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Wbobciu* Sentinel. PUBWSHEO V.VE1IV y.', J*. KOBKI vHUKUAV BY ri'!-i ^ cxo. Official Journal of the Lafourche. Parish of JEntereU at He Vast (p ee. at 'Jhilodavi. la ax second ciass matin'. SUESCRiPIIGK FEICE: TIER YEA It, IX AD VAX'("I*:.........$2.00 tB ......... - All communications lulcl lead dressed to The Tiuboda rx ^l:nT ixti, Thibodaux, La. Corresponeenee Interest selieited. To insure notice wi nets ir.ust turn tie a gi; they shea publication, eh an Matter intended written only >'u oi insure insertion ; inunicHtioiis siic.t Wednesday's mm .Of t!u*ire oniiiiunie i.-h i lu'i r l lGli r.iiltd won '<! »;i sire to With!: ol-l ltd ♦*Y i;: f'lH't* of "nod f: lith. for \n **1 ?< •at i< in slioultl la? «<• Viet* of i it. * Si n * t . and to in t lit* wet •k s ii-.- io* . com oi that week tins otiiCfc try Subscribers wiio fail ti on time should notify : < ecive t neli' paper without ileiav. feS'Frdly prepared to dejeb work or tveiy description. KE'£<'IAEj .HOTH'E! Hence fort li the Srvri nominal sum of tiftv in memoriii'u notices r thanks. Societies and publication w ill please ■■ i r. will charge the ■hi's for publishing nd to dinary cards ef oti'ers deslrimr such make a note of it. A BLUE MARK § III tiiis equine means that "V OTj Fa ! | SUBSOF.IPTION $ j j EXPIRED! We merely want to call your at tention to it. SATURDAY, (JUT. 1 t)Tti, 1897. ON MIME "SIGNS TIMES" OF THE Duiing the last presidential cam paign thete was much frothy declama tion throughout tlm length and breadth of this fair land against the so-called anaichis ic and socialistic tendencies of the democratic paity as evidenced by its declarations embod ied iu the Chicago platform. Forthe purposes of the disenssiou of the idea which we desire to biing forward in this article, we need no" defend the Chicago plaifiom from these charges against it. For the sake of argument, we may admit their correctness, and our answer is that over six million American freemen have declared by their ballots that the views expressed in the Chicago platform met their approval. Ho that, if the Chicago platform, which has recently been reiterated by demo cratic conventions sitting in various states, contains anarchistic or social istic doctrines, and these doctrines have been indorsed, in whole or iu part, by over six million American freemen, the;., there is no escaping the logical conclusion, from our ene mies' premises, that we have in "this land of the free and home ot the brave, ' of which we boast so much, over six million anarchists and so cialists of H.moieor less pronounced type. \V hat ! six millions, or nearly one half ot the voting population of the Uuited States, socialists ^aud an archists 1 What a terrible pass have we come to ! Well may even our etie mtes lecoil from the inevitable con elusion ot their nun premises and piay to be delivered from it, for woe unto any country one half of whose population has been driven to seel; relief in socialistic or anarchistic doctriues. But, fortunately for all, the case is not so bad as it lias been made out bv • etrect ot some «.>eep seated the enemies of democracy. There are not so many socialists or anarchists in the country as that. There are how ever, some socialists in the land, and it may be anarchists, too. and the case is bad enough as it is in leulitv. fo make the situation worse the existence of socialists and anarchists among us is only a svmpton indicating some disease 5 iu the body politic. l" is only the or, peihaps, of a concat ena ion of causes, which is sapping! the foundation of otu 'ice institutions. the ■■■a dsts and auarchis are u. i f >•; i! ftTidstieit s which n in opt r; Gion tor a .st if! gth i>| tune in a eoi in try ft < it and mature thi* p, Tin if b. no gainsaying teen !•-sene inclination toward so-! cu.lisiu amung cei tain classes of our! pet jt.e, annmg the poorer of the la-1 have iciei.t 1 put! isonetis fruit, the fact that 1 toward so boring classes, anil any amount, of declamation against socialism and anarchism, and otln-t "isms", will not stay the evil tendency. Living in a free country, ns we do, it cannot In tuit down by the strong a. in of the law. •■Government by injunction" will never find a permanent habitat in this country, except among the tombstones of our fiee institutions. Bur the situation is grave and is aggravating every day, the disease is actions and the patient—the body politic—glowing momentarily worse ; is approaching and del del iv in the applying the proper lemedv is dan' tons and may result tatally. It : quires action, and quick action, to but it must necessarily be of the iigln j sort, for the least mistake in bestow ing the remedy may produce disas trous consequences. It behooves our statesmen and publicists, and all paliinde men, there fare, to minutely note the symp tons and make a collect diagnos s of the case with a view to applying the 'proper remedy. We must fathom the cause or causes from which the socialistic tendencies noted spring, and the knife must belaid at tit** mot of l he disease. Unless this is done, and done quick ly, too, the evil will continue expand ing and may soon past all remedy. We are conscious of the fact that ti e thought suggested by these re flections, that the body politic is se riously ill is not a pleasant one, but it cannot be doubted that it is well [bunded. The "signs of rim times" give abundant evidence of it, which amounts to proof almost as strong as holy writ. We cannot: hide the fact out of sight, and, even if we could, it would be foolish to do so. It i< Lest to face it ; to seek the cause, and ap ply the right remedy. To the accomplishment of this end —to seek the cause or causes, and suggest a remedy—we shall devote | some time and attention in the future, as the present article Las already out grown its allotted space. • I I | j | $100 Howard $100. 'flie readers of this paper will be pleased t.i learn that tlieie is ar least one dreaded disease thur science has been able to cure hi all its stages and that is (Jotarib. Hall's Catarih Cure is the only | ositive cute known to the medical fi a tern ity. Catarrh being a cons.l itiitiounl disease lt-quil es u con stitutional 11 eat teent. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaliy, aetina direct ly upon the blood and ntii > 'Uons sui faces of tlie system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up tlic constitution and assisting nature in doing its wmk. The pro prietois have so much faith in its curative power.-, that they offer One Ilundied Dollats ibi any case that it tails to cine, .'•end ft i list of testimo nials. Address. F. J, CHENEY & CO Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the. best. FEAR SEEMS TO RULE. /anycommunity ismtich to be regretted, tor were such a community to be visi ted by the fever, its people would be * ' Since nnr last issue it lias been proclaimed that what had hitharto tieen called dengue in Galveston is nothing less than yellow fever and, ns a matter of com sc, all Texas has been thrown into a state of intense excite ment and flight. Suspicions cases are also reported from Houstou and Sail Antonio, and before these lines fall under our leaders' eyes such cases will have sprung up in various other localities of tin- Lone Star State. The yellow level is undoubtedly an undesirable disease to have in ;l n\ locality, and every reasonable preean tion should be taken to keep it out : but the wild terror and fear which tr inspires seem out ot all reason and possibly do more harm than the fevei itself. If is surprising how the people of some communities lost; all self-con trol and seem to become frantic with fear at the very mention ot the yellow fever. Ir would seem that bravety is an extinct virtue, and that men and women who have faced grea'er dangers in the, past with heroism, are appalled and overwhelmed by the mere sug gestion of the possibility of the dread j visitation. Such a state of the public mind in so demoralized that they would tie in terror, every one struggling for himself without thought of friends, neighbors or kin, and the resultant suffering both physical and mental, Morn such a state of confusion and abondoumeut would be si in ply incal culable 1 To dread the fevei and to take all necessary precautions to ward off its invasion is wise ami prudent, but fear should not be allowed to dethrone reason and to establish the rule of wild terror. Fear the fevjr, but exercise prudence, and let brave hearts be willing and ready to meet it as becomes true men and Christians, if the worst comes. I of New Orleans has In i n witness anothc r death as ti prize tight Jack Cumming- died last Wed ties'! r night flow ;| : e effect of a 1 low i!e ■!t him by Walter Griffin in a fistic cmunr.ter. This is anoihei uigmuetit in favor af the complete snppm ion of pi . e lighting, it i- bnita; . .y how. aid has no redeeming feature. called e it Stilt MONEY l ViNS. j (; 45th. This time it is the Hon. !1 If. M..m- | ey. of \! l-sis-GIp pi, w ho w ins I bo semi- j t'o ia! seat m.nle vacant by the death of I the late Senator J 7. Gcoigo late U. j j S. Senator from .Mississippi. Gov. Me ; j Launu appointed Mr. Money last j I Monday to (ill the vacancy. Mr. Mon- ■ | ey is n well know n public man of our j i sisrer State who has already tendered j ; many services to his state as will he ! j seen by the following brief hiogli!phi ; j c.iI skt tch : .or. Money represented the Foil) til j • District' ot Mississippi in the I house <>f Congress j,, ip,, 44.H1 I boh. 1. t.h, -1st!,, 53rd, and Sit It *sses. In acc.-l •i.ance with the | practice of the Mississippi Legislatu 1 e j ot electing a .Senatorial successor two | years before the term begins. Mr. Money at the last meeting of the legisiatuie was chosen to succeed Senator George for the term beginning Mareh 4, 181k,. Since the death of the latter it lias iiimii generally under stood Mr. Money would be appointed to till out the unexpiicd term of Sena tor Geoige. Mr. Money has been in \i ashingtoii dm mg t lie greater part of the summer under tiealment for an alb ction ot the eyes lie lias greatly improved and expects to leave tot In's Mississippi home in a few da.vs. The new Senator was born in Mississippi Aug. gd, 1839, and is a graduate at law. lie lias taken cunsitleiabie inte rest iu the Cuban question, and last spring made an extended visit to the island to make a thorough study of li,e conditions there. DECLINED WITH THANKS. Our esteemed contemporary-, the Houma Courier, is sometimes given to bragging, and occasionally it is moved by a great big chunk of gen erosity. as witnesses the following ; "Judge Caillouet opened court here iast Monday. The docket as usual is not a heavy one, with a number of minor cases and no mur der ease. The report of the Grand Juty published elsewhere in The Courier, shows how good we Ter rebonne people can be when we want to. The only bad thing in the parish is the jail, and that is bad because it is not patronized enough to justify the expense of keeping it in repair. It might be a good idea to build a new jail to be used as "a thing of j beauty and a joy forever." In cases of every day emergencies we might tender Hie new jail to our sister parishes of Lafourche, St. Mary and Assumption where naughtiness exists at times." Y e know not what our sister parish es wh! do, but as for Lafourche we can say licit, she declines with thanks our t; c.temporary's generous offer. Her jail is more than ample for her own use. and, indeed, in case of an emergency in Terrebonne, that par ish can find sufficient accommodation within its precincts for any surplus boarders she may have on her roll. IIow about those Louisiana appoint ments ? '] lie Washington correspon dents have been keeping mum on the subject so long that, we begin to miss their delightful nonsense. ^ * ,e c 'tizens of Itayne have recently belli an indignation meeting at, which Ktl ong resolutions weie adopted, scor The Southern Messenger says : Tiie Baroness von Hirscli, who not so long ago contributed one million francs to the Pasteur Institute, has since entrusted the Philanthropic So ciety of Paris with two millions and a half, to be used for the benefit gentle women, who by reverses of fortune are reduced to poverty. The Baro ness evidently believes in doing cliat it.V during her life time, and she is tight. Whatever has been given to the needy, can no longer be claimed by unscrupulous heirs. mg one of the parish road inspectors, and calling the attention of the police .jury to his delinquencies, and demand ing better roads. The Citizens ot Rayne know their lights and don't sleep over their neglect. A little indignant "regulating" now and tbeu will do no barm. It tends to wake up negligent road inspectars and other otlieials who are not over so licitous about the general welfare. Mark Hanna has been indulging in prophecy. In his opening speech in tiie Ohio campaign lie said: "The tariff bill passed and became a law after a haul light, and I predict that it will be two decades before any par 1 v will dare assail r There now, you have it; Hanna has said it, and i ought to be so. 1 lie great Hanna ntav, however,prove a-- monumental a Jailute as a prophet as lie has proven himself ro be as an "I'afer. ft the tariff iaw continues to "tend delicti*, as it lias Dec-;) doing in iw stu,,; past life, we opine it will mo be III, HIT y ears before the repnb in party iteeli, It still in power, wt ' assail if by making some altera ' f' s in i«, in ordei to secure addi tional tevcuues. Nobody Kicks WITV 0 at Racket Prices. *»X1I , Because they are all right. Note the following and you'li sec that we can save you b i money on all good? in cur l»n#» Good Robb met t Ears from $2.65 up. Large towels fprf>, 7 1-2, 10,12 1-2 and loots. ].in* n Napkh s, H for 5c*. Turkey f eatlier JJustors 15, 20 and 25c. W indow shades for 2 >. 2">.;*» and r»0c. Good 'I hread only lie a spool. Every spool guaranteed. Needles 5 papers for 5c. Toilet l'i?»s 5 papers for'c. Teaspoons 5c. a dozen. '» able Spoons 10c. a dozen. A Nice line of Open and Shut Fan** from *> 1-2 ets. to 25e. euch. iu*dies' iUack >tn<'king** from 5c. > p. M* r»** Sox from 5c a Pair up to 24c. Men's 8wsr>end*TS from '.•<*. a i air up L;niitc-' *_6 im-h t'n»l»re!las !'ic. \ l;!?'' Nail lfao:mer for 10c. Cast .steel llali het.Al-U . 26-inch Steel Hand Saws only 40c. Worth double. Call and sec there Great Leaders ; it will pay you. of Poor Man's Friend. EOBICHAUX & BADEAUX. Proprietors. Main Street, Thibodaux, La. EE Ji \t„-;-i^S^. sfeji .C. .1 *'tf ni • < \ hulAU --A : Can't tfll yoa all nbont the new at;,-Ion, xYt \ haniiaanie <5«e«icri*. laeamKitl fin- —__-- ! Uh, cndlo«a rarlfty. low prloou. gnperlo? quality ana tin - srorkmnnfthip of our enori < in this limited epare. hut wo want you to write for our 1 ->m> ilium*'. ••! Catalogue. This is the ' .rg. 1 cat and bcBt catalosnie we ever pnbliehod. Ash for Cat. JI. It contains about 2Cn pa -e. and , .-It . tis lota of money and time; but you can have one free. Wo have arldeil a lioc tin.- of' BICYCLES at I«wo»t price.. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.. Cincinnati, GUI?. ' FTLL UXK OK 1'11'E FITTINGS, BRASS and IRON VALVES, RAILWAY, SAW-MILT, Ayl» STG.VH-llOTsB SIRPLIES, VERTICAL nil HORIZONTAL ENGINES, PORTA RLE ANA HORIZONTAL liOlLF.US, UUltRKH A NO LEATHER BELTING, PACKINGS. ETC. --tv*LE AGENTS DEANE STEAM POM? GO., of Holyoke, Mass. DANIEL PRATT COTTON' GINS AND PRESSES, PEMBKRTHV INJECTORS, U. F. ST UR TEVANV BLOWERS. ETC. EUREKA PACKING - HOISTING WINCHES, DIFFERENTIAL PCI,LEV BLOCKS, HYDRAELIC JACKS. POP SAFETY VALVE-. GOVERNORS. DETROIT LCiHI ICATOUS. STEAM lit'AGES. ST n 'K - and DIES. SCREW PLATES. DRILL PRESSES, FLAX l'At KING, i t f i» S i At U.Ml, VACl FM PAN TRIMMINGS. WE SELL "K" FITTINGS. Let us estimate and compete for your work. HAUBTMAN & LOEB, THE MARKET GET INFORMATION FROM j. ill. Reigem, Gcjent, THitcdauzs:, - - Lov-iaiana. Lawrence Dwyer, TINSMITH. All kind of Guttering, Spouting, Roofing, Etc' STOVE PIPES. ALSO SLATING. Plantation work given prompt attention. Church St., near R. II. Depot. I\ 0. liox .211 Thibodaux, La, Gratuitous Advertising.—A n ex cliange very irutlifnlly says: Socie ties, committees, and individuals are very apt to expect the public puss to woil; for nothing. In tall such cases there seems to bo—and doubtless the View of the particular party is an hon est one.—a disposition to hug the idea that in "this special instance" the established rules of tiie office may be waived and a "shoit complimentary" or something of a kinder nature to be thrown in. We havo those proposi tions every day. Could the outside world bul appreciate the many cares, the arduous labor, the heavy expeuse ot conducting a public journal, they would never ask for gratuitous adver tising again. Now, if we could effect the lease ofa building, oi erect a steam engine, or stock a pressroom with machinery, and a paper room witli pa per and inks, and a composition loom with types, or could we satisfy our emplayees with mere thanks for their labor, or could we prevail upon our grocer, merchant, tailor, or butcher to furnish us with goods gratuitously, we should then feel no hesitancy whatever in returning compliments' from June to December. The appli cation can easily be made by all. Says the States: At a recent cbmcb service in Xoitl: Adams, Mass., President McKinley's neice sang a solo, "Come Ye Discon solate." It is safe to say that the , President will protest again'.; the song being repeated in Wa.-hing'.-m because the disappointed office : ek ers will be sure to accept. an invitation to call. CASTOHIgl. ;£s fee- / J la :s «'«y vx;i}sa. A few weeks ago Senatoi Foraker, of Ohio, when asked if he would taae any part in the campaign in his Slate, replied in the affirmative, and declared that he was "inflamed for Hanna." Ills inflammation, how. over, appears to have suddenly sulv sided and according to the latest reports, he lias cancelled ill his cam paign engagements and g me Hast to look after his business interests. A desperate attempt was made by the administration to induce all the Re publican leaders to puli together, but it is quite plain that they have no love for llanua, who is playing the role of a political dictator, and running the campaign in his own interest and without regard to what becomes of the State ticket. He is determined to be elected to the Sen* ate, and is allowing the candidates for State offices to take care of them selves as best they can. Bushnell and his f riend Foraker are aware of this fact, and consequently there is much sulking all along the party line which does not bode well for Hanna's chances of success.— States, That is a peculiar "prosperity" that broke out iu Indiana. Five mea lynched in a bunch foi burglary! The south ha that. As the Hon is t-latiuirq sy, tni- vigoii L\ licit uiu % no such McKinley ; all lhe\i •us outbui to his uesoup tn n. It will Ft admiral wholesale slaughter of ti t Peiiiisy (Varna. Rope jusE • (ici by injunction are a pi. era ctop at present. Times. record as 1m Irtish** pi os per i ef Judge Ji the ers ia mur-