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«ft. handln îjmofïat Oilicial Jon ru ii I ol" the 1'oivn of Opelou *nt nnd Hnrixh School Itonnl. OPELOUSÀS : Saturday, .linn- », 188S. Circuit court has been in session here this week, judges Clegg and Moore pre siding. Wft learn that Dr. Fred Meyer, for merly of this place, now of Scott Sta tion, is a candidate for the position of State quarantine physician. We wish him success. For weak luugs and feebleness, Chase's Barley Malt Whisky is an ex cellent tonic. It ts absolutely pure, lull of nutriment, and builds up the sys tem. C. Dietlien sole agent for Opelou sas. The Misses Stagg. of Bayou Bœuf, aud Miss Hattie Ilaas, of Chicot, have for several days beeu visiting friends at this place. On Monday night last they %vere tendered a reception by the young men of the town. We had the pleasure of meeting on the streets this week our congenial friend Mr. George Pnlford, who for several months has been eugaged in the architectural pursuit in aud around Crowley. President Cleveland was renominated by the national Democratic convention at St. Louis, this week, without oppo sition ; aud the contest for Vice-Presi dent is between Thurman and Gray, with Thurman ahead. The Senate Committee on Elec tions have reported in the Duson Stagg contest to refer the matter back to the people. The friends of Mr. Stagg will be perfectly satisfied to hare tins report adopted, and try the matter over again before the people. Mr. Charles W. Lewis, who has for several mouths been engaged in the study of the legal profession in New Orleans, returned homo last Sunday, aud will apply for an ornamented slieeo-skin at the July term of the Su preme Court iu this place. Mr. Charles M. Thompson, our uewly elected Clerk of Court, is now rcgu Jy iustallod with Mr. II. E. Estorge aud other efficient, assistants in the ClerJkV office, having Mr. A. J. Perrault as minute clerk ; in the Recorder's office, Mr. Alfred Pavy is assisted by Mr. L. P. Louallier aud others. At the Democratic primaries held throughout the parish last Saturday for the selection of police jurors, the fol lowing nauied gentlemen were eleeicd in their respective wards : Ist waid, K. M. Boagni, Homer Durio ; 2d ward, Edgar S. Barry ; 3d ward, Placide Ro bin ; 4th ward, R. W. Heath ; 5th ward, Paulin Stagg, Elija C. Milbura ; Oth •ward, Sa'muel Haas; 7th ward, Lat»^ arent J. Doss at au ; 8th ward, Charles Thompson Bihm. Wß are pained to announce the death of Mt*. J- J- Thompson which occurred at her husband's residence near Opeloa sas on Saturday last at 8 o'clock p. m. Mrs. Thompson's maiden name was Itosa C. Boagni. She was the second <laughterof Dr. Vinceut Boagni a prom inent citizen of this place and was a •very estimable lady. She leaves a hus band aud two little daughters. They have our heart-felt sympathy in this their «ad bereavemeut. .Last Monday the body of a white man which has sine« proved to be that of the watchman ou the steamer Warren, was found Hoating in Bayou Courtableau a short distance below Washington. In his pocket was found a Smith &. Wesson pistol, a pocketbook, a marine check aud a gimlet. Dr. 11. M. Littel) held the inquost, aud there being no marks of violence on tha deceased, the jury coucladed that he Josfc Lis life by drowning. The Philharmonie is moving steadily along, and by its liberal, generous plan of operation, is gaining favor with everyone- At its last gathering, which was held principally for the purpose of receiving œsr additions and of chang ing the time of Wieling, the speaking propensities of luoet of the members were to «diu« extent brought ont by the fluent suggestions of one of »imbs of-the-law who L'as subscribed his harne to our list and was present for the first time. We are of the optoion that when W. S- F.'i presence is seared, it would be » idea to get up a pis? iij which there wiii Uea legal pornt at iastfe and mate priucipafc <yj opposite «ides of these gentlemen. Look oat/or this (e&ture at an early date, as some öuggestians have been offered to lead âog meintars ou the subject. The Association It*« about coucluded to purchase the laigc^^d and elegant piano which for some time has been ou trial ft the hall. >Ve are no judga of an iustrinuent but base our opinion on what Pthers hav* said to the effect t l, a t it is an extent one. Although many aud sabataarisJ im provements arc yet to be ittKde, tha |ook6 of tlie room has undergone some change by being supplied ivith new lights, curtains, etc., etc. As I ö »II o«r endeavors, we succeed by perse verenge, we Seel assured that the inter est manifested atprescut jvil! give to the Association the success it 4eserves. W. C. Clark's comic combination shows exhibited here three days aud nights this week, and were well patro nized throughout the entire time. For the price of admission, 25 cents, it is one of the best shows on the road. Street work is going on with a vim. A number of hauds and carts are bus ily employed, and if the weather per mits, under the supervision of foreman John Ttijague, the main thoroughfares will ere long be in cxellent condition. Miss Grace Del'Buono, accompanied by her brother, Mr. Frank Del'Buono, left on the 34th for Tbibodaux, to enter the convent at that place and adopt the vocation of a nun.—Iberia Enterprise. LOUISIANA NEWS. A large number of immigrants from Michigan arc settling in the vicinity of Natchitoches lately ;cted of David T. Stafford, tho newly ele< sheriff of Rapides, took possession his office last Monday. The work of erecting the new expo sition building at Shreveport has been awarded to W. A. Crawford and Louis Hoch of that city. The aggregate cost is nearly eight thousand dollars. A short time since Mr. John Newsoui was killed by a negro at New Texas back settlement. A few days ago the citizens of Bayou Des Glaize held a meeting the object being to select a location for the new courthouse when the parish site is changed. Dr. I. L. Leucht. of New Orleans, and J. W. Nicholson, of the Louisiana State University and Agricultuial and Mechanical College, have been appoint ed members of the State Board of edu cation for the term ending March 26th, 1888. A Board of Trade has lately been or ganized in Shreveport in which all com mercial interests may be represented. The Ruston canning factory will be gin operations in July. The school lands recently sold in Aeiidia to western settlers, brought three dollars per acre. Natchitoches wants a dime bank and loan association. The erection of brick tile works is spoken of at Lake Charles. Hog cholera is prevalent on Bayou Waxai. The Farmers' Union has ten mem bers in the General Assembly. Four thousand nine hundred and eight acres of land were entered in Ver non parish last week by Mr./Fair banks o£ Chicago, 111. Grant is better off than most parishes of the State, having in her treasury .$S()G.23 to the credit of the general fund and $1G02.G7 belonging to the school fund. On the20th ult.. at Black Hawk pla/i« tation, in Concordia parish, Mr, E. Pu£ leu was found dead. He had gone out, as was his cusiom, and not returning, his protracted absence excited alarm, and on search being made his horse was fourni hitched to the fence aud he lying on the ground dead. Heart disease, it is thought was the cause of his death. The corner-stone of the new Catholic Church at New Iberia was laid on the mil "b. The iadiösof New Iberia are raising funds with whicu to construct a build ing to'be used for a iiigii spjiool, and iiave given their that entertainment with that end in view. At Clinton, on the 30th ult. Deputy Hhanff Bennett arrested Dan Cooper, colored, Sfho is a fugitive from justice, he having kiiûvi # pegro man in Poiut Coupee parish last fail, C, Cornelius has beeu ap^uititßd keeper of the State House by Gov. Niebülls. . A few eights ago an empty box car which had Jftft on the switch at Convert's static« eetin motion by a violeut wind which previMted» and had reached a point near Wiiliaö« ftag station when it collided with a locomo tive. It is said that our sister town of Grand Coteau has never sustained a bar roor« for finy length of time, seve ral having beed barfed but closed for want of custon. "t>ry 'f owp'' fiitglit to be its name, if the above be true, Richard Johnson was waylaid aud murdered on the Rock Island planta ttoa near Colfax a few days since. Sam Davis, eiwßfil J with the crime, has been arrested The new city cotifiéd fit ««w Orleans has elected Major B. M. lieirod liity Surveyor. is an encounter with a burglar at ManetieU not long since, Mr. Ed. Best was painfully a\onnded. Isaac Hall, of Grs«* p&, died a few days since aged 127 year*. An elegant piece of music entitled the •'icaugnral Waltz," has been composed by Mi« L. Robinson, of West Baton Rouge, and àt'/J.icated to Gov. Francis T. Nicllolls. The commencement exwr«d»c# $£ f he Institution for the education _of ttie Deaf -mutes at Baton Rouge will take place Thursday evening, May 31st. The Washington Artillery celebra ted the 27th annïvM-aajy of their depar ture from New Orleans to i*ài'iip'pate m the civil war on the 2Gth ult. 4 few days ago Cliutou was visited by a r«ica4o. One hundred «jec fire laying the waterworks mains in baiou The Baton Rouge Star has received a itnif power press. PUBLIC SCi?ÖQfc» ! NOTICE ! ! The pnblic schools of the parigii will close on June 33d, 1888, as per resolatiou of the School Board, Laubekt Dlpke, may 26-Ùt President. NOTICE. Theflitarteriy Parish Union will meet on Ju lv Mii, at Landrenean's Hal! near YiHo Plate." W«ii «i{*sro if f«H «fele^t'on, as delegates to tJie toe fJW&a ' the meeting.. Iiy order o£ T- J*, H!",' , June 9-tt President. jffr> «f. J. BERCIER, OrELOUSAS, IA. Ou coracr Uaioii Street, liext to J. Meyers (i ÀU calls from the Country promptly an s wired. July 30iy OBITl'AKV. Opelousas, La ., June 3, 1888. { Yesterday evening at 8 o'clock, there passed j away the spirit of Rosa C. Boagni , the be loved wite of Mr. J. J. Thompson. She died in ! the lull beauty of young womanhood at an j age when every generous blossom of the j spring had opened its fragrance around lier t heart. She died surrounded by loving rela- | tivfs and affectionate friends, and as her spirit j took its flight a smile ot ineffable sweetness ! irradiated lier face, evidencing no doubt the Christian resignation and hope that possessed her at that supreme moment. We can easily believe that the placid calm and peaceful ex pression that was so noticealiie upon the face of this dying Christian, was the effect of a di rect communion between her own spirit and that of ministering angels hovering around her pil low and giving her, in language only known to her and them, the sweetest assurances of fu ture happiness and peace. In the, sudden transition from life to death, one could hardly imagine that the young and fair creature whom he saw before him, had passed away from the corridors of this earthly home and gone into the domain of eternal bliss. It appeared as if she was not dead but sleeping, and in your ex pectant gaze, you could almost hope to see her again re-open those closed eyes, and again look into the faces of those who with tlr ob bing hearts were bending over the bed of death. The manner in which Rosa passed away has robbed death of much of its terrors, for there could have been no sting in the death she died. Going away as gently as a jiassingzephyr—de parting as silently as a hlessed spirit, it was difficult to know the moment when she lived from the one in which she died. The writer, when he thought her spirit was about to take its flight, offered a prayer to almighty God to receive her into those holy mansions of the skies, and to permit her to remain forever in His presence praising and gloryfying His holy name. The buoyant hope of the dying Christian, who feels that he enters into the presence of lii.s Maker, without-a single plea, except that my savior died for me, is a sufficeint passport into those legions of eternal and unspeakable happiness. F. ith, hope and charity, the three Christian graces, were possessed in an eminent degree by th^'subject of this notice. Her death evidenced herlaitli and trust ; her life was a rea>SzaUon of hope and charity. Rosa was the second daughter of Dr. Vin cent Boagni- and the wife of Mr. J. J. Thomp son. After about thirteen years of wedded blis> the dreadful summons came. She was tone,icd by the finger of death and she slept. Her venerable parent, with hand clasped in hers, lemained at lier side until all was over, and then gently pressing upon her lips the last parental kiss, he left her with her God. The most touching part of the deaiu scene, was the agony evinced by the bereaved husband. Strong and resolut î in everything else, he gave way to the wildest grief, realizing that he was alone in the world—that his best and dearest friend had left him and had goue to the silent grave. It is not in our power to offer him any consolation. In trials like this human help is nnavai ,: ng. There is but one refuge, and that is to 11 v I" the bosom of Him who died for us, and bêsee 'h Him to temper the wind to the shorn lamb, it is to be. hoped tuat with God's blessing as time passes away, the, bleeding wound wilt heai, ami that the widowed hus band wili learn to bow iu!; submission to the decrees of Him who dort h all thing» ac cording to his own wise and wonderful ways. Our tenderest sympathies are felt for tiio two litt h> girls, who are now without tiieir moth er and the only comfort we can offer them is, that this parting is but for a time, and that jhev will again tie, reunited with their loved one",in a land where no separation can ever take place. The ways of Providence arc inscrutable and har.i to understand. Rosa had everythiii" to live for: young and fair, with a devoted .ins band and two aft'ctijonato children, possessed of amp'.e means and surrounded by every comfort, it seemed hard, indeed, that she should have been summoned so suddenly to kave her dear ones. But it was so ordained; it was the will of the Master, and we must not complain. May it be that lit r spirit is now basking in the sunlight of her Maker's smiles, and that she is interceding for the loved ones left to mourn lier loss. We will now bid Rosa farewell, farcrreil, and agi.'n farewell. A Sorrowing Fmknii. l»KOt !KEUIN«!<) OP l' A It 1*11 OE.ÏJ Ot It.ttU COiliMITtEE, Rooms Dkmocratic Executive Committee ( Fa kimiSt. Landry . Opslousas, June 5, '88. j The Committee met this day at the Court house pursuant to (uli<Hirn»'ont, Present. : T. II. Lewis Chairman ; U.E. Kstorge proxy to T. T. Ta.lton. .T. J. Thompson per proxy to T. T. Tarlton, from the first ward Second Ward— T. T. Tarleton and Jean Domee. Third Ward— J. B. Bergeron and .T. J. Quilxdean yer proxy to J. B. Bergeron. Fourth Ward—R. W. Heath. E. G. R'chard. Serentli Ward—J. P. J. Landreneau and L. T>. Younjr. Sixtti Ward— Haas and Eli Clark per proxy to Sam Baas. Mftt* PQ'iilin Stapc and Geo. L. Bavard per mo* y tû a. i-ewta Ward— E. H. MeGee and L. W. ( lnido. On motion. Pantin Stagg w«e appointed temporary secretary. The President stated the object of the meet ins to he to canvass the returns of the pri mary elections held the 2d of June, 18T8 for Po lice Jurors and certify the same to the Gover m $iie*e*ipm# M F'WP*. MeGee, sec o nded l>y Mr. .T. B. iit'tiO f ïîh' Ooiii(jjjttf;e jiroceeded -with the c.mvaas ot said ïôtuvris with the followins result ; In First Police Jury Ward, the following votes were cast : For E. M. Boagni, two hundred and fifty votos (2J0). tföjC H oih en Durio, two hundred and sixty five, VMJ l ij-'y, " for J. iff. Boy, aaa li«u«t(.ea spKßpty votes (1701. Tn tlie Second Police Jury Ward the follow in f vote? were east : F.d- E. P. Barry, one hundred and seventeen votes (117*. Fo- P. I>, Richard one hundred and thirteen v,;t."s (113) 4 Uth& PwHjiC Jnry Ward,, the following vote was ciirt'. " ' "'*• J. E, ffmhedeaw, « îsiity-eighr, votes W). For Piaeide Koiiiii. ni«, etyu iuht votes (ö«>. 11 the Fourth Police Jury Ward, tlie follow» in? votes were cast : For R. W. Heath, eisiity-three votes (83). For .T. E. Walker, thirtv-two votes (32). For Preston King, twelve votes (12). jfli tlie Fifth Police Jury Ward tho following voit» .svere casi ! for ft«««» tatö i r aj;4j;p4 jind eixty nine votes (lntr>. ForE. G. Millmrn, onehundreft and seventy four votes (174). For A. A. Herbert, sixty-eight votes (ß8). In the Sixth Po'ice Jury Ward tlie following votes were cast : mf £am Haas three hundred and thirty fiva v«>jes /•«»<• Vor cimi'ie« 'l'aiMoru ulitiy-eisiii rot,;s fas,. In the Seventh Police juvy HaiU, iliù 'toi iowlMg vote« were cast : For L. ,T. Dossman two hundred and forty four votes (241). In the Eighth Poilee Jury Ward the follow ing votes were cast : I«, Thompson Bilnu, one hundred and sixty-*** Vor&jiiW; The following lewlutioo whh t^ieii o^ui-ed iif Mr. E. H. MeGee and seconded V>v Dr. Tarlton and unanimously adopted: Whereas the following Police Jurors have been elected at the primary election held June 2d, 188-;, vH : ffw]—Edward M. Boagni and Homer DuriyT "■ fieeolid Waixl—Edgar S. Rairf. Third Ward— Placide Roliin. Fourth Ward— R. W. Heath. Fifth Ward— Paulin Stagg and Elija C. Mil i; u,n, Sixth ward—Samuel Haas. Seventh Ward—Laurent J. Dossman. Eighth Ward—Charles Thompson Bihm, Be it Resolved. That the foregoing result l>e certified to tlie Governor and that the Presi dent of tills'"omniittee transmit the same fo him with the respectful rennest that lie ap point and commission the said persons. THOS. H. LEWIS, grxoo, C'juairniàn, Secretary Pro. Tetn. F. HERBERT, BLACKSMITH, At Joseph Eddy's near tlie Railioad. OPELOUSAS, LA. A LI. work in uiy line promptly and well done at low ratfH^. iftay ls-Hiu. •WATCHMAKER .H AI \ STREET, OPKLOl'SAS. ITS AND JEWELRY re WA'it.'KES. CI < w.-iy.j » _TP W^U'hrs'krid Spectacles aiWiiys 1 ' oil hand aiid sold' at bot tom prices. «old ud Silwer B«ngh(.JJ 1)' »»UOt'KKUIIV«« or BOAR«» OF I"0 I.ltli TOWN OF OPELOtSAS. Oi'elousas, La ., June 5th, 1888. The Board met pursuant to acall of the Pres ident. Present : Jno. M. Mornhinveg, Presi dent, presiding ; Solomon Loeb, J. K. Sandoz, Matin Budd and Louis Chaclicrc. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ami adopted The committee appointed to receive and ex amine the books, etc., of the late Council, asked to be granted furtuer time. On motion duly seconded and carried, the same was granted. On motion of J. K. Sandoz, duly seconded and carried, be it Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed on corporation and that the President be added to said committee. The Chair appointed Sol. Loch and Louis Chacherere. , On motion of J. K. Sandoz, be it Resolved. That a list of the delinquent taxpayers of the town of Opelousas, La., be published for thirty days, after which legal proceedings would be taken if not complied with, and the same not having received a second, was put to the Board, aud the. said Sandoz, having so desired the same be recorded, Mr Loeb explained that the reason of his not seconding Mr. Sandoz's mo tion, was that no more cost ou the delinquent should be incurred, and by publishing same would naturallv add to the costs. Mr. Sandoz offered the following tax ordi nance for 1888, and moved that the same be twice read and adopted, and the said motion having been seconded aud the ordinance hav ing been twice read, the same was unanimous ly adopted, as follows, viz : AN ORDINANCE To provide a revenue for the Town of Ope lousas, La., for the year 1888, by the levying of taxes upon all property, real and personal, sit uated within the corporate limits of saitl town not exempt from taxation. Section 1. Bo it ordained by the Board of Po lice of the Town of Opelousas, La., That for the calendar year 1888, there is hereby levied a tax of (S) five mills on the dollar, of the as sessed valuation of all property, moveable and immovable, situated within the town of Ope lousas, La., except such as is expressly ex empted from taxation by the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, and the term property as herein used, means and includes all real es tate, with the buildings and improvements thereon or thereunto attached ; all railroads; and other roads ; all locomotives, dummies and other motive powers, all cars, carriages, wag ons and other vehicles ; all lumber, brick and other building materials, all movable property and chattels; all personal property, all goods, wares, merchandise and other stock in trade, in possession, on hand or under control ; goods bought and paid for, or to be paid for, all goods consigned for sale without reference to whom they belong, all household, kitchen, or other furnitures exceeding five hundred dol lars in value, all jeweils and jewelry, diamonds, pearls, and precious stones, real or imitation, all gold and silverware, and silver plate, all horses and other live animals; al' personall property held m trust, or by a w ife, or for a minor child ; all property held, contro led, or | administered in each separate capacity as president, cashier, treasurer, manager, receiv er. tiustee, depositary, administrator, agent, or other official capacity, the cost value of all judgments, suits and causes in action; all right», credits, bonds, stocks and securities of ail kinds, promissory no'j« and other obliga tions ; and ail other articles or tilings what ever possessing any money value. This enu meration shall not be construed so as to ex empt from taxation any property or values not enumerated herein. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that the taxes herein levied shall be due and payable at the office of the collector of the Board of Police or the Town of Opelousas, La., as soon the tax bills or roll shall be made, and filed iu the office of the said collector, aud after due pro mulgation of this ordinance Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That upon taxes not paid and delinquent (30) thirty days after the completion of the tax bills or roll, and the tiling of the same In the office of the ollcctor of the Board, there shall be, and is hereby levied or imposed an interest penalty of (10) ten per cent per aruiiiu on the amount of the tax due, which shall be collected together with, and in the same manner as the ta.:. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That no forced collection of taxes due upon movable or im movable property shall be made before the iuie or date set apart for the forcible collec tion of the ta due to the Statu of Louisiana. 'See. 5. ' Beit further ordained, That it shall tie the duty of the collector of the Board of Po lice of the Town of Opelousas. La„ to receive and collect the taxes, and interest due thereon to said Board within such time, and in the manner provided by existing State laws i'cia tivo U, the (ioilcetfou of tit.<:e; due. tlio State of Louisiana. Sec. 6. Be it further ordatned, That this or dinance ghali have effect from and after its promulgation. J. M. MORXHINVEG, President Board of Police Town of Opelousas, La. Attest : W. R. Cochuan . Clerk of Board of police Town jjf OpgfOM^g. fj,V On mot KjU of J. Is. Sando*, duly seconded and carried the following bills were approved and ordered paid : St. Landry Democrat, to advertizing no tire of election and proceedings *15 75 J. B. Sandoz, work for market house 1 50 Leopold Skinner, sharpening axes, spades, etc., from May, 1887, to May, 1888 4 80 Arthur Simpn, Justice of the Peace, pqstjS ' iji iuit* io«.n ou: tn, to-wit; Vs. L. Dupre •' E. P. Veazie., " F. F. Perrodin " Jules Gil " John N. Ogden 7 75 " JCepnetli Baiilio....................- :;n 7 f5 ¥otai. «2 00 On motion of Sol. Loeb, duly seconded and carried. Resolved, That the town attorney be in structed to issue fi fa on alt judgments ob tained by the Board against delinquent license 11 On motion of J. JC. Sandoz, duly seconded and CArricä, the »iUftsn?!# »wags »era submi^d a« irfiligeirig. ' CjraVid Detil|ief, Mrs. Paul Mi>e, Mfs. B". Vftl'iW, their pay te begin from June 1st, 16&è. On motion of J. K. Sandoz, duly seconded and carried, be it Resolved, That a committee of two be ap pointed as a Finance Committee, and that the President be added to said committee. Chair appointed J. K. Sandoz aud Sol, Loel). On motion duly (seconded, the Boacd ftd Attest : President. W. R. Coni ran , Clerk. fi 25 7 50 7 50 5 25 GRADE. HOLSTEIN BULLS fccveu ot eight ftMuie ïfolstoin bull calves, by the registered Holstein butt Volney, out of good cows, for sale at $25 each. b R. B. COTTINGHAM, Holland (formerly Parrott) Plantation near Opelousas. July 2-t.f MARTIN BUDD, 0— PAINTING, PAPERING, MARB LING AND GRAINING, Town and couutry jobs, promptly attended to. april 16-1 y The Original Wlp» s C. F. Simmon», St. Louis, jfropU' M. A. Simmon» Liver Mc4icine, Est'« 1&40; in the U. S. Court oefpats j, H.Zciiin.Prop'r A.Q.Simmons LW« er Regulator, Eit'd by Zutlin lä#t, M. A, S. L. M. ha» lor 4 j yea cured IndigbstioN j Biliousness, w . J.'fw mi ia feu s. L. M. ha» for 47 years ,,uu irfdigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia.,Sick Headache,Lost Appetite, Sour. Stomach, Etc. Rev. T. ft. Reams, Pastor M. E. Church, Adams, Tenn., writes: "1 think I should have been dead but lor your Genuine M. A. Sim» mons Livtf Mçdifir.f, I ban« SM'iietiru«* bad ' to' SubStitttM Ëfuff", 'fcj'ViWMia! tiiie, but it don't answer the purpose." Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor 7k* Baptist, Memphis, Tenn. says: , I received a package of your Liver Mcdicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. I want 09 better Livçr Regulato» sad cet; taint y hu tforii of ZeïUa'» AMENDMENTS —TO THE j Charter of the St Landry Homestead i and Loan Association. j Opei.ousas, La., April 5tll, 1888. The stockholders of the St. Landry Honirstead i and Loan Association nit*, iu pursuance to a call of the Board of Directors thereof, for the purpose of taking into consideration amend ments to the Charter of said Association, viz: 1st. To amend Art. 4, by increasing the capi tal stock 1o one million ($1,000,000) doliars, divi ded into live thrusand (5000) shares of. two hun dred (¥200.00) dollars each. 2d. To amend Art. 7, by substituting the num ber (10) ten instead of the number (20) twenty in the limitation of the number of shares on which a stockholder may borrow from tho As sociation. 3d. For the purpose of making any other amendments necessary to carry out the pur poses and intent of the above earned amend ments. All the stockholders having been regularly notified of the meeting by written notices set ting forth the object« and purposes, tha time and place of meeting, and the hour having ar rived, the meeting was called to order by Jos. Bloch, Esq. a member of the Board of Direct ors of said Association, who on motion duly seconded and carried, was called to the chair as President Pro. Tem., the President and Vice President being both absent. The Chair thereupon announced tlie pur poses and objects of the meeting, and declared the meeting in order, and the Secretary hav ing been instructed to call the roll of stock holders, and tlie same having beeu done, it was ascertained that (206) two hundred aud ninety six shares of stock were represented in person and by proxy, the said shares represented being mora tlian (J) three-fourths of the stock subscribed. The Chair then announced the consideration of theamendments iu order, whereupon it was moved and seconded, that the proposed amend ments be voted upon at one and the same time, ami no objection having been made thereto, the Chair announced the same unanimously carried. Whereupon, it was moved and seconded that the following articles of the Charter of the Association be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follsws, viz: "Art. 4. The capital stock of said corporation shall be One Million Dollars, divided into five thousand shares each representing two hun dred dollars, payable in weekly installments of twenty-five cents per share per week, and said corporation shall begin business when two hundred shares of the capital stock shall have been subscribed ; said stock shall be is sued in series, designated respectively as se ries, A, B. C, etc., of which the stock "now ex isting shall be known as scries A, but 110 one series shall contain more than (500) live hun dred shares. The Board or Directors Shall have power to close each series before opening a fol lowing one. Whenever the shares representing any series shall by reason of payments of installments, and accumulation or profits, be worth the par value of t wo hundred dollars each, such series shall be liquidated as speedily as is consistent with the Interests of tlie subscribers; and whenever the shares representing tlie last re maining series shall be worth the sum of two hundred doliars each, the association shall be liquidated by (3) three commissioners selected by the Board of Directors from among the stockholders. Art. 7. Each stockholder for each share of the stock he may hold in the Association shall be elegible to receive from the funds of tho As sociation a loan of two hundred dollars, less the premium-olTered. Whenever tlie funds in tlie Treasury shall warrant, one. or more loans shall be disposed of to tho stockholders offering tho highest voluntary premium in such manner as tho Board ot Directors may determine ; pro vided that 110 loan shall be made for a less premium than ten per centum. No stockhold er shall be elegible to a loan 011 more than ten shares. No stockholder shall be c'egible to a loan who is in arrears to the association. Stockholders taking loans shall pay interest thereon (on nominal loan) by weekly paviuenls at the rate of six per cent per uuniim. In case of failure to give satisfactory security for such loans within »010 month of the date of purchase, the interest shall be charged to such purchaser, together with all costs and charges or expenses attending the examination of titles and searches, and the mouey revert t« tho As sociation. Security shall not be deemed suffi cient unless approved by at letlüt a unijority of tlie Hoard of Directors present." Tho Chili nun 11 having asked the stockhold ers tf they were ready to vote upon t he amend ments, aud tUcy lielng ready, the Chair ap pointed three stockholders, viz : O. H. Terwil liger, Albert Bloch and Dr. r. M. Littell as tel lers. who after the casting of tho votes, pro ceeded to count the votes given iu favor of and against said amendments, when it was ascer tained that two hundred and ninety-six votes were east in favor of said amendments, aud none against. The votes cast in fyvov titereof being more than three.fcmrthsof the total num bei' of s)ia('i3ä of St,i<) siuuH taken, tho Chair man announced the amendments carried, aud ordered tho Secretary to record the same. Ami there being no further business before the stockholders, and a motion haVing been made, seconded and carried, the meeting ad journed. JOS. BLOCH, Attest : President Pro, Tt'VRi W. C. Pekraui.t , Secretary, A true copy, ' W-. ti. Pkkbaclt Secretary. gune-j&t NOTICE! Land Office , at New Orleans La. ) M.»y 2öth, 1888. J SiKitie ii hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of Iiis intcutiou to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tlie Judge or iu his absence the Clerk of the Dis trict Court, at Opelousas, La., 011 July Jlst, 1888, viz : M\IU ( township s, south range 7 west. Louisiana me ridian He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz: Pierre Guillory, Acduel Veillon, Soileau and Gerasime Soilean, al' ai «,«. 1, dry parish, La, THQâjAÇ J".' »VTLEB, June n " Register. asskssment notice. Oi'EI-otsas, La ,. June 1,1888. Notice is hereby given that the assessment juue ion .11114 i ADOLPHE LASTRAPES, Assessor. NOTICE Is hereby given, in accordance with article !Ê«t NOTICE Is hereby given of intention to causc to be introduced at tlie ensuing session of tho Ltigis lature, an act ov aots t« fm reli tUe of Pratiluin C'u|to.<fC, to aijth^rj^ tho sale of the poijc'gti'iiuuieiCy, ana <0 appropriate the pro ceeds to building a public school house or horses ill the town of Opelousas. Tnos. H. Lewis. M.D.LEWIS,Mt) QPELQySAä, LA, Oliioe ovor Bailey's Drug Store, Main St. aprl 21. ly IN TilEJSTII ALSO A PUR^ 1 ! HOLST; Fee, $10, " «rip , IwaPCUXyjSwwAM, Holland (formerly l'^iiot'/Plantation near Opelousas}, ' " f,.i, <><■_( f B. .A.. LITTELL, PHYSICIAN A Bl'RCEON, OPELOUSAS, LA, Office at Littel!'* tMHg âîprç. aprl 21, ly BULL. FOR SALE. A tract of forty-one acres of tine timber land on the railroad within two acres of Bellevue Station. Will sell, or exchange for other prop erty. JNO. M. WARE. JUDICIAI. ADVERTISEMENT*. ^HE RIFF 'S SAI.E. cleophas comeau vs. thomas m. an derson agent, etals. No. 12772 DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY STATE OK LOUISIANA. By virtue of writs of alias fi. fa. issued out of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled suit and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at the principal front door of the Court house, of said parish, ill the town of Opelousas, at 11 o'clock A. M. 011 Saturday, 7lli <Iny of July, ISSN, the following described property, to-wit : All of the right, title and interest of Thomas Miller Anderson, Charles B. Anderson, Ed ward K. Anderson, Fanny Anderson, wife of James M. Dowling, and of the estate of W111. F. Anderson iu and to tlie following des cribed tracts of land being the entire owership thereof, viz : A tract of land containing eight hundred arpents, more or less, ten arpents front by the ordinary depth of eighty arpents, bounded south by Louis Guillory's tract and Louis Boisdore. uorth by lot No. 2 of the process verbal of tho successional sale of Autoine Bolsdorf, ou the east by public land, and west by Bayou Nez pique. 2. A tract of lau I containing eight hundred arpents, more or less, ten arpents front by the ordinary depth of eighty arpents, bounded south hi' lot No. 1 of same procès verbal, north by lot No. 3 of same procès verbal, west by Bayou Nezpique, and east partly by public, land and Joseph Guillory's tract ; the said tracts having beeu acquired the 7tb January, 1800, by Mrs. Tlios. C'. Anderson at successional sale of Antoine Boisdore, as per procès verbal of the estate No. 1074, items No. 1 and 2. Terms—Cash. WM. M. THOMPSON, Coroner, june 2-0t Acting Sheriff Parish of St. Landry. PRINCEJIODNEY A NORMAN-MORGAN STALLION. Dam : Half Norman aud Half Morgan Trotting Stock ; will be six years old next May ; sired by the imported Norman Horse Rodney. Will stand during the season at Opelousas and Washington—Fee $7.50 Cash, or 910 1st Oct. Season opens 1st March. ri* 1 ' For further particulars, apply to owner at Greenwood Platation, near Opelousas. Mose Giîeen , Manager. "MORO-CASTLE 3D." Black Spanish Jack, mealy points, fourteen and a quarter hands under the standard, sired by imported Moro-Castle—Mr. Hayes, of Col umbia, Tenn., paid 25,000 for Moro-Castle. Dam ; a Jennet of the Gazon family. His colts take, first premiums at Columbia fairs, aud there, never was a scrub colt ot' his get, They are uniformly line, sprightly and stylish. Moro Castle 3d will make the present season at Greenwood Plantation. $0.511 cash or *10 1st Oct. for the season Joii.nSiwn , Manager. OR. E. J. CiKJICliEREi DENTIST, Office at his father's residence, MainSt ©I'KIjOCSAS, I.A. jan 21-tf IN THE^ STUD. THE TROTTING STALLION "ETHAN ALLEN JR.," Will stand the season at the Stock Farm of J. M. Ware and at the Stables of Ben Meginley in Opelousas. Fee $15 ; |25 to insure. fob 11-2111 NOTICE IS IIKKEKY UIVEN That an application will be made by Caldwell C. Swayze, of the Parish of St. Landry, La., to the Legislature of this State to have an act, passed for his re ief in the case or the land en try made by Caleb L. Swayze, his father, attlio State Laud Office, for the west half of section 7, aud lots 1 and 2 of section 18 iu township », south range 4 east, on May 21, 1850, said eutry comprising 526 50(100 acres, for the reason that same land Inwl beeu disposed of by the, U. S. Government 011 February 5th, 1855, and loca ted by Joseph 1). Guidry with State warrant No. 722. J. L. CHACIIERE. May 18 JAS. O. RAY, M. I>. -OPELOUSAS, LA. Office at His Father's ßp:sideuce. may 19-ly. WHIT WORTH & CO., —DEALERS IN— Cypress Lumber & Shingles. OPELOUSAS, LA. ALSO, PINE FLOORING AND CEILING, SASH, DOORS AND BUNDS. Will exchange Lumber for Corn. Give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. Terms moaerate. 8. B. CRAWFORD, may 19-ly Agent. NOTICE. The Famous Bell-Cheney Springs Will be open to the public on June 1st 1888, under the management of that priuee or good fellows. f. Herbert, Sr.—"Uncle Bug"— who has given the Springs a thorough over hauling and everything iu first-class order. "Uuole Hug" has a pack of tine hounds ft«- t lu ll»« of those inclined to limit, and has also a race track made for testing the mietxt of tlie festive creoie pony as well as that of the aris tocratic race horse. In fact, those seeking a nice, miiet, health-restoring resort, will tiud it at Bell-Cheney ; and plenty to eat for both man and beast fur- further particulars address HENRY- I , KHI-lCH, Bayou Chicot, La. N. ß, „Aerius moderate. nisyr 19-tî Barber Shop. E . -A . BO Ii AI ULLEU, BellevUÖ Stveet, bet. Court and MaiD, OPELOUSAS, LA. A FIRST CLASS Barber Shop with «ff the improved appurtenances, toilet articles, Otc., will be kept open and in operation during the usual business hours, Mr. B. is determined not to be excelled, gumvitittring 6wh | Wwk *r no iTIancy. lily 31 Jersoy Bull. T offer for sale my splendidly bred Jersey bull"DUNCAN." He is live years old, color, silver grey and fawn; good size, gentle ami very handsome, Sold only to prevent iu breeding. I oave #100 for this animal when u alf, and I offer him for that sum now. aprl ai-tf THOMAS J. HOUGH. NOTICE I Unitkd Stjitks Land Office, j New Orleans, L»., May 14,1888. \ Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has rtled notice of Ins intention to mako Unat proof in support, of his claim, and that aaW proof will tie made before the Judge ov Clerk of Court, at Opelousas, La., ou Friday, July Gth, 1888, viz : C If PRIEN VKl'GK, who made homestead entry No. G133 Tor the southwest quarter of southeast quarter nnd lot 5, section twenty and northwest quarter <»f northeast (Quarter and lot 1, section 21), town ship. «. south range % west, Louisiana meridian. He names the following witnesses to nrov« his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Clcoptiùs Guillory, Henry Rider, Jr., Ernest Lauglais and Jesse Young, Sr. All of 8t. Landry parish, La. TH may l9-6t OMAS J. BUTLER, Register. LANDS! Imwoved, «id unimproved, for sale or rent. Haamt. HENBV 1. GARLAND. v