as finely as they look." HAMILTON-BROWN SHOE CO. for BALE AT rHE Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store Corner Main and St. Philip Streets, Opposite Thibodeaux Drug Store. Where can be found a complete stock of Shoes and Hats o| the finest grades, and at prices to meet any competition, goods as represented. Emile J. EBAUD, Proprietor FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr„ THIBODATJX Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables JACKSON STREET. FirstClass HEARSE WITH Heavy White or Black Drapery. Mix mm sS vx-cLSpa \-s THE FINES1 Carnages BOTH Open & Close Etc,, Etc. Finest and Large st Assortment of Cask ets and Coffins OrCAiiRIAGEB AL WAYS READY WITH NEAT AND CAREFUL DKIVEK8. Blacksmith and! Wheelwright, op om JACKSON STREET. wkYre l amlp.'eparel tojdo alljworkjinlthat lina Jkiorseshoeing a Specialty•