Newspaper Page Text
c '»«W' s-4 % 1 1 nty 1 t y tl. H NA 1 r* niEu T! 's Il l $ f ^ fH| jf ^ ty - ^ fmt ■ 4 • i f ; r\ i ij.SA i U 4 '; AL it /V jj, vol. xxx n. ■ \ *; v t, \ *• 4 V ** t ■* M k '- 1 "* rM»v«kcSjw * ."'XfSTSD.. NO. i JVIA 18tb. Jud a! Di«tnot. in Attorney..... Pauiii iptjssntatives ;.. .. |g of Court...... ......L. C. Moin* >' Hi. ffiKS .... 1. J Troslair. J. Ayo. ......C. ■ barker. ■ inztret ........ ......A. j, Brauti. f, .1 Jotiri'ttl.... ... -entinol ► *••••...... .......ribatjr POL 1C 1C • ■ lit Win d........ . . >• ;Morvant Ui •• .....J -4 . • i, Pres't M " ........ ' .■ H t Lergeron 4di " ........ .......i. *. Toups Ni " ........ .. 1 . J. ngdair nii " ........ ... tit idrigne nit " ........ . ..lulus tlcliiinx Itli " ........ " ........ . LovetK' .eHlanc Kit " ........ ... J. P < itiigeois JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Ik Ward ____ ltd " j*"* ......C A Enjrerrnn w* v*...... [tl, " ..... .......E. P. Bernard ..........E B. Ayo «: " ...... Ill " ...... Hi " ...... ............F. Toups ........John Darden ........Ed. Birdsall Ill " ...... Ill " ...... .......Ernest Foiet ill » v ft - Wind ............Chan. Bergeron ........O. L. Caro .........A. Roger ....J. 1). Bernard •* ............Edgard Barrios »* ............William Fields .............Leopold Gros *i .............L. Robichanx •• ..........John Dominique •• ...............Albert Ayo *• ..............Jos. Remont Drainage Commissioners. h\ No. I—Thos. Beary, O. Anthdment |J. B. 8, Mir*. Ibt.No. 2.—Tho*. Barker, Oscar Anth6 W,8. J. Guidry. hit No..).—L- J. Trosolair. J. L. l.eBlanc, i,Tuaat*i ik»An and Lkvk Inspectors. IStwtNe. I................M. L. Heigeron, *• o...................Emile Toups •* ;{..................A. Boudreau •< 4 .................J.T. LeBlano Municipal Officers. iliTttf, Prsnk Zemott; Con noil men. E. N. *EW. P. Martin, Edgar F Riviere. Val id Berg,.run, C. J. Legendre and Henry ^^fcfirger. Usurer..................P. L. Brand. ■» Marsh si...............RJ Naquin A ................... H.N. Coulon *Mi*tress..............Mr*. J-Curtis *8 1'rmfcer........... ..Lafourche Comet l^aiMtiou Laborer........Beu Maihrough School Board. bn*«t Roger, president; W. P. Martin, iHinleedeut and Secretary ; Nnma Elfert, > ChasTin. Kelt* Cailloust. Paul Meyer, -"it lXramAe. Charles J. Elliot. Paul *t smb tier*. Thisosaoi Bridgk Committee. 1 ferawt, K. N. Both, W. P. Martiu, J. L. «E. U. Morvant. L. J. Troa lair. SO YEARS' experience. TRADE MARKS. DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS Ac ____ , . — J a .Fetch unit description may ir?P*tn, tree, whether an iurantion is ._2;, ) ^ t «AAtita Communications strictly jl OJdset aitencj foreecnrin* patent* |H*A fe have a WaahtDgtou tifflci, Muoaoh Kuan A Co roo*i«» Jwmtifib ameriqu, Ur*eat draotaUm ef r™"fcamal. weekly.tennsgAOS a rear; [ o?r!. — Specimen copies and ELa*» "e PATkST* eent free. Address a, munn A CO., !. SPewdnay- Hew Istk. 'iiuak-r. "* American 1 lin and St. ¥*i.. «>rietor. ■ cigar* always k«t Street*. diiair Uood*. >n hand. No 27 • MlilX CC r Levee and a*roppIp»op. ">n* anil excellent i with railroad de ireen Srre-t*. Cypren* and I*lne I.umber, ■ ine*. and Sawed Shingle*, also saddlery • d liarnea*. Blacksmitltiug and horse ng a specialty. G uisanorf;, 8. T. Yew* Depot New Orleaim Daily Paper* and a large va riety of bank" and novel* oil band. Subscrip tion* received for newspapers, periodical* and magazine*. Cor. Market dc St. Loni*. j^EGENDRE, C J ..........~~~ ClKiire IT* roily I.rorerle* Also Feed and Charcoal. Cor. St. Philip and Rose street*. jyjEYER, DRS. A, J. Si L. E. Phyaicinn* and Nargeon*. Proprietor* of Mever Drugstore. Main Street Thibodaux. La. F. E. Bailey, Manager. J^OTH DRUG C0-, L't'd. Drnggitt*. Drug*, Chemical*. Perfumery, School book*, Stationery, etc. Cor. Main &, Green street*. J^IYIERE «fc CO.. HENIiY, Dry Good* Notions, list*, boots and *hoes, crockery, eto. Cor. Main & St. Louis streets. rpHIBODAUX DRUGSTORE, F. Jl. Caiiillut. illnnager, Drugs, Chemical*.Toilet Artioles. Perfumery, School books. Stationary. Cor. Main and St. Phil pi streets w BIGHT, MRS. J.N., Millinery Store Notions, Ladies bets and bonnet*. Dresa making. Cor. Market and St.. Louis street*. rgEKNOVT. FRANK, M aichmnker A Jeweller Fine Jewelry, watches end clocks, etc. Main Street, between St. Phi .ip and St. Louis. DENTISTS. gLANCHARD, (D. D. SJ, -I. E. Dentist. Corner Green ami St. Bridget Streets. jQAlGRE. DIL J. J. Dentist Office: Main Street, near Court House 1 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. gADEAUX, THOMAS A., Market Street, between St. Louis and Green K NOBLOCH Sc SON, CLAY Atlorneys*at*l.ntr Offices: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. c HOL, EMMANUEL. Ilusic T earher Gives instrumentat. vocal and Harmony lea sons Residence.- Levee Street. ARGIS, PROF. L. M B Melee* School f*r Hoys. Enplish and French in ell their branches and Mathematics taught. Narrow street, footot St Michael Stieet. Ol'NT CARMEL CONVENT. M An Academy Tor Young; Ladle* K*-pt bv the Sisters of Mount Carmel. Tlior ntish course English aud French. Foot of Market Street. c NOTARIAL. 001.0XL H. N. Yoiary Public, Real Estate and Fire aud Life lnsurauce Agent. Properties bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed. Maiket Street, be IwmuSI Louis uad Qr«*n »tr**tsQ >■ S rrr^J> If FUMILY VEGETABLE. r> i" v.:iiuH\. iii- u. ii ,|i *'-i :i ..ippctiic, cofii;>l...< .. > :.:k! ? OBSTIPATION .'-5■<,u:.i uni 1 r.-varcted « trilling nllim-iu — in nutv.iv :! iinAiils ilio ......... ivuuh.ritv of iio- h.,.vc!s, IITi-t any deviation t'runi Shis i* n.. uh! pa-, v- i way often t>> serious dan* r : -s <,uir,- a., iieceKsarv to remove impure acc'.ii.n -. iu.iih from t ho bowels us it isio cat or *'•i-ri 11 - o.-allh can hr expected where >v c< -si i v:' iinl.i; of body prevails. "M ti. HEADACHE! Tills -..ii..; affliction occurs most fre ijneutl.'. T!i- ilsturhance of the slomnch, arising frmu the imperfectly digested con tents, causes a severe pain la the head, uccompa I - i tv 1 tii disagreeable nausea, aud this cons: 1 ,to ._■* what Is popularly known as Sick Headncne, lor the relief of which lake Simmons Liver Regulator. 4 arEVEBY TACKAGE-E* He.* tile Z Stamp In red ou the wrapper, J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Philadelphia. A SENSIBLE MAN! Tovars his steam plpeing and drums w rey's Asbestos-Magnesia Sectional Cov^. Ings. It pays for Its cost In less than a year. Put In a Thompson Bolipse to burn bagasse, shaving, rice hulls, pea or buck-wheat coal write for prices ou roofing building and lining paper* and engineers'supplies, to DAFFUON & STOTJTZ, 840 Union Street •m->. 7. New Orleans Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM RemoresPreckle*. Pimples, Liver-Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re stores the skin to Its origi nal freshness, producing n< clear and healthy com n pioxion. Superior to all faoe**' - preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for 50cts. Send Jor circular. 80AP b tneompDTRbl# m r •Klo furlfrln* Soap, uwoqaalM for tha totlat. ao<l without a PriciTs Ceeta 4 43lk "' 17 "* 41 ' The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, 0. j Leading | everywhere sell *5 fEffitf p L>o: 't th*» loaa of time, labor ami groued by planting ae*»da of ouknown A it>-. The market is fall of ufctap. unreliablinf.Dods. f CRAY'S SCEflR ttwsyi the beet; do not accept "fet— *o?*abfltitata. Seed Annua! Frw. " M ' & CO. f Mich,. STATE TAX SALES. Of Immovable Property. The State of Louisiana vs. Delin quent Tax Debtors, Parish of Lafourche. B Y VIRTUE OFTHE AUTHORITY VES ted in me bv the Constitution aud Laws of the State ot Louisiaun, I will seli at the principal front door of the Court House iu which the Civil District Court of said parish is held, in the parish of Lafourche, within the letral hours for Judicial Sales, beginning at 11 o'clock a. in. on Saturday, J une 30, 1H8J, and continuing on each succeeding day until said sales are completed, all immovable property on which Taxes are now due to the State ot Louisiana, and Parish of Lafourche, to enforce collection of Taxes assessed in the year 18J6. Together with interest thereon trom the Hist day of December lSUti at the rate of 2 per cent per month until paid, aud all costs. The number of said delinquent Tax payers, tlie amount of Taxes due by enen on the assessment of said year, and the immovable property assessed to each to lie offered for sale are as follows, to-wit : 206-1 BADEAUX. J. T.— 20 acres of land hounded by Hynolite Lefort ami F. L. G irnli- at about 40miles below (be town of Thibodaux left bank bayou Lafourche Amt tax 1.10, int and costs 1.13 Total 2,23 1132 DISHEU, JOS: 1 H—120 acres of land bounded by L. Ri\>r and S Guitroz at about 20 miles below the towuot Thibodaux right, hank ol bayou Lafourche Ain't tax 27.76, int and costs!.33 Total 32.00 814 FORTUNE,! JOHN LOUIS.-3-3 of an sore land hounded by Ed. McCnPoh and Root Sparks in the town ot Thibodaux be tween narrow and Lag.tide streets. Ain't tax 1,26, in't and costs 1.23. Total 3.19 TFl?o 3a , in RODl'l'-'CE VAT.COTTR F of lend - ;-:p i*-»ne! see 51 c e ' f»9 cod , 4 ■ t i- : of see 59 see Oil t 17 s r 19 e. Amt t: - < . costs l.S-2 1 , 890 ROBINSON Si CO —1-1 ae. hounded hr C Boudreaux hT d .1 Co on St. Charles Street. Am'- *;<• and costs 1.34 1010 RARASSE Si MATHFR^F.- ' of land hounded by P. Matherne an i & Savoie in *|ip Bay"u Blue so't Ain't taxes 3.20, int and costs 1.38 T i ,t 1013 RARASSE * LABAT GFfiRGY-—49 acres of Swsion land hack of M in the hayon Bine settlement 'in' 1 624. int, and'eosts I 55 T< :>' 6 1017 RABASS'F, E, Dr. Esf.—99 acres of land in the liaron Blue settlement A' tax 6 65 int and eosts I 79 fn*n ° 44 1714 ROOFP. Ftt XXCOTS—40 aeres of land hounded hr Charles Roger and Fat of S. Bourgeois at alinnt 30 miles below the town of Thibodaux Amt of tax 3.20, in' aed costs 1.40 Total 4 60 759 STRIP!.T\*G JOHN H A- WTLLIAMS 2-5 acres of lard lot No. 134 fronting on Cra ry stree* in the town of Thihod»"x Amt tax 5-60. in't and eosts 1 67. Total 7.27 1993 SANDERS LOUIS R—320 serf s hounded bv Fgt. .1. Ga'ionr and Mrs. S. Brunet at ahojit 45 mile 0 below the town of Thiho daoy left lin k haron Lafourche. Amt tax 2.80. int and costa .34 Total 3.14 332 WILLIAM LFE & WILSON A. Mrs. The undivided half of one acre of land boun ded by D. A. Aneoin and Ridgefield Planta tion. on the outskirts of the town of Thiho ilaux. Ani't tax 2 00. Iu't and costs 124 Total *3.2 2427 WAOENSPACK. CLODOMTRE—1 lot i! e enrner of lot 15 iu block 3 in the town of Bowie at abou* 16 miles below tlie town of Thibodoux left bank of Baron Lafourche Amt tax 4 60, int and cost 1.65 Total 6,25 2431 WAGFNSPACK FELIX—1 lot No 15 in block 3 in the town of Bowie at alvmt 16 milps below the town of Thibndanx left hank hayon Lafourche Amt tax 2.80, int and costs 1.33 Total 4.13 NON RESIDENTS, 3485 GUTHRIE J. R. & Als.-254 acres of land lot 2, 3. 6 and 7 sec 8 and lot 2 aud 3 and n wj of tii>l see 17 1 20 s r 22 e, 254 acres. Amt tax 14,75 int and costs2.77 Total 17.52 3486 GUTHRIE J. B—282 acre* ofland up per 2-3 of lot 12 aud lot 201 19 8 r 22 e. Amt tax 15.45 int and costs 2.85, Total 18.30 3514 COOPER ALBERT—1 lot bounded by Lafourche and Barataria streets. Longue ville. Amt tax 2.16 int and costs 1.26 Total 3.42 3557 GUTHRIE J. B. Mrs. At Als —n -v i ot lots 1 aud 2 sec 5 lots 1. 4. 5 and 8 sec 8 and lot 1 of sec 17 t 20 s r 22 e. Amt. tax 9.60 interest and costs 2.15 Total 11-75 3566 LOUIS ALEXANDRE (RABASSE)—130 acres laud all of sec 4 117 s r 20 e. Aiut tax 4.69, int and costs 1.56 Total 6.25 3447 LeBLANC .JOHNSON IL—1 acre laud bounded by Morgan's railroad and Jos. Le Fort at Lafourche Crossing. Amt, tax 3.60 int aud costs 1.43 Total 5 03 3468 MIGUEL. ROBERT- 80 acies*fl ind bounded bv Mrs. Thomas White andR»b-rt Dupuis at about 30 miles below Thihoda ix ou the right bank of bayou LUburcae, 1 Amt tax 6.8U int aud costs 1.82. Total 8.C2 3562 MONTAGUE THEODORE—143 36-100 acres of land lot 26 t 17 s r 19 e lot 26 t 14 s r 20 e. Amt tax 5.014 int and costs 1.60 Total 0 6li 3560 PITRE JOS. A. A RUSSEL LEE—71, and K.-liiO acres of land being part of Che niere I'enUrnc or Micbou near Moreaux Bayou. Amt tax 1.40, iut and costs 1.16. Total 2.56 3492 RABASSE E. Dr. Est.—625 24-100 acres of land nil see No 2 1 18 s r 20 e. sc laud district of La. Warrant 736 U. 8. A Amt tax 21.74; int and costs 3.60 total 25-344 3*33 RODS URBAIN—80 acres ol land boun ded by Jos Mart Inez and Sy Iveslre Marti nez irs Malag.. settlement. Amt ta„ 226 iut and costs i.vT. Totnl 3.53 3565 RABASSE. K. Dr.—184 74100 acres of land all sec 2 t 17 .- t 20 e. Amt tax 7.00. int aud costs 1.84 Total 8-84 3567 RABASSE, K. Dr. Esf—141 48-100 acres of land ail of sec 8 t 17 s r 39 e. Amt ol tax 4.901, iut aud eosts 1.59 Total 6.55 ... ..ns bt f or I will mi the . s - uioper'y of b-c will liny or in it st and co-ts c • i". b« without ' ' i !••,!-• niter n oiiev . >i Stales •, lb- j> ■ pe i' sold '"nice (t a ty ti ■ fo> . . tee '-ovine the nc,-,. -iv with ■Lie 1 . ,.,ts lul'ieC. 4 \ '1 FSB ary. Sheriff and Tux Collector. :■ <1 1897. ' ft 1 To 1Ioi*t$;age Cred itors. Shkkifj's Office. ) KISH OF Lafourchk, May, 22, 1897. ! t ><'< ORDANCE W1 11 SECTION No. • ■ ..f Act No. 85 ol 1888. the attention of •i rtgaee creditors interested in any of loregoing described property is hereby • oil to the above notice of sale of propel 1 delinquent tax pave -a. ' JAMES BFARY. Sheriff and Tax Collector. -------- , . ------ '-'t Tobaoco Bpit and Smoks Yonr Life Away. j you want to quit tobacco using easily forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic, 'f new life aud vigor, take No-To-Bac, wonder-worker, that makes weak men mg. Many gain tan pounds in ten days. '• -r 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your -'gist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or 0. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. xriing Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. ■STATE OF LOUISIANA. 18th Judicial District Court, Pariah of Lafourche Succession of Bichard Foret No. 1493 Prohates. Whereas, Wilson Foret administrator of the above named succession, of the Parish of Lafourche, has filed a fintfl account of his administration of the aforesaid estate. Now, therefore, all persons, creditors and noirs anti other# interentetl nre hereby warned end notifiel to file their opno sttions in writing, to the said account, with the Clerk of said Court, at his office in the Town of Thibodaux. ten days after the first publication hereof, otherwise the said ac count will bo anproved and homologated in accordance with law. ^I Witness my hand and the impress of j b > the seal of my office this the 28tb., ) day of May A. D. 1897. P. F. Legendre, D'y Clerk i>f said Const. Hi Ju lian* dewax* f CASTORIA. A SOLVED. Business is dead—you have nothing to do blit sit on empty boxes and occasionally use your duster on the wqirk of some industrious spider which adorns your shelves— YOUR BUSINESS IS FAST GOING TO WRECK, and you can not account for it you have '^tried all sorts of schemes" to "pull" the peo ple—all but ADVERTISING. If you had, you would not wonder why y o u r friend across the way gets all the trade.