A GiHOSTLY FEUD. The Dead fighti ie l "r vos It Appears strange to ts mortals, and oven awful, that the disembddled spirit scn, under dektain condltionea unknown' to us, revisit the scones of its previous existence, how much more awful adil difficult of Itlief is it that spirits whslo have quittbd their early li. la the tn restrained indulgence of angry and mia levolent passions can yet exeriseo such an Influence over the corrupting clay, which they apparently left behind them, as to violate the sacrel repose of the tomb and terrify and a&pal the living Such a circumstance certainly occurred at 1H-k Hall in Lacqslah aud was long the theme of cou nilraton in n'bht county. H----k Hall had been in poa seoelon of the . tbmmily for hundreds of years; at the time of which I aft writing the ancient line had 4windlead down .to two indlvtdutirls old $i dlre,l1i pre-s ent possession, and his only brother and destined successor, who was unmarried and very little vyounger than himself. The hall ,whidh had otoes beet pa full, of life caid gayety, had liecomt the abode of sorrow and gloom, in consequence of Sthe early death of thb Squire's young daughter, his only child, and the heiress of all his possessorions. This death, il lowed in less than a year IJy that of his his wife, to whom he wat deadly attach ed, had quite broken down the old Squire's health and happiness. The lady and her daughter wars deposited,int a~h family vanltimid the' tears and regrte of the villagers, by whom they were much and doservedly beloved. For years the Squire had no interconrse whatever with his brother, between whomt and the lady of the hall there haul been a tlfb-long foed; thstrnd tm haer part had beayp that of 'i'pasalve nature, as she wathever heard to mention his name; but on his, of the most abusive and virulent kind, which made his ex chlsion from the hall all absolute neeos sity. The cause of this hatredl coutl only be guessed at, even by the most curious, a none was ever assigned by either pdtty. Whetn the olil qniro, after his double bereavellient, blecanl almost heart-broken, the goodl pastor of the vil lage, whose friendstlhip wth the fainily had existed for fifty years, effected a meeting anld thorough reconeailiation between the long estranged brotllhers, and the younger one toon tip his abode ence more in the house of his ancestors. Only one condition was made-=that ,the aname'of his deMratsed sistelr-I-law should neverl pass hli lips. A year paIssnnel away. The old Slqulre, soothed tala cotnfoartead by toe comupanionshiip of hit early Ilay fellow, begap to recover raoth his health and spirits; but at this time a malignalnt fever broke out iA the village. Amonllg its vleths was, the ,Squlir's brother, who during hills whole life had known neither sickness nor disease.. Ito was prostrated at onme andl over rallied. The good minister before mnautioned, who well knew the family 'history, intl moved by that fear of infection which made him a solditary watcheor, took his stand by tile laed of the dlying ian, andtl vaittlnly endeavored to draw his thollughts to the eternity which was fast opoltng beforoe him. His apious words fell upon dull, nunlistoeldg ears, but as he touohed upon the dauty of forgi'veness atal eat tlonsly alludedl to his well known hlatn'd of the deeasnad Mrs. IH--, the effect was appalling; all apathy vuellaced, andl though a few monoats before appalrenat ly passed the power of speech, yet niow the nsick man brotke out int fit rce inl precatlons, and by a last hntirelne effort rainsing llhhnself up in tile bed, exelaln cd : "I know that I am dlyitng; lbut mark mny last worlds, if, whent I amn dlead, you dare to bury nae in the anlte vlaalt with that accursed wolallt, the living ias well as the dead shall hear of meo I" He fell back with a frightftl oath on his lips nld expired. The horror-struck mluinister kept close in his own breast tilis dreatl thl ldeath of one he hall knaowu solong, and thought it more kind as well as pruldent tot keep the poor Saluire in ignormance of his brother's last hours. As was tile invariable cuastotun with the family, the body, after lying in state for a time, wasM consignedl with mulllch pomp and ceremony to the familly vault, andi was plaeed next to the comulln of tihe, Squinre's wife and dahghter. That very night the villagers livnlg tnealr thai ola chnrclh-yard were listurhlodl by dolefilof shrieks and criaes proceeding from the vanlt-an noise of strife andl struggling and blows, as if of aenomies eagagedl ima close liglht. The next morning at day light the strange tale wts carritledt, to the rectory, anad the good clergyman thought it best, under the cirelnistattnccS, to als close to the Squire Ilis brother's nlast fearfill worads and threats, and to slag gest the opening of the vault. To thin the Squire, greatly shockedl, consented, anil the vault was unlooked anl enteredl by a party sent to exatuine into the cause of the strange noises heard the night before. A acene perfectly inexpli cable met their eyes. The coffins of the 8quire's lady and tdaughter were lying in a fir corner of timhe vault, the young girl's comn across her mothor's, as if to protect it. Chloase to them, standing erect antd menacing, was the coffin of the Squirers brotlher,so receutly and decor ously placed upon the black treastlies. Amazement Rseized the bystantdernw, but under the superintendotco of proper people the coffins were restored to their original places and the vault was again closed up. At night the noises aegan again; the sound of blows, lshrieks of pain, atnl a frightful contention of struggling one tmio appaled the party of villagers set to watch the place, in order to lprevent the possibility of deception. Tl'i tale was whlisperedl far beyond thle precincts of the village, and savaus frAOmn the neighboring city, who laughed at the idera of anything supornaturalm, suggest ed that an exllosion of gas from the foul air of thle vault might have occa siafoned the displacement of the collins. The Squire was indutced to have ventil Iators placed in the vault; but this did not in the least abate the nuisance, which the tetror of the village rather inoreased than dlminisheod. At length the 8qunro himself resolved that a strong brick wall sheold be bult npip la) th4 vanlt, so .,to neelto effeotually the coan dfft*r el4ven in the solitude of theb pm i km p up their anu tagonisln. This had thb desired eofbet, From that moment all was quiet 4' the vnilt, and the noise was never heard again; but for a long time afttrvwrdl the strange story was current through. out Lincolnshire. POLISBIG His WInes' BOIS, Readers of Hawthorsne's Mqrble Fawn remember the vivid description it con tains of the famous Capuhlin cemetery In Rome, Not many y~ears ago there lived in an Ohio villagle til old mau,who establishlled in his own house a recepta ale fo hnumlanbones, quite suggestive of thltl altcabl4* place. He had burled throoe wives, andi after the death of the third eto became vory ydisconsolate atid would not be conutirioed. At last he conceived the idea of examining the remains of all three, Walhg until time had leon snufllclen tfor thie renminmsof the last to decay he carried out his project. The bones were all taken to his house anl tlhero d.pote4d in boxps.,. Nearly every dat hk1 passed several ' hoths in cleaning, polishing, arranging and re. arranging the preoious relics. It was his delight to mix th bes n bones In one box, and then select and point out to his fl'lends the fA'ngnlents of Mary, the bride of his youtlk In eacuh instla.cio he would tell to which' of te other wives the re. maiuing hones belonged. , A lst the oldeman hitself dlied, and diteot1ong for 1118 burial were found amniug his pallers. A coffin was to be numade larg enough to cotntain not only his body, but also the remains of his departed conpaniotlns. The boiies of his fi'st wife were to be arranged about his hawm plid shoulders, while, timo ,t'-the ad6ih I ulan third wdro to b ited :y la sidlnl , and at his feet Ile dtitie thkt a simall silken lbig, cilntainiing anl earth ly matter, supplosed to Ie the dtust of the three wives Cerefiully taken out of the original grave , should li,'. At his first mtlarihge he had wornl silkon hose and a palm of knee bhrircln's; at the see olmttlie samno pair of hose carnefslly pro. served though covered by the more miodtlen trollusers, and at th ust lttur ringe the saute pair of hose as at first. Carefully dressed, with these lomnes arotund huihim, and trnhose idetiical hone ont his feet, the eclentlriec old mani was laid away in his grave. TILL DEATH DID THEM PART. Walter Watlnun shot Ezra'I Cenploti at Newport, Ind.l,, in January, hIecaults of a slight errior in nan account,, atld WaVtsoii' re'emit execution was pro1hly never surpassed fior tragical pathls. Wlatson's young wife, with heui'r bhaho in her arms, valuly appealed to the !(,vernor for mlerry, anid when hle murderl r was pro paroed for execution Mhe comnled his hair, and hlavilng added the last loving touch, renairked : "Now you are ready, Woi ter, mid I will go with you." She had anlnounced her deterinination the day before to accompany her husbiand on the cafilohl, ibut no one drewamied that shel meantl to carry it out. One of the mlil isters sauid softly: "Mrs. Watsin, this will never do." Quick as a tlashll shire itrried on himl, replying: "I should not Ihave explel'ted this from a minister. When I was tmarried I pro tnised to oleave to ly hlbsbanltd for het ter or for wore. I promisild thlin to a mnilistler, snild I an l going to keep my worrd tas fiar as God will let ne." Ptchisely at twelve o'clock Sheriff )alhtsledlo tIhe wey to the jail yard. About one lhutrlllced witnessrn wore as NMllhled. Ilohluig her husliand's hand, tin, little wollmanll :ealcndedl the scatlhold. Two chair weri'e placod over the fatal trap. One was assigned to Watson ald tihe other to hiLs wife. 8he tenderly took his hand, caressedl it, antd then fell sob biug on his sholthlor, Theu the Rev. Mr. Wainseott Iegan to read a carefully prpnared prayer from manunscript, nldl on hlotiing the prltycer, said: "Brother Wltsoli, ho calm and trust in (oi.," MatIewhile thie culprit sat in his chair, nltnoved. A heart-brok.n, wife was sobIbing oil his bostns, stroig tmen sob hiuig onl his boson, strong m1on sobbed, hut the man ahont to be hanged seemed tim nlilterested spectator of tile central iigUre. For fAtlly five inultoes le sat thlere without the least prceputibllo twitch of a muscle.' There was no blra GVlto ln this colip~umre; it was rather the0 c~almness of rtsiglation. Then thi1e Sherift naid : "Stland 111,, Walter Watso(n." Mrc1. Waltson alrose with her husbalnlld. "Good-bye, Walltor," kissedl hilm ItM nioimately on the lips, turnedl her white face, full of bittneruess and reproach, on11 the multitnd, steppelcd back, aund fell into the anrs (of goodl Christianh womnll who stood nlear to recMive her, mlid was led awtay. In the Sheriff's resiletnce the wilow, who hadIi been weepinig bitterly, suddenly driedl her eyes, anld approacfi ing the cofilh with a fim1 step, looking longingly ,i; the tihee, kissed the lips, eyes anld bhrowns, arrangedt the hair and neoktie with a tender lhnd, and then said very quietly : "Now plenaoe clse the collin nnd let none see my Walter again." lcr requ1,st was complied with. She turned away with a lok of woe, and said in a voice fill of strange meaning: "I caln cry no mloro. 1 have no nlore tears. God have mercy on me and little haly !" Lnfourcho is financially tho model parish of Loiniiwan. She is out of debt, hs mloney in her treasury, lately pur chasud a large handsonio safe for her records, anid will soiion close tlhe court house with an iron fence and put a new roof on the bliilding. A youlng lady il pursuit of stocklngs was asked by thie clerk what number she wore, to which the nmaidtl replied: "Two of couIrse; do you. think I've got a wooden leg just because ydh'vo good a wooden hIad." Sin always begine with pleascure and ends with hdtternels. It is like a colt, which the little boy saidi was very tamo in front anid wild behind. Sh Bog t tr º OflU I At Reasonable Bates: HOP. BltttY 0atter's lablers; for SCatarrh, and, th llo baleun , olo man's Liver Pad Baudoline, fetiing the hair, 'llitAM Qonolthiat4 Brush" Base BaFllds nLim 'dooth Tablet., tion fr'the n ashýdrinwllr .eat al and Glycer ine, Duoot, a ,u.re Nor. wgolan CodL Ivl UIl, ii lrf Meh hiap ply 9f that puae, Pots t Wine, F td Elixir of B k anicon, ga xtd , ud ltr ,andi two0_in i d. Strictly Pure Lead, lew Yot miadne Ll, .sed Oll, Coitln Brults iihe d tpelitlt, Kalswzue for : ti , kto Bearding and Ledging, I UBERT WAX, I0O...... ,dftAET il IT..... .1.14 et.'St. Oharles & Toulouse Sti,, NIEW OILEANS. BEER SALOON & TEIRPIN ALLEY ATTACHED Mr. Wax atlls the attention of his mlaii fti'ldn In t B ntRo asti iand the pyttl"i ,geitlrlg't atfh e J h lut Le Good and Paish )iom. and Board when vliting New Orleans. Thoso'aho aootem9 p1to visitin the -city' will find eie686iit iteconmodal1ons. at his bouhe. JURY VENIIE. IN this 98lh ,day of April A. D. 1B79, Sthe Jutry Conimlssion for tiboeileish of East Blaton Rougl met at my oiye, In the city of Baton Rouge, and drew the following jury to serve for the first, secoud and thirrd weeks of the Fifth JU tiloi0 ) Distriot Court, in and for said Par ish and State of Louislana, at its next Junll teomO, 1870,. as the law dtlect*, to wit: 1ORi1 TlNK GRAND AND PMTIT JURY P1ORI TH1E F11ST WECRK ' 1 :I A Lowdon e 4th ward 2 Conradul 8th. " 3 George ffartehort 1st " 4 *Cll Sorburno 4th " 5 Wilson.Oordou 1st 0 M Bldok let " 7 1' 8 Harelsot ' 7th ". 8 '11 , tliiuberhagoin :kl " 9 DR Shhalbfftt 4th " 10 11 M Cooper 7th " 11 W 1) Stokes . 9th " 12 Moliere Linge 1st " 13 W F Watson 4th " 14' Ocorig litndentbui let , 16 Josealh Porlhtt 24 " S16 Wliiam Albert 24 '' 17 Frhnk Weaver 9th " ' f"llNt OIhwu tI " 19) L M hlh.uren 4th " 20 II W Meluirt 4th , I21 J II Mculgh 4th " 22 Leon Mullivan 4th " 23 Valery Weaver 11th " 24 .1H tllandolph, Jr thi " 26 1) 1' Olyle Oth " 211 J IIt Sltlard 2( i 27 .1J 1' kolloldt 3d " 2H Jhunto Potts 24 " 21 1 G Ifatnsey 8th " :30 Laftyottu Bernard 9th " 31 J 1 Nutterville 4th " 311 1) A iobertson "o 6th " 33: Chleiro Williams i " 34 8 Rlbhin 7th " 35 John PI'tterson 9th " 310 John Barnes 1'24 " :n7 lhiiptolnl Blurrl 7th " 3:8 8 11 Halrhour let " -,9 WiUliam Holuugu 7th ' 40 tl Borhol, Sr d " 41 Clhnrlhs Young 2d " 42 lavi Alleorn 2d "1 413 ''rmsimond llain . 21 " 44 Platrick Sullivan 10th " 4" Louis Pinlinell 4th " 46 8 1 ilwlis 10thll 47 Louis LyonIs let " 48 Augliste Peroni lit " 40 A J Latil 2d " 50 'I'hoinm Griffin 24 " FOill 'IIK HIE(CONND WEEK. 1 Williamin Tleacle 10th '' 2 Chlarles Pa gIes let " :I Willialm Dupleases 1st " 4 Chllarloes Newmalln 9thll " 5 M B llrtines 8th " I Thlloann Cahllaway let " 7 John ia'ro llt " 8 AF Duplantier 2d " 9 ,JWOdum Int " 10 1lWhite 41.h " 11. John Dixon . , d , 12 Jloln Ullnridy $ ih " 13 A Cnosncalvo 2d " 14 iJoseoph Uplautler 8th " 15 ( IBridges 4th " 141 Miimi son McMain 1st " 17 Aroficy Ihies 0lth " 18 C Z Lange lst " 19 A Hllugi lIlrnlrd 2lsd " 20 Jaoh, Laum lset " 21 S W Lilly. 4th " 22 J1 B Lloyd 10th " 23 Thee Z Birown 7th " 24 W OJustice 10th " $ EA Peroa e 8th " 2 Johulnl arboiroukh 8th " 27 Josple Wllailde let " 28 IBihol,Jr tL " 29 flena Jiorgin, J d ,, 30 Aristldo tian 4 'OR 'trilE T'illtD WElEK. 1 PP Kleinpeter 9th " 2 Jonophl Sanlclis 2d " 3 W B Lowdon 4th " 4 .looh O'Connor let " 5 Johlln 11111 2( " 6 AG Mlorrsi let " 7 8 O Balluclmanp 4th " 8 Richard iDevan[ 3d " 9 O P 8ko'ihld lnt " 10 Oliver McKitrick 21 " 11 Tlhomas HIall let " 12 A 8 Aucoin 7th " 13 M J McLaughlin 9th " 14 Sol Gotflieb lt' " 1.5 Harri Green . 8th " 16i James A lHyce 4th " 17 Thomas Filnncry 9th " 18 J J lleah 4th " 19 J N Cotcoran 4th " 20 Insac Townncid 4th " 21 Phil Snider 8th " 22 Datvid Dovall 4th " 23 James Stephens 7th " 24 Eugene Iarnes let " 25 C 1 Delatt 4th " 26 William Copl'y 7th " 27 Madison Berhel let " 28 T I' Richards 7th " 29 James Bates 7th " :30 Pike Babin 7th " Given under my hand and seal of our saidl court, this 28th day of April, A. D. 1879. WM. HUBBS, inay3 Clerk. Notice to Tax-Payers. T AX-PAYER8 are hereby notified that Sthe Tax Roll of 1878 hasbeen placed in my halnds fr toleotion, and that I am now prepared to isnae receipts. W. (. RANDOLPH, feh8l-tf Tax Collector. I. LEWINTltAL * Wi ILL teach German, Hebrew, and SViolin Lessons. For terms, etc., apply to J. L., care of 8. Gottlieb. nmar29-tf 'TAPLE Hardware-We are now pre ) pared to fillorders for articles in this line, at New )rleans prices. Nails a specialty. David & Ganrig. ID you ever-Well, yes. In fact, we I alwayd s buy our groceries from Tavid & Gnsing. t ci'f' ii 1,MATASN"G_ - wanawnoo wanas 00.. r , FRON AND I.AliB L 8.,., . t-.. ý'-, ,ý0-. . H . J.t f, -DAI.MEI INAINLS Iqt R . tN a }e t{ ,NTATION D T ' I ` F `.r , + , ; +, p; "ý ' ' + ' Ir i AMBOAT PI,,:D"ST,4 "F OxN h r, is s'rn {- '~. A w.&mW uaNv- a if COR ilO F EONT AND LA U STRTS,, .EARTHE R,, , LA.G, CTO l G OD P . " THOS. . WOOD, DEALER IN N-NES, JIQyORS, TC,, (Nrar he erry La, iding, ) ' S es oto , TruO .lks,, LA.: M. J. WILLIAM ., So, MARP U.TF.ACTURE 01,, ,O . Steam Trains, Strike Pans, hilers and " t . s, A. RTOSL JI. e W D," ' " S o es, o tins T r e i e, ,, .. ,. o,. lolVesalses, Wd Saessseellon --OILDA EAELED .CW .S,. C ARSh A TTIN, N l, Er, O tt, i. H-;TE am ltf Economikl. Theansy Wire s an d:'n ip ro T osHIR n ofE a lArg, wire pI TINo )he abr, J,,....4 ma-ers nit're "dg 'nd reta" bing res o, A he l N ohTer OMoo, VA .e n ecelyto felarge upo ntei rit er . pii .e , makesg aP ti edg, andPre tsitsb , press ed ec T, f Ur for a.b excelentfeaure.Gua~tee£ fr vyea. ,2feb RED STICK pBUG STORE. (Established in 1870.) CORNER OF AFRICA AND 80MERUL08 8T8. Proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand a full and fresh asortmentofDrngs, MedIines, Chemicals, Patent Icedichas, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery Nail and Tooth Brush, Faney Articles, Cutlery Fishing Tackle, Night Ta pers, insurance Oil five and ten cent Cigars, Stationery, etc. PIUISMPTiN$ AMe WAEDi AT AtL EDIN Re a s& o" pot orer Church and la treets. NEWS, LITERARY AND FASHION MAGAZIfES AND PAPERS RECEIVEDWtlJULA$LY,. Staple and F s itagdqir, Chromd, Artcle / £Wr~i.Zte. B ". HW., O8M*01[A, Agent.' TeE CArroLUAN always oL mlnd fr sale. tebl1 *47 *4It ' 'A4 O 1t IIE1·"i; 1 t ft ý;·;" :; b f+t~ i i'4R aC' C r ,a; t,'~tt j fiili kA +yls oern St. Loaf. ansd 1irtkB 2*1r mm T*n~ umt JpI Sjj 1IF 'Il LO, OFFICE AND "D CMINO IT a Oil VES, MJ . 4' And allotrs rpprbnprteni or $ftavm, A large aae1trbii of TIN WARE; a wa)r on huafd. I "S1ItOOfl SQKS ·STATiCER T, 1 VAWO GOODSurrr,il. 4' ppr or st Auw ! 111, I ·' re . Si :t: s ; iii':Til kl 'ý" AUCTIONEER ANDi eol1mISSI'n Mrn~ornt I , REALi ESTAE 4,tI SfolA8 13ATaN IOU4?4G, .LAo, G. ·SELLV, . W('1 4, RA I R:7G; 41111 ' r oorqv!A~w~* O 1i.NA1 D;41, CO IN01 'iOU), A PC i'Y GLS$WAr~w c$E~%CI;St, ;Qi~ 4 (11jTT~i..ER~, , ,: Oornwr L~iafaetesra dr aliSt.., .felb1 '. JIATON ROIX*EI A Sumte~ Hous~e, . CHAR~LES; WIECI~ ~PROPIhi1OR, -6asA soawerua. ~'.'' lis-rooms srad flraihtlt8..uirIe ith CAPnE, ao eLAkt~ANI aioterboranI of WaIIfCYi~P. Bcart brands of QLGABIsalwajrs on hind. Pisi~tersind others in need ~ kiss, Shovels and Spades, ml th ,jo~tr~ Implehefit.1:* ~ in ..,a~z~l otbt a o C<. z ' I 4:,i L f - I, JiW I tl etI + ý 1. G . fR 1 1i ' k .flt : n Si .. 111P, P T' ? ' the` ,eet I ý N m ,albl OUýEEt I will ind Iid r SiALAD dr~eam swsV~iek 'ud tron ~blej ni° i vey eF'or sakat David OofW a avtoi4d S isi O Uc U=A'Srg Odtofbpen 'JUS~- f ' ',hl I qs. r . Ida1J1 ý fi :o 1.. rM . 1Nf * Vº'!' 9 l1mlg.leMIEvreba an6hut nd ucj~n " reaktfaiE bottlom ilk at s of WM. 0%1111G. d~e S TU I3LE lG Gha E Sh a on hand a l lotok, Ypzauh A"Mallon's Sltubb DIkers, whaol I sfell 3t faat r c .' 1 _ W . GIefAEXO. a and earals of wb0ch iwlA offer .bargain:. ; WML. OARIGF. Sl&5-f have Juel ýeled, direct T imp ones all sorb orr~meune ibri n ZIr. r on 6111 -~ ~tioNi··Joli~rood oi Bli~nd Qa B~i~aA~pOK~¶~e~akins cart isU,. lldleibnd0NciAIg, Which will be at prices to compete woLt say In the pwwEAs-i have at meno handr a ull Auuppm i of Jamges H aldl ( (a cElelj~sted Plowsa, ~lkit1nds 'and sizes, 4l~f' celebrated Urnt Ple Wgof all slsean~d kladi( !havo 'alsoal ·ot adq tor alway on hand, which I offert lIWIA ~lCOTTAd WhjI~-p~J'h ·Va. rlqeS ~ Aan~r ln g Baskts~k a$ Lawn~I at ces. to competewhnyin to he tLwties, a·t ~ Ydl~tIWM. G* 'i,