Newspaper Page Text
_ The Record of a Year. Continued from paye London ; aged 80. Chief Skenadoro ol Oneida .'nduma, at Seymour, Ills. ; age Disaster: Over 6,000 deaths in a typhoi C'Xfr.ary William A. Stiles, editor of Forest and Stream, in New York city. Sir John Gilbert, noted painter and illustrator, ir London ; aged 80. Chief Skenadoro of tin god St*. . .ilioon in the Philippine islands. 7. Fire: 7 buildings, including an opera house, burned in Detroit; loss, JOCO.lXXh 8, Fires: An 180,000 fire at Portland, Or. The Second Presbyterian church burned at La fayette, Ind. Obituary : Hear Admiral John Brady Clitz, U- 8. N., retired, in Washington; aged 70. ft. General Pulger, noted Venezuelan warrior, statesman and philanthropist, died at Ca racas. 10. Obituary : Thomas Whiffen, actor, in Hert Sn gland. ary in the famous Mrs. Atkinson case in West Virginia failed to agree. Senorita ford, Engli The jury i so; 83. Disaster : A Hudson River railroad express plunged into the river near Garrisons, >7. Y. ; à) killed, many injured. Convention: The biennial meeting of the world's W. C. T. U. opened in Toronto. Shipwreck : Steam schooner Caspar wrecked off Point Arena, Cal. ; 13 sailors drowned. 34. Obituary: Prof. Francis Turner Palgrave of Oxford university ; aged 73. 23. Destructive storm on the Atlantic coast from Long Island to Hatteras. Obituary : John Sartain, artist and engraver of repute, in Philadelphia ; aged 89. 87. Fires: Offices of the Wabash railroad burn ed in St. Louis ; loss, $600,000. The Woelfcl Co.'s immense tannery at Morris, Ills., de stroyed; loss, $20,000. Obituary: The Duchess of Teck, Princess Mary of Cambridge, at Richmond, Eng land. Thomas G. Alvord, noted New York politician, in Syracuse; aged 87. Reunion: The twenty-ninth annual meeting of the Society of the Army of the Ten nessee begun in Milwaukee. 88. Fire: Sturgis grain elevator burned at Buf falo; loss over $290.<XX). Conventions: The national convention of the W. C. T. U. opened at Buffalo. Annual meeting of the Association of Collegiate Aluinnæ opened at Detroit. 83. Obituary : Henry George, social reformer, in New York city; aged 58. Sir Hercules Robinson, former chief commissioner of Cape Colony, in London ; aged 73. 80. Accident: 6 miners suffocated in the Dia mond shaft at Scranton. Pa. NOVEMBER. 1. Union Pacific railroad sold at Omaha to re organization committee for $57,564,982.76. Col. J. R. M. Chard, V. C., hero of Rorke's Drift, died at Taunton, England. 8. Fire: Central hotel andCorry block burned at Marlboro, Mass. ; loss, $150,000. Accident: 4 killed and 17 injured in the wreck of a vestibule express on the Chesa peake and Ohio railroad near Charlottes ville, Va. Obituary: Gen. Thomas L. Clingham, noted Confederate veteran, at Morgantown, N. C. Dr. 8. R. Sheffield, inventor of the tooth crown, died in New London, Conn. 8. Attempt to assassinate Dr. Moraes, presi dent of Brazil. I Fire : $100,000 fire at Texarkana, Ark. 7. Obituary: Cornelius O'Conuor, California capitalist, in San Francisco; aged 60. Fires: Hotel San Marco at St. Augustine. Fla., burned; loss, $250,000. A$150,000 blaze in Louisville. Shipwreck : Transit steamer Idaho foundered on Lake Erie; 19 sailors drowned. 8 . Obituary: Gen. James C. Duane, Ü. a A., retired, in New York city. Rear Admiral Alexander Calder Rhtnd. ü. S. N., retired, a noted war veteran, in New York city; aged 76. 8 . Convention: Tho annual general assembly Knighta of Labor, began at Louisville. 10. Fire: Largo machine works burned at Mid dleboro, Ky; loss, $200,000. Criminal: Mrs. Augusta Nack, companion of the accused murderer Martin Thorn, appeared as a witness against Thorn at his trial in Long Island City. -12. Fire: The ''Lion'' department store burned in Milwaukee; loss, $200,000. Obituary : John Hognald Burgess, distin guished painter, in London; aged I». IS. Sporting: The annual football game be tween Harvard and Yale at Cambridge, Mass., resulted in a tie; score, 0 to 0. Obituary: Henry C. Dorr, brother of Thomas Wilson Dorr of "Dorr's rebellion" memory, in New York city; aged 77. Homer Â. Hibbard, a wealthy pioneer of Chicago, in that city : aged 73. John M. Langston, fa mous colored lawyer, congressman and diplomat, first American negro elected to office, in Washington : aged 08. 14. Obituary ; Dr. Thomas W ilson Evans, known throughout the world ns "the American dentist in Paris," friend of Napoleon UI and Empress Eugenie, in Paris; aged 74. 15. Obituary: Mme. Verdi, for 50 years the consort of th9 famous composer, died at Ri me. 16. Business troubles: Tho Delta County bank of Delta, Colo., suspended. Obituary: Robert M. Steele, capitalist and railroad promoter, at St. John's, Mich.; aged 65. 17. Obituary: Rev. George Hendricks Hough ton. rector of the Church of tho Transfigu ration ( the '-Little Church Around the Cor ner"), in New York city; aged 7Î. Miscellaneous: Terrific gaies and shipwreck* in the Mediterranean. German warship* landed troops and guns in China with hos tile intern. ■IS. Fire: Steamer Bluff City of St. Louis burned at Chester, Ills. : loss, $100,000. 19. Fire: In the business portion of London: loss, $25, (XX), 000. JO. Obituary : Prof. Henry Calderwotxl of Edin , burgh university in Edinburghj a;ve;l 62, aged 99. Evangelina Cossio y Cisneros, tho Cuban girl who escaped from prison in Havana, arrived in New York. 14. 7 tobacco warehouses and 8 dwellings burn ed at, N. C. ; loss, $250,000. 15- Disasters : The dome of Robinson's Opera House in Cincinnati fell during a perform ance ; 5 persons killed, 60 injured. 17 Fires: The town of Yi'indsor, N. S., wiped out and 3,o00 people homeless; loss, $3,000,• 000. A $300,000 factory flro in New York city. Obituary: Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun, at Glen Cove, N. Y. ; aged 78. Shipwreck: The coaster Triton wrecked off the Cuban coast ; about 150 lives lost. Obituary : Admiral John L. Worden, Lb 8. N. , retire.'., the Monitor hero, Washing ton ; aged 79. John W. Hague, v '11 know n actor, in Boston ; aged 58. 19. Obituary : George Mortimer Pullman, the palace car magnate, in Chicago ; aged 66. O. P. Caylor, well known writer on base ball, diet! at Winona, Minn. 20. A $100,000 fire at Osceola, Ark. 21. Miscellaneous: The hundredth anniversary of the launching of the war frigate Old Iron sides celebrated in Boston. 22. Business troubles: W. G. Hitchcock & Co., importers, assigned in New York city ; lia bilities, »1,090, (AX). The Fowler Cycle Co. of Chicago, assigned ; liabilities, $500,000. Obituary: Justin Winsor, historian and libra nan of Harvard university, in Cambridge ; aged 06. Miscellaneous: Princeton university's me morial day commemorated. Uncle Charlie Decker, an Indiana pioneer and the oldest survivor of the civil war, died at Valparai Sporting: YâTôiîéfeâfed frincefon af football in New York; score. 6 to 0. 21. Obituary: Prof. William Seymour Tyler, formerly of Amherst college, at Amherst, Mass. ; aged£7. Gen. Albert Ordway, a not ed Federal veteran, in New York ; aged 55. 25. Fire: 30 buildings burned at Pensacola, Fla.; loss, $150,000. Sporting : Michael defeated Starbuck in a 25 milo cycle race at Madison Square Garden, New York; time, 50m. 29 l-5s. Dr. Miner Raymond, the oldest theological instructor in the Obituary : he United States. at Evanston, Ills. ; aged 86. 28. Political riot in Vienna. DECEMBER. 1. Personal: Justice Stephen Field retired from tho bench of the United States su preme court after 44 years' service. Accident: U coal miners killed iu an explo sion at Homburg, Bavaria. 2. Obituary : Judge D. U. Beiden, one of Colo l-ado 's pioneers, at Denver; aged 76. 3. Fire: The "Brick" Pomeroy blots and an opera house burned at Lacrosse. Wis. ; loss, $296,006. Sporting: Slosson won the final game in the billiard tournament in New York city over Schaefer, Ives, Daly and Sutton. 4. Obituary: Adolph Neuendorf, well known German musical composer and director, in New York city ; aged 54. Accident: 4 killed and 4 injured in a trolley collision at Birmingham, Mich. 5. Obituary: Mrs. Alice Wellington Rollins, well known writer, near New York city; aged 50. 6. Obituary: Louis Mayer, a noted musical artist and composer, in St. Louis; aged 59. 7. M. De Fourtou, French statesman, died in Paris. 8. Dr. Campbell Morfitt, distinguished Ameri can chemist in London, died in that city 9. Obituary: William Blakely, English coi: actor, known in America, in London. Rear Admiral Joseph F. Green, U. S. N., retired, in Brookline, Mass; aged 86. 10. Obituary : Hon. Charles Fleishman, noted Ohio politician, capitalist and turf patron, in Cincinnati ; aged 63. 11. Orion Clemens, brother of Mark Twain, who was a "forty-niner" and a picturesque lit erary character, dled atjvcqkuk, la. ty. omic What is I A â Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years* use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea —the Mother's Friend. C astoria. ^Castoria is so well adapted to children that Î recommend it as superior to any prescription knewn to me." H. A. Ascher, M. D„ 111 So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. " Tho use of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CABL03 ÎURTYN, D. D„ New York (Sty. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Withop* injurious medication "For several years I tare recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Ed wis F. Farder, M. D., • 12Mb Street and 7th Ave., New York City. The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New Yob* Crrr. TAKE NOTICE! We call the attention «if justices of the peace elect of this and adjoining parishes that we are prepared to fur nish them all needed forms in their line of business on short notice and at reasona ble prices. Write or call and see for yourselves. CURE COHSnPATIQH ! IB cm ÎTTPT Y CITIPIrlYCCA rut * xnyrasenf Onjrarrt* ar. the Ideal Lax.-{ • ADtJVUUluU Î UuAnfill 1 Cil-il tirr. r *iip met.*)«» ( nave easy natiimlresalts, Sarn-A (•ta aad haaklet fr*e. A4. KTKKI.I*« KEHKSY m. fbicara. ».Mre*i. Ian., «VewTeet. iij.J Constipation Coûtes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long iu the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi Hoods gestion, had taste, coaled tongue, sick headache, in somnia, etc. Hood's rills cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pills 12. Cbiitiary: Gardiner G. Hubbard, noted in Washington public life, in that city; aged CÖ. Nancy Allison McKinley, mother of the president, at Canton, O. ; aged 88. Sporting: Charles W. Miibr of Chicago w the six day cycle race in New York, beating Hale's world's record by scoring 2,093 miles 4 laps : Rii e came in second, Schinneer third and Hale fourth. Fire: 4 firms burned out on Chestnut street. Philadelphia; loss, $750,900. 13. Obituary : Charles Butler, president of the Union Theological seminary and a noted lawyer, financier and philanthropist, in New York city ; aged 95. Gen. Justus McKinstry, a noted public man of St. Louis, in that city ; aged 82. 14. Shipwreck: Schooner Susan P. Thurlow, wrecked on Cushing island, off tho Maino coast ; 6 sailors drowned. 16. Fire: At Harshaltown, la.; loss, $130,000. Accident : 6 killed in a head on collision at Fort Smith, Ark. Obituary : Alphonse Daudet, the French aa in Paris : aged 57. thor, i »*'-'*1 •** * ay.uu ui. 17. Fire: Hotel Dakota and other properties, burned at Grand Forks, N. D. ; loss, $850, 000 . Sporting: "Kid" McCoy defeated Dan Cm don, the Australian, for the middleweight championship in Long Island City. The New Orleans The Leading Newspaper of the South. ALWAYSlLIABLE! flLWAfS Slÿi HS IH£ L ATEST HEWS. The Daily Picayune la a real newspaper. No expanse ia apared in producing it. Ita telegraph aervice ia unaurpaaaad. Its news gatherers cover all placea of Interest. Its mechanical appli ances are modern and the beat. Its staff of talented writera and artists is compléta. The Sunday Picayune la a household treaaure of newa, information and literature, illua tratjd and taaefully preaanted. The Weekly Picayune la paerlaaa aa a country, family newspaper and literary journal, and no homo ia tha South ehould bo without it. TKRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Daily and Sunday - - f n.oo a year. Sunday - - - - - |i.«o a yea*. Weakly.....|i.oo a year. NICHOLSON R CO., Proprietors, New Orloaa^ La. THIBODEAUX DRUG STORE Cor. Main and Si Philip St., Thibodaux La. -:o:— We have a very complete stock of 9M&GS, MBDICIXBS, CHEMICALS, S&&P&,BMPSBES, COMBS, TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES, CIGARS TOBACCO AND SNUFF. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS. mta School and Blank Books. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, AT LOWEST PRICES. THE SENTINEL JOB OFFICE JACKSON STREET, THIBODAUX, LA. Is the Best Equipped Printing Establishment in the State, Outside of New Orleans. 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Daily and Sunday. $12 00 Sunday.......... 2 00 Semi-WeeXly..... 1 00 If you want all the news —political, religious, so cial, financial, sporting, literary—by wire andspe cial correspondence, em bracing current events throughout all creation, subscribe for The Times Democrat, New Orleans, La. Sample copies free. The Times*Democrat, • NEW ORLEANS, LA. «