Newspaper Page Text
J>t. faudra < ) PKI iOUSAS : Sntnrday, Dcrembvr 8, 1 888. Dnu'i tu pu) y (»nr »uliecription. , i Cnrpe.ütersidiould readC.D. Stewart » • advertisement. ■ - . : A civil tei in of the District Court is in session here. ! ! -— _ I Sulwciibeis who hav« paid np this! week : Mr. V. D. Ledoux. , • I F»tr the cheapest and best Oysters, Fisii, Crabs and Shi imps, t-'o to M. \ ila BecaV, oppotiits the new Market House. Also Board and Lo»lpinpr. We publish from tlie Tiiues-Dfm ocrat a graph;r «HseripUttn of the kill ing at Crowley, on Thursday last week. So, tlie "lawlessness" is i;ot all >»i St. Lai dry. H ope iiook & L apdkr C o . No, 1 A bpeci.ll meeting will b«î hei»! at the Coiitihouse, at 7o«-h>» k p. m., Mundaj, Dee. 10!h, 1688, for the transaction ot iuipot tant business. c. B rand , Foreman. Guaranteed free from Verdigris or other impurity, containing the rich pro perties of mall, Chase's liuley Malt Whisky builds up the syst» m and strengthi us the lungs. C. D«ntlein soie agent for Opelou»HS. _ * . „ POISOK EI) H OOS. — I l»S> «» poisoned mV , lidfrs t»> prevent their U»;inj£ sioleu ; i»ud I tlieiHfoiü warn my nei>tliber« tit eat n»> 1'ieali poik re.eeiveil from irresponsi ble parties. R. M. MlL^TED, 17 Four mile» west of Oyelou»*« j î î j One of the nuisances in farming is tlie corn ami cul l nil atalks that iuterlere A STALK CUTTER. with the plow in preparing the fand for ttuutber crop üu »1 are greatly iu 'l 1( way ill the tiist stage» of culiiva tiuti. Generally they are Kotteu lid of,, bi knocking them down with sticks, and , puitiug them in piles and buruing theui. J This pioctss 1» not only leilioiis ; but j the land in gradually impoverished l>> ; the burutti* ot Dial v»getabl»» iimttei which should aiuays be returned t«> the soil. N" providi-nt taroier wlni is intein upon uiaintiiinirijr 'Im fertility of his land will bum ofi' the sialka and weeds which grow thereon. A 1 * tiu> stanu af ter the crop has been gathered, they will not lot ; but H brokeu in I»» short pieces and tinned umlet by the plow, lliej booij lot anil incseant) the fertility of the lan<l„ ami are u»»l tti»ul)lesoim> 111 ttultivaiioii. This call be easily ami quickly done, by using a stalk cutter. Oae man and two JnH'hee, goingoiice ou ;i low, can easily gn over eisfht or (en acres 111 a day. Messrs. J. Meyers & Co.» of this low n, have one of the«« machines, which tin y have permitted ns to try. Ir u light on, the horses, and does excellent wotk. The. gronud over which ir has passed, looks as bare of (..-om) siaiks, as if none l»a»l ever grown there. The work it dt>es has only to be seen to commend ihe ma chine to all progressive tai uiers ; and no more skill is necessary to operate it than to drive a cait— a ten year old boy can do it as well as a man. Every farm er who cultivate»only a few acres, will save time anil labor and add to the fer tility of his land, by using n stalk cut ter. Mensis. J. Meyeis & Co. will furn ish them »m hpiiii.-alion. PATAX. STREUT DUEL. THK ROBINSON BKOTHKItS SHOT BV J. O SLONK, AT CROWLEY, LA., ONti KJI .l M>, THE OTHKR DANOKKOCSLr WOUNDED. Bpecial to the Times-D» muera t. Crowley, Nov. 33.—A very sad and fa tal shooting aftray took place here to dav at aln^ui S o'clock p. 111. J. G. Sloan.. a yonntt man of ihisplace »hot ami killed T. T Rohiuson and dan geronsty wonnded W. Mason Robinson, of Robert's Cove. The two Robinsons Hie brothers and are first cousin» of Sloaiie. The cause of the difficulty i» an »dd fend, ami commencing front a lawsni; for a divorce bmuirlit by W. Mason Robinson against his wife, and in which tbe*ivi»feoe*i ot the Robinson brothers iu vtPvt'd Sloane. In consequence of the «akïïtK* feeling of hatred lias existed bet weeiTv-Uese parties. VV. Mason Robinson bei 11 e summoned on jmy duly had to come to Crowley and »two of his brothers came «vith him. ' On Monday threats weie made by Sloane and the Robinson brothers tri»;d to get Sloane to go oui side ot Hie tow 11 nnd end the difficulty iu a fist fight, but this could not b« arranged between them. To-day T. T. Robinson cauie to town witto his shotguu, as Sloane was carry ing a Winchester rifle, »md Robinson tried to be po'pnred for htm. At 10 o'clock on« of the brothers wtjiif to Sloare und again asked him to put an end to the row by meeting his brother nntside ot town and settling the trouble, as it was nonsense to be making so much racket, and it is claimed that Sloatie re fnsed. Later on as the thre*- R ibinson broth ers, in company with «o«ue other gentle* nu n, were walking from Crowley House to the court house, Sloane fired through the window of Euan's saloon with hin rifle, killing I'. T. Robinson instantly. Ritbiuson fell dead on his <»wn gun, and Sli»ane fired at W. Mason Ri berrsoti, 1 lie ball taking effect iu his shoulder. W M. R»»binst»u was onarmed and ran, aad Sloane pursued him, running sod stop ping to shoot until Sheriff Lvonsgot be tween the parties and made Sloane throw up his hands anil surrender, but not unii! Sloane had put three balls in Rubmsc i, who wa« brought, in bleeding und bailly wounded. Drs. Webb aim January got the balls out at once, and lie is doing as well as could lie expected. Most of the affair was witnessed by the whole court, and it was vciy exciting., as both si»b*a had relali'«*s iu court, Stn ine and the de ceased each have a yonng wife und * >JWd, and the Hadaff.tir istleeply regiet |ed bji'all. Crowley had been fortuii gte enough up to this date never to have üt»*i h aeiioiis difficulty. Toit» OTry was to-day cou vie ted of hortiC Stealing. M arried—hawkins— M c D anikl.— At H iwhtosville. La., Nov. HO, 1888, by Rev. S. H. Johns. R. G. Hawkins, m. D„ to Miss Siillie ÂlcD.tniel, both of St. Lau* dt y parish. dtld— At his residence, near Ooeloii p fl s, on moihih ^, Dec. 81, 1888, etiennr V kl TIN , aged 68 jears. At his residence, In Opelousas, on Wednesda», d» c. 5t!t. 1888. A htbck J a of*«» P kküault , agied 38 jeaia, 4 IPOUtU« »öd 18 dap« WASHINGTON LETTER From onr Rejrul -r Coriwpoudent. Washington! N»»\. 86,1888 j Mr. Cleveland and nil the members of Iii« Cabinet have grime info temporary] gcclusion i:i ot»l»-r to prepnre tht?ir an- ; tnml report« for Congre*«. Tliese re ports wi'l ditt'- r from those usa.illy made f inasmuch in« fhey «ill civ»* a general ra- | i siime »if 'he D-- nn>cnitie ailniiniprration 1 • ()f |()H yft-.irsof each of the ßoverumen- J tal Depa'tmetit* for fonr year«. Copie» : <»f these repotts and of the President'»* j coming messag»- tmsed thereon nlionld . ! l "' carefully r<?in] i>y every Democrat in j I the country. T( , e p n , pi( |,.,it has taken a hand in the , Hispute between Senator Blackburn and I Jmt<e Rucker. "• 1 * He has no recollection «fever having seen Judge Rucker, and ia positive ihat lie never used any such tangua?« as Rucker ascribes to him. j Tlie weight »if eoinnioii sense is all ou j Mr. Co-velandV xi»le in this matter. 1 Does any one snpnose for a moment, evf n allowing ihat Mr. Cleveland had »ioubts aiM»ut the sincerity of Governor Hill's and Tammany Hall's support, which he never at any time hail, nor has hu now. that he would have given ex pK'Ssion of those donbts to a peilest strapper, as Judge Rucker was. five days previous to the election. Not at all. This disposes of the question at is betweeu Senator Biackbuiu and Kut'ker anH prove» tli*t latter to ... have bet 11 in the wrong, but it does not j wipe oui the hard things they have «aid „I, ,,,. „.„.I, „rhu. It in still Hint >» eh il- ! iliollt ea» II ottltr. 11 IS S,lilt tlietaenai b nge hiir already been sent. fcvery j body is anxious to what the ouurome j will be. Both meu are expected here »liortly. mr \ fiirton the Vien - nredident - elect i • . ! VIC p resnunr elect , PHid Washington au unexuectMl visit | last week. He came oateusihly to look alter his real estate investments h»'re, j but before leaving he held several cou- | .. ..1 . « if I • ' , tvii-ltces Wltll pruuilütut Uieniberilllt Ins I ed Minister to Spain, ia lieie to receive j his tinil inati action^ fmra the Stu»»' De PHtinient before ^nin^r to Iiis pout. It î has (ii'i n intimated that Mr. Rlaine ; would attempt, tu prêtant the continua î tioti ot Mr. Belmont'a nominaiioii l»y j the Senate, in order to he raven peri up ontliat rnOeniitn for »{«^He^r man jiHrty. ! Hon. Perry Belmont, recently appoint,- , , J j ; net in which he, ne chairman of the House committee oi foreign affiirs, ex posed Mr. B':«ine's maniDulation of South American affairs dining the Shep* hen! investigation s»nne years ago. Per hat'S Mr. B aine would like very much ♦o »In *>'», but the fa»;t must be reuietii hered ♦ha' there an* qniie a nuiiibei of Repnbl-can Seiiatots who herrii'y di« tike Mr. Blaine, and who would much rather do him an injnrv than a favot. Mr. Bi ioiont is sure to be confirmed, whethei Mr. Biaiuc tries to pievent itoi not. Newspapermen here ar»» «'eased at the selection of Mr. H-tlfoul, Ei'itor »»f tlie Indiauaptdis Jiiitinal, f»»r Piesi»lent elect Harrison's private secretary. Mr. Hallo' il will be fortunate if he succeed* m making himself as popular as is Col. Lamoiit. One would think tbo Republican« ought to be sa'isfii d with th»> result »if the rn-ent » i-ctinn. But tbcv are not Quay hih I Ditd'ev, in the latigu ige of the sfvet, "want tin- eurth and all there in." They will attempt, through b»»ih state »itul f'iileral coiii ts, to change the r*-ult in Virginia. Ben B itler and ey Senstor H"tidfisoi. ai'e said t»> leive ail vis^d this course. Lbtle"Billy Mahon«-" is liapjiv over i ' ih determination on Ihe pair of Quay and Dudley. It will pri vent. f ir a tiyie h * least bis return to lite •ibseui itv which he so richly deserves, ami lie also hones to niak-- this case ,t beg "non which to liana hi« expectation of t'ntuif fxvotM from the Harrison ad niini#tr,.t?oii. There is a «lew arrival at the Honse of ! Col. Layout, ft is a «jirl. and has b^en named Francis Folsom iu honor of Mrs. Cleveland. Mr. Cleveland has some very good army l»erths t«» dis nose of as soon as he gets a chance to decide who shall have them. There art; five appointments in the staff, all very desirable p»i«itions, also tloee cadets-at-large to send to West Point. It wem« that pv«rv Republican Con grrasiiiHr- wh<» arrives here ha» a cantli date f >r Harrison's Cabinet, and w'ü be mad if his man is not aelecte»!. A little figuring will show bow msnv m id »"en there will be in Congress when the Cab •net is announced. It is said here that Senator Sherman hpürvps that Governor Alger oF Michi gan, nvevented his getting the Republi can nomination for president, and that he is determined that Alger shall no» go into Harrison's Cabinet if he can pre veut it, and he thinks he can. Another Republican Senator who is not pleased with the ont look is Don Cameron. Qaav has served notice on Iiiin that lie shall not he allowed to con trol the federal patronage in Pennsyl vania. That is a little job that Qnav has reserved f»«r him«elf. Senator Blair is also worrving for fear Harrison will oppose his Educational bill. The Yankee paners are alwavs crying out about the manner in which the Southern people keen the n«trrnps in sla verv even now. But the old B iv State »»f Massachusetts furnishes not only abo'ilionists but slaveholders. A man named Chas. T. Parson», a noted traf ticker in immigrant labor, was arrested in Holvoke. Massachusetts, for having foreign pauper« for saleIt poems that Pars»ms w«»uld ao to New York and make contracts with immigrants, always picking ont those that, could not sneak a word of English, and then txke them into the country and sell them as slaves to farmers who wonld work them in tin fields without pav, nnd keep th»m hous ed like cattle at uight. There is p'enty of reforming our dear R»pnb!i«»n friends, to be «lone at vonr own homes ; kno'-k out the next editorial von write on the StiuOi and insert something about the above —Ex. faBîel iEimsiiaîsly! UIIlHülüHil!. Will pay good wages. Apply to c. D. PTE WART, Dec. B-tf Opelousas. M. D. LEVMS, MD OPELOUSAS, LA. Office over Bailey's Drug Store, Main 8t. •prl 31. it JA8. O.RAY, M.D. —OPELOUSAS. LA.— Office at Hia Fathers aesidenee. war it»-iy. The fiuw Will ïon Have 'Em m im m œmm< bas— Re-opened at the corner of Bellevce and Mar ket street«, iipp».«tte the Market House, wiil alwa? a be supplied with the best the country affords. OYS TE HS, FISH, CRABS AND SHRIMP», ir.ll be kept throughout tha « mm . PEACE MAKERS A SPECIALTY. M.V1L'BECA. ÔÂ%. S ■«.J.UanttffAV JE WEL FAR M ! THE following llltiU-BRED stallion's WILL stand the COMING SEASOX AT TUB AB11VK namkd kahm, in bkllevüe, FIVE miles south OF OPfcLOCSAS. SsÂSoa Begins Fshary 1st and l± July ht. MILAN WILKES Descfiption s MILAN WTLKE* (formerly George Wilki s Jr. ; is a handsome blot id bay, 7 years old lit» Spring. IB hunds higU, black maiiu and tail. II. it« lengthy. but synietrifally formed ; fine h ail and ear, lançe b ino ami litavv iniisctn. For srvle in harne*»« or unrtur the saddle. lie has n«> superior. He drive« Kin-ily. either do.ible or siugie, and is perfectly quiet and submissive in any positlon. „ , ^ _ He i* descended directly from Old Qcorp Wilkes, tlie aire of more trotters in the lis* than any other liorsa that ever lived, and tlit sire of doubl«- a« many in the 2:40 list as an3 other JlamnletouiAM loatever lived; and iht number to his credit is in<*-r**<*s»ii>ç witli every Year's training, having added 12 to this list in 18 Lyie Wiikes. the «Ire of MILAN WILKES, I* thought to be tli* lest formed co.t mat Old G : orge Wilkes ever Rot, more closely rost-mb j! hia Ktîllc . ri il IU nko-up. old tlamlHetoni f^mjjatiou o tb»- lanuly, Mian any oilier i>' Iii« loiig abd honorable ime »if descendant». . A ecltgrt ee . milan wilkes wasfoslded in th««prln .Kof tüo », f Ilic i 1:4r a Lowell, i.exnu to- .Kr. Hè was sired by L,yle Wilkes, he bj OW <+»iorgo Wilke». and he by Kysdyn'r. Haiti bletoulan. the father of the lnont famous family of ^AN wiLKES^dam Lizüe, by Bow flllUAü niuaii" uant '•an -rj üu»v man's WarfleUl Jr., Who was never beaten il th*> Kentucky show rintis either for sl^l« 01 speed ; ad dam, I.izzio Harris, by Fa'kner's Am encus; 3d dam, a thoroiiKhbred mare, raised b> Major Wm. J- Marbly, of Mason county, Ky, Terms s Twenty-flve dollars ($.'Si to insure a mar« it, foal. This hisrh-hred trottine ftalllon will stand the present season, at in" stable in Bt'llevue. bourbon Jr. THIS Graud Ynuntr Horas hsa never br<-ti «Iriveu for speed, but lieiiiK a son of Oi Bourbou and from a tunre of ilaiubletouiaii di rent. there is 110 reason Trhy he should n.»i equ-il the best horses known, both as a trotier am', a sire of trotters. He is a beautiful horse, of flue form .and action. Terms s Fifteen dollars ($15) for the season or t?o to Itwnre a mare iu foul. Limited tu lu mares. nm FiiiNcs J sa THIS well bred NORMAN Stallion i* tiful dapple uray.Jnat 1PJ ! and« liicli, larg» hone, heavilv muscled and isot kind disoosuion liLACK PKINi'E Jr., whs 2 y .ir* old las': Maj and weighed at that time 1430. Hit eiria wa Iiup. Black frlnce. Terms : Fifteen dollars (#1S> to in»ure » mare In foal. ; This tjrand loang Horse wid bo limited to 20 tnares. All fees payable in advanc»!. No deviation from these rules tin any account The Season commences February 1. and clows July 1. Rem* mber flist come flret served. The above thorough bred Stallions will be in the han s of an ex lerieuced groom, who will at all tiuits be found ni his iiost. nnd who will politely and promptly attend to the want« of ail patrons. For further informations write to Mr Daly ar Opelou-ias, La., which will be promptly at tended to. Pasturage and attention to ma'ss from a dt- taneo. ta per month ; Ted on gntm. *S per month. I wiH take ca-e of mart-» from a distance as of my own, but will not be responsible for acci ilenU aud esuap ;s. It afford« us pleasure to show our stock to ; admirer-, t.f tine horses, whetU«r breeders or 1 not, aud we cordially invite an Inspection at ! our »table, or on oar farm, on any day dr. l. D aly, i Deo t-fim Proprietor H hl E THE BIG GUN AT Austin Lacombe's. Dee. i-2 c NOTICE! t.ixn OrFicE, at New Orleans Lu. ) Nov. 19 th. 1888. 1 ITotleé Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intentio.i t»> make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before ihe Judge or in his absence the Clerk of the Dis trict Court, at Opelousas, I,a., on Thursday, Jan. 10th. 1889. viz: TIL.L.KNECYB LEDOVX, whe wade Homestead Entry No. "r>65 for the southeast quarter of section 10, township 6, south range one west, Louisiana Meriadian. tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuons residence upon, and cultivation ■ * mid land vis : .heodule Ardoin. Z»pMrin Manuel, Ambroise Granger, Sr., Hypoiit« H. Fouteuot-, all of St. Landry parish, La. THOMAS J. BUTLER. Nor. M-«t. Register For Saile. AFEW Half and three-fonrtlis Jersey Bull Calves, fr»im 6 to li months old. Price .roui $10 1-J0. Appiy to sept 8 St JAMES n. HOUSTON. ORDER OF COURT. The following terms of Court are hereby fix ed for the year "1SS9, in and for the !3'h ludicial District, composed of St. Laudry and Acacia. FOR ST. LANDRY : 1. A civil term to begin Monday, January 11, 1889, and to end Saturday February 5, ls i». j. A criminal term to begin Monday, .Marth 11, 1*89, and I») end Saturday, April 27, 1839. 8 A civil term to begiu Monday. September S. 1889, and to end Saturday, Sept. 21,18S9. 4 A criminal term to begin Monday. Novem ber 4,1889, and to end Saturday, December 7, 18#9 " FOR ACADIA. 1 A criminal term to begin Monday. Febru ary 11, MU9 und to end Saturday, March 2. ;S39. 2. A civil term t»> begin Monday,May 6,18; 8, an t to end Saturday, May 11, lt>*'J. S. A criminal t< rm to bi-giti Monday, Oef. 7, 1889, and toend Saturday, O -t. 19, l»s9. 4 a oivil term to begin Monday, Dec. 9,1889, andt»i end Saturday, Dec. 14.1889. The Clere of the Court will enter this order on the minutes of the Court for the parish of St. Landrv and post one copy thereof at the Court house door of said parish, ami cause the same to be published in the St Laudry Democaat. He will also forward a cerrifl.-d copy to tne Cleric of Court for Acadia, who is heteby direct ed to record the same in the minutes of that Court, to post a copy in the Court room and on the Courth use door of that parish, andiurther to cause a copy of to ho publsshed iuthe Acadia ^Otw ta ot>en Court at Opelousas, this 38th day oi Ootober, 163#. ' fi. T. LEMTIS, Fe* H ftfft « *«<)• Die* ** LOUISIANA Steam, Sash, Blind and Door FACTORY, 3d, 303, 305, SUT' Gi-avier sStreet, mm SFFiSE 51 umm SI, NEW ORLEANS. EOSEETS & CO., Proprietors. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouîdiugs, Flooring and Ceiling, 2\ew>t? Ralnsters, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders prompth attended to. Estimates given when required. oetüo-Jy ESTABLISHED IN 1S48. SAMUEL M. TODD, importer and Stealer in Whlto Lead, Zinc, l?aint*, Oil», Brushes, «Ins», Vor nish. Artists* Materials»«, Glues, Sand Friper, V* hi tin jar, Chnlk, AxleGrcaso, Naval M lores, LumiuatiniC and Lubrleiitiiif Oils Etc., -agents for NY>. 37 IVIagazine, Ht. NEW ORLEANS. 8 «ptll-J The Parker Cun. \t ths two principal uvea« of the year—at tue World's Trap 8hootin< oaraivtti in*!d st Weli .igtoii, M y so to June 3,1387. the Psrker Quit wou thn lea.liui? priio for the best aver ige for iive ti»ys' sh iotiug ; also at Seattle, Vf. T.. Juns Ï. 10 and 11.18<7. th« leadiujr prise an:' •est sverage was w.m with the P»rker Gun, àddiuiî viotories to IS (6 as follows: The Seuoul vuuuftl Tout" aineat of the Guamberiin Cartridge Co , held at Cievelaud, t>„ Sep!. 14,1888. oui f KIGHTY-SEVENENTKIK; from K.-FKKaEN TATIVK SHOTS, representing FOUKTKE." sl 'AlfcS, the ParSer Gun w nFIKrffaud rHIKO S4t>STBY. wiuuinijwiw out or f 1 ,2' j O purse oi ered. adding aaottier victory co 1885, wliich was the stocoud International Ciay-Pigeon Tourna ■eut forthe cbampioaehip of the world, held at New Orleans, La . Feb H to 16. Amo ig tin ontesiaut* shootiug other #uus were such oüainpions us Carver, Iiusardas. Cody, Stubbs, £r> Jad othsrs. PARKER BROS., MAKERS, MERIGEN, CONN. \cw York Sales Rooms, 97 Chambers NOTICE. L akd O ffice at New orleans, L»., » Nov. 14, It?88. j Notl?* !* hereby given that the followiug iHUied settler has îi .mi notice of hia intention -> make. riuai proof under hection .(301 R. n. in support of bia claim, and liar until proof will be made before t. e Judge •r clerk of Court at Opeluusas, La., en Tue* day, January MtU, 18K9, vik : liCUEiVT, vfio made Homestead Entry No. 10284 for the north h.iif of southeast quarter, iouthwest quarter o southeast quarter and southeast of sr.utuwest quarter section 25, town •iiiji 6 »outii ot range 1 west, Louisiana me ridian. He names the following witnesses to prove ah. eoui luious iesidence upon, and cultivation oi said laud, vii : Du'va Mi ler, Dureli Miller, Henrr Willis, M'tuur Frage, all ot .-it. Laudry parish, Loa iclana. THOMAS J. BUTLER. Nov. «-«t Register. ; mri AT Tft i U able lot situated at the comer ef »-„u.-t autl Landry streota. with Dwelling - - - FOR SALE. ; 1 ! i Laudry liouse. Store and Warerouia. known as Lefeb v-re's corner. Tuerc is no more advantageous business looation in Opelousas. For tern:s and coniiUiotit apply to 1HOS. H. LEWIS, Nov 17-tf. Agent. C. N. EALER, M'i-aûîfidJivilif, Corner of Maia and Landry Streets, decs lv OPELOUHA8. la. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. I hereby (five notice to all persons concerned thttJfthn roll of 188i has been d livered to me, anu That I am prepared to collect all State. Parish, Corporal ion Criminal, Levee and Poll Tax«;» for tue year 18<>8. PersonaowiuK taxes on movables oaly, will become delinquents on : nd after Ootober 1st next, .na persons owning real estate will be come delinquents unless the taxes on same are paid prior to January 1st, 1889. Come and pay your taxes in time and spare me iue unpleasant duty of adding costs there to. T. 8 FONTENOT, Shor.ff and Ex-Offl.-io Tax-Collector. septis-tf Parish of St. l.audry. ~ OPELOUSAS Female Institute. Opelouaas, St. Laudry Par. La. THIS IWSTlTtTTiOM will resume du ties Momiay, Septenjbtw 6th, 188«. under the immediate supervision of Mrs. M. M Hayes and Mrs. M. A. Davis, with com pet ont assist uutf. The scolastio year consists of forty weeks. term8 or tüitioh. Preparatory Department, per month.» i » Academic " " " " ? °5 Music, with use of piano " " 9 oO Boarding, inclnding washing, lights and fuel, per month II 00 Embroidery, wax flowers, painting, drawiug. each, extra 16 00 Incidental I 00 discipline. The »rovernment of this school is strict bui parental, ; no hard tasks or restrictions are im posed but every student mutt comply with tht rules, and m. ist prepare up to the measure ol her ability, the lessons assigned. Our course of study and mode or Instruction are designed to train the mind to the habits ot correct thinking and thorough investigation. Un student will be allowed to enter highei classes without thorough preparation. Parente ami guardians may rest assured that the man ners, health and morals of their ohildren ana •vartis shall receive due attention. No deduction for absence, unless in case ot protracted illness. The location of this town le healthful and easy of access. The boarding •lepai" Tient is umier the immediate charge ol Mrs. uayee. Boarders will nrovlde thetnselTe» %■ :.:i ;,'i it its anfi towels. Foi pa tfciiarci l-.res* M. M. HATE«, t ' y . e "rincua A Good Opportunity. F or P ale .—My residence and blacksmith shop, with several acres of land enclosed aud in eullivatioii, on the Beiievue road, just out side of Opelousas. A. GulNGS. sept « I f ; jj EEDL ES, SHUTTLES AND ATTACHMENTS nr, J. J. BER€MER, DENTIST, OPELOUSAS, LA. On corner Union Street, nest to J, Meyers & Co., rp* Ali calls from the Country promptly an swered. July s»Hy Sewing Machines REPAIRED! on band for all Machines. OSIco Farmer«' Home. Landry Street, Ope lousas, I a. T. GEORGE C3ACRSBS. if. B.-Orden fUffl s«9. ! m Obtained, and al! fAit.N'i :it teinlwl to for MODERA TE Ff.BS Out offiee » opjiosit« the IT. S Paient ofî ee. and we c»n <>!• mm Patents ht less lime Ih.tu üiose remote Ironi il /ISU /.wvo .V. Vend MODI-.!.. DU A Hi A G oï PHOTO of invention. We advise as to jutent ability free of charge and wo m.'iKc AO LliAl.Ut. Vit Lim PA TEXT ts SEWkhD For circular, ndvice, ierms end references !o actual clients iit your own i-late. '"ounty. ( il y t,r Ojvoiile Paient Off ce, iVaxhin^tan, h i ! ! i j J j i i i ■f I THE AMERICAN FIELD. NeverMM: Altrftrs Ahead on AU Events In» teresting to Sportsmen! IT LEADS IN EVERYTHING PERTAINING j to the trap. the field, the for est. the stre am and kennel. Jt Is pre-eminently the L kadixo sportsman's J ournal or Amekica. No lover of Field -ports shou d be without the american FIELD, Subscription: $5 a year: t'J.75 foi six mouth- ; clubs of three or more, îi caoh p year. ty Address THE AMERICAN field PUBLISHING CO., 243 State St., CHICAGO. ILL. march 10. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY —and— COPYING ROUSE. opelt-iusas, la. i ^ , u _ _ , i Will do work equal o any House. Fnlarçe- i merits made to any size from any small pictures 1 in Crayon or Pastel. Beiug Ünisli »I ou paper j free of chemicals, the.v can be relied upon permanent, .satisfaction given or no pay. Call and see specimens. W. A. BONNET, march 31-tf H. 0. LABCADE. TIUSMITH, Beiievue Street, near the bridge, OPELOUSAS, LA. ALL kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron work done on short notice und at reasona ble prices. Guttering and repairing a specialty, apl10-y Money to Loan. the j. b. vtatkins land mortgage co lawrence. kan8a9. The above company is now prepared to loau ; money at reasonable rates, and on long time, ! on improved autl unimproved lands situated exclusively in the country. For terms and partictilarsrs apply to BEN F, MEG IN LEY. I Agent Opelousas. La. I July 7-tf Barber Shop. K. A. . BO DEM ULLER, Beiievue Street, bet. Court and Main, OPELOUSAS, LA. A FIRST CLASS Barber Shop with »11 the ■ rl - improved appurtenaiic»»s. toilet articles, etc., will be kept open and in operation during the usual business hours. Mr. K. is determined not to be excelled, guaranteeing Cond U'orli or no Msncf, 'uly 21 A. p. mcneil , Architect Äc 13323, Li* PLANS, Speciflva'ioiis and Estimates furn ished for a-1 manner of Bnililings. on the .uost reasonanie terms. Contracts ufcen for a 1 kinds of work, in Brick, Iron, Morie anil Wood. Materials furnished lor repairs aud constrution if desired. Plantation and cuintrv work at tended to with tiispatch. All work flrst class and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders nirecteil to P. O. box 67 will receive prompt attention. Nov. 24 im. B. A.. LITTE LL, PHYSICIAN & SUKOEON, OPELOUSAS. LA. Office at Littell's Drug Store. aprl 21. ly ESTEAY. Onsblack mare and mare colt, branded on left sùonlder ; also one brown horse, »»rand on neht cip almost invisible, Parties must prove property ana pay oosts before recovery, Apply w <3. F. 9A*uito: » Tulane University OF LOUISIANA. wm. PUEST iXJOHXMO.V, t. !.. D., PliESmF-XT, High School -with Manual Training. Col 1 ! with five courses of mstruelioü. Lnl^ci Collie ewüy eoursiis in Scieuce nud l,t*ttt-rs. Se-<ion oe itîn» » K-t 8th. H. Sophie Newcoiuo Memo rial '"oiif-se f r Women begins Oer. <'■ Medical Uepaitroent begins Uct 2'.'ud. IvpartmtMit l oilins Nov. 19th. For «itaioKUfÄ addie « the Secretary of trie T."' ivereity,Xuiaue liait, Sew Orleans, lJ«. xeri R 3T: SOTItE I ■ XJNITKD STATES LAND OT !CF,, I » Orleans. Lu., Ui c. 3. i*8d- ) Xnt:r* ji hereliy sriven that t!i»< follawinjf nattied settler has filed notice of los satentu'i» t I jr.iii.1* lirsiil ;irooi m saiiport of Iiis claim- ::uu that Süd proof will be uuuln before the Jttthte o- C"..r*x of Coto't, st Opeioneae, l h., on Wednesday, Jan. 23d, 1R8. viz: »AflOVIM. E I» I'PI.Ef HAl V, who Iv.a 111 S for til? ? homestead entry Ko. 81 »3 and 7 section 1C. and uomroisi uortheast qaarici- and northeast \ C'ii'i it-.* of uorthweai quarter, section is. town * 8 iip c, «outh ratine 2 v.cst, Louisiana nivridimi. J ITe names fo''owïng witnesses to prove i t,B continuous residence upon aud cuitivation I oi said Imiti, viz.: ! ici. i-r KidtT, Jlyrtilie Rozut, Honaer Manuel, Urbain Vidrme. Alt of et. J.auùry parish. La. THOMAS J. BUTLEE. I Deo S-Sï KcKister. ' i j ; ; ■ iVrtTirr ' . » L and Office , at New Orleans Ls. ^ 1. Oct. 26th , 1888. 5 1 Koties tstiereby sciven üiai tlie following j î au led settler lias filed not 'ce of his ii.teutioii ; ■o make final pinot in support of hisclaim, and I hat said proof will be made before the Juditc, I ,rin his absence the Clerh of the District > Court at Opelousas, La., on Monday, December I 0th, 188,-1 tuai nrisHoi i: r.s, ■«ifs of Raymond Desholels, who made Home- ; <toad Entry No. 75as for the N J of N F i s i i of S K j nfd î» E j of S E j o; section 38. own ship 4, south range 1 west, Louisiana Aler- ' icïian. He names the foiioivlna witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and oultivation î of, »aid land, viz : I fc-vai iMe Vidrine, Native Heed. Salotnon Gau bert, I>Rmon Reed, all uf 8t. Laniiry i'arali, 1 La. THOMAS J. BUTLER, j N ot . Mt Register. mjoTicE or pisai, tabi.eav. L3TATE OF ALEXANDER ROZA8. No. 4831. PROBATE DOCKET. DISTRICT PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. Whewna, Marie Clemence Courville, natural j tutrix of her minor childre, , issue of her mar riage with lier deceased husband, Alexander 1 dtMwased, late of tlie parish of St. L;m Ir.v, has filed a tinal tableiiu of said estate, ac coiupanied by her petition praying for the hom oiogation o!' same. Aud, when- as, the prayer of said petit ion has tie-n granted by an order of court bearing date Dec. IStU, 13S8. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all .'crsons interested to make opposition to said ' a bleu it to tile same in writing, in my otiice in l.e town of »Jpelousas, within the time requir d by iaw. why th»t sa'd tableau should not be • loiiioiouuted and confirmed. CHARLES ?1. THOMPSON. Dec. 8-21. Clerk. • ,'OURT | ^«tic'e of ao -IIIMN'rUATIOIV. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH FONTENOT. No. 4513 PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. Whereas, Elbert Gantt Clievis, of the par i ish of St Landry bus applied by lus y.etition ! to be ai pointed administrator of the Esiate ! of Elizaiieth Fouteuot, deeeastd, late oi i the pa ish of St. Landry. j Now therefore notice is hereby given to all J partu s interested to ma e opposition to said j ippointineut, in my office in tlie town of OtH i lousas. in ten tiavs from tlie present notice. CHARLES M. 1HOMPSON. i r Dec. 8-2t < trrb. i ' S»iicc oi Aitsiiiiiislratioia. I ESTATE OF FRANCOIS LOUIS FUSILIER Si Nt. . 492Ü. PRC 3ATE DOCK I ; r, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. j ' Whereas, Francois Louis FusUierJrof tnePar- j ish of St. Landry, u is app.ied by hi.s pétition to ta» appointed tidminisiraiov of the Ee.tati* of Fi.v.noiö I.oui> Fas'iier Sr, deceased, late of the Parish uf f t. Landry. L:i Tne.refore any pe:so:i iutenditiji to n.ake Op position to said appointment wilf hie the same j m writing in my ..filee iu the tow . of Opeiuu ! j ! j I | | ! ; ; . j ; ; I i PR03ATI : , \ j 1 i V„ 4Q,r i ' i DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT ; sas, m ten day. 1 - from the present untie CUARLEb M. 'I HOMPSON Dec. 8-Jt. Clerk. ^ 4,'m ott^ste: i.ötate of pauline catherine rose. pakidh ok st. landry. By virtue of an order of the Honorable Dis-' fr'.et Court m and for the parish of St. Lanrtrs', there will be sold at public auction to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned admi nistrator, or any duly qualified auctioneer, at the last resilience of tue »ieeeased in Ville Plate Prairie, parish of St. Landry, La., on Wednesday, Jauuary Sd, 1SS0, i at — o'clock a. tn„ the following described i property belonging to Ihe estate of Puuline i c'ath»*riue Hose, deceased, to-wit: 1 , T ,,„ j 1 The plantation situât» d Ville Plate Prai ; ! I rie, in the parish of St. Landry, containing fifty superficial arpents of land together with all the buil'ungs and improvement« th. roou, bounded north by laud of Aiuelie Vidrme, eust by limit of Henry L. Garland, south and W66C by lands of Ham Hans. 2 One dun horse. 8 One - ray horse. 4 One sorrel horse. 5 One cow autl calf. 6 One old wagon. 7 One old buggy. 8 One lot of lodder. f> One lot of about 75 barrels com. 10 One lot of riee. 11 One lot of potatoes. 13 One lot of old plows. 13 One cultivator. 14 one old narrow. is One lot of nlow gears. 16 On« lot of Carpenter tools. 17 Two old beds. 18 One old flax wheel. t9 One old clothes press. 20 One tabic. 21 One old double barrel shotgun. 22 Three oltl chairs. 23 One lot of pots. 24 One lot of bucket». 25 One steel mill. 26 On»; grind store. 37 one lot of 2362 pounds ol Hut cotton, Terms—Cash, MARK LAZARO, Dcc I Administrator. g5>!£Rli'F>j| SAIiE. iS HENRY L. GARLAND vs. WESTON CLARKE. No. 8503, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY STATE OF LOUISIANA. By virtue of a writ ol fieri facias issued out of the Honorable the Nineteenth Judicial Dis <jÉ Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Mi^r, in the above en tit led anil numbered suit, aud to me directed, I have seizeiiaud will proceed to sell at public aution, to the hist and highest bidder, at the principal front door of the »'outhouse of the ► Parish of bt. Landry, In the town of opelou sas, on giatiir4ju#f annnry 3th, IhS.S, tu., the following described i property; if land situated about half a mile town of Opelousas, St. Landry p«r f!5tainit)g an area of twenty-six 27(1*00 ar pents. bouiided south by public r.iail l.-ading fnuti Ope'ousastfi Prairie Roude, east by ' j of Renn Monihinvegand Mrs. Alfr-d Last runts, '.vest by piopert. of U'once E. Llltell and nortii by properties of Mrs. Alfred Lastrupes and XL ! L. Cai'i.ii.'d. ïeio.s— Cash. T. 3. FONTENOT, Dec. l-6t Sheriff Parish St. Landry, j jJ^OTItE OF ADniNl,<*TBAriOK. j ESTATE OF WILLIAM TATE. No, 4222. I PROBATE DOCKLT, DISTRICT COURT, PARtSH OF ST. LANDR Y. I Whereas, William C. Tate of the parish of ; St- J-»ndry has apnlied by his petition to lie ap i tioiuted administrator of the estate of William j Tate, late of the parish of St. Landry. Now therefore notiee is hereby given to r11 „ \ partie« interested to make opposition to aaiii | app<»intment. in writing, in rvy offloe in the t town of Opelousas. ii. ten dar» froua tbe Pres wnwtic*r ooAiaee Pw, l it ^ cqqt. JlOltIA», advebt I semewt I i V». Tili OIKtBl t't'S 8 A1K S lmisi QUE lala M^E Administrator, j. jl, MOi<RI8 Tutor , al«. No. 14033. district court, paiu?ii of st. laxdr - state of î ouiöia5a. Jugement issued oui . llt ;. Judicial District o irish of St. L>.uory, d . suit and to me .-oct-ed to «eü -» i.iiix-iprt! *toui o.-or of the Court house, of nm: I,.,ubu. in ti e town of OpoloussW at il o'c.ucf- -■». .'i ou Snltir<?ar, ßeccn»bcr 29, I8SM. at il o ' clock a. «u., the following describwl property , to -..; West iiaff oï ' ha northeast quarter ; »a« t hah of the nort hwest ttaarler ; v ! ei-t h«:f of the snui H Hilst quarter ; ai.t: -»»l I'..' quarter, of feet south H!lti r.HU' district of Louisiao». Terras—Cash. T Oct. 27-61 By virtue of I he Hrnort Court. ii> Hti'l in the iii.ii>V' directed. o: the s- urhwent tiitv-ii'ne in towns!-!? four ôaat of »^uthwesteru ist« Shi-tiff. Charte des itza^s du Progrès dt St Laureut. Sociste d-3 Siea faisacce et d'Äss:xtfi3C« Mutuelle. Preambwle. L« «onslgnÉs désirant former uu«» de bienfaisi.nce et d'assistance mutuelle, décrétant 1. ... . . ., ... v ., , v ., t les articles suivants afin a en établir le bat, et s'engagent à observer toutes'.es lois qui seront M(1optég par la Société, et y ohôir. , J . , I'» s'engagent, en outre, à le» faire obs*rm et A les y taire obéir. ARTICLE I.-BCT, TITX3, »OHICn.». B ectiok 1, Cette Société, fondée le Dimsntbc 7>6nie jour tlu mois «'Août,. 1*S7. a pour bet coc foriiiémenf ft. ses lois eonsnlutionelles et rt gla mentaireï, d'assister «e.s membres en «as doont ladie, si le maladt se trouve »'.aus le* lim:*es ri» domicile de la Société ; de pourvoie a leurs fa nérailles eu cas de momillté. Il et bien entendu qu'^i. membre d« eett^ ciété se trouvant hors dt.9 limites dn domicile de !a Société, et payant se« quotités, aura dreiî au montant alloue fiour Its funérailles. S ec . 2. Elle a pour titre diarinotîf : Amis da Pro.aes de St. Laurent, Société de bieufaitiâne» et d'assistance mutuelle. S ec . S. Sou domicile e» établie et fixé dan» la paroisse 8t. Landrv, La., ciaus Lu vilie des O pel ouses. art. ii .-oFricirfl«, ïlectioks. S f.c . 4. I.os officiers de cette Société seront ; un Président, un vice-Président, on Seciéîaire des Finances, un Trésori r. ot tout antreeffirier «;ue l.i Société piuirralt, ö^ns n'iiapoite qnel temps nommer pour les besoient Uo son admi nistration. St.c. 6. L'élf-ction çénérnle des èasditâ effi Suc. o. Le j une entalnp.i ' acier. a> ant , mots "Amis tin os rés de i'iusei ij.tioa »i'.nv faisance ei> O.'&.-s'srifiic j Ao ^t »MST, et ineerpotb cers aura li»ni dans lé mois d« Septembre de chaque année â une séance extraordinaire con voquée spéeiaiement du,us ee but. Chaque can didat, obteiiuu! le majorité des membres pré sents et jirt-naut p;,rt â l'élection aéra déclarer dûment élu. S ec. 6. En eas da non-élection d'aucun des officiers sus nommé»! à la sé.oiee eonv^uée pour l'élection générale, la Soc e: é procédera fe une nouvelle élection, peur »»empiéter soa Bu reau, il la eéance légtilièrequi wii vera. L'fstal lation des orllelers nommés a i'élection généra!# aura lieu à la .-é uico régulière uü mois d'Octo bre ; ceux qui seront nommés --.ubséqneinmen# seront installes immédiatement après leur éiee tum. Dans tous les cas, les officiers titulaires resteront ea foi étions jusqu'à i'la«.allatiOO de leurs BUecesseu.. . art. iii.— a qui L s CITATtCSS ItOrvEST etbr s1îkvîi.s. | S ec. 7. En eus d'e apêchement, le vice-Pr*8l ! dent lemplat era le Président pour toute lißga ; tion jutiii'iare. ■ art. iv.—de la et dl" sceàh se ta. societe. S ec . s. La durée de la Société est de vingt ; cinq ans, h un Ins que des cirenustauces extrs . ortlinai;e eu amènent avant eu temps, la disso j Uttum, qui devra »lors se laite conformément ; aux lois ; mais il es' buu entendu que eiins (»»s ; eireonst.iîices ext aoroi'iulreg cinq meml tts I siiifiroiit pour UMinlerir i'existanc« da la 90 i Ciété et p- uretinnH-liei la aivintm ces fossds »ta »•- soeia.e. ainsi 3".ie la vente des t rt.'prt 1 la soeié'e, -".ii j su liut »ie partage. i Société consistera ea soit en cuivre, son »•)» sj'vant,: »n centre les Ue rjt. Laurent": et:t»,n :!.)li- : '•Sociôlé'i^ï Bien a Mutuelle," iutaiè la T étés Sec. 10. Au' i-n lîieinore fis cette corporstinà quelles qu" s i- r.t les oliligations dans ! s qael ies elle s'enga.vra, ou te» erreurs qu'elle eom niettera, ne ~e.-a respousable d'aa tûontant au delà de ses quotités, : ART. V.— poltuirs SPECUrfxPULABOCISTS. , £ ec . 11. La Société aura !e pouvoir do fslra \ et d'adopter une . ii.stiiuti'ni et desré^i-iuituts j pour sa bonne a imii isiratiou. tiie aur-i an si 1 le mut de les nmsuie,' on u'abroyer tont artl i cle coustitutionel o.» ré^r'emeii*ûire en se con formant au formalité. re-i'-is-R par ses ioss. Pourvu que cet'e cfuslilation, ces ameiitio i inents ou abi-gPtitms ne soient conttairea i ö. ta présente Charte, à leçons;itut.en »le l'Etat ; de 1 m Louisiane et a eelle-des huti Unis? ART. YI.— la corporation acr.l t.b tjroiî d'aqcerir toctes proprietee8. borr re elles oc personnelles et d'en ZlLr po® er comme elle j co era À. propos. ARTICFE VIT. La corporation aura 16 droit de parilrre de d'tibsauca ou ,-oapaclté du Président. STATE OF l OriSIANA, > Parish of 8t. Landry. J B« 1t Known thst on inissth dav jtt April, A. D. 18H8 —Before me,_Xjm£ptit Diu^. a Notary j ! j public, duly »jual for said parish :he witnesse« signed, pe sons whose it ing all residi and individu That avail and privllei state of Loj I anilagr : and agrce.l i ors and a*i j poration for. i tier the "I'lijL ; herein abovt i of the Charn_ Thus douoj 1 town of open ; tea.l aud , witnesses, ! witU appear I and year fip the whole. ; J A Lav. Jules Fr • F Lastr , > Jos A Bli yca iiz Gustav Golbepl Willior Teodor Jost phi P Chi ef Ooliier 1 Honore Osweld 1 R»p! ael ] Alphonse ned, in and près; nçe of and ut:i1 « r jpy ed the p«r lbed, be nverully Witnessetl A J. Of ... Alphonse Prl OPEli ITavIn? carefully exaul »if Incorporation au'l fn to, or prohibited hv tli« »• the State of Lonisv-na I! sume. j( Dist. Atiy. Filed Arw)' 8 h, ip S s. L, p. LoUAltU^R, D'; STA TE OF LOufSlTTKA ; Parish of St. Landry. ' j I hereby c.rtlfy the Pbo-e and foregr.l^r is ■ , ; i > true and con-e. t . c-ps or ;he original on 6ls â.t, of reco'tl in av Olîlce, in Mi*c»lUueotw fiïSk No. 8. at folio S30. April 9th, lv«8 * HKA I LOUIS P. LfitT^Ii.i IF .R." Deputv cierfc y. K. IHIOX, IDEÜSTTISO?. Corner Landry and Mariât tl«t