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SOTSi'E. .«.^rmns having claims against the sue i nitui'ia Shm-hii, dectased. wil i f tu Edward P. Robert* to Thomas A. Bail.aux, at S^T.if mod succession. - ■ LjflrtW 11 ^iniitrut; "SPECIALOFFER! fit facililole new town subscribers who ^ialbf diupnscl In pay the full price Jmhifriptinv "t one tunc, we trill send ■ V vj-. V77.VA7. to any nrn- subscriber ijstidftMcorjwrat' limits roe TWENTY (jy'TS a month, payable itt advance. j| jW ,r who trish to take advantage of it.* < ther should call or write at once. NOTICE. r ,i(*iri> to inform my former Clients, i kL,, H»nd tb p tiuldU' gei.erallv. that I have I Jwrntw-il t'WtiOP at Loofe|jnrt and would [ pmU'dn'Iy solicit a lilieral share of their l? ,m,UBEe ' X. P. KXOBEOCH. M. I). -Office" Rossi House. Lock port. La. ^vrutv yot u i:. (me black mare inub about 12 hands high *dwi thus 3 $ a little white spot on jt side. A, owner can have same by Identifying wuiertvaml nayingaU costs on keeping |ti)W»ise the said mule w ill be sold in 30 to pay costs. C. A. KSGEKKAS. j. P. 2 nd. ward Parish of Lafourche. | J*y Jttth 1H»7. he Don't forget the grand festival to j Borrow at Sr. Bridget Clmpel on the [Terrebonne. A daughter was born to Mr. and |Hn>. A. G. Dantin, of Baker street. | As it is the Hist little gill in a family Lf several children, the patents are [uto rally overjoyed. We extend cop gratidationB. Tlte Bayou Lafourche Central Park [C!d ill hold tiie first spring meeting [in its park at Laliadieville to-morrow ] tHenntnu. Many races are announced I with tine purses to win. Amateurs till have a line time of it. Cauls are ont announcing the ap |punching marriage of Mr. Abel 8. [Dotiiiriud to Miss Emily Guedry, both worthy young people ot the third ward | which happy eveut will take place at 8f.Joseph's Cbcrcb, on June 16th at o'clock p. m. The SCNTINRL acknowledges the I receipt of an invitation to a grand nail | which will take place to-night at [TaW's Hall. The ball is given by ithe Young Men of Thibodaux anti Ijrottiises to be a great success. The [committee will ncccept our thanks lor itteii kindlv remembrance. [usual. (fan Mi. A. J. Sitnoneaud's store was burglarized last Saturday night. As there i« no clue to tbe burglar, :eept that it would seeiu that lie was iinr with the store. These burglaries are getting to be ite too common ar.d some drastic treasure will have to be adopted to jut a stop to them. Mr. Theopilile P. Bergeron having [ken appointed Justice of the peace j ted resigned his position as solicitor ['for this paper, Mr. Ramil Lagarde for [fte time being represents us iu that [opacity. Any courtesy shown him by our [friends and patrons will be greatly [ tpjueciated by us. commencement exercises of [ Mount Carmel Convent will take i bare on June 23rd, at 3 o'clock p. tn. ! at the Opero House. An admission fee of 5ft cents and 12ar*uts will l»e charged, and there 1*01 be refreshments on hand for sale, [thelands thus derived will be turned j »!»* the convent's building fund. Children under tive years of age will [let Ite admitted. Tickets can be had at the Tliib>> [fku Drug Store. We tegret that there was no one j ft* * ti: to receive our former towns [kbit ud presciit confrere, Mr A. J. , x . of New Orleans, when he HM St the 5E\ r 1 N *■' _ (>FFICE last [ Bwtlsy. As it is we found his card. p»« token of ins ...trial call and we jfck .wledge we owe him a vls 1* which we will gladly acquit Hpwlve* of when we visit the Cres City, Call again friend, and Jou come no Sunday, give us ikkuiug. had the pleasttie of a most Ppeea hie visit last Tuesday made us j k MiL. 1'. Gmule and A. 8. Mwtiaud, two mull y young citizens [*i'v n short distance ire-low Lsfonr BiM'r.issinjj, ,-ngag« «i in meicantile £§***•> n- Mi. Gaude is a partner in i men of Beauvais i a'jWt'*'titling business just below Bush plantation, and Mr. Donnaud -iiiull stoic in the third watd, ®tt.' opposite and runs a peddling "• gentlemen reported the cane * the 7th watd to Ire in splendid though they eould not say «elt for other crops, the potato especially being a total failure, to the hail storm of last April. Mr. Hanv Jlellier, of Houm-i, wasin town this wet-k. Mrs 8. E. Haney returned New Orleans hurt Tuesday. Mr. Lawrence Kraenier of Bayou Heron was in town this week. Mr. Jules L. Basset of Brnly Lane visited our little city last Thursday. Miss Nellie Stone returned on Thurs day, from a month's stay at Sarpy, La. Messrs. Max, Charles and Fernand Dupre made a business trip to Houma this week'. Mrs Theo. lleboul and children are spending a few weeks with her Mother Mrs 8. E. Harvey. Mr. Felix J. Riclinrc has recovered sufficiently from his recent spell of sickness to go about. Mrs Felix Kahn and little daughters of Ascension Parish are visiting friends and relatives. Mrs J.('. Navarre and Miss Beulah Navarre of New Orleans spent one day in town this week. Mrs Lydia Wadsworth of Patterson, ami her mother Mrs L. Bergeron went to Xapoleonville last Wednesday. Mr. A S Richard was in town la»t Thursday, making ready to move back into Ins residence on St. Philip Street. Miss Roger, of Jesnerette, alter spending some time ill town, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. A Bourgeois, returned home Tuesday. Hon L. C. Moise, District Attorney, of this Judicial District is spending some time with Ins family at the sea shore.—Terrebonne Times. Mr. Hewitt Evans. Miss Evans, Miss Kate Zernott. and Mrs Emma Schloe ger of New Orleans came up last Sunday to attend the Flash-Evans wedding. Mr R. A. Lawless of Donaldsonville is spending a few days in town, prior to his departure for Kentucky where lie will go for the summer montns. He is the guest of his cousin, Mrs 8. A. Binnings. Miss Mamie Walsh after an exten ded visit to New Orleans returned home lust Snndav very much pleased wilh her trip ; She is now entertaining her cousin. Miss Sarah Scally, of Lafourche Crossing. Our affable Deputy Clerk of Court, P. F. Legendre, is laid up, as the icsttlt of a fall from a treacherous b.cycle. Mr. Legendre's injuries are painful but not serious, and he will no doubt soon be ont again, ready to conquer the wheel. Mr. G. F. Coition a worthy son of Mr. H. N. Coulon arrived this week from Washington. D. C. and is now in the bosom of his family for the first time in some four years. Mr. Coulon is now employed in the Naval Obser vatory in Washington and is home on a leave of alrsenee. .Judging from his fine physique and ruddy complexion Washington life agrees with him. The editor was highly gratified in receiving a very pleasant cull from his old tiiend, Dr. E. Blanchard of Thibodaux, La. The Doctor is so well preserved that his appearance is just a* handsome and healthful as lie seemed ten years ago, and his conver sation and manner* are just as agree able and edifying as ever. We hope to see our old and esteemed ft tend as often as he may find if convenient to v isit otu town.— Terrebonne Times. Own Make EMILE J. BEMUD. 50LE AGENT. COR. MAIN & ST-FII1LIP 8T8., TbibiMtaax - I-a, opposite Danst-reau s Drug .-tore.) JTj: 1 Orders CPramrdj F iled. Exclusion to Lake Charles.— The Thibodaux Excursion Ciub will «ive tiie first grand excursion from Thibodaux to Luke Chailes, on Sun day. June 13, leaving Thibodaux at 6:30 a. tn., and passing Crowley at 10 o'clock a. m. Fare Ini tound trip from Thibodaux. §2 00; from Lafa yette, §1 00 Children occupying seats will Ire charged full fate. The com mittee reserves the right to reject ait objectional persons. Music will be furnished foi the occasion. Amuse ments at Like Charles will embrace ex^ur-ion* on the lake, base bail game at the Dark and other attractions too numerous to mentioo. Tickets can be obtained at all inteimediate sta tions.—Crowley Signal. "I was under the care of a physician for two years and he was treating me for Btomach and liver troubles and female difficulties, but I only grew worse under his treatment. I was 60 weak I could do hardly any work. I was at last induced to try Hood's Bar sap-.-ilia and Hood's Pills end these medicines have done me so much good that I now weigh 112 pounds and cm able to do all my house work. I firmly believe I should have been in my grave today if it had not been for Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little girl was afflicted with phthisic. I gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has relieved her." Mrs. E. S. Harphe, 701 University Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Sarsa parilla Is the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. At all druggists. Be sure to get Hood's. u ,« r-s-ti curellverflls.easytotake, [Hood S Ir ll;S easv to operate. £5 cents. IIYMENEAL. Flash—Evans. On Wednesday afternooon at the residence of the bride 1 * parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zernott, Mi*s Einiua Flasch. daughter of Mr*. Zernott, and Mr. Evan J. Evans, of New Orleans, were united in wedlock, the Rev. Mr. Philson officiating. Although tlte ceremony was private, the home of Mayor Zui notr was beautifully deco rated for the occnsioti. After the ceremony the new couple left for New Orleans, their future home. The Sentinel extends its cougratu lations to Mr. and Mrs. Evans, with best wishes for their futuie happiness and prosperity. Our thanks for kind remembrance. Sabati E It —I ; A VLB. The following special from New Ibeiia to (he Times Democrat under date of June 1st, will prove of interest to Mime of our leaders : ••Miss Gussie Ga\le, daughter ot Dt. and Mr*. A. C. Gayle, was united in mariiago heie to day to Dr. George Sab ities, a prominent pinsictan. The ceremony was pet formed at St. Peter's Catholic Church in the presence ot a large unmher of friends. The popular young couple left on the afternoon tram for an extended trip east, after which they will return to this their home." The groom is the worthy sou of our worthy fellow parishioner, Dr. Eugene Sabatier. PROF. A. ARGENCE Having recently taken up his resi dence in Thibodatix. on Marouge street, opposite the Market, respect fully offers his services to the pub lic a* a MUSIC TEACHER AND PIANO TU NER. He will repair to private residences in the country s well us in the town to teach music orjtune pianos, and will also give music lessons at his own home, when desired. Evidence or III Breeding.-- When we buy a ticket to a concert or a lec ture we purchase the right to all the enjoyment tlte entertainment af fords, subject, however to the restric tion that we do not iutertere into the rights of others. We have no right to talk, chattel and laugh during the performance to the annoyance of the performers themselves, and to the intense disgust of the reaiiy diacrimi Dating portion of the audience. \\ e!l bretl persons pay more respect to tlte rights and feeling of their ueighbots than to indulge tiietr own selfishttoss in that manner. See?—Crowley Sig nal. So you have them over there, too, Brother Scott f Well, we feel relieved; we feared that they were confined to our locality and had begun to despair. THE EMILE J. BEMUD, &OLE AGENT. COR, MAIN & ST-PHILIP STS., Tbibwlasx - - - l*a (Opposite Dansereau's Drug Store.) Ma~l Orders 3-Vcrr.r l , Filled . An Afternoon Blaze-—A s v<- edi tor sat on his tripod Wednesday at' ternoon, grinding out copy, one of tin office boys, ever on the alert for news, poked ltis head out of the door and inquired "What is the cause of all this smoke f' All looked out in the in the direction indicated, and, sure enough, a vast column of black smoke was seen curling skyward from the lower suburbs of the town. The imp wi-ely suggested "there must be a fire while the angel re marked ' it's in the direction of mv house, and I like it not." The editor looked and pmidetVd, and said, "the smoke is so black, it must be a boat rounding the point below the Catholic church." The head devil thereupon remarked "I had no idea the bayou turned so." but was too polite to question the editor's superior knowl edge. You see our devil is well hied. So it was settled that it was the smoke of a boat rounding the point, and all hands returned to their sever al occupations. A few minutes later a friend walked iu and inquired "did you all hear about the lire ? Tetreau's barn was just burned;'' And sure enough, the imp was right, it was a file, and in a very short time. Mr. Tefican's large barn near the race, track, with all its contents, was a total ruin. Now the head devil is certain that the hayott "does not turn so" below, and ye editor is mum tin the subject. The Pioneer man thus indulges in the spirit of prophecy : "We think wears safe in making the prediction, in the very near future we will be able to explain ! "The long expected has arrived !" as we hear the whistle of the engine that brings to our village the first train. It will soon be no longer a silent dream but a noisy reality. There are at present at least 150 hands at work, or more prop erly speaking, 300 hands, grading the toad on Magnolia plantation, nod those who know say by September the cars will he on the track. Hurrah for the sleepy little village ! We mean to show the world we are thoroughly aroused " We hope it is not an iridescent dream. Brother Maiks; but atangible condition about to be fully realized. Napoleonville should *ong ago have had railroad communication with the outside world and we rejoice with you over the coming event which will afford it such communication. ^mmw mwm w w wm w wmmw wm m wmw wmrwwi E 1844-1896. For over half a Century the HOTEL,! Mrs. Thos. Alberti | Ha* terved the traveling public at tbe 3 COKNEK OFfGREEN AND THIBODAUX STKEETS.J Enlarged and thoroughly equipped, it to-dayj ranks equal to any First Cla*» Hotel in the South, w ith modern improvements, and al) a fastidious 1?- public can require. 1 STRANGERS' HOTEL Thibodaux, La. HORSES !_MULES! HORSED E __ _ _ b Veterinary Surgeon Ik ■■ W ■ — —Sami Animal Xtedt P Ha let pa ■ Is naidlGdU Will Attend THIBODAUX, La., June 10th At Messrs. Tetreau's Stables, and will remain until further notice for the treatment of Lame and Sick Horses and Mules. Bony enlargements of long standing successfully treated. highest REFE EHCES TERMS VERT M0DEI}A TE. HIGHEST REFE EHQks Mar. T-*36. M FRANK HOFFMANN, Sr THIBODAUX Liverv, Feed 1 Sale Stables JACKSON STREET._ FirstClass HEARSE WITH Heavy White or Black Drapery. v Si *3 r J THE FINEST Carnage? BOTta Open k Close Etc.. Etc, ! Finest and Largest Assortment of Caskets and Coffin* CyCaKRIAGKS ALW ATI KKAPT WITH MEAT AKP CAREFUL DRIVERS. Blacksmith and Wheelwright, op oa JACKSON ST REST, where I mm p*ep»red to do all work inthaUi** lb or«eshoeing a Specialty* Every ingredient in Hires Rootbeer is health 1 ] ! giving. The blood is j improved, the nerves'; [soothed, the stomach! [ benefited by this delicious | beverage. HIRES Rootbeer Quenches the thirst, tickles the palate ; full of snap, sparkle 1 and effervescence. A temper ance drink for everybody. r Maie only br The Charles E. Hirw Co.. Philadelphia. A package makes five gallons. There is to he a grand excursion from Thibodaux to Lake Charles Sun day, June 13th. The fare from Mor gan City and return i* only two dollars and from names on the ennui.ittee list v e judge that it will prove a grand success. Many of our people think of goiug.— Ind. Democrat. You are right, brother ; the gentle men in charge of the excursion are all right and are determined to make the excursion a success. AtuI it will be a success. The Cob Pipe Factory .—The corn cob pipe factory is in full blast. Man ager Thompson ha* given away a quantity of Missouri! corn, which grows larger cobs than native corn, and next season lie expects to obtain his cobs at home, which he could not do this season on account of the infe rior quality of the cobs. The factory furnishes employment for several hands. The Clarion hopes that Mr. Thompson's enterprise will he reward ed.—St. Landry Clarion. Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made.