Newspaper Page Text
pFLICIANA SENTINEL. 1 A DEMOCRATIO PAPER. O- rPrAL JorUrRn . Ur Wasr FuraCIANA. Or1'XCIALJOU3XALVITY or BAYou Aas I PUB LISHED EVEY SATURDAY. 8. LAMBERT...PROPRIETOR JNO. D. A ,fBTZN............. iotr. 8. 0. BRHEA.............PPubisher. St. V uragme lville Oct. T7, ''1 .Comm'ncated.J BarvaCw, Oct., 96th 1877. To the EPitor of the FsucitanA Sztrrnxaa. It is years since I b ve looked into a law hook, and in fact sines we have been ground under the heel of Carpet-bagism, I have taken so little interest In our so celled legislators-that s cannot answer t o very simple questions, as to certain statutes of Louisiana and Mississippi. I therefore, prefer applying to yeou, for in formation '(aeditor is always presumed to be a living Encyclopedia) instead of iarebing my dusty volumes, in quest of a reply. .Thdre.was a law passed in Missis sippi a few years ago, providing for the impeachment, or removal of any official, who should be proved to have been intox icated, while in the discharge of his du ties. Can you republish its provisions, and also ascertain whether such a law ex lats in Louisiana-and if not, recommend the passage of a similar enactment, to the attention of our Legislature-I did not intend writing a temperance lecture-so shall not dwell on the disgusting picture, of one bearing the ermine, trailing it in the mire of a drunken revel, or the fear• fel consequence to society-the annihila tion of law and order-which might ensue; when those who are the guardians of both, partake of orgies that sink them below the beasts of the field. Apropos of this subject, and in apology, for the plain terms used above-has it ever occurred to you, how much the fashionable style of disguising intoxication, under the slang terms of "tight," a "brick in the hat/' &c. tends to lessen the horror the vice sbould inspire. Akin to this evil custom, is that -of laughing at or finding amusement in those pitiable antics which make fiends rejoice, and Angels almost weep. Many of your lodllers are, no doubt fa miliar with the exquisite scene, in The House of Yorke, where Mr. Rowan be seeches Edith never to laugh at a drunkard. Twenty-four hours later, he filled (as he had impreestel on himself) a drunkard's unblessed grave. * "He leaned back against the house, with his hands in his pockets, and stared at the clay bank before him. Edith look ed at him, but said nothing. Presently he turned st luddenly that she started. .'Girl," he said, never do you ridicule a man who has been drinking, no matter what he does, you may hate him, or be afraid of him, but never laugh at himn! You might as well look down into hell and laugh! Do you know what it is to be in the power of rum T It is to have serpents twining round you,'and binding you hand and foot I've gone through the streets up there with devils on my back, pushing me down; wild beasts tear ing my vitals; reptiles crawling round me ; the earth rising up and quaking un der my feet, and a horror in my soul that no words can describe, and the men and women and children have laughed at me. Perhaps they were such shallow fools that they didn't hnow; but I tell you, and you know row. Don't you ever dare to laugh at a drunkard! "I never will !" Edith cried out, in an agony of terror and pity. 'O you poor man I! I didn't know it was so awful. O you poorman !" Just after writing the above lines, my eyes fell on a short article in the Balti more American, which so admirably illus trates the subject, that I append it ver batie. VANCEBURitO, KY., Sept., 30th 1877. Our Criminal Court was opened by Judge Sands in a creditable style, as re ported through your paper, but no busi ness was transacted, because Judge Sands failed to sustain his judicial and personal digh~ty. "There was much bad feeling manifested at one time toward this younng ani gifted Judge, until he came into the Court and said: "Gentlemen and Fellow Citizensa-I up. pear before you to say, I am a victim to a vice which has disgraced me before you and my country. As lentered this Court room, I heard some one say: 'There goes pretty timber to make a Criminal Judge of.' I feel that remark as steel through my heart, for itis just. I am unworthy of the high honor and trust you have con ferred upou one so young; and I return to you the offico I have lost, being un worthy of it. Pardon me, friends and conutry-meon, but you shall bear this no longer. My jludicial integrity and official acts are blameless. Thank God, I am no longer Judge of Lewis County. May Heaven keep me in my affliction I" This eloquent and feeling appeal was never heard here before. Prejudice was turned to sympathy, and symlpathy to compassion for Judge Sands. lie has a warm place in our hearts, and wehope he will return to us refornumled.'l - Not being a prophet; I cannot, like Na than, point the finger bof scorn-and say, "Thon art the man ;" but we all know . Ahal both in Louisiana and Mississippi, (probably in other states) there still live Judges, Chancellors, 8heriffs and Mar shbals who mnay-"profit by this example, if this be treason (or libel) make the most ot it. SEXAOGENARAN. .,-- - DR. HIIATIE's Fever and Agne specific has stood thie test ot time, and has provedl itself to be the most certain to cure agnCe c.f any the world. For sale by all Druggists. FHE LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND ME CHANICAL COLLEGE. From the proceedings of the Roard published in the X. O. Democrat,. we ob- i taln the following estimate of probable i expenses of the Institution for the pres-| ant academic year: Col. D. F. Boyd. President and " acting Professor of Languages $3500 00 Dr. Joseph Jones, Professor of General and Agricultural Chemistry........... ...... 3000 00 J Prof. J. W. Nicholson, Professor of Mathematics.............. 2000 00 Prof. W. C. Wilde Professor of Ancient and Modern Lan guages ...................... 1500 00 Commutation of quarters, esti mate..................... 600 00 alaries of secretary and Trees... 750 00 Traveling expenses of Board of Supervisors, estimate........ .750 00 Lawyer's fees Col. H. B. Kelly... 500 00 Advertising, printing and station ery, estimate .................50 00 Employes (janitor and watch man) estimate................ 450 00 Fuel and lights................. 00 00 Postage drayage and other inci dental expenses..--.......... 300 00 Bulance to chemical and agricul tural laboratories and other contingent expenses, say...... 462 00 The following suggestions were made in the report of President Boyd to the Board: I would respectfully suggest that to the president and the two professors be entrusted the preparation of a course of study to be reported to the board of su pervisors at the regular quarterly meet ings in December ; and that meanwhile the Faculty be empowered to adopt such course of study as may to them seem best. I would also suggest that the rules and regulations of the late Louisiana State University be temporarily adopted as those of the new school,subject to such modifications as the President of the fac ulty and the vice president ot the board of supervisors may deem necessary to con form to the laws establishing the insti tute; anl that said modifications of those rules and regulations be reported at the December meeting of the board of super visors. I would further suggest the propriety of commnicating with the honorable the Secretary of War relative to the assign ment of an officer of the United States Army to this institution to give instruc. tion in military tactics, strategy, etc.,in accordance with a general law of Con gress, providing for such assignment to the several state agricultural and me chanical colleges. I would suggest, too, that the vice pres ident of the board of supervisors and the president of the faculty be specially em powered to make such arrangements as they pay deem necessary for the board and lodging of students in the building of the institution, lrovtding.that said boarding department must be self-sus taining, and that no part of the endown ment of the institution shall be used in defraying the expenses of boarding and lodging students, and that these two of ficers shall report any such arrangement which they make to the board of super visors at the December meeting. There are other matters of importance to be laid before the board, but my time is dut and the above is all .perhaps that the board has now time to consider. SUMMARY OF NEWS FROM TIlE NATIONAL CAPITAL. WASHINGTOx, Oct. 20.-A large majori ty of the Republican Senators favor re opening Pinchback's contest for the seat claimed by Eustis; not for the purpose of seating him, lnt to afford a pretext for the delay in Eustis' case that is already resolved upon in the cases of Butler and Spofford. The Republicans in Congress are actively endeavoring to secure such a modification of the policy of the Admin istration as will enable them to coalesce in an effort to regain the supremacy that is slipping from them. Tire President is reported as willing to surrender all points but that of the S;outhern policy. The confirmation of King for the N. O. flolloctorship will probably be included in the plan of reunion indicated above. A majority'of the Senators express themselves in favor of curtailing the length of the extra session. Thurman states that if it is continued to December he shalh insist upon an adjournment of the regular session in April. The various Comnuittees will be an nounced by Spedker Randall some time during the week. STEAM GIW BURNED.--On Monday night; 22d instant, at 8-30, a firs was dis covered in the lint room of the gin-house of Mrs. L. Aronstinc, situated on Gasper's Branch. just outside the limits of the town of St. Francisville, on the Baton Rouge road, and about j of a mile from the Court House. The fire spread with fearful rapidity, rendering any attemlpt at staying its progress utterly abortive. In twenty minuteslit' from-the moment of tboe first alarm all that was left of the building, appointinouets &c, was a hugo mass of smnouldering ruins. At the timie the fire broke out there were twelve bales of cotton in the estab lishment, belonging to various parties two of which being ginned aundl baled, were rolled out of the way and saved. Ten bales were destroyed. Withmn one hundred feet of the gin house stood the store of Mrs. Aronstein which owing to the calmness of theim at mosphere, was uninjured. We are i, formed by Mr. Aronsatoin that the esti mated value of the gin-house gin-staalns and mnachdiery destroyed is :about $3,000. The store and gin-house together, were insured for $2000 inii the Merchant's IIsur race Co. New Orleanis, but what portion of the amnount covered the gil--loiiise, we were unablle definitely to ascrt'aii. The cause of the fire is in doubt, but the gen.eral belief is that it originated inii the lint room and was thie result of acci dent. Bayou Sara Fire Co. No. 1 turned out pronmptly but upon discovering that the fire was at a locality so remnote, conucluded not to liroceed to tihe cemne of eonflngra tion. lho engineo of Pioneer Co., No. 1, of St. Francisville, was also taken out but returned for same reason. You will inever be disappointed in Dn. HAIuTir's Fever andl Ague Specitic. It always cures Fever and Ague. Every package in warranted. price only 75 cts. For sale by alil Druggists. THE COUNTRY PRESS. F (N. O. Democrat.) Do the city papers say anything in regard to your parish ? Noth- cli ing. Do they contain notices of M your schools meetings, churches, re improvements and hundreds of oth- th er local matters of interest which ht your home papers publish without m soy ? Not an item. Do ::r cver W say a word calcul ted to draw at. bE tention to your pariah and aid in its rt progress and enterprise? Not a at line. And there are men who take Pt such contracted views of this mat- le ter, that unless they are getting a& rt many square inches of reading mat at ter in their own as they do in a city a' paper, think they are not getting al the worth of their money. It re- Lt minds us of a man wl;o took the largest pirce of boots it, a box be- si cause the pair was the same as the a pair much smaller, that fitted him. o - [West Feliciana Sentinel. h The above observations are in e, the main correct. The city papers, however, give more attention to 1 country interests than the SENTINEL " creditsethem with; but it is none the less true that it is the pari-h paper which looks fully and espec- 1 ially after the home interests of its p people. A well edited country pa- c per is of invaluable service to aa community, and every citizen of the parish should subscribe for it s and pay for it in advance before he a thinks of taking any other' journal. There are no papers we read with so much pleasure as our live coun try exchanges: They give us the class of intelligence .which is of most importance to the public, and through tleic' columns we keep en i rapport with the people- of every portion of our own and neighboring States. Among the couutry papers of Louisiana there are a number con ducted with intelligence, spirit I and independence; these papers we always know represent and influ ence the community in which they are printed, and we attach great value to their articles. There are I others which are altmst a disgrace to their parishes -and deserve no support. They are horribly print ed; they contain less matter than an apprentice could s:t in two days, and they never furnish us with an intelligent opinion or an item of Iccal news. A live, energeticcoun try editor does more for hii.s com mourity, and generally go's less t.ay for it, than any other citizen of the parish or county. Howev er, there has heon improvement of late years in th:s respect. The country editor who conducts a good paper is no longer, as he used to t be, a sort of mendicant who is expected to drink free whisky, live on $5 per week, and borrow that People read more newspapers now; the standard of ability in country journalism has been raised, and the country editor, where he is a real worker, ;s a man of consequence among his fellow-citizens. But the country press can yet be im proved, and it is, it seems to us, the duty of every citizen of a par r ish, where an enterprising paper is published, to aid the editor in improving it and increasing its in fluence by subscribing to and pay ing cash for it. After he has done that, let him forward a cash order for the only representative -outh ern and live newspaper in New Orleans-the DEMOCRAT. EAST FELICIANA ITEMS. [From the Patriot-Domocrat.] A Tourunment tlhat came oft at Olive Branch was a success in every particnlar, S.... Mr. Edward Story fell from the steps of his gin huls, ".nu the 17th instant :and was severely injured.... Mrs.H. &. White. while haidiug a loaded l)istol to her hus I:uad, droppled it andt the pistol discharg ed a cartridge which inflicted a i paisnflul but not ,langerous wound upot L her per son.... A horse belonging to Mr. Alex WVoodward, hile being rapidly ridden by anegro, slilped and fell. Thie animal s sustainied injuries that are belioeved to be Sese]'ioas. Ue to the 20th iustlant, the District . Cousrt hlod disposed of the following ca T 'he Staeo vs. Lewis Parker, murder, guilty of muanslaughlter. Jacob Thomasin, shlooting with intent to kill, guilty :a. chlargcld. I1. L. Mey,-; carrying coucealed wea;1 ons, nIot guilty. I. B. Wallt, c;arrying concealed wealpo.s pIeIndH guilty, cost of proc.ecntionl. J. D. Riley, sname cha;rge, plead guilty, sallle verdict. Nelson Jackson, highway robbery, niot guilty. tlouzo and John Blrookr, manslnaighlt or the first guilty, the second not guilty. t Horace V. Kent, manslsiughter, mis ' trial, 9i for acqnital atnd 3 for coiviction. SJohn G. iriscoe, nmurder, muanslaughlt cr. FROM THIE COUNTRY PREdS. A few sugar hon-es started ma chllinery last week-among theip °' Messrs. Crozier and Cragin of Ter- g reborne, and Mr. Kernochan, of the lower coast, but we have not a heard the result. This week a few li more mills have been started, but ' we fear the first reports will not e be favorable, as the cane is yet 1 rather green. By Nov. first we i are sure better reports may be ex- a pected....We are delighted toa learn that the forty immigrants who a recently arrived from Minnesota are well pleased with the county e and with their reception, and have all gone to work on Cote Blanche ° Island -[Sugar Boll. Cane has improved wonderfully a since the storm, and if it meets with no further accident in the way of rain or a freeze, the loss will hardly be over ten per cent.-[Ib- i erville South. a Cane cutting is progressing in L Terrebonne.... We have new syr np in Hiouma since last week. Can Lafourche or other parish 1 beat that.-[ Terrebonne Progress. We are having now just the kind of weather to cause the sugar planter to feel greatly encouraged; clear, dry and cool. A continu ance qi present favorable atmos peric conditions until unground cane can be windrowed, will in sure a lucrative sugar yield.--(Don. aldsonville Chief. A fatal .encounter took place last Saturday niight, on the occasion of a bal! at the residence of Alcide Melancon, in'this parish. An al tercation occurred between Mr. Melancon and Julius Broussard anti the latter received a pistol shot in the right side of the abdomen, from the offccts of which he died the next day. Melaucon claims to have ac:ed in sell delence and sur rendered himself to the authorities. r An affidavit was made by the D)is trict Attorney from inlotmation -received, charging Malatcon with manslaughter, and he furnished hot.d to answer. It is said, that Broussard, before dying, acknowl that he was hi the wrotng Said requested that Melancon should not be prosecuted. The matter will be intestigaed next week by the grand jt'ry.-LLafayelte .dver liscr. On Thursday morning, in the neighborhood of Dr. Shackleford's residence. a dlstressiniy and danger Sois accident befeil a litile two f year old chi:d. The mother had missed it and searcihed fir it, her - eyes wee turned towards toe well. and site saw its feet as it tumbled 8 in head foremost. It seetms that there was no man in the neiuhbor - hood to hear the outcry that the f mother and other women made, and e hasten to the re-cue ol the child's life. As if by a miracle almost, the well bucket was lot down bv O the women, and the little two year s old grasped it so firmly, through a the instinct of preservation, that t they hauled it quiet up to the top of the well, and then awkwardly bumped its heaa against the crub Y broke its hold and the poor thing e fell back into the water. The Il bucket was again let down and c the child quickJy. clutched it, this time getting its arm accidentally so fastened in the chain to the bucket as to hold it fast until drawn up to . the top and successfully rescued. - The child threov up much water r but at last accounts was doing well.- ,Meridian .Mercury. A Mr. George Schwan telegraph ed his family in New Oaleans from this place on the 14th of lIst month. e since which time ntthing has been r heard from him. Any one know - ing of such a man or his where v abouts will confer a favor by im: parting the infolmation to Mayor St Clair.-[Attakapas Register. Ilow it is Done.---The first object in lifo wit.s the Ameucrican pecople is to e 'get rioh ;" the second, how to regain r, good health. The first can be.obtained ' by uenergy, honesty and saving; the so cond, (good health,) by using GREEN'S AUcGusT FLOVEIl. Should you be a des pondent suffterer from any of the eftfcts I o" Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, indiges tion, &c., such as Sick IlHeadache, Palpi n tation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habi I tual costivoness, dizziness of the head, e nervous prostration, low spirits. &c., you need 1n1t tittr lllatterher iby. 'l'wo ldo-cs t of AUuc;rsT Fl.ol will relieve yiu at. - once. SamliplO Bottles 10 cents. lgular size 75 celnts. Astoinishi .g success.-It is the it duty of ever3 Iperson who has u.sed los CIIIm's G~IllhIAN SYRuI'P to let its wonder ul quilit ils he known to their frit'itns iil ¶ullrilg. Cotsnumutiont, severet ColithI, SCroPll, Astlhna:t, Pnlentnn:i,, anlld ill fact all thlro:rat al tung diseasers. No lerIsonI e, cn use it without iinediaite relief- Threoe doses will rclicve any case, nill we it considor it the duty of all I)Drggists to reconttuend it to the poor dtlying con it siunptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year, I- and no one case whore it failed was re p. orted. Such a umedicine nas the Geruman 5- Syrup.cannot be too widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Saumple hottles t- to try sold at 10 cents. Regular 8ize 75 cents. For sale by all druggists. L NEW DISEASE AMONG HORSES. at The following description ofa new and oftal disease which has recently asppear. id among horses at Camden, N.41., is. , riven by the Philadelphia Times : There is an absence of tlhe flabby, drooli lute appearance of tile labia, the eyes re It ss clear and no secretions form men the ids, and the nostrils are devoid of atny appearaunce of cold which is observed in thefirst stnges of epizooty. The pres ant disease is sudden in its attack, and tl death results within a few hours. The borse is a'tacked with a sudden tremor gi in the limbs, the eyes assume a glassy o appearance and the "body begins to swell as if the animal were suffering from col- ft lie. It falls to the grounld, and, notwith standing the remedies applied, the ani- v hal dies alliarelitly 1tsulfrirg the great est pain. Drs. Cuillen aniu Ridge ihave each lost valuaIhle horsea. Mr. Taylor lost two and Mr. Scibohl and Mrs. Laying each lost one. Seven have died in South Camden, and the disease is still spread ing. A nuIlLmber of horses which were q attended by prompt treatment are now convalescing. The street car anl coach horses have its yet escaped, extraordinua ry precautions having been takenl to pre vent the disease entering the stables. The disease is conllined to certain dis tricts, and it is hoped it may he prevot ed from spreading The diseasehas not appeared in Philal1plhia stables. S"lt Still Walveasi"-Amlong the solid paplrs that have lived through the hard tithes, we are glad to see the old time and favorite STAR SPANiGLEID BAN ,ERIn. This ever populr.palter begins its 16th year with 18t7, and deserves to be idi every houle. It is a large, s-page, 40 column lpaper-(cery " issue actually Sowded with charming Stories, Poems, ketches, Wit, linumor, Fuin. Puzzles, and Rebuses-line Illustrated Poems and Stories. It is a national favorite, and should be in every family In its "'Rogue's - Corne·l" every swindler, quack, hlniullug and fraudtl is fully exposed. None need ever be swildtltd if they will but readl a th' lI.ANNI:i:. Try it one year. Only 75 t couts a1 yealr. or with six ti t ie lchrlioil, , or an elegant diet inu:ry, only .$1. Trial trip. 31 IIo l ls, only l) cenllts. Slpecilo us l fi b cents. Weo ivla'se every reader to try il this great tfmily liaper three aIoniths- t only oine (little. Addthress STARt ,SPANGLE'D IBANNEII, H iisdale, N. i]. NOTICE OF E]TTRAY. Taken up ,by 'lit in,, Wilcox on thile Oak (rove i'lantiiatijui inll October, abort the 10th. 1`77, one black (mare mule, about 15 liauds high, aluiit 9 years olhl, has ni "O' 4iO n the left .jaw, a little fail iig iI the left forel toot. Appraised by O. Trellillnl, and i(horgo Morgan to he, woirth iln cash this day seventy-tive dol lars. W. `. D. HAMILTON. 4h1 Justice of thii Pacae. WEST lFEl.I('iANA, LA., Oct, .17,'77. ) a\ ) I0IBCKIEL. busi Ste~ e It, BaSyou S arlls', Lea., L),ale" in Fiancy niid `-talle Dry Go,,di. Un:dil.s' Dre.,s gr.,loCd, WVit( Goods, lioin.e ketp er,' .\A ticle ( Chlhine, ilnta . (s ', . Imo. .sotsand Shoes, " Hosiery. CII lcry, loi le A. i'ti c!cs. N`itiotn, lFancy and Family Gro Provrisio'ns, Wes etrn IProduce. Grain. lig i Iti ii1ad T'ic alad a full lineof Pintiaiioln : -ulilie1, Hiard w.r.c Glas.s ware, etc. etc. Alis, a; E[ia! ilVl and varied a-sort iinent (,f eveytIhingi in the line of Saddlel y and [ialrne-w. y- liglhest malrket p ice paid or citton. II. A RNAUD'S NEW bIARll'ER IIol' ANI) HAIR Il)EtSSING SALOON, In Irvine a buihli:ig in the roi(im liately occupied by .o1n Riig, aByou Strta Loum ikiainiu. Nelipt. 1, '77 G..B. & N. l. OOC [IS. IEAI.ERs IN 3MO 1NUJ.lI"J'T., L JVORK, i. AHE: Now prenaredl tofuritish all kinlds of (irave Work atid Iron Railing at redlcedl prices. Parties adl dressinig lus ait layoul Sara, or at Williaml H, Pipe, ' lyatuol Itouge, we will call adl see withl our designs, of which we have a largo variety. Oct.. 13 '77-6m n THE MORNING STAR AKND CATHO LIC J1ES'ENGER, EST.JIBLISHED FEB. 6. 1868. Is issued every Sunday by tile Catholic Publishiin Co. of which the Mlost Rlev N, J. Perche is President. The STAR is aI lirst class weekly news paiper devorcd to the lpublication of art icles on Recligious, Literary anlid Scientllfic subjects. Its coluinIINs will be found to colitlin editorials onl thle leading evenlts of the day, as well as choice miscelan cous reading matter, carcfiully selected seriil stories alld a 1suInulary1 of the lnore inllortautll telegrams of the week, ntmking it a wclcotllle visitor in everly flilly. .emlld for a slaikpl9 colly. Siuberlilitioni :I' 1)1 pecr untllluii. Oticoe 116, PoydrasII stl lreet, New Orleans,II LOuIsiattli. TIIOS. 'U. IAPIER, Mianiig er CENTIENARY COLLEGE, JACKSON, LOUIslIANA. WTILL ]RESUME its exercises on tihe 1Ist Molllday in O'tobher lnext with a conlipetont corps of Proesacors. All tile iramlliches oitf lrcliarLatory tlid conlliercial schools and firat class colleges success fuillly tIaught. Tuitionl iln preparatory scelloo: 45, and iu college classes S~65 per. session of forty weeks. Iiardling in Steward's Itall $10 per iiontlh, ailnu in private tllllilies at correslonldinlyu lo rates. For lparticulars and a catalogue addrhess, C. G. ANDREWr, Aug.1,"" " I'residuent, MAX ¥ISCIIEIn. Atletl s, W.. raer ati 1 BAYOU AA4dJ AVE CONSTANTLY in at prices conforman e times, fall and complete lines goods, Ladies Dress Goods, g, er's articles, and a general sag fancy and btaple dry geoods Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Swiss Mulle, Piques, Bish. op Lawns, Linen 14 Dress Linena,. ( ques, Grena dines, Organdy Muslidis, French Percales, Irish Lip. ens, Bobbinet Ba Laces and Cm Parasolesl .r ty. 'Umbrel las, tassorted styles and qualities. Cai cos, Bleached Cottl Cambrics, Shea Childrens Cs; Gents Cassimeres, Cottonadee, Joans, Denimae, Tick - ings by the yard or pit We invite an inspection of a alssortmlent of Ladies, Childhl and Boys Hosiery, and Kid (,l Thread, Gau'ltlets, Ties, Ilibli broideries Laces, Ruchiugs, Ce dies Ready-made Under wear, d funmery, Toilet, Articles, and nol WIe have on hand also, a frell selected, stock of Clothing,Bod ilhts and Caps and a generalsa of gentlemcens under-wear andl goods. Dealers in Fancy and Staple I Provisions, western Prods Plantation Supplies. AgeL the renowned Singer &wi Machine and its varies a ttachmlents. $1'EC'IAL NOTI('E.-Weao t ers of the outstanding claimsa ednesses dueo to the late firm Fischer & Co. Tl'he Citizens of East Felielas Coul we., and Wilkinson ConSl will find it to their interestas age to open up a trade withis dhirs from abroad promuptly, ad tilled. [t"if ighest market price ps toll ESTABLISIIED 186 ATTORNEY No. 3,29 Seventh St., Washing. Patents and Inrestoer We prcure Letters Patentl tius. No attornc y f ,ees inade Ilic:at ions for pattents ill ti States. No charges unletrltti gran.ted. No tles tert natkingp exa;:mninations. No additionalL I laining aind condtucting a rd Special attention given toid eases lbetire the Patent Ofl~i siolns before Conagress, inlftinap it dlifti.renlt States, and all hll to inventors orp" tlso procure patents il Cna-adi torreigi countries, Send stall pil'let giving full instructionsm Cuilcld State-. Courts asd Dlpt Claimas prosecuted in thes SUP oaf the United States, CourtlI ala4d all classes of war claist Executive Departments. Arrears of I'ay and DOB Ollicers. soldiers and sailorsa war, or their heirs, are in Ianl! titled to money front the Goea wLich they have io kuowleial I full history of service, and - i of pay and bounty receierl' Sstalamp, anid a full reply after@ will be given yon without c rcnsioss. All oficers, soldiers and a present disabled, however ll - wounds, rupture or othter diseasoes received or coniU line of dity in the late war a pension. Many now dmr are ontitled to increase. United States General Contested land cases, clainas, Miniug ipreealptieu, stead cases presented befrei - Land Office and Departmla Sterior. Land IJ'arrai'4 Wo pay cash for bJ4mtyl rants, acd aldiitiomalh WVo lnvite corresponden, ties having anlly for sale, ans I explicit iistructions where Sare imperfect, We'o conduct our busile Shureans, having therein tbe able and experienced FlawY U and give our closest perse2a s to every ilmportant each case. Protumtest slcured to all businesss As we chairg no foe uU stamps for returu postage 11-. - s.0 Liberal arrangemnlOts ' . neys in all classes of bt 11R. S. & A. P. Lacey.T Wasbi SWE En FER , 0Io. Hon. M. Elnory, ;. I Bank, Washington, D. . Esq,, Cashier German -. SlBanlk, JPashingltobln, D Dewey, Pres. liar. Nst SOhio; Hoen. H. Waldrn. Natl. Bank, Hillsdale , a, Esq., Cashier City e'r, Col,; J. D. KuO°m' Topeka, Kansas. Oct. 13, '77.