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(Kilwkli dthilioctatt* ^tttlwcL JOURNAL OF THE 9 TU SENAr-inA), Official of th.© Parish. oi Z-aso-uroir® and Guardian or the late: VOL. XXXIII. THIBODAUX, LA., SATURDAY, K NO. 23 OFFICIAL I>IRECTORY. Statk Officers. Govern -r : Murpliy J. Foster of St. Mar v Inept-Gov.....It. H. Snyiler ofTena&s Sec-ot Sti'o.-tohnT Michel ofOrl ans A,n<J. Put*. Acc'ts.. W W. H. ard of TJnion t,;i*e Treas... A- V. F uirnet of St-Mar in "tt'y G«n 'f. .1. Ounmngh un Natchitoch's ^td, Pub Ed.. .J. V-Callionn, of Orleans e C. s. Senators. 8. D. McEnery, .......... ofOiuichit 3 Don C a fiery ................of St.Mar.v State Senators. H C. Minor ... W. B. Unwell. .. Terrebonn 6 .....Lafonrcb® Judges Supreme Court. Chief !u-tme: F. T. Nicbolls of Orleans A»*oc at' " ..J A. Breaux.of Iberia • " H. C. Mider of Orleans. " N. C. Blanchard, of Caddo " * " -L. B. Watkins, Red River. t ircuit Cooktof Appeals,F ifth Circuit R.T. Beauregard..........of St. Bernard R.D. Smith ..............of St.Mary. Congressman, rd.Congressional List. B. F. Broussard.............of Iberia loth. Judicial District. ..................L. P. Caillouet. Dial ■ Attorney..............L. C. Moise Paui tiOfficers .......M. Delanne. ..... L. A. Troslair. .. ,.I)r i.J.Avo. .......C. J. Parker. ........ Jaa Beary .......A. J. Brand. .......... Sentinel E. A. Delauue Journal JUSTICES of 1st Ward........ 2nd " ^...... THE PEACE. ......H. Clement ____C. A. Engerran ......N. T. Bourg Ird " ........ 4th " ........ 5tb " ......... *»!. o ...... .....E. P. Bernard .........E. B. Ayo .......'. .F. Toups .....John Darden ml') ii .......Ed. Birdstill gth ......... .....B. Penouilh .....Ernest Foret 10th " .................A. Cretim CONSTABLES. 1 st Ward............Clias. Bergeron ) ..............O. L. Caro 2 nd " \ ...........A. Roger ird " .....J. H- Bernard <« . . ........Edgard Barrios 5^ o '''.........William Fields g t jj [............Leopold Gros .........L. Robiclmux at!. •« ____John Dominique 9til o ...............Albert Ayo jO tll u ''** ...........Jos. Remont Drainage Commissioners Dist No. I—Tho*. Beary, O. AnthAment (Ad . 1 . H. S. Mire. , . ... Din . No. 2.—Tbos. Barker, Oscar Antbe ment, O. J. Guidry. , . . D . .. Di*t. No.J.—L. J. Trosclair, J. L. LeBianc, J. J. Touiasii. Assessor .... POUCH JURORS. 1 st Ward.........Emile U. Morvant 2ad " .....J. Louis Ancoin, Pres't 3nl ........Marcell in Bergeron 4th " ...............J- 0. Toups gth " ............L. J. Trosclair 5th " ............Jean Rodrigue 7th " ...........Jules Gudcliaux gth " ..... .......Leon Falgout 9 th " ..........Loveticv LeBianc 10 th " . . ..........J. P. Bourgeois Road and Lkvke Inspectors. District No. 1 ................M. L. Bn«n, o...................Kanle Toupa 3'"*..............A. Boudreau " V.................J.T. LeBianc Muxici p a n Officers. Moor, Frank Zcruott; Conncilmeu. E . N. Hut!W . P. Martin. Edgar V. Riviere. \ al Iroid Bergeron, C.J. Legendre and Henry Fritringer. , _ , Treasurer..................P. L. Brand. Town Marshal...............R J Naquin Clerk .................. H.N. Coulon Po#» Mistress..............Mrs. J. Curtis Tow. Printer.............Lafourche Comet iou Laborer........Beu Malbrougu School, Board. truest Roger, president,; W. P. Martin* flupi iiteudent and Secretary ; Ntunti Lllert, Altai,. Cbauvin. Keli\ Caillouet. Pan! Meyer, Tram ids Ddrauicc, Charles J. Elliot. Paul fieott, member*. llUHODArx Bkiuok Comm.ttkk. F. Zernott. E. N. Ruth. W. P. Martin J. L. Asci'in. li. L Mm .a vant. L. . 1 . Tr impair. Av • senStOA asket Jw . st-rtaln, free. « (rot>.u it*utabie. < ■ JounOcmijip Oldest or, We hal to Am BO YEARS' CXPERUNOE. TRASS MARKS, DZSSC?« 3 , CCPYRtCMTS Slc. . t:»■••fiiption may . . • • m is nimir.ifiitDins htrictly rum y *• >rs«n'urintr patents «* a Washington efflee. p " '» HO II ft V 17 ft M »'»vui •A? , mten ttnou^n Mann A Co. receive notioe in the . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, "*»ot|f u lij UhistmtfHl, largest circulation of * •'m euttfle journal,wwkty,termsW-OU a year; month.-. spec. ■ -n n,ipl<*s and HAND wo " (IN Patknts still free. Address MUNN Sl CC., t-s. attfl Mroudeav New York. LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY TINSMITH. | ^WYEK, LAWRENCE 'if in wnii |h. Ah kind of inittering. spouting, rooting etc. STOVEPIPES ALSO SLATING. Plantation work given prompt attention. t'hurcb Street m ar R. R. D.-oot. P. O. Box ill! Tluboduiix, t.a. B MERCANTILE. LUM sV SONS, S. B true N.T. B OURON, A., B uor SALOON. N, V. Truiglet I*roi»rielor, Choice wines and liquork. fine cigala always on hand. (.'or. Green and Market Streets. QHOL. H. C. Gentleiiien's T'lirnitshins' Goo G A Fine Select Stock always on hand No 27 llain Street. psMIMRE HOITSE. , .1, !•'. TVoseinau, l*ro|»rie|oi*. First chtsa aecomniodatiotis and excellent 'able. Free 'hns connect, with railroad de pot. Corner Levee and Green Streets. ■piiOST, H. W., fypiresK nn«l Pine umber, Cvtiress and Sawed Shingles, also saddlery tnd harness. Rlacksmithing and horie shoing a specialty. I EGENDRE. C . 1 . Clmice I'ainily tiroceries Also Feed ami Charcoal. Cor. St. Philip and Rose streets. ■jyjEYER, DR8. A. J. & L. E. PhynioiaUM and Nurgeona. Proprietors of MeverTtnia Store. Main Street Thiboduux. La. E. E Bailey, Manager. • •J^OTTI DRUG CO.. L't'd. Ilrnggists. Drugs. Chemicals. Perfuinerv, School books Stationery, etc. Cor. Matu & Green streets' ro^te z ERNOYT.JHfkNK. Dry GootlsI Clothing. lnot>, shoes. I ats. aps and notions. Full line of Furniture Main St. Philip aud St. Louis Stre-ets. Mai-kel Miami. Always on hand the best of Beef. Mutton, Pork, Veal, and Sausages ot all kinds. Market Street, Thibodaux, La. Giinsmill) anil TYalrlunaker. Jewelty. Crescent Bicycles. New American Sewing Machines, etc. Cor. Main aud St. Philip streets. j^lMEKE Sc CO.. HENRY, Dry Goads Notion*, bsts. boots and shoes, crockery, etc. Cor. Main A St. Louis streets. TFirOPAUX DRUGSTORE, F. J. Ciiiitlot. Manager, D>-')gs. Chem^iils.Toilet Articles. Perlumerv, School liooks ^^atio nerT. Cor. Main and St. Philip streets. ■YyiUGHT. MRS..?. N.. Millinery Store Notions, Ladies hats and bonnets. Dress making. Cor. Mavkel and St. Louis streets. Wnicliaiaker A Jeweller Fine Jewelry, watches end clocks, eto. Main Street, between St Philip anil St. Louis. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ADEAUX,THOMAS A., K A i lorney>atsl<a vr. Bank of Laiomche buildiug NOBLOCH At SON, CLAY A llorney s*-a (•law Offices: Bank Building. Entrance on St. Louis Street. c EDUCATIONAL. HOL. EMMANUEL, M nt'N'r CARMEL CONVENT. Music 'Fem-her Gives instrumental, vocal and Harmony les sous. Residence; Levee Street. pjAUGIS, PROF. L. M. kelcel SU-liool lor Hoy *. English and French in all their branches and Matin matins taught. Narrow street, footof Sr Michael Street. NOTARIAL. tOUI.ON. H. N. Notary Public, Real Estate and Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Properties bought and sold. Money loaned and borrowed Bank of Latourche building, DENTISTS. gLANCHARD, fD. D. S.y, J. E. I>entif*t. Corner Green and St. Bridget Street*. j^AIGRE, DR. J. J, Dent let Office: Main Street, near Court House An Acudeiny lor t oimg l.adics Kept by the .Sisters ot Mount Carmel. Tlior ii:li course. English and French. Footof Market St reet. How a Coachman Wins an Heiress. _ "Will you tell me exactly what rela tions exist between a coachman ami his mistress?" I ventured to ask. He looked thoughtful for a while, and then said: "Very naturally, a slight intimacy, if I can so express it, must exist between them. For instance, she will say to him, 'James, saddle my bay mare at 9 in the morning, and come along yourself on Kate, as I wish to go tor a gallop into the country.' Promptly at 9 James is at his mistress'cottage, with his orders obeyed to the letter. Very frequently James is obliged to help my lady to the saddle. He catches her tenderly about the waist, and is obliged to place her dainty foot in tho stirrup, she in the meantime not, perhaps, because James touched her tiny foot, but because her young heart is leaping with jov at the pvopeet of a dasli over the adjoining fields. "While riding, if she sees anything to admire she will ask Janies his opinion of it. James is bound to agree with her, and, of course, she is plea e h And so it goes oa till James has been in her service for a year or two, bv which time the intimacy between them is much great:-! in many i, snorts tiin:i that existing between myiadyand- -me of her beaus." "And is it in this way that love le two; n eoachnn n and heiresses, which afterward resulted in elopements, be gan I asked. "Precisely," he replied: a. d then, bv wav of explanation, he d: "1 > • -,>:i think it anything so remarkable? Are we not of tile same blm ,1 an 1 nature a< our mistnases? Take one of t:«. so coachmen," he continr.. d; ''that one. for instance," pointing to a hands nr*; fellow of splendid p!r. sipm, about to drive his team out 1 1 the stable. "Is be not respectable, good looking, well dres-ed, and educated? Yes, I mean educated, lor lie can speak several lan guages. Would it be anything so veri strange if his lady were to fall in he e with him, think you ?"—Long ll>'oi<<;U kUrr. Proverbs for the Table. Fast well, feast well. 1 w se cook fondles his fire. Diplomacy lieth under the dish cover. Discretion is the proper sauce for cheese. Let the doubting cook roist bus fish. Court the onion and flee the doctor. A bad dinner is often redeemed bv a go d salad. ' , Rare b ef and well-cooked fish betray a w:sa cook. ; '* m e hideth herself under the lid of the \.\ d-managed pot. True economy in the household has heaven for its banker. Neither the nilibler nor the glutton kno i cth tho value of feast. He whoeateth without drink buildeth his well without mortar. Drink milk and wine, bur keep them wide apart, Wlio joins tlwlr virtues will kit stomach thwart. Ea- like a hearty man. Drink like a siek one; So may life's lit tie spaa Not be too quick run. — Tho Caterer In the whole universe there are no agents to work out the misery of the soul like its own fell pass'ons. Not the fire, the darkness, the flood, or the tempest.— Dr. Dewey. —ALL WOMEN J^tNE-TENTHS of all the pain and sickness from which women suffer is caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always!___ when a woman Is not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. WKBM Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures ail " female troubles." it is equally effective for the g!rl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman apprcachirigthe period known or the " Change of Life." They ail need it. 1 he,.- arc benefittei by it. For advice in cirec r.-.ra:r!n*- sper-'-.l dlrecticr*. a.iJre: v.-i; - - the '• L. . - y D- - : The Cij auoos ----acine C.,., C. noega. tens. , .jA THOS. J. COOPcn. T'. oeJo, ?.'!?*., says: " My J'-hrr scHcrJd trem vc-ry Irregular and pain' 1 i mcnstruaiicn and daot.-fs coulo not relieve hor. of Cardul entirely cu-ed her and dso t.eired my mother thriu< the Chenjo o: Life." HuMMEil AMLTO & SELLS "ft'"' ' f" n I'M'! Up SHOWS * ! i I ■ at IBO Saturday, Jan. 1st. u - , ' t-iii ing the most complete 7: ijg ;CI('A L COLLECTION of either Conti .< U •••! Animal- Imm e\er w: m < ■. II It AND DOUBLE RACING IIIP : '' ' ''b'-c. i l.« it'sl Lqi'-Lu' II;...... ol K roi>e am! America, in lrieml i ■ strileAT EACH EXHIBITION. PEERLESS AREiIIG PERFORMERS. ■t rout Evert ( ontinent and ( lime, chose Jo-- Hu-ir Individual Superiority. tiuTHIHS LIKE IT EVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED. Ovtishai dire 1o it t.d fill Cl *!nin thnn evu SB THE V .« Jj i i AT BANDS ! A CYCLONE OF SYMPHONY ! la i'arid Free Street Parade in the Forenoon. . ;< c Exhibitions im the Grounds oil the return of Street Parade. TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. AT 2 O'CLOCK r- M. AND AT8 O'CLOCK P. H. !>■ mi's open oi-e hour earlier to permit of i nspection of Menagerie. To Start a Balky Horse tn Double Har ness. The habit of balking in double har ness can generally lie easily overcome by means of a cord one-fourth of an inch in diameter and sixteen feet in length, an iron ring about one and one half inches in diameter and a piece of strong twine some two feet in length. Fasten the ring securely by means of tlie twine to tho back-strap, where it is crossed l>y the breeching-strap, then double tlie cord, placing the loop formed by the center under the balky horse's tail like a crupper. Cross the cold and pass both ends through the ring attached to the back-strap. Carry them forward and pass them through that terret-riug on the saddle of the harness which is next to the balkv candidate's mate, then carry them through the hame-ring of the kind horse aud fasten them, leaving a little slack, but not suf ficient to allow the balky horse to set tle into the breeching of the harness. After completing tliisanangement step hack, take the reins and start slowly. Of course the balky one will attempt to hang back, but the sensation produced by the cord will divert his attention in a very short time, and before he real izes what he is doing he will put his shoulder to the collar and help draw the load. This is much better than whipping, and a few lessons ''•-ill gener ally effect a permanent cure The Lapse of Morals. In any given time just about such a number . f car-axles will break down, just so many buildings will be burned, just so many good men will go wrong. With the greatest care in selecting men, the keenest insight into character, tbe oest cheeks against fraud and loss, there will still occur defalcations, embezzle ments and betrayals of trust. Men's characters change, and a man whose record and looks give no evidence of weakness now, may, in a few years, through the warping iti* ! nonce of an inner or outer torce, grow itgo a very different p rson .—C ' un* Knew H«r Best. At 11 o'clock the other evening a man and his wife, who were quarreling in loud tones on Randolph street, wero accosted by an oilieev w;th the injunc tion to keep quiet, and he turned to tl e • an and added: •■s, t ms to mo that you ought * > do your fighting at home." "Wed, i don't to un " was the prompt tv iv. "it '(here's any figuting to be done 1 want to come out here where I've got some chance to tlodge Uex'.~--Bctrvit Free i'r-rj. A .Soft Answer. A small, ragged urchin was observtA by a philanthropic gentleman on How* ard street, grinding his knuckles into his eyes and howling dolefully. "What is the matter, my boy?" "Feller pasted me in the snoot." "What did to him?" "Nothing, sir. I am a good littlft boy. and g*es to Sunday school, and the teacher sez, 'remember, boys, a soft answer turnetli away wrath,' and whs© I steps on the feller's corns, and he gets wrathv, I jest sez the softest thing X could think of, and calls him a dude, and he up and slugged me!" "Bless my soul!" exclaimed the oUl gentleman, aghast, when, suddenly abandoning his whimper, the urchii| cut a caper on the pavement, put hiil fingers to his nose, gave utterance Ut an ecstatic "sold again!" and darted swiftly down an alley .—Boston Globt, August is said to be ^ne of the un* lucky months to get married in. A close observer has discovered that tha year is evenly divided in this respect, there being just twelve lucky and twelva unlucky months. Some people ascribe the inisfor!lines of marriage to the in Ihn-uce of the moon; but they are prob* ably less attributable to Luna than to the lunatics. Mv£> Shoe Co's. • Own Make* MILL BUS 17 ), SOU: AGENT. COR. MAIN & ST-PH1L1P sTS.. 'i'tiibodaiix ■ B.a, (Opposite Dansert au's Drugstore.) iFaiI OrMtrs (Promptly FiUod.