Newspaper Page Text
owxoKa *c. d Gu ardia n of the Interest of the Toro. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 1897. NO. 20 niRFCTORy. State Officers. Governor : Murpliy ,T. Foster of St. Mnr v Liejit-Gov......R. H. Snyder ofTonsa* Sec- of State...John T. Michel of Orl an* And, Huh. Acc'ta.. W. W. Ht-ardof Union fl tate Tress... A- V. Fonruet of St-Mar in ®t*'v Gen. NT. .T. (Junningltaui Natnhitoch's *tii, Pub. Ed.. .J. V- Calhonn, of Orleans e 0. s. Senators. S. I). McEnery, .......... of Ouachita Don Caflery.................of Si Mar)' State Senators. HO. Miner ................ Terrel>onn Pl YL E. Howell...... ..........Lafoureb® JUDGES SUPr.KME COURT. Chief ! n«t : <*«: F. T. Xicliollaof Orleans " ...T A. Rrernx.of Iberia ' " H. C. Miller of Orleans. " 11 N. C. Blanchard, of Caddo " " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Circuit Cou-ttof Appeals, Fifth Circuit B.T. Beauregard..........of St. Bernard jfl.D. Smith ..............of St. Mary. Coxokesbjjan. rd-Congressional Dist R. F. Broussard.............of Iberia Isth. Judicial District. Judge.................L. P. Caillonet. Dist. Attorney..............L. C. Moise Pa iti n Officers. Representatives: Coroiu r........ Clerk of Court.. Sheriff ......... Tre.a-nrei .... Ofificisl Journal Assessor --- .......M. Del mine. ..... L. A. Tros'air. . .Dr 1. J. Ayo. .......C. .T Barker. .........las Beary .......A. J. Brand. .......... Sentinel E. A. Pelaune 1 * 01 -ICC JURORS. 2nd <• .. J. Louis Aucwin, Pies't 3rd " ......Marcelliu Bergeron 4th U ........J. (). Toups 5th ti . ,L. J. Trosclair 6th " , ..........Jean Rodrigue 7th " .....Jules Godchaux 8th << ..........Leon Falgout 9th ti .. Lovencv LeBlanc ■10th " .............I. P. Bourgeois JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1st Ward.. 2 du " z ............II. Clement ..........C. A. Engerren .......N. T. Bourg 3rd a ... E. P. Bernard 4th a ...........E. B. Ayo 5th ............F. Toups 6th " ....John Durden 7th << . .Ed. Bird sail 8th a ..........B. Penouilli 9 th o 10th (4 CONSTABLES. 1st Ward..... .......Clias. Bergeron ...........0. L. Caro 2nd $.*. ............A. Roger 3rd it ........J. I). Bernard 4th <c .......Edgard Barrios 5th <1 6th .......Leopold Gros 7th ii ........L. Robicliaux 8th •» ______John Dominique 9th 10 th Drainage Commissioners. Dist No. 1—Thos. Beary, O. Antbtfment and.I. B. S.Mire. Dist. No. 2.—Thos. Barker, Oscar Anthg ment, G. J. Guidry. Disc No.J.—L. J. Trosclair. J. L. LeBlanc, J. J, Tomassi. Road and Lrvkk Inspectors. District No. 1................M. L. Betgeroo, " 2...................Emile Toups •• 3..................A. Boudreau " 4.................J.T. LeBlanc Municipal Officers. Mayor, Frank Zcruotr; Councilinen. E N. Both,' \V. P. Martin, Edgar F. Riviere. Val troid Bergeron, C. J. Legendre and Henry Friuii'ger. Treasurer........... P. L. Brand. Town Marshal ............ RJ Naquin Clerk .................. H. N. C'oulou Pos* M -m-cbb ..............Mr*. J- Curtis Town Printer.............Lafourche Comet Corpora; ion Laborer........Ben Maibrough School liuAun. Ernest Roger, president ; XV. 1*. Martin, Sttpi-r mien dent and fit cr**l a ry : N mint Llfert. Alcaic Chauvin. Helix Caiiloa-t. Paul Meyer. Fram-ois D&miuI'v, Churlcs J. Elliot. Paul Scott, members. TlUBOilAUX IP i:Klr. UOMM .TTKE. F. Zeruotf. E. X. .'*>f ii. A . P. Martin. J. L Aueo.::. ,.. p. M ■ v.i ,i. L-.l. f M-lair. ' <r T* TRASH MARKS, ijjp-V ' tons, * COPYRIGHTS &-C. -fludligt u aketob anil ilt :..-rl|)lif>n may 2JkKY.\itrue, whether uu invention is 22»bly yatotshla. Communications strictly taS'if'.* 1 - OWsst a«#ncy for securing patents 10i t Wo have a Washington oltlce. & Co. rvooiVe ow n ' U8 ' opecnnen copies ana J ^ * athnts soiit free. Auiirodi ^ munn & CO.. "v- «W IrNivsr New Ysrk. BUSINESS DIRECTORY TINSMITH. I^WYKK, LAWRENCE H'inMnilh. Al! kind of eutti-rhijj, spouting, roofing etc. STOVE PIPES ALSO SLATING. Plantation work given prompt attention, t'hureh Street near R. It." Depot. P. 0. Box 211 Thiboiluux. La. MERCANTILE. tiC.M A- 80X8, S. IV S>i*y IiiooiKl Cloth In z, b>nts, shoes. lints, eons and not ions. Full line of Furniture. Main St. Phi!i;i and St. Louis Streets. B •ht:g x.r. IdarkH Mtau *. 'iWhti o-i li.i al the lies' ot Href. Mu'io: . Pork, Veal, and fill usages ot al! kinds. Market street. Thilwlaux, I,a. J^OURON, A., (ilniumitl) null Walchninkcr. Jeweitv, Crescent Bicycles. Nov- Americsti Sowing Mtu-hiues, etc. Cor. Main and fir. Philip streets. j^IJOU .SALOON. N, V.Tr«ii R l«*, Pt*t*i»3*ie<o«*. Choice wines and liquors, tine cigars always in hand. Cor. Green and Market Streets. c HOT.. H. (' Gentl('!!if:i's I'liriiinTaiuir A Fine Select Stuck always on hand No '-'7 Main Strict. E MPIliE HOUSE, ,1. 8-'. IIoMemHR, Proprietor. First cbiss neeommodntioiis and excellent ' aide. Free 'Inis connects with railroad de pot. Corner Levee and Green Streets. piiOST. H. W.. Cyp«*eaa and Bine I.uniber , Cvnress and Sawed Stiingles. also saddlery ttid harness. Blacksmitliing and horse slicing a specialty. J EGKNDRE, C J. I'lieice l-'mnily (iroceries Also Feed and Charcoal. Cor. fit. Philip and Rose streets. TyjEYKK, DRS. A. J. & L. E. PliysirianN and Kurgeons. Proprietors of Mfver Drugstore. Main Street 1 hiboiiuux. La. K. E. Bailey, Manager. j^OTII DRUG CO . L't'd. Ilniggists Dings, Chemicals. Perfumery. Sebool hooks, Stationery, etc. Cor. Main & Green streets R IYIERK & CO.. HENRY, B>ry Goods Notion*, lists, boots and shoes, crockery, etc. Cor. Main fc St. Louis streets. TH1P0DAUX DRUGSTORE, F. J. CSuillot, Ifnnager, D-ogs. Chemicals. Toilet Articles. Perfumery, School hooka. Stationery. Cor. Main and St. Philip streets. ^yiHGHT, MRS. J. N., Millinery Store Notions, Ladies hats anrt bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Market and St. Loms streets. r^EKNOYT. FRANK, Walrlimaker AJevveller Fine Jewelry, watches nml clocks, eto. Main Street, between St. Philip and fit. Louie. DENTISTS. gLANCHARD, fD. D. S.J, T. E. Deati«t> Corner Green and St. Bridget Streets. jpjAIGRE, DR. J. J, Dentist Office: Main Street, near Court House ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ADEAUX, THOMAS A., Aitorney-at-I.Hvv. Bank of Latomclie building. K NOBLOCH & SON, CLAY Atlorneyii«ai> Offices: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. /"1H0L. EMMANUEL. IIn«,i<* Teacher Gives instrument*', vocal and Harmony les sons. Residence.- Levse Street. AKGIfi, PROF. L. M. Selccl Mvliool Tor Bitys. English and French in all their branches and Yu •aiatics taught. Narrow street, foot ot M M ieh#el Street. ^| ()UNT CARMEL CONVENT. it ti siiicui) ior Youag L.:i<lie«' R'-pt by the Sister- of Mount Carmel. Thor > ugh course. Euglieii amt French. Foot of Market Street. NOTARIAL. /IOCLON. H. N. Vz ^olary PaiMie, Real Estate and Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Properties bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed Bank of Lafourche building, ISliLXUTON LETTMIL 'mu mi r ret;n Vi vsh:x<;t« it the btlsilH I'-gislaie tor tlie i H ! ' <>n!c, ill- nnlv III di Kieley 'will 1 him ;md to (In- * Siteli !i ijeestion ivn of but one iiliswer. lev is seeking (he and Mi Cannon, ■ •publican part v .' tild seem to admit Yet, Mr. Mr Km a ! d of Czar Heed elm i I'm an of t in 11 use committee on Appr >pi iatio to prevent iit.-llim-i- i -gl- 'ati.ig lei' the wliole people. the Ding lev tariff law lias laileil in provide the money needed to pi oru-rlv carry i'll the goYei liiueUL ami because lie dm-.' not dan* to tell Congress so and ask tm additional tariff legi-dati-m to bullish m ire leveiuic, Mr. Mciv nlev wanis to deprive the people win pay the heavy taxes called for by C.o lbiigii'V tariff of privileges to which boy aie clearly entitled. If Had ( ut rs the deal—Cami 'n has air. a lt <1 o11e to —no public building bill, no mattei iiow urgent the need, n ill be iillowe 1 to go throng!) '.lie LI'»u«e j no bill [i. avid ng for the payment of any private claim against the government, no matter how just it is nor how much those to whom the nnmer is bi e may be sul.eimg, will be. allowed !<> pass, and no river and barber an 1'iopt iatio:, u iii be pas-.-d. IT u Heed mav bite off m oh* than iie can chew, il he attempts to carrv ...,i these ideas. Neither he nor Mr. Me Kinley will be as strong at tins s-. - sil.n as thev were at theextra s-.suon their tavms have mostly been distii bated. It is well known that failme to g-. i throng!, « public buildiim bill f " his d.suict lias cost many Iiepre sent a i i ves their seals, and next y ear the Ucprt-scutativts will all bo passed on by their constituents. There has been much talk which came to noth mg about a revolt against Reed by the House, bit in this case there is likely to be a sure enough levolr. be isn't careful, and a successful one too. ' scrapping match between iwfl prominent \Y. Y a . republicans. Mr. F. A. Scott, who is a member of the Republican National Committee, and wlio expects to become Commissioner of Internal Revenue about the first of January, and Judge Nathan (Jotf who was uuce in the Cabinet and who lias just declined a Cabinet portfolio, is indicated by the announced aspira timis of both of them—a clesiieto suc ceed Senator I- aulkner, whose term will expire March 3. 18S19. W. Ya. democrats laugh at the expectations ot Messrs. Goff and Scott, and say that they have no doubt of a demo eiatic majority in (lie next legislature. Meanwhile Goff and Scott are (ire paring to light each other. They were both in Washingtoi; this week and both saw Mr. McKinley. Having McKinley tried to nip this one in the bud by asking Goff to become Attor ney Geneial when Mr. McKenna is nominated for the Supreme Court, but, that gentleman declined and said that nothing but a seat iu the Senate would tempt him to give up his pre sent lifetime judicial position, but lie may change his mind. Senator El kins is at present (losing as a friend of both Scott and Goff, but it is be-' lieved that it will oe found when there is a show of hands that he is on the side of Scott. Senator Mallory, of Florida, lias pronounced views on Cuba which he doesu't hesitate iu announcing. He said : "Spain's appareut willingness to grant autonomy is but a pretext of delay against positive action by our , government. It ought not to deceive 1 uuivuv. n v>u£iii mu deceive ' any one familiar with the record of i .Spain's oft-broken pledge to the peo- j pie of that oppressed island. I do not know what action Congress will take, and I am not iu the confidence of the administration. As far back as 1858 a U. S. Senator from my State advocated the independence of Cuba,' and the arguments tlieD made are absolutely applicable today. He gave a detailed account ot the perfidy of the .Spanish government, which would ■ serve without modification at the present time. The autonomy farce has been tried before." Senator Mai lory thinks there can lie only one right s,-ttleu.ent of the Cuban ques tiou, and that is the independence of j n**tf island, and lit* roirards it uu the island, and lit* regards it as the duty of this country to aid in bringing it about, forcibly if necessary. It looks oow us though no attempt,' will be made to pass a bill providing i f* * * the retirement of the greenbacks, i even in the House. The reason is re i publican opposition, whieh is outspo- j ken, especially among Representa- ' tives from the west and middle west' The only way a bill providing for the retirement of the gieenbaacks could be put through the House would be to get it endorsed by a caucus of the republicans, and then it would Dot be certain, as there would proha : i ■ Iig'li lepuhliciins who would in titii ini or t>e bound by tlie in addition to the solid vote ieiiioci jits and populists, to ill. V- hen the hum prospers the inei* i hunt urospeis, and therefore it is the duty of the - latter to Roe 111«-}t the farmer gets the price that his produce should actually bring on the market. Therefore tin* merchant should not! .' iel11 to t lie i cmut a tion "to skiu whip, » you e got him as it is done some- j times in haying in the cmp, "Don't kill the to get the golden egg," hoping tLat more g.iese are coming j on. " t Mrs Ghent. Unities mid' a sin C'.i s itisf.o id 1 Ti 'll i: -O'. ni.rl .-Hiioiiti! ! 1 Tonic whit •lion ive will •a.soli and yo i Rumm/s 1 * to- iof Haim died." ry .'c Quick, of ';Ue sold 1?« u.ic lies season u' li mom's i', p i save such <■•-..i. handle I j o oi hi i may semi i-s 1 psin Clin 1 * Tonic Ps Liver Pills A; which is the best we .j, ( ' v _ 1 p- ~" m , ! 1 ■ parish executive l C ";m ^ p" i LKS "*" 8 bte " | " i5l!ul b - V P ' eS1 ; k ' U T t Cabell and I ^ cu */ ilr Y A ; J ' J '"'^* to meet at ' , k,,! ! v !. lle 'J" Sunday, Dec. 5. at ! . * ° j ,,r tllH pm pose of nomir.a J 1 ,' n "' ( - ,i "*' !,1 bUes to the Constitulional ' b ' ,llve!ltl "''-. ■ "««' lonesome must I bu V* 1 ' ,! *! t ""V ']* y,n as a I 1 s ' L "": u! ic ', >ta . U > B° uw »«*•• His l ' au f e lufe HuBb-ss chase after i " , " a,lk, " , « ani1 a!, °^ as *»c«-e«ilnl as ?" cl ' ,b V*S 3 ° eneral U' are.-Terre { bo " ue 1 ^' , b, pi ay, "(.live as this day our daily i brt 'ad. ' This is an act of faith. But " e aru a * so t ' ,bl •'faith Without | xv,,, ' c 1 '* 'b' n, b ' Therefore, we must if!'7 01 ^ 01 ' Vallt bread. Those who . ' v ° lb a ' e *be tiled Toms,treaty j Willies and rambling Roberts. They ' tle V eU(t u i ,ou llie bonnt Y the toilet's I "°' n S fHiougli the world as mendi cauts » " ithout purpose, without hope. content to breathe out a miserable und drop unlamented, into a Vi »S a bond's grave. The world owes IH) mil " a living unless lie struggles f .' r '*• "®'*d help them who help themselves." All Must Aork.—W e are laugut Just try a 10c. box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. ENGLISH ROYALTY. What It Is Sa d to Co3t the British Tax payer Yearly. The chancellor of the exchequer went out of his way recently, says Labou ereign and produce §2,060,000 per an nmn. The queen receives instead of this revenue §1,925,000 and the rest of the royal family §1,060,000. Therefore the total cost of monarchy to the tax payer is §925,000. The entire calcula tion proceeds on the erroneous assump tion that the crown lauds are the pri vate property of the sovereign. This they are not. They originally formed a portion of the general revenue qf the country, out of which came the main tenance of the sovereign. That abject flunky Lord Bute, wish ing to curry favor with George III, in serted in the civil list act which was passed on that monarch's accession a renunciation by him of the crown lands, and this renunciation by a sovereign of what he did not possess is the basis of **"" u mu uui possess is me oasis oi the theory of these crown lands being the private property of the occupant of —v- u . «, UU w«ver, uiucn xugner, ior there are numberless expenses incidental to the institution which he does not iu elude. The bard fact remains that in France the president receives §200,000 per annum and fulfills with decent the throne. According, therefore, to Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's own figures, monarchy costs England $2,985,000. The real amount is, however, much higher, for oi monarchy cm tin hardly holds water. __ .. splendor all the duties of tbe head of the state, while with England the mon archy costs nearer £1,000,000 than 1,000,000 francs. A defense, therefore, of monarchy on the ground of economy , f°^ u u . . . - P aS - great aa u 18 1U Medical .Students. The ratio of medical students to the population In this country is about The reason of this curious difference is found in the greater ease with which a diploma can be obtained in the United States, the medical schools of Europe requiring much more complete previous preparation and compelling the students to uudergo a longer course of study be fore he is eligible to a degree. The more a man knows the more he is inclined to be modest—Fielding. STATE OF LOUISIANA, 18th Judicial District Court, Parish of Lafourche. ( . Moinvce Thibodnujc- et (dr. rs. Fir "tni Tlubodaux et ah. \ 0 .s 44 v. r jv\KE notice, that pursuant to * , a -l ,,, Lmiein of the above Court, rendered A . fiejifeo.ber 2;.|),. 1897, in the i in i. ed and muiilien-d suir. end to a C .maaSMon '<■ lm: doeeled and le arieg date Iov'q .,1 U'*""'i'"'devbig me to offer ., ' , '!* S'",'! 'f il , '-' r !" n Pursuant To law. to i ' highest bidd.-r. at the Into domi ,■>• Ho- deeeased. .1 Fdieieu ThihodllUX. ' ,?i Paris* 1 on the left bank of t r .; ' "*' Koine, at about v * f ' ,w 2 l "" es below the town ot Tl.ibo ties'ii'-V.wfr*' 1 " , ui,rt i n "' 1 between the pur • . tiHs and #i«fiudants. cn SATURDAY, DECEMBER ISth 1897. m-ioeiDp 'm '!?=? V, f 11 °' cIo< ' k A - M- and 4 t Do n it * -t lp billowing described proper* REAL estate. 1st. A «*r'i-Ja:n Hiict o! land situated on the , '**'fc- inhug ban': „f ii aTOU Lafourche, ■ • D'tir lili.fH ini ( 4 below iho town ot r ] hino 'laux. measuring two arpent- irout by fortv '7 !"' I| G in ilopth, oiiPieng as it extends to tin* l-.-ar, togetliei with id! tli- buildings and ani,rnv.-nients thereon, and all lights thereto belonging. And another tra.-t, of land adjoining the above tract on the lower line, measuring one ar.ii one lliml a>*,,ents in front, more or less, bv lorry aipents in depth, whirl: said tract also opens as it extends to t he- rear. The said two tracts bring bonn 'ed above by lands of Joseph Dnfresueand below bv lands et Alidor Robicbaux. Iliese tracts arc to be sold as * no tract of land, sr.d subj ct to the lease made to tiidor ■'ob.eliaux. expiring December 31st. 1899. . * ° l * iJ R Ri^ns having the of -:oi. until that time, tin* pnrelui^er to be sub rogated to all ot ilia rights of the It.--* e for J lie years 1S98 m.d 1899. dm*. A certain tract of land iu this Parish on the left desec riling bank ol ihe Bavon Lafourche, in (lie Baton Pilon Settlement, being about ten miles north of Thibodaux, and luing the lour arpents fuciri North of the Noi tli west quarter of section twenty-five, a id having a depth of fourteen arpeuts run* ning South iiucl containing about fifty-six ar p -nts ot land, moie or less, in township four teen South, of range seventeen East, iu the Southeast urn District of Lcuigiuna, hounded North by sretiou twenty-four. East lir the remainder o' the liortheast quarter of section (Wei tv-fltV, fio'.ith by the Southwest quarter ei fection twenty five, and West bv section twenty-six. This lot to be sold by itself. 3rd. A certain tract of land on the lelfc bank of Bayou Latonrclio, being th- three arpents front facing the Ninth, of the North west corner, or quarter ol section t wentv-fi'-'e, by fourteen arpents m depth running South and containing forty-two arpenls more or less; bounded South by Southwest quarter nf section twenty-five. North by section twenty-four. East by remainder of North west quarter of see.ion twenty-five and West by tlie tract of lour arpents front in tbe North west quarter of section twenty-fivfl just above deseiibed. 'i his tiact to be sold by itself as one lot. 4th. Lot No. 20 of the Bonrgerol plan, of the \ aeherie Dngue Livaudais. measuring about forty arpents in length by eight ar pents in width, foiniing a lozenge and con taining about three hundred and twenty at* pents. The timber ou this tract belongs to Alexandre Lepine To be sold as one lot by itself. 5th. Lot twenty-one of the Bonrgerol plan of the \ aeherie Dugue Livaudais, measuring forty arpents iD depth or length by a mean width of about thirty arpents, containing more or les*», if it be found, five hundred anu fifty arpents, said trhet being in shape a trapeze. This tract to be sold separately as one lot 6th. Lots one, and Eight, and the Noitheast quarter of the Northeast quarter, and Southeast quarter of the Northeast quar ter. and the Northeast quarter of the South east quarter of section twenty-eight, and lot one oi section twenty-three, all in township twenty south ot range twenty-tiro East. To be sold altogether as one lot. The movables, other than the money on hand, to be sold in one lot, unless ■ n the day of sale the heirs, without objection ou tbe part of any oue, agree to a different manner of sale. On the following terms and conditions via : Eoi cash. JAMES BEARY, Sheriff'of the Parish ot Lafourche, November 13th, 1897. Beattie & Beattie, Att'ys of plaintiffs. •Own Make $2L d §1101 * TM* lallufii EM ILL J. SOLE AGENT. COR. MAIN & ST-PHILIP STS., Tliibodaux - - . | jU (Opposite Dansereau's Drug Store.) M al ^ Orders (Promptly Filled.