Newspaper Page Text
, ' 4 \ *> % » JC_' si |y ' ^ $?5 V Ai,' # 'A A Ce JOURNAL OF THE i) IH SEN C 7 V UAL DISTRICT Official Jouiaal ef tile FariaH os :.-burolie sad Css. iiaa of tHe Interest o£ tlie Town. VOL. XXXIII. THIBOD AU X, LA., SATU Ki> A . I > K( K M BE Ii 1 > 1897. NO. 21 OFFICIAL D State Ofkickrs. Governor : Murpliy .T. Foster of St. MarT Liejit.Gov* ____R. H..Snyder ofTetisa* Sec- ot State-- John T. Michel of Orleans And. Pub. Aoc-n.-W. W. Heard of TTnion tii'c Treas-.. A- V. F urnet of Sr-Mar in ®tt'v Cf.ii. M. .T. Gunn ugh i m Natchitocli's ^tt 1 Pub. Ed.. .J. V. Calhoun, of Orleans •e 0. s. Sknatoms g. p. McEnery, .......... of Ouachit a Don Cattery.................of St.Mar.V Statk Senators. H C. Minor ...............Terrebonn® VT. E. Howell................Lafotirch 6 .lCDGK .8 SUPREME CotJHT. Chief hi-t'oe: F. T. Nioholls of Orleans t i " ...I A. Rreaux.of Iberia • " H. C. MDIer of Orleans. " " N.('. Blanchard, of Caddo •• " L. B. Watkins. Red River. Cinctirr C Jt/iiroF Appeals, Fifth Circuit K.T. i;uanie,;*ri. ...... of St. Bernard *£. r r- . ( ;ith .............of St. Mary. Co'-gressman. rd. Congressional Dist. ft, F. Broussard.............of Iberia lta,u. Judicial District. Judgo..................L. P• Caillouet. Dist. Attorney..............L. C. Moise Pari n Officers. n t wnf.atives-. ...........M. Delanne. <• L. A. Troslair. ,, ...................Dr I. J. Ayo. Clerk of Court..............C. J Parker. She' i ff ..................... . J as Beary Trea- ureT ................A. J-Brand. OfliH.d Journal .............'• Sentinel jtsse or ........ K. A. Delauite rOLICk JURORS. 1st Ward.........Emile IT. Morvant 2ad " .....J. I a .uis Ancoin, Pres't 3rd " Murcelliu Bergeron 4tl, o ...............J. O. Tonpa 5th " ............L. J. Trosclair 5tl, " Jean Rodrigue 7 tli " ............Jibes Godclinux gtl, " Leon Fulgent 9tl, •< Lovency LeBlanc lOtl, " ' '...........]. P. Bourgeois JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1st Ward...............H. Clement i..........C. A. Engerran 2nd " r'H..........N. T. Bourg o n .....E. P. Bernard Si; " ***** 5t ij - .................. v. roups *.1 n ............John Darden ^ tl| n ' ' ' *...........Ed. Birdsall g,], ii N ........B. P®nouilh 9 t ], ii ..............Ernest Foiet lOtli " ..........A. Cretini CONSTABLES. 1st Ward............Chaa. Bergeron f..............0. L. Caro " . .... ...........A. Roger 3rd " J. D. Bernard 4 t l, ii ............Edgard Barrios 5.1, ii '...........William Fields 5.1, .............Leopold Groa 7.1, n ' *........L. Robiclmux O, 1, •» John Dominique 9.1, i. ''**...........Albert Ayo jq,I, ii ...............Jos. Remont Drainage Commissioners. Dist No. I—Tlios. Beary, O. Anthdment and .I. H. 8 . Mire. Dist. No. 8 .—»Tho». Barker, Oscar AntbA went, G. J. Guidry. . T nl Di«' No.-l.—L. J. Trosolair, J. L. LeBlanc, J. J, Tomassi. Road and Levee Inspectors. District No. 1................N. L. Beigeron, <• ._> ..................Fmile Toups •• :!.! ........A. Boudreau .. 4 '.'................J.T. LeBlano Munich pal Officers. Minor, Frank Zernntt; C'ouneilmen. E N. Roll,! t\ . P. Murliu, Edgar K. Riviere. \ al iroul Bergeron, C.J. Legendre and Henry Fritzinger. _ , Treasurer.................. P • T-' Brand. Town Marshal.............. RJ Naquin Clerk ................. H.N.Coulon Post :,i■ .tress..............Mrs. J. Curtis Town 1*1 inter.............Lafourche Comet Corporal ion Laborer........Ben Malbrough School Boakk. Erucst Roger, president; W. P. Martin, ■ icuilcm and Secretary ; Nnma hltert. Abide Chauvm Eel: < Cuiiimmt. Paid Meyer. Francois Der^iol'c, t'hiii les J. Elliot, Paul fioott, member*. 1 mu ..mis ivuwiK Committee. P. Z.-iuoi.t. I. X . Roth. '.V. I*. Martin J. L. Arno V. M.f \ L. .1. Tioaelair. 2 lid ?:> Yt'A38' L.-Xr'ilKliiMOE. ' TRADS WARKS, .:<SSt2tS9* copyrights a.o. ^ i. ondinft attket h m ui aoscript loa may orUln, tree, wlte jl: ;>it iaveufciou is vrot . patentable. OommHnieaUors utrtctly r° c '' i»L Oldest tu'^Dcy for-H^cunni! patents • ca. We have <* Wiutlili *.ton .ifbce. _rMente taken throui^ti Muiaii A vu. uotioy In . SOIEHTiFIS SMER10AH, ! iHustrs - i«ra ■ SmUMa e* J} 1 ! l 'diiae I'lurnu,»i 'Wy, iorins$3.00» 3 mi -nth*. ; jco; and 1 "WE ON Pa; «NTfe aom free. Aafres* MUNN & CO., ^ *#l Irntwii New Ytik. a year; 1 HAND , LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY TINSMITH. J^WYKII, LA\VKKXCE TiiiKinilh. All kind of Flittering, spouting, roofing etc. STOVE PIPES ALSO SLATING. Plantation work given prompt attention. Church Street near H. If. Depot, P. O. Box ill Thibeilamc L;i. B MERCANTILE. LU.M Sc SONS, S. Dry Vooilsl ('loth'ng, hoots, shoes, tats, ".ips am! - Full line of Furniture .'lain St. Philip and St. Louis Streets. B )UUG X.T. B OURON, A., 4a»nwnilt1i unit W'alclimaker. .Teweliy, Creacent Bipycles. New Amerir-r Sewing Mnehines, etc. Cor. Main and S' Philip at recta. B IJOU SALOON. N, V.Trntglc, I'rojirielor. Choice wines and liquors, fin-eigsrs n' • m hand. Cor. Green and Market Streets. QIIOL. H. C. Gentlemen's Fiienmhimr <««'i A Fine S.-l. ct Stock always on hitniT. X*> Wain Street. E M PI UK HOUSE, ,V. B-'.. lloseinnn, Pn*i*rie|oe. First class neeoniinodatioris and excelle" •nhle. Free'bus connects vi itb- eailroail ill pot. Corner Levee and Green Streets. • ■pi ROST, H. \V„ Cypress and Pine E.aiulx**'. Cvnress and Sawed Shingles, also sadd'erv rnd harness. RlRrkamithiiijj anil horse slioing a specialty. | EGENDRE. C J. Clmlce ■•"niwlly Groceries Also Feed ami Charcoal. Cor. Sr. Philip and Rose streets. M EVER, DRS. A. J. Sc L. E. Pliysiefnns and Surgeons. Pronrietors of Mever Deng Store. Main Street Thihodaux. La. F. E Bailey, Manager. R OTII DRUG CO , L't'd. Drnggiata. Di ngs, Chemicals. Pert'nu)erv. School hooks, Stationery, etc. Cor. Maui Sc Green streets. I^IVTERE Sc CO.. HENRY, l>ry Good* v ntion«. kits, bordo and shoes, crockery, etc Cor. Main Sc St. Louia streets. TH1P0PAUX DRUGSTORE, F. J. dsiitllot. nanager. D-mga. Chemicals. Toilet Articles. Perfumery, School hooka. Stationery. Cor. Main and St. Philip afreets. w RIGHT, MRS. J. N., Ylllllnery Store Notions, Ladies hats and bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Market and St. Louie streets. r^ERNOYT. FRANK, Watchmaker A Jeweller Fine Jewelry, watches anil clocks, eto. Main Street, between St. Philip and **t. Louia. DENTISTS. gLANCHARD, fD. D. S.J, J. E. Dentist. Corner Green and St. Bridget Streets. j^AIGRE, DR. J. J, Dentist Office: Main Street, near Court, House ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ADEAUX, THOMAS A,, Aitornej-nt-IaiM. Bank of Laiomche building. K NOBLOCH Sc SON, CLAY Atlorney**Hl«l aw Offices: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. 0HOL, EMMANUEL, Tlnaic Teacher Give* instrimieiita', vocal and Harmony les sons. Residence: Levee Street. B ARGIS, PROF. L. M. Nelcrt Sfoltool for lloyt* English and French in all their branches and Mathematics taught. Narrow street, foot of St Michael Street. M OUNT CARMEL CONVENT. NOTARIAL. ^TOULON. H. N. Notary Piildie, Real Fatale ami hire and Life Insurance Agent. Propeities bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed Bank of Laf'urciie building, Market Niand. Alwav* on hand the hee f u! Beef. Mnttei , Pork, Veal, and Sausages of all kinde. Market Street, Thihodaux, La. Aeailrmy lor Yoiins: Tiidie* IC. pt by the Sisters of Mount Carmel, flior- 1 • ugh course. English and French. Foot of Market Street. Jelni Superstitions. After sailors and gamblers, tlio all night liack-iirivers are tin- m.-st stit.ous tieople 1 know, says an old de tective. A cat crossing in front of a "night-hawk's" "outtifc" is considered bad et.. ugh luck to dwarf the nig it'a busin bt.i a white c it means 'lii.ei deincrali. atlon for the night, riomu "hanks" immediately begin to drink, in enter Unit tk v may forget the ap paratior, of the white cat, and v fieti a "night-hawk" is visited with the dclir iii!.i tro'-ens i'e does net see snakes, like iiic ordinary sufferer, but hundred? of white eats crowd before his vision. A driver of an all-night hack never puts his left ,oot on the wheel lirst upon getti ig upon the box; Jio thinks it bad luck, rnd nothing can induce him to open tiie door of his cab or carriage with his lelt hand. It a shoe becomes ioo. e on one of the horse's leet that's a bad omen, and causes the driver to be* iieve that some ba 1 luck is in store for him. When the moon is shining brightly and a suddenly hides it from vi ov and causes darkness to settle on the streets the "hawk" grows suspicious. If the passenger happens to be a drunken man with a torn um brella. that is considered g&otl luck, a sign that rain will be plentiful and make business good. Some of them won't eat during tiie night, for fear it will change their luck, but tliey never refuse a drink. The lighted stump of a c av picked ,tp after it lias been thrown away by a well-dressed man and quickly smoked is thought to bring good luck. All the jelius who are only seen on the streets at night are great policy players. If they are lucky they may make » $5 bill, but by the time the horses' scant feed is bought and the policy slips are paid for there is not much left, and the rag-tag JtSckman of the wee small hours comes back under cover of darkness the next night just as poor as ever.— Philadelphia limes. The Woman anil the IVatck. Did you ever notice a lady go into s watch store to have her watch set? Kite marches up to the counter with the sweetest of smiles. She pulls out the dainty little thing, looks at it af fectionately and then up at the clock, with a look as if she were so very sad because the dear watch was sick. Then she hands it to the handsome young man who exhibits the imRatios gems laid carefully out for show in 8 glass case. She beams upon him and then she says, so prettily: "Will you please set this watch foi me?" ''Certainlv; with pleasure." The handsome young man in a per fectly practical way, takes a little in strument cut of a drawer, turns the watch over on its face and prepares to open the back of it. Then you wanl to lock. There is a little scream, g rush, a grab, and the fair one has re covered the precious article. Why does she scream and grab? She's got a pict tire of lie * best beau in the inside oJ the ease. That's all. And she goes home anil sets the watch herself it the seclusion of her silk-lined, beauti ful boudoir. There are so many secrets about a woman that every female child should be vorn with a chart.—Nan Frcnciscn c7 t on icle. A Winter's Tale. "Nancy, is George still livingaiound with you?" "Yes, ma'am," answered the girl. "Why, I thought you had given him the mitten V" "1 did, several days ago." "And he still comes? That's strange; a young man usually Hies all to pieces and never speaks to the girl again." "He seemed to like it," answered Nancy, hi shingly. "Weli, 1 can : understand him. Can yon imagine why he liked it?" "Don't know, ma'am," turning verv red, "unless it was bc.-nuse niv hand was in tli - mi ,t-n when I gave it to him." "Hum, tout's enough, child." Employment Essentia! to Happiness. It may be laid down as an mcontro ▼ertilde principle that no family can he happy without employment -regular, diversifi d, continually recurring cm- , ploymont. There may be the posses sion of wealth, there may be an amide 51 id In ant ful domain, there nnre be everything externally to enjoy, hut un less there be a:t appropriate anil varied employ .;, : ! t ctvv y the body, en gross the mind, ami awaken the ener gies t! ■ tv i nnot be In j ] ini tbi e , . industrious, pc.s ■■ ri; fainil v thiv is the truly ha'.pv tar.-i! • ; nor tiie ; ,!>\ the slothful, the'useles,— not t Ue iiy tied inis no definite plan, no fixed ml important object, no pur tonal nmi collect!'.t- energy. Wfke men and women wiser, they Would 1>,- more silent. The trut mi rant is the privilege of your paste-board hero on and off the stage. If you u re so fearful of not being recognized that yon mu-.v blow a trumpet to ctll atten tion to your merits, you are mo ally on a pa. w tii a patent advertisement.— Jewish Messenger. | ' j Ton Begin. My old Great-grandmother Knox had a way of making her children Hnisb their work. If they began a tiling they must complete it. If they under took to build a cob-house, tliey must not leave it until it was done, and nothing of work or play to which they set their hands would she allow their to abandon incomplete. I sometimes wish I had been trained in this way. How much of life is wasted in un finished work! Many a man uses up his time i>j splendid beginnings. The labor devoted to commence ten things and leave them useless would finish five of them and make them profitable and useful. Finish your work; life is brief; time is short. Stop beginning forty things, and go back and finish four. Put path-lit, persistent toil into the matter, and, be assured, one com pleted undertaking will yield yourself more pleasure anil the world more profit than a dozen fair plans of which people say, "This man began to build, aivl was not able to finish." "Whatsoever thy hand findetk to Jo, do it, with thy might."--Anon. A MEDICAL journal states that the average Chinese baby weighs but five pounds. The journal did not state whether the Chinese baby's capacity for squalling was less, in proportion to weight, than that of any other baby, but if they howl in the Chinese language as loud as the American kid docs in tint United States language, liow the poor mother must suffer. If any one has ever heard two Chinamen holding a convention in their native tongue, Dun can readily see tkat a wiu.U who is just learning to lisp a few aitJables in the Chinese language would make Home howl.— lech's S u n. A well-dressed man was - een to stare at a woman impudently, hail a street car imperiously, pay liis fare conde scendingly, seat himself fashionably, and expectorate furiously. "Who is that distinguished gentleman?" whis pered an awe-struck stranger to the con cht -tor. And the conductor replied: "He's the janitor of a West-Side Hat."— Cincinnati Travelers' Magazine. How can you expect your children to be better than you ara yourself? The old proverb is a true one. How can the foal amble when the horse and mare trot? Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul from troubles. — Solomort. ' j^INS*TENTH5 Of all the pain and sickness from which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of menstruation. Nearly always _ when a woman is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles. " It is equally effective for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life." They ail need it. They ars all bensfitted by it. For advice In cases rrquirin? special directions, addrrsn. givini-; syrisv-'-s, the "Ladies' Ad/iscty jJ-nsrtr::e- " The Cha"anooga Medicine Co., Ci:-.-_i r.ocga, Tenn. THOS. J. COOPER, TureJe, MBs., seys: " My si5t3rsulleredf om very Irrogular rrnl pain*"i menstruation and doctors cculd noi relieve hor. Wine of CartiJ entirely cured her and also helped n.y mother through the Change ol Uie." i - I-. Mi ! L'i'llirrv A: Quick, of • <• . T< v.. f; \s: "We sold I.' oi f '.i1 Tunic ' bi« m-iisun ; i bi n sniiill amount of Kaioon's Pep s -i f'bill Tonic which gave such guild vf iction we wjH handle no oilier '• .-o-ason and y«u may geml us 1 ; - ot Kn on's Pep-in Club Tonic r ! (i ttu-n's Liver Pills & 1 c Pellets, which is the *hest we evil hand let!." Just try a 10o. box ofOascarets, tlie finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. STATE OF LOUISIANA, 1 >is*i!i-t Coiiit, Parish >'!' I.'lf'HII flic. et als. r.«. Fir - ■i •'» Ti,: hodaux i i ah. Xu. 3446. \ !N'lif'ICF. TH AT PURSUANT TO 1 >-,>i-rnii-iir ot tin, ;i!tnv> Umii t. ri-niler d ■■''sHi'-! Si-iitcinliei- 20th, IS'iy, in the ' ■ 11 ' i ! *-'l iiii't mimlii-n il suit, ami to « • ' is-ion in mo iii*-••<• ti-ii am! In-iiriiig <lu e ^tli, ISS7, oidering me to off,-r ■sal, 'Id ■ ii pursuant to law, to ' y' !, ii'l liiipicsr hiilil. r, ;it the late ilnmi* " the ilcceaseil. .1 Felu-ieti Thilimlaux, j sitna'ed m this ]iaiish on tlm left bank of I baimi Lalmo'clii', mi ('o-phji Fn!*<- at about ! I Wi'lltv-llvn milert he low tl e town ol Tbibo j il nix. tq ethq-t u partition between the par* IP's plaintitts ami ilefendants, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER IStli lfUT. I etween Hie hours of 1 1 o', lock A. M. and 1 o-'.ih'Ii I*. M. tho tollownij; desc-i ibwil proper ty to wit: REAL ESTATE. 1st. A ocr'uiu tract of land situated on tlie dose- ban': ot Itayuu Laioiirido-, fiT'fii miles below the town ot lliiro da'ix. inpas'irino t«o arpent* Iront by forty . M"' s in depth, open a- it extends to the rear, toj-ethei with all the buildiuj:s and innirovi meats thereon, anil all rights thereto belonging. \nd au., 1 '-. r 'r»<-t ef Lind adjoining the ab-ov t:a•• i n tiie lower liue, measuring one anil one third n*pents in front, more or less, bv lorry arpects in depth, wbieh said traot also npeuft u* it extends '<> the rear. The Said two tracts being bounced above by finds of .1 s-qdi Dn'Vesiie and below by lands of .Midor Rob .mux. In" It, et* aee to bo sold as - tie tract of ''ini. ml >ubj . : to ihe lea*- made to Aliilor "•vc- y evpiricg Deei-nber 31st, 1899, o or i s ■!'«,- s having ihe ' :gb of pns-es a oi: until ili it tim-. the pnreha-er to be siiie rogatei] to :,H or Ilf ' iglits ol the lessee for : lie years ISPS ai d 1899. A certain trnet. of bed in tins Parish •>n tin- left d-«*e< i ding bank ot the Bayou T aii.urelie. in the Baton, Pilon Settlement, being about teu miles north of Thihodaux, and bring tlio to-iv arpents faein* North of the Northw est quarter of section twenty-five, and having a depth of fourteen arpents run ning south and containing about filtv-six ar pents ol laud, mom or less, in township four teen South, of range s ' ven tpen East, in the Southeastern District of L< uisiatia. hounded North hv section twenty-four. East bv the remainder of the Northeast quarter of section twenty-tire, Siuth by tlie Southwest quarter of section twenty-five, anil West by section twenty-six. Tliis lot to lie sold by itself, fil'd A certain tract of land on tha left hank of Bayou Lafourche, being tli three arpents front facing the North, of the North* w est comer, or quarter ot section twenty-five, by linn teen arpents in depth running South and containing forty-two arnents more or less; bounded South by Southwest quarter of section twenty-five. North by section twenty-four, East by remainder of North west quarter ot section twenty five and West by the tract of lour arpents front in tlie Northwest quarter of section twenty-five just above described 'I his t:act to he sold by i'self as one lot. 4th.'Lot No. 20 of the Ilourgerol plan, of the Vacherie Dugue Livuudaia, measuring about, forty arpents in length by eight ar peuts in width, foiming a lozenge a'd con taining about three hundred and twenty ar* pents. Tlie timber on this tract belongs to Alexandre Lepine To be sold as one lot by itself. 5th. Lot twentv-one of the Bourgerol plan of tlie Vacherie Dugue Livaudais, measuring forty an>ents in depth or length by a mean width of about thirty arpents, containing more or less, if it he found, five hundred and fifty ai pents, said tract being m shape a trapeze. This tract to he sold separately as one lot. fith. Lots one. four, five and Eight, and the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, and Southeast quarter of tlie Northeast quar ter. and the Northeast quarter of the South east quarter of section twenty eight, and lot one of section twenty-three, all in township twenty south ot range twenty-two East. To he sold altogether as one lot. The movables, other than the money on baud, to lie sold in one lot, unless «n the day of sale the heirs, without objection on the part of any oue, agree to a different manner of sale. On tlie tollowing terms and conditions viz : Fot cash, JAMES BEARY, Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche, November 13th, 1897. Beattie Sc Beattie, Att'ys of plaintiffs. rI^Tj°^ 0 W H Shoe Co's. •Own Make* EMI Ik J. BUM ED , SOLE, AGENT. GO!' MAIN' IV ST-PHILIP STS., Tiiiica ni « - * I,a (Opposite Hansen av's Drugstore.) Orders QProrr^ptly Filled.