Newspaper Page Text
icwoaat Official Jonrnal of the Town of Opclou nnd Pariah Kchool Board. OPELOUSAS : Saturday, October 20, 1888. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President : OROVEK CLEVELAND, ol New York. For Vice-President : ALLEN G. THUKMAN, of Oliio. For Congressman, B. M. ROBEKTSON, Subject to nomination by the Democratic Con vention. * __ Tlie cotton crop is turning <>»* n,Qcl1 better limn it was expected it would sii weeks Hgo. We call attention to Messrs. Williams it Eüdj's advertisement of mules for eale. Some of our subscribers are consider ably in arrears, and tliey would gieatly oblige ns by paying np. Mr. Geo. Mooimau lias been appoint ed United Slates Maislml for the East ern Disliict of Louisiana. An eiglit year old boy of Iberia parish, weighing 150 pound«, is to be exhibited at the Bine repor t fair. The 0.P- L. & D. Association will give a grand concert and ball, ou \\ ed Bcsdfiy, 81st in st. See advertis meut. Snhscribers who have paid np this week : Messrs. E. Dudnisson, Cant. F. ■J. Montgomery, Abram Richard, Ozeme Fonteuot. _____ Po not fail to attend the entertain ment of tlie play of Cinderella and Ta bleaux, at Social Club Hall next Wed nesday. -— The Farmers' Supply Company of De Soto parish, met, at Mansfield, iant week, aud took steps to establish a large store at that place. We have received the first number, of Oct. 9th, of the Haynesville, Claiborne parish. Star, a paper just started with G. H. Dismukes edi tor. Chase's Bailey Malt Whiskey being fleh and nutritions, builds np the sys tem ; being free from all impurities it las a pleasant stimulative effect. C. lias tiein sole »KPut for Orw-huisas. Tlif ßötli animal session of tlie Louis iana Baptist Association was held at Ba rron Chicot, on the 4tli, 5 h, 61I1 anil 7th insts. The next session will be at Che ney ville, in November next year. In the trottinjï race at New Iberia last Sunday, between MaxDupaty's Ajr jfie, of Napoleon ville, »nil H. Carters Billy, of Abbeville, for $500 a side, best two mile heat« out of three, Billy won in 3:47 a nd 2:42t Mr- E. J. Harwell, of DeSoto parish, raised this year 155| bushels of corn on one acre of land, the fratherinp and measuring of which was superintended by a committee of three who certified to the fact. Last year he raised 1181 bushels on the same ground. Gen. Jos. L. Brent, President of the State Agricultural Society, has issued a call for a meeting of all porsons and as sociations interested in the growth of cotton in Louisiana and Mississippi, to be held at Baton Roujieou Wednesday, the 24th inst., at 13 o'clock M., for the purpose of considering the matter oi packing cotton in other than jute bag ping and taking such other action as the conference may deem appropriate.— Chief. DISTRICT COURT. The following criminal cases harfl been disposed of since onr last report : Borie Peterson tried by jury for mur der aud found guilty. Adrien Devillo tried by jury for rape •nd acquitted. Charles Ellis tried by jury for larceny and found Kuilty. Ben England tried by jury and fonnd gnilty of assault and sentenced to fifteen days in jail. •—Christine Simon tried by jury for vio lating 31 of 1886, t<>mid guilty and recommended to the extreme mercy of the Court ; senteuce $1 aud costs or ten days in j «il. Laurent Washington, Alcee David, Prince Jordan, Theodore Serf alias Ser vis and Stephen Qurterman plead guilty of carrying concealed weapons, and each was sentenced to pay a fiue of $50 and costs or be imprisoned in jail teu days. Louis D. Young and Alfred Young tried by jury for being accessaries be fore the fact in a case of murder, were acquitted. Edward Btlqtiet tried by jury for borse-stealing aud found gnilty. Albert Taylor tried by jury for as sault with intent to kill aud tound guil ty of assault, and sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs or be imprisoned thirty days in jail. Dan Taylor and George Washington, •of We*t Baton Rouge gave two ped dlers lodging and then attacked them •during the night, badly beating aud robbing them.—Donaldsouville Chief. The Louisiana State Land Office, for the quarter ending September 30, dis posed of 16,193 95 acres of land, which $>routfht into the State Treasury $6,318. ©8.—Gazette. The New York S*ar very aptly re marks that President Cleveland believes in one trust, and that is "Public office is a public trust." There is a strange partiality shown in riving the elephant, which has fiy-proof liide, a tail at both ends, while the thin skinned horse has a fly brush at only -one end. The untutored heathen should be giv en credit for having invented the mod eru bathing costumes.—Lincoln Journal. Charming daughter.—'"Papa, dear, Mr Albert is coming to-night, aud I wish wheh you retire to bed that you'd close tlie transom over your door." Father (Irauibly )—Do I snore so dread fullv theu as to disturb people! "Yea, papa ; and I dont want Mr. Al- j "bert to think that sort of tuiug ruue in tfee yoo Hbow," DEATH OP AN OLD PRINTER. Lake Charles Commercial. Bryant Hctchins . born in St. Mar tinsville, La., June 20,1830. died in Lake Charles, La., October 10,1888, in his fit ty-ninth >ear. It is with feelings of extreme sadness that we chronicle the death of this most estimable friend and brother printer. He first learned the printer's trade in the office of the old Opelonsas Gazette ; and subsequently worked in the St. Lan diy Whig, the Opelonsas Patriot, Cou rier, Sentinel, St. Landry Progress and in the Pointe Coupee Echo ; after which he removed to Texas and did efficient service in the Galveston News, Stand aid, Christian Advocate, Mercury, and Flake's Bulletin. He lastly came to Lake Charles, and by his cheerfulness and gentle disposition gladdened the offices of the Lake Charles Echo, Com mercial and American, in which office he worked until he received his last summons, notifying Lim that the forms wer« all closed. Of a retiriug and modest disposition, only those who knew him intimately could appreciate his many good quali ties. His life seemed entirely free from rancor, and his whole soul was replete wiih the kindest feelings for Iiis breth ren, thus endearing him to all who kr-ew him. He was never known to have a disagreement wiih his employers or Uro! lier workmen; und being an excel lent practical printer, turned off stich accurate work, that he lett no cause for complaint. He leaves to mourn his loss, »family of five children, and his estimable wife, formerly Miss Adeline LeTournetir. whom he married in Opelonsas, in 1852. To them we extend our heartfelt sym pathy, and sincerely hope that the Gieat Giver of all blessinirs, will deal tender ly and compassionately with them, and pour the oil of comfort on their sorrow ing hearts. Their loss is irreparable ; for rately do we meet one so universally aud so deservedly esteemed by all. CHEAP PAINT. Husbandman. At a recent meeting of thfl Elmira Farmers' Club the following was read : In the discussion on paints I was sur prised U> note that the cheapest and best paint of all that I have any knowledge of was not mentioned. A real farmer's paint, for it is nothing but skimed milk and water lime (cement). The chemi cal union that takes place between lime and cawine of the milk probably pro duces the Him of stone which endures in this country for vears. I built a build ing in 1859 or 1860 for a carriage house, stable and granary, of well sawed, nn plained lumber, stork hoards one foot wide battened with square undressed battens, put two coats of this paint on the body of the building, and painted tlie trimmings, painted (the base, cor nice, door and window frames) with peroxide of iron and oil a redish brown, and it was not until last year that I thought it needed another coating of the same, « hieb cost me : Brown paint, oil and putting on $4 £0 ébiiS Uli'k, water lime and putting on 3 75 Total.. * 8 83 The total building »» fifty-two feet front and twenty-four fefT deep and high gables with sixteen-foot side, n,)8 * 8 The following bit of information is clinped from the City Item : On the coast the potato crop was al most a failure. In Lafourche the crop was fair, though the yield was not as goo.l as that of last year, the increase in acreage more than covered thedifler ence. in the yield. Prices were not as as for the pre vious year the crop selling, it is estimat ed, at $2 23 per barrel. The following are the receipts of the two largest receivers from the Lafour che. Prank Barker—46.000 sacks potatoes and 13.500 sacks miions. A. J. Lagardp & Co.—24.764 sacks po tatoes am) 14 242 sacks onions. The onion crop was fair, with good prices only at the beginning and end of the season. The bulk of the crop was not sold at. satisfactory rates the nrice at one time being as low as $1.40 per barrel. The garlic crop was heavy but did not meet with a good demand, and it was not, as it usually is, a profitable crop. There is no way of giving the exact amount of the Louisiana onion and po tato crops, but from data obtained we think an approximate estimate would be 100.000 barrels of potatoes and 65,000 barrels of onions. The Republican tariff bill has at last been completed and reported to the Sen ate. It contemplates a reduction of $75 000 000 in import duties and a cut of fifty percent. In f he sugar and rice tar iffs. Every man, white or black, who is concerned in the prosperity «»f the do mestic sugar and rice industries, should cast his rote for the Democratic candi date« at the «-oming election and thus rebuke this Republican attempt to crip ple our leading interest. Fortunately there is nn chance for the passage of this bill at the present session of Con gres*. but if the Republicans secure a majority in the next House they will re pew with doubled energy the effort to sacrifice snear and rice in order that the products of the states from which they derive their political strength may be the more easily protected. Therefore it particularly behooves every voter in Southern Louisiana, no matter what his color, class or political predilections, to cast his ballot for a Democratic con gressional candidate in the coming elec tion.—Chief. Sleeping Milk Sweet, The Farming Word savs : Add to the milk a small quantity of bjcarlwinate ^of soda. This addition is by no means in jurious to the health ; on the contrary, bicarbonate of soda promotes digestion. One i»f the principal «fairies of Paris employ*» no other method ont this tot preserving the milk wliilë oil sale. Mr. Blaine is now defending the pen sion frauds vetoed by the President with all the vigorous patriotism with which he lobbied for army contractors at the breaking out of the war.— Providence Journal, Ind. There is no danger of newspaper men getting up a trust, it is pretty much all trust with them. We think it is abont time some of them we have trnsted were coming forward and square up.—Lx. "What do yon publish a paper for. I'd like to know," sarcastically inquired an irate politician, tackling a country editor not far from H«»nma. "For $2 a year, in advance," respond ed the editor, and yen owe me for 3 years, so pay up !—Ex A special train on the Union Pacific Line last week made an average rote of speed, including stops, between Cheyenne anjl Omaha, of forty-uine uiiles an bonr. Baton Rouge Advocate: Another old family servant died in West Baton Rouge a few days ago, at the rip© old age of 110 years. Laughter aud tears are meant to torn the wheels of the same machinery of sensibility ; one is wind-power the other water-power. "He that will stea'l un egg will steal j an ox,'* and he tliat will leave a pint of wafer io a milk can when ringing it will «teal » cheese factory OUR WOOLEN INDUSTRIES. After the recent savage and Com-I manche-like onslaught made by the' Cobden Clubbers and other Free Traders on our wool-growing industries in favor of tlie sheep -herders «if Australia and elsewhere in Asia and Africa public at tention has been so widely concentrated upon this intersting and wide-spread branch of production and manufacture that the American people are more re solved than ever that it shall be pro-, tected as against all antagonists, even; though they present themselves in the guise so attractive to worshipers of the cheap, as in the persons of British India ryots, who gladly accept six cents per dav of sixteen hours woik. Fir the judicious pioneer in onr west ern wilderness takes with him, as an important factor to make his new home. Mt least one good blooded buck with n harem of ewes. They eat things which horses and cows reject, they btowse! down the brush which springs up when - ever the farmer cuts dowr trees, they scumble up the almost, inaccessible hill* and by a mysterious virtue in their ex crements make the sides thereof more fertile than any other known fertilizer, tiiev nourish by their flesh and clothf by their fleeces many who without tlo-m in the distant solitudes would suffer from cold and hunger. Nor do their benefactions stop there. As the country gets filled np and the farmer has a surplus of wool to provide for, he learns, if he did not know it be fore tliat woolen mills to be propelled by steam, water or wind power can b< established at a ridiculously stnalle' outlay of capital than is requisite for any other of onr textile«, or they can I» 1 ex panded to an indefinite extent. This is shown by a glance at our latest census report, where South Carolina is report ed as having eleven woolen mills repre senting a capital of $7 900. or an average of $718 each, while Massachusetts shows 167 factories with a cnnital of $24 fl^O. 782. or 5147.789 each. Thus it seen that every township can have i s woolen factoiy, while for cotton and silk Im luonse capitals and industrial centres are required.—Exchange. WHY HE DON'T GAMBLE. "I don't gamble," said a well knowr man about town, as lie entertained snni of his friends yesterday. "My fatliei broke me of it at the start. I u*ed to b< a wild sort of a boy even aft»M' I was in business. I stepped into — 's place ont day and met two of niv acquaintances and we fell to shaking «'ice. When we O'iit I walked ont «vith$75in my pocket. The next day I was at my post am' «hen the hour for closing came mv father took mo to one side and said : 'Yon were out last night V I said ve« How la'e V lie axked.' I tol-l him quit' late. 'Shaking dice V he inniiired. 1 owned np. 'With and V he sah*. I owned up azain. 'You won $75 from T' he asked. I told him that wie right, 'Have yon got it. with von yet?' I said I had. 'Let me have it,' he sail), and I counted it out. 'J want to go and pay it. back to —,' he said. ' Hi in going around town Baying tha» von heat him out of it. You an my son and I don't, want anything of that kind said abont mv family. Sup pose yon had been working for some one else ? This report would have cos» -ou your situation.' I got to thinking •: I thought that if that was the aboutit. OTmWe j wjt(| yo „ jf way men did w And I have was better to drop them. ». never shaken dice or nlaved cards money from that day."—Ex. SPAIN'S DOWNFALL. < A once prosperous country riîinf.d by an unnoly tariff system^ Poor old fipnin liaa an indnstrifll?»yf> t^m of which the system of i I ih United State« ift almost an exact counterpart. Spain ha«a taiiff system which, in tax ineraw mnterialsanii almost everything else that commerce carries to her jpates, is the very ideal of protectionists of this country. An atrocious protective poli cy, niitieated only by the enterprise and daring of thesmneeler has in three hun dred years reduced a hitrhly-eifted na tion, which was once in the van of En rope in the arts and manufactures, to tlie condition which the world witnesses to day. The Spanish industrial system has been in full operation in this coun try for only a quarter of a century, and iti twice that time even n more baleful policy than that which Mr. Jîlaine ad vocates could not overcome the great natnral political and social advantages of the American people and their supe rior energy, intelligence and enterprise. But as surely as history is philosophy teaching by example, so surely will this industrial system, if persisted in t>ro duce the same fatal results that other nations almost a» highly endowed have experienced. The li lierai statesmen of Spain »re endeavoring to abate the mis chiefs of her protective policy, and it is the earnest hope of eveiy friend of pro eress that they may succeed in their ef forts. But til« leading Republican statesman of this country endeavors to pursnade Iiis fellow-citizens of the wis dom and beneficence of a like policy, in face of the manifest proofs that it ia al ready entailing lipon them the sann mischief* which it lias inflicted on the older nations of the world. Shallow, sir! shallow! And on your shoals you would drive the ship !—Philadelphia Record (Rep.) _ BOW THE FARMERS ARE TAXED. After twenty-eight years of high tax ation to "foster Ametiran industries'' the fanners still furnish 75 per cent of all onr exports and the manufactures only 20 per cent. And the price of the farmers is levelled down in the Old World market, while all that lie buys in enhanced in cost by taxes to heap np a surplus for the politicians to spend. No wonder tlie Orangers are kicking.—New York Wold, Dem. MARRIED—At the residence of the bride's father, in Opelonsas, by Judge $• T. Lewis, on Monday. Oct. 1.V h, Î388. Miss Palmyre Milsted and Mr. Geo. L. Thompson , of Acadia norish. AN ENTERTAINMENT Consisting of tbo play of CINDERELLA -*AN1>+ TetTDlea/U-SC, Will be given by the children of tbe Sunday Bchool of the Cbnrch of tbe Epiphany at SOCIAL CLUB BALL, On Wednesday, October 24th, 1883, For tbe purpose of boring an Organ. TO CONCLUDE WITH A DANCE. Gumbo aud Refreshments. CA8T OF PI .AY : QTTEEN Miss K. Ogden CINDERELLA " M. DuRoy LADY DISDAIN " I.Reynolds CHARLOTTE " M. Ogden 4JtNABJ3LLE " A.Lastrapes FANTASIA... " Moore Master A. Jacobs PRINCE AMOUR " R. Loeb LORD EA8YGOIKO Mr. Jas. Lewis BULLY TIN.; Master Jao.Lewis COURTIERS Masters Ogden, Harmonson, Voorbies, Halphen ATTENDANTS Misses Lewis, Taylor, Mayer. Jackson. ADMISSION 35 cts., Children 19 ote. Ort* LOUISIANA Steam, Sash, Blind and Door FACTORY, SOI, 303, 305, 307 Gravier Street, BRANCH OFFICE 52 CAROMS? ST., NEW ORLEANS. ROBERTS & CO., Proprietors, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, Flooring and Ceiling, Newee Balusters, etc., always on hand or made to order, attended to. Estimates given when required. Orders promptl oct 23-3 y ESTABLISHED IN 1848. SAMUEL M. TODD, Importer and Dealer 5n Wliite JLen.'l, Zinc, rami«, Oils. Brushes, Oins», Var nisli, Artists' Materials, Glues, Sand Paper, Whitinfî, Olinllc, Axle Grease, Naval Stores, Lumiuating and Lnt>rieating- Oils Etc., -AGENTS FOR TVo. 37 Magazine, Ht. NEW ORLEANS. pt li-y The Parker Cun. \t the two events of the vear—at the W irld's Trap Shooting Carnival held at Well ngton, Mass., M ly 30'to June 3. 1S87. the Parker Gun won the leading prize for tha best aver ige for Ave days' shooting ; also at Seattle, W. T., June 9. 10 anil 11. 18-17, the leading prue and ieat average was won wstli the Parker Unu. adding victories to 18-ifl ;is follows: The Second uinuat Tour* anient of the Onaiuberliu Cartridge Co , hel l at Cleveland, O., Sept.. H. 1RS6. Out if KIOHTY-SEVEN ENT4IE? from R> PKK-SEX TAT! VB SHOTS, representing FOURTEEN VTATBsi, the ParKer Oun w n FIRST and THIRL) MONEY, winning out of 41.209 purso of t-red, adding another victory to 18S5, wiiich was tlie Secoud International Clay-Pigeon T -.urna .ueut for the championship of the world, held at New Orleans. Lu . Feb U to 16. Aiu-mg tue •nntestants shooting other guns were suoù champions m Carver, Bogardu*, Cody, SiuOlw, Erb and others. PARKER BROS, MAKERS, MERIDEN, GÖNN. New York Nalcs Rooms, OT Chambers 3®t. 0. P. L. & 0. ASSOCIATION, THIRD Grand Concert anä Ball. Wednesday, Oct. 31st, 1888, AT BAILEY'S HALL. ADMISSION 50 cents. At the Door. OCt. 20-2t. POLITICAL NOTICE ! THE Members of tbe Democratic Executive Committee are re quested to meet at Opel uusa«, on Ttiur«il»y, October25tb, for tbe pur pose of taking proper atwps to secure a lull i>euiocratio vote at tlie Presidential ana Con* jifes.»ional niecuon. THOS. H. LEWIS, O. L. liLTRii, président Ex. Coin. Scpretary. Oct. ?o. NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the es tate of Elbert Oautt, deceased, are re quested to preaeut them to the uuderslguod or 10 my attorney Thos. H. Lewis E>q., in order that the <1 bt* of tire estate may be placed in proper rank upou the tableau of classification of Uebte. L. J. BMIfH, Oct. 2Û 3t. Testamentary Executor. TVf TT T. "P AT -"- -*- 1 ■ * FOR SALE IS head flue American 2. 3 and i miles from Opelousas, aud every Saturday at Messrs. Cleaieuts & Wiison's Store In town. Oct. 20-3t. WILLIAMS & EDDY, OPELOUSAS Female Institute. Opelonsas, St. Landry Par. La, THIS IWSTITCTIOK will resume du ties Monday, September 6th, 1886. under the immediate supervision of Mrs. M. M. Hayes and Mrs. M. A. Davia, with oompeteut assist ants. The eoolastlo year consists of forty weeks. terms of tcitioh. Preparatory Department, per month.I î 6ä Acadntnic " " " " 3 00 Music, with use of piano " " # oO Boarding, including washing, lights and fuel, per month 16 00 Embioidery, wax flowers, painting, drawing, each, extra 10 00 Incidental fee 1 00 DISCIPLINE. The government of this sohool Is strict bnt parental, ; no hard tasks or restrictions are im posed but every strident must comply with the rules, aud must prepare up to the measure ot her ability, the lessons assigned. Our course of study and mode of instruction are designed to train the mind to the habits ol correct thinking and thorough Investigation. No student will be allowed to enter higher classes without thorough preparation. Parents and guardians may rest assured that the man ners, health and morals of their children and wants shall receive due attention. No deduction for absenoe, unless in case ol protracted illness. The location of this town it healthful and easy of access. The boarding depar**uent is under the Immediate charge ol Mi«, nayee. Boarders will provide thorn selves •vi. b Lit nk 3ts acu towels. For pa T.«rsM 11 * M?b. M. M. HAYEfl. .j Tincui MOUNTAIN BAYOU St. Landry Parish, La. These famous Springs, rioted for their health restoring qualities, ill be open for the puhlic ou June 16th. ms. Hacks will be in readiness at Eola Station on arrival of up and down trains, for the conveyai.ce of passengers. By addressing tb^ proprietor on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, hacks will be sent to meet visitors atMiiburn Station. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD Beard and Lodging St.SO per Day. or |40 per .11 oath. Address Charles Dossman. Proprietor, Doss man F. O., 8t. Landry Parish, La. June 16 tf MARJTOBÜDD, PAINTING, PAPERING, MARB LING AND GRAINING, Town and country job«, promptly april 16-^y attended to. JDR. E. J. CHJtCJUERE, DENTIST, Office at bis father's residence, Main St OPIfcOVMfiM* JanSW! I Obtained, Riid all ' I'A 'itJi'l liLt> /A.fc.v> in tended to for MODERA TF. Fk ES Our office is opi>osita llie U S. Patent Ofiico, anil we can ol. tai>i Patents in less time I hau thiwe remote tiom WhSMNarOX. SenVl MOD!.! . h It A II7A0 or PHOTO of invention. We advise «s to patent ftl-iiity free of charge and we itih K c î-0 CUAiitilC I'Mj'SS l'A 77s.V7' IS HECUHhlf For circular, advice, terms and refcrencc* to actual clients in your own State. (Vanity. City or low,, ' wrU6to @EB3B8aEB® Orvosite Palcni OJp.ce, Waihmç'.ar., L> C THE AMERICAN FIELD. NererBpi: Always Ahead on AU Event» In teresting to Sportsmen! IT LEADS IN EVERYTHING PERTATNTN? TO THE TRAP. THE FIELD, THE FOR EST. THE 8TRKAM AND KENNEL. It is pre-eminently the L eadino S portsman's J ournal op A mekica. N o lover of Field * ertr ' IW" Address THE AMERICAN FI^LD PUBLISHING CO., 243 8tate St., CU1CAQO, ILL. march io. THAT FIGHT The Original Wins. C. F. Simmons. St. Louis, Prop'f M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Èst'd 1840, in the U. S. Court defeats J. H. Zeilin, Prop'rA. Q.Simmons Liv er lcegulator, Est'd by Zeilin 1868. M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years cured I ndigestion, B iliousness, D yspepsia, S ick H eadache, L ost A ppetite, S our S tomach, E tc. Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. E. Church, Adams, Tenn., writes:"! think I should have been dead but lor your Genuine M. A. Sim nions Liver Medicine. I have M ( k \ sometimes had to substitute » "ra i "Zeilin's stuff" for your Medi /Counrsl cine > but it don't answer the /J5«N0 / purpose." t£pPt-EV Dr - J- R . Graves, Editor Tkt Memphis, Tenn. says: I received a package of your Liver Mcdicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. I want no better Liver Regulator and cer 1 tainly no more ot Zeïlin's ouxture. ! ) PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY —AND COPTING HOUSE. OPELOU8A8, LA. Will do work etjnal to any House. Enlarge ments made to any size from any small pictures in Crayon or Pastel. Being Unlshid on paper free of chemicals, they can bo relied npou as permanent. Satisfaction given or no pay. Call aud see specimens. W. A. BONNET, march 31-tC H. 0. LABCADE. EcUevue Street, near the bridge, OPELOU8A8, LA. ALL kinds of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron work done on short notice atui ble prices. Guttering and repairing apl10-y Money to Lo THE J. B. WATKfNS LAND MORTOA 1 LAWRENCE, KANSAS, The above company is now prepared to loan money at reasonable rates, and on long time, on improved and unimproved lands situated exclusively in the country. For terns and particulars™ apply to BEN F, MEGINLEY. Agent Opelonsas. La. Jniy 7-tf easona ücialty. Barber Shop. IE. -A-. BODEMULLE R, Bellevtte Street, bet. Court and Main, OPELOU8A8, LA. A FIRST CLASS Barber Shop with all the improved appnrtenances. toilet articles, etc., will be kept open and in operation during the usual business hours. Mr. B. is determined not to be excelled, guaranteeing Geed Werk er m illeaer. Inly n Tulane University OF LOUISIANA. WM. PIIEST ;îf J0ÎLNSTOX, L. I». D., PRESIDENT. I High School with Manual Training. College ; with five courses of instruction. University j courses in Science and Letters. Session lie fries <»ct. 8th. H. Sophie Newcomb Memo rial Collette for Women be-ins Oct. nth. j Medical Department begins Oct. 22nd. Law Department begins Nov. 19th. I For catalogues addre-s the Secretary of the ! University, Tuiaue Hall, New Orleans, La. scpr 8 3m „ T , T x o PATKONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. A.J. CUNGMAN'S NURSERIES, pi i ,n. pru-fs. Seud fur catalogue, Homer we guarantee satisfaction. ScptS-Coio. NOTICE I U nited htates L and O ffice. } Ke w Orleans, La., Oct. 8, 1883. i Notice is lierekr given that the following named settler lias liiert notice of bis intention to make ilnal proof in support of Iiis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or ClerX of Court, at Opelonsas, La., on Monday, Nov. 26th, 1688, viz: MARIE JANINE AJLLAIX, widow of John Allain, who made lioniestca>1 entry No. 6SC7 for tlie southeast quarter of section 9, south range 6, 2 west, Louisiana meri dian. lie names the following -witnesics to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation ol said land, viz.: Simon C'esaii e, J. L. Pcrrodin, Valmont Viel Ion, Pierre Guillory. All of St. Landry ^»ariali, La Oct 13-St HUM AS J. BUTLER, lie»' ist er. ami j ] ! ! I j ; «'Mi; To provide for the building of a public mar ket-house for the town of Opelousns and to provide the ways sud uieuns to pa.v for the Same. Whereas, tlie town of Opelonsas now has no budding suitable for a public waikei liouse, und the construction of a market-bouse has become u necessity for the good order, and |iro|ier police of said town ; Aod whoieas, by resolution of said Board j of date Sep. 13th, 1SS8, the plan of such mar- j ket-house submitted by V. U. Stewart, eon- j j I ti'actur. logeiher wiih writfen speciticitiion a» to iiize, malerials and workmanship of sin b j builiiiug. were ai-cepied by Kai<i Board, und j Tlie Winten projiosition ot said Stewart to ! build said market-hoiir-0 wa" accepted by ! »aid Iiuard, lor tbo price, and mi terms m.d I eoiidiiiuiis following, to wit: Price $ö000.uü i payable in 6 (nix) annuni iustaiiuieutp, each ! installment of said pi ire if unt paid at matnl ! ity to iiear 8 o|o yearly interest from «utdi j maturity, Willi a stipulation for Ave per ceut I attorney's fees in case ot Suit becoming ne j eessary to enforce payment of any or all ol i said installiiieiits ol such price, and the Board of Police of said town to obligate itself to levy a »peeial tax uot exueediux tive ruiils on tbe dollar upon the assessed values of said town, to pay said contract price or any pan thereof, iu case tlo* eurreut revenues of said town were not sufficient tor tliat purpose, ac cording to seoliou 17 of tbe amended charter of 187!;; Thereforp, be it resolved that the said con tractor, Cbaries I). .Stewart, ia now einp'oyeu to const ruct said maiket-liousn 011 the pres ent sit« of tue old m»rkel-bouse now on the noithwest corner of the courthouse square in 'he. town of Opelousas, or on such piace as may be designated b.v tbe Building Committee hereinafter appointed by ibis Board, accord mg to tha plan and specifications for such buiid ng alrntdv ^ceepted by such board; and ii bu;lt ou the site of such old market-house, tho sjid cotitrtsotor be a>.d ia hereby author ized to tear dowu and roinove the old build ing 011 said lot ; Be it, further resolved : that on the due com pietion of such building, and its acceptance bv a iiuii ting committee to ba appointed b;, Sild Board, the said contractor to bo paid the contract price of JjôOOO agreed upou iu the fol lowing manner, to wit : $S33 Wi ou the 1st January, 1890, $K3;i.3:ii •• J891, » " " " 189^, |s33 33i " " " '• 1893, ?<33.3-i '< » " 1894, $S33 33J " >• '• " 1890, s;;id contract price of |5C00 00 to bo paid ont of the eurreut revenues of tbe corporation of the towu of Opelonsas, and iu installments of $833 33£ each year out of tbe yearly revenues ot each year, mid tbo Board of Police of said town to make yearly provision for such pay ments in its budget of expenditures und ap propriations, said installments to bear 8 pet cent yearly interest from maturity uutii paid, and said contractor to be allowed five per cent 011 any or ail of said installments iu oase of suit becoming necessary to enforce pay ment of same, and be to lie allowed to reserve biilders' lien ou said building. Be it further resolved, that in case the car rent revenues of said town be not sufficient from any cause to meet the yearly payments of such contract price, as above stipulated, then and iu tliat case, tho Board of i'olice ot llio town of Opelonsas obligates itself to levy a special tax for suoli purpose not exoeedinu 5 mills 011 the dollar, according to the provis ions of its amended charter, and to passait ueediul ordinances for that purpose ; Be it further resolved, tliat all the mem bers of the Board of Police of the town ol Opelousas, are hereby appointed a Building Committee, to supervise tbo construction of said market-house, &<>., aud said committee is hereby appointed and authorized to exe cute und draw up a contract with said con tractor, for the building of said market-house, according to the plans and specifications a> ready accepted by said Board, and for and on the aforesuidpriee, terms aud oouditions. ns per written proposition ami hid made by said contractor aud accepted by said Board. J. K. SANDOZ, Attest : President pro tem. W. R. C ochran . Clerk. a LäUERlFF'e» MALB. L'ORSIN P. LAFLEUR Vs. JOHN P. VEILLON. No. 14313 DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY 8TATE OF LOUISIANA. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias lss out of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court iu and for the parish of St. Landry, State of LouisiauH, lu the above eutitied and numbered suit, uud to me directed, 1 will proceed to sell at lniblic auction, to the last aud highest bidder, for cash, at tbe principal door of the Courthouse, of said par ish. tu the towu of Opelousas, on Saturday, '24 day of Nercmber, 18S8, the following described property, to-wit: 1. A certain plantation situated at Anse-aux Pailles in the parish of bt. Landry coû tai ni u g thirty-one and a half arpeut« of prairie taud, more or less, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, except the building of tlie Grist Mill, also the grist mill and all its ap paratus, bounded north by Amicant jjontenot aud Emauuel Foutenot, south by Azelien Mau uel, east by Lucien Manuel aud west by Laslie Ursiu Manuel and John Pierre Veillou. 3- Also a certain tract of woodland situated iu Ause-aux Pailles woods in this parish, con taining tiity arpents, more or less, bounded nortii by Jutieu Jules Fonteuot and Lucieu Ma nuel. sont ü by öifroie Mauuel and Emanuel Fonteuot, east by Silroie Manuul aud west by Lucien Mauuel. ... . T. 8. FONTENOT. Sheriff pt the Parish of St. Landry. Oct. 20-et jytfTiCE of FINAL TABLtAV. ESTATE OF CASEMIR FONTENOT. No. . DOCKET. DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. Whereas, Emile Tate, of tho par sn of ht. Landry, administrator of the Es tate ol Casemir Fonteuot, deceased, has fi.ed a final tableau of classification of debts of said estate, accompanied by his petition praying for the homologation of the same; And, whereas, the prayer of said petition has been granted by an order of court bearing date Oct. 19,18WS. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to make opposition to said tableau, to file the same iu writing, in mj office iu the towu of Opelousas, within the time re quired by law, why the said tableau should not be homologated and confirmed. CHARLES M. THOMPSON, Oct. 29-2t Clerk nr. ef. J. B ERC 1ER, DENTIST, OPELOUSAS, LA. On comer Union Street, next to J. Meyers à Co, ca ^ e fwni tbe Country promptly an* JUDICIAL 4/5. tiJE. piBLlC ESTATE OF ULYS8F8 BILLAUDEAt. No. 4507. COURT. j PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT ; PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. * i virtue of an order of the Honorable Dl* • *7 vinuc £i an <£» h of ot lM dry t ! win be sohl at public atictiou to the last , hi)i i legt Nidder, bv the undersigned naturel \ tutrix or any uo'y qualified public auctioneer, ; à?'"*« Vst residciiee of the deceased near j sacket Poiut lu prairie Faquetaique, parish <>• bt. Landry, ou Taciilof, ÎVovcuiber 13tî», ISSSi ; at — o'clock a. m., the following described .property belonging to the efitftt« of ! m laudeau, deceased, late of the parish or j St. Landry, to-wlt : 1 ed ttiereon, bounded on the liofth by lauds o, i Honore Fusilier slid Tcleniaquo Manuel, soutn ' by lands of Don Louis Fonteuot, east by lands ! of Yalcourt Ardoin, and on the went by landKOi j Don Louis Fonteuot and Jean Baptiste I. Mau ! uel, measuring seventy superlieial arpent«, i more or lens, aud being same property acquired by the deceased from Vaicourt Ardoin, by prl | vate act passed on the 11th day of November, ! MM 2. Nine head of gentle horned cattle, one bay gentle Creole mare and colt,seven head of hogs, one Creole two-year eld tillv, the branding Iron, beds and bedding, household furniture, kiteh-'n utt iisiis, tunning impU monts, and variousotiier thi' gs. Terms and Conditions.—The purchase jir;co of movables and immovables pa; able ia three equal installments as such : One-third payabia ou tlie lirst day or Jannr.ry next. 1SS8, one-third on the örst day of January, 1K90, und the last third on the tirst day of January, Jsst ; pur eliasers subscribing their promissory notes, with two good and solvent sureties, to the sat isfaction ot the natural tutrix, said rotes to bear eight per cent per annum interest from their respective maturities nil paid, and ton per cent to be added, as attorney's fees, In case of suit to recover payment of same or any part thereof ; the lands to remain specially mortgaged and vendor's privilege retained thereon in favor of said estate till full jroy ment of the notes, principal, interests una at torney 's fees, or nay part thereof. OLIVA FONTENOT. Oct. I3-5L Natural Trutrix, j No. 13034. j DISTRICT COURT, PAUISH OF BT. LAXDRY ^ilEKIFF'S HALE. j PHILLIP JACOBS vs. DANIEL S. EDWARD* STATE OF LOUISIANA. By virtue of a writ 01 fieri facias issued out of tho Honorabie the Tuirteeth Judicial Dis trict Court of the 8tate of Louisiana, in and for tbe Parish ot St. l.anury, iu the above en titled and numbered suit, and to tne directed, I have sciiiiii and will proceed to sell at publie aution, to tho last aiid highest bidder, at tbe principal frontdoor of the Courthouse of the l'arisb of St. Landry, ia lbs towu of Opelou sas, on Saturday, Norcmbrr 3d, 1S8S, at 11 o'clock a. m., the foilowiug described property, to-wit : Tlie undivided otio tenth lntsrest in a certain tract of land situated ou the right dssoendinir bauk of Bayou jsœuf in tho parish of St. Lau dry containing four hundred and fifty acres, with all buildings and improvements thereon, bouud <1 north by Dr. Vincent Boagni and Ba you Breuf, south by lands of Puiilip Jaco'is, east, by Bayou Bœuf ai n west by Bayou Croco dile und Dr. Viucuut Boagui. Terms—Cash, T. S. FONTENOT, Pept. 2D-0t Sheriff Parish St. Landry. piIBLIC tSAÜ.Ö. ESTATE OF MARY ELIZABETH OBIFFIW, DECEASED. No. 4761. PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT. PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. By virtue of an order of the nouorablo Thir teenth Judicial District Court of trie tj'ate of Louisiana, iu and for the parish of St. L:w«iry, there will be sold at public auction to the last and highest bidder, by t he um Jerqued admin istrator or any duly qualified am tio?,«er a« the last jesldcnco of the deceased, in 0<d Grand Prairie, in Baid parish ou Tuesday, Cctobcr 39, ÏSÎJ8, tlio following described propertv belonging te the estate of Mary ElizabcluGrllHn, deceased, in community with her surviving husoaad. D. W. Wilson, to-wlt : 1. A certain tract of swamp land situated on Bayou Ciocodile, at Old Hraud i'rairi';, par ish of est. Landry, bounded north bv lands 'un known. south by Bayou Crocodile, east by Und of Aicin Vldrine, aud west by land of Octave Fonteuot, containing two huudrad and forty acres, 2. The buildings and improvements situated 011 a tract of land, being a forty arpeut tract, lying ou the Bayou (.rockodtlo at oid Grand fraine. In this parish, acquired by D W. Wil son prior to bis mairiago with the doo-;ased, from Charles ts. Fonteuot : said improvemeute consisting of one steam sawmill, with pia.iinr machine attached, also one dwelling boostt with nine outhouses or OulldiUKs and fencing. 3 One top boggy, one no top buggy, one sul ky. one two-horse wagon, one browu mare with a blaze face, 011« gray bor»e. one old créole mare together with two colts, three cows with calves, a tot of about, twenty -five head of hogs, onearmoir, one sewintf machine, onoelock, one shot gun, one gold wa'.cli, one revolver bed «teds aud beddlug household furniture, kltuM cu utensils, etc. Terms.—For the movables, cash ; the immov ables to be sold for one-hair of tue purchase price cash, and the oth> r half payable in is months from day of sale witu 8 per cent inter est from day of sale, purchasers to give special mortgage and furnish personal security to the satisfaction of the administrator also to bind themselves to pay 10 per ■ ent additional for attorney's f^es in case incurred. D. W. WILSON, Sept 29-Sfc Administrator. pi'BLl«J SALE. ESTATE OF EVA KISTE EUGENE. No. 4S09. PROBATE DOCKET, IM STRICT COURT PARISH OF QJ^ANDRY. By virtue of an 1 trict Court in andi there will be sold and highest I tutrix, or last L& St." tlo OlORtf Ana been graaH Oct. 18th, m Now, tbeil persons Intel tableau, to u| tbe town of C ed by law, wi homologated CHAKL Oct. 20-2t, PROBATE tbe Honorable Dl» parisb ot St. Landry, public auction to the l» a b by tbo nnde.rsigned natural r qualified auctioneer, at the deocasud in Vue ember 14(b, 1888« foliowl-jg describe« tuo ce ta to of •wit • uring twelve arpent«. Andrus, south by Jno. onsto ; same acquired indrus in ibis. measuring twelve ar ju Kennisoti, bounded south by S. B. Har ' west by Elise Le . Donato. fits ot land, bounded -*h aud cast by ft. b. lise Lemelle : satsQ on Jan. «, 1884. creole mule, en* aratory itaple 3X>NATO. atural Tutrix. LAFLEUR. COURT of the parish cf f the e-tato of n'ed a elMdifica said estate, ao* tying for the hom 'f said petition hu court hearing data reby given to all pposttiun to said g. iu my office la n tbe time reqnir leau shouid nut ba M. THOMPSON. Clerk. Notice ot Administration. ESTATE OF DANIEL W. WILSON. No. 4913. DOCKET, DISTRICT COHRT PARISH O F ST. LANDRY. Whereas, 8amuel Haas, of »». a . St. Landry, has applied by his netitT, ^ ,^ v appointed administrator of the ^ 8U™ÏT' deCeased - lateof ladshSf ÄÄÄ! ft t Te k Ä in writing hi my office in the town of c?Ä? sas, in teu "ays from tbe present notice. ^ 0 '* Oct, mt CiUiiU »^isoam^