:E J LIANA LA SENT LNEL W ST. RANC1SYILLE LA. SEPTEMBER 28,1878. NO. 14 I thre faith o theo Stale for y pnrp e or ea lit one jadge, learned in t ih the cuostiti of i 18G8 ehall be i og: I. 11 th1 f.it or pal:l ba elected L _ulby a _ Ya t orna tedJ. A CROSS, C HEAP F Attorney at Low, Cliltonl. Louisina. RE SGaoiters i{O1AS J. KERNAN, cy Gaiters 11011 J LEATIIEt, al OfVEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW, WoIK G(U'A Chuton, Louisiana. Spractice ill the Courts of East and 'eliciana. ICARD ALIIOUN FLUKER, Wholes Attorttey at Law, ho Clinton, Louisiana. _ANCY DI iill practico in the Courts of the 5th CLOTI cialDistrict. Aiig.W'76.-1Y BCEI GROCERI SAM.J. PIOWELL, Attorney at Law, iligh St. lFrancisv i IeC, ].ouisiala. toll. Will praict ice ill the 'Parishes of 1West l East FelicianI.a and 1'oiutt Coiie,.N J. " WEDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clinlton, Louisiana, Will practice ill thle courts of East an J. J Fest Feliciala and the Suplremte Court of S: S. 8T the state. Leaves I . W. LEAKE, cars "Irol at 7, p. In Attorney at Law, leans ever St. 1Franl. ivlle.i Ioolisia a. e r Will practice il the P]arishl-s of West a~t East Feliciial, and Pointe Copcec. A. )UGA ROUT. SEMPLE JII. JOS I. GOLSAN. tie arrivi EMPLE & GOLS AN, nlld ever. iii' leave ATTORNEYS AT LAW day and St. Francisville La., Will practice ill the Courts of West Felicianla tud Pointe CoullpCe. R. C. WICKl.IFI:E. C. L. OISIIE i:. 7ICKLIFFE & FISHEIR, jusa i Attor.eys at L: , Dealt t. F'rnancisville, Ln. C e Will practice ill the Coulrts of lt est t ` and East Feliciana, Pointe ConlCpee andh e adjoininlg P)a rishes. j)ENTibt''.Y! DENT'IS'TRY . I will attend all calls on thIe Coast, Irolan Natclhz toi New Ollllltns; also the hack xotiot colltlry, iwhen aIec.essalhc .witlh a 1lllggy. I'ersons wisliinlg m1.l serlicei, cal pro e byg addressing wue, at umy a 'D. STOCKNLG D. ,'"P * . ..s, i?.), , 'Kt. .Pia 'D]. E. Greet Davis fC1 ware.ei his services to the icople of an a ttIt and adjuiuiif l4~yrishts. ment or iddressed to hiti, atit 'rt- ddl d, e receive prompt attrt'olt.1o0 .KAUFMANN, for Ct ICIAN AND SURGEON deuce in St Fraucisville". ' TINEZ, " treet, linyou Sara, La., iist S bDEALERI IN Cock 1is, Groceries, Coxlfedti 'll°o arl ' es and Liquors: TIN HOTEL, - . Al 1 of Cramp aid Coanliton Artdts, I, : New O r leans., -1 11 1 MFORD & WA. ll SOP RI TOR8 telt --Two dollars an-p fy clsel dpay. then PI IRVINE, .BSyou Sara, Louisina, a : LE AND RETAIL DEALE N E i r e. Provstoats, " e·lrestce r ice and GeneallPl lan tation supplies. S ALSO INO, FORW ARDIrI ice MISSION MERCHAJ' f Ai AND .fa J3OAT AGENT:, NRETTA HOUSE. c BAYOU SARA, LA.- fo as in the past, the rabiej. Switli thile verybest faT or1d. Elegant a, .w6f1" a s. " Uccouxlatillg S81mV,3 a tt attendance. Patronage t , satisfaction guarantead. ', t. ARNAUD'S *lBW '3ARBER SHOP AND IIAIR DRESSING SAIOON . t M.& & A soer, oton.Lc.v. 8 8a,, Louisiana. lept. 1,. 7 I NEWMAN, .'TAILOR Neanr th4 Sentinel o0elc, St. FrancisvillQ La.j 4PS AS RWOOD FOR SALE uar2-7-iy. 3ayo. Sara. C HEAP 800TS and SEiOE 3FLICIA --B-- A DEMO M. R OS E N Tj hA L L, c Bayou (STUN ST.) Sa a. (V R ES N S K Y'S OLD ST A N D) Gaiters $6. Shoes $5. Boots $12. Fan cy Gaiters $7. All made of the BEST PUBLISHEl LEAT'IIEltR, allnd the WORK GtAIIATEEi TO PLEASE CUSTOM- S. I.AMB ers. p ICARD & WEIL, EuItor aund Bayou Sara, La., St. Francl i VWholesale and Retail Dealers In SUB SANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FURNITURE' One copy, ou BOOTS, 1O1ES,, It a t2 GROCERIES AND PLANTATION SUP- ,,, : PLIES GENERALLY. AD Vk L Iligllest market price paid for cot- [A Sqluale is to. l 0O. & BAYOIU SARA U. S. MAL Space. 1'PAU K ET 1sq're. $ 1.01 Tlhe superb passenger 2 2.01 st allel'r, 4 t 4.0( Gov. Allen. col'm, 5.0 J. J .lto .------------ -- -Master. " 19.0 5. S. J 'r cito..-- ----------------. Clerk. 1 " 20.0 SLeaives Bayou Sara for New Orleans - -lnn every IJ'edtesdtay after the arrival of the ror State anu cars frolm oodtlillle,antever saturday. For Stateh l at 7, p. ill. leturninl, le'aves New Or For Parish l leans every.Mtf llavlil Fridtay,at 5, p.m or police D AND 'l'I'ETAMERI (to be lai -t Transicn t _A. DUGAS--..---------- ---.....Master. it the rate ir Leavt'es Bavoul Sara every Monday after J1 r teJt in * the arrival ot the cars from WoodYil, Psubsequent and every Thursday at 7 p. in. RetuIrI- PCrsonalil ing, leaves New Orleans every Wedncs- riste aborat" day aidl Saturtlday at 5 p. 1. uf alb Cotll ta. JOHN F. iR\'INE, Agent Obif tiric., Let etc.. charqed 'CON1 RA BOCKEL. ntnt Street, Bayou Sara, La., To the Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry o tle G ,ods. Ladies' Dress goods, est White Goods, house keep- O:rIC uld ers' Articles Clothtin-, tlats, CaFs. ootsand In purs - Shoes, Hosiery. I , Cutlery, t'oi- hereby giv 1 let .\ rti- of the p tocles. stitutin i Nolt` Ntions, Fancy and Family Gro- tliirds of t I- l ie'S, house of t my P 'rovislti . sinhi, of 1i \'e:teln Piortlccc be publi. Grain. Bargging and Iext gele - Tic~ and a full line of to the Ge Plantation upp'.ie-, Hard- lewspalpe Sware. Glass ware, etc. etc. Alsp in which leaot an Ixtensive and varied a-sort Saitda al uht'. ment of eve y thitng in the line of acre Nos. atrr- 'addlecy and Il arines. of the ue ll ighest markct p:.ico paid at No. 1; for cotton. cublishes --_ ters, and e. T. GAS'T'ELL, people a i held on t B1ayou Sara, Louisin, 7, in PIOWS , Ak(R ICtLTIhAIAL IMPLE people nmelts, BridlI's, llar M"ss, Il.trdl\var, Gnuti l, ametid istCols, Pnlps, l, Mhie oll of the Yt Cocks, Vl'cs, Castius, Ilolps, hdlotw W r, "\,aon and Ca:'r'ia'g'' ' -:,cotl\yrl, ald k, ti Fl :jjcliitll'ls Materials, Etc., I:tc. inlts, t TIN 'CO'EI'R AND S ll ET IION MAN thecola -- UFACTOIIY. Also Agent for the c.elel1atet'd CIHAIITER OAK" STOyI ."S, das, Urir , Ga.rrett & COt tnIatii, IrlIl.y, jas. 1 11rý1 rOt tuitr \\ls, Allen-1s Ihtore ,. Hall .. i ,othe,:rchie.sI, ,. YSCO. INlav]akes, all of vwhich I will guaran tee to sell tower than cn be purchased Grsy lI ers and oti,ers will lilnd it to tliheir atdvantage to call and texamine i y Tt ýto_ stud; and pricsC before puc,tiCha5111g Jsilse- 'I' CS u where. at the ity of t votill I h N O. 40. tIlgaIzile St,. Near Ca Oi FRo test Ci' *5t1". votint Pl~an lauss (n OPPOSITE State M l cORGAN'S i' s TI: . . & AS.. (l S- . Ii' thII r' t Wt'. S. Bell, A O.lic A. P. Watso, liel lIt 0c . M. . Leak. irst fovirg leased this Hotei for five foler 7 y!7sr it. is an3 PllV to keel it open Cille all seasolts, rIollU it a desirable abode~omt a. j afor getS, pserieit and trasiit tte Th. wo Ire table will clltiilu to be the leading ry, i fe:ttlro of thie St. Jatces. Terms only the $250 per day. JAMES R. LEAKE, wr11I IProprietor. Al hOUSE, e- - liE ADLER IIOUSEl SU Clintonl, Lolisial tt - IIs co'nstanl'll em 1 l inr ti et h ," ti day, rtl ro onLev e SINGlE rEI11 F,'Itl Eos Se pt. 1,1 Eleg LttIt anli tell iiisbctf'lly, t iitS C l also Ite 1tt'ttl'tit"l, i L)L,. Jale o, 'h r1 -. Mrs. S. ADLER. Ne' JO LN WAGNER" ,;illo La. Cartriage maker, lVVleelwriiht Nit . As II sitl or OR ORAI Sl' ON TIlE -Ot)VII.IA' 1ltAi, NlI.At ip I O ' t Patl rtti" eit n gnt1 . nt'S h..... hti -Lb ' ilitt U-iti l C(C-I.l|" 'FLICIANA SENTINEL. h; co A DEMOCRATIC PAPER. an --,-- -- - ch OFFICIAL JOUIRNAL oF \VST FE1LICIANA ril OFFICIAL JOURNAL CITY OF BAYOU SARA PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. -=.--ro S. L.AMBEIRT. ..PROPRIETOR f( JO!T3 D. 61T7 AI' tl EuItor and Busilness Managerf . na St. Frsancisville, ept, 8S, 1878. urc at SUBSCRIPTION RATES. sC One copy, one year (in advance)....3 00 .. . : im. ' "a .... 1 00 AD VERTISIN(G RATES: [A Squale is tile space of ten lines solid hrliever. i a Space. I I i L Ssq're. $ 1.00 3.00 0. 0 .00 $ 1.00 1 S, 2.00 5.00O 9.50 15.00 20.00 f 4 a 4.00 8.50 15.00 23.00 30.00 t col'm, 5.00 10.00 1800 30.00 40.00 r. ' 19.00 20.00 40.00 50.00 70.01) I 1 " 20.00 40.00 60.00 90.00 125.00 5 Tnnoxacxrxq Calndidates: ?or State :ndl District offices, ....$25.00 Fr or Parish offices, ................ 10.00 r For police District oilices,....-----. 5.00 (to be paid invariably in a(dvace.) Transient AdIcrtslements will be inserted ;r. at the ate rate of .1.50 per square of te lines r fJor the first insertion, and 75 cents for taccl sIbscquent insertiou. e, Personalitics chargycd at tralsilnt adccr tisingl rates. hTi cabore scale of rates sx,,st be thIbe basis of all contradcls with aertlcrlisiarl aienlts. Obituaries, tributes of respect, resolulions - etc.. charged as advertisements OFFIf I AL The Li ait sil:ry To the Qualified Electors of mmSbjtr the State of Louisianlua. -Every OI:0.ICeS O SI~CT lIAIrv OF S ATEI, both ho STA.iT or LoUIStANA, erntr; it New Ortlcals, July 17, 18781. if he te In pursuance of article 147 of the con- his onje' stitutiou ot this State, puhlication is origuate hereby given to the voters of this State cto s to: of the Ilrposed aellltdtecl uS ito the coln- cosidrL slitutionl of this State, agreed to by two- iets Irt' thirdts of the Iltrtlllljtl' elected to calcti pass o house of the (hecrtal Assembly, at its ss- t shall sion of 1573. andt whichl are required to tpltrovt be putblished, three ltooths before the preselit next general electiot for ltepresentati ves l'ttC iii to the General Assembly, in at least oile lt11 tth ilewslpllter ill every pliish ill this state, ais in which a newvspatper shall be published. journal tSaid alnlllt lldllets :tappear mlOrO fullly illnU erb :4 acts Nos. 73 atndt 74 of the regular session lIuve b of the Uelteral Assemlbly of 178, and li law, ill id act No. 12 of tile extra session of the Gen- unless eral Assembly of jl78, which are olfficially inent, published for the intforlnition of the vo- ile tilt ters, and which will be submitted to the it the people at the next goueneral electiou, to be i id gi held on the lifth day of November, (next) it. T 1578, in such ia nauuer and form that the dicate people siay voto for or against each ed to 11, anltedulilltt, separa:telys, aui it" majority the lii 1,5 of tlhe votes at said etection stl,:l approve the st ik, aund ratify all or either of said atiOend-it- no inelits, the salme shall becomtie a part of itels the constitution. io l WVILL. A. STROSNG, itt Secretary of State. beIct tions 1GOS C TOSI UTIA01L AMEXDI)JIETS. tati AClR NO. 73, R. S. OF 1878. t toU I ONE. N. That the seat of goverllnlellt shall le cs established at the city o01 atou Rouge or peral at the city of New Orleants, as the ajor ity of the voters of tle State ia'ct eer- 1t1 .t ster / ell~tlU r t.tlO iI" tllOn 1in at the next etstitg l util '; to tlit voti t to locate, the State capill at itb- t Ca i L Rutg " e shall cllose i their tickets, l sad F For stato Capital, 1hat ll Rouge;" theose voti t to locate the calital at Now O - leans shall e. dorse" OI their Iticket;, " For i' State Capital, NeSU Orletains. ., (Strike toult articl o1 hundrdtl andl N "E ag.a TwOU. ha .epresutatives shall bIe chosen on the lirst Tuesday after the lirst Moiday in byt r five NoveUti, every- two tea's, and tie tlue - elti shall be co plet ed il ono day. 'Il tel CLhoat ctueral ssembly shal eet 1 " tte f" cirst sli oaboe iiaSy in Jaonuarey, 1679, aud bieuttaly l e isiut t tletrcltiLo, it the list oitttld:y i n tJ: ia- tat diug ryy, ,niless citdilfr t (lay be llipointe by . lt S onalw, id their sessio shall ie he ldat the seat of .5vernnlntt. tilt (strike out article scveteel .) lN Ator. After the year 1875 the Genteral asseItt- b lily sll not liive powelr to levy ill any l -r otit year for all btate llrp.ses luore tliatt oiie pexr eLiutttlut taxatioL, lloir shall att d ollection of o t h er tRl ts tatioll bo nutalt ill ai " OII t ti 'e arl Oer til e ti a t eertual cash valuo of all real attI ILersO nal tl la ouropeltty liatble to tuaxation, except ill n tay se of t foreign itvasiuu or a donitestic . isurrecti ion, a nd in tthat eveut atiy adttlli IST S. tioitl t -axtili ssha11 olly be for theo it- " iss lli ; allltc iit r use of repelling intvasion or R, ppei t tsirreti..l.. , i lsTe city ot New Oru'eahs slt, tl itt levy or collect in oeLL ear eht ailtltd onte-htalf p 'n  "t n-tt t.i.al tit uO n t hlt ti actual cash e value of aiLllth el l cud lersoillal proper , tyltiable to taxaltiun wit ttIln its litttils. lvr gltt Nilntiisio h or titotlItt'tl ct1 sllihllOIl y eoit thile city it Net OliS, il levy ori collect i.' :.tty one year ni',ar tiltai tle I t, N AIot let cllt .... tniationl upon Iheo tetual `" caslh valtie of all the real auInd ,e.oltl lttlel Vtii to libl to alltid itlet Iit " have 1¢cr to islieu ally' bolid or plel-e tile faith of the State for any purpos.e, nor each distriel shall it authorize any parish or municipal law, shall bl corporation to issue any bond or create qualieti ele any dlebt ; prbrided, that this shall not trict there sl prollibit the issue of new bonds in ex- cept it the r change for old bonds, where the debt or the General rato of interest is not increased. ma may dstri NUMIEiR FOUl. ber uow antl The menmbers of the General Assembly cept by a tw shall he paid a salary of five hundred dol- bers elected tars (7500) per session, and actual travel- eral Assenhbl ing expenses by the nearest practicable ed by law, t route, uot to exceed litty (+50) dollars .ing in the pi for auy one imember; proric' d, that if the jurisdict two sessions are held in the same year law; no red they shall receive for the second session made so as in that year a salary of only two hundred cumbency o and fifty.dollars ($250) and actual travel, districts in I intg expenscs by the nearest practicabl'e than thirty ro ute, not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) for The Genera any oUe uelitber. The re ilar biennial law for at lI session shall not exceed ninety daya in district coal duration, unlbss by vote of two-thirds eral Assomlu of the members elected to each house of circuit cour Sthe General Assembly. pilng the dis (Strike out article thirty-utne,) conposing NUMBEt FIvE. of the list ' The General Assembly shall not pass cu1tsl To o Sany local, or special law chaugig the meeting ofnd venuo in criminal cases, chaugig the tppellated manner of liersonts legitimuatinghihlre, ppcourell wit vacating road, streets, or alloys, remit- cournt iln 0 ing fines, penalties, and forfeitures, or re- aolltrs ($1( t funding, moneys legally paid into the dols ot o0 treasury; alfectiug.he estates of miniors, doe 0ot xci )o or persons under Ddistbilitjy,' exempting (Asl00) yx O proplerty frin taxration, creatinlg :any hieo 0 opellolics,.legaliziug the nuanthorizted or thirds vote invalid acts of any officer or agtent of the botrh 1host State, or or any parish or lannicipality; causes wit 3 grantitg any extra eoutnplousatio to alny cus one I )I public otficer, agent, or contractor, after ieed of e it )0 the service has been rendered or contract- striction, t ed fort ; eaugiig any parish sot, or cr- ted shall I ed atiug new parishes, except y the assectt the class o of the majority of the quallota electors of thu parish, or parishes, to bi affecCte d, lport. T1 is all other cases, where a geitletel law sall bei clall be lutic appyliciabl, no local or spo- of their - cial law shall be passed. Iold their i NUME Six. (Strii. The Governor shall receive a salary of 018 seven thousand dollars iper aliInui, paya- Each of ble quarterly, on his own warrant. - (Strike out article fifty-six.) cct in th NU11ti:ti SlEN. he less tL The Lietiten:lut Governor shall recievo more that a salary which shall be double that of a uIt , pay of member ot the General Assembly. rant, whi (Strike out article fifty-seven.) ditinistu NUMBER II I ttir. must he lIvery bill whieih shall have passed over the both housesi shall be present etl to the Gov- lawth re erlnor e it h appIrovu it, ie shall sin it law het 7if Lie slueU Ihot; he shtll[ o rtthrl t it, vit t S hio olijectitnlis, to the house iii which it of he fit i is origiatd, which shall ueter the object- ics t at ions at large up n its journal, and't pro- pis ol ccil to reco)nsider it. it;, after such , re- sicudda Cull- cSiilletilatioi, tVwo-tllirds of aill the mLinII-a two- ets pr.selit ill thalt house shall agree to ed. eahli paS the bill, it shall be sent, with the (Strie S es objectiotis to the other holuse, by which atoit shall likewise he reotusitleri[, and if III li p to illrtovcil by two-tlhirds of thle me:lbers tdis the lr:sin t. in that house, it shall be a law. cOnstite Sves linlt ill siuch casesC the vote of both houses tled by ha1ll be dctcrllltilcl lby yeas anrd nlays, i, a S all tie tt'0names of letbrnL voting for or be t cit. tate, gaiitS thin bill shall be enteredtupoi the shall II shed. journal ot each house respectively. If rant ly in aty bill shall not be returned by the toreney t overstor withlin five days ufter it shall shall re sshoit Iave beetn presented to hidm, it shill be a notless h id tlaw, l i like Mauer iis i he hail signed it1 lowtre l Gen- unless the General Aseatbly, by adjourun- e by ci tly tn-Lt, iprevelt its rettrll ; ill which case, tin h within thirty days, the Governor shall :t:l pa to Tile the iesalme, vith his objeetios tlhereto, r-t. to the in the oftice of the Secretalry of State, the pal to be and give public notice thieret; otherwise Ifrot a next) it slill Ibct m aita law, as if he hNtl signled ttitbot it. 'tI:e Secretalt y otf State shall comitt- dllr at the ideate saiid objectios and bill so deposit- reciivl eaci ed to tie horlse ill which it orbigated i lowed ijority the first tlVay of the ieetiing of tle inext leLs Geneto itral. AsselmbltCIIy, wiio siall a.ct lPOii such e tei h - th ill .3 s t aLs ti t p tlrovitet di. The ov rtl "- t ittie d ottos tishtlpihpoLV er shall eo vo it or lllmore may p reS of items i tny hIill a tptrol iatie lll( in -, elect bra'. tt ilgs tistindiat iteits, w hie appvf - of the i ,t or e" p ortiCo s of the1 av bill, V tO. he sh (Stritt or part tif the till arsitsi. t sil tou i or e iteL ai d the iemi o plr liic.tpia tiotis disa plprovet shall be void, untiletss I reltalsos sletl leotrti to tile ritles and iiS- iec t 2S. tat el tinn tl'sCrictil for ti e plissaligC of oth- inters ril it Is over the tGvernorr's veto. le sh NUMiBiERI NINE. of l Noi officer, whose salary is fixed by the iGte htll Oet- const ii titn, hudrill he allove, any U ees or for ti ge, Lo r 1Ci utt isites o "f tlice.l Ci i Sm1anjor- Nlit a ( Sli O t deter- 'rlte jodielal ptwer shall be vested in a Sti rit lsi ctio rt, il slvi et courts, aniutlil i o s ti s tires tit the e t e.T e ao rlltri coI lectsi c tilt shall have trigitidl j tisniiet ltl in all a tri- the ;those itueases where the luitinit in dlisptie Tx-hli No tuo soill n lluulted dollars, cxlsv ort it,, at F clurest. Io ter , iu jii Cl ol;ss, a nal ill all I ed l r Tl t tan i iteeu c ttc rs, their jI isaiSetiu sh all t L e a uliniiied. ''hey htill ht ave appi t l t hill iuris ictiuo u o inc Civil snuits frto jlantio sr of t o te tlite ae, wteu the atI U t t iO is to nc ieceed :n doits, cxtsiv )f interest.th e ont lh justiceso tit the peate shall lie electtl ch y il by tic eet ts t el cti arish i the l t-rll i i e o c tc- tier anid whiti the iquilic.tous ito be dtie t ' ertiiued by the GQntral As.setly. They .5 sie ll stle sla I l eI olliecua frt the te;rtll o if tl n ci:', Sh htlly ati t teir cir t ot satiu :i s all tie iIxci by ii alaw. Their juriadicitit ii civil eases.for oniey slual II iuit eXcee:di olne, 1uIlidull ltaol )l c-LX et a e hut tt lusiv 'e of itite rest, si hjuct tol. ct ami Itl t i,) a " tliittoiti tii it li,i tiit shall exc ett t tt1ii l s hiviti te S tLc:h crill lil jiiris t tiltLi .i shall t lt bi ioit'etreil tly Ila . th'lie iltherd AsIseti viu l ibly shall lttvo Pl\vcr tit t lst iiil tlihe elerl's shalltty s ich oir t' iis l l i li ih act s li i t. It. t'l li lltt each district one judge, learned in the tile co:lstita law, shall be elected by a plurality of tel, qualified electors thereof. For each dis- NE trict there shall be one district court, ex cept in the parish of Orleans, in which 'ihl Supel the General Assembly may octablish s tiadred ds i many district courts as t1 h linhlie inter- hin drd eat may require, not to exceed tile ll- own a ber uow authorized by existing laws, ex- N1 cept by a two-thirds vote of all the Luitu No liCOtIst hers elected to both branches of the (ienl- State, or a eoral Asseimbly. Util otherwise lcrovid- itt, orl ailly ed by law, tle district conuts now exist- ry or factol *.ing in the pirish of Orleans sallll have police regd f the jrisdioti'in at present colferlred Ioy rlaw; no redistricting or ch ani' shat l e imade so as to take etfec during the n The Leg': I cunhenc of any judge. The numtnbero ept frt districts in the State shall ulpt lb less taxettlon li 0 than thirty nor more'than forty-filve. tare, wearl r The General Assembly shall provide by profession I law for at least four termcls ILnually of the ceeding ill 1 district court in every parish.. The -uenl- five hllnudr Seral Assembuly shall have power to create f circuit courts, to be constituted by grou- ACT NO. pilng the district judges into circulits, and N comlposilg the circunit court of the judges 1 of the district courts within such cir- Strike o cuits. To direct the place or places of of the con SmllOeting of said circuit courts so consti- "A univer e tuted, and to vest said circuit courts with luaiuttiie , appellate jurisdictiou from the district it shall br t- courts withia the circuit where the and a colic alinount involved exceeds one hundred approiriti 10 dollars ($100) exclusive of interest, and senIbly s:o hs does lrot exceed live lnlldrol - dollars ization a a (.500) exclusive of interest. Thie General "'I'e dii SAssembrly shall have power by a two- shall .e ci or thirds vote of all the imembers electeid to aol acanle he both houses, to restrict the appellate er departs ih jurisdictiorn of the Suprelmel Court to law, each ny causes liere the aiuouit involved cx- proridced. , ceeds ouone thousanld dollars ($1000) exclu- partineuti , sive of interest ; and ill case t suchi re- tinue in t re- striction, the circuit court so, to be crea- atedecici it ted shall have alppOll.te ridicti t bloct rms the class of cases thns excluded from the I, appellate jurisdiction of 'the Suprelnle Cul a pap Court. Th clerks of the disstrct courts Inidies Fe pe- shall be elected by the qcualiied voters best med of their respective parishles, and s tlilltl I hold. their office fr four years. , for (StriIke out articl eiglhty-tlheem.) cures the Slm- (f IBneit Twihn TEis. ges out t - Each of thre district judges shallreceivo toni, car0 a salary, to be fixes by law, whichl, cx- aicknls, cet in tle parish iof Orleans, shall not sufferer, be less tLaui two thousalnd dollars, nlor eve more tlla three tlholsanlt dollars per a- It is che of nuntl, payable qluart'erly oi his own war- - rant, which shall not be iicreaasd nior iEI Sdiitinislrhed during his term of office. 1ie must be a citizent of the United States, sead over the age of twenty,-livt years, anti If w l hatve resided in the Stale and practiced Nation 1it:i law therein bfor thle space of two years With ti itli nest preceedilng his election. 'Tho judges l of the 'district courts shall hold their of- itS, a lice for tile term of four years.. II thile rl the parish of Orleans thle annuTal salary of the beng rt- disirict judges shall not exceed five thonu s;mi- a doll:tIs, to be paid as above provid- underl e to ed.tio ll O tle (Strike out article eighty-four.) itl rhich NUMBERl FOUIr'rhrCN. a tlad if Ini lieu of the office of district attoreeyv, oUtd ibers estalblishl d by article ninety-two of lie law. constitutioi of IiN, there shall be elect- SO "uses ted, by tile qualilied voters of each par- Louis Lns, ish,l a State's attorney therefor, who shall 1c1 , uor or be a citizen of the Illitecd States, who at le shall Iave been a resident ot the`t et, reach . if and a: practicing and duly licensed natio the torlley at law, foLr at least two years. lie a slall shall receive a salary ftnll cie StateRof a mi I be a not less than three nor molllre tlhanl seveii prol ied it hundred dollars per ar illUa, to be provid- evcnl iouru- ei by lanw upo the basis of rlepres'loctIi SCisC, tlion in the Hlous of ln.lcseltt:tives, shall :fi payaRble quarterly cu.his owl war- this creto, rant. He shall, be e.-officio attorney of anti State, the p:arish, anl receive such salary, there-t C evis from as may be Lixed by the 'parochialI slhed authtboritis, iot to exceed sevi hnildred thio iut- dollars per anltntu. le shiill oreove, and "posit- receive such fees of otiffie a malr Ie atl- l cp' .ted ol lowed by law. In the city of New Or i next leaIns tile State's attorney shall receive t{ i\oi such comIpeusatioln froil thle cIty, iii ad- mi: Dover- ditioll to Ile salary atlbve provided, as it W r niulimy be establlished by law. lie shall be Ittiit, elctold at the same time with the judges Oft lotlplu- of the district courts, anli shall hold hlis j'jl 111e the office for the terml at four years. i l Ushall NUMEit- - taN"ced ulesi III every case where the judge may be assi Sliu- reCsed, anlld \whenO he is not lpersonally Wlii of o It- interested ill tile matters i' conlltestatLion, lie shall select a law\yer, having thle noc- trOt essary qiualifcatiolns requ ired for a judge mtU of his court, to try such cases; allnd the ref I by the General Assetnbly shall provide by law y ee for the trial of those cases ill lwhich ilme djai jidugr mlay be absenrt or rlot'uss to act. (Strike out article ninety.)o sttd ill :a UIER SIM.tiX'tEEN. t a l In orderilsrvdre to prloide fo the esttbLlisll- a c co lts iielit Of tlhe judicial system crcatedl by i all ci\- the above amendmlelots, anld to prevelt spuithe s- lic evils of aill iuterreguiltl., it is h ruby OC 11stvu ot ordained by t.he peollc of Loulsiana thi 1 h e leieral Asstbly, wi iu slll 5which meets the firsit Mohtly ill .Jalll Iary, ash es of 1379, shall in accrdacellC with the fore gistii " coing atuhncueuuents ilmlmduliatedly redis- cX est. trict the State, alld liroVi(de io tr1he ai 0 e letedl thority oIf clerks, Iud the election and e ll- criiial jurisdictio of justices of the . be rle- peace, i Sily. cy Siid--l'lat ms son as the Legislatnure tshac ec:s, djll have acted as atfrce;id, lIhe Ucvelr lvi cas for hilsI:L t'." the peace tar each p:rlrshi uce'hird CX- ceclt the I;ish of Orlcnis, aIlid fitr lis- ti liii :uL"iiLt'ictjudgesin each district, crtlitel icy W iiiethe re bgli ch lc0 or Illol' 1 't 'r islnIdss have betell addtedL, cr tulkctll frolllcP Icc y shall the cxisting ijtuiiai;l diistrict, llnlc ; Ir ' ill St:itoeattrctales , as above icr viidel ex eipt icc the pri'sh of Or-leas, w-hc-re the tit ltccsdisr(ictsl net ittryllc blr hieP 1criuh ,ha1ll ice a ci aticiilcY '1'lcttr o ul ct i i. sll i cc, C iruc te, which daiy .ihal| .,4h * II ci "extil or lclcru ta;ul lillcety claYs aftcr S cltint . '. ... .. . "cc l s.i 'l i l ct. lIce , Ier ll cs i t ci ct-it cle.te, " i.t sacic l oliec lout shal it 'x-ll S tc t ic i init, atio i ci cliai.cif districts. tl ci y-o Oit' alttt lucid hL Ctier i can c tutc aven " lhcr yc-s s '-'Lchat 11c' jc lic'ial s shill, t( CS cLdl tlti- L i t lie thiirti~thi a ttica. SS tcl clc"tjccc, e the colsttittiolun of 1868 shall be aliroga if tedl, NUMBER EIGhTEE. : 'hT Superintelletlt of Public Educe-. tion shall receive a salary of tlirty-fiyl' _hdred dollars, payable quarterly o his own ,arrant. NUMBER NINETEEN. u No license tax shall be imposed by the Stiate, or :ally parish or muoticipal attlior ity, o aylly luectlial.tr-ade, tlnll.ufact1: i. ry or factory, except such as Imay reqitirt Spuliee regulations, in towns atd cities. NUMBER TWENTY. •- The Legislatill is authorized to ex o erupt from Stato, mtrulpsp l or parish Staxaitonl household goods,; uclh as furni S into.re, wearing apparel, tuols of, trade or by professioln arnd tatmily portraits, lnot ex le ceeding in aggregate value the sum of five hundred (lollars. )-1 ACIT NO. 12, EXTRRA SESSION OF 1878. nd NUMBER TWENTY-ONE. ir- Strike out the first liart of article 1"4 of of the ooustitutiou of lid8, which reads : di- "A university hall be est.alblishcd ani. raith ,aiutied lin the city of Now Orleanls.' llt it shall be composed of a law, a medical thle lan a collegiate deplrttmeut, each with red approptriate faculties. The General As Ssebly shall provide by law for its organ las ization and inalltertance; and insert: ;ral "T'he university shall be maintained. It wo- shall be conmposed of a law, a medical and to tnll ailadle:ical departluneut', anud pul oth Late or delartments as may be established by to law, each with. .approprito faculties ; e- prorided, that the law ati muedical do cl- partleults already organizeil shall con re- tine inl the city of No Orleans, and the rea- c:;.dealical and other departments may ot be located elsewhere in the State." non Culr. Chill Tonic, thl Great West tis Inudies Fever and Agiue Renmedy, is the ters best medicine ever presented to the I'co ple, for the speedy cre of malaria--It cures the Chill roots out tie Fever, rar ges out the malarial poison from the sys eiv tel, carries of the blacr bile--Ib. sves. eo- sickness, and gives hlalth to the poor otr sufferer, get a bottle from Miumford.- r a- It is cheap, llUd Safe. I nll REFORM USDER. SUSPICION. ind If we mistake not the Louisiana ,tred National disclaim all sympathy w` with the Socialists, the 'Commun r of- ists, and the labor movement s" I the representcd b o Mr. Kearney. Tilis t being tile case we are at. a lose to movill uinderstand the party name," 'Na tiOpll.: low can that party call. itse!l a National party which asri no affiliation with any partye of the outs:den of L' mUis:aa. telct- So far as vZ caln make it out the' ,i Lr- Iouisiana Nationa!s propose only Slocal, or State roefcrms. Their 'staRte, riach andu aimn, thereltre are not ;ed at- national, and gain their name is te f a misnomer. But ettieng aside the seven proprieCty of a titte which is at all iruovid- events euphonic and dignified, it taltni rematlins to be itlquired how far ti this party is likely to prove ruy of anythintg utior than a disturbing Sther- elencut in Louisiana politics. One Luudrod thing i, -etubliiihed beyond d)ubt, orcover, and that i.3 Ih:tt thi3 party, without tn Rtepblican alliancc, will rep :sent rceive nollthing more than a traction of a , a- mi: oity vote. With that alliance ihil s it will compose tile weakest wing tjlges of an ati Dmoocratlc movemuent. hold hi IVhatever thit it can accomplish-l in the 'direction of reform must be accomnplished wi . the content and e tony he assistance of the very organizstion rrs nlly which tmore tian any other has in ethetu troduced abuses into the State and i ajlldge municipal guvernment, and made n l the refiurm necessary. Will an;lbody edeny th ? I" not, why skodld to act, any man be asked to support a  tional party which is nothing more. than a skill :owcd at thi esern of stablisll a disgraced a:;d defeated party ? reeated by Let it be admit ted that the Dem s ocras Ihave not egage d as yet in S a: tht dt:siderated work of reform Asseubly, with that energy and disinterested II jlitlit, zeal which the MateI had a right to tidy tours- exieet. How does t at improVO ll the atLl- the situation of the Republican ie of rth par1-ty her e? Will it say. 'You will nt, or, at least you liave not islatue abi.hcd all the abuses which we S tt_ ....- .-,itrod-.ce, Ud thserfore, you the D enroertaCy must give way to us, t1( 0'Is-tlilt we m:Ty undo our own evil cre:tltulby wojik?' Nothing could, by nay I tic.tito trn po-sibility, be more absurd. 'The ctianti for thief-tatLer may be negligent and rvtide l cx- slothful ; but that does not argue w sohll te that rogue and policeman should ex , 10 l biL change place.-N. O. PicaytueL. t,'i thnl It was midnight ; the dark shad ll' iy5 f"t-t O~v- nestled o'er thie sleeping Ionwt oo t shall lt- of lialamaazoo, with not a ru :of of l ls. Sl light to break the sjn:breness ot v yirrS, shall thiti SCer·e All ifli sctued to ell':co1 eIt, e l ite)? h t res't, and-- well hIiw shall we en I this ? O)h. yes ! ' F'ric one Iioilltilil drug 5to "7s.' ' i l ,o ,li i ioi" last night,' said he. Said ahef - You fg I' A/ud he flOe --BOset6 ii- '-(iiigC)'JlP