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fttuboimux Sentinel. PUBLISHED KVEKT 8ATUHDAY|BY E. I*. ROBERTS & CO. Official Journal of the LaJou rchc. Parish of JEhttred at U*c Fo*t (dice at T/tiled an a. La oh teeottd class waiter. SUBSOKiPTiOxN PRIUE: PER YEAR, IX ADVANCE.........$2.00 All communications should be ad dr«ssed to The Thibodaux Sentinel Thibodaux, La. Correspondence on subjects of general interest solicited. To insure notice of theircoirmunications, ■writers must furnish their real name, even though they should desire to withhold its publication, ns an evidence of good faun. Matter intended for publication should he Written only on ore side of me sheet, and to insure Insertion in the week's issue, com munications should reaeli office by Wednesday's mall of tnat week. Subscribers who fail to receive their paper On time should notify us w ithout delay. (aTFully prepared to do job work Of every description. specbaIa :motu's: : Henceforth the Si NiiM.r. will charge the nominal sum of litre c :.i> for publishing! In mem.,ria.n notices and ordinary cards of thanks. -oeietiei publication will pie: till! 1 imiki its desiring such note of it. Saturday, jit nr 12 , 1 * 97 . a\ - b*.', *> , . '. t ■ , v ,, ■ - >V !/ TEE coy ST I TU T I OX A L • VEX J 10 X. COX Consideration of tiie Continued. Limitations The proposed cot stitntinnnl con vention shall piiss no ordinance c. Whereby the levee system as now organized under and by virtue of aift cles 213 to 216 inclusive, and 270 of tbe present constitution, and the laws euacted in pmsuaiice thereof shall he alteied, amended or affected. A lefeience to the articles of the constitution which the proposed con sttintional convention is prohibited S , ll '''V ll ? t , thu avet* i a 1 . 1 ... .i* 1 1 1 i} '\ ,u i | h ' ,l IitlTv r n,hl V' ,,l,,ICe 1 ° who*}. d sst sumsad money have been ,V' at S '! " ' S P* rfe , ct fedlmriTc !,'! S i L V -"| , ! b ' v 1 . :e feoeial government^) Inch has come iu aid ot this and other liver states; and it is deemed unw ise by many to re open the question or reverse the sys tem at the present stage id its (level opmeut. ihe constitution of 1879 provides that whenever I lie fedetal government shall assume absolute coutiol ot the levees the .State shall abdicate its nghr over the levee in its favor. 1 he pit sent- constitution also authorized this State to join other uvei states foi the purpose of main taming levees intended fertile common protection of this and 8112 I 1 other states, these were no doubt the reasons "hull actuated the legislature in imposing these limitation*. It might be argued that at this time tue people ot tin- State aie not all i . ... that r asoulmcmi, M 8 11 a r f ? r tuai uasou ihe convehtioi) ou^ht , .. w be free to act as it lists. If vie consider the difference of opinion on this levee question, it is safe to say that ail :ue agieed we should have levees; ihe disagreement is as to outlets; some favoring a com posite system ot levees and outlets; others, un all levee system. Under this condition of things, there is no reason to vote against tiie constitu tional convent ion ; for although that convention will he prohibited from making any alteration * in the present system, we see no!lung under the present constitution to pit vent the adoption ot the composite S isr**m composite system, should the ptojiic of tin* throusrh the legislature desire to trv ii. The convention shall pass no ordi uanci, _____ -a— e. Wlicreoy the oin, i-« ,,i Chi.*. Ju* tice a:;d Associate Justices of the Supreme couir shall be made elective or whereby the terms of office of ti.e then incumbents shall be shortened oi their salaries diminished. There may be some hone-; diffei once of opinion as to the piopiiety of this limitation or luthei limitatioiis, tor these are two. Tiie first urohihiis the convention 'loin making ti.e olli ces of the justices ot the supreme! court elective. Uuder our present constitution tiie judiciary system is composite : ap pointive. elective, in ns blondest] sense, and, again, elective in a restric ted sense; that is, ti.e* justices, of the supreme court are appointee bv the governor with the advice of the senate; the disfiict judges are elected by a direct vote of the people of then respective disctiicts, and the circuit judges are chosen by the legislature in the supreme court vide the Colli t into a court a}1Iie || att , ;1|h1 a conrt ,,f joint session. Each of these methods of selection has its adherents ; and it must be-conceded that something can be said in favor of each. For out owu part, we prefer the elective; but we recognize the fact that it is not abso lutely faultless. Indeed, it lias al ready 'been tried with regard to the ^judges of the supreme court in the ,, ami there are many among those w ho recollect its manner of working then who tieely admit that it presen ted some objections which may lie avoided under the appointive system. At bottom, the trouble with any sys tem which may lie adopted is, that it is human, and therefore subject to imperfections and liable to abuse. In times of great political conniption, the appointive svstem in liable to abuse : u hilo in of great political excite meat, the elective may work great injniy : bnt this furnishes no reason why either \stem should be con demned in lota. The other limitation concerns the terms of office «>t the justices and the same reason exists for it as for the limitation in favoi of the other offi cials. liur outside of these two restrictions, the convention will be free to orgau ize ihe judiciary system as it deems proper. It may provide at will con coining the district and other inferior jCouils. It ilia\ abolish the courts of appeals or te-oiganize litem on a dilf.--ent basis; it may establish par ish courts; inciease or diminish the jm isdictiou ofjustices of the peace or do away with them altogether; in the number of the judges and di of civil ciiminai Cl eit.-e of appellate jurisdiction. In fact it in.-ty do anything it pleases outside of the rest 1 ctious noted. It will thus be seen that the restiic lions to the powers of tho coiilt inpia teil constitutional convention an- not so multifarious or ns far reaciiing ns it lirst i lusli appears. If a constitution al convention be otherwise necessary,; tli: ie is no teasoii why these restric rions should stand in (he way of call ing one. The matter therefore ie solves i'sell into ihe question, is a constitutional convention deemed ne cessary at this timet That is what tin* people who will soon be called to pass upon the matter will have to! decide. GkA. STOSl X A. 1: oa evsry wiappa : \\ T e have received, with the com pliments of Mr. Frank Mathews, Chief Engineer of the Lafourche Su TIIE ROUTE OF THE PROPOSED RAIL WA Y. ! I j ; ! j | gur Belt Railway C<>. ;i finely executed photographic map (cabinet size) of tlm I ................ ! Lah'i'fch* ^al'ley from Donaiilsonvilie | j ^ U ^ >nrc * ie Erossiii|^. | : The map is intended to show the mute of the proposed road, and. i therefore, whatever inaccuracies io i otliei rt s 9 ect wllld ' ,l,a .v it , detract not from its usefulness tor the 1 p, n ,,ose intended. j The proposed twite of tiie contem plated road is along the light des cending bank of Bayou Lafourche from Donaiilsonvilie to Bertie P. 0, a point about three miles below | Napoleonvilie. (.'tossing the Lafour i c |,,. a t this point, the load will thence , m i dow n the bavou, on the left bank j t h e , t „f, to Lifmuclie Crossing, This route is certainly laid through the sugar belt of the Lafourche valley fmin Dona'dsonville to Lafourche j Crossing. | The niap before us also traces the route of ihe Mississippi and Lafour ! che Railroad from Laudeiflale on the, I Mississippi River down through An j ceusion and Assntiiplion (left bank of! | I J | i *• -.........- .....,...... ,— ....... **• Ba - V °" L, ' fo, V c!,e) to B " rtlH P - con ' to*-----i ..c ------ 1 .~ l?------ I necting with the Lafourche Sugar Celt proposed road. AH of which looks very nice on pa per and will prove of incalculable benefit to the counfy, if ever brought to full completion. ! The parties at the head of the: Lafourche Sugar Belt Railway Co onfidently of the success of ----------„ .........- —.......... Sugar ' -- - - - j sneak i tlie*Ii i I to the Worlt l *»<?*- lateac poena, which is* 1 m-t original in sentiment to say the euterpnse f*>r one ardently be mistaken. and the Sentinel .opes they will not Marie, Princess of Roumania, gives , - * ^ i »h€^ > \ pic«ti i iL*!?ch ! • c1,,, ° 1 ) an<1 rnns rts follows : i ! "La vie est value ; Un pen d'amour, Un pen do haiue, Et puis, bon jour ! "La vie est breve ; Un pen d espoil-, Un peu de rove, Et puis, bon soir!" 5»-f> 4s£^5</4H t W'S.Wl t r, IV L i ATK /. ZITtf '- tiA ;i r* j f -r * VI k .i i l*. „ •• f j, i. CURtCOHiTIPATIOH 10 ♦ 25^ 50* ALL DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ; | pie and Wsoklft free. Ad. STERLING REWEIIT CO.. Chicago, Xuntrral. Can., or New York. m. ( , IMPORTANT UEKTING OF BRAXTON CAM!'. U. C. V. With Major S. T. Giisatuore presid ing and H. N. Coulon, adjutant, at the desk, tbe members of Braxton Bragg Camp No. 186, U.C. V., held a meet ing in the Thibodaux Opera House, last Sunday afternoon, when an elec tion of offivciK of Hie camp for the ensuing year was held, resulting in tin* uuniiliiioiis i alec 1 ion of the actual incumbents, namely: Major S. 1. Grisiimore, commander ; Captain John J. Shaffer, lieutenant commander; 11. N. Coulon, adjutant ; I». IL Mc Bride, treasuier ; John M Walsh, sergeant a; aims; HoiiornC'iiainpagne quartermaster ; P. A. lie Mamnle, color sergeant; Ed waul Lafort st. Paulin J, liuilloi, color guards ; L. F. Boudreaux, tyler. For delegiiics to represent the can p at (lie seventh leutlinb of the l iiileu Confederate veterans, which will take place at Nashville on June 22, 23, 24, 1897, the following comrades were elected : C. Lagarde, T. F. Easton, Arthur W. Connelly, E. Xorbert Roth, S. T. Giisaniore, P. A. De Mauaife, Colden A, Buford, IL N. Coulon, W P. Tucker, Honoie Champagne, J. J. Shaffer, Chaiics C. William, Franklin Aiicoin, Ediuinid McCollum and John M. Walsh, ai'<l as many as of these a# maybe present were nutlim ized to cast the seven votes to which the Crimp is entitled, and weto further empowered to attend the session of the Louisiana Division, United Con federate Veterans, that will take plaee on June 19, and represent the camp tlieieiu. The camp then decided to elect a sponsor for the camp at the Nashville, and made the necessary appropriation for the requi site expenses. Miss M amie Walsh, the accomplish ed daughter of Capt John M. Walsh, w as unanimously elected sponsor for 1 lie camp. Mrs. Miaxton Bragg was then unan imously elected a.i honorary member of Braxton Bragg Camp No 186, U. C. V. A committee composed of Comrades John M. Walsh, J. L. Aueoin and Paulin J. Guillot was then named fm ihe purpose of locating the graves of 'confederate soldiers, most of whom were members of P\ ion's Regiment of Texas, who are buried iu 8t. Joseph's cemetery, and faking such action as they ntay deem advisable to properly ! make and preserve a lecord of the I same. After consultation it was decided j that the camp will have a reunion of ; corifi derate veterans in Thibodaux on or about Oct. 9, 1897, and the officers of the camp were authorized to take ! the necessary steps to that end. To assist the officers, Comrades j Edmund McCoIlam, W. P. Tucker, | and Colden A Buford, of Teriehonne, ami Comrades J L. Aueoin, C. C I Williams and N. Roth, of Lafourche' CHARGED WITH BEING A GPU YE. Wanted For Murder. FU | we ,e appointed a committee, | The commander then announced the L^ath, since the last session of the of Comrade Felicipn Toupsof i t | ie Twenty sixth Louisiana Infantry, and G. R. Forest, of the Fourth Louis 1 i-inn, Infantry j ' ___ Sheriff Beaty arrested last Wednes day a Frenchman named Auguste Genar, who Is charged with murder committed last week in Missourri, in | a suburb of St. Louis. Thursday I morning lie made the proper nffiilavit J before Judge Caillouet to hold him H6 | a fugitive until the Missourri authori ties can be communicated with. Mr. Beary got his information from a St. Louis special to tho Times Detn ocrat under date of June 8th wherein it was staled that the coroner's jury | had charged Auguste Gena* 1 with the killing of oue Isaac Michael or Michel 0 ..... whose body had been found on the railroad track near Clayton. The dispatch stated that tiie deceased had ffitelv arrived there with Genar from New Oileans, and was kDovvD to have $200 on his person. . Auguste Genar is well kuown in this paiish, having made last grinding | Mrs, Ellis Foiet's plantation and j ' iere * A «"«« «•««» of nioney was found on his person and also a watch for which he produces a receipt which also worked on one ot the Lafourche packets. He denies the killing hut i admits that he left St. Louis laRt Fri day, coming directly to New Orleans wheie he spent a day, whence he came shows it was recently acquired in St. Louis. He says he paid $42 for the watch but the receipt does not show what was paid for it. To the Sheriff', Genar said he was willing to return to St. Louis without requiring any formality and face his accusers, but he may not be so ready and willing, if the time comes for him to go. Nobody Kicks WTJV n at Racket Prices. r Because they are all right. Note the following and you'll sec that we can save you big money on all good* inourll Good Itobhlnett Bars from $'2,66 up. Large towels for 7 1-2,10,t2 1 -3 un.l I,Him Napkins, H lor 5c. turkey * i-alm-i uustein 15, 20 uiid 20c. Window for 20, 23, ...I. in mill 50c. ........ Neeiliesf> papers lor lie. Toilet »■ i• il only He n spool. 5 papers for 5e. ... Poo! Kuaraisteed lea Spoons Sc. adn»"; I able Spoons 10c, a dozen. A Nice line of npeii and Shut Fans from 21 v" 25c. ench. Ladies' Itlac/. Stockings from 5c. i.p. Men s Sox from „ n -i'r , 24c. Men's Snsp-'iidcrs from 5c n pair up. I.nilics - 211 inch Umbrellas 4.V- Air' .Nail Hammer for UK*. 40c. Wortli double. Cast steel Hatchets .«*. 2ii ineli Steel Hamj Saws^ni* Call and see these Great Loaders ; it will pay you The RACKET, or Poor Man's Friend. ROBIOHAUX & BADEAUX. Proprietors. Main Street,, Thibodaux, La. ROSE & CO., -FASHIONABLE TAILORS, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. » "m. inters & \ Li AJ; Al S. BLUM, & SONS, Agents, THIBODAUX, - . S-OXTISIANA. ! .- ............-iim - , Can't tell you all about the new style*. namiwrae design*, beantlfnl fin- " Jf m ln ----_ - . 1 *••«. ei»dl«* variety, low- price*, superior Quality mid line workmanihip of our coo* la this li mi teil SDare. l>ut we want vnn tn wr to for nnr ; 1i c.,... i . . m •*»1 IV- V Ui . . «**» prices, superior Quamy a.ei nne worsmanahip of our good, la , this limited spare, hut we want you to write for our lt*0t> Illii-irated Catalogue. This itholinL ( est and best catalogue we ever published. Ask for Cat M. It contains about 200 nan. „,i^5 * , im lotsof money and time: but you can have one free. We ha>p added a fine Mae af* Bit YCLES at lowest prices. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE GO., Cincinnati, Ohio ' Kent—Carver. The Hon. T. D. Kent, of the plan ting partnership of Kect &: Weill, treated his many friends to a genuine surprise last Tuesday. He quietly took unto himself a better half and stole away before his friends got wind of Ins maneuvies, and thus slaved off the inevitable charivari, the usual discordant accompaniment of a widowers'wedding. I he fair btide iu the ease, is the accomplished Miss Eailir.e Carver, daughter ot Judge Hiram II Carver. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mi Philson, of St-John's Church and upon the conclusion thereof, the couple left for Nevv-Orleans. The Sentinel extends its best wishes to Mi and Mr* Kent for happi ness and prosperity, and Hopes the groom's many friends will overlook the neat trick lie played them to avoid a disagreeable oideal. Terrebonne— Lohaine. A fiieutl from lower Lafourche sends us a note, under date of the 6th insNtnt, in which he says: "Omlie tilth was celebrated at the Cut Ofi, on lower Lafourche, a nice and quiet wedding which has attrac ted much attention. The Biidegrooui was Mr. Ulysse l'er> ebonne, ;a son of one of the old est families of the parish, and the lfiide, Miss Philomene Lorraine, the chain. mg daughter of mu school teacher, Mr. Wm. C. Lorraine. The groomsmen anil maids of honor were : Mr. Pierre Tei rebouue and Miss Eliza Lorraine ; Mr. Rudolph Terrebonne, and Miss Julie Bruce; Mr. Bud Bruce and Miss Julia Lorraine ; Mr. Isador Bruce and Miss Victoria Pitre ; Mr. Auguste Pitre anu Miss Valentine Galjour ; Mr. Leonce Pitre and Miss Leonoie Galjour; and Mr. Euesie Fmet and Miss Alice Galjour. The marriage eeiemony was solemnized at 3 o'clock by Father A. M. Rocbard at tiie church of Ni tre Dame du Rosaire amid a number of relatives ami imme diate friends." We extend our congratulations to our old friend and former correspon dent, Prof. \V. C. Lorraine, upon this happy event in his little domestic circle. A Straw. —There isn't a man in to .vn about whom floats the atmos fffiere of honest influence who isn't boied from eailv morn till dewy eve by men and women who want some thing to do. They are all in earnest. 1 heir i *nt, their bread and butter, depend literally and absolutely upon then getting wmk to do. Their isn't a tii-ln in life in which intelligent in dustry furnishes the necessary pabu lum that isn't overcrowded. There i-ii't a realm toward which men and women, fully competent to do the du ty, to sustain the responsibility, are not pressing, ten of supply to oue of demand. It means trouble. Ic means woiry, heart rending, literal distiess and suffering—this is one of the times that try men's souls.—N. O. Heiald. STATJK OK LOUISIANA, IStli Judicial District Laf >nn mt, i' risk of. Succession of Marie Josephine Pitre it. ceased widow of H\ T PW, ; .Vo. 1515 Probates. \ V IIKRliAS JOSEPH Al. Lbi-oRT OP ** tin- s.iiii f'nr st: h is ni ul- itui'bcutioa I be naiiii <1 ami nu|K>inrtil munim*! .aitr id the atnivsaio esiult*. Tlirielore. ail persons urn her»br witni-il ami otilieil to till till ir nppositiMa to tlm Mini application, in wriiim:. with tbs Clerk ot mi i Court, at Ins iiiiu-e til thsTows of' Thilioilaux . leu days alter tiie lirst mibli lioreul. olberviue tiie shii! sp'ilirsat will Is* inmii-il ai d tippoint. il st soeh ailmia iste.iti r as reijuired oy lao stu iuMvoi'iDccs wilt: aw. i -—j VV'itnes.s my hand aud the imprsabf (L j) the seal of my office tins tlM) ihlb., {^*x,Jday ol Alay A. D. lft)7. P. V Legeadrs, D'v Clerk ofsaktCoM. STATE OF LJUSIANA. 18th Judicial District Court, Parieii of Lttfouiclie. Succession of Anthony Granger, 5t ; . 15U Probates. 'pAKE NOTH'K ; THAT PCRTUaMTO I au order and decree of ihe above Cuurs and to a commission to me direet'4 i* ■h* above entitled and numbered suicMSioir ' will ofler for wale at pubtn- .lUKlion partuint to law to the last and i-lia*t bidder al l iltt Court House iu the towu of Tnibodaux *o SATURDAY, JULY Utb, 1S9L between the l ours of II o'clock ». ». tnd t o alock p. m., the following described l" U P" ertv, to v«it: RLAu ESTATE. r I tie southern third <>f tue loJlo»i n 8 '' e *" crihed property, to-wit ; , A certain tract or parcel ol Isnb sitiiswa in said Parish on tiie right bsllkoi b»T»s Lalouiche, in the imun diate viciniir »t towu of Thibodaux and al about sixteen »r pouts hack from said Hayuu, ui"»*urii)i tlil-ee aud oue quarter arpeiii* front Ml * Charles Street, by the whole depth th*™* helongim;, rum in* from esid st. 1/hsnB Stieet to a street oi road wbtoh ates said property On tiie VN eaters boo*® ary trom the liiuus itiraei-y ' ,e tlD | " "* to Pierre Lnjf trde, l» uimeit in ' nl "' East by ti. said st- » Imrl - otreeG by Iota belonging to the E-iate 01 . Love auil ol Is.iuc (J a-ger, Wear U J '* stiee t or road si pars-ing s*iu f 10 ! aforesaid ti'niu tin- pi. peil.v ternierlv l>< ' mg to Pierre Luaa de aud smith by a s* or road a pmaitug sain property W>™ land ot Paul Li leg- ihm wit- " buildings anil improvements tberton c " B. B. I'jp,me7ti i I.M however, sixty _ jc. feet limit on the -trei l or lead which it tow.ii'ds the South nlid -* per.ite* •• the land of Paul UBlanr. a lron: .°L 1 .'fc hundred and e glit o el ou the r*.ut ■ hounds it towirds the "'»• " Ul ' it from laud formerly beli-nging to Lagarde; a troul or facing tow* r ' ' North .ml Bayou Lafemclie where it to™ 11 land heomging to the said "*L . he" ' Granger ; and a hack line or X rtbein and honederie-, tins line parallel fis feet from the Western boundary d.serihed at the mad « hi. n -eperated It I™ land ioritn r!y Wloi'^iug to t n :re' (fk ajj Hold to Lew a Moore ou AiigU" 1 l*>tB) (Pcc. c B.VOp. 2S.-) erseq f MOVABLE Eh t LUIS. j The «hole ol the following: tlJ *, birt , table, oue cart, two hedsteaus. two oue wardrobe, three chairs, one ro«*w. On the following terms aud eondlti kdr Gash to pay debts. jaME8BB aW* Sheriff utL» fourtl> *' June 12th., 1897.