Newspaper Page Text
®i« m«M JOURNAL OF TUB 9 ™ SENATOIilAL DISTKICT VOL. XXXIII. aa d G^ardi aa of tH. I^^aUfTK^ THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1897. KO. 17 OFFICIAL DI LECTORI. State Officers. (jov nmr : Murphy J. Foster of St. Mary Liejit.Gov.....R. H Snyder of Tensas &J1C.U l • ' * w * ,........■' *" ------ g e r• of StVe.- fohn T Michel of Orl ans 4nd. Pul) A.ce'rs..W. W. H ard of Union finite Treas. • . A- V. F urnet of St-Mar in State Treas... « ... .......... s,-—... Xtt'y Gen. M. J. L'unn ugh mi Natchit.och's tdl Pub. Ed.. .J. V. Calhoun, of Orleans R. Senators of Ouachita . of St Mary o S. I' MeEtiery, Jton Caffery.... State Senators. V C. Minor ................Terrebonn" W. K. Howell................Lafonrcbe Judges Supreme Court. Chief In itlee: F. T. Nichollsof Orleans Assoc'at" J A. Breaux.of Iberia H. C. Miller of Orleans. *• " N. C. Blanchard, of Caddo " " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Circuit Cotuttof Appeals, Fifth Circuit B,T. Beanrogard..........of St. Bernard* rf.D. .Smith................of St. Mary. Congressman, rd. Congressional Dist. K F. Broussard, ............of Iberia 18th. Judicial District. j............L. P. Caillouet. Dist. Attorney..............L. C. Mois e Paht n Officers. ......M. Delanne. ____L. A.Troslair. Coroner................. J'u'4'®' Clerk of Court.............. 0. J Parker. ............................... Jas Beary ..........Sentinel' E. A. Delaune Bepre**entat i ves: Official Journal Assessor — police jurors. l8t Ward.........Emile U. Morvaiit Sfl»l 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th .J. Li.uis Ancoin. Pres't .. .MarcelHit Bergeron ..........J. (). Tonps .......L. J. Trosclair ......Jean Rodrigue ......Jules Godcliaiix .......Leon Falgont .....Loveucy LeBlanc '......J. p. Bourgeois justices of the peace. 1st Ward...............H. Clement i..........C. A. Engerren <r '.. '.........N. T. Bourg . .E. P. Bernard .......E. B. Ayo ..................F. Tonps .........John Darden .........Ed. Birdsall " B. Penouilh .............Ernest Foret ........ ........A. Cretim 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1st Ward 2nd *• 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th CONSTABLES. ...........Clias. Bergeron i .............O. L. Caro \ ..........A. Roger ' ........J. D. Bernard ' ' . ' .....Ed gat'd Barrios ' .........William Fields .............Leopold Gros ...........L. Robicliaux ' ' ' * ''... Johu Dominique '..............Albert Ayo .......Jos. Remont Drainage Commissioners Dist No. I—Thus. Beary, O. Antbdment and J. B.S. Mire. . ... Dist. No. a.—Tbos. Barker, Oscar Anthd ment. G. J. Guidry. . . _ Dist. No.J.—L. J. Trosolair. J. L. LeBlanc, J. J, Tomassi. Roao and Lkvkk Inspectors District No. 1................M. L. Beigeron, ...........Emile Toupa q.................A. Boudreau 4.................J.T. LeBlanc Municipal Officers Mayor, Frank Zoruott ; Councilman. E. N. Roth; \V. P. Martin, Edgar F. Riviere. Val troiil Bergeron, C. J. Legendre and Henry Erii linger. treasurer..................P- L. Brand. 'J'owu Marshal..-'*..........RJ Naquin fflerk .................. H.N.Coulon IW Mistress..............Mrs. J. Curtis Town Printer.............Lafourche Comet Corporation Laborer.......-Ban Malbrough School Board. Ernest Roger, president; VV. P. Martin, Superintendent mid Secretary ; Numu Elfert, Alcide Chauvm. Felix Caillouet, Paul Meyer, ftanrois D6ramee, l.'hailes J. Elliot, l'aul Soott, members. Thirooadx Buiogk Comm.ttke. f■ Zetuott. K. N. Roth. W. P. Martin. J. L. 4»io n. E. U. Morvaiit. L. J. Trosclair. SO V~A08' ERPEftiSNCB. LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY TINSMITH. D v YER, LAWRENCE Tinsmith. All kind of puttering, spouting, rroHngctc. STOVE PIPES. ALSO SLATING. 1 lull tat ion work given prompt attention. f 'hureh Street near K. R. Depot, P. O. Hox *211 Tliiboihm x. 7-n. MERCANTILE. ntl'M & SONS, S. •try (jiouJsl (Mottling, mots, shoes, hats, .-aps ami notions. Full line of Furniture Main Nf. Philip and St. Louis Street*. J^OURG N.T. Market Miami. Always on hand the best o( Reef. Mutton, Pork, Veal, and Sausages ot all kinds. Market Street. Tliibodaux, La. B OCRON, A., (■■inMinllli »nd tYalelimaker. Jeweltv, Greseenl Hicycles. New American Sewing Machines, etc. Cor. Main and Sr. Philip streets. J^TJOU SALOON. Y.Trnlgle, Proprietor, Choice wines and liquors, fine eigars a'ways in hand. Cor. Green and Market Streets AHOL.'H. C. Genlleiuen's FnrnLiiing i, A Fine Select Stock always on hand Main Street. 'nails No o; EMPIRE HOUSE, •L K. Mnaeman, Pronrlete/,-. First o'h»s neeoiumodations and excelle-t 'iilde. Free'hits connects with railroVd do nor. Corner Levee and Green Street*. p ROST, II. VV„ Cypress and Pine I,nml>er. Cypress and Sawed Shingles, also saddlery mil harness. Blaokamithing nnd horse shoing a specialty. J EGHNDRE. C J. Choice Kninily Groceries Also Feed and Charcoal. Cor. St. Plnlip and Hose streets. lyjEYKR, I)RS. A. J. & L. E. Physicians nnd fiurgeons. Proprietors of Mever Drugstore. Main Street 1 hibodanx. La. F. E. Bailey, Manager. jyOTH DRUG CO-, L't'il. l>i*mrsrlMfit. Drugs, Chemicals. Perfumery, School hooks, Stationery, etc. Cor. Mam & Green streets. yyiYJERE & CO.. HENRY, I>ry Cioodis Notions, 'jots, boots and shoes, crockery, etc. Cor. Main A St. Louis streets. T DIBOPAUX DRUGSTORE, P* J. Gnlllot, Manager, D->igs. Chemicals. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, School hooks. Stationery. Cor. Main and St. Philip streets. ■yyniGHT, MRS..I. N„ lUllllaery Ktore Notions, Ladies hats and bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Market and St. Louis streets. ^fEKNOYT. FRANK, Watchmaker A .lev eller Fine Jewelry, watches end clocks, eto. Main Street, between St. Philip and St. Louis. DRNTI8TS. gLANCHARD, fP. D. SJ. T. E. DentiRf. Corner Green and St. Bridget Streets. yy AIGRE, DR. .1. J, IkentlHt Office: Main Street, near Court House ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. yjADEAUX, THOMAS A.. A l torneyaM.nw. Bank of Latouiehe building. y^NOBLOCH Si, SON, CLAY Attorney K-nt-l.axv Offices: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. £1HOL, EMMANUEL. Music Ten flier Gives instriimeuta'. vocal and Harmony les sons. Residence: Levae Street. yyARGIS, PROF. L. M Meleet Mehool tor Boys Erg'ish and French in »ll their branch Math-matics tsnglit St M ichael Street. Narrow street. and foot of Ol'NT CARMEL CONVENT. In Academy tor Young Ladies Kept by the Sisters of Mount Carmel. Thor • iich course. English and French. Foot of Market Street. NOTARIAL. QOCLON. H. N. .Yolary Puhlif, Real Estate and Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Properties bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed Bank of Lafourche building, WASHINGTON LKVri'H. 1 L 1 1 inn our ret/ular Correspondent.) IV ASICNC.TON N'ov J2. 1897. ■ I a hand in pi i s. to till ally fl)l UI. Mci\JiiIcy lias fa ibat Ilaiin.-t iiiuiicile t;ikin<r Seniitor Foiak the altitude ibat Mim,. „f r::•• pn.u.i nent Furulier men m Ohio h ive taken agilint 1 Id* elect ;..d . f Il iiina |„ (!„. Senate. V\ lie,her by so doing he hurt or helped Manna is as yet a matter nf dnnht. Theie was tin quarrel between Mr. McKinley anil Seiiat.u Foiaker, but then* . us plain talk on h..lh s ,*e.s Mr. MeKinl. y said that he Fo raker could stop the tighr a- ||:iui a that some of his personal followers were show ing a disposition to make, if not actually making, if he desired to do so. Mr. Foruker did not deny liis power to do so, hilt retorted •»> saying that Hanna lias brought it all on himself hy liis treatment ot (lie Fo mkerand Busline!! republicans, and intimating that lie thought it would serve him good and light if he failed to get elected to the Senate. Mr. Mc Kinley did not defend Hanna's method in dealing with Foraker'sfriends, hut lie made it very plain that the whole power of the administration would be used to secure Hanna's election, and 'hat if would be useless for anvrepuh licun who took any part in an attempt to prevent his election to expect, the sligliest favor from him in the way of pi tnuage Notwithstanding all Mils the most that Mr. McKinley could get out of Foiaker was a promise that'"he would not personally do anything against the election ol lianua". Fo raker is still in Washington hi. d Mi. McKinley has not abandoned hope of being aide to In ing sufficient pressure ;n bear upon him to get him to agree ■o call liis followers off and to allow Hanna to be elected. Secretary Gage now openly admits that he is in sympathy with'the gold hug, self appointed monetary confer enee which assumes the tight to perform the duties properly belonging to Congress in connection with tiuun rial legislation, and to emphasize that sympathy he gave a dinner this week attended only by the members of the so called conference and Mr. II. H. Hanna, ot Indianapolis, who is generally regarded as the creator ot the Indianapolis convention and of this conference. At this dinner the work ot the conference, as tar as it has gone, and the financial recommen dations in the anuual report of Sec retary Gage were discuss, d. If these men have time to waste they have as much tight to waste it in this way as in any iithei. 'I he only good purpose that will he served either hv the rec ommendations of Secretary Gage or ol this conference, composed of his side partners, will be the increase in the silver sentiment of the country. Senator Chandler lias not always been wise in his predictions, out he hits the nail square on the head in his lutest, made rublic this week—-'if the repub lican party permanently acquiesces in the existing gold standard it will he defeated in the Congressional elec tions of 1898 and iu the Presidential election of 1900.'' Johu Wedderburn and John Wed derburn &. Co., who were lecently disbarred from practice befoie the Patent Office, were this week placed on the fraud list by the Post Office Department, and will not be allowed further use of the mads. Their paper the National Recorder, was included' iu the fraud order, and any letters addressed to them will be stamped "fraudulent" and returned ta the wri ter, if address is on envelop ; other wise they will be sent to the writer through the Dead Letter Office. News papeis which continue to carry Wed derburn &, Co's, advertisement after knowing of this fraud order may fin d themselves iu trouble with the postal authorities. Senator Wolcott arrived in Wash ington this week and had a conference wiih Mr. McKinley about the fizzle trip of himself and colleagues to Eu fepc, in search of that, latter day Iloly Grail known ,as international bimetallism. The Senator used to be almost always willing to talk to the newspaper men, but he now declines all invitations to discuss the failure in which he played such a conspicuous pair. Lemuel Eli Quigg. who was Boss Piatt s mouthpiece in the leceut New Vork municipal campaign and who is about the nn-st. discredited political prophet »t the day, was at the White House this week. His interview with Mr. McKinley mav or may not have included Cuban affairs, but, when it is temeiiihercd ho .t he shouted for free Luba during tiie last year session of Congress, the foil >winglanguage used by him after he lelt the White House is considered significant: "I hop, 'l*at Congress will not attempt to con duct our foreign relations. They are much better lelt to the administra tion. There was a time, perhaps, when a resolution conferring belliger eut lights upon the Cubaus might I I | 1 , ; , ' 1 1 ' I | I I | ; , | 1 i j | I 1 have been passed without bringing on a war with Spain, hut that time has gone. It the Spanish people have a spark of manhood left there could be hut one lesnlt of any declaration fu voiing O il.,-., Our people <| () h,,* want a win with m y one. There" ia no pn<si'de compensation for if. We aie 1,0* inn pi ope r condition nfdefeiise and it is al.sni.l to invite a war until we are ready for one." That is as complete a flipflop as any man in public life h is taken <m the Cuban q "s'ion, and if int. mates that the <i,, notliing poLcv is Mr. McKinley, to be continued 1 Eve, in iiei Lp I'o Date column in the T. D. sa vs ; ''How truly does II, leu Hunt .Link son voice the > xqilisi'e seiisihilily »ot faithful woman '.eait in that little poem entitled ''Tiv.i Truths " In how id in\ i);i(uies :n this rnggtMi. world, is at its best? How the poet nhystnal dentil of trut.i and tenderness as she thus "It dds tiie minor up to nature." "Darling," he said, "I never meant Io hurt you ;"and liis eyes were wet, ''I would not hurt you for the world; Am I to blame if I forget V' "Forgive my selfish tears?"she cried, "Forgive ! I knew that it was not Because x mi meant to hurt. m<\ sweet. I knew it was that you forgo* !" But all the same, deep in her heart Rankled this thought, and rankles yet "\\ hep love is at i.*S best, one loves So much that lie cannot forget " The i'-try 'sc cDctric sign m New Jinrr Iruid, that ci> the Wasliiugton street la cade cf the New Grand theater, Boston, is composed of 1,000 incandescent lamps of :J2 candle power each, and the letters which they make are four feet high. It took four men a month to make the sign, and it cost the company that elected ,t about 65,000. Couldn't Fool Mamma. Mrs. Yonugiove—Oh, I ara sure that my husband has never told me a lie iu his life. Her Mother—My poor child! Yon are married to a hypnotist.—Cleveland Leader. Justiaable. "The .91,000 beauty had to get a di vorce frnva the human ostrich.'' "Why*" "He kept swallowing her curlin' 'r;:u and hairpins. "—Chicago Record. STATE OF LOUISIANA, IStli Judicial District Comt, Parish of Lafouiclie. C. MeUtnce Thibodaux et ah. vs. Fir min Tliibodaux et ah. Xo.JJ'/'J. T ake notice, that pursuant to a .judgment of the above Court, rendered anil Signed September 'J!hh, 18!)7. in the above entitled and numbered suit, and to a commission to me directed and bearing date ot November 8th. 1897, ordering me to offer lor sale at public auction pursuant to law. to the last and highest bidder, at the late domi cile ot the deceased, J. Feheieu Thibodaux. situated 111 this parish on the left hank of Bayou Lafourche, on Coteau Folse, ar about twenty-two miles beloxv the town ot Tlnbo dsux, to effect a partition bet ween the par ties plaintiffs and defendants. 011 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18th 18U7. between the hours of II o'clock A. M. ami 4 o'clock P. M. the following described proper ty to wit: REAL ESTATE. , 1st. A certain tract of land situated on the j left descending bank of Bayou Laionirbe. about fifteen miles beloxv tho'town ot Thiro daux, measuring two arpcnt* trout by forty arpents in depth, open ng as it extends to ; the rear, togetbet with all the buildings and I improvements thereon, and all rights thereto j belonging. j And another tract of land adjoining the I above tract 011 the lower line, measuring one and one-third arpents in front, more or less. I by forty arpents in depth, which sai.l tract | also opens as it extends to the rear. The 1 said two tracts being bounded above by , lands of Joseph Dufresue and below by lands ; of Alidor Robicliaux. Thet-fl tracts are to tie sold as «ne trad of land, and snhjeet to the lease made to Alidor Robicliaux. expiring December 31st. I8!>!». He or his assigns having the righ' of pesst s sioc until that rime, the purchaser to lie sui, rogated to all of the rights of the lessee for the years I8U8 and 1899. 2nd. A certain tract of land iu this Parish on the left descending bank ot the Bayou Lafourche, in the Baton Pilor. Settlement. being a'».ur ten miles north of Thibodaux, and he ing the tour arpents facin' North of the Northwest quarter nf section t'vcntv-tive. and having a depth of fourteen arpents run ning ,'oiitu and containing al.out fiftv-six ar pents o| land, more or less, in township four teen South, of range seventeen East, in the Southeastern District of Louisiana, bounded North by section twenty-four. the remainder of the Northeast quarter of set tion twenfv five. South by the Soothwestqnarter of section twenty-five, and West by seetiou twenty-six. I'his lot to lie sold bv itself, Jr.L A certain tract of land on tli» lett Lank of Bayou Lafourche, being >lr three arpents front facing the North, of the Xorth 'vest corner, orquarter ot section twenty-S"e. b.v fourteen arpents m deptli running South and containing forty-two arpents more or less: bouuded Sontli by Southwest quarter of section twenty-five. North by section tweuty-four, East by remainder of North , '.v^th "Vr'rv' rr" ! - ! ' , ' hty ^ rawest 1 * 1 1 ur arpent* iront in th« tl'!',- -■ -»«**»»»~ J his IMH I., l«e e.-l.l *»y itM-tfasone let. 41.1, L"| \„ It, U(. e Ic ilngce I iVi-u,la:». m Hsuring i a, '°nt_ f ..,-t i*,ent ' ' ,l V " fh " 1,1,1 ! [.enr"* l.V-'V; ,!n i Al.-xan.he l.epi. .. about....... i telle i h h\ eight *£• " h z.*l.«l* a* ll COD .! . <! oi.l twenty ar '■ - belongs to be sold as one lot l.y its If. •Jth. Lot twe:o x'-one of the Kourgefol plan ot h- \ aeli.-rm t u u,'* I iv:ni<lai«, niensurin* -,V"r i* "* ,, fP ,h " r ••ngitihya mean " 11 1 °[ •'b ,, "t Hiirtv iiipeii**, containing oioiv Of lea-, ll If 1,„ louml. five li.iinlre.l anU mty n'{rents, sai.l truer being in shape a traw*7.e>. ' tract to tic so il sepni atcty as <*n« lot. ve ami I jht. rail tllO asf quart *- in 11... s'o tj . as quarter, ast q' lirln* ot the \.>> 1 * asr qnsr * N<»**11,east quitner of the Soutn »ast .piar'"!* f s,-. ti.m I xv. n'y eight, .-ml lot ml in o\v. ship ol x-txr«. I a t 'hi,. L-.ts Not tup am! Soin lif ter. ami i In "if Bfi tl i, ; tVCll* y ! fweiitv si,, ID Ilk!' t Tit h" sold alt, The niova i 1 s, , n)I d p hai ,|. t.. L,, s dd 'll <*11( <'f sa'e the 1, it* wi?!. p if* of any one, o: ; gteo t enc l< an the money on unless a the dajr ohjeeti.iii on the • litieiei.t manner . ami eouilitions viz ; „ (>» the billowing t. Koi cash. JAM I S BEARY, Sheriff of the 1'arisli ot I.afourobe, NiVvcaitn-r la.i,. |s;tr. 'hal tip A- Best tic, Att ys of plaintiffs. IILY SUFFERING. of 'J'hotir women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders,sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. . These pains are symptoms of aangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. €fo fcj?ElR£f*5 :i vx*i k Stax ** 3 mecstntation painless, | regular. It puts the deli cate t wenstri ial or ;;hi its in condi tion ! o xlo th ; j:r wor kpro Arly. Atid !list St ops all pain. Why v/ill f ivy \v<v. ■pen suffer mont h after '•■ken Wine of Ca rdui \v i ii roll a . c her? It costs $1.00 ; ii the i drug store. Why don't you get a Lottie to-day? Vor advice, i:i cnscs r: '"irinw special directions, adriress, giv ing ^symptoms, "Viic Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga. Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. Mr*. R 02 EHA L 7 W 1 S, of Oar.adt'o. Texas, save: , ft S3 frontlod at i:or:th!y isrvrij wl'.h tai ribtB pairs in mv head _,nl ba;K, but hsvu been entirely relleveq by Wine Of Cardiff." lii Pill I Ramon's Pepsin Chill Tonic is ilia only 1 cinetlv flint cures Chills and Fever and Mnlatial Troubles without injury to trie stomach and digestive organs. This is so because each dose contains Pure Pepsts sufficient to di gest it Tasteless and guaranteed. 50 cents at all stores. Just try a 10c. box nfCascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Own Make EMIIL J. BEMUD, SOLE AGENT. COR. M AIX xfc ST-PIIILIP ST*., Thilaidaiix • - . |, a , (Opposite Dansareau'* Drug Store.) Orders (Promptly Filled