Newspaper Page Text
"'•V _ % If IiLl 'VI JOl UjSAL OF THE 9 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT Official J'cu.raa&l ©i file !Farisli of I^afo-axcli© and Gu.ard.ian of Elae Ixrfceres'b of Eh.© Town k VOL. XX XI11. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25 1897. NO. 22 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Re; 2nd Statu Officers. Governor : Murphy J. Foster of 8t..Mar y Lieiit,- Gov.....II. H. Snyder ofTensa* Sec- ot Stade.. John T. Michel of Orl an» And. Pnb. Acc'ts-.W. W. H-ard of Union -t.atc Tri as-.. A- V. F nrnet of St-Mar in "tt'v Gen. M. J. Cunnmgh ini Natchitoch's *t<L Pul>. Ed... J. V. Calhoun of Orleans e U. R. Senators 8.1). Me Knew, .......... of Ouachit a Don Caffery...'..............of St Mar.v Statu Senators. H C. Minor...............Terrehonn® W. E. Howell.................Lafonrcb® .i itdges Supreme Court. Chief lust,ice: F. T. Nicholleof Orleaus Associate " ...I. A. Breaux.of Iberia • " H. C. Mi'ler of Orleans. *• " X. C'. Blanchard, of Caddo " " L. B. Watkins, Red River. Clio : C oust of Appeals, Fifth Circuit R T. ' 'uegjfrd..........of St. Bernard* A. I). "until"..............of St. Mary. Cos(;aAN• rd.Congressional Dist. R, F. Broussard.............of Iberia Ibtu. Judicial District. Judge.................. L - P• Caillonet. Dist. Attorney..............L. C. Moise Pahi ti Officers. ; ve>; ...........M. Di-lanne. ...... LA. Tros'nir. Com ,.............Rr LJ.Ayo. nip,.; '.iuri...............C. .T . duiker. Journal ............. Sentinel ASM- nr ........ E. A. Delaune POLICE JURORS. 1st Ward ....Emile U. Morvant {id " Y.-J- Louis Aucotn.Prest з , d <« . .Marcellia Bergeron dt i, e .............J. 0. Toups 5tll o ''..........L. J. Trosclair g t ), *i .............Jean Rodrigue 7t l, ** ".........Jnies Gedclianx g t ^ <■ ' F ! F.......Leon Falgont u .......... Lovenev LeBlanc 10th " .............1. P. Bourgeois JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1st Ward............ H. Clement >..........C. A. Engerran 2nd " ?'............N.T. Bourg ii ..........E. P. Bernard *£ .. ............e. b.a>« {: .. ;.................f. Toups ii John Darden S!;! .1 .......Ed. BirdBall ii "!............B. Penouilli и. r ii '*............Ernest Foret lOtli " .................A. Crettui CONSTABLES. ls . ward .........Cbas. Bergeron 1st ward................ 0 L Caro \ ...........A. Roger » j i. ............J. D. Bernard i< ............Edgard Barrios X ii ........William Fields .....Leopold Gros S:;: « ........ ....L. Robichnnx cal. I. ...Jolm Dominique 2l i. " ............Albert Ayo jqjIj ii ...............Jos. Remont Dkainagk Commissioners. Dat No. I—Tlios. Beary, 0. Antbdment "dim No.' g!-Tbo*. Barker, Oscar Anthd X- G No. J G -L r J. Trosclair, J. L. LeBlanc, J. J, Toiuassi. KOAD AND LEVEE INSPECTORS. District No ................M. L. Beigeron, uist.ict i>o. i.... ............Emile Toups .. "I....... ......A. Boudreau " V.........J.T. LeBlanc jIu.vicrPA l Officers. M -s.-v, Frank Zcrnott: Conncilnien. E. N. Roth: " . P. Martin. Edgar h • Riviere. \ al troi.i Betgerou. C..I. L.genilre and Henry frittinger. _ _ _ , Treasurer.................P L. Brand. Town Marshal.............. RJ Naquin Clerk H. N.Coulou b»' 1 -tYeVs.X..........Mrs. J-Curtis fowl. 1-1 inter.............Lafourche Comet Cor;.i t.u ion Laborer........Ben Malbrough School Boa id*. E , Kooer. president ; AV. P. Martin Sr: .cudeiit and s, cieta'.v ; Nniua Kltcrt. Ale t'hauviu F<1:\ t 'uiiloH-t. Paul Meyer. Fra;., .... Uor tui.-I. I'h.n'U-s ■' Elliot. Paul Scot;, member*. 'i'liUi MACX • UHtK CoMM-TTKS. F. /. non. K. N. Roth. f. Martin J. L. Aar, . , . r u irvanl. L. .1. Tivacluir. .as* . jk^cn. LORAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY TINSMITH. WTER. LAWRENCE IV 'Zitiwniitli. All kind of pattering, spouting, roofing etc. STOVE PIPES ALSO SLATING. Plant,-tion work given prompt attention. t'hnrcli Street neurit. 1". D^pot. P. O. Box -211 Tkibadanx. La. B MERCANTILE. LUM & SONS, S. t)ry (ioodst Cl.,t),i.|. r . 1. ............... I at*, eitpu a'i'l ••o'ions. Full line o!' Fnrnituro .'lain >t. Pliiiip and St. Ia.uL Streets. B onto N T. Market Mlaad. Aiwarso-i haed tbe best of Reef. Mutton, Pork, Ven!. and Sausages ot all kicde. Market Street, Thibodaux, La. B OURON, A.. Cuitsmiiii :isi<I Watelininker. Jewellv. Preeeent Hieyeles. New Atnerie^n Sewing Maeliines, etc. Cor. Main and S,. P hi'i|< streets. _ jglJOi: SALOON. S, r.Traigle, I'ro»i-Iefor, Choice wines and liquors, tine etgnra n'ways on hand. For. Green and Market Streets. QHOL. H. C. {.eiijleitirit's Fiirnisldstr Goods A Fin., s b et Stock always on hand No i-l lain street. piMPlRF, HOUSE. .!. S'. Uo-rman, B*roj»ric|or. First eCi*« aeeninmodatinns and excellent able. Free '(ins connects with railroad de po-. Oorner T.evce and Green Streets. JjVdOST, H. W„ I'ypreNx and l*in«* I,uinl>cr. Genres* anil Sawed Shingles, also saddlery end harness. Blacksmithing and horse shoing a specialty. I EGENDRE. C J. Choice FnmllyGroceries Also Feed and Charcoal. Cor. St. Philip and Rose streets. * lyjEYKR, DRS. A. J. & L. E. Physicians and Siirgeona. Proprietors of Mever Drag Store. Main Street Thibodaux. La. K. E. Bailey, Manager. J^OTII DRUG CO , L't'd. Druggists. Drugs, rhemieals. Perfnmerv, School books, Stationery, etc. Cor. Mam & Green streets. Riviere & co.. henry. Dry Goods Notion*, liots. boot* and shoes, crockery, etc. Cor. Main & St. Louis streets. THIPODAUX DRUGSTORE, F. .1. Cwiiillot, Malinger, D-ngs, Cheniienls. Toilet Articles. Perfumery, School hooks. Stationery. Cor. Main and8t. Philip streets. ■^^RIGHT, MRS. J.N., Millinery Store Notions, Ladies lists and bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Market and St. Louis streets. z ERNOYT. FRANK, M'atclimaker AJcweller Fine Jewelry, watches end clock*, eto. Main Street, between St. Philip and St. Loui*. B DENTISTS. LANCHARD, (D. D. S.J, T. E. Dentist. Corner Green and St. Bridget Street*. QAICtRE, dr. j. j. Dentist Office: Main Street, near Court House ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. jgADEAUX, THOMAS A., Attorney-al-I.nxv, Bank of Latoiucbe building. K NOBLOCH & SON,CLAY Attorneys-nt-t aw Office*: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. EDUCATIONAL. £tH0L, EMMANUEL, Music Teacher Gives instrument* 1 , vocal and Harmony les sons. Resilience. - Levee Street. B AltC.IS, PROF. L. M. Select Seliool for Boys. English and French in all their branch*** and Mathematic.* taught. Narrow street, i'ootot V Michael Street. M OUNT CARMEL CONVENT. % 11 Academy lor l'oung K t>t by the Sisters of MouDt Carmel. Thor uoil eoarse. English and French Mai i ' Street. Foot of 0 NOTARIAL. XODLON. H. N. Notary Public, DOMfil Real Estate antt-Fire and Lite Insurance Acent. Properties bought and sold. Money ,udie« WHY A HE tlil I EH L<> 1 V. If has been claimt-i! that there is now produced mute fo ul and clothing than the people i f the earth can con slime, mid that this alleged fact ac counts for low prices .ilil general depression in indusitial eiieles. Sii Rnheit 0 1 thin, u tutu', English sta tisiieian, has been prying into this matter mid declares Unit during flit* last twenty years p-i uiation has in cleaned tinito iapidly than food pro due, urn by seven per cent. There foie, even tiling being tqlial prices (or more .term ately, demand) should exceed the same twenty vents ago by seven per c-eut, without taking into consideration tiie higher standard of living lesulting from greatly increas (id wealth aid higher civilization. It doe* not require a noted statistician ora liighgiado philosopher to solve tin- appaicnt mystery ot present low pi ices, and limited demand far pro ducts. Although the nations are glow mg wraitliie: year by year, the mas ses of producers are growing poorer, and there are the consumers. The wealth of (lie world is concentrated in a few hands, the people generally not participating. Civilization and prnspeiity have developed individual fortunes far beyond anything known ta history. I'mdigies of acquisitive ness have been hied up by natural and aititicial selection until the philosophers stone is discounted ; whatever these men touch turns t'> gold; hut the individuals who from the great population ot tin? nations, are merely the lambs who are requir ed to furnish the golden fleece for the onehalf of one per cent who pos sess a!! the increase of wealth which human effort has produced. There would he no over production if (he wealth of the world was as equitably distributed as was the case fnirtv, or even twenty yeais ago.—Texas Farm and Ranch. The Chicago News has this as the latest table etiquette. Biscuits should be opened with the fingers. In extreme cases an ax is admissible. Never pick your teetli at tbe table. You will fiutl a better assortment at the dentist's. Don't rattle your knife and fork. The napkin iing_wiB be found much more musical. Always eat soup from the side of your spoon. The inside is considered the proper one. Game should never be taken in the fingers—unless, of course, it is a card game. Do not rest your arms on tbe table. Stack all your weapons in a corner before dimer. Never leave the table until the others are through. If in a hurry take it with you. Never eat pie with a knife. It's all right to eat cheese with pie, but knives should be eaten alone. Cigarette smoking is permissible at the table—it you are dining alone and have a grudge against yourself. Don't ask your hostess if she lets the sugar bowl with the butter balls. She might mistake you for a humorist or a lunatic. It having been announced that Keely, of Philadelphia, of motor fame, who has been for some twenty years vainly trying to harness his myste rious foice was now busy on a new fangled flying machine, the Record of that city gets off the following clever paraphrase: "What does Motor Keely say In his nest at peep of day ? 'Let me fly,' says Motor Keely ; 'Bother ! let me fly away.' "Keeley rest a little longer Till your little wings are stronger When you lest a little longer You won't fly away." Representative Gaines, of Tenn., has a letter written to him by Hon. W. J. Bryan in teply to an inquiry as to tbe truthfulness of a newspaper statement that Mr. Bryan had decided to retire from politics. The letter says: "The newspaper item is not true. I expect to remain in politics all my life. Whether I shall ever run for office nsrnin depends on circum stances.'' Mr. Gaines Jia^t. t the slightest doubt that Mr. Bryan will head the democratic ticket in 1900 and be elected Pi evident. The sword of Gen. Sterling Price, with its beautifully-wrought gold 3Ca bbard, has boon presented to Mrs. Leroy B. Valiiant, of St. Louis, by the General's son, Col. E. M. Price, of Keytesviile, Mo. Mrs. I alliant is the regent for Missouri of the Confederate Museum at Richmond, Ya., and the historic weapon, says the Post-Dispach, will be placed in HDMMELL, HAMILTON & SELLS UNITED SHOWS Will Exhibit at turday, Jan. 1st. Preseii tin nent 1 POD I From :»e mo d Ani o-\ ('. st complete ZOOLOGIl'.VL COLLECTION of either Conti mais fromeverywheie. GRAND DOUBLE RACING IIIP Tne Best Equine Blood of Europe and America, in friend ly strife AT EACH EXHIBITION. LLESS ARENIC PEBFOEMEPS. mtineiit and (Time, chosen for their Individual Superiority. NOTHING LIKE IT EVER BEFORE ATT EMP TED. Overshadowing to insignificance the pretentions of would-be rivals. More to see Amuse and entertain than ever before introduced to American Audiences, SEE THE EASY LIONS ! ONLY EIGHT WEEKS OLD. Five great bands !. A cyclone of symphony ! Grand Free Street Parade in the Forenoon, Free Exhibitions on the Grounds on the return of Street Parade. TWO -EXHIBITIONS DAILY. AT 2 O'CLGCK p. M. AND AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. Doors open one hour earlier to permit of inspection of Menagerie. Imports Of Ripe. —The imports of lice of all kinds into the United States for the nice mouths ending October 1 weie 76,000 short tons, against 5?,000 short tons during the same period the pievious year. These in creased imports reflect the condition of the supply visib'e and invisible in the United States, and slwuv \v!:y lirices opened tolerably bigli this season, amt show further why they should be maintained The recent slump in rice bad no foundation worthy of credence. The supply came along a little too fast for the buyers, who generally have resources too limited to enable them to stock up heavily in rough rice, and will of course buy it as cheaply as they cau, and those who force rough rice on an unwilling market must expect to take what they can get for their produce, no matter what or how much hard wot k it cost. The statis tical situatian of rice is a strong one. There is no surplus, and the domestic crop should bring an equivalent to the full cost of foreign lice plus the duty. This price, however, can not be secured except rice be held back awaitiug an actual demand for it, which is sure to come later on.— Southern Farmer. j Just try a 10c. box ofCascarets. the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. The Rainy Day Club, iu New York City, is composed of a number of active women who have pledged themselves r<> wear short skirts, anti the Health-Culture Club, ot Brooklyn, sixtv-tive strong, is working for e general adoption of modified streeJ costumes. Length of skirt varies ac cording to occupation and weather, from three to six inches from the ground being the specified length. From the number of convictions, re potted by our exchanges in recent terms of the courts, crime seems to be rampant tluougliout the State. And j when we remember that there are a i small number of convictions compared to the actual crimes committed, we | may well pause to reflect upon the > amount of lawlessness that goes un punished every where. It is fulltime for law officers,* the couits and the people at large to do their full duty and bring-the lawless element to jus tice.—Crowley Signal. Robert A. Van. Wick was sworn iu last Mi If ive could only recognize our true wants, perceiving wlmt is really ad Viintageou», ive should avoid much worry and many useless repinings. Happiness and peace of mind come only with content, and how little is needed to satisfy actual necessities. A well ordered home, good plain food, intelligent surroundings, simple re creations. would carry all through life with domestic happiness add pub lic esteem. But too many are not satisfied with these solid and substan tial blessings. Their diess must be mure expensive, seivants must be more numerous, houses larger and furniture more costly than their neighbors. Why not glance at those below you, who are iu need of tlie actual comforts of life, and timuk God fm the blessing you enjoy t Don't fret and worry about things beyond your means or ability. The Department of Agriculture at Washington sent out this week the following statement: The special wheat investigation instituted by the Department n* Agri culture indicates a crop of 530,000,000 bushels. These figures are subject to slight modification in the final report. tti> Shoe Cots. Own Make A EMILE J. BEMUD, SOLE AGENT. COR. MAIN & ST-PHILIP STS., Thibodaux ■ l.a, (Opposite Dansereau'* 1