Newspaper Page Text
s>'t. paidt'ü flcmocvrtt E. P. GOODWIN, Editor & Publisher. Official Journal of lh« Town of Oprlou and Pariah of Si, Landry, PITTSBURG COAL For sale l»y E. H. Vordenbanmen. Horses and carriages for all purposes at Gh.«. E. Dupre's stable. Five cigars for 10 cents at Meginley's GPFamilies supplied with Fresh Oys ters at 15 cts., perdoz., at "The Charm." Three ouuee package of tobacco for ö j cents at Meginley's. _ __ £¥ l "The Charm" opposite tho Court house is open at all hours, night and day. j —« j UTChmtmas and New Year presents lor old and young at Jacob's News »Stand. ~ ^^First-class Lunches at low puces Pirmw«' T T ninn T.nts'-ii Hnlifie" at 1 ne r armeis Lniou I j II l ^ u xiouse Alain street. 1 ry tlieni. &■'If you wiThto win the good graces j of a fan one, heat her to a tide m one «f G us. E. Dupre's stylish teams. 53P Useful as well as ornamental Curistmas and New Year gifts in large variety at Jacob's News Stand. £3rOysters served up in the latest style at "The Charm," opposite the Court-house. Uncommercial travelers can secure j fine teams with good drivers at low prices, at Gtis. E. Dupre's stables. fT' Lunch served up at all hours of the day at "The Charm," opposite the j Court-house. , C y 'All varieties of vehicles, with j good horses can be secured at low prices i at Gus. E. Dupre's stable. Subscriptions to all the leading perio dicals of the day received at the D emo - crat oflice at publishers rates. 43PSelect your Christmas and New Year gifts at Jae«b's News Stand, where you will bo sure to se*; something that will please you. tëiPDon't forget to call at Jàfob's Kews Emporium for school books, sta tionery, pens, ink, paper, &c. ZF°Gus. E. Dupre has the finest and most stylish teams to let, that can be found anywhere in the country. "The Charm" is a neat, eaeey place, and friend Kirves will take pleasure in serving all callers with the finest oys ters the market affords. ' i ! ! ! I M E&'Parties visiting our tou n from the country, can secure excellent lunch at low prices, at M. Finnerty's Farmers' Union Lunch House, Main street. Don't fail to call at Rami Moruhin veg's and select your C'hiistmas and New Year presents. He has a fine assortment on hand, suitable to all tastes. SSFGrus. E. Dupie will take pleasure in furnishing you with a fine team with which you can take your sweetheart out to a ride. Give him one trial, and vgu are his customer for life. 53^ Don't invest your dollars and dimes for Christmas and New Year presents until you inspect the stock at Jacob's News Stand, w hich is large and Taried. The many friends of C. D. Stewart, •tvliose band was so badly lacerated by a ■cotton gin «orne weeks since , will be .glad to leara that he has so far recover ed that he is able tu attend to all busi ness in his line. Hillyw's Lilliputian wonders ap peared here on Monday, Tuesday and Wedaesday uigiits. Their performances were far above tho average, aHd well worthy of the liberal patronage bestow ed upon them. A matrimonial wave of monstrous propartions has struck our parish. Dur ing the week ending Nov. 3#d, seven teen marriage licenses wero issued from the ofùoe of the Clerk of Court notwithstanding the fact that it was not a good week for such business. i i The little l'our-year-old son of our worthy townsman, C. D. Stewart, had the misfortune on Monday last, while playiug with a hatchet, to chop ofif the thumb of iiiii left hand. We sympa thize with the littie unfortunate in his affliction. A netv schedule on the Morgan road went iutof/facton Thursday la»t. Trains now arrive as follows : Passenger, from He» Orleans, 2:54 p. m. " • " Alexandria, 12:16 p. m. Freight, from New Orleaue, 10:17 a. m. " " Alexandria, Ç;45 p> 01 . Opelousas Lodge, No. 3497, Kuights <of Honor, will hold their annual meet ing at their lodge room, on Tuesday night next, at 7 o'clock. A full at tendance is requested, as the ofij«ers> for the ensuing term will, at that time be elected. HTThose of our readers who are in search of appropriate presents for the coming Christmas and New Year's holi days, should by all means visit the es tablishment of Remi Mornhinveg on Main street, where they will find a large and select holiday stock, consisting of Watches, Silverware, Clocks, Jewelry, Novelties etc., suited to every taste, and at the lowest possible prices. As an incentive to purchasers, he will for four consecntive weeks, present to some lucky purchaser, a magnificent O il P ainting , elegantly framed in an ornameuted aad massive frame of sil ver and gold, which are now on exhibi tion at his store. Call around and in «pect his stock of presents, take a look at th» paintings aod; learn his plan of giving thtm away. Mr. George O. Elms U. S. Civil Ingi neer with Messrs. Willie Saterly, \y. J. ISres, Francois Fontenot and C. F. Elms as assistant, passed through Abbeville last Sunday, on |heir way to make the Government survey of Pecan Island. While the gentlemen are well equipped t for making tlw sarw., they are also prepared to bave a good ,tlm« hunting, linhing, etc. OU a jolly crowd ii.~ ^wailiQs Star, S. N A VOL. XII. ; 1 OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889. NO. 4(>. i i ! i I Tlic District Court. ö j The trial in the east) of Gerrasin Meche et als., commonly known as the Conlee Croche Regulators, in which Charles Arabi and Blanc Beard, two of j tlj0 defendants were at bar, and whieh j was in progress as we went to press last week, culminated about midnight on Saturday nigl.t by the jury rendering the following verdict: We, the jury. îind tlie prisoners Chnrles Arab' and Blanc Beard guilty in înnnuer and form as 'charged against them in the bill of indictment filed u«aai«t them without capital punishment. The jury were thereupon discharged, j a!)d *!' e ouUrt ^wmaà unlil MüUllay morning. j j j i Ou Monday morning the District At torney called up the same case, and Lastie Smith and Syphroyen Meche, two of the accused, were placed on trial. The work of impaneling a jury was commenced and the regular panel was soou exhausted, only four jurors being secured therefrom. Tales jurors were brought in, and on Wednesday the jury was completed and impaneled as j follows : Auguste Riber, E. C- Harrell, 11. \V. Lowrey, Jean P. Ortego, Oct. Perrault, Y. D. Ledoux, J. T. Stewart, Isaac M. Eves, Leouce Lastràpes, Leroy McNicholl, Fred. Ehrhardt. Wilson Lemmons. C. B. Andrus, through his counsel, ap pears and waives arraignment ou an iu ' dictmeut against him of an assault with i a dangerous weapon, and enters a plea ! of guilty and throws himself upon th* 3 mercy ôf the court. a The Regulators case has opcupie ! most of the time of the court during ! the week. On Thursday evening the (evidence was closed, and as we go to I press (Friday) the case is being argued. Tlie coUijufi! in the case is the same as the one tried iasi week, with the ad dition of Hon. Jos. C- Gibbs, District Attorney of the 14th Juu.'C.'?' District, whose volunteer services were gladly accepted by ths State. A verdict is an ticipated this evening. in The Debt Adjustment. OpBtocSAs, Nov. 36th, 13S0. M r . E ditor -. Iu the last issue of the Acadia r\el an attack is made upon myself au4 the two other commissioners of St. Landry on the adjustment of th« debt of Acadia to St. Landry which is un jusi As you must be aware, l have used my utmost endeavor to have tho at tendance of every member of the joint commission at the meeting of the 0th inst. by private and published notice of the same : aud, if only on# me«ib#r from Acadia pariah responded to the call, >o blame can attach to rnyeajf as chairmaa. The basis of settlement had ioug since been agreed upon by a full meeting, in cluding the Acadia members, and the debt fixed at the sum of $14,9X9.71. The Eflxt thing to do was to ascertain the amount of taxable property situ ated in Acadia in I860. J hat had been done and I called a meeting of the com mission to take liual action in the pre mises. Rut in the absence of the com missioners from Acadia we could not and did not undertake to do more than ascertain the proportion of said sum of $24,02!) 71 which Acadia owes on the taxable property situated in its boun daries as borne ou the Tax Roll of 1886. If Acadia has any claim for assetB, property, &c., they ought to haw been made known by her representatives at the meetinjr last called; in their ab sence we declined to touch the matter, i foeling that this would be an attempt on our part to represent Aaadia. The representatives of Acadia, ej cept Mi. Peltou, who did riot feel au thorized to represent his parish in the absence of his colleagues, haviog failed to appear at the meeting called to close tip the entire matter, we, thecommis i gioners from St. Laudry, eould not do otherwise than as we did. Having fin ished tlie work as far as praetieable to the best of oui ability and in a spirit of fairness, we have beeu discharged. The duty and responsibility for any future action iu the premises devolves upon the police jaries of the two parishes. Respectfully yours, T. S. F ontenot . Personal. C. S. Seward, of Sumter «oauty, ^la., has given us a pleasant call during the week. He is prospecting in our parish with a view of making this his future home. Misses Euuice and Birdie Pharr, of the Opelousas Female Institute, spent Saturday and Sunday last among rela tives at New Ibpria. Jos. C. Gibbs, Esq., of kafco Charles, has been ependiug tlie week in town, in attendance upon the session ef the Dis trict Conrt. Miss Jennie Elms, who has been on a two weeks visit to friends in the Cres cent city, returned, home on Tuesday. O. H. Terwiliig«r made a business visit to Lafayette on Tuesday. Mrs. Nan Hagerty of Washington, has spent a day or two in town during thé week. Miss Edith Hawthorne, representing t he Bunkie Blad' visited our sanctum on Tuesday. ^ Miss Dina^DoßaujaJ^ Mountain Bayou Springs, is visiting our town as the guest of Miss Bathilde Fontenot. Dorsin P. Lafleur, a prominent citizen of Chataign ier has visited our town dur ing the week. Judge J. J. Neyland of the 8th Ward, gave us a pleasant call on Wednesday. COAL! C94L! COAL: Pittsburg Coal at Vordenbanmen Lumber Yard. Morrow dots were received too late for insertiop this week. Our young attorney and counselor, W. S. Frazee, is fitting him up an office on Landry street, opposite the court house, where he is now prepared to attend to the wants of hjs clients in any depart ment of the law. His card appears in another column. We wish him mach success. The S t . L ambrt D rvockat, with the N . 0. TiifKi-D emocrat or N. O. P ica - 7£> b (daily) will bo farnitbed from this •fn »t per ««««m. the of on as j Artesian Wells. P oint C ocfee , L a .. Kov. i»tli, ira». E ditor D emocrat : Dear Sir—I notice you have been urging tiie Town Council of Opelousas to have an arte siau well sunk. I will return to St. Landry some time this winter and will bring one of my large steam outfits with me to sink a few more wells on "Dixon <1 rove." I am running seve-1 ral large steam outfits on the Mississippi river, and sink well# of any size, from 3* inches in diameter up to tlie largest pipe made. I have sunk several wells here this season ior sugar planters which supply from 300,000 to 400,000 gallons of water every 24 hours. They are from fi to 8 inches in diameter and are pumped with steam jmmps with G-ineh suction. These wells are not self-flowing. Planters do not want self-flowing wells as they arc much more costly, and tho water would have to bo pumped at any rate, as it could not Jlmr into! boilers against a steam pressure, or through the condensers of vacuum pans. I am sinking wells hero in competition with two well companies from New Orleans and one from St. Louis. I have never had a single com plaint against one of my wells and I have sunk as main as tlie other three companies alto gether. This is more than either of the other companies can say. I am prepared to sink artesian ((lowing or pumped) wells of any size, and would like to sink one for the town of Opelousas this winter while I am at home. If they desire a well and wish me to sink it, I will contribute as much toward it as any our man in the town of Ope lousas or parish of St. Landry. Very truly yours, J no . M. W aiii :. Headquarters, DorcjviUc, Iberville Parish, La. P. S —If the loviii wuui* water works I wiil make a bid to furnish them with a plant. I have just made a bid to supply a refinery with one and a quarter million gallons every tweri ty-four hours or no /,«</. so they, the town, need liavo no fear that ! cannot supply any amount of water required. 3 j ! ! ! : I ' tV P air OF Kids" at TIlK ST. CHARLES T heatrl:. * •'A Pair of Kltis." This amusing comedy will be played at the Opera House, on Tuesday even ing next, Dec. 3d, and it is safe to say that it is one of the funniest comédie« that has ever been through this section. It has had a run of five years in all the principal cities or the United'States, and is being played this week at the St. Charles Theatre, New Orleans, tocrowd n<l linn<w>4 Tho plmricfor nf TilHa Rut. 1 eu nouses, i tie cuaiattti 01 jik . s Dut- j ton, the old down Easter hayseed, is ex crutiatingly funuy, and the song and dance specialties are very' attractive. The foilowiug is from the 'yew Orleans Picayune : Jiles Button DoeDofuaity.. — Flip........ Kevere Itising Joe Hustler Ottieer "Cuccoo" Mr. Ezra P Kc Mr. Leo Hardman . Mr- Philip lîeilly Mr. GiiwUive App Mr. Edward Fremont Mr. Percy Leach Warden of tite prison Mr. Thos. E. Jackson Pearl Miss Jennie Dunn Daisy Miss Josie Laiiglcy I Polly Dofnnny Mr. Gilbert Sarony ! Biddy Bsdad Mr. Thos. E. Jacksoit j Mrs. Jiles Buttoii Miss Ella Jackson ) S Kate and / Phijip Kfilj- and The Kids I Duplicate > . j naail , The best show the St. Charles Theatre has had this season is on its stage now and was joy ously received last night by a large audience. Mr. EïhDJ 1 . Kendall is a young uian who lias shown hii.tfielf to be an eccentric comedian of such rare powers th t for years the public has been wishing he could be seen in more than ; one part. "A Pair of Kids" lias beeu so sue- ! cessful that he will remain fastened to Jiles Bntton while tho play continues to draw. The ä-^ Food for the mind at J. Jacobs. Josie Langley j . . piece is very farce and very comedy, braced up ! by numerous clever people in entertaining spe- i ci.'Ut'c«. musical and oterwise. j — The ennui of our offlce was enlivened, j on Thursday last, by the advent of a j messenger from the Opeloüsas Female! Institute bearing the compliments of I Mrs. M.M. Hayes and Mrs. Blanks,with a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner, to which the entire office corps, from edi tor to imp, did ample justice. They all tender to the fair ladies their most sin cere thanks for tlyyr kind remembrance, , , and wish they may live to enjoy the re-1 r ■ i turu of many a Thanksgivirg day. j I !S3,50 lor $S8.e«. Sf. L-VNpny D emocrat 82 00 A merican F ahmek .. 1 00 H ome and F au > i 50 Total §3 50 All new subscribers paying 82-00, ami all delinquents settling up arreages and paying one year in advance, will be fur nished with the three papers named aboro for one yea?. This offer will hold good until Jan. 1st, 1890. ET" Cheap, choice .(but not costly) reading for the million at Jacob's News Stand. | i j i parried. At Lake Chafes, on Wednesday, No vember 27fh, 1889, by Iiev. lather Fal Ion, Mr. T homas S. H ardey , sou of Dr. ; C. A. Hardey, of Chataiguier, and Miss L e LLA CURLEY, daughter of (he late j James Curley, formerly of this parish, j Mr. Thos. S. Hardpy with his fair j bride, who were tn route for the home | * ï . /-m * • of tlie grooms parents at Cbataignier, ; where they will spend tho honeymoon, j took dinner on Thanksgiving day with « j. n r\ t^i ^ ! tbe family ot G. O. in our ; town. We extend to the yonng couple our sincere wishes for a long continued and prosperous season of connubial bliss. «e» UIBD, In this town, on Monday, Nov. ioth, 1839, J oseph P asqdier, a native of Savoy, France, aged 81 years, 4 months and 11 days. AtBarbreck, in this parish, on Friday, Nov. 22d, 1889, M ary E mzebeth G laze , wife of C. J. Thompson, aged 33 years, 7 months and 19 day's. Tn this town, on Tuesday, fc'or. 'J6th, 1889, H enry L eer , aged 22 years. OPERA-HOUSE T uesday , D ec . 3. THE ECCENTRIC COHEDIAN EZRA F, KENDALL In his funny 3 act Musical Comedy, A PAIR OF KIDS Supported by a strong company of COMEDIANS ANÏ) VOCALISTS INCLCDIXI? J es « f , D isk . J osie L ang let , M rs . T. Jacksok , Gilbert Sarony, Thog. E Jackson, Leo Hardman, Phillip Re}Hy, Percy Lynch, Oaatay App, 1 | ! 1 j ' 1 ; j I ! ! | ' ! j i 1 j Mnrriajsjc Licenses, The following marriage license have be en issued by Die Clerk of Court, for the week ending Nor. <!3,1889 : Homer Brown, Adelaide Stagg. Lucien Liger, Amelia Savoie. Joan Blanchard, Celestine Dejeau. Sylvester Miller, Melaine Venable. Alceo Poulard, Caroline Bellard, S. A. Townsend, Lela Sandefiir. Mamie* Pierre, Palma Rosette. Jos. A. Provost, Elizabeth Richard. David Davis, Lena Thomas. Arinogeue Duplechin, Louisa Manuel. Jos. Plombât, Alfreda P. Auguste. Jackson Stevens, Sidonia Sam. Jos. S. Heibert, Vina Nash. Adrasse Acliise, Evia Hebert. George Armand, Al /.ire Armand. Alexandre Wilson, Melisa Soileau. Louis Semien, Jr., Marie L. Chariot*. ! } 1 ! : S (SKKIFF'S SAI.IÎ, JACOB U. PAYNE & CO., A. C. TOWNSEND. Su. 14010. i DISTRICT CO CHT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY STATK OF LOUISIANA. li.v \ in ne ut' ;i writ <>1 lit;ri facias i*>>iie.s out of tlie Thirteenth Judicial Distrirt Court, iu and for the parish of St. Landry, lu the above enti tled and numbered suit, and to nie directed, I will proceed to sell at the prinripal front dooi of tlie in the town ot Ox>elousas, at 10 o'ocloek a. in., on Sntnrday, Dcfenibct- 'JStli, 1SS9. the following described property to-wit : The undivided one half interest in aud to the following tract of land, together with the undi vided one-half Interest in and to the buildin and improvements tliereon, aud the one liai interest in and to the lights, ways, privilege* and appurtenances thereof, situated in the »ar ish of St. Landry, In this State, and designate! ou a survey or sketch thereof by Ilezekial Hayes, surveyor, aud tiled with and made ; part o: the papers in suit No. 12050 of the sth Ju dicial Wsfrtei Couvt in sud fox the parish of g. Landry, aforesaid, by the iiutiibers one to si; teen inclusive, which contain together live lui; • Ired and tifty-one 71-100 acres, and numbt • con - . - Si'HI thirty-one several parcels of land composed a;, j but one hundred and sixty acres of the lowei ! corner o: that certain plantation or tract 01 ! land lying in said parish of St. Landry ou tli ! left bank of Bayou Bieuf, (descending;, ana : kuowu and âeaignatùd aa tho noliorage Plan I tation." containing twelve hundred and'thirty ' five 65-100 acres, winch formally belonged to Miss Shoilds, aud was bounded above bv lande * formally bclougjn^ to Lanc-e Grnho* ami below 1 twenty-two to"thirty-sis inclusive, whieh j tiUn ei|( . u tuu-ty-tliree ss-iooacres, which î I I ! j ) j by iauii now or , ni .j n| having been acquired by said Miss Shields from Thomas Cook and B." L. Oliver—all ol which property was purchased by Alfred Mon ton at SheriiTs iale made on the ail day of July 1875, under a fl. fa. issued 111 suit entitled John I. Adams & Co. vs. Dexter W Williams et als., 8tli Judicial District Court, parish of St. Lan dry, and by said Mouton transferred to present vendor, Henry M. Payne, by act passed before Iheo. Guyol, a Notary Public of the Parish ol Orleans, on the 6th of March, 187U. The undivided one-lvvlf interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of laud situated in St ; ! j Landry Parish, on 'lie Bayou B, - _ ■ - uf designated on a plot of said land made by Ilezekial Hayes, surveyor, tiled with and made a part of the pa pers in suit No. 1 030, entitled "John I.Adams it Co., vs. Dexter W. Williams etal" 8th Dis trict Court, St. Landry, as Lots Nos. 17,18,19 and 2n containing iu alloue hundred and thirty- i seven 60-100 acres, with ail buildings and iin-.f iirovements thereon, the said lot fronting on said Bayou, bounded in the rear bv abovt by lands formerly belonging to Alfred Mouton and below by lot No. 21 on said plat, this beint the same property acquired by vendor (Henn M. Payne) from W. H. Renaud. Also the undivided one-half of twenty-font mules, the undivided one-half of live wagons, one ox cart, three horse carts, and one watei cart, and the undivided one-half of all the agri th^ZliSTmidiaTf of'"the 'crops ' m said plantation. Nov!"^? 1 " 11 t . S. FONTEivOT,^ ' piBMC »ALE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM LABAliGE, Dec'd. No. 1073. PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT t'OL'RT PARISH OP ST. LANDRY. , By virtue of an order of the Honorable Dis r " ct Co "V t . tn an " ,or ttle parish of st. Landry ■ i here will be sold at public auction, to the last j and highest bidder, by the uudersigiicd aduiin | isH'ator, or any duly «jualifled auctioneer, at i the last residence of tho deceased, at Ville j Platte prairie, in said parish, on Wednesday, December lSlb, 1SSλ, at 11 o'clock a. m„ the following describert property belonging to the estate of Willian. Lab arge, defeased, !ate ef the parish of St Landry, to-wit i A certain plantation situated at Villo Platte jirairie, parish of St. Landry, containing on. hundred arpeuts of prairie and wood land bounded north by lanas of Paulin I,. Pouteno and Jean Bte. L. Fontenot, south by land o Louis G. S. Pontenot, east by Bayou Carron. and west by land of Valcour Soileau, (this be tng the same land acquired by William Lh barge from Denis Lafleur,) together with all the buildings and improvements thereon. 1 gray horse, l bay borne, 1 sorrel mari -with colt, 1 bay colt two years old, about li head oi geitle horned cattle. 1 lot of ootton in seed, about two bales; about i 30 barrels of corn; 1 old wagon, 1 buggy, 4 head of hogs, 1 igt of jioiigeliQjd furniture; kitchen utensilsj 5 bee hives; a lot of poultry: 1 doubh barrel shot « hi ; a lot of planks; a lot of brick: 1 branding Iron. Terms—Cash. OCTAVE FONTENOT. Nov. lfl-i",t Administrator. nai . f . ; estate op . toseph harman , Dec'd. P arish ok A cadia . j The public are hereby notilied lii at I will sel 1 j oT* eUC * ° f d< j Thnridnr, December 13th, 1889, | P r °P #r |F> to-wit: About 3< o h ere» of and, wood and prairie, ; most of it in lots to suit purchasers. j Ato°t of^eVt°ie 1 höf8e|. ge?,t!eC!lttle ' Oxon, hogs, sheep, Ac. ! About 37 beet cattle. ; & 0 f finuiiture, iniggy, auus, Also the Stopk of wild cattle ranging in Prai rie Ilnyos, cansiaiing of about 600 head, and about 00 head of horses and mare« ranging in the same prairie. Tetms ajid Conditions—All the movable cash. The immovables to be solfl for ono-fourtli of »he purchase price for cash, and the balance in three equal annual installments, purchasers to execute their notes bearing eight per cent, yearly interest from inatumty till paid, with personal security to the satisfaction of the ad m/nistrator and the notes to be further se cured by special mortgage and vendor's lien. Purehasors also to pay ten per cent, additional for attorney's fees in case incurred. ■ For full particulars aud description sc« ad vertisement in the Acadia Sentinel. EDMOND L. HARMON, Nov. lä-2t Administrator. piBI.H S.IT, Ii. E8TATETOF BRIGITTE SOILEAU, Dec'd, No. PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. By virtue of an order of the Honorable Dis trict Court iu and for the parish of St. Landry, there will be sold at public auction to the last and highest bidder, f:y tlie undersigned testa mentary executor or any duly qualtöed auction eer, at the residence of Ernest Brignae, at old Grand Prairie, in said parish, on Saturday, November 30th, 1SS9, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following described Sroperty belonging to the estate of Brigitte oileau, deceased, late of the parish of St. Landry, to-wit : * About thirty head of wild homed cattle. Six head of wild horses and mares, together with tjic brand, thus : H F. Seventeen head of gentle horned cattle. One branding iron. One lot of household and kitchen furniture and sundry other arficlfcs. Terms—Casji. j ! WAR ! WAR ! WAR ! Against High Prices, AND WE WILL CONQUER THEM. JLatest Arrivals »Ire: Our ist~s»Tovi:s. -Cooking aud Heatiiu (^NE CARLOAD OF STOVES- „ W redaced freight ou car-load lots, we can sell now at figures much be! which, on account of I':;- r e J'^ , t0 I 86 ! 1 a l 1 ' , l cre , t " i ' 0, I °- Yl,a c <™ a good Cooking Stove with a rull set of utensils tot >10. e have some of the most celebrated makes of .Moves. We warrant theiu, audit they don't couie up to what them, wo are willing to take them back after a fair trial. «nd-FURNITURE. we represent ' I >IIREE CAR LOADS OF FURNITURE. We are el ■- them below New Orleans prices. We deliver ar charge, withiu the limits of the city, all Furniture bon h tick full of them, aud sell ind put up without extra lit of u -'. j j j ! I j I j j j • J ! Itid-WAGONS. 1_> ECEI\ ED siuce the beginning of tho season two car which are already sold, and have another car load iu trausit which loads of WAGONS k Ie ,n d f 8elli 1 n / î : V U '' Çaiïun-the celebrated 111 C 1 v' \ i À N -'i t o 11 ' a x I e ' or ' thimble -kein, from H inch to 2 inches tire, are hrst class aud well kuowu. Tho mice s ue low aud we give a written guarantee for l'J months to every buyer that thev • re built of good material, and if auythiug breaks withiu that period on account • >t defective material or bad workmanship, we are willing to replace theui ftIi-CLOTIIL\G. VAJ L HA\ E NIL LAUGEST STOCK OF CLOTHING in t ▼ » can suit everybody, small as well as large, low priced "o huer material, and at rock bottom figures. this market. We ods as well as os .'»th-SIIOES. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT contains ;f full assortment, and we sell all in this line at further reduced rates. joods W'E continue to keep a would take up too mui md popular price Oth-DUY GOODÖ. full lino of DIv Y GOODS I lit uch space ; but w are our great aim. Hi ■MILLINERY. .MILLING* DEPARTMENT, Rver.idecS over by on. ever obliging M,m • "teds no tur-.her reporuniendatiou. lie knows how to please tn »th • U tili:! O Uli UK M ILL IN e latli PUIiNISHLSG (;OOI)S. NTS FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS, UNDERWEAR and c-ve.ythin line are marked down and the assortment is fuil and complete. Oth-GUOCEIilES. I G K „°odSïïid S WE SELL As CHEAP AS TI1E CHEAPEST. We will not be Ï Otli—IIA. ÜD w AliE . Ill ARD WARE of all kinds, comprising also tittin-'s for nnni,;,,,,,,,, ,< t> tl Thresher Teeth, Belting and'belt Rivets is one Sf ouÄJti^epK: j i , { j j I j ] j I ■ j ! itocnrinii/ . r ■ • , I «inscription of winch; can assure all tnat qualitv of goods I s i , ! j i • t j j j uients, only ma A.CHIXE, llth-SEW ING MACHINES. WE keep the celebrated LOVE SEWING MACHINES which is tho cliiue that makes a pel feet button hole; also the AMERICAN M which is known as one of the best, aud which we sell at $25 Cash/ WE have a large assortment of the PADGETT SADDLES which, on account of the scarcity of room, we will sell foi the present at a big rednetiou GIVE US A CALL And;-»; valine our Stoves, Furniture, and all other goods, ascertaiacrfui' prices before making- your purchases Our Motto is 5 THE goods •/WWCOf Ä j MUST BE S0LD And it' Ave cannot make a big profit, we will make a small and if we cannot do that we will sell them at cost or below but the GOODS MUST BE MOVING, we cannot stand still ' JOS. BLOCH, Coiner of Main and lSelievtic Streets. ] 1 . 1 ; i and one L. N ru T. I i j ot' to W. S. FRA2BE jselor-at-Law, AND Notary Public, O pelousas , S t . Lam.ry P arish , I a . Will practice in the Federal and State Courts' and prompt attention given to all business. Oflice on Landry street opposite Court House. ^ ov. yo-ly NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. I hereby give notice to ail person« concerned that the roll of 1SS9 has beeü delivered to me, md that I am prepared to collcct all State, Parish, Corporation, Criminal, Levee and Poll rases for the year 1889. Persons owing tases on movables only, will •lecome delinquents on and after October 1st, 1889, and persons owning real estate will be omo delinquents unless the taxes on same are •aid prior to January 1st, 1890. Come and pay your taxes in time and spare ne the unpleasant duty of adding costs there to- T. S. FONTENOT, SheriiT and I- A-Oitieio Tax-Col lector, oct 12-tf Parish of St. Landry. NOTICE. L and O ffice at M ew O kj . eans , L a ., ? Nov. 11, 1K89. ) ' Notice is hereby given that the following lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of Iiis claim, and bat said proof will bo made before the judge, ir in his absence, the clerk of the District court at Opelousas, La., on Monday Jiui. ü, 1890, viz: P1EUKE II. MASClSIi Jr., who m ado Homestead Entry No. 1088>'. for the lortheast i sec. 11 in township o south rangeai !ast Louisiana Meridian. He liuiucs tlie following witnesses to prove Iiis coi : uous residence upon and cultivation of,saiii '-'UtV viz: Daviu ?ille Sr , David C'ourville Jr., Las lie Rozit 3. Fontenot, all of St. Landry Par ish Louisi i. THOMAS J. BUTLER, Nov. 23- Ot, Register. Rnl.y ! Rally S. E. LOEB. To the Comer ol' Court unit North Streets, AT THE NEW Grocery f^toi-e. Where the Current of Popular Feeling and the Rush cau^d by the Low Prices arc the Attractions of tlie Parish. No Special Leaders, Every Article is sold Cheap and on ftis Merits, determinejl to keep it up until Gabriel blows Iiis horn. My prices will surprise you, for instance : Meat51 tola, for r>. ».Shoulders and Sides Flour from $1.75 tn $6.25 per bbl. Breakfast Ba con from 12 h to 15c. Picnic Ham from 7^ to 7?c Lard in tierces, 7$c. Lard in 50 lbs. tins, 8c Finest Sugar Cured Hams, from 5 to lo lbs . 15c. Soap, 60 lbs. to the box, from «1.75 to so.511. Brushes, 10c. Brooms, 10c. Tomatoes, 2 lb3., GJc. a can. Armour's De viled Ham, 6ic. a can. Pic Peaclirs, 3 lbs., loc a can. Sardines, GJc a box. Best French Sar dines, August Gillet's, 121c. a box. Dunbar's Shrimps, extra quality, 3Qc. u cau. Dunbar's Finest Fige, 30c. a can. New Syrup, strictly pure. Limburger Cheese. Fine Dairy Butter. 22} to 25c. Finest Cream ery Butter, 30 to 35c. Yonng America Full Cream Cheese, m to ?0c. Our Own Baking Powder, 5 and 10c. a can. Sngar, O. K. 13 lbs, white, 13 lbs. aud clioice white, 12 lbs. for $1.00. Coffee; Rio and Cordova, 10, àîand 27ic. A line assortment qf Ladies' Toilet something réài flnjj in " ~ " Soap and ^ .SELLIN« OUT! ■SELLING OUT ! AT COST AND BELOW COST! Oh *tccount of lMeparture. entire contents of tho PREVOT STOKE,— - on Main street, nest to Jos. BloehV iviii Jje aneriïiciîd ou awouut of remova»', I3.ligains in Dry Goods, Notions, Toys, &c. " " ,u «V • PUBLIC SALE wliich will be duly advertised. S„..ic. lt F - k PEEV0T &C0 - Stock for Sale, \ CREOLE HORSES AND MAKES; also a lino CREOLE JACK, can lie seen at my plantation, at Grad uiko' s Island, which I will sell cheap tor cosh. 12 31-80 ACHILLE E. DUPRE. Estray TVotlce. T AK ,fS Jip as eetrays one Black Cow and! *. calf fac-similo ot brand can be seen at I L kmockat office. ' j The owner is requested to call at my planta- i •ion, prove property, pay charges and tafec it! • A. VF ARTELLE, ! ! j ! Plaisance La., Nov. id. If You Want the Best DRAINING MACHINE, DRM3GE OR PUMP, j i ; Send for Circular. j i JOS. MENOE, 105 Tchoupitoulas Street, New Orleans, La. pïBMÇ »ALB. ESTATE OF DON LOUIS RICHARD, Dec'd, No. PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF ST LANDRY. ' By virtue of an order of the Honorable Dis tnct Court, in and for the parish of St. Landrv there will be sold at public auction, to the last , and hurhest bidder, by tho undersitmed admin- ; istiator, or any duly quaitlied auctioneer, at ; the Court House door, in the town of Öve- ! louBa», parish of St. Landry "•> 1 ' Saturday, Dsccmber Slkt, (8S0, at 11 o'clock, a. m., tho following described property bolonfeing to the estate of Don Louis Richard, deceased, late of the parish of St Landry, to-wit : Jean and widow Don Louis Rishaid ha.«—. jiprtion Jt'UICI.41' AÏÏVE» ' HKKIPF'* SAM'. s — ■« CYPRTEN AP.CENENEAÜX, ft, Bloeli. < LF.RCE KEBERj No. 14547, / DISTRICT COURT, PAR/HIT Ç STATE OF LOliïy i By virtue of an order of se, i sstied out of the Honorable tli. ! dicia! District Court of the Q iatwj in and for the Parish of St. Lai i above entitled anil numbered suip I directed, I have seized aud will pro I at public auction, to the last and ■ j der, at the principal front doov-ipl : house of the Parish of fct. Laud j of Opelousas. on « Knliirtlny, Bccfinbfi' I at lit o'clock a. in., the follow? perty to-wit : > A certain tract of land with ait aud improvements th reoii, and sitCI ! Landry parish between Marais Ilot, j Coulee f'roehe, measuring thirty an j bounded on the north by land of Cjj j eeneaux sold to Chcrphé Arceneai"' ! land of Hypolite Arcen .tux, ea I Romain Arceneanx, and weat j Kilchrist. I Terms and Conditions—I'or j with 8 per cent, interest ther j 1st, 18SS, ten percent, on said j uey fees and costs, aud on te . o8| pay 1st, a note of *50 with S per cental thereon from January 1st, 181S, n:.if iiary 1st, 1890; id, to pay a note o per cent, interest thereon Lorn 188s. maturing January 1st, iti»i, a note of $60 with 8 per cent, it; from January 1st, IdSS, luaturin la».'. T. 8.f ■ i Kov. 9-ct Slicriâ' Paris, piIil.K' MM!. j ESTATE OF El,BERT • A>V No. 1)15. PROBATE DOCKET, DISTRICT CI PARISH OF ST. LA.NDKY. By virtue ol an order of the Honorabi triet Court in and for the parish of St. L there will ho sold at public auctn.n to th and highest hidder by the undertigne niiuistrator, or au> " duly <;uaiitled 1 lioueer at the Court House ill the toil Opelousas. parish of St. Landry, on iiiciiluv, Dmmtifr I <1 i h , ISSCj at 11 o clock, a. in., the following destl property bclou^im- to the esta-te of J Oautt, deceasci.i, late Of tile "arish of St. dry, to-wit : 1- The Jfount Hope Plain ition, with a buildings aud Improvements thereon, ii^li the Su^ar Hou.«ti and îniî^ii containing three tlionsaud uuiulr, d und thirty acres and tia-loo ol an ; bounded tiovîh by iaud formerly brio* gfr Hawkins, ItMer, and lauds of i*r. Scranton, .sont;, by lands of Sirs, ör •*"' 11,1 t'«riuerij i .;i«i,«-iiiK to tho e. of 10. Ii. < 'alter, east by lands 01 R. S. E lands foi nieriy bcloii ^iti«; to the estate ofij Carter. This pn,,.. rt.v .vus sold to Eaton <5-, stow and rca, ipii m bv li m at sheriffs -ept. 7th. l'-T'j. 1 lieie v. ill he sold together • Iii« uu«i mulr r « bt: rtixie adjutiJ Hon, tin* followii?^ property on plantation, ami which sur\ - 1.0 ct'liimo -anif: twenty ouvuii nrau«. six oxni. six two ox turia. autlullthti jtdj incuts •J. a certain plantation situated on bail niirtableii!!, in lac paiiali of St. Landrv e, raining about thirtcei, acres. iù„re »ess,' known as the Allen Jliaiii. s Pi«utat.Ui Hounded north by bayon Counaljieau, soinh fWamp, east by 11. I.. Garland :iud vest lands of the estate of \\ iUi-.iv i OÜ'utr. T>.e f-'ar house aud macUiaery ar,- r.sfrved frol sale. This true; na« au xtended front cleared land on the (The tract of firty acres so'd to Samnel Ml u tin. above tract.) ■rless, fronting on bil ei- ai., \by laud of II laud MeJaneoil r'y owned by Siei.lic Pherson is reserved li 3. 120 arpents, more i you Courtablean," b,,un L. Garland, below by and west by land forme Uewell. 4. Pour irai is el' land lying i,y bacon <roecl une, measuring nine fnmdrea and forrv-twj and 14-100 acres, and i.ciii;; Swûuu 'J, L ' »aJ N E 1 ol See. 3, S Ii l nui» lots 0 aud 7 ot Sec. and Bee. lo, and all in T. i S., R. 3 j.:. r>. Eighty ayres of land on tau ÂtcliafalayJ ru er, being the north eud of > ! P i ot Sec. 24.1 T. 6 S , R. 7. E. p * 0. Hie following traci» ol' wanip land .ix.| anted oa tiic Atel.afalaya and CoartableaM rivers, aggregating two hundred and forty-one! acres aud 17-100 of an acre, aud being tiit/fe L 1 1 Ä? v ■ wf 8 E - 4 uf s, '° ot' See. 21. 7. The sugar house, - ! e;na engiae, roll<5^.| and maehiuery on tin Allen Thomas Planta tion. 1 1 Terms and Conditions : Cash. The Mount Hope p.'a itaKon will be delivered • to tho purchaser January ist, 189G. X' " I" J- SMITH, Icstameutary Executor. tho E J of N W 1 1 pi8I,!€ SAI,E. ESTATE OPCEPHOLIDE CARRIERE, Uoc'd. No. 4951'. DOCKET, DISTRICT COURT PROBATE PARISH OP ST. LANDRY. there w:!t be sold at public auction tu th^last Thost bidder, by the 'indersijfned adniin rZnr? 2 , auctioneer at parish on leased, i" liai let, By virtue of aa order of 1 he Houorable Thir leenth Judicial District Conrt o. the St s te "f Louisiana, in aud for the parish '— ... ie sold at public auction ïùfiittïflst So! - t^Jüniersiirned a.îndu the last in said ,i Oceembcr 7tb, 1889, tlie follow gur cleseribed pi oiierty to-wiî ; 1st. A strJct ol wood and prairie laud aid, atcd at Mallet, iu the parish of st l.audrv m ensuring one hundred and tweutv-flve^ peats, bounded north west b- Perrodf,, south-east by lands formerly öeloutane lo th« heirs of E. H. Martin, east 1.j "ugtistfi. Lrte Jr . and west by Dr. T. Oha, 4 , "fais U,U ' I vv tiit> -nve arpeuts of "Wood laud hi th»\ same neighborhood, bounded north iy public land, south uy Perrodin, cas' ' - ! I f^!" ( : dll . u . fav . or . of Ul(! estait, un*" *-" g? iauii, sou in uy I'errodin, casi, i»y Auilstir. Ledc, Jr., ami west by Houston YnuiV' I be above land is tue same ai miirori FlÄZnier. e8tKt0 ücr du « ^ ■ n-aas b ot d r,o a/pcntTealb® j each. ^ land 111 two tracts oi 25 arpents I ,,f^'ie n, a ,T! ,V'°K^ tl0ws - °f e-thi rd cash on day . ol bale and the baiu ce (;rt l and 2 years crwiit J payable 111 two tMiual aimual ir Niaimt'ft SU ot; lorcr.MlU iiorUon ot purchase made payable to tire payment of notes ami lntè"-eHt. fUU 111111 UU " Nov. 2-Ct GERARI» SONNIER Administrator. NOTICE. Notice is hereby ! named settler h;.s ill j that said proof will lie me r in his absence lb- clerk of tll^W^ Court at Opelousas La — »*• ' lut _ u -i , TO 18S9, viz: I. v>i) O ffkx, at New Orleans U ,} October l«tb. i38!j. < ,; n that the followiiijf. 1 notice of his claim, and before theJuci - of the I>i!,n-ici Monday Dec. 9t'i Loius'lana 1 ^' ( ' Uill0! ' } ' I j n t 0 , r i - ! i '"V 1 !, 11, PKinnjujiK. «r who made Hotriesiund 1-iitry No tm- 11,. ! Lot >o 2 Sec. m : Township o ^uito rä V e raif Louisiana M< ridian. " - ca«t, j He uaines tlio roliovrinsc nitnesse«! tn «r™* ! «rt"wÄd! , v«? ,,,lencc U£U> " ur Leon Soinier, Denis Guillojy, Ovido Desho y, ad of St. Landry Parish ry Parish AS J. BUTLER, Rf sister. souci;. i: N ITEI) STATrs L.VSD OlFïilK , w Orleans, Ca , October is, issa ' < hereby given U, ut Ule t 0 lio» iB .? 1er has , cd notice oi his lnte ÏS Xe j Notice is i named settler ; to mate final proof in support his intention f_nis claim, and that said proof will be luadc'bcfore thft'j'urfi'i f'« Oerk of the j Court at Opelousas Li i 18S9. viz: ict Ot K , ; ; ! ' on Monday De At'KEr .lE .'V ^JORJbAI* who made Homestead Entry No '»or, « the Lot No. 3 .Sec. 23, Townshio ,, for 2east Louisiana meridian. ~ ' r »nt?o .He names the following witne^se« „ his continuous residence upon antw?,,',® of, said land, viz ; 1 antl CUi tivation Leon Somier, Denis Guillory, Ovide SiSfi«" S' üwryÄ: Oct. 26-01. THOMAS 3. BUTLER, ^ Register. NOTICE! L and O ffice, at New Orleans La. > October 18th, 188'J. ( Notice is hereby given that th« ?^ e M ,e . r , h !» 8 %!' of las intentioa ii support of bia claim. T..., .. * , ■ — ■■ be mode before th« Judge or m hts absence the Clerk of the Dig® to '«/ike final proof in support of ^b!^claim 1 and that sanl proof will i.<> . , Judge or in h t s absence x trict Court, at Opelousas, La., en Thursday December 3th. 188», viz : , mursuay ALEXANDRE L. FOIVTESIOT h °mestcad entry No. s:m for'tl.e south-