OCR Interpretation

Louisiana capitolian. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1879-1881, February 08, 1879, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064592/1879-02-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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y· lr
bte fo 'P llip Ma- bra
s r Mike Cha t, for late g
ig papers. 0
CoL ' I4 roT NoWN .-Glance
er n and you will find an
t nl4ce from this oever official. t
'al telegram frbn New Or- p
tes *bat an inJnne has been I
r veting the Audi or from issu- If
y arrants against the General a
for 879, .
tef l thank ae extended ,"
illet, of West 3aton Roqge tl
for o present of a work enti
"He a, Honors and Horrors of 7T
ellow ever of 1878." el
JAID -Is the auctioneer par rt
cc. oee who vant anything l
in his and in IFjuick and bsid
like m O, could not call upon a
mtan, is too well known to D
any eces. Examine his card. o
a send first number of the ci
troLIA d oime of our, friends t ri
STh who, desire to have their Si
es place our list of 4scribers w
please : y us, otherwise we will W
their p ere before sending oth
r bers. ,h
sss. F r & LAMOx.-These i
'ln at attending to all legal di
ss en 4 their care, with di
well kn o ptness and ability. T
tablis 1' ation 6f this fire Uo
flicien, a ta l litiants. i ei
Sir card slc
at law, are e
heir profession. I
- 11 known, that re
` ate, that any et
Iseed " hands will di
the most i nd effective l>
Josrltn' RA !o E en you o0
anythii:l n the h re , you ifl
do po b4~er than at his store,ti
Thitl tit.n The : ent is comn
e l, sitd can atk antageous
irchases te Aio a Ili g and
quire eya onTnaent. of
M Rss. W. & S. M iTssoN. b1
Sanothe llnl will uni the e
rd of t frhin. Dt the ab- ot
of C e rtso1n, M. e afftairs lii
the fina e zdouticted i ry able wi
wanter by 1i rson, S. RHo n, E se
11 gal bn ess eitrusted cir ct br
it eceive closest atte" be
ýIýU0N3 IIONOGRAPH. is il- Al
tor ting a. Wition was 1i before In
g audience on Tuesday a1 'dues- th
da asit, to Ajb great uutius t and b
an ' action tl those whose for- ti
tan t was present. T o- in
gr is well Worth seeing. want q
of a lee this week, we e:ll tio till
A bj st full jastice. thll
'4a mE EA rn)AII 1IOTEL A tui
'. T.-Is kept by C. Cr ni' ,
in t ist ofatyle. ThIe' lu'bt a an
.tl n cnn be bl at this 'est~al ib t .nt
Sii t paty of rooms, sIard lin
n tbd r1r dliencies, hic wii
i 'er styli. His win)'es;, i... d
a .fi.t c -lass. nie
J. WAX.-lf you wvnli e e
u'e iserch ant, a h a capits itt
anid ego aknows hIow t a
tndO-. onI store, g ur Ho
vns met arrlted tick n -111
a will dM. HtI e i
lt alilo wi thairices and oq . ult
S oods, you 'eat be llesiud for
 Look at hictrd.
tAIN CAHIoN's f1ew step T,
ae ichnrson reechrwd our lan S
eslay motrning. aShe isn in e tar
r, thf e large etl ith gniflc t
a ho has be rerported to be. i
b' couenodations lw are uperb. I I
to I carrying apalEity sraidl to he
S ttoi balens, shi be one
Ssati test river palaces.
i ush is the knee who ides fite
sp tIe andeoeoly arrangeod elsoon -
hee r offlikted sat d Maina He is
gent r ooms cZnu eo4ato Louis
Besir, deiia in it f~a. half barrel
ow t e malglt glaai L k of
coe eigars, A IytA 1. hard to
S Mixologist% an oes every
thieng i n. He'll not let you go
eawayo eleg .
Jon nason.-To those whowieh
to have lihe or jewelry repaired, or
I' make p . of silverware, clocks,
cro ture frames, anil every pe
s es ofj r3y, etc., etc., the place to go
in order obtain srtisfraction, both in
quality in prices, is undoubtetily at
the esta nent kept by Mr. Johnson,
who 1s lver as a mnnan he. He
has, it on tote ath general
assortm of hardware. and see
.iE AMERs..-Everybody goes
blishmont near Pike's Hall,
keeps conetsg ly on hand
statlone Cy and toilet articles, va
rieties et lie keeps besides a ffl ans
sortment aohool books, novels, illus
trated a spapgers, standerd works,
., etc. say that he is amiable and
uarteous 4l, would be to insult him
(1rb Zs la fridends who know that
'meat, are wasted upon him.
lieve, but sinm1
ment ho forgot he;
seemed to himi unn
former bachelor rox
and, as the lady :
being neglected, sI~
State;" an'y t elh bie
tygovern me nt lst be oca ere
We are happy to note the fiendly at
terancesof the Paktot.,I oort.. It is no
more however, than 'co ve been ex1
pected from this able of popu.
lar sentiment--a J jirl ver founmd
in'the breach in support of Eight. We
apprej these wd ofencouragement
doubl coming as the4p from our
steadfasthlat Feliciatt ds. In the
"sweet bye and bye~" i remember
In response, in i -tl of the' CAPI
TOLlAN, we have to yy;that we have
entered in the aMu a1d With vizor
lowered and "lstaxa ret," we stand
ready to meet arny opponent, from any
quarter he may come.
DUcINo T STEA.-Through t loliteue ,
of Mr. William Blackie, an /blo m a-I
chinist of our city, who holds ti patent I
right in this State for the appli4tion of I
Salisbury's steam-producing' hu ntion,
we had the opportunity of seclg its
workings at the factory of Mr. `, W. (
Brown. With a slow fire, sufflciat to t
heat a pipe containing coal tar, an by
thesimplestmechanism a valve is tur , I
which allows a stream of coal tar-In- t
lered combustible by this heat, to e c
driven with great force into the furnac, e
'This spray soon increases the intensiti 1
of the heat to just such a degree as th s
engineer desires, regulating it either by°;
'hutting off or opening the valve at his
pleasure. Such is, in brief, the msodus
Vperandi. There can be no.doubt of the
rntire success of this great discovery.
With a trifling cost, with either coal tar,
esidue of petroleum pine tar, rosin, etc.,
steam can bO obtained. Engines of all
leseriptions, on water or on land, can be
sed according to this marvelous though
sinple process. Any one possessed of
)rdinary intelligence will be convinced
n a few minutes of its entire prac
WE had the pleasure last week of
attending an impromnpts seance on animal
zuagnetismn at the rosom of Prof. Achmet
if this city. This scientist h14d drawn
with chalk on a small crobi. oundl ta
,le-which should have been lback so he
xplitined,-certain hieroglyphics known
aily to himself. He then sent an intel
igent contraband in search of a rooster,
vherever hwcould find one. Thle mes
euger soon made hiu re-uppelarance
iringing a red one,--which should have
teen a grey one,-for reasons too lengthy"
o describe, so the Prof stated. Mr.
Lelhmet seizing the foul by the legs,
ulde several passes, not understood by
he spectators,-pronouncing some' ca
alistic words at the saune hime. He
hen placed the rooster on his head, hold
ng it in that position for a few seconds;
lddenly hie brought his sublject onil this
able placing it with its bill resting on
ie c.entral ,eroglyphic. At this junc
ure 1a ell A rung, the P'rofessor held
Ip his handslli, when lo and behold, tile
noster lay there 1i in l: traInce, ilotionill
s and with its feathers raised as if
eized with terror. Presto chaige, after
wo paitsses and two unintelligible words,
hle l,.ll was twice rung, and the rooster
as itself again. We have seldom wit
uc~sed a: more interesting experiment.
'o the admirers of spiritualism, this
xhil,ition would be very gratiftying.
oc.rY.-This flourishing organization
eld its annual ameeting on last Monday,
rd inst. Thl, following anmed gentle
cln were elected as its officers to serve
r the ensuing year:
Presideftt, Dr. B. Duehein; Vice-P1resi- I
ruts, J. J. C;ldevielle aznd I. Pujol; c
ieasurer, Jules Froment; Recordling t
ceretary, L. Judot; Financial Secre- i
ry, Leon Jantstrmnski; Recording Sec- I
tary, I. Cazedesusll. Flinance Con- I
littee, A. F. Baroeyre, J. B. Dupny, t
Ousset; Relief Commnittee, J. iom- c
ulzou, G. Getselly, and .loseph Billiard; Ii
dmission Comunittee, J. J. Capdoviolle I1
d P. Castro. a
he customary interchange of compli
nts was indulged in, a safiale to the I
tion, which Ibeamte nliore ald llore
imtenntal as the liquids grew beauti
less.. Our reporter addled 'that C
l thing wont off' in the haplpiest malllnlI
vA N1) GAutIo.-This firmnn is c
Sin all extensive three story 0
g, jam full of groceries, liquors, 0
oes, ald plantationl supplies. It h
I s to name on which street their b
ris situated, becautse everybody P
k They do besides a heavy busi- 0
Sxchange, comnnilsion and pnr
Sc of cgtton, sugar and country a
a ni ' Liberal dealing, selling at '
, cot res, close attention to filling
all with dispatch are the charac
o( tri of this house. See their ad- a
1 vert ts. a
S .J. SnArPE.-We had the
plea meeting, on yesterday, this "
s qentl who lately retun d fr omg
Nw n, whither he has'bee seryv- I'
1 ing th of this parish as'kIgr. ni
S in the Lower Honae f i
the G ssembly Mr. Shlarpe has ~
Sbeen s and attentive ill the per
foman is duties througho
1 ession, u fathth
a the wi his e
t particul
tte ahthat isfr
u" goiod results. We it
How up closely the A
J at qu ntil the Convention
'has ratified t 'ority given to Baton
Rouge. t, nons ret'ons. In
Lrthrance 0 bject, we intend to SI
tend out as sopies through the or
I State as the hat the people far- ti
3nish us by the port will permit. Pt
The "sinews of lis what we need. is
W were pl o` :z
streeta, is woek,
eVa, vthe rtyl j of wtJ i tio
gafndlm in poodhl pdqt
d, as evre ready to perfoni i arci,
bs dutites in a tmalat.b;sgivs
utierpseal satosfaeto s
htpaplMant a nfaot ilys ina ei hiat
and turnaobut a-. int.jaflf fcqP4C t
oif se ell, oil ein and iantem
Under the aotlv an of
Capt. Jlghu D. Filer, ev abit
the OliTorl is carried on withyste
We are hap, indeed, th chronile4s
enterprise ri a coaiplete success. It
affords employment to many persona in
our city.
NIcA9PAs .WAx. ppoatte the
Co.rt mouse is where this complete gro
cery establishment is kept. Everything
that a planter or a family needs in the
weay of supplies of this kind, and in any
wuantities desired, can bebftained there.
es is also agent for Blats's unrivaled
Sildwaukee Beer, which he sells at
wholesale or retail. He does a large
md prorsprous business by giving entire
satisfacttion to all those who deal with
tim. We could not direct one to a bet
er place.
B. A. DAY.-Is the clever and thor
iugh going pharnacist who conducts i
natters at the "Red Stick Drug Store,"
orner of Africa and Somerulos street.
t would worry your patience if we were
o tell you all that he constantly keepa 1
n hand. You can be sure however that ]
verthing that a complete drug estab- .,
iaipntt is expected to have is there ina
tore 'Mr. Day sees that every order or I
rescription is properly filled, and at all I
ours. F'br further particulars see his I
THOMAS J. WOOD.-Below the hill
9o4ain street, is where his fine store is
kit Liqulor, groceries, tobacco, ci- 1
gat plantation supplies in the greatest
abtlance, are there for sale acll the time, a
to litlnunerous customers, who come to r
him jpm both sides of the river. He to
buys d trades in cotton and country 1
produk and either gives you the money 1,
or the od in exchange. A good fel- o
low an good fellows is what lie is. 1l
He'll d nything in the world to ac- a
comnei you. It's a pleasure to deal a
with him (o and see hime. n
B. F AEAN.-I8 'anlother dry i
oodls man,t io does a tip tip businesrs.
ibs dazar, ircr of Main and Third,
Scrammed I of fancy and staple
Sygoodu, Ming, boots and shoes, A
ats, and in fieverything in that line.
ly wholesale n retail, lie launches out
uis stock at hi time prices. It's an 0
asnny matter to bibargains at this store.
c buys direct f the fountain head, Is
nd cn afford to things low. They
save a hard lghtvery. day there to
ttend to their unimnsn customers. He El
harges nothing tado.k at his goodls.
fry hhn. TI
me of the old thinie \mblishmnments of Am
lSwfore the war." It ii well ke1,t now
e ever. Furniture of\ldCsoripttion,
id in anlle stock,, soalt the mostr
nmcearsi~lly on had. Immid1'i a clever Sci
vay of selling yon whatlnt ye1d, wheni
tU aire going into house \ing, and
mc is symplmthetic wlhenhe , perforan
:ie sandl duties of the undert There
s nothing hose or mean tt him.
(ou can always obtain what l desire
it low cost. Everybody likeb herei1, anu
und wish himn well. l)on't fail .l lo1 his
mim. See his advertisement. \ wi
BROOK'S )RUC S'TORE.-0 ain ina
treet is ani institution in its Wa. WOo
mny go there and ask for anythi o% r
t'uit in the line of ldrugs, chel
atoent medicines, toilet andl misce ho
us articles, tobacco, cigans, fius tol
ackle, bruslws of all kinids, paints, r
lasw'are, cutlery, etc., etc., and ye sn
lever fail to find it, and at the low fac
jarket quotations. The closest amtea
ion is given in the matter of filli
rdetrs and prescriptions. L)r. Brook
as none but competent employees about
im. Nowhere in Louisiana can a better
ppointed drug establishment be found.
Vlmat we say we mean, and if you don't
elieve usn go anl see for yourselves.
Cro,. ANI)REW S. [ERRUO.N.--In
mrumon with everybody-uand every
ody in his friend-we had the pleasure, I
n Wcdnesday, of welcomning home our
ever reliable" and distlguished fellow
itizen, Col. Andrew 8. Herronu, who has
nce again won fresh laumrels in the
inucils of the State. His constituents
now that hle is "as dusty as a Toledo
lade." He never fails to do what the
coiple expect of him. In the early part
F the session-in the Senate-he stood
roumost to call a Convention, and for
i early adjournment-this in accord
ith the peoplq's wishes. In all other
atters, he has been found as usual-
true to the call." We are plroud to
iiterate our hearty welcomne to this
comnplishled gentleman.
Wi. GARIGo.-In another column t
ill be found the advertisements of this
i-ahead and thorough business manager. t
I lhin'spacious warehouses, with room I
tflicicnt to hIold the loads of flivof the r
,rgest s~eanme planters, mil fehants
id oth one of thIe largest I
rios, liquors, plan,
n merchae -
themnslves i
,Z'iey willnd ~
and acconunodating
ployees, and every transac
fi effected in a quick aMd systematic 1
ylc. Mr. Garig is fully prepared be- e
les, and does a large business in cot
n buying etc., as also general receiving, y
rwarding, warehousing and steamboat Jl
rency. h
eak of a thorough business man, and ti
e who is posted as to overy- fluctna
n in the market, Jackson's namn ap
are. At the corner of d Main tm
where the comuntry wagons c
h, ere, t._
keeps a Hill aseortment of pipsp, ve
and tin ware of overy discription. Hisl
strait-forward and upright way of doing
business is bringing to him new ouse
t6mers every day. There is no humbug
about hii; His advertisements are ia
our colums. 4
STABua.--Mynherr Philip Bott is the
president of these combined institutiops.
He is established "across the line," near
the corner of St. Louis and Boulevard.
If you'll tip him the wink, he'll know
what you want. If you indulge occa.
sionally he'll give you the best of liquors,
beer, cigars, etc. Then if you desire it,
he will see that your horse is fed, or he
,will furnish one to see you off, or if you
want carriages, there they are, with
horses and drivers too. All this he does
in his good natured way and makes
light charges for everything.
WE have to ask the indulgence of
our readers and patrons, for the tardy
appearance of our first number. We
have been beset by all manner of annoy
ances. Our material took several days
rest on board the "Gay. Then, when it
roeahed us a part of it was in "pi." For
several days the atmosphere of our office
was sulphurous. Vows, black and blue
was the chorus of the song that reached
our ears at every turn. And although
those belonging to the CAPtOLIAN, are
as mild mannered-we will not say "as
any pirate that scuttled a ship," eto
la printers generally are, they broke out
in anything save psalms. The trouble is
over however, and we'll not do so again.
Allas! this life is but an image frail,
Whether the cup have sweet or bitter
Our songs, of cadence glad or plaintive
But mock the very lips that tell the tale,
There's nothing true but Heaven.
Euch sun arises but to mount and fall,
And every throne is builded to be riven;
The highest glory shares the lot of all;
rhe opening blossoms prophecy the pall.
There's nothing true but heaven.
And man, who for a day must breast the
storm, I
A plaything 'umid the billows ever
Fxposed on each opposing shore to harm, t
ices but the fount display its dread alarm. i
There's nothing true but Heaven. I
[ Fron tie 1'renclh of Rcboul.
"Call thLe unext case," said his honor,
tnda man struggled up to the bar with li
is face looking 1s if he had been fooling 51
vith a briar patch, and a compound, g
ouble-jointed, high pressure tllreshing h
achine. He was closely followed by a 'I
roman, struggling to get loose from the I
rasp of two policemen.
"How is this, mnadame ?" querried his a
onor, with his brows lowering like
ormn clouds, and his voice as the mut- h
ring ofthlunder. "You are accused of bi
sault and battery, and the scratched
ce, the broken nose and black eyes ai
re a sight to make angels weep." c
"Tell you how it was," answered the p,
risoner so quickly thatthe victiml could w
,t get in a word edgoways. "This man (
me into my house and said lie was
nt for some new-fangled sewing ma
e, and---" -
hat is enough," replied his honor.
are dischargeld, my dear madame. sti
mve acted nobly, and your fellow- br
a s.will, no doubt, reward you with of
a Inedal as large and thick -s the
a -wheel of a locomotive, and erectfoi
a ment over you when dead., W
Sas that of Bunker Hill. un an
hn Ionor to your sex, madame, e
v. tieonor," feebly interposed the cc
iThu the hereafter--' op
chin no hereafter for sewing ma- b
coret , if the theory of Ingersoll is
cc eb the decisive response. we
ext case." lec
'When a ig mn wishes to get mar
ied in B et he sends his female and Ha
male elati tile object of his adora- th
tion with p , generally materials
for costume, h are carried on trays he
by several Y~I boys who are foJlowed ry
by gypsy mlis. I e fair one agi
thinks that lieic the presente
are good enu sends CODk gifts by c
the same peOP  straightway the for
happy pair arc ged. Their mar
riage follows am
f ays after, when a you
quaint-looking v of the boxwood goe
plant is placed on
which she is oblig e ofthe bride, ten
days. "After the t pport for forty we
as elapsed, she
is supposed to beco e
then till er ed in life, and new
every now and then cut shorter 'a
sides inte its ordinar e head sub-te
Arn old countryman fro ex 8E. usi
lir counties, perceivi of the - thni
embarrassment when I v. Cobb a ty a
with adfloral tribute fro presented
Mobile, remarked to a ne ladies of ash
I'll swar, if somelbody :"W'll, tos
Rurus Cobb a fox-homid, t give thin
how to make a excenlle ow'd best
out getting seared to with
used to flowers and seeO e ain't
try him on abx-homd, anit just
hair will rise on ends.-lMo your -
Anybody can catch a cold on
trouble is to let go again,lik The 1879
who caught the bear. an Rv
ung A.roundi
Hidmother, u
His coat -tajils r
ER "Tht boy 0ig* a
the There's somethi
pus. The forest reaohed, Joh.+ o e.re
sear Himself well pleas 4t
ird. The prints fbears' ith
sow Where Braini'sway wi4Pg
A grin of jey-a o ehulie e r •
ore, . As John crept thro.ugh
it, And kept the trail oder bahiig
he Past thioket,-oreo o arser
loes He stumbled on b
kes The bear rose tip and
"'Tisjuat my time for wi '
There wasn't time fore Jo toarge
of His youth orhiso surprise;
rdy The boar oia dt him' ritha rush
We Anid hushed lhis doletful crie.
oy- That afterunon, as Mm. Jieas,
ay. Was taking in the waslug;
it And thinking that, when John came
`or home,
Ice He'd get a real old trashing
Le She heard a step-there stood a bear,
y Anid, being presseda r time,
gh Ie wiped his mouth and promptly said
re "Now, listen to this rhyme;
,. "Yonr boy is dead-I'v brought him
gt home;
And, for convenience's sake,
is I ate him up before the start,
My morning meal to make!
"Ilike him so-his tender ways
Just seem to fit, somehow;
Hisjuicy smile, it does me good,
r I'll stick to him, I vow l"
to, Crooked old Jim was walking down
the road, a smile on his face and a bas
ket on his arm. Now andl then he peep.
ed in the basket, and then he smiled the
more. What was in the basket to make
II. his wrinkled face light up) ývo dozen
eggs. Crooked old Jim had been work.
ing all slay at Farmer Toby's, paring
ae apples, and the two dozen eggs were his
pay. "I'11 boil eggs for my supper," he
rI said, "and have fried eggs for my break
fast. I'll make a cake to-morrow, for
u, there's sugar and flour enough in the
u. house. I'll bake a ustardl pie too, and
I'11 carry a bowl of custard to poor old
1. Sadly who's down with the rheumatiz,
andl has notlhing to eat but what Clhris
tian folks give her."
r, Crooked o0l Jim was almost lhome;
h is little house, only as large as a good
g sized pantry, was in sight, and he was
L, gazing at its queer chimney out of which
She meacnt the smoke should soon go.
a Three boys sat on the stone fence. They
e saw him conuing, and one of them said,
"Let's throw a stone at crooked old Jim
a andd frighten him."
S"Here goes!l" said the second boy, and
- he took ulip a heavy stone. The third
f b1y said nothing.
1 Whiz! the big stone flew through the
air and fell into the basket of eggs,
crash! not a single egg was left whole.
Poor old Jimu came slowly and sadly tp
1 where the three boys sat. "Too ?
lhe said. The first boy laugheld e
second said, "Stones are hadeor than
"Andt a hard heart is harder than a
stone," the third boy, H'Iurry thou t,
but he was silent. Yet he wasaslhamed
of his comnpany. The other boys started
for home; hlie sat still 4n th fence.
When they were out lght, he went
and lokocked at th~e k ty door of
crooked old Jimn's hllse. Jim did ,
come to open the door, so Harry pushed i!
open. Old Jim had emptied out the
broken eggs into an earthen dish, and he
was dipping out the bits of shells with a
leatden tea-spoon. "Half a loaf is better
than none," he was saying with a smaile.
And then he heard Harry's step. "I
was with them, but I wasI't for it," said
Harry. "I wanted to tell you thai I
tho't it was a mean tich."
"Boys will be boys," said old Jim, and
he went on dipping out the shells. Har
ry went to the door, but turned back
again and drew something out of his
pocket. "I want to give you twenty
cents,'"he said, "because I was to blame
for not stopping them."
"No! no!" said old Jimn, "I'll notrob
you in that way. The eggs are Just as
good as over." But Harry dropped his i
ten-cent stamps on the pine table and
went out.
"I meant it to go towards buying a
new penknife," he said to himself on his
.ay home; "but it was no more than
right that I should give it to him. It'll (
teach me to speak out for the right next
Old Jim carried Sally a big bowl of t
custard the next day, and somr jelly
that he had bought with Harry's twin
ty cents.
"It beats all!" exclaimed the old man
as he traded Ihome again after his visit
:to adly. .It does beat all how every
thinf somehow always turns out for the
__e _______"*
SANCHEZ-CONNER-.In this city,
on Monday evening, February Sr,
_187, at 4. Joseph's Catholic Church, by
Rev. Father C. Delacroix, Mr.,
Sanchez, to Miss 6arah T. Conne t
{, 1 . iF .. :s.o:
u. i.no .-o "-.
othe i? -s&.ubpl e ed if the r r it a rd8 o
iii'. F .
,L . ....
and eovhr, lthyere -DRa -
In strictlaocrdmnioe with the ooi
;Cx.TTQN mo9L· `"mo
t Notice to Tax-Payers.
II AX-PAYERS are hereby notified that
Sthe TaxtRoll of 1878 bashben placed
. my hands for collection, and that I
am now prepared to issue reeei t,
feb8-tf Tax Collector.
r) at Lw, Notary Publio, n U..
Commissioner, Baton Rouge, L
W AGON--James Roosa and Gra
SV ham's ecelebrated Memphis Wagons
and Carte always on hand, which I offer
at prices to compete with any in the
market. WM. GARIlO.
: of Moss and Leather Collars, Bd
dles, Back Bands Trace ChaICart
Saddles and Breeohing, which wll be
sold at the very lowestr , by
SOAP-A full stock of Proter & Gai.
ble's IIas' and Keller's 8oap,always
on hand, and which I am prepared to
give at bargains in job lota.
of Straitht's Creamery and RBoll
Butter, and J actory Cheese, at
WtL G.ARQ I ...
0 a ful lstock of mr Phtil~dt 'h
Stubble Diggers, hick wig sell ateh*
tory prices. WM. OA*IC.
1 fall stock of Caand Jar 'T
code, re, Candles Sa h
ca-all of which ý w T
4at baqgalns. W M..i
ATS-Mess Pork; B3 &
canvassed .and On .aw S
Bacon, a vasse d ad
8nmokedTce n ualtou a
in half br 'bove ;ba
bottop s g atstore of : G '
itqo QUT BU1?rBt e s le.
1 Use ?1toliai . e
fnl~-4, W7 , er n..
-Dealer in
Watches, Clocks Jewelry Sllve> ee
Prise t suit tje ;t m ' .
ZRhD sTZCXQI. D~~(rUG S¶Voa~r p~
(EstabJ1iiil h t'ii
Pro' tto+ ', ;F
Ke3 4o
faipl dfld t
*.shamoettae~eeeeeut ;idioligrgmn
D LOWS--t hI~ 4e
LIsij~d~ofJ I~*i$1i~i h~
$ t~l~ad y t aN
2W EOf.lk,.
ritore of ,°r

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